diff options
-rw-r--r--src/Release/Setup Files/Product64.wxs4
24 files changed, 477 insertions, 477 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 67aeeb5d..e6d97d1a 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Прызначыць</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Прыбраць</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Ключавыя файлы...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="be" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Памер %s - %.2f Кб</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Памер %s - %.2f Мб</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">УВАГА: Прылада/падзел выкарыстоўваецца аперацыйнай сістэмай ці прыкладаннямі. Фарматаванне прылады/падзелу можа прывесці да страты дадзеных ці нестабільнасці сістэмы.\n\nПрацягнуць?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">ПАМЫЛКА: Прылада/падзел мае файлавую сістэму, якая не можа быць размантаваная. Магчыма, яна выкарыстоўваецца аперацыйнай сістэмай. Фарматаванне прылады/падзела хутчэй за ўсё выкліча пашкоджанне дадзеных і нестабільнасць сістэмы.\n\nДля вырашэння гэтай праблемы мы рэкамендуем спачатку выдаліць гэты падзел, затым ізноў стварыць яго без фарматавання. Вось як гэта зрабіць: 1) Пстрыкніце правай кнопкай мышы па цэтліку 'Кампутар' (ці 'Мой кампутар') в меню 'Пуск' і абярыце 'Кіраванне'. Павінна адчыніцца акно 'Кіраванне кампутарам'. 2) У акне 'Кіраванне кампутарам', абярыце 'Запамінальныя прылады' &gt; 'Кіраванне дыскамі'. 3) Пстрыкніце правай кнопкай мышы па падзелу, які вы жадаеце зашыфраваць, і абярыце альбо 'Выдаліць падзел', альбо 'Выдаліць том', альбо 'Выдаліць лагічны дыск'. 4) Націсніце 'Так'. Калі Windows спытае перазагрузіць кампутар, зрабіце гэта. Затым паўтарыце крокі 1 і 2 і пераходзьце да крока 5. 5) Пстрыкніце правай кнопкай мышы на ўчастку з пустым месцам (ён павінен мець надпіс 'Не размеркавана'), і абярыце 'Асноўны падзел', 'Дадатковы падзел', ці 'Лагічны дыск'. 6) Павінна з'явіцца акно майстра стварэння падзелаў ці тамоў; выканайце яго інструкцыі. У акне майстра на старонцы 'Фарматаванне падзелу' абярыце альбо 'Не фарматаваць гэты падзел', альбо 'Не фарматаваць гэты том'. У тым жа акне майстра націсніце кнопку 'Далей' і затым 'Гатова'. 7) Майце на ўвазе, што абраны вамі ў VeraCrypt шлях да прылады можа быць зараз няслушным. Таму скончыце працу майстра стварэння тамоў VeraCrypt (калі ён усё яшчэ выконваецца) і запусціце яго зноў. 8) Паспрабуйце зноў зашыфраваць прыладу/падзел у VeraCrypt.\n\nКалі VeraCrypt па-ранейшаму адмовіцца шыфраваць прыладу/падзел, адкарэктуйце свае планы і стварыце замест гэтага файлавы кантэйнер.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">УВАГА: Некаторыя змантаваныя прылады/падзелы ўжо выкарыстоўваюцца.\n\nІгнараванне гэтага можа прывесці да непажаданых наступстваў, у тым ліку да нестабільнасці сістэмы.\n\nНастойліва рэкамендуецца зачыніць усе вокны, што выкарыстоўваюць гэтыя прылады/падзелы.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Абраная прылада ўтрымоўвае падзелы.\n\nФарматаванне гэтай прылады можа прывесці да нестабільнасці сістэмы і/ці пашкоджання дадзеных. Абярыце падзел на гэтай прыладзе, альбо выдаліце ўсе падзелы на ёй, каб даць магчымасць VeraCrypt бяспечна яго адфарматаваць.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,17 +520,17 @@
<entry lang="be" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Фарматаванне тома</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Праграма Adobe Reader (або іншы чытач) неабходны для прагляду ці друку Дапаможніка карыстача. Adobe Reader можа быць спампаваны з\n\nЦі жадаеце вы замест гэтага адкрыць дапаможнік у Сеціве ?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">Калі абраць гэтую наладу, майстар спачатку дапаможа вам стварыць звычайны том VeraCrypt, а затым усярэдзіне яго - утоены том. Гэты варыянт прызначаны для карыстачоў-пачаткоўцаў.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">Абярыце гэтую наладу, каб стварыць утоены том усярэдзіне ўжо наяўнага тома VeraCrypt (г.зн. у вас ужо павінен быць раней створаны том VeraCrypt, прыдатны для захоўвання ўтоенага тома).</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Рэжым стварэння тома</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Утоены том створаны</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Вонкавы том паспяхова створаны і змантаваны як дыск %hc:. У гэты том цяпер варта скапіяваць якія-небудзь што асэнсавана выглядаюць файлы, якія на самай справе вам хаваць НЕ трэба, каб збянтэжыць нядобразычліўца, калі ён вымусіць вас паведаміць пароль. У гэтым выпадку вы скажаце толькі пароль для гэтага вонкавага тома, але не для ўтоенага. Сапраўды каштоўныя для вас файлы будуць захоўвацца ва ўтоеным томе, створаным пазней. Калі скончыце капіяваць файлы, націсніце 'Далей'. Не размантоўвайце гэты том. НАТАТКА: Націск 'Далей' запусціць сканаванне карты кластараў вонкавага тома для высвятлення памеру бесперапыннай вольнай вобласці, канец якой стане канцом тома. Гэты ўчастак будзе прыстасаваны пад утоены том, г.зн. менавіта ім вызначаецца яго максімальна магчымы памер. Сканаванне карты кластараў гарантуе, што ніякія дадзеныя ў вонкавым томе не будуць перазапісаныя ўтоеным томам.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Змесьціва вонкавага тому</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nЗараз трэба вызначыць параметры для вонкавага тому, усярэдзіне якога будзе пазней створаны ўтоены том.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Вонкавы том</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nКарта кластараў прагледжана і максімальны памер утоенага тому вызначаны. Далей трэба вызначыць параметры, памер і пароль для ўтоенага тому.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="be" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Няма даступных літар дыскаў.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Няма вольнай літары дыска для вонкавага тома. Стварэнне тома не можа быць працягнута.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="NO_OS_VER">Не атрымалася вызначыць версію АС, альбо вы выкарыстоўваеце непадтрыманую АС.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Не азначаны шлях.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Не хапае вольнага месца для ўтоенага тома. Працягнуць стварэнне тома немагчыма.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Драйвер не можа размантаваць том. Верагодна, на гэтым томе ёсць адкрытыя файлы.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Немагчыма заблакаваць том. На гэтым томе ёсць адкрытыя файлы, таму яго нельга размантаваць.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Абярыце том VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OPEN_TITLE">Азначце шлях і імя файла</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Мала памяці</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">УВАГА: Файл '%s' ужо існуе!\n\nВАЖНА: VERACRYPT НЕ БУДЗЕ ШЫФРАВАЦЬ ГЭТЫ ФАЙЛ, ЁН ЯГО ВЫДАЛІЦЬ. Вы сапраўды жадаеце выдаліць гэты файл і замяніць яго новым кантэйнерам VeraCrypt?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">АСЦЯРОЖНА: УСЕ ДАДЗЕНЫЯ, ЯКІЯ УТРЫМОЎВАЕ %s '%s'%s, БУДУЦЬ ЗНІШЧАНЫЯ (А НЕ ЗАШЫФРАВАНЫЯ)!\n\nВы настойваеце на фарматаванні?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="be" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Рэжым аперацыі</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="be" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Памылка! Пароль павінен утрымоўваць толькі знакі стандартнага набору ASCII.\n\nЗнакі не з набору ASCII могуць прывесці да немагчымасці мантавання тома пры змене налад у канфігурацыі сістэмы.\n\nДазваляецца выкарыстоўваць наступныя знакі:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Увага! Пароль утрымоўвае не-ASCII знакі. Гэта можа прывесці да немагчымасці мантавання тома пры змене канфігурацыі сістэмы.\n\nВам варта замяніць усе не-ASCII знакі ў паролі на знакі ASCII. Для гэтага пстрыкніце на меню 'Тамы' -&gt; 'Змяніць пароль тома'.\n\nЗнакамі ASCII лічацца:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HOMEPAGE">Хатняя старонка</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">УВАГА: У сістэме не ўсталявана ніводнага пакета абнаўленняў (Service Pack) Windows. Калі ў Windows XP не ўсталяваны Service Pack 1 (ці навейшы), не варта выконваць запіс на дыскі IDE аб'ёмам больш 128 Гб, інакш магчыма пашкоджанне дадзеных (усё роўна, з'яўляюцца яны тамамі VeraCrypt ці не). Гэтае абмежаванне Windows, а не памылка ў VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">УВАГА: У сістэме не ўсталяваны пакет абнаўленняў Windows Service Pack 3 (ці навейшы). Калі ў Windows 2000 не ўсталяваны Service Pack 3 (ці навейшы), не варта выконваць запіс на дыскі IDE аб'ёмам больш 128 Гб, інакш магчыма пашкоджанне дадзеных (усё роўна, з'яўляюцца яны тамамі VeraCrypt ці не). Гэтае абмежаванне Windows, а не памылка ў VeraCrypt. Акрамя таго, можа запатрабавацца ўключыць у рэестры падтрымку 48-бітнага адрасавання LBA; падрабязнасці гл. на</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">УВАГА: У вашай сістэме адключаная падтрымка 48-біт LBA ATAPI. Таму вам не варта выконваць запіс на IDE-дыскі аб'ёмам большым за 128 Гбайт! У адваротным выпадку гэта можа выклікаць пашкоджанне дадзеных на дыску (як на томе VeraCrypt, гэтак і на звычайным падзеле). Гэта - абмежаванне Windows, якое не мае ніякага дачынення да VeraCrypt.\n\nКаб уключыць падтрымку 48-біт рэжыму LBA, дадайце ў рэестр у ключ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters значэнне 'EnableBigLba', і дайце яму значэнне 1.\n\nГл. падрабязнасці тут:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">УВАГА: Калі вам запатрабуецца пазней дадаваць у вонкавы том яшчэ дадзеныя/файлы, варта падбаць пра памяншэнне памеру ўтоенага тома.\n\nВы жадаеце працягнуць і выкарыстаць паказаны вамі памер?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Не абраны том.\n\nНацісніце кнопку 'Прылада' ці 'Файл' і абярыце том VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">УВАГА: Калі ўсталяваныя і актываваныя ключавыя файлы па змаўчанні, мантаваць тамы, што іх НЕ выкарыстоўваюць, будзе немагчыма. Пры мантаванні такіх тамоў не забывайце выключаць наладу 'Ключавыя файлы' (ніжэй поля ўводу пароля).\n\nВы сапраўды жадаеце захаваць абраныя ключавыя файлы/шляхі як выкарыстаныя па змаўчанні?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Аўтамантаванне прылад</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Размантаваць усё</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Ачыстка кэша</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Размантаваць усё і ачысціць кэш</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Размантаваць усё, ачысціць кэш і выйсці</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Змантаваць абраныя тамы</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Паказаць/схаваць галоўнае акно VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(пстрыкніце тут і націсніце клавішу)</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="ACTION">Дзеянне</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="SHORTCUT">Хуткі выклік</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Памылка! Гэтая хуткая клавіша зарэзерваваная. Абярыце іншую.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Памылка! Гэтая хуткая клавіша ўжо выкарыстоўваецца.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">УВАГА: Некаторыя агульнасістэмныя хуткія клавішы VeraCrypt не будуць працаваць!\n\nПраверце, ці не выкарыстоўваюцца тыя ж клавішы іншымі прыкладаннямі ці аперацыйнай сістэмай.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">УВАГА: Калі выключыць гэты параметр, стане немагчыма аўтаматычна размантаваць тамы, што утрымоўваюць адкрытыя файлы/тэчкі.\n\nВы сапраўды жадаеце выключыць гэты параметр?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">УВАГА: Тамы з адкрытымі файламі/тэчкамі НЕ будуць аўтаматычна размантоўвацца.\n\nКаб пазбегнуць такога эфекту, уключыце ў гэтым акне наступны параметр: 'Аўтаразмантаваць тамы нават пры адкрытых файлах/тэчках'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Вы запланавалі шыфраванне ці дэшыфраванне сістэмнага падзелу/дыска. Гэты працэс пакуль яшчэ не завершаны.\n\nЖадаеце пачаць (працягнуць) працэс цяпер?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Выйсці?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Жадаеце перапыніць і адкласці працэс шыфравання сістэмнага падзелу/дыска?\n\nНататка: пазней працэс можна будзе аднавіць з той кропкі, дзе ён быў прыпынены. Гэта можна зрабіць, напрыклад, абраўшы ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' &gt; 'Працягнуць перапынены працэс'. Калі вы жадаеце канчаткова перапыніць працэс або зусім адмовіцца ад шыфравання, абярыце 'Сістэма' &gt; 'Назаўсёды расшыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск'.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Жадаеце перапыніць і адкласці працэс дэшыфравання сістэмнага падзелу/дыска?\n\nНататка: пазней працэс можна будзе аднавіць з той кропкі, дзе ён быў прыпынены. Гэта можна зрабіць, напрыклад, абраўшы ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' &gt; 'Працягнуць перапынены працэс'. Калі вы жадаеце адмовіцца ад дэшыфравання (і пачаць шыфраванне), абярыце 'Сістэма' &gt; 'Зашыфраваць сістэмны падзел/дыск'.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Памылка! Не атрымалася перапыніць шыфраванне/дэшыфраванне сістэмнага падзелу/дыска.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="RESCUE_DISK">Дыск узнаўлення</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="TEST">Тэст</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="KEYFILE">Ключавы файл</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="VKEY_0C">Ачысціць</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="be" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 0edc6708..db5b768b 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Премахване</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Присвояване</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Премахване</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Ключ-файлове...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -1020,32 +1020,32 @@
<entry lang="bg" key="ACTION">Действие</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SHORTCUT">Клавиш</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Грешка: Тази клавишна комбинация е запазена. Моля изберете друга клавишна комбинация.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Грешка: Клавишната комбинация вече се използва.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ВНИМАНИЕ: Един или повече VeraCrypt системни клавиши няма да работят!\n\nМоля, убедете се, че други приложения и операционната система не използват същия клавиш(и) като VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Грешка или несъвместимост пречат на VeraCrypt да криптира хибернационния файл. Затова хибернацията е изключена.\n\nЗабележка: Когато компютър премине в режим на хибернация (или енергоспестяващ режим), съдържанието на системната памет се записва в хибернационен файл намиращ се на системното устройство. VeraCrypt няма да може да предотврати некриптиран запис в хибернационния файл на ключове за криптиране и съдържанието на важни файлове отворени в RAM паметта.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ВНИМАНИЕ: Ако изключите тази опция, томовете съдържащи отворени файлове/директории няма да могат да бъдат авто-демонтирани.\n\nСигурни ли сте, че желаете да изключите тази опция?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ВНИМАНИЕ: Томове съдържащи отворени файлове/директории НЯМА да бъдат авто-демонтирани.\n\nЗа да предотвратите това, включете следните опции в този диалогов прозорец: 'Принудително авто-демонтиране дори ако тома съдържа отворени файлове или директории'</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">ВНИМАНИЕ: При силно изтощена батерията на лаптоп, Windows може да не успее да изпрати съответните съобщения до работещите програми когато компютъра преминава в енергоспестяващ режим. В такъв случай VeraCrypt може да не успее да демонтира томовете.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">Задали сте процес на криптиране на дял/устройство. Процеса все още не е приключил.\n\nЖелаете ли да продължите процеса сега?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Били сте задали процес на криптиране или декриптиране на системният дял/устройство. Процесът все още не е бил завършен.\n\nЖелаете ли да стартирате (продължите) процеса сега?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Желаете ли да ви бъде напомняно дали желаете да продължите текущо зададен процес на криптиране на несистемни дялове/томове?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Да, желая да ми се напомня</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">Не, не желая да ми се напомня</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">ВАЖНО: Помнете, че можете да продължите процеса на криптиране на който да било несистемен дял/том като изберете 'Томове' &gt; 'Продължаване на прекъснат процес' от менюто на главния прозорец на VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">Били сте задали процес на криптиране или декриптиране на системният дял/устройство. Както и да е, pre-boot автентикацията е неуспешна (или е била подмината).\n\nЗабележка: Ако сте декриптирали системния дял/устройство в pre-boot средата, може да трябва да завършите процеса като изберете 'Система' &gt; 'Декриптиране на системния дял/устройство за постоянно' от менюто на главния прозорец на VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Изход?</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt няма достатъчно информация за да реши дали да криптира или декриптира.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt няма достатъчно информация за да реши дали да криптира или декриптира.\n\nЗабележка: Ако сте декриптирали системния дял/устройство в pre-boot средата, може да трябва да завършите процеса като изберете Декриптиране.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Желаете ли да прекъснете и отложите процеса на криптиране на дяла/тома?\n\nЗабележка: Помнете, че томът не може да бъде монтиран докато не е криптиран напълно. Ще можете да продължите процеса на криптиране и той ще продължи от мястото, където е бил спрян. Можете да направите това, например като изберете 'Томове' &gt; 'Продължаване на прекъснат процес' от менюто на главния прозорец на VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Желаете ли да прекъснете и отложите процеса на криптиране на системният дял/устройство?\n\nЗабележка: Ще можете да продължите процеса и той ще продължи от точката, в която е бил прекъснат. Можете да направите това, например, като изберете 'Система' &gt; 'Продължаване на прекъснат процес' от менюто на главния прозорец на VeraCrypt. Ако желаете за постоянно да прекратите или да върнете процеса на криптиране, изберете 'Система' &gt; 'Декриптиране на системния дял/устройство за постоянно'.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Желаете ли да прекъснете и отложите процеса на декриптиране на системният дял/устройство?\n\nЗабележка: Ще можете да продължите процеса и той ще продължи от точката, в която е бил прекъснат. Можете да направите това, например, като изберете 'Система' &gt; 'Продължаване на прекъснат процес' от менюто на главния прозорец на VeraCrypt. Ако желаете да върнете процеса на декриптиране (и да започнете да криптирате), изберете 'Система' &gt; 'Криптиране на системен дял/устройство'.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Грешка: Неуспешен опит за прекъсване на процеса на криптиране/декриптиране на системен дял/устройство.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' &gt; 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="RESCUE_DISK">Спасителен Диск</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="TEST">Тест</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="KEYFILE">Ключ-файл (КФ)</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="bg" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 5ceb664b..47420cb7 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Muntar el volum seleccionat en mode només lectura</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Muntar el volum seleccionat com a mitjà e&amp;xtraïble</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Moure a&amp;vall</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Moure &amp;amunt</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Obir una &amp;finestra del volum seleccionat quan es munti amb èxit</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Eliminar</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Configuració global</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Majúscules</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Assignar</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Eliminar</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Seleccionar...</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">No utilitzar el següent número de processadors per xifrar/desxifrar:</entry>
@@ -1020,20 +1020,20 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="ACTION">Acció</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SHORTCUT">Drecera</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Error: Aquesta drecera està reservada. Si us plau, esculli'n una altre.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Error: Aquesta drecera ja s'està utilitzant.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ATENCIÓ: Una o més dreceres de teclat del VeraCrypt no funcionen!\n\nSi us plau, asseguri's que d'altres aplicacions o el sistema operatiu no fan servir les mateixes dreceres de teclat que el VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">S'ha impedit la creació d'un fitxer de paginació.\n\nDegut a un problema de Windows, els fitxers de paginació no es poden ubicar a volums que no siguin de sistema (inclosos els favorits del sistema). El VeraCrypt permet la creació de fitxers de paginació només en una partició/unitat de sistema xifrada.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Un error o una incompatibilitat ha evitat que el VeraCrypt xifrés el fitxer d'hibernació. Per tant, s'ha evitat l'hibernació.\n\nNota: Quan un ordinador hiberna (o entra en un mode d'estalvi d'energia) el contingut de la memòria del sistema s'escriu a un fitxer d'hibernació dins la unitat de sistema. El VeraCrypt no podria evitar que les claus de xifrat i el contingut dels fitxers sensibles oberts a la RAM es guardessin sense xifrar al fitxer d'hibernació.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">S'ha evitat l'hibernació.\n\nEl VeraCrypt no permet l'hibernació d'un sistema operatiu ocult que utilitza particions d'arranc extra. Tingui en compte que la partició d'arranc és compartida pel fitxer esquer i pel sistema ocult. Per tant, per evitar fugues de dades i problemes quan es restaura la hibernació, el VeraCrypt ha d'evitar que el sistema operatiu ocult escrigui a la partició d'arranc i que hiberni.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">ATENCIÓ: Si la tasca en segon pla del VeraCrypt està desactivada, les següents funcionalitats també ho estaran:\n\n1) Dreceres de teclat\n2) Desmuntatge automàtic\n3) Muntatge automàtic dels volums automàtics\n4) Notificacions\n5)Icona a la safata\n\nNota: Es pot aturar la tasca en segon pla del VeraCrypt fent clic amb el botó dret a l'icona a la safata i seleccionant 'Sortir'.\n\nEstà segur que vol desactivar permanentment la tasca en segon pla?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ATENCIÓ: Si aquesta opció es desactiva, els volums que continguin fitxers/directoris oberts no es podran desmuntar automàticament.\n\nSegur que vol desactivar aquesta opció?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ATENCIÓ: Els volums que tinguin fitxers/directoris oberts no es desmuntaran automàticament.\n\nPer evitar això, habiliti l'opció 'Forçar el desmuntatge automàtic encara que el volum tingui fitxers o directoris oberts' en aquesta finestra.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">ATENCIÓ: Quan queda poca bateria al portàtil, el Windows pot ometre els missatges oportuns a les aplicacions que s'estigui executant quan s'entra en mode d'estalvi d'energia. Per tant, el desmuntatge automàtic del VeraCrypt pot fallar en aquests casos.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">Hi ha un procés de xifrat d'una partició/volum encuat. Aquest procés no s'ha acabat.\n\nVol reprendre el procés ara?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Hi ha un procés de xifrat o desxifrat de la partició/unitat de sistema. Aquest procés no s'ha acabat.\n\nVol engegar (reprendre) el procés ara?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Vol que se li torni a preguntar si vol reprendre els processos programats de xifrat de particions/volums?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Si, torna-m'ho a preguntar</entry>
@@ -1301,18 +1301,18 @@
<entry lang="ca" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">El volum '%s' s'ha muntat en mode només lectura perquè s'ha denegat l'escriptra.\n\nSi us plau, asseguri's que cap altre aplicació (com ara un antivirus) està accedint a la partició/unitat on hi ha el volum.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">El volum '%s' s'ha muntat en mode de només lectura perquè que el seu dispositiu està protegit contra escriptura.\n\nSi us plau, tingui en compte que alguns jocs de xips poden causar que els mitjants apareguin falsament marcats com a protegits contra escriptura. Això no és causa d'un error al VeraCrypt. Això es pot solucionar actualitzant o desinstal·lant qualsevol controlador del joc de xips que estigui instal·lat i no sigui de Microsoft.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d fils</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Tingui en compte que l'acceleració per maquinari de l'AES està desactivada, la qual cosa afecta al resultat de les proves (menys rendiment).\n\nPer activar l'acceleració per maquinari seleccioni 'Configuració' &gt; 'Rendiment' i activi l'opció corresponent.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Tingui en compte que el número de fils està actualment limitat, la qual cosa afecta al resultat de les proves (menys rendiment).\n\nPer utilitzar tota la potencia del(s) processador(s) seleccioni 'Configuració' &gt; 'Rendiment' i desactivi l'opció corresponent.</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Vol que el VeraCrypt intenti desactivar la protecció d'escriptura de la partició/unitat?</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">ATENCIÓ: Aquesta configuració pot afectar al rendiment.\n\n Segur que vol utilitzar-la?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="TEST">Prova</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="KEYFILE">Fitxer de claus</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="VKEY_08">Retrocés</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="VKEY_09">Tabulació</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="VKEY_0C">Netejar</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="VKEY_0D">Retorn</entry>
<entry lang="ca" key="VKEY_13">Pausa</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.da.xml b/Translations/Language.da.xml
index 7c62aa5e..8cee9e24 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.da.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.da.xml
