path: root/Translations/
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authorMounir IDRASSI <>2014-07-27 02:38:18 +0200
committerMounir IDRASSI <>2014-11-08 23:21:46 +0100
commit4d8d59c23d8f7ea0ad1f6dda0facd26dad1f7660 (patch)
tree23c4abacd70bebae8d953e2667adf3f6fa4d0f81 /Translations/
parent1c11ee428d9e06be1440133f6d1163ce6c709410 (diff)
Add description string for the new wipe mode WIPE_MODE_256 in language files.
Diffstat (limited to 'Translations/')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 79d0b41d..2a4744ae 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1032,40 +1032,41 @@
<string lang="en" key="LAUNCH_WIN_ISOBURN">Launch Microsoft Windows Disc Image Burner</string>
<string lang="bg" key="RESCUE_DISK_BURN_NO_CHECK_WARN">ВНИМАНИЕ: Ако вече сте създали VeraCrypt Спасителен Диск преди време, той не може да се преизползва за това системно устройство/дял, защото е създаден за различен главен ключ! Всеки път когато криптирате системно устройство/дял, трябва да създавате нов VeraCrypt Спасителен Диск за него дори ако използвате същата парола.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="CANNOT_SAVE_SYS_ENCRYPTION_SETTINGS">Грешка: Настройките на системното криптиране не могат да бъдат записани.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="CANNOT_INITIATE_SYS_ENCRYPTION_PRETEST">Не може да се стартира предварителния тест на системното криптиране.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="CANNOT_INITIATE_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Не може да се инициализира процеса на създаване на скритата операционна система.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_TITLE">Режим на заличаване</string>
<string lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_WIPE_MODE_INFO">On some types of storage media, when data is overwritten with other data, it may be possible to recover the overwritten data using techniques such as magnetic force microscopy. This also applies to data that are overwritten with their encrypted form (which happens when VeraCrypt initially encrypts an unencrypted partition or drive). According to some studies and governmental publications, recovery of overwritten data can be prevented (or made very difficult) by overwritting the data with pseudorandom and certain non-random data a certain number of times. Therefore, if you believe that an adversary might be able to use such techniques to recover the data you intend encrypt, you may want to select one of the wipe modes (existing data will NOT be lost). Note that wiping will NOT be performed after the partition/drive is encrypted. When the partition/drive is fully encrypted, no unencrypted data is written to it. Any data being written to it is first encrypted on the fly in memory and only then is the (encrypted) data written to the disk.</string>
<string lang="en" key="WIPE_MODE_INFO">On some types of storage media, when data is overwritten with other data (e.g. when the data is erased), it may be possible to recover the overwritten data using techniques such as magnetic force microscopy. According to some studies and governmental publications, recovery of overwritten data can be prevented (or made very difficult) by overwritting the data with pseudorandom and certain non-random data a certain number of times. Therefore, if you believe that an adversary might be able to use such techniques to recover the data that is to be erased, you may want to select one of the multi-pass wipe modes.\n\nNote: The more wipe passes you use, the longer it takes to erase the data.</string>
<string lang="en" key="DEVICE_WIPE_PAGE_TITLE">Wiping</string>
<string lang="en" key="DEVICE_WIPE_PAGE_INFO_HIDDEN_OS">\nNote: You can interrupt the process of wiping, shut down your computer, start the hidden system again and then resume the process (this wizard will be launched automatically). However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of wiping will have to start from the beginning.</string>
<string lang="en" key="DEVICE_WIPE_PAGE_INFO">\n\nNote: If you interrupt the process of wiping and then attempt to resume it, the entire process will have to start from the beginning.</string>
<string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_WIPE_ABORT">Do you want to abort the process of wiping?</string>
<string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_WIPE_START">Warning: The entire content of the selected partition/device will be erased and lost.</string>
<string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_WIPE_START_DECOY_SYS_PARTITION">The entire content of the partition where the original system resides will be erased.\n\nNote: The entire content of the partition that is to be erased has been copied to this hidden system partition.</string>
<string lang="en" key="WIPE_MODE_WARN">WARNING: Note that when you choose e.g. the 3-pass wipe mode, the time necessary to encrypt the partition/drive will be up to 4 times longer. Likewise, if you choose the 35-pass wipe mode, it will be up to 36 times longer (it might even take several weeks).\n\nHowever, please note that wiping will NOT be performed after the partition/drive is fully encrypted. When the partition/drive is fully encrypted, no unencrypted data is written to it. Any data being written to it is first encrypted on the fly in memory and only then is the (encrypted) data written to the disk (so the performance will NOT be affected).\n\nAre you sure you want to use the wipe mode?</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_NONE">Никакъв (най-бързо)</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_1_RAND">1-пасов (случайни данни)</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_3_DOD_5220">3-пасов (US DoD 5220.22-M)</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_7_DOD_5220">7-пасов (US DoD 5220.22-M)</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_35_GUTMANN">35-пасов ("Gutmann")</string>
+ <string lang="bg" key="WIPE_MODE_256">256-пасов</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYS_MULTI_BOOT_MODE_TITLE">Брой операционни системи</string>
<string lang="bg" key="MULTI_BOOT_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">ВНИМАНИЕ: Начинаещи потребители никога не трябва да опитват да криптират Windows в multi-boot конфигурации.\n\nПродължаване?</string>
