path: root/src/Boot/Windows/BootDefs.h
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authorMounir IDRASSI <>2023-07-01 15:17:24 +0200
committerMounir IDRASSI <>2023-07-01 15:17:24 +0200
commita388262a2e4b13ccc0a444781c3ba9d726d8649f (patch)
tree180a2adeea02a58ee3b1fa82c2c6247af13553c0 /src/Boot/Windows/BootDefs.h
parent0bfed6553d08131fd8e0bd725642ff8509a2a1d4 (diff)
Windows: fix compilation warnings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Boot/Windows/BootDefs.h')
0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions
id='n120' href='#n120'>120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
 Copyright (c) 1998-2006, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.


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      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;

   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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 This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
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 and/or fitness for purpose.
 Issue 09/09/2006

 This is an AES implementation that uses only 8-bit byte operations on the
 cipher state.

#ifndef AES_H
#define AES_H

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"

/*  This provides speed optimisation opportunities if 32-bit word
    operations are available
#if 1
#  define HAVE_UINT_32T

#if 1
#  define AES_ENC_PREKEYED  /* AES encryption with a precomputed key schedule  */
#if 1
#  define AES_DEC_PREKEYED  /* AES decryption with a precomputed key schedule  */
#if 0
#  define AES_ENC_128_OTFK  /* AES encryption with 'on the fly' 128 bit keying */
#if 0
#  define AES_DEC_128_OTFK  /* AES decryption with 'on the fly' 128 bit keying */
#if 0
#  define AES_ENC_256_OTFK  /* AES encryption with 'on the fly' 256 bit keying */
#if 0
#  define AES_DEC_256_OTFK  /* AES decryption with 'on the fly' 256 bit keying */

#define N_ROW                   4
#define N_COL                   4
#define N_BLOCK   (N_ROW * N_COL)
#define N_MAX_ROUNDS           14

typedef unsigned char uint_8t;

typedef uint_8t return_type;
typedef uint_8t length_type;
typedef uint_8t uint_type;

typedef unsigned char uint_8t;

typedef struct
{   uint_8t ksch[(N_MAX_ROUNDS + 1) * N_BLOCK];
    uint_8t rnd;
} aes_context;

/*  The following calls are for a precomputed key schedule

    NOTE: If the length_type used for the key length is an
    unsigned 8-bit character, a key length of 256 bits must
    be entered as a length in bytes (valid inputs are hence
    128, 192, 16, 24 and 32).

#if defined( AES_ENC_PREKEYED ) || defined( AES_DEC_PREKEYED )

return_type aes_set_key( const unsigned char key[],
                         length_type keylen,
                         aes_context ctx[1] );

#if defined( AES_ENC_PREKEYED )

return_type aes_encrypt( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                         unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                         const aes_context ctx[1] );

#if defined( AES_DEC_PREKEYED )

return_type aes_decrypt( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                         unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                         const aes_context ctx[1] );

/*  The following calls are for 'on the fly' keying.  In this case the
    encryption and decryption keys are different.

    The encryption subroutines take a key in an array of bytes in
    key[L] where L is 16, 24 or 32 bytes for key lengths of 128,
    192, and 256 bits respectively.  They then encrypts the input
    data, in[] with this key and put the reult in the output array
    out[].  In addition, the second key array, o_key[L], is used
    to output the key that is needed by the decryption subroutine
    to reverse the encryption operation.  The two key arrays can
    be the same array but in this case the original key will be

    In the same way, the decryption subroutines output keys that
    can be used to reverse their effect when used for encryption.

    Only 128 and 256 bit keys are supported in these 'on the fly'

#if defined( AES_ENC_128_OTFK )
void aes_encrypt_128( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                      const unsigned char key[N_BLOCK],
                      uint_8t o_key[N_BLOCK] );

#if defined( AES_DEC_128_OTFK )
void aes_decrypt_128( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                      const unsigned char key[N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char o_key[N_BLOCK] );

#if defined( AES_ENC_256_OTFK )
void aes_encrypt_256( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                      const unsigned char key[2 * N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char o_key[2 * N_BLOCK] );

#if defined( AES_DEC_256_OTFK )
void aes_decrypt_256( const unsigned char in[N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char out[N_BLOCK],
                      const unsigned char key[2 * N_BLOCK],
                      unsigned char o_key[2 * N_BLOCK] );

#if defined(__cplusplus)