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Fjern</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Tildel</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Fjern</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Nøglefiler...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="da" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Størrelsen af %s er %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Størrelsen af %s er %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">ADVARSEL: Enhed/partition er i brug af operativsystem eller andre applikationer. Formatering af enhed/partition kan medføre data korruption og system ustabilitet.\n\nFortsæt?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Fejl: Enhed/partition indeholder et filsystem som ikke kunne afbrydes. Filsystemet kan være i brug af operativsystem. Formatering af enhed/partition vil sandsynligvis medføre data korruption og system ustabilitet.\n\nFor at løse dette problem, anbefaler vi at du først sletter paritionen og så genopretter den uden formatering. For at gøre dette, følg disse trin: 1) Højreklik på 'Computer' (eller 'Denne computer') ikonet i 'Start Menuen' og vælg and select 'Administrer'. Vinduet 'Computeradministration' bør da komme frem. 2) I vinduet 'Computeradministration', vælg 'Lager' &gt; 'Diskhåndtering'. 3) Højreklik på den partition du vil kryptere og vælg enten 'slet partition', eller 'slet bind', eller 'slet logisk drev'. 4) Klik 'Ja'. Hvis Windows beder dig om at genstarte computeren, gør dette. Gentag da trin 1 og 2 og fortsæt fra trin 5. 5) Højreklik på området for tildelt/ledig disk plads og vælg enten 'Ny Partition', eller 'Nyt Simpelt Bind', eller 'Nyt logisk drev'. 6) 'Ny Partition hjælp' eller 'Nyt Simpelt Bind hjælp' vinduet burde komme frem nu; følg instruktionerne. På hjælpesiden benævnt 'Formater Partition', vælg enten 'formater ikke denne partition' eller 'formater ikke dette bind'. I samme hjælp, klik 'Næste' og så 'Afslut'. 7) Bemærk at enhedsstien du har valgt i VeraCrypt måske er forkert nu. Derfor, gå ud af VeraCrypt Bind Oprettelseshjælp (hvis den stadig er åben) og så start den igen. 8) Prøv at kryptere enhed/partition igen.\n\nHvis VeraCrypt gentagne gange giver fejl ved kryptering af enhed/partition, måtte du måske overveje at oprette en fil-beholder istedet.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">ADVARSEL: Nogle af de tilsluttede enheder/partitioner er var allerede i brug!\n\nIgnoreres dette kan det medføre uønskede resultater inklusiv system ustabilitet.\n\nVi anbefaler kraftigt at du lukker enhver applikation der måtte bruge enheden/partitionen.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Den valgte enhed indeholder partitioner.\n\nFormatering af enheden kan forårsage system ustabilitet og/eller data korruption. Vælg venligst enten en partition på enheden, eller fjern alle partitioner på enheden for at VeraCrypt kan formatere den sikkert.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="da" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Ingen drev bogstaver tilgængelige.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Ingen ledige drev bogstaver til det ydre bind! Oprettelse af bind kan ikke fortsætte.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_OS_VER">Kunne ikke fastsætte din version af operativsystem eller du anvender et usupporteret operativsystem.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Ingen sti valgt!</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Ikke nok ledig plads til det skjulte bind! Oprettelse af bind kan ikke fortsætte.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Fejl: Filerne du har kopieret til det ydre bind optager for meget plads. Derfor er der ikke nok plads på det ydre bind til det skjulte bind.\n\nBemærk at det skjulte bind skal være ligeså stort som system partitionen (den partition hvor det nuværende aktive operativsystem er installeret). Grunden er at det skjulte operativsystem er nødt til at blive oprettet ved at kopiere indholdet af system partitionen til det skjulte bind.\n\n\nProcessen ved oprettelse af det skjulte operativsystem kan ikke fortsætte.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Driveren kan ikke afbryde bindet. Enkelte filer i bindet er muligvis stadig åbne.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Bindet kan ikke låses. Der er stadig åbne filer i bindet. Derfor kan det ikke afbrydes.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Vælg et VeraCrypt Bind</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OPEN_TITLE">Vælg sti og filnavn</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Ikke mere hukommelse</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">ADVARSEL: Filen '%s' eksisterer allerede!\n\nVIGTIGT: VERACRYPT KRYPTERER IKKE FILEN, MEN VIL SLETTE DEN. Er du sikker på du vil slette filen og erstatte den med en ny VeraCrypt beholder?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">ADVARSEL: ALLE NUVÆRENDE FILER GEMT PÅ DET VALGTE %s '%s'%s VIL BLIVE SLETTET OG TABT (DE BLIVER IKKE KRYPTERET)!\n\nEr du sikker på du ønsker at fortsætte med formatering?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="da" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Driftstilstand</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="da" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Fejl: Kodeord må kun indeholde ASCII karakterer.\n\nIkke-ASCII karakterer i kodeord kan forårsage at bindet vil være umuligt at tilslutte når dine system indstillinger ændres.\n\nFølgende karakterer kan anvendes:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Advarsel: Kodeord indeholder ikke-ASCII karakterer. Dettekan forårsage at bindet vil være umuligt at tilslutte når dine system indstillinger ændres.\n\nDu bør udskifte alle ikke-ASCII karakterer i kodeordet med ASCII. For at gøre dette klik 'Bind' -&gt; 'Ændre Bind Kodeord'.\n\nFølgende er ASCII karakterer:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HOMEPAGE">Hjemmeside</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ADVARSEL: Tilsyneladende har du ikke Service Packs i din Windows XP installation. Du bør ikke gemme på IDE diske større end 128 GB under Windows XP hvor du ikke har tilføjet Service Pack 1 eller nyere! Hvis du gør, vil data på disken (uanset om det er et VeraCrypt bind eller ej) blive ødelagt. Bemærk at dette er en begrænsning i Windows, ikke en fejl i VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ADVARSEL: Tilsyneladende har du ikke Service Pack 3 eller nyere i din Windows installation. Du bør ikke gemme på IDE diske større end 128 GB under Windows 2000 hvor du ikke har tilføjet Service Pack 3 eller nyere! Hvis du gør, vil data på disken (uanset om det er et VeraCrypt bind eller ej) blive ødelagt. Bemærk at dette er en begrænsning i Windows, ikke en begræsning i VeraCrypt.\n\nBemærk: Måske er det også nødvendigt at aktivere 48-bit LBA support i registreringsdatabasen; for mere information, se</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">ADVARSEL: 48-bit LBA ATAPI support er slået fra i dit system. Derfor bør du ikke skrive til IDE diske større end 128 GB! Hvis du gør, vil data på disken (uanset om det er et VeraCrypt bind eller ej) blive ødelagt. Bemærk at dette er en begrænsning i Windows, ikke en begræsning i VeraCrypt.\n\nFor at aktivere 48-bit LBA support, tilføj 'EnableBigLba' registreringsværdien i registreringsnøglen HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters og sæt den til 1.\n\nFor yderligere information, se</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Fejl: Filer større end 4 GB kan ikke gemmes på et FAT32 fil system. Derfor kan fil-baserede VeraCrypt bind (beholdere) gemt på et FAT32 fil ikke være større end 4 GB.\n\nHvis du har behov for et større bind, opret det da som et NTFS fil system (eller, hvis du bruger Windows Vista SP1 eller nyere, på et exFAT fil system) eller, istedet for at oprette et fil-baseret bind, krypter en hel partition eller enhed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">ADVARSEL: Hvis du ønsker at kunne tilføje data/filer til det ydre bind i fremtiden, bør du overveje at vælge en mindre størrelse for det skjulte bind.\n\nEr du sikker på du ønsker at fortsætte med den valgte størrelse?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Ingen bind valgt.\n\nKlik 'Vælg Enhed' eller 'Vælg Fil' for at vælge et VeraCrypt bind.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">Ingen partition valgt.\n\nKlik 'Vælg Enhed' for at vælge en afbrudt partition der normalt kræver før-boot godkendelse (for eksempel, en partition placeret på et krypteret system drev af et andet operativsystem, som ikke kører, eller en krypteret system partition af et andet operativsystem).\n\nBemærk: Den valgte partition vil blive tilsluttet som et almindeligt VeraCrypt bind uden før-boot godkendelse. Dette er brugbart f.eks. ved backup eller reparationsarbejde.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">ADVARSEL: Hvis standard nøglefiler er valgt og aktiveret, vil bind der ikke bruger disse nøglefiler være umulige at tilslutte. Derfor, efter du har aktiveret standard nøglefiler, husk at fjerne markeringen udfor 'Brug nøglefiler' afmærkningsboksen (under et kodeords indtastningsfelt) når du tilslutter sådanne bind.\n\nEr du sikker på du ønsker at gemme de valgte nøglefiler/stier som standard?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Auto-Tilslut Enheder</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Afbryd alle</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Ryd hukommelse</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Gennemtving afbrydelse af alle &amp; Ryd hukommelse</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Gennemtving afbrydelse af alle, Ryd hukommelse &amp; Afslut</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Tilslut Favorit Bind</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Vis/Skjul Hoved VeraCrypt Vindue</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Klik her og tryk på en tast)</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="ACTION">Handling</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SHORTCUT">Genvej</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Fejl: Denne genvej er reserveret. Vælg venligst en anden.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Fejl: Genvejen er allerede i brug.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ADVARSEL: En eller flere VeraCrypt system-tilgængelige genvejstaster vil ikke virke!\n\nKontroller venligst at andre applikationer og operativsystem ikke benytter samme genvej(e) som VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">En fejl eller ukompatibilitet forhindrer VeraCrypt fra at kryptere dvale filen. Derfor er dvale forhindret.\n\nBemærk: Når en computer går i dvale (eller går i strømbesparende tilstand), bliver indholdet i system hukommelsen skrevet til en dvale opbevarings fil der gemmes på system drevet. VeraCrypt ville ikke være i stand til at forhindre krypterings nøgler og indhold i følsomme filer der er åbne i RAM fra at blive gemt ukrypteret til dvale opbevarings filen.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ADVARSEL: Hvis denne funktion deaktiveres, vil bind der indeholder åbne filer/mapper ikke være mulige at auto-tilslutte.\n\nEr du sikker på du vil deaktivere denne funktion?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ADVARSEL: Bind der indeholder åbne filer/mapper vil IKKE blive auto-afbrudt.\n\nFor at undgå dette, aktiver den følgende funktion i dette dialog vindue: 'Udfør auto-afbryd selv om bindet indeholder åbne filer eller mapper'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Du har planlagt en krypterings eller dekrypterings proces af system partition/drev. Processen er endnu ikke blevet fuldført.\n\nØnsker du at starte (genoptage) processen nu?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">Du har skemalagt processen for kryptering eller dekryptering af system partition/drev. Imidlertid opstod der fejl på før-boot godkendelsen (eller den blev sprunget over).\n\nBemærk: Hvis du dekrypterede system partition/drev i før-boot miljøet, kan det være nødvendigt du afslutter processen ved at vælge 'System' &gt; 'Dekrypter System Partition/Drev Permanent' fra menulinien i hovedvinduet af VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Afslut?</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt har ikke nok information til at afgøre om der skal krypteres eller dekrypteres.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt har ikke nok information til at afgøre om der skal krypteres eller dekrypteres.\n\nBemærk: Hvis du har dekrypteret system partition/drev i før-boot miljøet, kan det være nødvendigt at du afslutter processen ved at klikke på Dekrypter.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Ønsker du at afbryde og udskyde processen med kryptering af system partition/drev?\n\nBemærk: Du vil være i stand til at genoptage processen og den vil fortsætte fra det sted den blev stoppet. Du kan gøre dette ved f.eks. ved at vælge 'System' &gt; 'Genoptag Afbrudt Proces' fra menulinien i hovedvinduet i VeraCrypt. Hvis du ønsker permanent at afbryde eller tilbageføre krypterings processen, vælg 'System' &gt; 'Dekrypter System Partition/Drev Permanent'.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Ønsker du at afbryde og udskyde processen med dekryptering af system partition/drev?\n\nBemærk: Du vil være i stand til at genoptage processen og den vil fortsætte fra det sted den blev stoppet. Du kan gøre dette ved f.eks. ved at vælge 'System' &gt; 'Genoptag Afbrudt Proces' fra menulinien i hovedvinduet i VeraCrypt. Hvis du ønsker at tilbageføre dekrypterings processen (og påbegynde kryptering), vælg 'System' &gt; 'Krypter System Partition/Drev'.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Fejl: Kunne ikke afbryde processen med kryptering/dekryptering af system partition/drev.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="RESCUE_DISK">Nødhjælps Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="KEYFILE">Nøglefil</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VKEY_0D">Retur</entry>
<entry lang="da" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.el.xml b/Translations/Language.el.xml
index 89f80946..358b4ce3 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.el.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.el.xml
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Διαγραφή</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Καθορισμός</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Απομάκρυνση</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Αρχεία-κλειδιά</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="el" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Μέγεθος %s %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Μέγεθος %s %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Η συσκευή/διαμέρισμα είναι σε χρήση από το λειτουργικό σύστημα ή εφαρμογές. Η διαμόρφωση της μπορεί να προκαλέσει απώλεια δεδομένων και αστάθεια συστήματος.\n\nΣυνέχεια;</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Σφάλμα: Η συσκευή/διαμέρισμα περιέχει ένα σύστημα αρχείων που δεν μπόρεσε να εκφορτωθεί. Το σύστημα αρχείων μπορεί να είναι σε χρήση από το λειτουργικό σύστημα. Η διαμόρφωση της συσκευής/διαμερίσματος πιθανότατα θα προκαλέσει απώλεια δεδομένων και αστάθεια συστήματος.\n\nΓια να επιλύσετε το πρόβλημα προτείνουμε να διαγράψετε πρώτα το διαμέρισμα και να το ξαναδημιουργήσετε χωρίς διαμόρφωση.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Ορισμένες από τις φορτωμένες συσκευές/διαμερίσματα ήταν ήδη σε χρήση!\n\nΗ παράβλεψη μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε ανεπιθύμητα αποτελέσματα και αστάθεια συστήματος.\n\nΣυνιστούμε να κλείσετε κάθε εφαρμογή που μπορεί να χρησιμοποιεί τις συσκευές/διαμερίσματα.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Η επιλεγμένη συσκευή περιέχει διαμερίσματα.\n\nΗ διαμόρφωση της μπορεί να δημιουργήσει αστάθεια συστήματος και/ή απώλεια δεδομένων. Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε ένα διαμέρισμα στη συσκευή ή διαγράψτε όλα τα διαμερίσματα από τη συσκευή για να τη διαμορφώσει το VeraCrypt εν ασφαλεία.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,17 +520,17 @@
<entry lang="el" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Διαμόρφωση τόμου</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Το Adobe Reader (ή ένα συμβατό εργαλείο) είναι απαραίτητο για να δείτε ή να εκτυπώσετε τον Οδηγό Χρήσης του VeraCrypt. Το Adobe Reader (δωρεάν) μπορεί να μεταφορτωθεί από:\n\nΘέλετε να δείτε την διαδικτυακή βοήθεια;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">Αν επιλέξετε αυτή τη δυνατότητα, ο Οδηγός θα σας βοηθήσει να δημιουργήσετε πρώτα έναν κανονικό τόμο VeraCrypt και έπειτα έναν κρυφό μέσα σ'αυτόν. Μη έμπειροι χρήστες θα πρέπει πάντα να επιλέγουν αυτή τη δυνατότητα.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">Αν επιλέξετε αυτή τη δυνατότητα, θα δημιουργήσετε έναν κρυφό τόμο μέσα σε έναν υπάρχοντα τόμο VeraCrypt. Θα θεωρηθεί ότι έχετε ήδη δημιουργήσει έναν τόμο VeraCrypt κατάλληλο να φιλοξενήσει τον κρυφό τόμο.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Μέθοδος δημιουργίας τόμου</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Ο κρυφός τόμος δημιουργήθηκε</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Ο εξωτερικός τόμος δημιουργήθηκε επιτυχώς και φορτώθηκε ως οδηγός %hc:. Σε αυτόν τον τόμο θα πρέπει να γράψετε αρχεία που ΔΕΝ θέλετε να κρύψετε. Τα αρχεία θα είναι εμφανή για όποιον σας εξαναγκάσει να αποκαλύψετε τον κωδικό σας. Θα αποκαλύψετε μόνο τον κωδικό του εξωτερικού τόμου, όχι του κρυφού. Τα πραγματικά σημαντικά σας αρχεία θα είναι στον κρυφό τόμο που θα δημιουργηθεί στη συνέχεια. Όταν τελειώσετε την αντιγραφή πιέστε "Επόμενο". Μην εκφορτώσετε τον τόμο.\n\nΣημείωση: Αφού πιέσετε "Επόμενο", το cluster bitmap του εξωτερικού τόμου θα ανιχνευθεί για να καθορισθεί το μέγεθος του συνεχούς ελεύθερου χώρου του οποίου το τέλος ευθυγραμμίζεται με το τέλος του τόμου. Αυτή η περιοχή θα περιέχει τον κρυφό τόμο, συνεπώς θα περιορίσει το μέγιστο δυνατό του μέγεθος. Η ανίχνευση του cluster bitmap διασφαλίζει ότι δεν θα διαγραφούν δεδομένα του εξωτερικού τόμου από τον κρυφό τόμο.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Περιεχόμενα εξωτερικού τόμου</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nΣτα επόμενα βήματα θα ορίσετε τις επιλογές για τον εξωτερικό τόμο (μέσα στον οποίο θα δημιουργηθεί ο κρυφός τόμος αργότερα).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Εξωτερικός τόμος</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nΤο cluster bitmap του τόμου ανιχνεύθηκε και το μέγιστο δυνατό μέγεθος του κρυφού τόμου προσδιορίσθηκε. Στα επόμενα βήματα θα ορίσετε της επιλογές, το μέγεθος και τον κωδικό για τον κρυφό τόμο.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="el" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα γράμματα οδηγών.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Δεν υπάρχει ελεύθερο γράμμα οδηγού για τον εξωτερικό τόμο! Η δημιουργία του τόμου δεν μπορεί να συνεχισθεί.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_OS_VER">Αδύνατος ο προσδιορισμός του λειτουργικού συστήματος ή χρησιμοποιείτε μη υποστηριζόμενο λειτουργικό σύστημα.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Δεν επιλέχθηκε διαδρομή!</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Όχι αρκετός ελεύθερος χώρος για τον κρυφό τόμο! Η δημιουργία του τόμου δεν μπορεί να συνεχισθεί.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Ο οδηγός αδυνατεί να εκφορτώσει τον τόμο. Κάποια αρχεία του τόμου πιθανόν να είναι ακόμα σε χρήση.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Αδύνατον να κλειδωθεί ο τόμος. Υπάρχουν ακόμα ανοιχτά αρχεία στον τόμο. Γι' αυτό δεν μπορεί να εκφορτωθεί.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Επιλέξτε έναν τόμο VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OPEN_TITLE">Καθορίστε διαδρομή και όνομα αρχείου</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Η μνήμη εξαντλήθηκε</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Το αρχείο '%s' ήδη υπάρχει!\n\nΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΟ: ΤΟ VERACRYPT ΔΕ ΘΑ ΚΡΥΠΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΣΕΙ ΤΟ ΑΡΧΕΙΟ ΑΛΛΑ ΘΑ ΤΟ ΔΙΑΓΡΑΨΕΙ. Είστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να διαγράψετε το αρχείο και να το αντικαταστήσετε με ένα νέο αρχείο-τόμο VeraCrypt;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: ΟΛΑ ΤΑ ΑΠΟΘΗΚΕΥΜΕΝΑ ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΣΤΟ ΕΠΙΛΕΓΜΕΝΟ %s '%s'%s ΘΑ ΔΙΑΓΡΑΦΟΥΝ (ΔΕ ΘΑ ΚΡΥΠΤΟΓΡΑΦΗΘΟΥΝ)!\n\nΕίστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να συνεχίσετε τη διαμόρφωση;</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="el" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Κατάσταση λειτουργίας</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="el" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Σφάλμα: Ο κωδικός πρέπει να περιέχει μόνο χαρακτήρες ASCII.\n\nΜη-ASCII χαρακτήρες στον κωδικό μπορεί να προκαλέσουν αδυναμία φόρτωσης του τόμου όταν αλλάξουν οι ρυθμίσεις του συστήματος σας.\n\nΟι επόμενοι χαρακτήρες επιτρέπονται:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Προειδοποίηση: Ο κωδικός περιέχει χαρακτήρες μη-ASCII.\n\nΑυτό μπορεί να προκαλέσει αδυναμία φόρτωσης του τόμου όταν αλλάξουν οι ρυθμίσεις του συστήματος σας.\n\nΘα πρέπει να αλλάξετε όλους τους μη-ASCII χαρακτήρες με χαρακτήρες ASCII όπως τους παρακάτω:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~. Για να το κάνετε αυτό επιλέξτε "Τόμοι" και "Αλλαγή κωδικού τόμου".</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HOMEPAGE">Ιστοτόπος</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Φαίνεται ότι δεν έχετε εφαρμόσει κανένα Service Pack στα Windows σας. Δε θα πρέπει να γράψετε σε δίσκους IDE μεγαλύτερους από 128 GB στα Windows XP χωρίς τουλάχιστον Service Pack 1! Αν το κάνετε, δεδομένα του δίσκου (άσχετα αν είναι τόμου VeraCrypt) μπορεί να αλλοιωθούν. Σημειώστε ότι αυτός είναι ένας περιορισμός των Windows, όχι ελάττωμα του VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Φαίνεται ότι δεν έχετε εφαρμόσει τουλάχιστον το Service Pack 3 στα Windows σας. Δε θα πρέπει να γράψετε σε δίσκους IDE μεγαλύτερους από 128 GB στα Windows 2000 χωρίς τουλάχιστον Service Pack 3! Αν το κάνετε, δεδομένα του δίσκου (άσχετα αν είναι τόμου VeraCrypt) μπορεί να αλλοιωθούν. Σημειώστε ότι αυτός είναι ένας περιορισμός των Windows, όχι ελάττωμα του VeraCrypt.\n\nΣημείωση: Ισως χρειαστεί να ενεργοποιήσετε την υποστήριξη 48-bit LBA στο μητρώο. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στη</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Η υποστήριξη 48-bit LBA ATAPI είναι απενεργοποιημένη στο σύστημα σας. Γι' αυτό δε θα πρέπει να γράψετε σε δίσκους IDE μεγαλύτερους από 128 GB! Αν το κάνετε, δεδομένα του δίσκου (άσχετα αν είναι τόμου VeraCrypt) μπορεί να αλλοιωθούν. Σημειώστε ότι αυτός είναι ένας περιορισμός των Windows, όχι ελάττωμα του VeraCrypt.\n\nΓια να ενεργοποιήσετε την υποστήριξη 48-bit LBA, προσθέστε την τιμή "EnableBigLba" στο κλειδί του μητρώου HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters και ορίστε την 1.\n\nΠερισσότερες πληροφορίες στη</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αν θέλετε να έχετε τη δυνατότητα να προσθέσετε μελλοντικά περισσότερα δεδομένα/αρχεία στον εξωτερικό τόμο, θα πρέπει να σκεφθείτε να επιλέξετε μικρότερο μέγεθος για τον κρυφό τόμο.\n\nΕίστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να συνεχίσετε με το μέγεθος που καθορίσατε;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Δεν επιλέχθηκε τόμος.\n\nΕπιλέξτε "Επιλογή συσκευής" ή "Επιλογή αρχείου" για να επιλέξετε ένα αρχείο-τόμο.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">Δεν επιλέχθηκε διαμέρισμα.\n\nΕπιλέξτε 'Επιλογή συσκευής' για να επιλέξετε ένα εκφορτωμένο διαμέρισμα που φυσιολογικά χρειάζεται προ-εκκίνησης έλεγχο αυθεντικότητας (π.χ. ένα διαμέρισμα που βρίσκεται στο κρυπτογραφημένο οδηγό συστήματος ενός άλλου λειτουργικού συστήματος που δεν τρέχει, ή το κρυπτογραφημένο διαμέρισμα του συστήματος ενός άλλου λειτουργικού συστήματος).\n\nΣημείωση: Το επιλεγμένο διαμέρισμα θα φορτωθεί σαν ένας κανονικός τόμος VeraCrypt χωρίς προ-εκκίνησης έλεγχο αυθεντικότητας. Αυτό είναι χρήσιμο π.χ. για λειτουργίες αντιγράφων ασφαλείας ή επιδιόρθωσης.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αν ορισθούν και επιλεγούν εξ'ορισμού αρχεία-κλειδιά, τόμοι οι οποίοι δε χρησιμοποιούν αυτά τα αρχεία-κλειδιά δε θα μπορούν να φορτωθούν. Συνεπώς, αφού ενεργοποιήσετε εξ'ορισμού κλειδιά, έχετε υπόψη να αποεπιλέξετε το πεδίο "Χρήση αρχείων-κλειδιών" όποτε φορτώνετε τέτοιους τόμους.\n\nΕίστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να αποθηκεύσετε τα επιλεγμένα αρχεία-κλειδιά/διαδρομές ως εξ'ορισμού;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Αυτοφόρτωση συσκευών</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Εκφόρτωση όλων</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Διαγραφή cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Εξαναγκασμένη εκφόρτωση όλων &amp; διαγραφή cache</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Εξαναγκασμένη εκφόρτωση όλων, διαγραφή cache &amp; έξοδος</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Φόρτωση αγαπημένων τόμων</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη κύριου παραθύρου VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Κάντε κλικ εδώ και πιέστε ένα πλήκτρο)</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="ACTION">Ενέργεια</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SHORTCUT">Συντόμευση</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Σφάλμα: Αυτή η συντόμευση είναι δεσμευμένη. Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε άλλη συντόμευση.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Σφάλμα: Η συντόμευση ήδη χρησιμοποιείται.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Μια ή περισσότερες συντομεύσεις του VeraCrypt δε θα λειτουργήσουν!\n\nΠαρακαλώ σιγουρευθείτε ότι άλλες εφαρμογές και το λειτουργικό σύστημα δε χρησιμοποιούν τις ίδιες συντομεύσεις με το VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αν αυτή η δυνατότητα απενεργοποιηθεί, οι τόμοι που περιέχουν ανοιχτά αρχεία/φακέλους δε θα μπορούν να εκφορτωθούν.\n\nΕίστε σίγουρος ότι θέλετε να απενεργοποιήσετε αυτή τη δυνατότητα;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Τόμοι που περιέχουν ανοιχτά αρχεία/φακέλους ΔΕ θα αυτοεκφορτωθούν.\n\nΓια να το αποφύγετε αυτό ενεργοποιήστε την ακόλουθη επιλογή σε αυτό το παράθυρο διαλόγου:"Ακόμα και αν ο τόμος περιέχει ανοιχτά αρχεία/φακέλους"</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Έχετε προγραμματίσει τη διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης ή αποκρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/συσκευής του συστήματος. Η διαδικασία δεν ολοκληρώθηκε ακόμα.\n\nΘέλετε να εκκινήσετε (συνεχίσετε) τη διαδικασία τώρα;</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">Έχετε προγραμματίσει τη διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης ή αποκρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/συσκευής του συστήματος. Ωστόσο ο προ-εκκίνησης έλεγχος απέτυχε (ή παρακάμφθηκε).\n\nΣημείωση: Αν αποκρυπτογραφήσατε το διαμέρισμα/συσκευή του συστήματος στο προ-εκκίνησης περιβάλλον, ίσως χρειαστεί να τερματίσετε τη διαδικασία επιλέγοντας 'Σύστημα' &gt; 'Μόνιμη αποκρυπτογράφηση διαμερίσματος/οδηγού συστήματος' από την μπάρα μενού του κύριου παραθύρου του VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Έξοδος;</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">Το VeraCrypt δεν έχει αρκετές πληροφορίες για να προσδιορίσει αν θα κρυπτογραφήσει ή θα αποκρυπτογραφήσει.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">Το VeraCrypt δεν έχει επαρκείς πληροφορίες για να καθορίσει αν θα κρυπτογραφήσει ή θα αποκρυπτογραφήσει.\n\nΣημείωση: Αν αποκρυπτογραφήσατε το διαμέρισμα/συσκευή του συστήματος στο προ-εκκίνησης περιβάλλον, ίσως χρειαστεί να τερματίσετε τη διαδικασία επιλέγοντας Αποκρυπτογράφηση.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Θέλετε να διακόψετε και αναβάλετε τη διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/συσκευής του συστήματος;\n\nΣημείωση: Μπορείτε να επαναφέρετε τη διαδικασία η οποία θα συνεχιστεί από το σημείο που σταμάτησε. Μπορείτε να το κάνετε αυτό επιλέγοντας 'Σύστημα' &gt; 'Επαναφορά σταματημένης διαδικασίας' από την μπάρα μενού του βασικού παράθυρου του VeraCrypt. Αν θέλετε να τερματίσετε μόνιμα ή να αντιστρέψετε τη διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης, επιλέξτε 'Σύστημα' &gt; 'Μόνιμη αποκρυπτογράφηση διαμερίσματος/συσκευής συστήματος'.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Θέλετε να διακόψετε και αναβάλετε τη διαδικασία αποκρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/συσκευής του συστήματος;\n\nΣημείωση: Μπορείτε να επαναφέρετε τη διαδικασία η οποία θα συνεχιστεί από το σημείο που σταμάτησε. Μπορείτε να το κάνετε αυτό επιλέγοντας 'Σύστημα' &gt; 'Επαναφορά σταματημένης διαδικασίας' από την μπάρα μενού του βασικού παράθυρου του VeraCrypt. Αν θέλετε να αντιστρέψετε τη διαδικασία αποκρυπτογράφησης (και να ξεκινήσετε την κρυπτογράφηση), επιλέξτε 'Σύστημα' &gt; 'Κρυπτογράφηση διαμερίσματος/συσκευής συστήματος'.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Σφάλμα: Αποτυχία διακοπής διαδικασίας κρυπτογράφησης/αποκρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/συσκευής του συστήματος.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' > 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="RESCUE_DISK">Δίσκος Ασφαλείας</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="TEST">Έλεγχος</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="KEYFILE">Αρχείο-κλειδί</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="el" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,30 +1505,30 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_INSUFFICIENTDATA">Not enough data available.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index ac6fb411..28b3ca53 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">Eemalda</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Määra</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Eemalda</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Võtmefailid...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="et" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">%s maht on %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">%s maht on %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">HOIATUS: Seade/partitsioon on kasutuses rakenduste või operatsioonisüsteemi poolt. Seadme/partitsiooni formaatimine võib põhjustada andmekadu ja süsteemi ebastabiilsust.\n\nJätkan?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Viga: seade/partitsioon sisaldab failisüsteemi, mida ei saa lahti haakida. Failisüsteem võib olla kasutuses operatsioonisüsteemi poolt. Seadme/partitsiooni formaatimine põhjustab väga tõenäoliselt andmete kao ja süsteemi ebastabiilsuse.\n\nSelle lahendamiseks soovitame, et sa kõigepealt kustutad selle partitsiooni ja siis lood ilma formaatimata uuesti. Selle tegemiseks järgi järgmisi juhtnööre: 1) Parem-klikk 'Arvuti' (või 'Minu Arvuti') ikooni peal Start menüüs ja vali 'Manage'. 'Computer Managemant' aken peaks kuvatama. 2) 'Computer Managemant' aknas vali 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'. 3) Parem-klikk partitsiooni, mida soovid krüpteerida ja vali 'Delete Partition' või 'Delete Volume' või 'Delete Logical Drive'. 4) Kliki 'Jah'. Kui Windows käseb taaskäivitada, tee seda. Siis korda samme 1 ja 2 ja jätka sammuga 5. 5) Parem-kliki kasutamata/vaba ruumi peal ja vali 'New Partition' või 'New Simple Volume' või 'New Logical Drive'. 6) 'New Partition Wizard' või 'New Simple Volume Wizard' aken peaks ilmuma; järgi selle instruktsioone. Viisardi aknal tiitliga 'Format Partition' vali 'Do not format this partition' või 'Do not format this volume'. Samas viisardis kliki 'Next' ja siis 'Finish'. 7) Pane tähele, et seadme tee VeraCryptis võib olla vale. Seetõttu välju VeraCrypti konteineri loomise nõustaja (kui see ikka käib) ja käivita see uuesti. 8) Proovi krüptida seadet/partitsiooni uuesti.\n\nKui VeraCrypt korduvalt ebaõnnestub seadme/partitsiooni krüpteerimisega, võid kaaluda faili baasil konteineri loomist.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">HOIATUS: Mõni haagitud seade/partitsioon on juba kasutuses!\n\nSelle ignoreerimine võib põhjustada soovimatuid tagajärgi k.a süsteemi ebastabiilsust.\n\nSoovitame rangelt sulgeda rakendused, mis võivad kasutada seadmeid/partitsioone.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Valitud seade sisaldab partitsioone.\n\nSeadme formaatimine võib põhjustada süsteemi ebastabiilsust ja/või andmete korrumpeerumist. Palun vali kas üks partitsioon seadmel või eemalda kõik partitsioonid, et VeraCrypt saaks seadme turvaliselt formaatida.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
