/** @file EFI TPM12 helpers Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov Copyright (c) 2016. VeraCrypt, Mounir IDRASSI This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3.0 (LGPL-3.0). The full text of the license may be found at https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 **/ #include <Library/CommonLib.h> #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/DevicePathLib.h> #include <Library/PrintLib.h> #include <Library/DcsTpmLib.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/BaseCryptLib.h> #include <IndustryStandard/Tpm12.h> #include <IndustryStandard/TcpaAcpi.h> #include <Library/Tpm12DeviceLib.h> #include <Protocol/TcgService.h> #include "Library/DcsCfgLib.h" #define TPM_PREPARE Tpm12RequestUseTpm #define TPM_TRANSMIT Tpm12SubmitCommand //#pragma warning(disable: 4706) extern EFI_TCG_PROTOCOL *mTcgProtocol; EFI_STATUS InitTpm12() { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; if (mTcgProtocol == NULL) { return TPM_PREPARE(); } return res; } typedef struct { UINT8 *Cmd; UINTN CmdPos; UINTN CmdSize; UINT8 *Resp; UINTN RespPos; UINTN RespSize; UINT8 *Hash; } DCS_TPM12IO; EFI_STATUS Sha1Hash( IN VOID *data, IN UINTN dataSize, OUT UINT8 *hash ) { UINTN ctxSize; VOID *ctx; ctxSize = Sha1GetContextSize(); ctx = MEM_ALLOC(ctxSize); if (ctx == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; Sha1Init(ctx); Sha1Update(ctx, data, dataSize); if (!Sha1Final(ctx, hash)) { MEM_FREE(ctx); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TPM IO Create/ Free ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOCreate( DCS_TPM12IO **tpmio, UINTN cmdSize, UINTN respSize) { DCS_TPM12IO *io; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; io = *tpmio; if (io == NULL) { io = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(*io)); if (io == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } if (io->CmdSize < cmdSize) { MEM_FREE(io->Cmd); io->Cmd = MEM_ALLOC(cmdSize); if (io->Cmd == NULL) goto err; } io->CmdPos = 0; io->CmdSize = cmdSize; if (io->RespSize < respSize) { MEM_FREE(io->Resp); io->Resp = MEM_ALLOC(respSize); if (io->Resp == NULL) goto err; } io->RespPos = 0; io->RespSize = respSize; if (io->Hash == NULL) { UINTN sha1ctxsize; sha1ctxsize = Sha1GetContextSize(); io->Hash = MEM_ALLOC(sha1ctxsize); if (io->Hash == NULL) goto err; } if(!Sha1Init(io->Hash)) goto err; *tpmio = io; return EFI_SUCCESS; err: MEM_FREE(io->Cmd); MEM_FREE(io->Resp); MEM_FREE(io->Hash); MEM_FREE(io); *tpmio = NULL; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } VOID Tpm12IOFree( DCS_TPM12IO **tpmio) { DCS_TPM12IO *io; if (tpmio == NULL) return; io = *tpmio; if (io == NULL) return; MEM_FREE(io->Cmd); MEM_FREE(io->Resp); MEM_FREE(io->Hash); MEM_FREE(io); *tpmio = NULL; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cmd init and write ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOUpdateCmdSize( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio) { UINT32 *data; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; data = (UINT32*)&tpmio->Cmd[2]; *data = SwapBytes32((UINT32)tpmio->CmdPos); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOWrite16( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, UINT16 prm, BOOLEAN hashIt) { UINT16 *data; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->CmdPos + 2 >= tpmio->CmdSize) { tpmio->CmdPos = tpmio->CmdSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } data = (UINT16*)&tpmio->Cmd[tpmio->CmdPos]; *data = SwapBytes16(prm); if(hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, data, 2); } tpmio->CmdPos += 2; return Tpm12IOUpdateCmdSize(tpmio); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOWrite32( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, UINT32 prm, BOOLEAN hashIt) { UINT32 *data; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->CmdPos + 4 >= tpmio->CmdSize){ tpmio->CmdPos = tpmio->CmdSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } data = (UINT32*)&tpmio->Cmd[tpmio->CmdPos]; *data = SwapBytes32(prm); if (hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, data, 4); } tpmio->CmdPos += 4; return Tpm12IOUpdateCmdSize(tpmio); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOWriteBytes( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, VOID *prm, UINTN prmSize, BOOLEAN hashIt) { UINT8 *data; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->CmdPos + prmSize >= tpmio->CmdSize) { tpmio->CmdPos = tpmio->CmdSize; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } data = &tpmio->Cmd[tpmio->CmdPos]; CopyMem(data, prm, prmSize); if (hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, data, prmSize); } tpmio->CmdPos += prmSize; return Tpm12IOUpdateCmdSize(tpmio); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOWrite8( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, UINT8 prm, BOOLEAN hashIt) { return Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, &prm, 1, hashIt); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12IOInit( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, UINT16 tag, UINT32 ord) { if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; tpmio->CmdPos = 0; ZeroMem(tpmio->Cmd, tpmio->CmdSize); tpmio->RespPos = 0; ZeroMem(tpmio->Resp, tpmio->RespSize); Sha1Init(tpmio->Hash); Tpm12IOWrite16(tpmio, tag, FALSE); Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, 0, FALSE); return Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, ord, TRUE); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Read / Parse responces ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UINT16 Tpm12RespTag( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio) { UINT16 *tag; if (tpmio == NULL) return 0; tag = (UINT16*)tpmio->Resp; return SwapBytes16(*tag); } UINT32 Tpm12RespCode( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio ) { UINT32 *code; if (tpmio == NULL) return 0; code = (UINT32*)&tpmio->Resp[6]; return SwapBytes32(*code); } UINT32 Tpm12RespSize( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio ) { UINT32 *size; if (tpmio == NULL) return 0; size = (UINT32*)&tpmio->Resp[2]; return SwapBytes32(*size); } UINT8* Tpm12RespData( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio ) { if (tpmio == NULL) return NULL; return &tpmio->Resp[10]; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12RespRead16( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, OUT UINT16 *data, IN BOOLEAN hashIt ) { UINT16 *tmp; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if(tpmio->RespPos + 2 > tpmio->RespSize) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; tmp = (UINT16 *)&tpmio->Resp[tpmio->RespPos]; if (data != NULL) { *data = SwapBytes16(*tmp); } if (hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, tmp, 2); } tpmio->RespPos += 2; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12RespRead32( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, OUT UINT32 *data, IN BOOLEAN hashIt ) { UINT32 *tmp; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->RespPos + 4 > tpmio->RespSize) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; tmp = (UINT32 *)&tpmio->Resp[tpmio->RespPos]; if (data != NULL) { *data = SwapBytes32(*tmp); } if (hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, tmp, 4); } tpmio->RespPos += 4; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12RespReadBytes( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, OUT VOID *data, IN UINT32 dataSize, IN BOOLEAN hashIt ) { UINT8 *tmp; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->RespPos + dataSize > tpmio->RespSize) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; tmp = &tpmio->Resp[tpmio->RespPos]; if (data != NULL) { CopyMem(data, tmp, dataSize); } if (hashIt) { Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, tmp, dataSize); } tpmio->RespPos += dataSize; return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID Tpm12Parse16(UINT8** pos, UINT16 *data) { if (data == NULL) { data = (UINT16*)(*pos); } *data = SwapBytes16(*((UINT16*)(*pos))); (*pos) += 2; } VOID Tpm12Parse32(UINT8** pos, UINT32 *data) { if (data == NULL) { data = (UINT32*)(*pos); } *data = SwapBytes32(*((UINT32*)(*pos))); (*pos) += 4; } VOID Tpm12ParsePcrInfoShort(UINT8** pos, TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT*data) { if (data == NULL) { data = (TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT*)(*pos); } data->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect = SwapBytes16(*((UINT16*)(*pos))); (*pos) += data->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect + 2 + 1 + 20; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Transmit command ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12Transmit( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio) { UINT32 