path: root/src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp
diff options
authorMounir IDRASSI <>2016-05-10 22:34:27 +0200
committerMounir IDRASSI <>2016-05-10 22:34:27 +0200
commit268ef2d8e904db5068dbdc0fdc7ce3940d6452ea (patch)
treeb1afa687c97fbf5e1ba2c92c5a10479ae5f832f5 /src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp
parent6d61f06a5348aebe7dbc0bf44d3e2729c20f7fd0 (diff)
parent5f47d8b6f11cdb3c4c2f43e04e5acfc6ffcb3035 (diff)
Merge pull request #61 from davidfoerster/normalize-line-terminators
Normalize line terminators
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp')
1 files changed, 345 insertions, 345 deletions
diff --git a/src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp b/src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp
index dc871e4e..f5f5b1cb 100644
--- a/src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp
+++ b/src/Platform/PlatformTest.cpp
@@ -3,352 +3,352 @@
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
- Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
+ Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
code distribution packages.
-#include "PlatformTest.h"
-#include "Exception.h"
-#include "FileStream.h"
-#include "Finally.h"
-#include "ForEach.h"
-#include "MemoryStream.h"
-#include "Mutex.h"
-#include "Serializable.h"
-#include "SharedPtr.h"
-#include "StringConverter.h"
-#include "SyncEvent.h"
-#include "Thread.h"
-#include "Common/Tcdefs.h"
-namespace VeraCrypt
- // make_shared_auto, File, Stream, MemoryStream, Endian, Serializer, Serializable
- void PlatformTest::SerializerTest ()
- {
- shared_ptr <Stream> stream (new MemoryStream);
-#if 0
- make_shared_auto (File, file);
- finally_do_arg (File&, *file, { if (finally_arg.IsOpen()) finally_arg.Delete(); });
- try
- {
- file->Open ("veracrypt-serializer-test.tmp", File::CreateReadWrite);
- stream = shared_ptr <Stream> (new FileStream (file));
- }
- catch (...) { }
- Serializer ser (stream);
- uint32 i32 = 0x12345678;
- uint64 i64 = 0x0123456789abcdefULL;
- string str = "string test";
- wstring wstr = L"wstring test";
- string convStr = "test";
- StringConverter::ToSingle (wstr, convStr);
- if (convStr != "wstring test")
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- StringConverter::Erase (convStr);
- if (convStr != " ")
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- wstring wEraseTest = L"erase test";
- StringConverter::Erase (wEraseTest);
- if (wEraseTest != L" ")
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- list <string> stringList;
- stringList.push_back (str + "1");
- stringList.push_back (str + "2");
- stringList.push_back (str + "3");
- list <wstring> wstringList;
- wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"1");
- wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"2");
- wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"3");
- Buffer buffer (10);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
- buffer[i] = (byte) i;
- ser.Serialize ("int32", i32);
- ser.Serialize ("int64", i64);
- ser.Serialize ("string", str);
- ser.Serialize ("wstring", wstr);
- ser.Serialize ("stringList", stringList);
- ser.Serialize ("wstringList", wstringList);
- ser.Serialize ("buffer", ConstBufferPtr (buffer));
- ExecutedProcessFailed ex (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output");
- ex.Serialize (stream);
- list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > exList;
- exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output1")));
- exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -234, "error output2")));
- exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -567, "error output3")));
- Serializable::SerializeList (stream, exList);
-#if 0
- if (file->IsOpen())
- file->SeekAt (0);
- uint32 di32;
- ser.Deserialize ("int32", di32);
- if (i32 != di32)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- uint64 di64;
- ser.Deserialize ("int64", di64);
- if (i64 != di64)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- string dstr;
- ser.Deserialize ("string", dstr);
- if (str != dstr)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- wstring dwstr;
- ser.Deserialize ("wstring", dwstr);
- if (str != dstr)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- int i = 1;
- foreach (string item, ser.DeserializeStringList ("stringList"))
- {
- stringstream s;
- s << str << i++;
- if (item != s.str())
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- i = 1;
- foreach (wstring item, ser.DeserializeWStringList ("wstringList"))
- {
- wstringstream s;
- s << wstr << i++;
- if (item != s.str())
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- Buffer dbuffer (10);
- ser.Deserialize ("buffer", buffer);
- for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