<string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_MULTI_BOOT">When creating/using a hidden operating system, VeraCrypt supports multi-boot configurations only when the following conditions are met:\n\n- The currently running operating system must be installed on the boot drive, which must not contain any other operating systems.\n\n- Operating systems installed on other drives must not use any boot loader residing on the drive on which the currently running operating system is installed.\n\nAre the above conditions met?</string>
<string lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_HIDDEN_OS_MULTI_BOOT_CFG">VeraCrypt does not support this multi-boot configuration when creating/using a hidden operating system.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_SYS_EQ_BOOT_TITLE">Boot устройство</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_SYS_EQ_BOOT_HELP">Текущо стартираната операционна система на boot устройство ли е инсталирана?\n\nЗабележка: Понякога, Windows не е инсталиран на същото устройство, където е Windows boot loader (boot дял). Ако случаят е такъв, изберете 'Не'.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYS_PARTITION_MUST_BE_ON_BOOT_DRIVE">За момента VeraCrypt не поддържа криптиране на операционна система, която не стартира от устройството, на което е инсталирана.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_NBR_SYS_DRIVES_TITLE">Брой системни устройства</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_NBR_SYS_DRIVES_HELP">Колко устройства съдържат операционни системи?\n\nЗабележка: Примерно, ако имате някаква операционна система (например Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, и т.н.) инсталирана на вашето първично устройство и някаква друга операционна система инсталирана на вашето вторично устройство, изберете '2 или повече'.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="WDE_UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MULTIPLE_SYSTEMS_ON_ONE_DRIVE">За момента VeraCrypt не поддържа криптиране на цяло устройство, което съдържа няколко операционни системи.\n\nВъзможни решения:\n\n- Все още можете да криптирате една от системите, ако се върнете назад и изберете криптиране на системен дял (а не на цялото системно устройство).\n\n- Алтернативно, ще можете да криптирате цялото устройство, ако преместите някои от системите на други устройства, така че да оставите само една система на устройството, което искате да криптирате.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_ADJACENT_SYS_TITLE">Няколко системи на едно устройство</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_ADJACENT_SYS_HELP">Има ли други операционни системи, инсталирани на устройството, на което стартираната в момента операционна система е инсталирана?\n\nЗабележка: Примерно, ако стартираната в момента операционна система е инсталирана на устройство #0, което съдържа няколко дяла, и ако един от дяловете съдържа Windows и друг дял съдържа някаква друга операционна система (например Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, и т.н.), изберете 'Да'.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_NONWIN_BOOT_LOADER_TITLE">Не-Windows Boot Loader</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_NONWIN_BOOT_LOADER_HELP">Инсталирана ли е не-Windows boot зареждаща програма (или boot мениджър) в главния boot запис (MBR)?\n\nЗабележка: Например, ако първата писта на boot устройството съдържа GRUB, LILO, XOSL, или някой друг не-Windows boot мениджър (или boot зареждаща програма), изберете 'Да'.</string>
<string lang="bg" key="SYSENC_MULTI_BOOT_OUTCOME_TITLE">Multi-Boot</string>
<string lang="bg" key="CUSTOM_BOOT_MANAGERS_IN_MBR_UNSUPPORTED">За момента VeraCrypt не поддържа multi-boot конфигурации, където не-Windows boot loader е инсталиран в Master Boot Record.\n\nВъзможни решения:\n\n- Ако използвате boot мениджър за да стартирате Windows и Linux, преместете boot мениджъра (най-често, GRUB) от Master Boot Record в дял. След това стартирайте този помощник отново и криптирайте системния дял/устройство. Забележете, че VeraCrypt Boot Loader ще стане вашият първичен boot мениджър и ще ви позволи да стартирате оригиналния boot мениджър (например GRUB), като ваш вторичен boot мениджър (като натиснете Esc в екрана на VeraCrypt Boot Loader) и по този начин ще можете да стартирате Linux.</string>
<string lang="en" key="WINDOWS_BOOT_LOADER_HINTS">If the currently running operating system is installed on the boot partition, then, after you encrypt it, you will need to enter the correct password even if you want to start any other unencrypted Windows system(s) (as they will share a single encrypted Windows boot loader/manager).\n\nIn contrast, if the currently running operating system is not installed on the boot partition (or if the Windows boot loader/manager is not used by any other system), then, after you encrypt this system, you will not need to enter the correct password to boot the other unencrypted system(s) -- you will only need to press the Esc key to start the unencrypted system (if there are multiple unencrypted systems, you will also need to choose which system to start in the VeraCrypt Boot Manager menu).\n\nNote: Typically, the earliest installed Windows system is installed on the boot partition.</string>
<string lang="en" key="SYSENC_PRE_DRIVE_ANALYSIS_TITLE">Encryption of Host Protected Area</string>
<string lang="en" key="SYSENC_PRE_DRIVE_ANALYSIS_HELP">At the end of many drives, there is an area that is normally hidden from the operating system (such areas are usually referred to as Host Protected Areas). However, some programs can read and write data from/to such areas.\n\nWARNING: Some computer manufacturers may use such areas to store tools and data for RAID, system recovery, system setup, diagnostic, or other purposes. If such tools or data must be accessible before booting, the hidden area should NOT be encrypted (choose 'No' above).\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to detect and encrypt such a hidden area (if any) at the end of the system drive?</string>
<string lang="en" key="SYSENC_TYPE_PAGE_TITLE">Type of System Encryption</string>