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<entry lang="et" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Konteineri formaatimine</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Adobe Reader (või vastav tööriist) on vajalik VeraCrypti kasutaja teejuhi vaatamiseks/printimiseks. Adobe Readerit (vabavara) saab alla laadida:\n\nKas soovid vaadata hoopiski dokumentatsiooni võrgust?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">If you select this option, the wizard will first help you create a normal VeraCrypt volume and then a hidden VeraCrypt volume within it. Inexperienced users should always select this option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">If you select this option, you will create a hidden volume within an existing VeraCrypt volume. It will be assumed that you have already created a VeraCrypt volume that is suitable to host the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Volume Creation Mode</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Peidetud konteiner lodud</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Väline konteiner on edukalt loodud ja haagitud kui draiv %hc:. Sellesse konteinerisse peaksid sa nüüd kopeerima tundliku välimusega faile, mida sa tegelikult EI TAHA peita. Need failid on neile, kes sunnivad sind salasõna avaldama. Vajadusel avaldad ainult selle välise konteineri, mitte peidetud konteineri salasõna. Failid, mida tegelikult tahad kaitsta, on salvestatud peidetud konteinerisse, mille loome hiljem. Kopeerimise lõpetamisel kliki 'Edasi'. Ära haagi konteinerit lahti.\n\nMärkus: peale Edasi klikkimist skanneeritakse välise konteineri klastrikaart leidmaks sekkumata vaba ala suurus, mis on ka peidetud konteineri maksimaalne suurus ja mille lõpp on konteineri lõpp. See ala majutab peidetud konteineri, seega limiteerib selle maksimaalse suuruse. Klastrikaardi skanneerimine tagab, et peidetud konteiner ei kirjuta üle andmeid välises konteineris.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Välimise konteineri sisu</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nJärgnevatel sammudel sätid valikud välisele konteinerile (mille sisse hiljem luuakse sisemine konteiner).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Väline konteiner</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nKonteineri klastrikaart on skännitud ja maksimaalne peidetud konteineri maht leitud. Järgnevatel sammudel saad valida valikud ning peidetud konteineri maksimumsuuruse ja selle salasõna.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Peidetud konteiner</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is dismounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is unmounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SATISFY_OVER_4G_FILE_SIZE_REQ">You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS, which, however, will not be possible.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_NON_HIDDEN_NTFS_VOLUMES_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS">Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS volume from within the decoy operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_CREATION_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS_HOWTO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_BRIEF_INFO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_EXPLANATION">There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DECOY_TO_HIDDEN_OS_DATA_TRANSFER_HOWTO">Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_RESTART">Your computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_GETTING_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">An error occurred when obtaining the system encryption status.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="et" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Ühtegi draivi tähte pole saadaval.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Välise konteineri jaoks pole vaba draivi tähte! Konteineri loomine katkestatud.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="NO_OS_VER">Sinu operatsioonisüsteemi tuvastamine ebaõnnestus või kasutad toetuseta operatsioonisüsteemi.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Failitee pole valitud!</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Peidetud konteinerile pole piisavalt vaba ruumi! Konteineri loomine katkestatud.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Tüürel on võimetu konteinerit lahti haakima. Osad failid antud konteineril on tõenäoliselt ikka avatud.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Võimetu konteinerit lukustama. Konteineril on ikka failid avatud. Seetõttu ei saa seda lahti haakida.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Vali VeraCrypti konteiner</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="OPEN_TITLE">Täpsusta failitee ja faili nimi</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Mälu otsas</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="et" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Töörežiim</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="et" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Viga: Salasõna peab sisaldama ainult ASCII sümboleid.\n\nMitte-ASCII sümbolid salasõnas võivad põhjustada, et konteineri haakimine on võimatu, kui süsteemi konfiguratsioon muutub.\n\nJärgnevad sümbolid on lubatud:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Hoiatus: salasõna sisaldab mitte-ASCII sümboleid. See võib põhjustada, et konteineri hakkimine muutub võimatuks, kui sinu süsteemi konfiguratsioon muutub.\n\nPeaksid asendama kõik mitte-ASCII sümbolid ASCII sümbolitega. Selleks, kliki 'Konteinerid' -&gt; 'Muuda konteineri salasõna'.\n\nJärgnevad on ASCII sümbolid:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HOMEPAGE">Koduleht</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">Hoiatus: Paistab, et sa pole lisanud ühtegi teeninduspakki oma Windowsi instalatsioonile. Sa ei tohiks kirjutada IDE ketastele suuremad kui 128 GB Windows XP all, millele pole lisatud Service Pack 1 või hilisem! Kui sa teed seda, andmed kettal (hoolimata, kas see on VeraCrypti konteiner või ei) võivad saada viga. Pane tähele, et see on Windowsi piirang, mitte VeraCrypti viga.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">HOIATUS: Paistab, et sa pole lisanud Service Pack 3 või hilisemat oma Windowsi installatsioonile. Sa ei tohiks kirjutada IDE ketastele suuremad kui 128 GB Windows 2000 all, millele pole lisatud Service Pack 3 või hilisem! Kui sa teed seda, andmed kettal (hoolimata, kas see on VeraCrypti konteiner või ei) võivad saada viga. Pane tähele, et see on Windowsi piirang, mitte VeraCrypti viga.\n\nMärkus: Sa pead ka lubama 48-bitise LBA toe registris; lähemat informatsiooni vaata:</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">HOIATUS: 48-bitine LBA AtAPI toetus on sinu süsteemis välja lülitatud. Seetõttu ei tohiks sa kirjutada IDE ketastele, mis on suuremad kui 128GB! Kui sa teed seda, andmed kettal (ükskõik, kas need on VeraCrypti konteineri või ei) võivad viga saada. Pane tähele, et see on Windowsi limitatsioon, mitte VeraCrypti oma.\n\n48-bitise LBA toetuse sisselülitamiseks lisa 'EnableBigLba' registrivõti HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters alla ja säti selle väärtuseks 1.\n\nLähemat informatsiooni vaata</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">HOIATUS: Kui soovid säilitada võimaluse lisada tulevikus välisesse konteinerisse andmeid/faile, peaksid kaaluma peidetud konteineri väiksemat mahtu.\n\nOled kindel, et soovid jätkata valitud mahuga?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Ühtegi konteinerit pole valitud.\n\nKliki 'Vali seade' või 'Vali fail' valimaks VeraCrypti konteiner.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Auto-haagi seadmed</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Haagi kõik lahti</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Puhasta vahemälu</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Sunni kõiki lahti haakima &amp; Puhasta vahemälu</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Sunni kõiki lahtihaakima, Puhasta vahemälu &amp; Välju</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Haagi lemmik konteinerid</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Kuva/Peida VeraCrypti peaaken</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Kliki siia ja vajuta klahvil)</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="ACTION">Tegevus</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="SHORTCUT">Otsetee</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Viga: See kiirklahv on reserveeritud. Palun vali teine kiirklahv.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Viga: kiirklah juba kasutuses.</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">HOIATUS: Üks või rohkem VeraCrypti ülesüsteemne kiirklahv ei tööta!\n\nPalun veendu, et teised rakendused ja operatsioonisüsteem ei kasuta samu otseteesid kui VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">HOIATUS: kui see valik on keelatud, konteinerid, mis sisaldavad avatud faile/katalooge EI ole võimaliks automaatselt lahti haakida.\n\nOled kindel, et soovid selle valiku keelata?</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">HOIATUS: konteinerid, mis sisaldavad avatud faile/katalooge EI haagita automaatselt lahti.\n\nSelle vältimiseks, luba järgnev valik dialoogiaknas: 'Sunni lahti-haakima isegi kui failid/kataloogid on avatud'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to permanently terminate or reverse the encryption process, select 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of decryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to reverse the decryption process (and start encrypting), select 'System' &gt; 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Error: Failed to interrupt the process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK">Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="KEYFILE">Võtmefail</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="VKEY_08">Tagasivõtuklahv</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="VKEY_0C">Puhasta</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="et" key="VKEY_13">Paus</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 526093ac..909474d0 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.fa.xml b/Translations/Language.fa.xml
index 3dc6b063..3e3ded4a 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.fa.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.fa.xml
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt كليد</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">كليد شيفت</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">كليد ويندوز</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">تخصيص</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">حذف</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_KEYFILES">...كليدفايلها</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -164,17 +164,17 @@
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_PREF_FORCE_AUTO_UNMOUNT">بصورت اتوماتيك و الزامي درايوها و فايل سيستم باز را ببندد</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_LOGON_MOUNT_DEVICES">Mount all device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_LOGON_START">Start VeraCrypt Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_PREF_MOUNT_READONLY">فايل سيستم فقط خواندني را استارت كند</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_PREF_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">فايل سيستم را براي درايوهاي جداپذير شروع كند</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_PREF_OPEN_EXPLORER">مرورگر را براي فايل سيستم هايي كه با موفقيت مونت شدند بازكن</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_TEMP_CACHE_ON_MULTIPLE_MOUNT">Temporarily cache password during "Mount Favorite Volumes" operations</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_USE_DIFF_TRAY_ICON_IF_VOL_MOUNTED">Use a different taskbar icon when there are mounted volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTOUNMOUNT">Wipe cached passwords on auto-dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTOUNMOUNT">Wipe cached passwords on auto-unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_EXIT">Wipe cached passwords on exit</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PRESERVE_TIMESTAMPS">Preserve modification timestamp of file containers</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_RESET_HOTKEYS">تنظیم مجدد</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_SELECT_DEVICE">دوايس را انتخاب كند</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_SELECT_FILE">...فايل را انتخاب كند</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select &amp;Library...</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_CHPWD_NEW">نمایش رمز عبور</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_CHPWD_ORI">نمایش رمز عبور</entry>
@@ -250,32 +250,32 @@
<entry lang="fa" key="IDM_SYSENC_SETTINGS">رمزنگاری سیستم...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">Properties...</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDM_SYS_ENC_SETTINGS">تنظیمات...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_SYS_FAVORITES_SETTINGS">System Favorite Volumes...</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDM_TC_DOWNLOADS">دانلودها</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_TEST_VECTORS">Test Vectors...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_TOKEN_PREFERENCES">Security Tokens...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_TRAVELER">Traveler Disk Setup...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDM_UNMOUNTALL">Dismount All Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDM_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">Dismount Volume</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDM_UNMOUNTALL">Unmount All Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDM_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">Unmount Volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VERIFY_RESCUE_DISK">Verify Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VERIFY_RESCUE_DISK_ISO">Verify Rescue Disk Image</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VERSION_HISTORY">Version History</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VOLUME_EXPANDER">Volume Expander</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VOLUME_PROPERTIES">Volume Properties</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_VOLUME_WIZARD">Volume Creation Wizard</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDM_WEBSITE">وبسایت VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_WIPE_CACHE">Wipe Cached Passwords</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDOK">قبول</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_ACCELERATION_OPTIONS">Hardware Acceleration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_ASSIGN_HOTKEY">Shortcut</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_AUTORUN">AutoRun Configuration (autorun.inf)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT">Auto-Dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON">Dismount all when:</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT">Auto-Unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON">Unmount all when:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_BOOT_LOADER_SCREEN_OPTIONS">Boot Loader Screen Options</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD">تایید رمز عبور:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_CURRENT">Current</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_CUSTOM_BOOT_LOADER_MESSAGE">Display this custom message in the pre-boot authentication screen (24 characters maximum):</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_DEFAULT_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Default Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_UNMOUNT_ACTION">Hot Key Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_DRIVER_OPTIONS">Driver Configuration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_EXTENDED_IOCTL_SUPPORT">Enable extended disk control codes support</entry>
@@ -418,18 +418,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_BYTES">Size of %s is %.2f bytes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Size of %s is %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Size of %s is %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">WARNING: The device/partition is in use by the operating system or applications. Formatting the device/partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The device/partition contains a file system that could not be dismounted. The file system may be in use by the operating system. Formatting the device/partition would very likely cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nTo solve this issue, we recommend that you first delete the partition and then recreate it without formatting. To do so, follow these steps:\n1) Right-click the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') icon in the 'Start Menu' and select 'Manage'. The 'Computer Management' window should appear.\n2) In the 'Computer Management' window, select 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'.\n3) Right-click the partition you want to encrypt and select either 'Delete Partition', or 'Delete Volume', or 'Delete Logical Drive'.\n4) Click 'Yes'. If Windows asks you to restart the computer, do so. Then repeat the steps 1 and 2 and continue from the step 5.\n5) Right-click the unallocated/free space area and select either 'New Partition', or 'New Simple Volume', or 'New Logical Drive'.\n6) The 'New Partition Wizard' or 'New Simple Volume Wizard' window should appear now; follow its instructions. On the wizard page entitled 'Format Partition', select either 'Do not format this partition' or 'Do not format this volume'. In the same wizard, click 'Next' and then 'Finish'.\n7) Note that the device path you have selected in VeraCrypt may be wrong now. Therefore, exit the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard (if it is still running) and then start it again.\n8) Try encrypting the device/partition again.\n\nIf VeraCrypt repeatedly fails to encrypt the device/partition, you may want to consider creating a file container instead.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The device/partition contains a file system that could not be unmounted. The file system may be in use by the operating system. Formatting the device/partition would very likely cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nTo solve this issue, we recommend that you first delete the partition and then recreate it without formatting. To do so, follow these steps:\n1) Right-click the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') icon in the 'Start Menu' and select 'Manage'. The 'Computer Management' window should appear.\n2) In the 'Computer Management' window, select 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'.\n3) Right-click the partition you want to encrypt and select either 'Delete Partition', or 'Delete Volume', or 'Delete Logical Drive'.\n4) Click 'Yes'. If Windows asks you to restart the computer, do so. Then repeat the steps 1 and 2 and continue from the step 5.\n5) Right-click the unallocated/free space area and select either 'New Partition', or 'New Simple Volume', or 'New Logical Drive'.\n6) The 'New Partition Wizard' or 'New Simple Volume Wizard' window should appear now; follow its instructions. On the wizard page entitled 'Format Partition', select either 'Do not format this partition' or 'Do not format this volume'. In the same wizard, click 'Next' and then 'Finish'.\n7) Note that the device path you have selected in VeraCrypt may be wrong now. Therefore, exit the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard (if it is still running) and then start it again.\n8) Try encrypting the device/partition again.\n\nIf VeraCrypt repeatedly fails to encrypt the device/partition, you may want to consider creating a file container instead.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">WARNING: Some of the mounted devices/partitions were already in use!\n\nIgnoring this can cause undesired results including system instability.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you close any application that might be using the devices/partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">The selected device contains partitions.\n\nFormatting the device might cause system instability and/or data corruption. Please either select a partition on the device, or remove all partitions on the device to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,29 +520,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Volume Format</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Adobe Reader (or a compatible tool) is necessary to view or print the VeraCrypt User's Guide. Adobe Reader (freeware) can be downloaded at:\n\nDo you want to view the online documentation instead?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">If you select this option, the wizard will first help you create a normal VeraCrypt volume and then a hidden VeraCrypt volume within it. Inexperienced users should always select this option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">If you select this option, you will create a hidden volume within an existing VeraCrypt volume. It will be assumed that you have already created a VeraCrypt volume that is suitable to host the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Volume Creation Mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Hidden Volume Created</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Outer Volume Contents</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nIn the next steps, you will set the options for the outer volume (within which the hidden volume will be created later on).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Outer Volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nThe volume cluster bitmap has been scanned and the maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined. In the next steps you will set the options, the size, and the password for the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Hidden Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is dismounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is unmounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SATISFY_OVER_4G_FILE_SIZE_REQ">You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS, which, however, will not be possible.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_NON_HIDDEN_NTFS_VOLUMES_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS">Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS/exFAT/ReFS volume from within the decoy operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_CREATION_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS_HOWTO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_BRIEF_INFO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_EXPLANATION">There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DECOY_TO_HIDDEN_OS_DATA_TRANSFER_HOWTO">Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_RESTART">Your computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_GETTING_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">An error occurred when obtaining the system encryption status.</entry>
@@ -561,18 +561,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="INIT_REGISTER">Unable to initialize the application. Failed to register the Dialog class.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INIT_RICHEDIT">Error: Failed to load the Rich Edit system library.</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="INTRO_TITLE">جادوگر ساخت درايو</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_BYTES">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_KB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f KB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_MB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f MB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_GB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f GB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_TB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f TB.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NOPWCHANGE">Volume password/keyfiles cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please dismount the volume first.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NO_PKCS5_PRF_CHANGE">The header key derivation algorithm cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please dismount the volume first.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NOPWCHANGE">Volume password/keyfiles cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please unmount the volume first.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NO_PKCS5_PRF_CHANGE">The header key derivation algorithm cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please unmount the volume first.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_BUTTON">&amp;Mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NEW_VERSION_REQUIRED">A newer version of VeraCrypt is required to mount this volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CREATION_WIZARD_NOT_FOUND">Error: Volume Creation Wizard not found.\n\nPlease make sure that the file 'VeraCrypt Format.exe' is in the folder from which 'VeraCrypt.exe' was launched. If it is not, please reinstall VeraCrypt, or locate 'VeraCrypt Format.exe' on your disk and run it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_EXPANDER_NOT_FOUND">Error: Volume Expander not found.\n\nPlease make sure that the file 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' is in the folder from which 'VeraCrypt.exe' was launched. If it is not, please reinstall VeraCrypt, or locate 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' on your disk and run it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NEXT">&amp;Next &gt;</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FINALIZE">&amp;Finish</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL">&amp;Install</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXTRACT">E&amp;xtract</entry>
@@ -583,19 +583,19 @@
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_UNAVAILABLE">Drive letter not available.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FILE_SELECTED">No file selected!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">No drive letters available.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">No free drive letter for the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_OS_VER">Could not determine your operating system version or you are using an unsupported operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">No path selected!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Not enough free space for the hidden volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">The driver is unable to dismount the volume. Some files located on the volume are probably still open.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Unable to lock the volume. There are still open files on the volume. Therefore, it cannot be dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">The driver is unable to unmount the volume. Some files located on the volume are probably still open.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Unable to lock the volume. There are still open files on the volume. Therefore, it cannot be unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Select a VeraCrypt Volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OPEN_TITLE">Specify Path and File Name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Out of Memory</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -689,20 +689,20 @@
<entry lang="en" key="THREE_LAYER_CASCADE_HELP">Three ciphers in a cascade operating in XTS mode. Each block is first encrypted with %s (%d-bit key), then with %s (%d-bit key), and finally with %s (%d-bit key). Each cipher uses its own key. All keys are mutually independent.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AUTORUN_MAY_NOT_ALWAYS_WORK">Note that, depending on the operating system configuration, these auto-run and auto-mount features may work only when the traveler disk files are created on a non-writable CD/DVD-like medium. Also note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt (it is a limitation of Windows).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TRAVELER_DISK_CREATED">VeraCrypt traveler disk has been successfully created.\n\nNote that you need administrator privileges to run VeraCrypt in portable mode. Also note that, after examining the registry file, it may be possible to tell that VeraCrypt was run on a Windows system even if it is run in portable mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TC_TRAVELER_DISK">VeraCrypt Traveler Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TWOFISH_HELP">Designed by Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall, and Niels Ferguson. Published in 1998. 256-bit key, 128-bit block. Mode of operation is XTS. Twofish was one of the AES finalists.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MORE_INFO_ABOUT">More information on %s</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="UNKNOWN">ناشناس</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_UNKNOWN">An unspecified or unknown error occurred (%d).</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNTALL_LOCK_FAILED">Some volumes contain files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce dismount?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_BUTTON">&amp;Dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_FAILED">Dismount failed!</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_LOCK_FAILED">Volume contains files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce dismount?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNTALL_LOCK_FAILED">Some volumes contain files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce unmount?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_BUTTON">&amp;Unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_FAILED">Unmount failed!</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_LOCK_FAILED">Volume contains files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce unmount?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_VOLUME_MOUNTED_TO_DRIVE">No volume is mounted to the specified drive letter.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED">The volume you are trying to mount is already mounted. </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_MOUNT_FAILED">An error occurred when attempting to mount volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_SEEKING">Error seeking location within volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_SIZE_WRONG">Error: Incorrect volume size.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WARN_QUICK_FORMAT">WARNING: You should use Quick Format only in the following cases:\n\n1) The device contains no sensitive data and you do not need plausible deniability.\n2) The device has already been securely and fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to use Quick Format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SPARSE_FILE">Dynamic container is a pre-allocated NTFS sparse file whose physical size (actual disk space used) grows as new data is added to it.\n\nWARNING: Performance of sparse-file-hosted volumes is significantly worse than performance of regular volumes. Sparse-file-hosted volumes are also less secure, because it is possible to tell which volume sectors are unused. Furthermore, sparse-file-hosted volumes cannot provide plausible deniability (host a hidden volume). Also note that if data is written to a sparse file container when there is not enough free space in the host file system, the encrypted file system may get corrupted.\n\nAre you sure you want to create a sparse-file-hosted volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SPARSE_FILE_SIZE_NOTE">Note that the size of the dynamic container reported by Windows and by VeraCrypt will always be equal to its maximum size. To find out current physical size of the container (actual disk space it uses), right-click the container file (in a Windows Explorer window, not in VeraCrypt), then select 'Properties' and see the 'Size on disk' value.\n\nAlso note that if you move a dynamic container to another volume or drive, the physical size of the container will be extended to the maximum. (You can prevent that by creating a new dynamic container in the destination location, mounting it and then moving the files from the old container to the new one.)</entry>