- if (buffer[i] != (byte) i)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> dex = Serializable::DeserializeNew <ExecutedProcessFailed> (stream);
- if (!dex
- || dex->GetCommand() != "cmd"
- || dex->GetExitCode() != -123
- || dex->GetErrorOutput() != "error output")
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > dexList;
- Serializable::DeserializeList (stream, dexList);
- i = 1;
- foreach_ref (const ExecutedProcessFailed &ex, dexList)
- {
- stringstream s;
- s << "error output" << i++;
- if (ex.GetErrorOutput() != s.str())
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- }
- // shared_ptr, Mutex, ScopeLock, SyncEvent, Thread
- static struct
- {
- shared_ptr <int> SharedIntPtr;
- Mutex IntMutex;
- SyncEvent ExitAllowedEvent;
- } ThreadTestData;
- void PlatformTest::ThreadTest ()
- {
- Mutex mutex;
- mutex.Lock();
- mutex.Unlock();
- const int maxThreads = 3;
- ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr.reset (new int (0));
- for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
- {
- Thread t;
- t.Start (&ThreadTestProc, (void *) &ThreadTestData);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
- {
- {
- ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
- if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == maxThreads)
- break;
- }
- Thread::Sleep(100);
- }
- if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != maxThreads)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- for (int i = 0; i < 60000; i++)
- {
- ThreadTestData.ExitAllowedEvent.Signal();
- Thread::Sleep(1);
- ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
- if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != 0)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- TC_THREAD_PROC PlatformTest::ThreadTestProc (void *arg)
- {
- if (arg != (void *) &ThreadTestData)
- return 0;
- {
- ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
- ++(*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr);
- }
- ThreadTestData.ExitAllowedEvent.Wait();
- {
- ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
- --(*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool PlatformTest::TestAll ()
- {
- // Integer types
- if (sizeof (byte) != 1 || sizeof (int8) != 1 || sizeof (__int8) != 1) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- if (sizeof (uint16) != 2 || sizeof (int16) != 2 || sizeof (__int16) != 2) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- if (sizeof (uint32) != 4 || sizeof (int32) != 4 || sizeof (__int32) != 4) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- if (sizeof (uint64) != 8 || sizeof (int64) != 8) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- // Exception handling
- TestFlag = false;
- try
- {
- try
- {
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- throw;
- }
- return false;
- }
- catch (Exception &)
- {
- TestFlag = true;
- }
- if (!TestFlag)
- return false;
- // RTTI
- RttiTest rtti;
- RttiTestBase &rttiBaseRef = rtti;
- RttiTestBase *rttiBasePtr = &rtti;
- if (typeid (rttiBaseRef) != typeid (rtti))
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- if (typeid (*rttiBasePtr) != typeid (rtti))
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- if (dynamic_cast <RttiTest *> (rttiBasePtr) == nullptr)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- try
- {
- dynamic_cast <RttiTest &> (rttiBaseRef);
- }
- catch (...)
- {
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- // finally
- TestFlag = false;
- {
- finally_do ({ TestFlag = true; });
- if (TestFlag)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- if (!TestFlag)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- TestFlag = false;
- {
- finally_do_arg (bool*, &TestFlag, { *finally_arg = true; });
- if (TestFlag)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- if (!TestFlag)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- TestFlag = false;
- int tesFlag2 = 0;
- {
- finally_do_arg2 (bool*, &TestFlag, int*, &tesFlag2, { *finally_arg = true; *finally_arg2 = 2; });
- if (TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 0)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- }
- if (!TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 2)
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- // uint64, vector, list, string, wstring, stringstream, wstringstream
- // shared_ptr, make_shared, StringConverter, foreach
- list <shared_ptr <uint64> > numList;
- numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt64 (StringConverter::FromNumber ((uint64) 0xFFFFffffFFFFfffeULL))));
- numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt32 (StringConverter::GetTrailingNumber ("str2"))));
- numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (3));
- list <wstring> testList;
- wstringstream wstream (L"test");
