path: root/src/SetupDLL/Setup.c
diff options
authorMounir IDRASSI <>2023-09-03 00:58:34 +0200
committerMounir IDRASSI <>2023-09-03 00:58:34 +0200
commitd68b9546bd36fa34093b8592d3927ba581fc8e59 (patch)
tree6aa7b9d98cfc9bf526662cbfb1d4805652de2196 /src/SetupDLL/Setup.c
parent7b48d16fbd3340f052a41a5c40b75d81e93cc012 (diff)
Windows: simpler and more robust safe dll loading combined with delay loading thanks to Windows 7 being minimum supported version.
We also block execution on Windows versions older than Windows 7. A lot of code was removed thanks to this.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SetupDLL/Setup.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/src/SetupDLL/Setup.c b/src/SetupDLL/Setup.c
index f7c04315..a4bf6520 100644
--- a/src/SetupDLL/Setup.c
+++ b/src/SetupDLL/Setup.c
@@ -68,108 +68,6 @@ typedef enum
#define WAIT_PERIOD 3
-extern HMODULE hRichEditDll;
-extern HMODULE hComctl32Dll;
-extern HMODULE hSetupDll;
-extern HMODULE hShlwapiDll;
-extern HMODULE hProfApiDll;
-extern HMODULE hUsp10Dll;
-extern HMODULE hCryptSpDll;
-extern HMODULE hUXThemeDll;
-extern HMODULE hUserenvDll;
-extern HMODULE hRsaenhDll;
-extern HMODULE himm32dll;
-extern HMODULE hMSCTFdll;
-extern HMODULE hfltlibdll;
-extern HMODULE hframedyndll;
-extern HMODULE hpsapidll;
-extern HMODULE hsecur32dll;
-extern HMODULE hnetapi32dll;
-extern HMODULE hauthzdll;
-extern HMODULE hxmllitedll;
-extern HMODULE hmprdll;
-extern HMODULE hsppdll;
-extern HMODULE vssapidll;
-extern HMODULE hvsstracedll;
-extern HMODULE hcfgmgr32dll;
-extern HMODULE hdevobjdll;
-extern HMODULE hpowrprofdll;
-extern HMODULE hsspiclidll;
-extern HMODULE hcryptbasedll;
-extern HMODULE hdwmapidll;
-extern HMODULE hmsasn1dll;
-extern HMODULE hcrypt32dll;
-extern HMODULE hbcryptdll;
-extern HMODULE hbcryptprimitivesdll;
-extern HMODULE hMsls31;
-extern HMODULE hntmartadll;
-extern HMODULE hwinscarddll;
-extern HMODULE hmsvcrtdll;
-extern HMODULE hWinTrustLib;
-extern HMODULE hAdvapi32Dll;
-#define FREE_DLL(h) if (h) { FreeLibrary (h); h = NULL;}
-#define BASE_SEARCH_PATH_PERMANENT 0x00008000
-#define LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32 0x00000800
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDllDirectoryPtr)(LPCWSTR lpPathName);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetSearchPathModePtr)(DWORD Flags);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr)(DWORD DirectoryFlags);
-typedef void (WINAPI *InitCommonControlsPtr)(void);
-typedef HIMAGELIST (WINAPI *ImageList_CreatePtr)(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow);
-typedef int (WINAPI *ImageList_AddPtr)(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask);
-typedef VOID (WINAPI *SetupCloseInfFilePtr)(HINF InfHandle);
-typedef HKEY (WINAPI *SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr)(CONST GUID *ClassGuid,REGSAM samDesired);
-typedef HINF (WINAPI *SetupOpenInfFileWPtr)(PCWSTR FileName,PCWSTR InfClass,DWORD InfStyle,PUINT ErrorLine);
-typedef LSTATUS (STDAPICALLTYPE *SHDeleteKeyWPtr)(HKEY hkey, LPCWSTR pszSubKey);
-// ChangeWindowMessageFilter
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr) (UINT, DWORD);
-typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CreateProcessWithTokenWFn)(
- __in HANDLE hToken,
- __in DWORD dwLogonFlags,
- __in_opt LPCWSTR lpApplicationName,
- __inout_opt LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
- __in DWORD dwCreationFlags,
- __in_opt LPVOID lpEnvironment,
- __in_opt LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
- __in LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
- __out LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation
- );
-extern SetDllDirectoryPtr SetDllDirectoryFn;
-extern SetSearchPathModePtr SetSearchPathModeFn;
-extern SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn;
-extern ImageList_CreatePtr ImageList_CreateFn;
-extern ImageList_AddPtr ImageList_AddFn;
-extern SetupCloseInfFilePtr SetupCloseInfFileFn;
-extern SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn;
-extern SetupInstallFromInfSectionWPtr SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn;
-extern SetupOpenInfFileWPtr SetupOpenInfFileWFn;
-extern SHDeleteKeyWPtr SHDeleteKeyWFn;
-extern SHStrDupWPtr SHStrDupWFn;