@@ -724,17 +724,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_HIDDEN_NOT_NORMAL_VOLUME">Error: You supplied a password for a hidden volume (not for a normal volume).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_HIDDEN_VOL_HOST_ENCRYPTED_INPLACE">For security reasons, a hidden volume cannot be created within a VeraCrypt volume containing a filesystem that has been encrypted in place (because the free space on the volume has not been filled with random data).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LEGAL_NOTICES_DLG_TITLE">VeraCrypt - Legal Notices</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_FILES">All Files</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TC_VOLUMES">VeraCrypt Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DLL_FILES">Library Modules</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_NTFS_STOP">NTFS/exFAT/ReFS formatting cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_MOUNT_VOLUME">Cannot mount volume.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">Cannot dismount volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">Cannot unmount volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_NTFS_FAILED">Windows failed to format the volume as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS.\n\nPlease select a different type of file system (if possible) and try again. Alternatively, you could leave the volume unformatted (select 'None' as the filesystem), exit this wizard, mount the volume, and then use either a system or a third-party tool to format the mounted volume (the volume will remain encrypted).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_NTFS_FAILED_ASK_FAT">Windows failed to format the volume as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS.\n\nDo you want to format the volume as FAT instead?</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="DEFAULT">پیش فرض</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="PARTITION_LOWER_CASE">پارتیشن</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PARTITION_UPPER_CASE">PARTITION</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="DEVICE">دستگاه</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_LOWER_CASE">device</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_UPPER_CASE">DEVICE</entry>
@@ -766,17 +766,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CONTAINS_A_HIDDEN_VOL">The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_ACCESS_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume!\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not mounted or being used by the system or an application, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain volume properties.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL_ALT">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_ALT_STEPS">An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_RESUME">An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again if possible. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or fully decrypted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_DEC_GENERIC_ERR">An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot dismount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be dismounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot unmount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be unmounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_OUTER_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain information about the outer volume!\nVolume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_ACCESS_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot access the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_MOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot mount the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_CLUSTER_BITMAP">Error: Cannot get volume cluster bitmap! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALPHABETICAL_CATEGORIZED">Alphabetical/Categorized</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MEAN_SPEED">Mean Speed (Descending)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALGORITHM">Algorithm</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTION">Encryption</entry>
@@ -877,17 +877,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CREATING_SYS_RESTORE">Creating System Restore point</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_SYS_RESTORE">Failed to create System Restore point!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALLER_UPDATING_BOOT_LOADER">Updating boot loader</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to install '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue installing?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to uninstall '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue uninstalling?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL_COMPLETED">Installation completed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_CREATE_FOLDER">The folder '%s' could not be created</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CLOSE_TC_FIRST">The VeraCrypt device driver cannot be unloaded.\n\nPlease close all open VeraCrypt windows first. If it does not help, please restart Windows and then try again.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">All VeraCrypt volumes must be dismounted before installing or uninstalling VeraCrypt.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">All VeraCrypt volumes must be unmounted before installing or uninstalling VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OLD_VERSION_FIRST">An obsolete version of VeraCrypt is currently installed on this system. It needs to be uninstalled before you can install this new version of VeraCrypt.\n\nAs soon as you close this message box, the uninstaller of the old version will be launched. Note that no volume will be decrypted when you uninstall VeraCrypt. After you uninstall the old version of VeraCrypt, run the installer of the new version of VeraCrypt again.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REG_INSTALL_FAILED">The installation of the registry entries has failed</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVER_INSTALL_FAILED">The installation of the device driver has failed. Please restart Windows and then try installing VeraCrypt again.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="STARTING_DRIVER">Starting VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVER_UINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation of the device driver has failed. Please note that, due to a Windows issue, it may be necessary to log off or restart the system before the device driver can be uninstalled (or reinstalled).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALLING_DRIVER">Installing VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="STOPPING_DRIVER">Stopping VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REMOVING_DRIVER">Uninstalling VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
@@ -898,17 +898,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CONTAINER_ADMIN_WARNING">Warning: This instance of the Volume Creation Wizard has administrator privileges.\n\nYour new volume may be created with permissions that will not allow you to write to the volume when it is mounted. If you want to avoid that, close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard and launch a new one without administrator privileges.\n\nDo you want to close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard?</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="CANNOT_DISPLAY_LICENSE">خطا: ناتوانی در نمایش لایسنس</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OUTER_VOL_WRITE_PREVENTED">Outer(!)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DAYS">days</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HOURS">hours</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="MINUTES">دقیقه</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SECONDS">s</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="OPEN">باز کردن</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT">Dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT">Unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SHOW_TC">Show VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDE_TC">Hide VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOTAL_DATA_READ">Data Read since Mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOTAL_DATA_WRITTEN">Data Written since Mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION">Encrypted Portion</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION_FULLY_ENCRYPTED">100% (fully encrypted)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION_NOT_ENCRYPTED">0% (not encrypted)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PROCESSED_PORTION_X_PERCENT">%.3f%%</entry>
@@ -970,17 +970,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_ISO_IMAGE_CHECK_FAILED">The Rescue Disk image verification failed.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk image will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk image fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' &gt; 'Create Rescue Disk'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERROR_CREATING_RESCUE_DISK">Error creating VeraCrypt Rescue Disk.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_RESCUE_DISK_ON_HIDDEN_OS">VeraCrypt Rescue Disk cannot be created when a hidden operating system is running.\n\nTo create a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, boot the decoy operating system and then select 'System' &gt; 'Create Rescue Disk'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_CHECK_FAILED">Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly burned.\n\nIf you have burned the Rescue Disk, please eject and reinsert the CD/DVD; then click Next to try again. If this does not help, please try another medium%s.\n\nIf you have not burned the Rescue Disk yet, please do so, and then click Next.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created before you started this wizard, please note that such Rescue Disk cannot be used, because it was created for a different master key. You need to burn the newly generated Rescue Disk.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_CHECK_FAILED_SENTENCE_APPENDIX"> and/or other CD/DVD recording software</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_FAVORITES_DLG_TITLE">VeraCrypt - System Favorite Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_HELP_LINK">What are system favorite volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_REQUIRE_PBA">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted.\n\nSystem favorite volumes can be mounted using only a pre-boot authentication password. Therefore, to enable use of system favorite volumes, you need to encrypt the system partition/drive first.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_FIRST">Please dismount the volume before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_FIRST">Please unmount the volume before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SET_TIMER">Error: Cannot set timer.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_CHECK_FILESYS">Check Filesystem</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_REPAIR_FILESYS">Repair Filesystem</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="IDPM_ADD_TO_FAVORITES">افزودن به علاقه مندی ها...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_ADD_TO_SYSTEM_FAVORITES">Add to System Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_PROPERTIES">P&amp;roperties...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_PROTECTION">Hidden Volume Protected</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NOT_APPLICABLE_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE">N/A</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="en" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Mode of Operation</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Error: Password must contain only ASCII characters.\n\nNon-ASCII characters in password might cause the volume to be impossible to mount when your system configuration changes.\n\nThe following characters are allowed:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Warning: Password contains non-ASCII characters. This may cause the volume to be impossible to mount when your system configuration changes.\n\nYou should replace all non-ASCII characters in the password with ASCII characters. To do so, click 'Volumes' -&gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n\nThe following are ASCII characters:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="HOMEPAGE">صفحه اصلی</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">WARNING: It appears that you have not applied any Service Pack to your Windows installation. You should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB under Windows XP to which you did not apply Service Pack 1 or later! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a bug in VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">WARNING: It appears that you have not applied Service Pack 3 or later to your Windows installation. You should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB under Windows 2000 to which you did not apply Service Pack 3 or later! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a bug in VeraCrypt.\n\nNote: You may also need to enable the 48-bit LBA support in the registry; for more information, see</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">WARNING: 48-bit LBA ATAPI support is disabled on your system. Therefore, you should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a limitation of VeraCrypt.\n\nTo enable the 48-bit LBA support, add the 'EnableBigLba' registry value in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters and set it to 1.\n\nFor more information, see</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">WARNING: If you want to be able to add more data/files to the outer volume in future, you should consider choosing a smaller size for the hidden volume.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue with the size you specified?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">No volume selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' or 'Select File' to select a VeraCrypt volume.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Auto-Mount Devices</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Dismount All</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Unmount All</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Force Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Force Dismount All, Wipe Cache &amp; Exit</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Force Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Force Unmount All, Wipe Cache &amp; Exit</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Mount Favorite Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Show/Hide Main VeraCrypt Window</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Click here and press a key)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ACTION">Action</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SHORTCUT">Shortcut</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Error: This shortcut is reserved. Please choose a different shortcut.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Error: Shortcut already in use.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">WARNING: One or more VeraCrypt system-wide hot keys will not work!\n\nPlease make sure that other applications and the operating system do not use the same shortcut(s) as VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">WARNING: If this option is disabled, volumes containing open files/directories will not be possible to auto-dismount.\n\nAre you sure you want to disable this option?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-dismounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-dismount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">WARNING: If this option is disabled, volumes containing open files/directories will not be possible to auto-unmount.\n\nAre you sure you want to disable this option?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-unmounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-unmount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">خروج؟</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to permanently terminate or reverse the encryption process, select 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of decryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to reverse the decryption process (and start encrypting), select 'System' &gt; 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Error: Failed to interrupt the process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive.</entry>
@@ -1058,17 +1058,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_BKG_TASK_WARNING">WARNING: VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled. After you exit VeraCrypt, you will not be notified if damage to hidden volume is prevented.\n\nNote: You may shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nEnable VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LANG_PACK_VERSION">Language pack version: %s</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHECKING_FS">Checking the file system on the VeraCrypt volume mounted as %s...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REPAIRING_FS">Attempting to repair the file system on the VeraCrypt volume mounted as %s...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WARN_64_BIT_BLOCK_CIPHER">Warning: This volume is encrypted with a legacy encryption algorithm.\n\nAll 64-bit-block encryption algorithms (e.g., Blowfish, CAST-128, or Triple DES) are deprecated. It will be possible to mount this volume using future versions of VeraCrypt. However, there will be no further enhancements to the implementations of these legacy encryption algorithms. We recommend that you create a new VeraCrypt volume encrypted with a 128-bit-block encryption algorithm (e.g., AES, Serpent, Twofish, etc.) and that you move all files from this volume to the new volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_AUTOMOUNT_DISABLED">Your system is not configured to auto-mount new volumes. It may be impossible to mount device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes. Auto-mounting can be enabled by executing the following command and restarting the system.\n\nmountvol.exe /E</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER">Please assign a drive letter to the partition/device before proceeding ('Control Panel' &gt; 'System and Maintenance' &gt; 'Administrative Tools' - 'Create and format hard disk partitions').\n\nNote that this is a requirement of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_TC_VOLUME">Mount VeraCrypt volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Dismount all VeraCrypt volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Unmount all VeraCrypt volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UAC_INIT_ERROR">VeraCrypt failed to obtain Administrator privileges.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_ACCESS_DENIED">Access was denied by the operating system.\n\nPossible cause: The operating system requires that you have read/write permission (or administrator privileges) for certain folders, files, and devices, in order for you to be allowed to read and write data to/from them. Normally, a user without administrator privileges is allowed to create, read and modify files in his or her Documents folder.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SECTOR_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED">Error: The drive uses an unsupported sector size.\n\nIt is currently not possible to create partition/device-hosted volumes on drives that use sectors larger than 4096 bytes. However, note that you can create file-hosted volumes (containers) on such drives.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSENC_UNSUPPORTED_SECTOR_SIZE_BIOS">It is currently not possible to encrypt a system installed on a disk that uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_BOOT_LOADER">The VeraCrypt Boot Loader requires at least 32 KBytes of free space at the beginning of the system drive (the VeraCrypt Boot Loader needs to be stored in that area). Unfortunately, your drive does not meet this condition.\n\nPlease do NOT report this as a bug/problem in VeraCrypt. To solve this problem, you will need to repartition your disk and leave the first 32 KBytes of the disk free (in most cases, you will need to delete and recreate the first partition). We recommend that you use the Microsoft partition manager that is available e.g. when you are installing Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">The feature is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">VeraCrypt does not support encryption of a system partition/drive on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_VISTA_SP0">Before you can encrypt the system partition/drive on Windows Vista, you need to install Service Pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista (no such Service Pack has been installed on this system yet).\n\nNote: Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista resolved an issue causing a shortage of free base memory during system boot.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' &gt; 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">اسلات</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK">Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="TEST">آزمایش</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE">Keyfile</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="VKEY_0C">پاک</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="fa" key="VKEY_13">توقف</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
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index 02811194..fb405ab3 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1281,17 +1281,17 @@
<entry lang="id" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">Semua sesi token keamanan terbuka telah ditutup.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Pilih Keyfile Token Keamanan</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="TOKEN_NAME">Nama token</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">Nama berkas</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">PENTING: Harap dicatat bahwa kata sandi otentikasi pra-boot selalu diketik menggunakan tata letak keyboard standar AS. Oleh karena itu, volume yang menggunakan kata sandi yang diketik menggunakan tata letak keyboard lainnya mungkin tidak mungkin dipasang menggunakan kata sandi otentikasi pra-boot (perhatikan bahwa ini bukan bug di VeraCrypt). Untuk mengizinkan volume tersebut dipasang menggunakan kata sandi autentikasi pra-boot, ikuti langkah-langkah ini:\n\n1) Klik 'Pilih File' atau 'Pilih Perangkat' dan pilih volumenya.\n2) Pilih 'Volume' &gt; 'Ubah Kata Sandi Volume'.\n3) Masukkan kata sandi saat ini untuk volume.\n4) Ubah tata letak keyboard ke bahasa Inggris (AS) dengan mengklik ikon bilah bahasa di bilah tugas Windows dan pilih 'EN English (Amerika Serikat)'.\n5) Di VeraCrypt, di bidang untuk kata sandi baru, ketik kata sandi otentikasi pra-boot.\n6) Konfirmasikan kata sandi baru dengan menghapusnya kembali di bidang konfirmasi dan klik 'OK'.\nWARNING: Harap diingat bahwa jika Anda mengikuti langkah-langkah ini, kata sandi volume akan selalu harus diketik menggunakan tata letak keyboard AS (yang secara otomatis hanya dijamin di lingkungan pra-boot).</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">Volume favorit sistem akan dipasang menggunakan kata sandi otentikasi pra-boot. Jika ada volume favorit sistem yang menggunakan kata sandi yang berbeda, itu tidak akan dipasang.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Harap dicatat bahwa jika Anda perlu mencegah tindakan volume VeraCrypt normal (seperti 'Turunkan Semua', turun otomatis, dll.) dari mempengaruhi volume favorit sistem, Anda harus mengaktifkan opsi 'Hanya Izinkan administrator untuk melihat dan menurunkan volume favorit sistem di VeraCrypt'. Selain itu, ketika VeraCrypt dijalankan tanpa hak administrator (default pada Windows Vista dan yang lebih baru), volume favorit sistem tidak akan ditampilkan dalam daftar huruf drive di jendela aplikasi VeraCrypt utama.</entry>
- <entry lang="id" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">PENTING: Harap diingat bahwa jika opsi ini diaktifkan dan VeraCrypt tidak memiliki hak administrator, volume favorit sistem yang dipasang TIDAK ditampilkan di jendela aplikasi VeraCrypt dan tidak dapat diturunkan. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda perlu misalnya untuk turunkan volume favorit sistem, silakan klik kanan ikon VeraCrypt (di menu Mulai) dan pilih 'Jalankan sebagai administrator' terlebih dahulu. Batasan yang sama berlaku untuk fungsi 'Dismount All', fungsi 'Auto-Dismount', tombol panas 'Turunkan Semua', dll.</entry>
+ <entry lang="id" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">PENTING: Harap diingat bahwa jika opsi ini diaktifkan dan VeraCrypt tidak memiliki hak administrator, volume favorit sistem yang dipasang TIDAK ditampilkan di jendela aplikasi VeraCrypt dan tidak dapat diturunkan. Oleh karena itu, jika Anda perlu misalnya untuk turunkan volume favorit sistem, silakan klik kanan ikon VeraCrypt (di menu Mulai) dan pilih 'Jalankan sebagai administrator' terlebih dahulu. Batasan yang sama berlaku untuk fungsi 'Unmount All', fungsi 'Auto-Unmount', tombol panas 'Turunkan Semua', dll.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Perhatikan bahwa pengaturan ini berlaku hanya setelah sistem operasi dimulai ulang.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Galat saat mengurai opsi baris perintah:</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="RESCUE_DISK">Disk Penyelamatan</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Pilih &amp;File dan Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Pilih &amp;Perangkat dan Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Hanya mengizinkan administrator untuk melihat dan menurunkan volume favorit sistem di VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount volume favorit sistem ketika Windows dimulai (pada tahap awal prosedur startup)</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Peringatan: Sistem file pada volume yang dipasang sebagai '%s' tidak turun dengan bersih dan dengan demikian mungkin mengandung kesalahan. Menggunakan sistem file yang rusak dapat menyebabkan kehilangan data atau korupsi data.\n\nNote: Sebelum Anda secara fisik menghapus atau mematikan perangkat (seperti USB flash drive atau hard drive eksternal) di mana volume VeraCrypt yang terpasang berada, Anda harus selalu menurunkan volume VeraCrypt di VeraCrypt terlebih dahulu.\n\n\n Apakah Anda ingin Windows mencoba mendeteksi dan memperbaiki kesalahan (jika ada) pada sistem file?</entry>
@@ -1484,17 +1484,17 @@
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount di direktori:</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_SELECT">Pi&amp;lih...</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Turunkan Semua Volume Saat</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">Sistem memasuki mode hemat daya</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Tindakan yang Harus Dilakukan saat Pengguna Log On</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Tutup semua jendela volume Explorer yang turun</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Kunci pintas</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys Lebar Sistem</entry>
- <entry lang="id" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Memutar suara pemberitahuan sistem setelah mount/dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="id" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Memutar suara pemberitahuan sistem setelah mount/unmount</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Menampilkan kotak pesan konfirmasi setelah turun</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt berhenti</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Buka jendela Finder untuk volume yang berhasil dipasang</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Harap dicatat bahwa pengaturan ini berlaku hanya jika penggunaan layanan kriptografi kernel dinonaktifkan.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Menonaktifkan penggunaan layanan kriptografi kernel dapat menurunkan kinerja.\n\n Apakah Anda yakin?</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Harap dicatat bahwa menonaktifkan opsi ini mungkin tidak berpengaruh pada volume yang dipasang menggunakan layanan kriptografi kernel.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Harap dicatat bahwa setiap volume yang dipasang saat ini perlu dipasang ulang sebelum dapat menggunakan pengaturan ini.</entry>
<entry lang="id" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Pengecualian yang tidak diketahui terjadi.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.ka.xml b/Translations/Language.ka.xml
index 544dccfa..e898094e 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.ka.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.ka.xml