- foreach_reverse_ref (uint64 n, numList)
- {
- wstream.str (L"");
- wstream << L"str" << n;
- testList.push_back (wstream.str());
- }
- stringstream sstream;
- sstream << "dummy";
- sstream.str ("");
- sstream << "str18446744073709551614,str2" << " str" << StringConverter::Trim (StringConverter::ToSingle (L"\t 3 \r\n"));
- foreach (const string &s, StringConverter::Split (sstream.str(), ", "))
- {
- if (testList.front() != StringConverter::ToWide (s))
- throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
- testList.pop_front();
- }
- SerializerTest();
- ThreadTest();
- return true;
- }
- bool PlatformTest::TestFlag;
+#include "PlatformTest.h"
+#include "Exception.h"
+#include "FileStream.h"
+#include "Finally.h"
+#include "ForEach.h"
+#include "MemoryStream.h"
+#include "Mutex.h"
+#include "Serializable.h"
+#include "SharedPtr.h"
+#include "StringConverter.h"
+#include "SyncEvent.h"
+#include "Thread.h"
+#include "Common/Tcdefs.h"
+namespace VeraCrypt
+ // make_shared_auto, File, Stream, MemoryStream, Endian, Serializer, Serializable
+ void PlatformTest::SerializerTest ()
+ {
+ shared_ptr <Stream> stream (new MemoryStream);
+#if 0
+ make_shared_auto (File, file);
+ finally_do_arg (File&, *file, { if (finally_arg.IsOpen()) finally_arg.Delete(); });
+ try
+ {
+ file->Open ("veracrypt-serializer-test.tmp", File::CreateReadWrite);
+ stream = shared_ptr <Stream> (new FileStream (file));
+ }
+ catch (...) { }
+ Serializer ser (stream);
+ uint32 i32 = 0x12345678;
+ uint64 i64 = 0x0123456789abcdefULL;
+ string str = "string test";
+ wstring wstr = L"wstring test";
+ string convStr = "test";
+ StringConverter::ToSingle (wstr, convStr);
+ if (convStr != "wstring test")
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ StringConverter::Erase (convStr);
+ if (convStr != " ")
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ wstring wEraseTest = L"erase test";
+ StringConverter::Erase (wEraseTest);
+ if (wEraseTest != L" ")
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ list <string> stringList;
+ stringList.push_back (str + "1");
+ stringList.push_back (str + "2");
+ stringList.push_back (str + "3");
+ list <wstring> wstringList;
+ wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"1");
+ wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"2");
+ wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"3");
+ Buffer buffer (10);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
+ buffer[i] = (byte) i;
+ ser.Serialize ("int32", i32);
+ ser.Serialize ("int64", i64);
+ ser.Serialize ("string", str);
+ ser.Serialize ("wstring", wstr);
+ ser.Serialize ("stringList", stringList);
+ ser.Serialize ("wstringList", wstringList);
+ ser.Serialize ("buffer", ConstBufferPtr (buffer));
+ ExecutedProcessFailed ex (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output");
+ ex.Serialize (stream);
+ list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > exList;
+ exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output1")));
+ exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -234, "error output2")));
+ exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -567, "error output3")));
+ Serializable::SerializeList (stream, exList);
+#if 0
+ if (file->IsOpen())
+ file->SeekAt (0);
+ uint32 di32;
+ ser.Deserialize ("int32", di32);
+ if (i32 != di32)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ uint64 di64;
+ ser.Deserialize ("int64", di64);
+ if (i64 != di64)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ string dstr;
+ ser.Deserialize ("string", dstr);
+ if (str != dstr)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ wstring dwstr;
+ ser.Deserialize ("wstring", dwstr);
+ if (str != dstr)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ int i = 1;
+ foreach (string item, ser.DeserializeStringList ("stringList"))
+ {
+ stringstream s;
+ s << str << i++;
+ if (item != s.str())
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ i = 1;
+ foreach (wstring item, ser.DeserializeWStringList ("wstringList"))
+ {
+ wstringstream s;
+ s << wstr << i++;
+ if (item != s.str())
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ Buffer dbuffer (10);
+ ser.Deserialize ("buffer", buffer);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
+ if (buffer[i] != (byte) i)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> dex = Serializable::DeserializeNew <ExecutedProcessFailed> (stream);
+ if (!dex
+ || dex->GetCommand() != "cmd"
+ || dex->GetExitCode() != -123
+ || dex->GetErrorOutput() != "error output")
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > dexList;
+ Serializable::DeserializeList (stream, dexList);
+ i = 1;
+ foreach_ref (const ExecutedProcessFailed &ex, dexList)
+ {
+ stringstream s;
+ s << "error output" << i++;
+ if (ex.GetErrorOutput() != s.str())