TpmRecvSize; EFI_STATUS res; if (tpmio == NULL) return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; if (tpmio->CmdPos >= tpmio->CmdSize) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; TpmRecvSize = (UINT32)tpmio->RespSize; res = TPM_TRANSMIT((UINT32)tpmio->CmdPos, tpmio->Cmd, &TpmRecvSize, tpmio->Resp); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } if (Tpm12RespCode(tpmio) != TPM_SUCCESS) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Sha1Init(tpmio->Hash); // Init hash tpmio->RespPos = 6; // Skip tag and size Tpm12RespRead32(tpmio, NULL, TRUE); // Hash return code Sha1Update(tpmio->Hash, tpmio->Cmd + 2, 4); // Hash ordinal return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global TPM12 I/O ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DCS_TPM12IO *gTpm12Io = NULL; EFI_STATUS GetTpm12Io() { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; if (gTpm12Io == NULL) { res = Tpm12IOCreate(&gTpm12Io, 1024, 1024); } if (mTcgProtocol == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PCRs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_PcrRead( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN UINT32 PcrIndex ) { Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_PcrRead); return Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, PcrIndex, TRUE); } /** Send PCR Read command to TPM1.2. @param PcrIndex The index of the PCR to read. @param PcrValue The PCR value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12PcrRead( IN UINT32 PcrIndex, OUT void *PcrValue ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Cmd_PcrRead(gTpm12Io, PcrIndex); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, PcrValue, sizeof(TPM_PCRVALUE), TRUE); return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_PcrExtend( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN UINT32 PcrIndex, IN UINTN dataSz, IN VOID *data ) { TPM_DIGEST digest; Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_Extend); Sha1Hash(data, dataSz, (UINT8*)&digest); Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, PcrIndex, TRUE); return Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, &digest, sizeof(digest), TRUE); } /** Send PCR Extend command to TPM1.2. @param PcrIndex The index of the PCR to read. @param dataSz size of data @param data data. Extend PCR with Sha1(data) @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12PcrExtend( IN UINT32 PcrIndex, IN UINTN dataSz, IN VOID *data ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Cmd_PcrExtend(gTpm12Io, PcrIndex, dataSz, data); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12PcrExtendAndLog( IN UINT32 PcrIndex, IN UINTN dataSz, IN VOID *data ) { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_NOT_FOUND; /*TCG_PCR_EVENT_HDR TcgEvent; TcgEvent->PCRIndex = PcrIndex; TcgEvent->EventType = EventType; TcgEvent->EventSize = LogLen; CopyMem(&TcgEvent->Event[0], EventLog, LogLen); EventNumber = 1; Status = TcgProtocol->HashLogExtendEvent( TcgProtocol, (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)HashData, HashDataLen, TPM_ALG_SHA, TcgEvent, &EventNumber, &EventLogLastEntry ); // TcgEvent.PCRIndex = PcrIndex; // TcgEvent.EventType = EV_EFI_VARIABLE_DRIVER_CONFIG; // res = TpmMeasureAndLogData(PcrIndex, EV_EFI_VARIABLE_DRIVER_CONFIG, &TcgEvent, sizeof(TcgEvent), data, dataSz); */ return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12PcrsSave( IN UINTN sPcr, IN UINTN ePcr, TPM_DIGEST *Pcrs ) { UINT32 i; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; for (i = (UINT32)sPcr; i <= (UINT32)ePcr; ++i) { Status = Tpm12PcrRead(i, &Pcrs[i].digest); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } } return Status; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12PrintPCR( IN UINT32 PcrIndex) { TPM_PCRVALUE PcrValue; EFI_STATUS Status; OUT_PRINT(L"%HPCR%02d%N ", PcrIndex); Status = Tpm12PcrRead(PcrIndex, &PcrValue); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { ERR_PRINT(L"%r(%x)\n", Status, Tpm12RespCode(gTpm12Io)); return Status; } PrintBytes(PcrValue.digest, sizeof(PcrValue)); OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12DumpPcrs( IN UINT32 sPcr, IN UINT32 ePcr) { UINT32 i; EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_SUCCESS; for (i = sPcr; i <= ePcr; ++i) { Status = Tpm12PrintPCR(i); if (EFI_ERROR(Status)) { return