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">წაშლა</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">დანიშვნა</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">წაშლა</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="IDC_KEYFILES">ფაილები</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="ka" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">%s-ის ზომა - %.2f კბ</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">%s-ის ზომა - %.2f მბ</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">ყურადღება: მოწყობილობა/განაყოფი გამოიყენება ოპერაციული სისტემის ან პროგრამის მიერ. ფორმატირებამ შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს მონაცემთა დაკარგვა ან სისტემის არასტაბილურობა.\n\nგსურთ გაგრძელება?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">შეცდომა: მოწყობილობა/განაყოფი შეიცავს ფაილურ სისტემას, რომლის გამოერთებაც შეუძლებელია. ეს ფაილური სისტემა შესაძლოა გამოიყენება ოპერაციული სისტემის მიერ. მოწყობილობა/განაყოფის ფორმატირება გამოიწვევს მონაცემთა დაკარგვას და სისტემის არასტაბილურობას.\n\n პრობლემის გადასაჭრელად რეკომენდირებულია ამ განაყოფის გაუქმება, შემდეგ მისი კვლავ შექმნა ფორმატირების გარეშე. ინსტრუქცია: 1) მაუსის მარჯვენა ღილაკით დაწკაპეთ ხატულაზე "My computer" და აირჩიეთ მენიუ "Manage". 2) ფანჯარაში "Computer Management" აირჩიეთ "Storage"&gt; "Disk Management". 3) მაუსის დაწკაპეთ იმ განაყოფზე, რომლის დაშიფრვაც გსურთ და აირჩიეთ ან "Delete Partition" ან "Delete volume" ან Delete logical volume". 4) დაწკაპეთ "Yes". 5) მაუსის მარჯვენა ღილაკით დაწკაპეთ დისკის ცარიელ ადგილზე (წარწერით "Unmounted") და აირჩიეთ "ძირითადი განაყოფი", "დამატებითი განაყოფი" ან "ლოგიკური დისკი". 6) გამოჩნდება განაყოფებისა და ტომების შექმნის ოსტატი, მიყევით მის ინსტრუქციებს. 7) დამხმარის გვერდზე სახელით "Formatting Partition" აირჩიეთ "Do not format partition" ან "Do not format volume". დაწკაპეთ "Next". 8) დაწკაპეთ "Finish". 9) VeraCrypt-ში ხელახლა სცადეთ ამ მოწყობილობის/განაყოფის დაშიფრვა.\n\nთუ VeraCrypt ისევ უარს იტყვის ამ მოწყობილობის/განაყოფის დაშიფრვაზე,მაშინ მოწყობილობის ბაზაზე კონტეინერის ნაცვლად შექმენით ფაილური კონტეინერი.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">ყურადღება მიერთებული მოწყობილობები/განაყოფებიდან ზოგიერთი უკვე გამოიყენება.\n\nმის იგნორირებამ შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს არასასურველი შედეგები, სისტემის არასტაბილურობის ჩათვლით.\n\nრეკომენდებულია დახუროთ ყველა პროგრამა, რომელიც იყენებს ამ მოწყობილობას/განაყოფს.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">მითითებული მოწყობილობა შეიცავს განაყოფებს.\n\n მოწყობილობის ფორმატირებამ შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს სისტემის არასტაბილურობა ან/და მონაცემთა დაკარგვა. აირჩიეთ განაყოფი ამ მოწყობილობაზე ან წაშალეთ ყველა განაყოფი, რათა მისცეთ VeraCrypt-ს მოწყობილობის უსაფრთხო ფორმატირების საშუალება</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,17 +520,17 @@
<entry lang="ka" key="FORMAT_TITLE">ტომის ფორმატირება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">მომხმარებლის სახელმძღვანელოს წასაკითხად/დასაბეჭდად საჭიროა პროგრამა Adobe Reader (ან თავსებადი). Adobe Reader შეიძლება ჩამოტვირთულ იქნას (უფასოდ) საიტიდან\n\nგსურთ ამის ნაცვლად Online-დოკუმენტაცია იხილოთ?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">თუ აირჩევთ ამ ოფციას, ოსტატი დაგეხმარებათ ჯერ ჩვეულებრივი ტომის შექმნაში, ხოლო შემდგომ ფარული ტომის შექმნაში მის შიგნით. გამოუცდელი მომხმარებლებისათვის რეკომენდებულია ამ ოფციის გამოყენება.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">თუ აირჩევთ ამ ოფციას, შეიქმნება ფარული ტომი ჩვეულებრივი ტომის შიგნით. იგულისხმება, რომ ეს ჩვეულებრივი ტომი უკვე შექმნილია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">ტომის შექმნის რეჟიმი</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">ფარული ტომი შექმნილია</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">გარე ტომი შექმნილია და მიერთებულია, როგორც დისკი %hc:. ამ ტომში საჭიროა გადმოიწეროს რაიმე ფაილები, რომლებიც არ შეიცავენ თქვენთვის მნიშვნელოვან რაიმე ინფორმაციას, რათა შეცდომაში შეიყვანოთ უცხო პირი, თუკი ის გარე ტომის პაროლს გამოგძალავთ. ამ შემთხვევაში თქვენ მას გადასცემთ მხოლოდ გარე, და არა ფარული ტომის, პაროლს. ფაილები, თქვენთვის ნამდვილად ღირებული ინფორმაციით, შეინახება ფარულ ტომზე. როდესაც მორჩებით ფაილების გადმოწერას,დააჭირეთ "შემდეგ"-ს'. არ გამოაერთოთ ეს ტომი. შენიშვნა: "შემდეგ"-ზე დაჭერა გაუშვებს გარე ტომის კლასტერების რუკის სკანირების პროცესს, უწყვეტი თავისუფალი სივრცის გამოსავლენად, რომლის დაბოლოება ახალი ტომის დაბოლოება გახდება. ეს მონაკვეთი გამოყენებულ იქნება ფარული ტომის განსათავსებლად, ანუ მისი ზომით განისაზღვრება ფარული ტომის მაქსიმალური მოცულობა. კლასტერების რუკის სკანირება იმის გარანტია, რომ გარე ტომის მონაცემები არ დაზიანდება ფარული ტომში მომხდარი ჩანაწერების შედეგად.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">გარე ტომის მონაცემები</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nშემდგომ ეტაპებზე მიუთითეთ გარე ტომის პარამეტრები</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">გარე ტომი</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nტომის კლასტერების რუკა გავლილია, ფარული ტომის მაქსიმალური ზომა განისაზღვრა. შემდგომ ეტაპებზე აირჩიეთ ფარული ტომის პარამეტრები, ზომა და პაროლი.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">დისკის თავისუფალი სახელები არ არის.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">დისკის თავისუფალი სახელი გარე ტომისათვის აღარ არის. ტომის შექმნის გაგრძელება შეუძლებელია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_OS_VER">ოპერაციული სისტემის ვერსიის განსაზღვრა ვერ მოხერხდა, ან გამოიყენება არათავსებადი სისტემა.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">მისამართი არ არის მითითებული.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">ფარილი ტომისათვის არასაკმარისი თავისუფალი ადგილია. ტომის შექმნის გაგრძელება შეუძლებელია.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">დრაივერის მიერ ტომის გამოერთება ვერ ხერხდება. შესაძლოა, ტომზე ფარული ფაილებია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">ტომის ბლოკირება შეუძლებელია. მასზე განთავსებულია ფარული ფაილებია, ამიტომ მისი გამოერთება არ შეიძლება.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">აირჩიეთ VeraCrypt-ის ტომი</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OPEN_TITLE">მიუთითეთ ფაილის მისამართი დ სახელი</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OUTOFMEMORY">მეხსიერება არასაკმარისია</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">გაფრთხილება: ფაილი '%s' უკვე არსებობს!\n\nVeraCrypt არ დაშიფრავს ფაილს, იგი წაიშლება. დარწმუნებული ხართ, რომ გსურთ ამ ფაილის წაშლა და ახალი ფაილ-კონტეინერის შექმნა?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">გაფრთხილება: %s '%s'%s -ზე შენახული ყველა ფაილი წაიშლება!\n\nნამდვილად გსურთ ფორმატირების გაგრძელება?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="ka" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">ოპერაციის რეჟიმი</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">შეცდომა! პაროლი უნდა შეიცავდეს მხოლოდ სტანდარტულ ASCII სიმბოლოებს.\n\nარა-ASCII სიმბოლოების გამოყენება შეუძლებელს გახდის ტომის მიერთებას, თუ სისტემის კონფიგურაცია შეიცვლება.\n\nნებადართულია შემდეგი სიმბოლოების გამოყენება:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">ყურადღება! პაროლი შეიცავს არა-ASCII სიმბოლოებს. ეს შეუძლებელს გახდის ტომის მიერთებას, თუ სისტემის კონფიგურაცია შეიცვლება..\n\nშეცვალეთ ყველა არა-ASCII სიმბოლო ASCII სიმბოლოებით.\n\nASCII სიმბოლოებია:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HOMEPAGE">ვებ-გვერდი</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ყურადღება: სისტემაში არ არის ინსტალირებული Windows-ის არცერთი განახლების პაკეტი (Service Pack).თუ Windows XP-ზე არ არის ინსტალირებული Service Pack 1 (ან უფრო ახალი), 128გბ-ზე მეტი მოცულობის IDE დისკებზე ჩაწერა არ არის რეკომენდებული, რადგან ეს გამოიწვევს მონაცემთა დაზიანებას (მიუხედავად იმისა, ეხება ეს VeraCrypt-ის ტომს თუ არა). ეს Windows-ის შეზღუდვაა და არა შეცდომა VeraCrypt-ში.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ყურადღება: სისტემაში არ არის ინსტალირებულიWindows-ის განახლების პაკეტი Service Pack 3 (ან ახალი). თუ Windows 2000-ზე არ არის ინსტალირებულია Service Pack 3 (ან ახალი), 128გბ-ზე მეტი მოცულობის IDE დისკებზე ჩაწერა არ არის რეკომენდებული, რადგან ეს გამოიწვევს მონაცემთა დაზიანებას (მიუხედავად იმისა, ეხება ეს VeraCrypt-ის ტომს თუ არა). ეს Windows-ის შეზღუდვაა და არა შეცდომა VeraCrypt-ში. ამის გარდა, შესაძლოა საჭირო გახდეს რეესტრში LBA-ს 48 ბიტიანი ადრესაციის მხარდაჭერის ჩართვა; დაწვრილებით იხ.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">ყურადღება: 48-bit LBA ATAPI-ის მხარდაჭერა სისტემაში გამორთულია. შესაბსამისად,128გბ-ზე მეტი მოცულობის IDE დისკებზე ჩაწერა არ შეიძლება! წინააღმდეგ შემთხვევაში შესაძლებელია მონაცემთა დაზიანება. ეს Windows-ის შეზღუდვაა და არა შეცდომა VeraCrypt-ში.\n\n48-ბიტიანი LBA მხარდაჭერის დამატებისათვის, რეგიტრში მისამართზე HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters ჩაამატეთ მნიშვნელობა "EnableBigLba" და მიანიჭეთ 1.\n\nდამატებით იხ.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">ყურადღება: თუ მომავალში დაგჭირდებათ გარე ტომში მონაცემების/ფაილების დამატება, წინასწარ იზრუნეთ მასში არსებული ფარული ტომის ზომის შემცირებაზე.\n\nგსურთ გააგრძელოთ და გამოიყენოთ თქვენს მიერ მითითებული ზომა?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">ტომი არ არის არჩეული.\n\nდააჭირეთ ღილაკს "მოწყობილობა" ან "ფაილი" და აირჩიეთ VeraCrypt-ის ტომი.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">ასარჩევია განაყოფი.\n\nდაწკაპეთ "აირჩიეთ მოწყობილობა" განაყოფის ასარჩევად, რომელიც ჩატვირთვისწინა აუთენტიფიკაციას მოითხოვს (მაგ. დაშიფრულ სისტემურ დისკზე მოთავსებული განაყოფი, ოპერაციული სისტემით, რომელიც არ მუშაობს).\n\nშენიშვნა: ეს განაყოფი მიერთდება, როგორც ჩვეულებრივი VeraCrypt-ის ტომი, ჩატვირთვისწინა აუთენტიფიკაციის გარეშე. ეს გამოსადეგია მაგ. რეზერვირების ან აღდგენის ოპერაციებისათვის.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">გაფრთხილება: თუ საწყისი გასაღების ფაილები დანიშნულია, იმ ტომების მიერთება, რომლებიც არ იყენებენ ასეთ ფაილებს, შეუძლებელი იქნება. ამიტომ, საწყისი გასაღების ფაილების დანიშვნის შემდეგ, არ დაგავიწყდეთ, ასეთი ტომის ყოველი მიერთებისას გამორთოთ ოფცია "გამოიყენე გასაღების ფაილი' (პაროლის ველის ქვემოთ).\n\nნამდვილად გსურთ დანიშნოთ მითითებული გასაღების ფაილები საწყისად?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">მოწყობილობების ავტომიერთება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">ყველას გამოერთება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">კეშის წაშლა</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">ყველას გამოერთება და კეშის წაშლა</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">ყველას გამოერთება, კეშის წაშლა და გასვლა</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">რჩეული ტომების მიერთება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">VeraCrypt-ის მთავარი ფანჯრის ჩვენება/დამალვა</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(დაწკაპეთ აქ დადააჭირეთ ღილაკს)</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="ACTION">მოქმედება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SHORTCUT">სწრაფი გამოძახება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">შეცდომა! ეს "ცხელი კლავიში" რეზერვირებულია. აირჩიეთ სხვა.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">შეცდომა! ეს "ცხელი კლავიში" უკვე გამოიყენება.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ყურადღება: ზოგიერთი საერთოსისტემური "ცხელი კლავიშები" VeraCrypt-ში არ იმუშავებს!\n\nშეამოწმეთ, ხომ არ გამოიყენება ეს კომბინაცია ოპერაციული სისტემის ან სხვა პროგრამების მიერ.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ყურადღება: თუ ეს ოპცია გამორთულია, ტომების, რომლებიც გახსნილ ფაილებს/ფოლდერებს შეიცავენ, აუტოგამოერთება არ მოხდება.\n\nნამდვილად გსურთ ამ ოპციის გამორთვა?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ყურადღება: ტომების, რომლებიც გახსნილ ფაილებს/ფოლდერებს შეიცავენ, აუტოგამოერთება არ მოხდება.\n\nამის თავიდან ასაცილებლად, ჩართეთ შესაბამისი ოფცია მენიუში"</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">თქვენ დაგეგმილი გაქვთ სისტემური განაოფის/მოწყობილობის შიფრაცია/დეშიფრაცია. ეს პროცესი ჯერ არ დასრულებულა.\n\nგსურთ ამ პროცესის დაწყება (გაგრძელება) ახლავე?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">თქვენ დაგეგმილი გაქვთ სისტემური განაყოფის/დისკის შიფრაცია ან დეშიფრაცია. თუმცა ჩატვირთვისწინა აუთენტიფიკაცია ჩაიშალა ან არ გამოიტოვა.\n\nშენიშვნა: თუ ჩატვირთვის დროს სისტემურ განაყოფს/დისკს დეშიფრაცია გაუკეთეთ, მაშინ დაასრულეთ პროცესი - აირჩიეთ მენიუში "სისტემა"&gt;"სისტემური განაყოფის/დისკის სამუდამო დეშიფრაცია".</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">გამოვიდეთ?</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt არ აქვს საკმარისი ინფორმაცია, შეასრულოს შიფრაციის თუ დეშიფრაციის ოპერაცია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt ვერ წყვეტს რა შეასრულოს, შიფრაცია თუ დეშიფრაცია.\n\nშენიშვნა: თუ ჩატვირთვის დროს სისტემურ განაყოფს/დისკს დეშიფრაცია გაუკეთეთ, მასინ დაასრულეთ პროცესი - დაწკაპეთ "დეშიფრაცია".</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">გსურთ შეწყვითოთ და გადადოთ სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის შიფრაციის პროცესი?\n\nმომავალში შესაძლებლობა გექქნებათ შეწყვეტილი მომენტიდან გააგრძელოთ ეს პროცესი. ეს შეგიძლიათ გააკეთოთ შემდეგნაირად: აირჩიეთ მენიუდან სისტემა&gt;შეწყვეტილი პროცესის გაგრძელება. თუ სამუდამოდ გსურთ შეწყვიტოთ ან უკუაგდოთ შიფრაციის პროცესი, აირჩიეთ სისტემა&gt;სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის სამუდამოდ დეშიფრაცია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">გსურთ შეწყვითოთ და გადადოთ სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის დეშიფრაციის პროცესი?\n\nმომავალში შესაძლებლობა გექქნებათ შეწყვეტილი მომენტიდან გააგრძელოთ ეს პროცესი. ეს შეგიძლიათ გააკეთოთ შემდეგნაირად: აირჩიეთ მენიუდან სისტემა&gt;შეწყვეტილი პროცესის გაგრძელება. თუ გსურთ დეშიფრაციის პროცესის უკან დაბრუნება (და შიფრაციის დაწყება), აირჩიეთ სისტემა&gt;სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის შიფრაცია.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">შეცდომა: სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის შიფრაცია/დეშიფრაციის პროცესის შეწყვეტა შეუძლებელია.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="RESCUE_DISK">აღმდგენი დისკი</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="TEST">ტესტი</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="KEYFILE">გასაღების ფაილი</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="VKEY_0C">გასუფთავება</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="ka" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 62f03a7f..aebd25a8 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Piešķirt</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Noņemt</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Atslēgdatnes...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -418,18 +418,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_BYTES">Size of %s is %.2f bytes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Size of %s is %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Size of %s is %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">WARNING: The device/partition is in use by the operating system or applications. Formatting the device/partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The device/partition contains a file system that could not be dismounted. The file system may be in use by the operating system. Formatting the device/partition would very likely cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nTo solve this issue, we recommend that you first delete the partition and then recreate it without formatting. To do so, follow these steps:\n1) Right-click the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') icon in the 'Start Menu' and select 'Manage'. The 'Computer Management' window should appear.\n2) In the 'Computer Management' window, select 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'.\n3) Right-click the partition you want to encrypt and select either 'Delete Partition', or 'Delete Volume', or 'Delete Logical Drive'.\n4) Click 'Yes'. If Windows asks you to restart the computer, do so. Then repeat the steps 1 and 2 and continue from the step 5.\n5) Right-click the unallocated/free space area and select either 'New Partition', or 'New Simple Volume', or 'New Logical Drive'.\n6) The 'New Partition Wizard' or 'New Simple Volume Wizard' window should appear now; follow its instructions. On the wizard page entitled 'Format Partition', select either 'Do not format this partition' or 'Do not format this volume'. In the same wizard, click 'Next' and then 'Finish'.\n7) Note that the device path you have selected in VeraCrypt may be wrong now. Therefore, exit the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard (if it is still running) and then start it again.\n8) Try encrypting the device/partition again.\n\nIf VeraCrypt repeatedly fails to encrypt the device/partition, you may want to consider creating a file container instead.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The device/partition contains a file system that could not be unmounted. The file system may be in use by the operating system. Formatting the device/partition would very likely cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nTo solve this issue, we recommend that you first delete the partition and then recreate it without formatting. To do so, follow these steps:\n1) Right-click the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') icon in the 'Start Menu' and select 'Manage'. The 'Computer Management' window should appear.\n2) In the 'Computer Management' window, select 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'.\n3) Right-click the partition you want to encrypt and select either 'Delete Partition', or 'Delete Volume', or 'Delete Logical Drive'.\n4) Click 'Yes'. If Windows asks you to restart the computer, do so. Then repeat the steps 1 and 2 and continue from the step 5.\n5) Right-click the unallocated/free space area and select either 'New Partition', or 'New Simple Volume', or 'New Logical Drive'.\n6) The 'New Partition Wizard' or 'New Simple Volume Wizard' window should appear now; follow its instructions. On the wizard page entitled 'Format Partition', select either 'Do not format this partition' or 'Do not format this volume'. In the same wizard, click 'Next' and then 'Finish'.\n7) Note that the device path you have selected in VeraCrypt may be wrong now. Therefore, exit the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard (if it is still running) and then start it again.\n8) Try encrypting the device/partition again.\n\nIf VeraCrypt repeatedly fails to encrypt the device/partition, you may want to consider creating a file container instead.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">WARNING: Some of the mounted devices/partitions were already in use!\n\nIgnoring this can cause undesired results including system instability.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you close any application that might be using the devices/partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">The selected device contains partitions.\n\nFormatting the device might cause system instability and/or data corruption. Please either select a partition on the device, or remove all partitions on the device to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,29 +520,29 @@
<entry lang="lv" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Apgabala formāts</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Adobe Reader (or a compatible tool) is necessary to view or print the VeraCrypt User's Guide. Adobe Reader (freeware) can be downloaded at:\n\nDo you want to view the online documentation instead?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">If you select this option, the wizard will first help you create a normal VeraCrypt volume and then a hidden VeraCrypt volume within it. Inexperienced users should always select this option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">If you select this option, you will create a hidden volume within an existing VeraCrypt volume. It will be assumed that you have already created a VeraCrypt volume that is suitable to host the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Volume Creation Mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Hidden Volume Created</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Outer Volume Contents</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nIn the next steps, you will set the options for the outer volume (within which the hidden volume will be created later on).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Outer Volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nThe volume cluster bitmap has been scanned and the maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined. In the next steps you will set the options, the size, and the password for the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Hidden Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is dismounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is unmounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SATISFY_OVER_4G_FILE_SIZE_REQ">You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS, which, however, will not be possible.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_NON_HIDDEN_NTFS_VOLUMES_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS">Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS volume from within the decoy operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_CREATION_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS_HOWTO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_BRIEF_INFO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_EXPLANATION">There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DECOY_TO_HIDDEN_OS_DATA_TRANSFER_HOWTO">Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_RESTART">Your computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_GETTING_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">An error occurred when obtaining the system encryption status.</entry>
@@ -561,18 +561,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="INIT_REGISTER">Unable to initialize the application. Failed to register the Dialog class.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INIT_RICHEDIT">Error: Failed to load the Rich Edit system library.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="INTRO_TITLE">VeraCrypt apgabala izveidošanas vednis</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_BYTES">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_KB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f KB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_MB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f MB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_GB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f GB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MAX_HIDVOL_SIZE_TB">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f TB.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NOPWCHANGE">Volume password/keyfiles cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please dismount the volume first.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NO_PKCS5_PRF_CHANGE">The header key derivation algorithm cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please dismount the volume first.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NOPWCHANGE">Volume password/keyfiles cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please unmount the volume first.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_NO_PKCS5_PRF_CHANGE">The header key derivation algorithm cannot be changed while the volume is mounted. Please unmount the volume first.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="MOUNT_BUTTON">Uzstādīt izvēlēto</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NEW_VERSION_REQUIRED">A newer version of VeraCrypt is required to mount this volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CREATION_WIZARD_NOT_FOUND">Error: Volume Creation Wizard not found.\n\nPlease make sure that the file 'VeraCrypt Format.exe' is in the folder from which 'VeraCrypt.exe' was launched. If it is not, please reinstall VeraCrypt, or locate 'VeraCrypt Format.exe' on your disk and run it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_EXPANDER_NOT_FOUND">Error: Volume Expander not found.\n\nPlease make sure that the file 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' is in the folder from which 'VeraCrypt.exe' was launched. If it is not, please reinstall VeraCrypt, or locate 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' on your disk and run it.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="NEXT">Nākamais &gt;</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FINALIZE">&amp;Finish</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL">&amp;Install</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXTRACT">E&amp;xtract</entry>
@@ -583,19 +583,19 @@
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_UNAVAILABLE">Drive letter not available.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FILE_SELECTED">No file selected!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">No drive letters available.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">No free drive letter for the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_OS_VER">Could not determine your operating system version or you are using an unsupported operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">No path selected!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Not enough free space for the hidden volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">The driver is unable to dismount the volume. Some files located on the volume are probably still open.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Unable to lock the volume. There are still open files on the volume. Therefore, it cannot be dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">The driver is unable to unmount the volume. Some files located on the volume are probably still open.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Unable to lock the volume. There are still open files on the volume. Therefore, it cannot be unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Select a VeraCrypt Volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OPEN_TITLE">Specify Path and File Name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Out of Memory</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -689,20 +689,20 @@
<entry lang="en" key="THREE_LAYER_CASCADE_HELP">Three ciphers in a cascade operating in XTS mode. Each block is first encrypted with %s (%d-bit key), then with %s (%d-bit key), and finally with %s (%d-bit key). Each cipher uses its own key. All keys are mutually independent.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AUTORUN_MAY_NOT_ALWAYS_WORK">Note that, depending on the operating system configuration, these auto-run and auto-mount features may work only when the traveler disk files are created on a non-writable CD/DVD-like medium. Also note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt (it is a limitation of Windows).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TRAVELER_DISK_CREATED">VeraCrypt traveler disk has been successfully created.\n\nNote that you need administrator privileges to run VeraCrypt in portable mode. Also note that, after examining the registry file, it may be possible to tell that VeraCrypt was run on a Windows system even if it is run in portable mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TC_TRAVELER_DISK">VeraCrypt Traveler Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TWOFISH_HELP">Designed by Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall, and Niels Ferguson. Published in 1998. 256-bit key, 128-bit block. Mode of operation is XTS. Twofish was one of the AES finalists.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MORE_INFO_ABOUT">More information on %s</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNKNOWN">Unknown</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_UNKNOWN">An unspecified or unknown error occurred (%d).</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNTALL_LOCK_FAILED">Some volumes contain files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce dismount?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNTALL_LOCK_FAILED">Some volumes contain files or folders being used by applications or system.\n\nForce unmount?</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="UNMOUNT_BUTTON">Demontēt</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="UNMOUNT_FAILED">Demontēšana nesekmīga.</entry>
- <entry lang="lv" key="UNMOUNT_LOCK_FAILED">Apgabals satur datnes vai mapes, kas ko pašlaik izmantoto sistēma vai programmas.\n\nForce dismount?</entry>
+ <entry lang="lv" key="UNMOUNT_LOCK_FAILED">Apgabals satur datnes vai mapes, kas ko pašlaik izmantoto sistēma vai programmas.\n\nForce unmount?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_VOLUME_MOUNTED_TO_DRIVE">No volume is mounted to the specified drive letter.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED">The volume you are trying to mount is already mounted. </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_MOUNT_FAILED">An error occurred when attempting to mount volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_SEEKING">Error seeking location within volume.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VOL_SIZE_WRONG">Kļūda: Nepareizs apgabala izmērs.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WARN_QUICK_FORMAT">WARNING: You should use Quick Format only in the following cases:\n\n1) The device contains no sensitive data and you do not need plausible deniability.\n2) The device has already been securely and fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to use Quick Format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SPARSE_FILE">Dynamic container is a pre-allocated NTFS sparse file whose physical size (actual disk space used) grows as new data is added to it.\n\nWARNING: Performance of sparse-file-hosted volumes is significantly worse than performance of regular volumes. Sparse-file-hosted volumes are also less secure, because it is possible to tell which volume sectors are unused. Furthermore, sparse-file-hosted volumes cannot provide plausible deniability (host a hidden volume). Also note that if data is written to a sparse file container when there is not enough free space in the host file system, the encrypted file system may get corrupted.\n\nAre you sure you want to create a sparse-file-hosted volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SPARSE_FILE_SIZE_NOTE">Note that the size of the dynamic container reported by Windows and by VeraCrypt will always be equal to its maximum size. To find out current physical size of the container (actual disk space it uses), right-click the container file (in a Windows Explorer window, not in VeraCrypt), then select 'Properties' and see the 'Size on disk' value.\n\nAlso note that if you move a dynamic container to another volume or drive, the physical size of the container will be extended to the maximum. (You can prevent that by creating a new dynamic container in the destination location, mounting it and then moving the files from the old container to the new one.)</entry>