-extern ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn;
-extern CreateProcessWithTokenWFn CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr;
wchar_t InstallationPath[TC_MAX_PATH];
BOOL bUninstall = FALSE;
@@ -2106,139 +2004,10 @@ BOOL InitDll (MSIHANDLE hInstaller)
MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_INFO_LEVEL, L"Begin InitDll");
- InitCommonControlsPtr InitCommonControlsFn = NULL;
- /* remove current directory from dll search path */
- SetDllDirectoryFn = (SetDllDirectoryPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDllDirectoryW");
- SetSearchPathModeFn = (SetSearchPathModePtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetSearchPathMode");
- SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn = (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll"), "SetDefaultDllDirectories");
- if (SetDllDirectoryFn)
- SetDllDirectoryFn (L"");
- if (SetSearchPathModeFn)
- if (SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn)
- SetDefaultDllDirectoriesFn (LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32);
InitGlobalLocks ();
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"msvcrt.dll", &hmsvcrtdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"ntmarta.dll", &hntmartadll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"MPR.DLL", &hmprdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- {
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"ProfApi.DLL", &hProfApiDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"cryptbase.dll", &hcryptbasedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"sspicli.dll", &hsspiclidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"psapi.dll", &hpsapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"secur32.dll", &hsecur32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"msasn1.dll", &hmsasn1dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"Usp10.DLL", &hUsp10Dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"dwmapi.dll", &hdwmapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"UXTheme.dll", &hUXThemeDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"msls31.dll", &hMsls31, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"SETUPAPI.DLL", &hSetupDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"SHLWAPI.DLL", &hShlwapiDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"userenv.dll", &hUserenvDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"rsaenh.dll", &hRsaenhDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (nCurrentOS < WIN_7)
- {
- if (nCurrentOS == WIN_XP)
- {
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"imm32.dll", &himm32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"MSCTF.dll", &hMSCTFdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"fltlib.dll", &hfltlibdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"wbem\\framedyn.dll", &hframedyndll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"netapi32.dll", &hnetapi32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"authz.dll", &hauthzdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"xmllite.dll", &hxmllitedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- }
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"atl.dll", &hsppdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"vsstrace.dll", &hvsstracedll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"vssapi.dll", &vssapidll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"spp.dll", &hsppdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"crypt32.dll", &hcrypt32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_7))
- {
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"CryptSP.dll", &hCryptSpDll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"cfgmgr32.dll", &hcfgmgr32dll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"devobj.dll", &hdevobjdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"powrprof.dll", &hpowrprofdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"bcrypt.dll", &hbcryptdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"bcryptprimitives.dll", &hbcryptprimitivesdll, TRUE, SRC_POS);
- }
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"COMCTL32.DLL", &hComctl32Dll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- // call InitCommonControls function