Status; } } return Status; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Get Capability ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_GetCapability( DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN UINT32 capArea, IN UINT32 subCapSize, IN UINT8 *subCap ) { EFI_STATUS res; Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_GetCapability); Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, capArea, TRUE); res = Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, subCapSize, TRUE); if (subCapSize > 0) { res = Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, subCap, subCapSize, TRUE); } return res; } /** Send GetCapability command to TPM1.2. @param capArea The index of the Capability @param subCapSize The size of details. @param subCap Details @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm12GetCapability( IN UINT32 capArea, IN UINT32 subCapSize, IN UINT8 *subCap, OUT UINT32 *respSize, OUT UINT8 *resp ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Cmd_GetCapability(gTpm12Io, capArea, subCapSize, subCap); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } res = Tpm12RespRead32(gTpm12Io, respSize, TRUE); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { res = Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, resp, *respSize, TRUE); } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NV ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12GetNvList( OUT UINT32 *respSize, OUT UINT32 *resp ) { return Tpm12GetCapability(TPM_CAP_NV_LIST, 0, NULL, respSize, (UINT8*)resp); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12PcrsDigest( IN UINT16 sizeOfSelect, IN UINT8 *pcrSelect, IN TPM_DIGEST *Pcrs, OUT TPM_DIGEST *digest ) { UINTN Sha1CtxSize; UINTN i; UINTN j; UINTN k; VOID* Sha1Ctx; UINT16 tmp16; UINT32 tmp32; k = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeOfSelect; ++i) { UINT8 tmp = pcrSelect[i]; for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { if ((tmp & 1) == 1) { k++; } tmp >>= 1; } } if (k == 0) return EFI_SUCCESS; Sha1CtxSize = Sha1GetContextSize(); Sha1Ctx = MEM_ALLOC(Sha1CtxSize); if (Sha1Ctx == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; Sha1Init(Sha1Ctx); tmp16 = SwapBytes16(sizeOfSelect); Sha1Update(Sha1Ctx, &tmp16, sizeof(tmp16)); Sha1Update(Sha1Ctx, pcrSelect, sizeOfSelect); tmp32 = SwapBytes32((UINT32)(k * sizeof(TPM_DIGEST))); Sha1Update(Sha1Ctx, &tmp32, sizeof(tmp32)); k = 0; for (i = 0; i < sizeOfSelect; ++i) { UINT8 tmp = pcrSelect[i]; for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { if ((tmp & 1) == 1) { Sha1Update(Sha1Ctx, &Pcrs[k], sizeof(TPM_DIGEST)); } tmp >>= 1; k++; } } if (Sha1Final(Sha1Ctx, digest->digest)) return EFI_SUCCESS; return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12NvDetails( IN UINT32 index, OUT UINT32 *attr, OUT UINT32 *dataSz, OUT UINT32 *pcrR, OUT UINT32 *pcrW ) { EFI_STATUS res; TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT* pcrRead; TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT* pcrWrite; UINT8 nvdata[sizeof(TPM_NV_DATA_PUBLIC) + 256]; UINT8* pos = nvdata; UINT32 sz = sizeof(nvdata); UINT32 swapindex = SwapBytes32(index); res = Tpm12GetCapability(TPM_CAP_NV_INDEX, 4, (UINT8*)&swapindex, &sz, nvdata); if(EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; Tpm12Parse16(&pos, NULL); Tpm12Parse32(&pos, &index); pcrRead = (TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT*)pos; Tpm12ParsePcrInfoShort(&pos, NULL); pcrWrite = (TPM_PCR_INFO_SHORT*)pos; Tpm12ParsePcrInfoShort(&pos, NULL); Tpm12Parse16(&pos, NULL); Tpm12Parse32(&pos, attr); pos += 3; Tpm12Parse32(&pos, dataSz); if (pcrR != NULL) { *pcrR = pcrRead->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[0]; *pcrR |= pcrRead->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 1 ? pcrRead->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[1] << 8 : 0; *pcrR |= pcrRead->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 2 ? pcrRead->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[2] << 16 : 0; *pcrR |= pcrRead->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 3 ? pcrRead->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[3] << 24 : 0; } if (pcrW != NULL) { *pcrW = pcrWrite->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[0]; *pcrW |= pcrWrite->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 1 ? pcrWrite->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[1] << 8 : 0; *pcrW |= pcrWrite->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 2 ? pcrWrite->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[2] << 16 : 0; *pcrW |= pcrWrite->pcrSelection.sizeOfSelect > 3 ? pcrWrite->pcrSelection.pcrSelect[3] << 24 : 0; } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // OSAP ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { TPM_NONCE nonceOdd; TPM_NONCE nonceOddOSAP; TPM_NONCE nonceEven; TPM_NONCE nonceEvenOSAP; TPM_DIGEST SharedSecret; TPM_AUTHHANDLE authHandle; } TPM12_OSAP; #pragma pack() EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_OSAP( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN TPM12_OSAP *osap, IN UINT16 entityType, IN UINT32 entityValue ) { EFI_STATUS res; Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_OSAP); res = Tpm12IOWrite16(tpmio, entityType, TRUE); res = Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, entityValue, TRUE); res = Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, &osap->nonceOddOSAP, sizeof(osap->nonceOddOSAP), TRUE); return res; } TPM12_OSAP *gTpm12Osap; EFI_STATUS Tpm12OSAPStart( IN UINT16 entityType, IN UINT32 entityValue, IN CHAR16 *ownerPass ) { EFI_STATUS res; TPM_DIGEST ownerKey; UINTN CtxSize; VOID* HmacCtx; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; if (gTpm12Osap == NULL) { gTpm12Osap = MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(TPM12_OSAP)); } res = Tpm12Cmd_OSAP(gTpm12Io, gTpm12Osap, entityType, entityValue); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } Tpm12RespRead32(gTpm12Io, &gTpm12Osap->authHandle, FALSE); Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, &gTpm12Osap->nonceEven, sizeof(TPM_NONCE), FALSE); res = Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, &gTpm12Osap->nonceEvenOSAP, sizeof(TPM_NONCE), FALSE); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; Sha1Hash(ownerPass, StrLen(ownerPass) * 2, (UINT8*)&ownerKey); CtxSize = HmacSha1GetContextSize(); HmacCtx = MEM_ALLOC(CtxSize); HmacSha1Init(HmacCtx, (UINT8*)&ownerKey, sizeof(ownerKey)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &gTpm12Osap->nonceEvenOSAP, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->nonceEvenOSAP)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &gTpm12Osap->nonceOddOSAP, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->nonceOddOSAP)); HmacSha1Final(HmacCtx, (UINT8*)&gTpm12Osap->SharedSecret); MEM_FREE(HmacCtx); return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12OSAPAppend( IN UINT8 continueSession ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINTN CtxSize; VOID* HmacCtx; TPM_DIGEST hashCmd; TPM_DIGEST auth; Tpm12IOWrite32(gTpm12Io, gTpm12Osap->authHandle, FALSE); Tpm12IOWriteBytes(gTpm12Io, &gTpm12Osap->nonceOdd, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->nonceOdd), FALSE); res = Tpm12IOWrite8(gTpm12Io, continueSession, FALSE); *((UINT16*)gTpm12Io->Cmd) = SwapBytes16(TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND); // Update Tag Sha1Final(gTpm12Io->Hash, (UINT8*)&hashCmd); CtxSize = HmacSha1GetContextSize(); HmacCtx = MEM_ALLOC(CtxSize); if (HmacCtx == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; HmacSha1Init(HmacCtx, (UINT8*)&gTpm12Osap->SharedSecret, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->SharedSecret)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &hashCmd, sizeof(hashCmd)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &gTpm12Osap->nonceEven, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->nonceEven)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &gTpm12Osap->nonceOdd, sizeof(gTpm12Osap->nonceOdd)); HmacSha1Update(HmacCtx, &continueSession, sizeof(continueSession)); HmacSha1Final(HmacCtx, (UINT8*)&auth); MEM_FREE(HmacCtx); res = Tpm12IOWriteBytes(gTpm12Io, &auth, sizeof(auth), FALSE); return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NV ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12WritePcrInfo( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN UINT16 sizeOfSelect, IN UINT8 *pcrSelect, IN UINT8 localityAtRelease, IN TPM_DIGEST* pcrs) { TPM_DIGEST digestAtRelease; ZeroMem(&digestAtRelease, sizeof(digestAtRelease)); Tpm12IOWrite16 (tpmio, sizeOfSelect, TRUE); Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, pcrSelect, sizeOfSelect, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite8(tpmio, localityAtRelease, TRUE); Tpm12PcrsDigest(sizeOfSelect, pcrSelect, pcrs, &digestAtRelease); return Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, &digestAtRelease, sizeof(TPM_DIGEST), TRUE); } TPM_DIGEST gTpm12Pcrs[24]; TPM_DIGEST gTpm12OwnerPass; VOID PcrUpdateMask( UINT32 mask, UINT8 *pcr) { pcr[0] = (UINT8)(mask & 0xFF); pcr[1] = (UINT8)((mask >> 8) & 0xFF); pcr[2] = (UINT8)((mask >> 16) & 0xFF); } EFI_STATUS Tpm12NvSpace( IN UINT32 index, IN UINT32 size, IN CHAR16 *ownerPass, TPM_DIGEST *pcrs, IN UINT32 pcrReadMask, IN UINT32 pcrWriteMask, IN UINT32 Attributes, IN UINT8 bReadSTClear, IN UINT8 bWriteSTClear, IN UINT8 bWriteDefine ) { EFI_STATUS res; TPM_DIGEST encAuth; UINT8 pcrRead[3]; UINT8 pcrWrite[3]; PcrUpdateMask(pcrReadMask, pcrRead); PcrUpdateMask(pcrWriteMask, pcrWrite); SetMem(&encAuth, sizeof(encAuth), 0xEA); // No Auth res = Tpm12OSAPStart(TPM_ET_OWNER, TPM_KH_OWNER, ownerPass); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } Tpm12IOInit(gTpm12Io, TPM_TAG_RQU_AUTH1_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_NV_DefineSpace); // NV_DATA_PUBLIC Tpm12IOWrite16(gTpm12Io, TPM_TAG_NV_DATA_PUBLIC, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite32(gTpm12Io, index, TRUE); Tpm12WritePcrInfo(gTpm12Io, sizeof(pcrRead) , pcrRead, 0x1F, pcrs); Tpm12WritePcrInfo(gTpm12Io, sizeof(pcrWrite), pcrWrite, 0x1F, pcrs); Tpm12IOWrite16(gTpm12Io, TPM_TAG_NV_ATTRIBUTES, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite32(gTpm12Io, Attributes, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite8(gTpm12Io, bReadSTClear, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite8(gTpm12Io, bWriteSTClear, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite8(gTpm12Io, bWriteDefine, TRUE); Tpm12IOWrite32(gTpm12Io, size, TRUE); // Tpm12IOWriteBytes(gTpm12Io, &encAuth, sizeof(encAuth), TRUE); // OSAP Tpm12OSAPAppend(0); res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_NvRead( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN TPM_NV_INDEX NvIndex, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 DataSize ) { EFI_STATUS res; CE(Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_NV_ReadValue)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, NvIndex, TRUE)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, Offset, TRUE)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, DataSize, TRUE)); err: return res; } /** Send NV ReadValue command to TPM1.2. @param NvIndex The index of the area to set. @param Offset The offset into the area. @param DataSize The size of the data area. @param Data The data to set the area to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS Tpm12NvRead( IN TPM_NV_INDEX NvIndex, IN UINT32 Offset, IN OUT UINT32 *DataSize, OUT UINT8 *Data ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Cmd_NvRead(gTpm12Io, NvIndex,Offset,*DataSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } res = Tpm12RespRead32(gTpm12Io, DataSize, TRUE); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { res = Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, Data, *DataSize, TRUE); } return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_NvWrite( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN TPM_NV_INDEX NvIndex, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 DataSize, IN UINT8 *Data ) { EFI_STATUS res; CE(Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_NV_WriteValue)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, NvIndex, TRUE)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, Offset, TRUE)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, DataSize, TRUE)); CE(Tpm12IOWriteBytes(tpmio, Data, DataSize, TRUE)); err: return res; } /** Send NV WriteValue command to TPM1.2. @param NvIndex The index of the area to set. @param Offset The offset into the NV Area. @param DataSize The size of the data parameter. @param Data The data to set the area to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation completed successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Unexpected device behavior. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Tpm12NvWrite( IN TPM_NV_INDEX NvIndex, IN UINT32 Offset, IN UINT32 DataSize, IN UINT8 *Data, CHAR16 *ownerPass ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12OSAPStart(TPM_ET_OWNER, TPM_KH_OWNER, ownerPass); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } res = Tpm12Cmd_NvWrite(gTpm12Io, NvIndex, Offset, DataSize, Data); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; // OSAP Tpm12OSAPAppend(0); res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } return res; } /* EFI_STATUS Tpm12NvDefine( IN UINT32 index, IN UINT32 size, IN CHAR16 *ownerPass) { EFI_STATUS res; // UINT32 sz = 20; // UINT8 data[20]; // UINT8 dataR[20]; // SetMem(data, 20, 1); // // CE(Tpm12PcrsSave(0, 23, gTpm12Pcrs)); // CE(Tpm12NvSpace(index, size, ownerPass, gTpm12Pcrs, 0x100, 0, 0x2, 0, 0, 0)); // CE(Tpm12NvWrite(index,0,size, data, ownerPass)); // CE(Tpm12NvRead(index, 0, &sz, dataR)); CE(GetTpm()); if (gRnd == NULL) { RndInit() } return res; err: ERR_PRINT(L"%r(%x),line %d\n", res, Tpm12RespCode(gTpm12Io), gCELine); return res; }*/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Random ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EFI_STATUS Tpm12Cmd_GetRandom( IN DCS_TPM12IO *tpmio, IN UINT32 DataSize ) { EFI_STATUS res; CE(Tpm12IOInit(tpmio, TPM_TAG_RQU_COMMAND, TPM_ORD_GetRandom)); CE(Tpm12IOWrite32(tpmio, DataSize, TRUE)); err: return res; } EFI_STATUS Tpm12GetRandom( IN OUT UINT32 *DataSize, OUT UINT8 *Data ) { EFI_STATUS res; res = GetTpm12Io(); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Cmd_GetRandom(gTpm12Io, *DataSize); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; res = Tpm12Transmit(gTpm12Io); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { return res; } res = Tpm12RespRead32(gTpm12Io, DataSize, TRUE); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { res = Tpm12RespReadBytes(gTpm12Io, Data, *DataSize, TRUE); } return res; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Protocol ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct _Password Password; extern VOID ApplyKeyFile( IN OUT Password* password, IN CHAR8* keyfileData, IN UINTN keyfileDataSize ); EFI_STATUS DcsTpm12Lock( DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL *tpm ) { UINT32 lock = 1; return Tpm12PcrExtend(DCS_TPM_PCR_LOCK, sizeof(lock), &lock); } EFI_STATUS DcsTpm12Apply( DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL *tpm, OUT VOID* pwd ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINT32 sz = DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE; CHAR8 data[DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE]; res = Tpm12NvRead(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, 0, &sz, data); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; ApplyKeyFile(pwd, data, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE); ZeroMem(data, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE); return EFI_SUCCESS; } BOOLEAN DcsTpm12IsOpen( DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL *tpm ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINT32 sz = DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE; UINT8 data[DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE]; res = Tpm12NvRead(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, 0, &sz, data); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return FALSE; ZeroMem(data, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE); return TRUE; } BOOLEAN DcsTpm12IsConfigured( DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL *tpm ) { EFI_STATUS res; UINT32 dataSz; UINT32 attr; UINT32 pcrR; UINT32 pcrW; res = Tpm12NvDetails(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, &attr, &dataSz, &pcrR, &pcrW); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return FALSE; if (dataSz != DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE) return FALSE; return TRUE; } VOID AskTpmOwnerPwd( OUT CHAR16* ownerPass ) { UINTN ownerPassLen; OUT_PRINT(L"TPM owner password:"); ZeroMem(ownerPass, TPM_OWNER_PWD_MAX * 2); GetLine(&ownerPassLen, ownerPass, NULL, TPM_OWNER_PWD_MAX - 1, FALSE); } UINT32 AskPcrsMask( IN UINT32 def ) { OUT_PRINT(L"PCR selection bits(hex):\n\ 1 BIOS 2 BIOS data 4 EFI drivers\n\ 8 EFI variables 10 EFI boot loader 20 EFI boot loader data\n\ 40 Boot event 80 Manufacture 100 DcsProp\n"); return (UINT32)AskHexUINT64("PCRs mask:", def); } EFI_STATUS ActionTpm12Update( IN VOID *ctx ) { EFI_STATUS res; CHAR16 ownerPass[TPM_OWNER_PWD_MAX]; UINT32 pcrMask; UINT8 