@@ -766,17 +766,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CONTAINS_A_HIDDEN_VOL">The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_ACCESS_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume!\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not mounted or being used by the system or an application, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain volume properties.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL_ALT">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_ALT_STEPS">An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_RESUME">An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption of the partition.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_DEC_GENERIC_ERR">An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot dismount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be dismounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot unmount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be unmounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_OUTER_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain information about the outer volume!\nVolume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_ACCESS_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot access the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_MOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot mount the outer volume! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_CLUSTER_BITMAP">Error: Cannot get volume cluster bitmap! Volume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALPHABETICAL_CATEGORIZED">Alphabetical/Categorized</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MEAN_SPEED">Mean Speed (Descending)</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="ALGORITHM">Algoritms</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="ENCRYPTION">Šifrēšana</entry>
@@ -877,17 +877,17 @@
<entry lang="lv" key="CREATING_SYS_RESTORE">Sistēmas atjaunošanas punkta izveidošana</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="FAILED_SYS_RESTORE">Sistēmas atjaunošanas punkta izveidošana nesekmīga.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALLER_UPDATING_BOOT_LOADER">Updating boot loader</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to install '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue installing?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to uninstall '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue uninstalling?</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="INSTALL_COMPLETED">Uzstādīšana paveikta.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="CANT_CREATE_FOLDER">Mapi '%s' nav iespējams izveidot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CLOSE_TC_FIRST">The VeraCrypt device driver cannot be unloaded.\n\nPlease close all open VeraCrypt windows first. If it does not help, please restart Windows and then try again.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">All VeraCrypt volumes must be dismounted before installing or uninstalling VeraCrypt.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">All VeraCrypt volumes must be unmounted before installing or uninstalling VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OLD_VERSION_FIRST">An obsolete version of VeraCrypt is currently installed on this system. It needs to be uninstalled before you can install this new version of VeraCrypt.\n\nAs soon as you close this message box, the uninstaller of the old version will be launched. Note that no volume will be decrypted when you uninstall VeraCrypt. After you uninstall the old version of VeraCrypt, run the installer of the new version of VeraCrypt again.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REG_INSTALL_FAILED">The installation of the registry entries has failed</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVER_INSTALL_FAILED">The installation of the device driver has failed. Please restart Windows and then try installing VeraCrypt again.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="STARTING_DRIVER">Starting VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVER_UINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation of the device driver has failed. Please note that, due to a Windows issue, it may be necessary to log off or restart the system before the device driver can be uninstalled (or reinstalled).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALLING_DRIVER">Installing VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="STOPPING_DRIVER">Stopping VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REMOVING_DRIVER">Uninstalling VeraCrypt device driver</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="lv" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Darbības režīms</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Error: Password must contain only ASCII characters.\n\nNon-ASCII characters in password might cause the volume to be impossible to mount when your system configuration changes.\n\nThe following characters are allowed:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Warning: Password contains non-ASCII characters. This may cause the volume to be impossible to mount when your system configuration changes.\n\nYou should replace all non-ASCII characters in the password with ASCII characters. To do so, click 'Volumes' -&gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n\nThe following are ASCII characters:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="HOMEPAGE">Mājaslapa</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">WARNING: It appears that you have not applied any Service Pack to your Windows installation. You should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB under Windows XP to which you did not apply Service Pack 1 or later! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a bug in VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">WARNING: It appears that you have not applied Service Pack 3 or later to your Windows installation. You should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB under Windows 2000 to which you did not apply Service Pack 3 or later! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a bug in VeraCrypt.\n\nNote: You may also need to enable the 48-bit LBA support in the registry; for more information, see</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">WARNING: 48-bit LBA ATAPI support is disabled on your system. Therefore, you should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a limitation of VeraCrypt.\n\nTo enable the 48-bit LBA support, add the 'EnableBigLba' registry value in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters and set it to 1.\n\nFor more information, see</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">WARNING: If you want to be able to add more data/files to the outer volume in future, you should consider choosing a smaller size for the hidden volume.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue with the size you specified?</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Neviens apgabals nav izvēlēts. Nospiediet 'Izvēlēties datni...' vai 'Izvēlēties ierīci...', lai izvēlētos VeraCrypt apgabalu.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Auto-Mount Devices</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Dismount All</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Unmount All</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Force Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Force Dismount All, Wipe Cache &amp; Exit</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Force Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Force Unmount All, Wipe Cache &amp; Exit</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Mount Favorite Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Show/Hide Main VeraCrypt Window</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Click here and press a key)</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="ACTION">Darbība</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="SHORTCUT">Taustiņu kombinācija</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Kļūda: Šī taustiņu kombinācija ir aizņemta. Izvēlieties citu taustiņu.</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Kļūda: Šī taustiņu kombinācija jau ir aizņemta.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">WARNING: One or more VeraCrypt system-wide hot keys will not work!\n\nPlease make sure that other applications and the operating system do not use the same shortcut(s) as VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">WARNING: If this option is disabled, volumes containing open files/directories will not be possible to auto-dismount.\n\nAre you sure you want to disable this option?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-dismounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-dismount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">WARNING: If this option is disabled, volumes containing open files/directories will not be possible to auto-unmount.\n\nAre you sure you want to disable this option?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-unmounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-unmount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to permanently terminate or reverse the encryption process, select 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of decryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to reverse the decryption process (and start encrypting), select 'System' &gt; 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Error: Failed to interrupt the process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive.</entry>
@@ -1058,17 +1058,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_BKG_TASK_WARNING">WARNING: VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled. After you exit VeraCrypt, you will not be notified if damage to hidden volume is prevented.\n\nNote: You may shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nEnable VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="LANG_PACK_VERSION">Valodas pakotnes versija: %s</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHECKING_FS">Checking the file system on the VeraCrypt volume mounted as %s...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="REPAIRING_FS">Attempting to repair the file system on the VeraCrypt volume mounted as %s...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WARN_64_BIT_BLOCK_CIPHER">Warning: This volume is encrypted with a legacy encryption algorithm.\n\nAll 64-bit-block encryption algorithms (e.g., Blowfish, CAST-128, or Triple DES) are deprecated. It will be possible to mount this volume using future versions of VeraCrypt. However, there will be no further enhancements to the implementations of these legacy encryption algorithms. We recommend that you create a new VeraCrypt volume encrypted with a 128-bit-block encryption algorithm (e.g., AES, Serpent, Twofish, etc.) and that you move all files from this volume to the new volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_AUTOMOUNT_DISABLED">Your system is not configured to auto-mount new volumes. It may be impossible to mount device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes. Auto-mounting can be enabled by executing the following command and restarting the system.\n\nmountvol.exe /E</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER">Please assign a drive letter to the partition/device before proceeding ('Control Panel' &gt; 'System and Maintenance' &gt; 'Administrative Tools' - 'Create and format hard disk partitions').\n\nNote that this is a requirement of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_TC_VOLUME">Mount VeraCrypt volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Dismount all VeraCrypt volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Unmount all VeraCrypt volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UAC_INIT_ERROR">VeraCrypt failed to obtain Administrator privileges.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_ACCESS_DENIED">Access was denied by the operating system.\n\nPossible cause: The operating system requires that you have read/write permission (or administrator privileges) for certain folders, files, and devices, in order for you to be allowed to read and write data to/from them. Normally, a user without administrator privileges is allowed to create, read and modify files in his or her Documents folder.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SECTOR_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED">Error: The drive uses an unsupported sector size.\n\nIt is currently not possible to create partition/device-hosted volumes on drives that use sectors larger than 4096 bytes. However, note that you can create file-hosted volumes (containers) on such drives.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSENC_UNSUPPORTED_SECTOR_SIZE_BIOS">It is currently not possible to encrypt a system installed on a disk that uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_BOOT_LOADER">The VeraCrypt Boot Loader requires at least 32 KBytes of free space at the beginning of the system drive (the VeraCrypt Boot Loader needs to be stored in that area). Unfortunately, your drive does not meet this condition.\n\nPlease do NOT report this as a bug/problem in VeraCrypt. To solve this problem, you will need to repartition your disk and leave the first 32 KBytes of the disk free (in most cases, you will need to delete and recreate the first partition). We recommend that you use the Microsoft partition manager that is available e.g. when you are installing Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">The feature is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">VeraCrypt does not support encryption of a system partition/drive on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_VISTA_SP0">Before you can encrypt the system partition/drive on Windows Vista, you need to install Service Pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista (no such Service Pack has been installed on this system yet).\n\nNote: Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista resolved an issue causing a shortage of free base memory during system boot.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK">Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEYFILE">Keyfile</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="lv" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index eacee1ac..950e3cd9 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1282,17 +1282,17 @@
<entry lang="my" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">တောင်းဆိုထားသော လုပ်ငန်းကို ဆောင်ရွတ်ရန် လုံခြုံရေး တိုကင်၌ မှတ်ဉာဏ်/နေရာ အလုံအလောက် မရှိပါ။\n\nအကယ်၍ သင်သည် ကီးဖိုင် တစ်ခုကို တင်သွင်းရန် ကြိုးစားပါက၊ VeraCrypt ('Tools' &gt; 'Keyfile Generator' ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ) မှ ထုတ်လုပ်သော ဖိုင်အသေး တစ်ခု (သို့) ကီးဖိုင် တစ်ခုကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">ဖွင့်ထားသော လုံခြုံရေး တိုကင် အခန်းများ ပိတ်လိုက်ပြီ။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">လုံခြုံရေး တိုကင် ကီးဖိုင်များကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="TOKEN_NAME">တိုကင် အမည်</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">ဖိုင်အမည်</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">အရေးကြီးချက် - စက်မတက်မီ အတည်​ပြု စကားဝှက်ကို standard US ကီးဘုတ် လေးအောက်ဖြင့် အမြဲ ရေးထည့်ရသည်။ ထို့ကြောင့်၊ အခြား ကီးဘုတ် လေးအောက်ကို အသုံးပြုပြီး စကားဝှက် ရေးထည့်ရသော volume ကို စက်မတက်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက်ဖြင့် (ဤအရာသည် VeraCrypt ၏ ပရိုဂရမ် အမှား မဟုတ်ပါ) အစပျိုးရန် မဖြစ်နိုင်ချေ။ ယင်းကဲ့သို့ volume မျိုးကို စက်မတက်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက်ဖြင့် အစပျိုးနိုင်ရန်၊ အောက်ပါ အဆင့်များကို လိုက်နာပါ -\n\n၁) 'ဖိုင် ရွေးရန်' (သို့) 'Device ရွေးရန်' ကို နှိပ်ပြီး volume ကို ရွေးပါ။\n၂) 'Volumes များ' &gt; 'Volume စကားဝှက် ပြောင်းရန်' ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ။\n၃) Volume ၏ လက်ရှိ စကားဝှက်ကို ရေးထည့်ပါ။\n၄) Windows taskbar မှ ဘာသာစကား ဘား အိုင်ကွန်ပုံကို နှိပ်ပြီးဖြစ်စေ၊ 'EN English (United States)' ကို ရွေးပြီး ဖြစ်စေ ကီးဘုတ် လေးအောက်ကို English (US) အဖြစ် ပြောင်းပါ။\n၅) VeraCrypt ၏ စကားဝှက်အသစ် နေရာကွက်တွင်၊ စက်မတက်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက်ကို ရေးထည့်ပါ။\n၆) စကားဝှက်အသစ်ကို အတည်ပြုရန် ထပ်မံ ရေးထည့်ပြီး 'ကောင်းပြီ' ခလုတ်ကို နှိပ်ပါ။\nသတိပေးချက် - အကယ်၍ အောက်ပါ အဆင့်များကို လိုက်နာပါက၊ volume စကားဝှက်ကို US ကီး​ဘုတ် လေးအောက် သုံးပြီး အမြဲ ရေးထည့်ရမည် ဖြစ်သည် (၄င်းကို စက်မတက်မီ အခြေအနေတွင်သာ အလိုအလျောက် အတည်ပြုသည်)။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များသည် စက်မတက်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက်ကို သုံးပြီး အစပျိုးမည် ဖြစ်သည်။ အကယ်၍ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volume တစ်ခုခုသည် အခြား စကားဝှက်တစ်ခုကို အသုံးပြုပါက၊ ၄င်းကို အစပျိုးနိုင်မည် မဟတ်ပါ။</entry>
- <entry lang="my" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို မထိခိုက်စေရန် အကယ်၍ သာမန် VeraCrypt volume လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်များကို ('အားလုံး အဆုံးသတ်ရန်'၊ အလိုလို-အဆုံးသတ်ရန်၊ စသဖြင့်) တားဆီး​လိုပါက၊ ရွေးစရာ 'စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူကိုသာ ကြည့်ရှုခွင့်ပြုရန်နှင့် VeraCrypt ထဲရှိ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို အဆုံးသတ်ရန်' ကို ဖွင့်ပါ။ ထို့အပြင်၊ VeraCrypt သည် စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူ လုပ်ပိုင်ခွင့်မပါပဲ သုံးစွဲသည့်အခါ၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိက်ကြိုက် volumes များသည် VeraCrypt ပင်ပ အပ္ပလီကေးရှင်း ၀င်းဒိုးရှိ 'Dismount All'အခွင့်အရေးများ (Windows Vista နှင့် နောက်ထွက်တွင် ပုံမှန် ပါရှိသည်) မပါဘဲ ဖွင့်သည့်အခါ VeraCrypt အသုံးချဆော့ဖ်ဝဲလ်အဓိကဝင်းဒိုးထဲရှိ drive အက္ခရာစာရင်းတွင် ဖေါ်ပြလာမည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</entry>
+ <entry lang="my" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို မထိခိုက်စေရန် အကယ်၍ သာမန် VeraCrypt volume လုပ်ဆောင်ချက်များကို ('အားလုံး အဆုံးသတ်ရန်'၊ အလိုလို-အဆုံးသတ်ရန်၊ စသဖြင့်) တားဆီး​လိုပါက၊ ရွေးစရာ 'စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူကိုသာ ကြည့်ရှုခွင့်ပြုရန်နှင့် VeraCrypt ထဲရှိ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို အဆုံးသတ်ရန်' ကို ဖွင့်ပါ။ ထို့အပြင်၊ VeraCrypt သည် စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူ လုပ်ပိုင်ခွင့်မပါပဲ သုံးစွဲသည့်အခါ၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိက်ကြိုက် volumes များသည် VeraCrypt ပင်ပ အပ္ပလီကေးရှင်း ၀င်းဒိုးရှိ 'Unmount All'အခွင့်အရေးများ (Windows Vista နှင့် နောက်ထွက်တွင် ပုံမှန် ပါရှိသည်) မပါဘဲ ဖွင့်သည့်အခါ VeraCrypt အသုံးချဆော့ဖ်ဝဲလ်အဓိကဝင်းဒိုးထဲရှိ drive အက္ခရာစာရင်းတွင် ဖေါ်ပြလာမည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">အရေးကြီးချက် - အကယ်၍ ဤရွေးစရာကို ဖွင့်ထားပြီး VeraCrypt ၌ စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူ လုပ်ပိုင်ခွင့် မရှိပါက၊ အစပျိုးထားသော ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို VeraCrypt အပ္ပလီကေးရှင်းတွင် မြင်တွေ့ရမည် မဟုတ်ပါ၊ ၄င်းတို့ကို အဆုံးသတ်နိုင်မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။ ထို့ကြောင့်၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volume ကို အဆုံးသတ်လိုပါက၊ VeraCrypt အိုင်ကွန် (Start မီနူးထဲ) ၌ ညာဖက်နှိပ်ပြီး ပထမဦးဆုံး 'စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူ အဖြစ် ဖွင့်ရန်' ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ။ အလားတူ ကန့်သတ်ချက်သည် 'အားလုံး အဆုံးသတ်ရန်' ဖန်ရှင်၊ 'အလိုလို-အဆုံးသတ်ရန်' ဖန်ရှင်များ၊ 'အားလုံး အဆုံးသတ်ရန်' အထူးကီးများ၊ စသည်တို့၌ အကျုံးဝင်သည်။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">ဤချိန်ညှိချက်သည် OS စနစ်ကို ပြန်ဖွင့်သည့်အခါ၌သာ သက်ရောက်မှု ရှိမည် ဖြစ်သည်။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Command line ပိုင်းခြားစိစစ်နေစဉ် ချို့ယွင်းချက်။</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="RESCUE_DISK">ဆယ်တင်ရေး အခွေ</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">&amp;ဖိုင်ကို ရွေးပြီး အစပျိုးပါ...</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">&amp;Device ကို ရွေးပြီး အစပျိုးပါ...</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူများကိုသာ ကြည့်ရှုခွင့် ပေးပြီး Veracrypt ထဲရှိ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို အဆုံးသတ်ပါ</entry>
<entry lang="my" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Windows ဖွင့်လာသည့်အခါ (စက်အတက် လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် အစပိုင်း အဆင့်တွင်) ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စိတ်ကြိုက် volumes များကို အစပျိုးပါ</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.nn.xml b/Translations/Language.nn.xml
index 95af6d5c..830544aa 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.nn.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.nn.xml
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Skift</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Windows</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Anngje</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Fjern</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Nøkkelfiler...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="nn" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">%s er %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">%s er %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">ADVARSEL: Einheita/partisjonen er i bruk av opperativsystemet eller eit program. Å formatera einheiten/partisjonen kan føra til att data vert korrupte og systemet vert ustabilt.\n\nHaldfram?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Feil: Einheita/partisjonen inneheld eit filsystem som ikkje kunne demonterast. Filsystemet kan vera i bruk av opperativ systemet. Å formatera einheta/patisjonen vil nesten garantert føra til korupte data og ustabilt system.\n\nFor å løysa dette problemt , anbefallar me att du fyrst slettar partisjonen for så og oppretta den på nytt utan å formatera den. For å gjera dette, fylja desse stega: 1) Right-click the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') icon in the 'Start Menu' and select 'Manage'. The 'Computer Management' window should appear. 2) In the 'Computer Management' window, select 'Storage' &gt; 'Disk Management'. 3) Right-click the partition you want to encrypt and select either 'Delete Partition', or 'Delete Volume', or 'Delete Logical Drive'. 4) Click 'Yes'. If Windows asks you to restart the computer, do so. Then repeat the steps 1 and 2 and continue from the step 5. 5) Right-click the unallocated/free space area and select either 'New Partition', or 'New Simple Volume', or 'New Logical Drive'. 6) The 'New Partition Wizard' or 'New Simple Volume Wizard' window should appear now; follow its instructions. On the wizard page entitled 'Format Partition', select either 'Do not format this partition' or 'Do not format this volume'. In the same wizard, click 'Next' and then 'Finish'. 7) Note that the device path you have selected in VeraCrypt may be wrong now. Therefore, exit the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard (if it is still running) and then start it again. 8) Try encrypting the device/partition again.\n\nIf VeraCrypt repeatedly fails to encrypt the device/partition, you may want to consider creating a file container instead.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">ADVARSEL: Nokre av dei monterte einingane/partisjonane var allereie i bruk!\n\nÅ oversjå dette kan føra til utilsikta resultat inkludert ustabilt system.\n\nMe anbefaler på det sterkaste att du lukkar alle program som kan bruka einingane/partisjonane.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Valgt einheit inneheld partisjonar.\n\nÅ formatera einheiten kan føra til ustabilt system og korrupte data. Vel annten vel ein partisjon på einheiten, eller fjern alle partisjonar på einheiten slik att VeraCrypt kan formatera den trygt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,29 +520,29 @@
<entry lang="nn" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Volum Formatering</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Adobe Reader (eller kompatibelt program) er nødvendig for å lesa og/eller skriva ut VeraCrypt Brukarhandboka. Adobe Reader (freeware) kan lastast ned frå:\n\nVil du sjå online dokumentasjonen istadenfor?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">If you select this option, the wizard will first help you create a normal VeraCrypt volume and then a hidden VeraCrypt volume within it. Inexperienced users should always select this option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">If you select this option, you will create a hidden volume within an existing VeraCrypt volume. It will be assumed that you have already created a VeraCrypt volume that is suitable to host the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Volume Creation Mode</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Skjult Volum Oppretta</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, cluster bitmap of the outer volume will be scanned to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. Cluster bitmap scanning ensures that no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Innhald på Ytre Volum</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nI dei neste stega vel du alternativa for det ytre volumet (som du seinare opprettar det skjulte volumet i).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Ytre Volum</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nVolum sektorgruppe punktkartet har vorte skanna og den maksimale mogelege storleiken på det skjulte volumet har vorte fastsett. I det neste steget vill du setja alternativa, storleiken og passord for det skjulte volumet.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Skjult Volum</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is dismounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is unmounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SATISFY_OVER_4G_FILE_SIZE_REQ">You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS, which, however, will not be possible.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_NON_HIDDEN_NTFS_VOLUMES_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS">Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS volume from within the decoy operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_CREATION_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS_HOWTO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_BRIEF_INFO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_EXPLANATION">There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DECOY_TO_HIDDEN_OS_DATA_TRANSFER_HOWTO">Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_RESTART">Your computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_GETTING_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">An error occurred when obtaining the system encryption status.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Ingen stasjons bokstavar tilgjengeleg.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Ingen ledige stasjons bokstavar for det ytre volumet! Volum skaping kan ikkje halda fram.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_OS_VER">Kunne ikkje fastsetja kva operativsystem du brukar eller så brukar du eit operativsystem som ikkje er støtta.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Ingen sti valt!</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Ikkje nok ledig plass til å oppretta det skjulte volumet Volum skaping kan ikkje halda fram.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Drivaren klarte ikkje å demontera volumet. Nokre filer som ligg på volumet kan framleis vera opne.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Kunne ikkje lukka volumet. Det er framleis opne filer på volumet. Derfor kan ikkje volumet demonterast.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Vel eit VeraCrypt Volum</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="OPEN_TITLE">Spesifiser Sti og Fil namn</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Ikkje meir minne</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -766,17 +766,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CONTAINS_A_HIDDEN_VOL">The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_ACCESS_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume!\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not mounted or being used by the system or an application, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain volume properties.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL_ALT">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_ALT_STEPS">An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_RESUME">An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again if possible. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or fully decrypted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_DEC_GENERIC_ERR">An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot dismount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be dismounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Error: Cannot unmount the outer volume!\n\nVolume cannot be unmounted if it contains files or folders being used by a program or the system.\n\nPlease close any program that might be using files or directories on the volume and click Retry.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_OUTER_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain information about the outer volume!\nVolume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="CANT_ACCESS_OUTER_VOL">Feil: Kan ikkje opna det ytre volumet! Volum oppretting kan ikkje halde fram.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="CANT_MOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Feil: Kan ikkje montera det ytre volumet! Volum oppretting kan ikkje halde fram.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="CANT_GET_CLUSTER_BITMAP">Feil: Kan ikkje skaffa volum cluster bitmap! Volum oppretting kan ikkje halde fram.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="ALPHABETICAL_CATEGORIZED">Alfabetisk/Kategorisert</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="MEAN_SPEED">Gjennomsnits fart (Synkande)</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="ALGORITHM">Algoritme</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="ENCRYPTION">Kryptering</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="nn" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Modus for Operasjon</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Feil: Passord kan berre innehalde ASCII teikn.\n\nikkje-ASCII teikn i passord kan føra til att det ikkje vert mogeleg å montera volumet når system konfigen din endrar seg.\n\nFølgjande teken er lov:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Advarsel: Passord inneheld ikkje-ASCII teikn. Dette kan føra til att det ikkje vert mogeleg å montera volumet når system konfigen din endrar seg.