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ }
+ // shared_ptr, Mutex, ScopeLock, SyncEvent, Thread
+ static struct
+ {
+ shared_ptr <int> SharedIntPtr;
+ Mutex IntMutex;
+ SyncEvent ExitAllowedEvent;
+ } ThreadTestData;
+ void PlatformTest::ThreadTest ()
+ {
+ Mutex mutex;
+ mutex.Lock();
+ mutex.Unlock();
+ const int maxThreads = 3;
+ ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr.reset (new int (0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
+ {
+ Thread t;
+ t.Start (&ThreadTestProc, (void *) &ThreadTestData);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
+ {
+ {
+ ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
+ if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == maxThreads)
+ break;
+ }
+ Thread::Sleep(100);
+ }
+ if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != maxThreads)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 60000; i++)
+ {
+ ThreadTestData.ExitAllowedEvent.Signal();
+ Thread::Sleep(1);
+ ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
+ if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != 0)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ TC_THREAD_PROC PlatformTest::ThreadTestProc (void *arg)
+ {
+ if (arg != (void *) &ThreadTestData)
+ return 0;
+ {
+ ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
+ ++(*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr);
+ }
+ ThreadTestData.ExitAllowedEvent.Wait();
+ {
+ ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
+ --(*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ bool PlatformTest::TestAll ()
+ {
+ // Integer types
+ if (sizeof (byte) != 1 || sizeof (int8) != 1 || sizeof (__int8) != 1) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ if (sizeof (uint16) != 2 || sizeof (int16) != 2 || sizeof (__int16) != 2) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ if (sizeof (uint32) != 4 || sizeof (int32) != 4 || sizeof (__int32) != 4) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ if (sizeof (uint64) != 8 || sizeof (int64) != 8) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ // Exception handling
+ TestFlag = false;
+ try
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch (Exception &)
+ {
+ TestFlag = true;
+ }
+ if (!TestFlag)
+ return false;
+ // RTTI
+ RttiTest rtti;
+ RttiTestBase &rttiBaseRef = rtti;
+ RttiTestBase *rttiBasePtr = &rtti;
+ if (typeid (rttiBaseRef) != typeid (rtti))
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ if (typeid (*rttiBasePtr) != typeid (rtti))
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ if (dynamic_cast <RttiTest *> (rttiBasePtr) == nullptr)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ try
+ {
+ dynamic_cast <RttiTest &> (rttiBaseRef);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ // finally
+ TestFlag = false;
+ {
+ finally_do ({ TestFlag = true; });
+ if (TestFlag)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ if (!TestFlag)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ TestFlag = false;
+ {
+ finally_do_arg (bool*, &TestFlag, { *finally_arg = true; });
+ if (TestFlag)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ if (!TestFlag)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ TestFlag = false;
+ int tesFlag2 = 0;
+ {
+ finally_do_arg2 (bool*, &TestFlag, int*, &tesFlag2, { *finally_arg = true; *finally_arg2 = 2; });
+ if (TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 0)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ }
+ if (!TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 2)
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ // uint64, vector, list, string, wstring, stringstream, wstringstream
+ // shared_ptr, make_shared, StringConverter, foreach
+ list <shared_ptr <uint64> > numList;
+ numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt64 (StringConverter::FromNumber ((uint64) 0xFFFFffffFFFFfffeULL))));
+ numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt32 (StringConverter::GetTrailingNumber ("str2"))));
+ numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (3));
+ list <wstring> testList;
+ wstringstream wstream (L"test");
+ foreach_reverse_ref (uint64 n, numList)
+ {
+ wstream.str (L"");
+ wstream << L"str" << n;
+ testList.push_back (wstream.str());
+ }
+ stringstream sstream;
+ sstream << "dummy";
+ sstream.str ("");
+ sstream << "str18446744073709551614,str2" << " str" << StringConverter::Trim (StringConverter::ToSingle (L"\t 3 \r\n"));
+ foreach (const string &s, StringConverter::Split (sstream.str(), ", "))
+ {
+ if (testList.front() != StringConverter::ToWide (s))
+ throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
+ testList.pop_front();
+ }
+ SerializerTest();
+ ThreadTest();
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool PlatformTest::TestFlag;