data[DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE]; ZeroMem(data, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE); CE(Tpm12PcrsSave(0, 23, gTpm12Pcrs)); AskTpmOwnerPwd(ownerPass); pcrMask = AskPcrsMask(0x137); CE(Tpm12NvSpace(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE, ownerPass, gTpm12Pcrs, pcrMask, 0, 0x2, 0, 0, 0)); CE(gRnd == NULL ? EFI_NOT_READY : EFI_SUCCESS); CE(gRnd->GetBytes(gRnd, data, sizeof(data))); CE(Tpm12NvWrite(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, 0, DCS_TPM_NV_SIZE, data, ownerPass)); err: return res; } EFI_STATUS ActionTpm12Clean( IN VOID *ctx ) { EFI_STATUS res; CHAR16 ownerPass[TPM_OWNER_PWD_MAX]; AskTpmOwnerPwd(ownerPass); CE(Tpm12NvSpace(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, 0, ownerPass, gTpm12Pcrs, 0, 0, 0x2, 0, 0, 0)); err: return res; } EFI_STATUS ActionTpm12PrintPcrs( IN VOID *ctx ) { EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; UINTN i; UINT32 pcrMask = 0x1FF; UINT32 tmp; Tpm12NvDetails(DCS_TPM_NV_INDEX, NULL, NULL, &pcrMask, NULL); pcrMask = AskPcrsMask(pcrMask); tmp = pcrMask; for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { if ((tmp & 1) == 1) { Tpm12PrintPCR((UINT32)i); } tmp >>= 1; } return res; } PMENU_ITEM mTpm12Menu = NULL; BOOLEAN mTpm12MenuContinue = TRUE; EFI_STATUS ActionTpm12Exit( IN VOID *ctx ) { mTpm12MenuContinue = FALSE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DcsTpm12Configure( IN DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL* tpm ) { PMENU_ITEM item = NULL; EFI_STATUS res; item = DcsMenuAppend(item, L"Update TPM secret", 'u', ActionTpm12Update, NULL); mTpm12Menu = item; item = DcsMenuAppend(item, L"Delete TPM secret", 'd', ActionTpm12Clean, NULL); item = DcsMenuAppend(item, L"Print PCRs", 'p', ActionTpm12PrintPcrs, NULL); item = DcsMenuAppend(item, L"Exit", 'e', ActionTpm12Exit, NULL); do { EFI_INPUT_KEY key; OUT_PRINT(L"TPM "); if (tpm->IsConfigured(tpm)) { OUT_PRINT(L"%Vconfigured%N, "); if (tpm->IsOpen(tpm)) { OUT_PRINT(L"%Vopen%N"); } else { ERR_PRINT(L"locked"); } } else { ERR_PRINT(L"not configured"); } OUT_PRINT(L"\n"); DcsMenuPrint(mTpm12Menu); item = NULL; key.UnicodeChar = 0; while (item == NULL) { item = mTpm12Menu; key = GetKey(); while (item != NULL) { if (item->Select == key.UnicodeChar) break; item = item->Next; } } OUT_PRINT(L"%c\n", key.UnicodeChar); res = item->Action(item->Context); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) { ERR_PRINT(L"%r(%x),line %d\n", res, Tpm12RespCode(gTpm12Io), gCELine); } } while (mTpm12MenuContinue); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS DcsTpm12GetRandom( IN DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL* tpm, IN UINT32 DataSize, OUT UINT8 *Data ) { UINT32 remains = DataSize; UINT32 gotBytes = 0; UINT8 *rnd = Data; EFI_STATUS res = EFI_SUCCESS; while (remains > 0) { gotBytes = remains; res = Tpm12GetRandom(&gotBytes, rnd); if (EFI_ERROR(res)) return res; rnd += gotBytes; remains -= gotBytes; } return res; } EFI_STATUS DcsTpm12Measure( DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL* tpm, IN UINTN index, IN UINTN dataSz, IN VOID* data ) { EFI_STATUS res; TPM_DIGEST hash; if (index > 0x10000) { index = DCS_TPM_PCR_LOCK; } CE(Sha1Hash(data, dataSz, (UINT8*)&hash)); CE(Tpm12PcrExtend((UINT32)index, sizeof(hash), &hash)); err: return res; } DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL* gTpm = (DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL*)NULL; VOID DcsInitTpm12( IN OUT DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL* Tpm) { Tpm->TpmVersion = 0x102; Tpm->IsConfigured = DcsTpm12IsConfigured; Tpm->IsOpen = DcsTpm12IsOpen; Tpm->Configure = DcsTpm12Configure; Tpm->Apply = DcsTpm12Apply; Tpm->Lock = DcsTpm12Lock; Tpm->Measure = DcsTpm12Measure; Tpm->GetRandom = DcsTpm12GetRandom; } EFI_STATUS GetTpm() { EFI_STATUS res; res = InitTpm12(); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { gTpm = (DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL*)MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL)); if (gTpm == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; DcsInitTpm12(gTpm); return EFI_SUCCESS; } res = InitTpm20(); if (!EFI_ERROR(res)) { gTpm = (DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL*)MEM_ALLOC(sizeof(DCS_TPM_PROTOCOL)); if (gTpm == NULL) return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; DcsInitTpm20(gTpm); return EFI_SUCCESS; } return res; }