\n\nDu bør byta ut alle ikkje-ASCII teken i passordet med ASCII teken. For å gjera det, trykk på 'Volum' -&gt; 'Endre Volum passord'.\n\nFølgjande er ASCII teikn:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HOMEPAGE">Heimeside</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ADVARSEL: Det ser ut til att du ikkje har installert nokon service pakke til din Windows installasjon. Du skal ikkje skriva til IDE diskar større enn 128 GB under Windows XP som ikkje har SP 1 eller høgare! Vist du gjere det kan data som er på disken (uansett om det er eit VeraCrypt Volum eller ikkje) verta korrupte. Dette er ein begrensing i Windows, ikkje ein feil i VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ADVARSEL: Det ser ut til att du ikkje har installert service pack 2 eller seinare til din Windows installasjon. Du skal ikkje skriva til IDE diskar større enn 128 GB under Windows 2000 som ikkje har installert SP 3 eller høgare! Vist du gjere det kan data som er på disken (uansett om det er eit VeraCrypt Volum eller ikkje) verta korrupte. Dette er ein begrensing i Windows, ikkje ein feil i VeraCrypt.\n\nMerk: Det kan og hende du må aktivere støtta for 48-bit LBA i Windows registeret; for meir info, sjå</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">WARNING: 48-bit LBA ATAPI support is disabled on your system. Therefore, you should not write to IDE disks larger than 128 GB! If you do, data on the disk (no matter if it is a VeraCrypt volume or not) may get corrupted. Note that this is a limitation of Windows, not a limitation of VeraCrypt.\n\nTo enable the 48-bit LBA support, add the 'EnableBigLba' registry value in the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters and set it to 1.\n\nFor more information, see</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">WARNING: If you want to be able to add more data/files to the outer volume in future, you should consider choosing a smaller size for the hidden volume.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue with the size you specified?</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Ingen volum valgt.\n\nKlikk 'Vel Einheit' eller 'Vel Fil' for å velgja eit VeraCrypt volum.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Auto monter einheiter</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Demonter alle</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Slett snøgglager</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Tving demontering av alle &amp; Visk ut snøgglager</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Tving demontering av alle, Visk ut snøgglager &amp; Avslutt</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Monter Favoritt Volum</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Vis/skjul Hovud VeraCrypt vindauga</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Klikk her og trykk ein tast)</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="ACTION">Sett i gang</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="SHORTCUT">Snarveg</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Feil: Denne snarvegen er reservert. Vel ein annan snarveg.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Feil: Snarvegen er allereie i bruk.</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">Advarsel: One or more VeraCrypt system-wide hot keys will not work!\n\nPlease make sure that other applications and the operating system do not use the same shortcut(s) as VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">Advarsel: Vist denne mogelegheita vert aktivert, vill ikkje volum som inneheld opne filer/mapper vera mogeleg å auto-demontera.\n\nEr du sikker på att du vill deaktivera denne mogelegheita?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-dismounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-dismount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">WARNING: Volumes containing open files/directories will NOT be auto-unmounted.\n\nTo prevent this, enable the following option in this dialog window: 'Force auto-unmount even if volume contains open files or directories'</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to permanently terminate or reverse the encryption process, select 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of decryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to reverse the decryption process (and start encrypting), select 'System' &gt; 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Error: Failed to interrupt the process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' > 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK">Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties > Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties > Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="KEYFILE">Nøkkelfil</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="nn" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index df1af7eb..501b7156 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Priradiť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Odstrániť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Súbor. kľúče...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -419,17 +419,17 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Veľkosť %s je %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Veľkosť %s je %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">VÝSTRAHA: zariadenie/oddiel sa používa operačným systémom alebo aplikáciami. Formátovanie zariadenia/oddielu môže spôsobiť poškodenie dát alebo systémovou nestabilitu.\n\nPokračovať?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Chyba: zariadenie/oddiel obsahuje systém súborov, ktorý nie je možné pripojiť. Systém súborov môže byť používaný operačným systémom. Formátovanie zariadenia/oddielu by pravdepodobne spôsobilo poškodenie dát a systémovou nestabilitu.\n\nPre vyriešenie tohto problému doporučujeme najskôr zmazať oddiel a potom ho znova vytvoriť bez formátovania. Postupujte nasledovne: 1) Pravý-klik myšou na ikonu 'Tento počítač' alebo v menu 'Štart' vyberte 'Spravovať'. Zobrazí sa okno 'Správa počítača'. 2) V okne 'Správa počítača' vyberte 'ukladací priestor' &gt; 'Správa diskov'. 3) Pravý-klik myšou na oddiel, ktorý chcete zašifrovať a vyberte buď 'zmazať oddiel' alebo 'zmazať zväzok' alebo 'zmazať logický disk'. 4) kliknite 'Áno'. pokiaľ sa Windows opýta na reštart počítača, vykonajte tak. Potom zopakujte kroky 1 a 2 a pokračujte od kroku 5. 5) Pravý-klik na nealokované/Voľné miesto a vyberte buď 'Nový oddiel' alebo 'Nový obyčajný zväzok' alebo 'Nový logický disk'. 6) Zobrazí sa okno 'Sprievodca vytvorením nového oddielu' alebo 'Sprievodca nového jednoduchého zväzku'; nasledujte ich inštrukcie. Na stránke Sprievodca nazvanej 'sformátovať oddiel' vyberte buď 'Naformátovať tento oddiel' alebo 'Naformátovať tento zväzok'. V rovnakom sprievodcovi kliknite 'Ďalší' a potom 'Dokončiť'. 7) Cesta k zariadeniu, ktorú ste vybrali v programe VeraCrypt môže byť teraz nesprávne. Ukončite preto Sprievodcu vytvorením oddielu VeraCrypt (Pokiaľ stále beží) a spustite ho znova. 8) skúste zašifrovať zariadenie/oddiel znova.\n\nPokiaľ VeraCrypt opakovane zlyháva pri šifrovaní zariadenia/oddielu, skúste miesto toho vytvorenie súborového zväzku.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or unmounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">UPOZORNENIE: Niektoré z pripojených zariadení/oddielov boli už používané!\n\nIgnorovanie môže spôsobiť nežiaduce následky vrátane nestability systému.\n\nDôrazne doporučujeme zatvoriť všetky aplikácie, ktoré by mohli zariadenie/oddiely používať.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Vybrané zariadenie obsahuje oddiely.\n\nSformátovanie zariadenia by mohlo spôsobiť systémovou nestabilitu a/alebo poškodenie údajov. Vyberte prosím oddiel na zariadenie alebo odstráňte všetky oddiely na zariadení, aby ho mohol VeraCrypt bezpečne sformátovať.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -520,29 +520,29 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_TITLE">Formát zväzku</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">Na čítanie alebo tlač Užívateľskej príručky VeraCrypt je nutný prehliadač Adobe Reader (alebo iný kompatibilný nástroj). Adobe Reader (freeware) možno stiahnuť na adrese:\n\nChcete si radšej pozrieť on-line dokumentáciu?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">If you select this option, the wizard will first help you create a normal VeraCrypt volume and then a hidden VeraCrypt volume within it. Inexperienced users should always select this option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">If you select this option, you will create a hidden volume within an existing VeraCrypt volume. It will be assumed that you have already created a VeraCrypt volume that is suitable to host the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">Volume Creation Mode</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">Skrytý zväzok bol vytvorený</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">Externý zväzok bol úspešne vytvorený a pripojený ako jednotka %hc:. Do tohto zväzku by ste teraz mali nakopírovať nejaké citlivo vyzerajúce súbory, ktoré v skutočnosti NECHCETE skryť. Súbory tam budú uložené pre kohokoľvek, kto by Vás nútil odhaliť heslo. Odhalíte len heslo pre tento externý zväzok, nie pre skrytý. Súbory, na ktorých Vám v skutočnosti záleží, budú uložené v skrytom zväzku, ktorý sa vytvorí neskôr. Po nakopírovaní údajov kliknite Ďalší. Zväzok neodpájajte.\n\nPozn.: Keď kliknete Ďalší, clusterová bitmapa externého zväzku bude naskenovaná pre určenie veľkosti neprerušenej oblasti voľného miesta, ktorého Koniec sa nachádza na konci zväzku. Táto oblasť bude obsahovať skrytý zväzok, takže tým obmedzí svoju maximálnu možnú veľkosť. Skenovanie clusterovej bitmapy zaistí, že žiadne údaje na externom zväzku nebudú prepísané externým zväzkom.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">Obsah externého zväzku</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nV ďalšom kroku zadáte možnosti pre externý zväzok (vo vnútri ktorého bude neskôr vytvorený skrytý zväzok).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Externý zväzok</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\nBitmapový cluster zväzku bol naskenovaný a maximálna možná veľkosť skrytého zväzku bola určená. V ďalšom kroku zadáte voľby, veľkosť a heslo pre skrytý zväzok.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">Skrytý zväzok</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until dismounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is dismounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is dismounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT">The hidden volume is now protected against damage until the outer volume is unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to the hidden volume area will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_PROT_WARN_AFTER_MOUNT_PLURAL">Each of the hidden volumes within the newly mounted volumes is now protected against damage until unmounted.\n\nWARNING: If any data is attempted to be saved to protected hidden volume area of any of these volumes, VeraCrypt will start write-protecting the entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) until it is unmounted. This may cause filesystem corruption on the outer volume, which (if repeated) might adversely affect plausible deniability of the hidden volume. Therefore, you should make every effort to avoid writing to the hidden volume area. Any data being saved to protected hidden volume areas will not be saved and will be lost. Windows may report this as a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect").</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED">WARNING: Data were attempted to be saved to the hidden volume area of the volume mounted as %c:! VeraCrypt prevented these data from being saved in order to protect the hidden volume. This may have caused filesystem corruption on the outer volume and Windows may have reported a write error ("Delayed Write Failed" or "The parameter is incorrect"). The entire volume (both the outer and the hidden part) will be write-protected until it is unmounted. If this is not the first time VeraCrypt has prevented data from being saved to the hidden volume area of this volume, plausible deniability of this hidden volume might be adversely affected (due to possible unusual correlated inconsistencies within the outer volume file system). Therefore, you should consider creating a new VeraCrypt volume (with Quick Format disabled) and moving files from this volume to the new volume; this volume should be securely erased (both the outer and the hidden part). We strongly recommend that you restart the operating system now.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SATISFY_OVER_4G_FILE_SIZE_REQ">You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS, which, however, will not be possible.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_NON_HIDDEN_NTFS_VOLUMES_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS">Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS volume from within the decoy operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOL_CREATION_UNDER_HIDDEN_OS_HOWTO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_BRIEF_INFO">For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_WRITE_PROTECTION_EXPLANATION">There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DECOY_TO_HIDDEN_OS_DATA_TRANSFER_HOWTO">Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_RESTART">Your computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_GETTING_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_STATUS">An error occurred when obtaining the system encryption status.</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Žiadne písmeno disku nie je k dispozícií.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Nie je k dispozícií žiadne voľné písmeno disku pre externý zväzok! vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_OS_VER">Verzia Vášho operačného systému nebola rozpoznaná alebo používate nepodporovaný operačný systém.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Nebola vybratá cesta!</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Pre skrytý zväzok nie je dostatok voľného miesta! Vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Ovládač nemôže odpojiť zväzok. Niektoré súbory umiestnené na zväzku sú pravdepodobne ešte otvorené.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Zväzok nemohol byť uzamknutý. Na zväzku sú stále otvorené súbory. Preto nemôže byť odpojený.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Vyberte zväzok VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPEN_TITLE">Zadajte cestu a meno súboru</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Nedostatok pamäti</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Operačný mód</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Drive Letter: </entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Chyba: Heslo musí obsahovať len ASCII znaky.\n\nNe-ASCII znaky v hesle môžu spôsobiť nemožnosť pripojenia zväzku pri zmene Vašej systémovej konfigurácie.\n\nPovolené sú nasledujúce znaky:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Upozornenie: Heslo obsahuje ne-ASCII znaky. Toto môže spôsobiť nemožnosť pripojenia zväzku pri zmene Vašej systémovej konfigurácie.\n\nMali by ste zameniť všetky ne-ASCII znaky v hesle za ASCII znaky. To do so, click 'Volumes' -&gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n\nToto sú ASCII znaky:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HOMEPAGE">Domovská stránka</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">UPOZORNENIE: Zdá sa, že ste nenainštalovali žiaden Service Pack vo Vašej používa Windows. Nemali by ste zapisovať na IDE disky väčšie ako 128 GB v systéme Windows XP, v ktorom ste nenainštalovali Service Pack 1 alebo novší! Pokiaľ tak učiníte, údaje na disku (bez ohľadu na to, či ide o zväzok VeraCrypt alebo ne) sa môžu poškodiť. Toto je obmedzenie Windows, nie chyba programu VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">UPOZORNENIE: Zdá sa, že ste nenainštalovali Service Pack 3 alebo novší vo Vašej inštalácii Windows. Nemali by ste zapisovať na disky väčšie ako 128 GB v systéme Windows 2000, v ktorom ste nenainštalovali Service Pack 3 alebo novší! Pokiaľ tak učiníte, údaje na disku (bez ohľadu na to, či ide o zväzok VeraCrypt alebo nie) sa môžu poškodiť. Toto je obmedzenie Windows, nie chyba programu VeraCrypt.\n\nPozn.: Možno tiež bude potrebné zapnúť podporu 48-bit LBA v registroch; pre viac informácií viď</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">VAROVANIE: Podpora 48-bit LBA ATAPI je vo Vašom systéme zakázaná. Preto by ste nemali zapisovať na IDE disky väčšie ako 128 GB! Pokiaľ tak učiníte, údaje na disku (či už je to VeraCrypt zväzok alebo nie) sa môžu poškodiť. Toto je obmedzenie Windows, nie programu VeraCrypt.\n\nPre povolenie podpory 48-bit LBA, pridajte hodnotu 'EnableBigLba' do registrov v reg. kľúči HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters and zadajte mu hodnotu 1.\n\nPre viac informácií viď</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">UPOZORNENIE: pokiaľ budete chcieť v budúcností prídávať viac dát/súborov/files na externý zväzok, mali by ste zvážiť či nevybrať menšiu veľkosť skrytého zväzku.\n\nSte si istí, že chcete pokračovať so zadanou veľkosťou?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Nie je vybratý žiaden zväzok.\n\nKliknite 'Vybrať zariadenie' alebo 'Vybrať súbor' pre výber zväzku VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a unmounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Autom. pripojiť zariadenie</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Odpojiť všetko</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Vyčistiť Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých &amp; Vyčistiť medzipamäť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých, Vyčistiť medzipamäť &amp; Koniec</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Pripojiť obľúbené oddiely</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Zobraziť/skryť Hlavné okno programe VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Kliknite sem a stlačte klávesu)</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ACTION">Akcia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SHORTCUT">Klávesová skratka</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Chyba: Táto klávesová skratka je rezervovaná. Vyberte prosím inú klávesovú skratku.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Chyba: Klávesová skratka sa už používa.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">VÝSTRAHA: Jedna alebo viac VeraCrypt systémových klávesových skratiek nebude fungovať!\n\nUbezpečte sa, že ďalšie aplikácie a operačný systém nepoužívajú rovnaké klávesové skratky ako VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: pokiaľ je táto voľba vypnutá, zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebude možné automaticky odpojiť.\n\nSte si istí, že chcete túto voľbu vypnúť?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebudú automaticky odpojené.\n\nAby ste tomu zabránili, povoľte nasledujúcu voľbu v tomto dialógovom okne: 'Vynútiť automatické odpojenie, aj keď zväzok obsahuje otvorené súbory alebo adresáre'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Exit?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt does not have sufficient information to determine whether to encrypt or decrypt.\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by clicking Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to permanently terminate or reverse the encryption process, select 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of decryption of the system partition/drive?\n\nNote: You will be able to resume the process and it will continue from the point it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. If you want to reverse the decryption process (and start encrypting), select 'System' &gt; 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Error: Failed to interrupt the process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK">Rescue Disk</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="KEYFILE">Súborový kľúč</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_13">Pauza</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index e6c6169b..3d91a511 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -1302,17 +1302,17 @@
<entry lang="uk" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Том '%s' було підключено тільки для читання, оскільки операційна система заборонила запис на хост-пристрій.\n\nЗверніть увагу, що деякі спеціальні драйвери чіпсета, помилково повідомляють, доступні для запису носії інформації як пристрої тільки для читання. Ця проблема не пов'язана з VeraCrypt. Вона може бути вирішена шляхом поновлення або видалення драйвері чіпсету сторонніх виробників (не Microsoft).</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Зверніть увагу, що технологія Hyper-Threading забезпечує декілька логічних ядер на одному фізичному ядрі. Коли Hyper Threading увімкнено, число показує кількість логічних процесорів/ядер.</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d шт.</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Зазначимо, що апаратне пришвидшення AES вимкнено це буде впливати на результати тестів (погіршить продуктивність).\n\n увімкнути апаратне прискорення, виберіть "Налаштування" &gt; 'Швидкодія' й увімкніть відповідну опцію.</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Зверніть увагу, що кількість потоків в даний час обмежується, які будуть впливати на результати тестів (гірша продуктивність).\n\n Щоб використовувати весь потенціал процесора (ів), "Налаштування", виберіть &gt; "Швидкодія" і вимкніть відповідну функцію.</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Бажаєте, щоб VeraCrypt спробувати відключити захист від запису на розділ/диск?</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">УВАГА: Цей параметр може знизити продуктивність.\n\nвикористовувати цей параметр?</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Увага: VeraCrypt авто-розмонтував пристрої</entry>
- <entry lang="uk" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Перед тим, як фізично видалити або відключити пристрій, що містить встановлений обсяг, ви повинні демонтувати спершу том VeraCrypt.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="uk" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Перед тим, як фізично видалити або відключити пристрій, що містить встановлений обсяг, ви повинні демонтувати спершу том VeraCrypt.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">Цей том був створений за допомогою TrueCrypt %x.%x, але VeraCrypt підтримує лише томи TrueCrypt, створені за допомогою версій TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="TEST">Тест</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="KEYFILE">Файл-ключ</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="VKEY_0C">Очистити</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="uk" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 269e3699..77bab2e6 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Назначить</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Убрать</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Ключ.файлы...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="uz" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">Режим операции</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="LABEL_ITEM">Метка: </entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SIZE_ITEM">Размер: </entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="PATH_ITEM">Путь: </entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">Буква диска: </entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">Ошибка! Пароль должен содержать только символы стандартного набора ASCII.\n\nСимволы не из набора ASCII могут привести к невозможности монтирования тома при смене настроек в конфигурации системы.\n\nРазрешается использовать следующие символы:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">Внимание! Пароль содержит не-ASCII символы. Это может привести к невозможности монтирования тома при смене конфигурации системы.\n\nВам следует заменить все не-ASCII символы в пароле на символы ASCII. Для этого щёлкните на меню 'Тома' -&gt; 'Изменить пароль тома'.\n\nК символам ASCII относятся:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HOMEPAGE">Домашняя страница</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">ВНИМАНИЕ: В системе не установлено ни одного пакета обновлений (Service Pack) Windows. Если в Windows XP не установлен Service Pack 1 (или новее), не следует выполнять запись на диски IDE объёмом более 128 Гб, иначе возможно повреждение данных (неважно, относятся они к тому VeraCrypt или нет). Это ограничение Windows, а не ошибка в VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">ВНИМАНИЕ: В системе не установлен пакет обновлений Windows Service Pack 3 (или новее). Если в Windows 2000 не установлен Service Pack 3 (или новее), не следует выполнять запись на диски IDE объёмом более 128 Гб, иначе возможно повреждение данных (неважно, относятся они к тому VeraCrypt или нет). Это ограничение Windows, а не ошибка в VeraCrypt. Кроме того, может потребоваться включить в реестре поддержку 48-бит адресации LBA; подробности см. на</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">ВНИМАНИЕ: В вашей системе отключена поддержка 48-бит LBA ATAPI. Поэтому вам не следует выполнять запись на IDE-диски объёмом более 128 Гбайт! В противном случае это может привести к повреждению данных на диске (будь это том VeraCrypt или обычный раздел). Это ограничение Windows, никакого отношения к VeraCrypt не имеющее.\n\nЧтобы включить поддержку 48-бит режима LBA, добавьте в реестр в ключ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters значение 'EnableBigLba' и установите его значение в 1.\n\nСм. подробности тут:</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">ОШИБКА: Файлы объёмом более 4 Гб нельзя сохранять в файловой системе FAT32. Поэтому тома VeraCrypt на основе файлов (контейнеры), хранящиеся в файловой системе FAT32, не могут быть больше 4 Гб.\n\nЕсли вам нужен том большего объёма, создайте его в системе NTFS (либо, если вы пользуетесь Windows Vista SP1 или новее, в файловой системе exFAT), либо вместо создания тома на основе файла зашифруйте весь раздел диска.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вам нужно впоследствии добавлять во внешний том ещё данные/файлы, следует позаботиться об уменьшении размера скрытого тома.\n\nВы хотите продолжить и использовать указанный вами размер?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Не выбран том.\n\nНажмите кнопку 'Устройство' или 'Файл' и выберите том VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">Не выбран раздел.\n\nНажмите кнопку 'Устройство' и выберите не смонтированный раздел, который требует предзагрузочную авторизацию (например, раздел на зашифрованном системном диске с другой, не выполняемой сейчас ОС, или зашифрованный системный раздел другой ОС).\n\nПримечание: выбранный раздел будет смонтирован как обычный том VeraCrypt без предзагрузочной авторизации. Это может пригодиться, например, для операций резервного копирования или починки.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">ВНИМАНИЕ: Если установлены и активированы ключевые файлы по умолчанию, монтировать НЕ использующие их тома будет невозможно. При монтировании таких томов не забывайте выключать опцию 'Ключевые файлы' (ниже поля ввода пароля).\n\nВы действительно хотите сохранить выбранные ключевые файлы/пути как используемые по умолчанию?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Автомонтирование устройств</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Размонтировать все</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Очистка кэша</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Размонтировать все и очистить кэш</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Размонтировать все, очистить кэш и выйти</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Смонтировать избранные тома</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Показать/скрыть главное окно VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(щёлкните здесь и нажмите клавишу)</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="ACTION">Действие</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SHORTCUT">Быстрый вызов</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Ошибка! Эта горячая клавиша зарезервирована. Выберите другую.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Ошибка! Эта горячая клавиша уже используется.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">ВНИМАНИЕ: Некоторые общесистемные горячие клавиши VeraCrypt не будут работать!\n\nПроверьте, не используются ли те же клавиши другими приложениями или операционной системой.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Из-за ошибки или несовместимости VeraCrypt не может зашифровать файл спящего режима (hibernation). Поэтому спящий режим отключён.\n\nПримечание: когда компьютер переходит в режим сна (или в энергосберегающий ждущий режим), содержимое его системной памяти записывается на жёсткий диск в файл с данными спящего режима. VeraCrypt не может предотвратить сохранение открытых в ОЗУ ключей шифрования и содержимого важных файлов в незашифрованном виде в файле с данными спящего режима.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">ВНИМАНИЕ: Если выключить этот параметр, станет невозможно автоматически размонтировать тома, содержащие открытые файлы/папки.\n\nВы действительно хотите выключить этот параметр?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">ВНИМАНИЕ: Тома с открытыми файлами/папками НЕ будут автоматически размонтироваться.\n\nЧтобы избежать такого эффекта, включите в этом окне следующий параметр: 'Авторазмонтировать тома даже при открытых файлах/папках'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">Вы запланировали шифрование раздела/тома. Этот процесс пока ещё не завершён.\n\nХотите возобновить процесс сейчас?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Вы запланировали шифрование или дешифрование системного раздела/диска. Этот процесс пока ещё не завершён.\n\nХотите начать (продолжить) процесс сейчас?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">Вы запланировали шифрование или дешифрование системного раздела/диска. Однако не пройдена (или была пропущена) предзагрузочная авторизация.\n\nПримечание: при дешифровании системного раздела/диска в предзагрузочном окружении может потребоваться финализация процесса путём выбора команды 'Система' &gt; 'Перманентно расшифровать системный раздел/диск' в меню главного окна VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Выход?</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt не обладает достаточной информацией, чтобы определить, шифрование выполнять или дешифрование.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt не обладает достаточной информацией, чтобы определить, шифрование выполнять или дешифрование.\n\nПримечание: при дешифровании системного раздела/диска в предзагрузочном окружении может потребоваться финализировать процесс, нажав Decrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Вы хотите прервать процесс шифрования раздела/тома, отложив его на будущее?\n\nПримечание: помните, что пока том не будет полностью зашифрован, его нельзя смонтировать. Позже процесс шифрования можно будет возобновить с той точки, где он был остановлен. Это можно сделать, например, выбрав команду 'Тома' &gt; 'Продолжить прерванный процесс' в меню главного окна VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Хотите прервать и отложить процесс шифрования системного раздела/диска?\n\nПримечание: позже процесс можно будет возобновить с той точки, где он был остановлен. Это можно сделать, например, выбрав в главном окне VeraCrypt меню 'Система' &gt; 'Продолжить прерванный процесс'. Если вы хотите окончательно прервать процесс или совсем отказаться от шифрования, выберите 'Система' &gt; 'Перманентно дешифровать системный раздел/диск'.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Хотите прервать и отложить процесс дешифрования системного раздела/диска?\n\nПримечание: позже процесс можно будет возобновить с той точки, где он был остановлен. Это можно сделать, например, выбрав в главном окне VeraCrypt меню 'Система' &gt; 'Продолжить прерванный процесс'. Если вы хотите отказаться от дешифрования (и начать шифрование), выберите 'Система' &gt; 'Зашифровать системный раздел/диск'.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Ошибка! Не удалось прервать шифрование/дешифрование системного раздела/диска.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">Все открытые токен-сессии были закрыты.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Выберите ключевые файлы токена безопасности</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Слот</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="TOKEN_NAME">Токен</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">Имя файла</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Ошибка обработки командной строки.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="RESCUE_DISK">Диск восстановления</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Выбрать &amp;файл и смонтировать...</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Выбрать &amp;устройство и смонтировать...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">ВНИМАНИЕ: Файловая система тома, смонтированного как '%s', не была аккуратно размонтирована, и потому может содержать ошибки. Использование повреждённой файловой системы может привести к потере или порче данных.\n\nПримечание: прежде чем физически удалять или выключать устройство (например, флэш-накопитель USB или внешний жёсткий диск), на котором находится смонтированный том VeraCrypt, сначала всегда следует размонтировать этот том.\n\n\nХотите, чтобы Windows попыталась найти и исправить ошибки (если они есть) файловой системы?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Том '%s' смонтирован как 'только для чтения', так как была отвергнута попытка записи.\n\nПроверьте, не обращаются ли к разделу/устройству, на котором расположен том, другие приложения (например, антивирусное ПО).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="TEST">Тест</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="KEYFILE">Ключевой файл</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VKEY_0C">Очистить</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="uz" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 0d78d2fe..9d75261e 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">Gỡ bỏ</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Gán</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Gỡ bỏ</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Tập tin khóa...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -1020,32 +1020,32 @@