- InitCommonControlsFn = (InitCommonControlsPtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "InitCommonControls");
- ImageList_AddFn = (ImageList_AddPtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "ImageList_Add");
- ImageList_CreateFn = (ImageList_CreatePtr) GetProcAddress (hComctl32Dll, "ImageList_Create");
- if (InitCommonControlsFn && ImageList_AddFn && ImageList_CreateFn)
- {
- InitCommonControlsFn();
- }
- else
- {
- MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_ERROR_LEVEL, GetString("INIT_DLL"));
- bOK = FALSE;
- goto end;
- }
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"Riched20.dll", &hRichEditDll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- LoadSystemDll_Dll (hInstaller, L"Advapi32.dll", &hAdvapi32Dll, FALSE, SRC_POS);
- // Get SetupAPI functions pointers
- SetupCloseInfFileFn = (SetupCloseInfFilePtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupCloseInfFile");
- SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn = (SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupDiOpenClassRegKey");
- SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn = (SetupInstallFromInfSectionWPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupInstallFromInfSectionW");
- SetupOpenInfFileWFn = (SetupOpenInfFileWPtr) GetProcAddress (hSetupDll, "SetupOpenInfFileW");
- if (!SetupCloseInfFileFn || !SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyFn || !SetupInstallFromInfSectionWFn || !SetupOpenInfFileWFn)
- {
- MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_ERROR_LEVEL, GetString("INIT_DLL"));
- bOK = FALSE;
- goto end;
- }
- // Get SHDeleteKeyW function pointer
- SHDeleteKeyWFn = (SHDeleteKeyWPtr) GetProcAddress (hShlwapiDll, "SHDeleteKeyW");
- SHStrDupWFn = (SHStrDupWPtr) GetProcAddress (hShlwapiDll, "SHStrDupW");
- if (!SHDeleteKeyWFn || !SHStrDupWFn)
- {
- MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_ERROR_LEVEL, GetString("INIT_DLL"));
- bOK = FALSE;
- goto end;
- }
- if (IsOSAtLeast (WIN_VISTA))
- {
- /* Get ChangeWindowMessageFilter used to enable some messages bypasss UIPI (User Interface Privilege Isolation) */
- ChangeWindowMessageFilterFn = (ChangeWindowMessageFilterPtr) GetProcAddress (GetModuleHandle (L"user32.dll"), "ChangeWindowMessageFilter");
- }
- // Get CreateProcessWithTokenW function pointer
- CreateProcessWithTokenWPtr = (CreateProcessWithTokenWFn) GetProcAddress(hAdvapi32Dll, "CreateProcessWithTokenW");
CoInitialize (NULL);
@@ -2251,7 +2020,6 @@ BOOL InitDll (MSIHANDLE hInstaller)
_set_invalid_parameter_handler (InvalidParameterHandler);
RemoteSession = GetSystemMetrics (SM_REMOTESESSION) != 0;
MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_INFO_LEVEL, L"End InitDll");
return bOK;
@@ -2365,46 +2133,6 @@ void VC_CustomAction_Cleanup ()
FinalizeGlobalLocks ();
- FREE_DLL (hRichEditDll);
- FREE_DLL (hComctl32Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hSetupDll);
- FREE_DLL (hShlwapiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hProfApiDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUsp10Dll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUXThemeDll);
- FREE_DLL (hUserenvDll);
- FREE_DLL (hRsaenhDll);
- FREE_DLL (himm32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hfltlibdll);
- FREE_DLL (hframedyndll);
- FREE_DLL (hpsapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hsecur32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hnetapi32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hauthzdll);
- FREE_DLL (hxmllitedll);
- FREE_DLL (hmprdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsppdll);
- FREE_DLL (vssapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hvsstracedll);
- FREE_DLL (hCryptSpDll);
- FREE_DLL (hcfgmgr32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hdevobjdll);
- FREE_DLL (hpowrprofdll);
- FREE_DLL (hsspiclidll);
- FREE_DLL (hcryptbasedll);
- FREE_DLL (hdwmapidll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsasn1dll);
- FREE_DLL (hcrypt32dll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptdll);
- FREE_DLL (hbcryptprimitivesdll);
- FREE_DLL (hMsls31);
- FREE_DLL (hntmartadll);
- FREE_DLL (hwinscarddll);
- FREE_DLL (hmsvcrtdll);
- FREE_DLL (hAdvapi32Dll);
//MSILog(hInstaller, MSI_INFO_LEVEL, L"End VC_CustomAction_Cleanup");