/** @file EFI console helpers routines/wrappers Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov, Alex Kolotnikov Copyright (c) 2016. VeraCrypt, Mounir IDRASSI This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0). The full text of the license may be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 **/ #include <Library/CommonLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/PrintLib.h> #include <Protocol/SimpleTextOut.h> #include <Protocol/ConsoleControl.h> #include <Protocol/Speaker.h> UINTN gCELine = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Print ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID PrintBytes( IN UINT8* Data, IN UINTN Size) { UINTN i; for (i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { UINTN val = Data[i]; OUT_PRINT(L"%02X", val); } } /* #define DUMP_MAX_LINE_LEN 1024 typedef struct _DUMP_STATE { CHAR8 line[DUMP_MAX_LINE_LEN]; } DUMP_STATE; VOID DumpBytes( IN UINT8* Data, IN UINT32 Size) { UINT32 i; CHAR8 text[17]; UINTN addr = 0; for (i = 0; i < Size; ++i) { if ((addr & 0x0F) == 0) { SetMem(text, sizeof(text) - 1, ' '); text[16] = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"%08X: ", addr); } UINT32 val = Data[i]; OUT_PRINT(L"%02X ", val); if (val > 31 && val < 127) { text[i & 0x0F] = (CHAR8)(val & 0x0FF); } addr++; if ((addr & 0x0F) == 0) { OUT_PRINT(L"|%a|", text); } } if (addr & 0x0F) != 0) { } } */ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Input ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VOID FlushInputDelay( IN UINTN delay ) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; EFI_EVENT InputEvents[2]; UINTN EventIndex = 0; InputEvents[0] = gST->ConIn->WaitForKey; gBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, (EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY)NULL, NULL, &InputEvents[1]); gBS->SetTimer(InputEvents[1], TimerPeriodic, delay); while (EventIndex == 0) { gBS->WaitForEvent(2, InputEvents, &EventIndex); if (EventIndex == 0) { gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(gST->ConIn, &key); } } gBS->CloseEvent(InputEvents[1]); } VOID FlushInput() { FlushInputDelay(1000000); } EFI_INPUT_KEY KeyWait( CHAR16* Prompt, UINTN mDelay, UINT16 scanCode, UINT16 unicodeChar) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; EFI_EVENT InputEvents[2]; UINTN EventIndex; FlushInput(); key.ScanCode = scanCode; key.UnicodeChar = unicodeChar; InputEvents[0] = gST->ConIn->WaitForKey; gBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, (EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY)NULL, NULL, &InputEvents[1]); gBS->SetTimer(InputEvents[1], TimerPeriodic, 10000000); while (mDelay > 0) { OUT_PRINT(Prompt, mDelay); gBS->WaitForEvent(2, InputEvents, &EventIndex); if (EventIndex == 0) { if (EFI_ERROR(gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(gST->ConIn, &key))) { continue; } break; } else { mDelay--; } } OUT_PRINT(Prompt, mDelay); gBS->CloseEvent(InputEvents[1]); return key; } EFI_INPUT_KEY GetKey(void) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; UINTN EventIndex; EFI_STATUS res1; EFI_STATUS res2; do { res1 = gBS->WaitForEvent(1, &gST->ConIn->WaitForKey, &EventIndex); res2 = gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(gST->ConIn, &key); } while (EFI_ERROR(res1) || EFI_ERROR(res2)); return key; } VOID ConsoleShowTip( IN CHAR16* tip, IN UINTN delay) { EFI_EVENT InputEvents[2]; UINTN EventIndex = 0; UINTN i = 0; EFI_INPUT_KEY key; OUT_PRINT(L"%s", tip); // delay InputEvents[0] = gST->ConIn->WaitForKey; gBS->CreateEvent(EVT_TIMER, 0, (EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY)NULL, NULL, &InputEvents[1]); gBS->SetTimer(InputEvents[1], TimerPeriodic, delay); gBS->WaitForEvent(2, InputEvents, &EventIndex); if (EventIndex == 0) { gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke(gST->ConIn, &key); } // remove tip for (i = 0; i < StrLen(tip); ++i) { OUT_PRINT(L"\b \b", tip); } } VOID GetLine ( UINTN *length, CHAR16 *line, CHAR8 *asciiLine, UINTN line_max, UINT8 show) { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; UINT32 count = 0; do { key = GetKey(); // Remove dirty chars 0.1s FlushInputDelay(100000); if ((count >= line_max && key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_BACKSPACE) || key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_NULL || key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_TAB || key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_LINEFEED || key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN) { continue; } if (count == 0 && key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_BACKSPACE) { continue; } else if (key.UnicodeChar == CHAR_BACKSPACE) { OUT_PRINT(L"\b \b"); if (line != NULL) line[--count] = '\0'; if (asciiLine != NULL) asciiLine[--count] = '\0'; continue; } // check size of line if (count < line_max - 1) { if (show) { OUT_PRINT(L"%c", key.UnicodeChar); } else { OUT_PRINT(L"*"); } // save char if (line != NULL) line[count++] = key.UnicodeChar; if (asciiLine != NULL) asciiLine[count++] = (CHAR8)key.UnicodeChar; } } while (key.UnicodeChar != CHAR_CARRIAGE_RETURN); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); if (length != NULL) *length = count; // Set end of line if (line != NULL) line[count] = '\0'; if (asciiLine != NULL) asciiLine[count] = '\0'; } int AskAsciiString( CHAR8* prompt, CHAR8* str, UINTN max_len, UINT8 visible, CHAR8* defStr) { UINTN len = 0; if (defStr == NULL) { OUT_PRINT(L"%a", prompt); } else { OUT_PRINT(L"[%a] %a", defStr, prompt); } GetLine(&len, NULL, str, max_len, visible); if (defStr != NULL && len == 0) { AsciiStrCpyS(str, max_len, defStr); len = AsciiStrLen(str); } return (UINT32)len; } int AskInt( CHAR8* prompt, UINT8 visible) { CHAR16 buf[32]; UINTN len = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"%a", prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, visible); return (UINT32)StrDecimalToUintn(buf); } UINT8 AskConfirm( CHAR8* prompt, UINT8 visible) { CHAR16 buf[2]; UINTN len = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"%a", prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, visible); return (buf[0] == 'y') || (buf[0] == 'Y') ? 1 : 0; } UINT64 AskUINT64( IN char* prompt, IN UINT64 def) { CHAR16 buf[128]; UINTN len = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"[%lld] %a", def, prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, 1); return (len == 0) ? def : (UINT64)StrDecimalToUint64(buf); } UINT64 AskHexUINT64( IN char* prompt, IN UINT64 def) { CHAR16 buf[128]; UINTN len = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"[0x%llx] %a", def, prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, 1); return (len == 0) ? def : (UINT64)StrHexToUint64(buf); } UINTN AskUINTN( IN char* prompt, IN UINTN def) { CHAR16 buf[128]; UINTN len = 0; OUT_PRINT(L"[%d] %a", def, prompt); GetLine(&len, buf, NULL, sizeof(buf) / 2, 1); return (len == 0) ? def : StrDecimalToUintn(buf); } EFI_STATUS ConsoleGetOutput( IN EFI_HANDLE handle, OUT EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL** io ) { return gBS->HandleProtocol(handle, &gEfiSimpleTextOutProtocolGuid, (VOID**)io); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Ascii converters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOLEAN AsciiHexToDigit( OUT UINT8 *b, IN CHAR8 *str ) { CHAR8 ch; ch = str[0]; if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { *b = ch - '0'; return TRUE; } else { ch = ch & ~0x20; if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') { *b = ch - 'A' + 10; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOLEAN AsciiHexToByte( OUT UINT8 *b, IN CHAR8 *str ) { UINT8 low = 0; UINT8 high = 0; BOOLEAN res; res = AsciiHexToDigit(&high, str); res = res && AsciiHexToDigit(&low, str + 1); *b = low | high << 4; return res; } BOOLEAN AsciiStrToGuid( OUT EFI_GUID *guid, IN CHAR8 *str ) { UINT8 b[16]; BOOLEAN res = TRUE; int i; CHAR8* pos = str; if (guid == NULL || str == NULL) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { if (*pos == '-') pos++; res = res && AsciiHexToByte(&b[i], pos); pos += 2; if (!res) return FALSE; } guid->Data1 = b[0] << 24 | b[1] << 16 | b[2] << 8 | b[3]; guid->Data2 = b[4] << 8 | b[5]; guid->Data3 = b[6] << 8 | b[7]; CopyMem(&guid->Data4, &b[8], 8); return res; } BOOLEAN AsciiHexToBytes( OUT UINT8 *b, IN UINTN *bytesLen, IN CHAR8 *str ) { UINT8 low = 0; UINT8 high = 0; BOOLEAN res = TRUE; UINTN cnt = 0; UINTN len = 0; CHAR8 *pos = str; if (b == NULL || str == NULL || bytesLen == NULL) return FALSE; if (*bytesLen == 0) return TRUE; len = AsciiStrLen(str); if (len == 0) return TRUE; if (len > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') { pos += 2; } if ((len & 1) == 0) { res = AsciiHexToDigit(&high, pos++); } res = res && AsciiHexToDigit(&low, pos++); *b = low | high << 4; b++; cnt++; while (res && (cnt < *bytesLen) && (*pos != 0)) { res = AsciiHexToDigit(&high, pos++); res = res && AsciiHexToDigit(&low, pos++); *b = low | high << 4; b++; cnt++; } *bytesLen = cnt; return res; } BOOLEAN StrHexToBytes( OUT UINT8 *b, IN UINTN *bytesLen, IN CHAR16 *str ) { UINT8 low = 0; UINT8 high = 0; BOOLEAN res = TRUE; UINTN cnt = 0; UINTN len = 0; CHAR16 *pos = str; if (b == NULL || str == NULL || bytesLen == NULL) return FALSE; if (*bytesLen == 0) return TRUE; len = StrLen(str); if (len == 0) return TRUE; if (len > 2 && str[0] == '0' && str[1] == 'x') { pos += 2; } if ((len & 1) == 0) { res = AsciiHexToDigit(&high, (CHAR8*)pos); pos++; } res = res && AsciiHexToDigit(&low, (CHAR8*)pos); pos++; *b = low | high << 4; b++; cnt++; while (res && (cnt < *bytesLen) && (*pos != 0)) { res = AsciiHexToDigit(&high, (CHAR8*)pos); pos++; res = res && AsciiHexToDigit(&low, (CHAR8*)pos); pos++; *b = low | high << 4; b++; cnt++; } *bytesLen = cnt; return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console menu ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PMENU_ITEM DcsMenuAppend( IN PMENU_ITEM menu, IN CHAR16 *text, IN CHAR16 select, IN MENU_ACTION action, IN VOID* actionContext ) { PMENU_ITEM item; item = (PMENU_ITEM)MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(MENU_ITEM)); if (item == NULL) return item; item->Action = action; item->Context = actionContext; StrCat(item->Text, text); item->Select = select; if (menu != NULL) { menu->Next = item; } return item; } VOID DcsMenuPrint( IN PMENU_ITEM head ) { PMENU_ITEM menu; UINTN i = 0; menu = head; while (menu != NULL) { OUT_PRINT(L"%H%c%N) %s\n", menu->Select, &menu->Text); i++; if (i == 22) { ConsoleShowTip(L"Pause 60s", 60000000); i = 0; } menu = menu->Next; } OUT_PRINT(L"["); menu = head; while (menu != NULL) { OUT_PRINT(L"%H%c%N", menu->Select); menu = menu->Next; } OUT_PRINT(L"]:"); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Console control ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_HANDLE* gConsoleControlHandles = NULL; UINTN gConsoleControlCount = 0; EFI_STATUS InitConsoleControl() { EFI_STATUS res; // Init Console control if supported EFI_GUID gConsoleControlProtocolGuid = EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL_GUID; EFI_CONSOLE_CONTROL_PROTOCOL* ConsoleControl; res = EfiGetHandles(ByProtocol, &gConsoleControlProtocolGuid, 0, &gConsoleControlHandles, &gConsoleControlCount); if (gConsoleControlCount > 0) { res = gBS->HandleProtocol(gConsoleControlHandles[0], &gConsoleControlProtocolGuid, (VOID**)&ConsoleControl); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { // Unlock graphics ConsoleControl->SetMode(ConsoleControl, EfiConsoleControlScreenGraphics); } } return res; }