<entry lang="vi" key="ACTION">Hành động</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SHORTCUT">Lối tắt</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Lỗi: Lối tắt này được dành riêng. Xin chọn một lối tắt khác.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Lỗi: Lối tắt đã được sử dụng.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">CẢNH BÁO: Một hoặc nhiều khóa kích hoạt cho nguyên cả hệ thống của VeraCrypt sẽ không làm việc được!\n\nXin đảm bảo là các ứng dụng khác và hệ điều hành không sử dụng cùng lối tắt với VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Một lỗi hoặc một sự không tương thích ngăn cản VeraCrypt mã hóa tập tin vô động. Vì vậy, sự vô động đã bị ngăn cản.\n\nLưu ý: Khi một máy điện toán vào trạng thái vô động (hoặc bước vào một phương thức tiết kiệm điện năng), nội dung của bộ nhớ hệ thống của nó được viết vào một tập tin lưu trữ vô động nằm trong ỗ đĩa hệ thống. VeraCrypt sẽ không thể ngăn cản những khóa mã hóa và nội dung của những tập tin nhạy cảm được mở trong RAM được bảo lưu mà không có mã hóa vào tập tin lưu trữ vô động.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Sự vô động đã bị ngăn cản.\n\nVeraCrypt không hỗ trợ sự vô động trong các hệ điều hành ẩn mà sử dụng thêm một phân vùng khởi động. Xin lưu ý là phân vùng khởi động được xài chung bởi cả hệ nghi trang lẫn hệ ẩn. Vì vậy, để ngăn cản những thất thoát và vấn đề của dữ liệu trong lúc bắt đầu lại từ sự vô động, VeraCrypt phải ngăn cản hệ ẩn viết vào phân vùng khởi động xài chung và vào trạng thái vô động.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">CẢNH BÁO: Nếu tùy chọn này bị tắt thì các tập đĩa có chứa các tập tin/thư mục đang mở sẽ không thể tự-tháo xuống được.\n\nBạn có chắc là bạn muốn tắt tùy chọn này không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">CẢNH BÁO: Những tập đĩa có chứa các tập tin/thư mục đang mở sẽ KHÔNG được tự-tháo xuống.\n\nĐể tránh chuyện này, bật tùy chọn sau đây lên trong cửa sổ hộp thoại này: 'Buộc tự-tháo xuống ngay cả nếu tập đĩa có chứa các tập tin hay thư mục đang mở'</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">CẢNH BÁO: Khi điện năng pin của máy notebook xuống thấp, Windows có thể bỏ sót chuyện gửi những thông điệp thích đáng đến những ứng dụng đang chạy khi máy điện toán đang vào phương thức tiết kiệm điện năng. Vì vậy, VeraCrypt có thể không tự-tháo các tập đĩa xuống trong những trường hợp như thế.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">Bạn đã sắp đặt quá trình mã hóa của một phân vùng/tập đĩa. Quá trình chưa được chấm dứt.\n\nBạn có muốn tiếp tục lại quá trình bây giờ không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">Bạn đã sắp đặt quá trình mã hóa hoặc giải mã của phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống. Quá trình chưa được chấm dứt.\n\nBạn có muốn bắt đầu (tiếp tục lại) quá trình bây giờ không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Bạn có muốn được nhắc chuyện bạn có muốn tiếp tục lại những quá trình mã hóa đang được sắp đặt của những phân vùng/tập đĩa vô hệ?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Có, cứ nhắc tôi</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">Không, đừng nhắc tôi</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">QUAN TRỌNG: Nhớ là bạn có thể tiếp tục lại quá trình mã hóa của bất cứ phân vùng/tập đĩa vô hệ nào bằng cách chọn 'Tập đĩa' &gt; 'Tiếp tục lại Quá trình bị Gián đoạn' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">Bạn đã sắp đặt quá trình mã hóa hoặc giải mã của phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống. Tuy nhiên, chứng thực tiền-khởi động bị thất bại (hoặc bị bỏ qua).\n\nLưu ý: Nếu bạn giải mã phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống trong môi trường tiền-khởi động thì bạn có thể cần phải kết thúc quá trình bằng cách chọn 'Hệ thống' &gt; 'Vĩnh viễn Giải mã Phân vùng/Ổ đĩa Hệ thống' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">Thoát ra không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt không có đủ tin tức để xác định là nên mã hóa hay giải mã.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt không có đủ tin tức để xác định là nên mã hóa hay giải mã.\n\nLưu ý: Nếu bạn giải mã phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống trong môi trường tiền-khởi động thì bạn có thể cần phải kết thúc quá trình bằng cách nhấn Giải mã.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Bạn có muốn gián đoạn và dời lại quá trình mã hóa của phân vùng/tập đĩa không?\n\nLưu ý: Nhớ là tập đĩa không thể được nạp lên cho đến khi nó được mã hóa hoàn toàn. Bạn sẽ có thể tiếp tục lại quá trình mã hóa và nó sẽ tiếp tục từ điểm mà nó bị ngừng. Bạn có thể làm thế, ví dụ như bằng cách chọn 'Tập đĩa' &gt; 'Tiếp tục lại Quá trình bị Gián đoạn' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Bạn có muốn gián đoạn và dời lại quá trình mã hóa của phân vùng/tập đĩa không?\n\nLưu ý: Bạn sẽ có thể tiếp tục lại quá trình mã hóa và nó sẽ tiếp tục từ điểm mà nó bị ngừng. Bạn có thể làm thế, ví dụ như bằng cách chọn 'Tập đĩa' &gt; 'Tiếp tục lại Quá trình bị Gián đoạn' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt. Nếu bạn muốn vĩnh viễn chấm dứt hoặc đảo ngược quá trình mã hóa, chọn 'Hệ thống' &gt; 'Vĩnh viễn Giải mã Phân vùng/Ổ đĩa Hệ thống'.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">Bạn có muốn gián đoạn và dời lại quá trình giải mã của phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống không?\n\nLưu ý: Bạn sẽ có thể tiếp tục lại quá trình và nó sẽ tiếp tục từ điểm mà nó bị ngừng. Bạn có thể làm thế, ví dụ như bằng cách chọn 'Hệ thống' &gt; 'Tiếp tục lại Quá trình bị Gián đoạn' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt. Nếu bạn muốn đảo ngược quá trình giải mã (và bắt đầu mã hóa), chọn 'Hệ thống' &gt; ' Mã hóa Phân vùng/Ổ đĩa Hệ thống'.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">Lỗi: Không gián đoạn quá trình mã hóa/giải mã của phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống được.</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">Tất cả các phiên chạy của hiệu bài bảo mật đã được đóng.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Chọn các Tập tin khóa của Hiệu bài Bảo mật</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Rãnh</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="TOKEN_NAME">Tên hiệu bài</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">Tên tập tin</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">QUAN TRỌNG: Xin lưu ý là những mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động luôn luôn được gõ bằng bố trí bàn phím tiêu chuẩn Hoa Kỳ. Vì vậy, một tập đĩa sử dụng một mật mã gõ bằng bất cứ bố trí bàn phím nào khác có thể không thể nào được nạp lên bằng một mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động (lưu ý là đây không phải là lỗi trong VeraCrypt). Để cho phép một tập đĩa được nạp lên bằng một mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động, làm theo các bước sau:\n\n1) Nhấn 'Chọn Tập tin' hoặc 'Chọn Thiết bị' và chọn tập đĩa.\n2) Chọn 'Các tập đĩa' &gt; 'Thay đổi Mật mã của Tập đĩa'.\n3) Nhập vào mật mã hiện tại của tập đĩa.\n 4) Thay đổi bố trí bàn phím thành Anh văn (Hoa Kỳ) bằng cách nhấn vào biểu tượng của thanh Ngôn ngữ trong thanh tác vụ của Windows và chọn 'EN Anh văn (Hoa Kỳ).\n5) Trong VeraCrypt, trong trường cho mật mã mới, gõ mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động.\n6) Xác nhận mật mã mới bằng cách gõ nó lại trong trường xác nhận và nhấn 'OK'.\nCẢNH BÁO: Hãy ghi nhớ rằng nếu bạn làm theo các bước này, mật mã của tập đĩa sẽ luôn luôn phải được gõ bằng bố trí bàn phím Hoa Kỳ (chỉ được tự động đảm bảo trong môi trường tiền khởi động).</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">Tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng sẽ được nạp lên bằng cách dùng mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động. Nếu bất cứ tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng sử dụng một mật mã khác, nó sẽ không được nạp lên.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">QUAN TRỌNG: Hãy ghi nhớ rằng nếu tùy chọn này được bật lên và VeraCrypt không có quyền quản lý, tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng đã nạp lên KHÔNG được hiển thị trong cửa sổ ứng dụng VeraCrypt và chúng không thể được tháo xuống. Vì vậy, ví dụ nếu bạn cần tháo một tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng xuống, xin nhấn phải vào biểu tượng VeraCrypt (trong trình đơn Start) và chọn 'Chạy kiểu Quản lý' trước. Giới hạn giống vậy cũng áp dụng cho chức năng 'Tháo xuống Tất cả', những chức năng 'Tự động-Tháo xuống', các khóa kích hoạt 'Tháo xuống Tất cả', v.v.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Có lỗi trong khi phân tích cú pháp dòng lệnh.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="RESCUE_DISK">Đĩa Cứu hộ</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Lựa chọn &amp;Tập tin và Nạp lên...</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Lựa chọn &amp;Thiết bị và Nạp lên...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Cảnh báo: hệ thống tập tin trên tập đĩa đã nạp lên thành '%s' đã không được tháo xuống sạch sẽ và do đó có thể có lỗi. Sử dụng một hệ thống tập tin bị hỏng có thể làm mất hoặc làm hỏng dữ liệu.\n\nLưu ý: Trước khi bạn có thể gỡ bỏ hoặc tắt đi một thiết bị (như một ổ đĩa USB flash hay một ổ đĩa cứng bên ngoài) nơi một tập đĩa VeraCrypt được nạp lên đang nằm, bạn nên luôn luôn tháo tập đĩa VeraCrypt trong VeraCrypt xuống trước.\n\n\nBạn có muốn Windows thử phát hiện và sửa các lỗi (nếu có) trên hệ thống tập tin không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Cảnh báo: Một hoặc nhiều tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng không được tháo xuống sạch sẽ và do đó có thể có lỗi của hệ thống tập tin. Xin xem các ghi bản sự kiện hệ thống để biết thêm chi tiết.\n\nSử dụng một hệ thống tập tin bị hỏng có thể làm mất hoặc làm hỏng dữ liệu. Bạn nên kiểm tra những tập đĩa hệ thống được chuộng bị ảnh hưởng xem có lỗi không (nhấn phải vào từng lỗi trong VeraCrypt và chọn 'Sửa chữa Hệ thống tập tin').</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Cảnh báo: Sửa chữa một hệ thống tập tin bị tổn hại bằng cách dùng công cụ 'chkdsk' của Microsoft có thể làm mất các tập tin ở những vùng bị tổn hại. Vì vậy, trước tiên bạn nên sao lưu các tập tin được cất giữ trong tập đĩa VeraCrypt vào một tập đĩa VeraCrypt tốt khác.\n\nBạn có muốn sửa chữa hệ thống tập tin bây giờ không?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Tập đĩa '%s' đã được nạp kiểu chỉ-đọc lên vì quyền ghi bị từ chối.\n\nXin đảm bảo các quyền bảo mật của bộ chứa tập tin cho phép bạn viết vào nó (nhấn phải vào bộ chứa và chọn Đặc tính &gt; Bảo mật).\n\nLưu ý là do một vấn đề của Windows, bạn có thể thấy cảnh báo này ngay cả sau khi thiết lập các quyền bảo mật thích hợp. Chuyện này không phải do lỗi của VeraCrypt gây ra. Một giải pháp là di chuyển bộ chứa của bạn đến, ví dụ như thư mục 'Documents 'của bạn.\n\nNếu bạn có ý định giữ cho tập đĩa của bạn kiểu chỉ-đọc, đặt các thuộc tính chỉ-đọc của bộ chứa (nhấn phải vào bộ chứa và chọn Đặc tính &gt; Chỉ-đọc), sẽ tắt cảnh báo này.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Tập đĩa '%s' phải được nạp kiểu chỉ-đọc lên vì quyền ghi bị từ chối.\n\nXin đảm bảo rằng không có ứng dụng nào khác (ví dụ như nhu liệu chống vi rút) đang truy cập vào phân vùng/thiết bị nơi mà tập đĩa được tiếp.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Tập đĩa '%s' đã được nạp kiểu chỉ-đọc lên vì hệ điều hành báo cáo thiết bị làm chủ được bảo vệ chống ghi.\n\nXin lưu ý là một số trình điều khiển chipset riêng đã được báo cáo là làm cho các môi trường chứa ghi được nhìn giả giống như được bảo vệ chống ghi. Vấn đề này không phải do VeraCrypt gây ra. Nó có thể được giải quyết bằng cách cập nhật hoặc hủy cài đặt bất cứ trình điều khiển chipset riêng (không phải của Microsoft) hiện đang được cài đặt trên hệ thống này.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Bạn có muốn VeraCrypt thử tắt bảo vệ chống ghi của phân vùng/ổ đĩa không?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="TEST">Thử nghiệm</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="KEYFILE">Tập tin Khóa</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Bảo mật</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="LINUX_WARNING">Cảnh báo</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="LINUX_ERROR">Lỗi</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="vi" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Mở tập đĩa bên ngoài</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml
index 856bae95..9af26abe 100644
--- a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml
+++ b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml
@@ -130,17 +130,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">向下移動(&amp;D)</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">向上移動(&amp;U)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">移除(&amp;R)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">使用熱鍵卸載成功時,撥放系統通知音效。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">指定</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">移除</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="IDC_KEYFILES">金鑰檔案...</entry>
@@ -520,17 +520,17 @@
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="FORMAT_TITLE">加密區格式化</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HELP_READER_ERROR">如要顯示或列印 VeraCrypt 使用者指南需要使用 Adobe Reader (或與其相容的工具)。\n\nAdobe Reader (免費軟體)下載位址:\n\n您想要查看這個線上文件嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_NORMAL_HELP">如果您選擇此選項,精靈將會先幫助您建立一個一般的 VeraCrypt 加密區,接著會繼續在裡面建立一個隱藏的 VeraCrypt 加密區。經驗不足的使用者應該總是選擇這個選項。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_DIRECT_HELP">如果您選擇此選項,您將會在一個現存的 VeraCrypt 加密區內建立一個隱藏的 VeraCrypt 加密區。假設您已建立好了一個適合存放隱藏加密區的 VeraCrypt 加密區。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDDEN_VOL_WIZARD_MODE_TITLE">加密區建立模式</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_TITLE">隱藏加密區已建立</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP">The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FIRST_HIDDEN_OS_BOOT_INFO">You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume).</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP_SYSENC">The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not unmount the volume).</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_HELP">外層加密區已成功建立並作為 %hc: 磁碟機掛載。對這個加密區,現在您應複製一些您不是真正要隱藏的看似敏感的檔案。這是讓那些強迫您洩漏密碼的人能看到的檔。您將僅對這個外層加密區洩漏密碼,而不要洩漏給他們隱藏加密區的密碼。您真正要保護的檔將被儲存在稍後建立的隱藏加密區裡。當您完成複製後,請點 '下一步',而且不要卸載此加密區。\n\n注意:點 '下一步' 後,將進行叢集圖掃描來確定連續的可用空間大小,此可用空間的結尾與加密區結尾一致。該空間將提供用來建立隱藏加密區同時也是隱藏加密區的最大容量。叢集圖掃描能夠保證外層加密區中的資料不會被隱藏加密區複寫。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_HOST_FILLING_TITLE">外層加密區內容</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\n在下一步您將要為外層加密區(在其內將建立隱藏加密區)調整其選項。</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_HELP_SYSENC">\n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps).</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_HOST_PRE_CIPHER_TITLE">外層加密區</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_PRE_CIPHER_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HIDVOL_PRE_CIPHER_HELP">\n\n外層加密區叢集圖掃描已完成,隱藏加密區最大可能大小已被確定。在下一步裡您可以調整隱藏加密區的選項、大小、和密碼。</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">無可用磁碟機代號。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">外層加密區無可用磁碟機代號!無法進行加密區建立。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_OS_VER">無法檢測到作業系統的版本,或您正在使用不被支援的作業系統。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">未選定路徑!</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">建立隱藏加密區的可用空間不足!無法繼續加密區建立。</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">驅動程式無法卸載這個加密區。位於此加密區上某些檔案可能仍被使用中。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">無法鎖定此加密區。此加密區上仍有些檔案被使用中。因而也無法卸載。</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force unmount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">請選擇一個 VeraCrypt 加密區</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OPEN_TITLE">指定路徑和檔案名稱</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OUTOFMEMORY">記憶體不足</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">警告:加密區 '%s' 已存在!\n\n重要:VeraCrypt 並不會加密這個檔案,而是會刪除這個檔案。您確定要刪除這個檔案並用一個新的 VeraCrypt 容器來取代它嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">警告:目前儲存在 %s '%s'%s 上的所有資料將會被刪除且遺失(它們將不會被加密)!\n\n您確定要繼續格式化嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -992,60 +992,60 @@
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="MODE_OF_OPERATION">操作模式</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LABEL_ITEM">Label: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SIZE_ITEM">Size: </entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PATH_ITEM">Path: </entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="DRIVE_LETTER_ITEM">磁碟機代號: </entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD">錯誤:密碼必須只包含 ASCII 字元。\n\n密碼中的非 ASCII 字元可能會導致當作業系統組態改變時加密區無法掛載。\n\n允許使用以下字元:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD_RECOM">警告:密碼中包含非 ASCII 字元。可能會導致當作業系統組態改變時加密區無法掛載。\n\n您應該使用 ASCII 字元取代密碼中的非 ASCII 字元。如要這樣做,請選取 "加密區" -&gt; "修改加密區密碼"\n\n以下字元為 ASCII 字元:\n\n ! " # $ % &amp; ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; &lt; = &gt; ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_CONFIRM">WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="EXE_FILE_EXTENSION_MOUNT_WARNING">WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you unmount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HOMEPAGE">首頁(線上)</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_XP">警告:看起來您還沒有安裝任何 Windows 作業系統的修正檔案。您不應該向未安裝 SP1 或更新的修正檔案的 Windows XP 系統中大於 128 GB 的 IDE 硬碟寫入資料!如果這樣做了,磁碟上的資料(不論是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)可能會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 作業系統的限制,而不是 VeraCrypt 的錯誤。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K">警告:看起來您的 Windows 2000 系統還未安裝 SP3 或更新的修正檔案。您不應該向這個系統中大於 128 GB 的 IDE 硬碟寫入資料!如果這樣做了,磁碟上的資料(不論是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)可能會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 作業系統的限制,而不是 VeraCrypt 的錯誤。\n\n注意:您也需在註冊表裡啟用 48-位元 LBA 支援;更多資訊,請參考</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">警告:您的系統不支援 48-位元 LBA ATAPI。因此,您將不能寫入到超過 128GB 容量的 IDE 磁碟!如果您仍然堅持這樣做,磁碟上的資料(不論其是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)將會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 系統的限制,不是 VeraCrypt 軟體的限制。\n\n要啟用 48-位元 LBA 支援,請在註冊表的 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters 下增加一個 "EnableBigLba" 鍵值並設定其值為 1。\n\n更多訊息請參考</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">警告:如果您想以後在外層加密區中新增更多的資料或檔案,您應該考慮為隱藏加密區選擇一個小一點的大小。\n\n您確定要以指定的大小繼續嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">未選擇加密區。\n\n選取 "選擇磁碟機..." 或 "選擇檔案..." 來選擇 VeraCrypt 加密區。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">沒有選擇分割區。\n\n點 "選擇磁碟機" 來選擇一個通常需要啟動前置認證的卸載的分割區(例如,一個位於其他沒有在執行作業系統的加密的系統磁碟機上的分割區,或是另外一個作業系統的加密的系統分割區)。\n\n注意:選擇的分割區將會以一般 VeraCrypt 加密區的方式掛載而沒有啟動前置認證。這會舉例來說在備份或修復的操作上比較有用。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">警告:如果預設的金鑰檔被設定和啟用後,就無法掛載不使用該金鑰檔的加密區。因此,在啟用預設的金鑰檔之後,每當掛載加密區時記得不要勾選 "使用金鑰檔" 核取方塊(在輸入密碼欄位下方)。您確定保存選定的金鑰檔/路徑作為預設值嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">自動掛載磁碟機</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">全部卸載</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">清除快取</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Unmount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">強制全部卸載並清除快取</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">強制全部卸載清除快取並結束程式</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">掛載我的最愛加密區</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">顯示/隱藏 VeraCrypt 主視窗</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(點這裡並按下某個鍵盤按鍵)</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="ACTION">操作</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SHORTCUT">捷徑</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">錯誤:該快速鍵為系統保留快速鍵,請選擇其他的。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">錯誤:快速鍵已被使用。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">警告:一個或多個 VeraCrypt 作用於系統範圍的快速鍵無法使用!\n\n請確定 VeraCrypt 的這些快速鍵沒有被其他程式或作業系統使用。</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been unmounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">警告:如果此選項被停用,包含使用中的檔案/目錄 的加密區將無法自動卸載。\n\n您確定要停用這個選項嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">警告:包含使用中的檔案/目錄的加密區將無法自動卸載。\n\n要防止這種情況,在對話方塊視窗中啟用以下選項:"強制自動卸載,不論加密區是否包含使用中的檔案或目錄"</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-unmount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">您已經排定了加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作。但該項操作尚未完成。\n\n您希望現在開始(恢復)該項操作嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">您已經排定了加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作。然而,啟動前置認證已失敗(或被繞過)。\n\n注意:如果您在啟動前置認證環境中解密了系統分割區/磁碟機,您也許需要經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" &gt; "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機" 來完成最後的操作。</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-unmount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CONFIRM_EXIT_UNIVERSAL">結束嗎?</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT">VeraCrypt 沒有足夠的訊息確定是否加密還是解密了。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="CHOOSE_ENCRYPT_OR_DECRYPT_FINALIZE_DECRYPT_NOTE">VeraCrypt 沒有足夠的訊息確定是否加密還是解密了。\n\n注意:如果您在啟動前置認證環境中解密了系統分割區/磁碟機,您也許需要經由點 '解密' 來完成最後的操作。</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_REVERSE_INFO">Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_DEFER_CONFIRM">Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">您想要中斷和延緩對系統分割區/磁碟機的加密操作嗎?\n\n注意:您以後也可以從中斷點恢復操作。您可以這樣做,舉例來說,經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" &gt; "恢復被中斷的操作"。如果您想永久終止或返回加密操作,選擇 "系統" &gt; "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機..."。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_DECRYPTION_DEFER_CONFIRM">您想要中斷和延緩對系統分割區/磁碟機的解密操作嗎?\n\n注意:您以後也可以從中斷點恢復操作。您可以這樣做,舉例來說,經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" &gt; "恢復被中斷的操作"。如果您想返回解密操作(並開始加密),選擇 "系統" &gt; "加密系統分割區/磁碟機..."。</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="FAILED_TO_INTERRUPT_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION">錯誤:中斷加密/解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作失敗。</entry>
@@ -1280,39 +1280,39 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY">The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' &gt; 'Keyfile Generator').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED">All open security token sessions have been closed.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_TOKEN_KEYFILES">Select Security Token Keyfiles</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_SLOT_ID">Slot</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_NAME">Token name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TOKEN_DATA_OBJECT_LABEL">File name</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="BOOT_PASSWORD_CACHE_KEYBOARD_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' &gt; 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_KEYBOARD_WARNING">System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_INFO">Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Unmount All', auto-unmount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_ADMIN_ONLY_WARNING">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be unmounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to unmount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Unmount All' function, 'Auto-Unmount' functions, 'Unmount All' hot keys, etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SETTING_REQUIRES_REBOOT">Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="COMMAND_LINE_ERROR">Error while parsing command line.</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="RESCUE_DISK">救援磁碟</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;File and Mount...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT">Select &amp;Device and Mount...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="DISABLE_NONADMIN_SYS_FAVORITES_ACCESS">Allow only administrators to view and unmount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNT_SYSTEM_FAVORITES_ON_BOOT">Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure)</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always unmount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY">Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly unmounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem').</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FILESYS_REPAIR_CONFIRM_BACKUP">Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_CONTAINER_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties &gt; Read-only), which will suppress this warning.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' &gt; 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-unmounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always unmount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous unmount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="TEST">測試</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="KEYFILE">金鑰檔案</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="zh-tw" key="VKEY_13">Pause</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Unmount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Unmount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being unmounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/unmount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after unmount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1505,29 +1505,29 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MESSAGE_ON_MOUNT_AGAIN">\n\nDo you want to show this message next time you mount such a volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING">Warning</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR">Error</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ONLY_TEXTMODE">This feature is currently supported only in text mode.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FREE_SPACE_ON_DRIVE">Free space on drive {0}: is {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DYNAMIC_NOTICE">Please note that if your operating system does not allocate files from the beginning of the free space, the maximum possible hidden volume size may be much smaller than the size of the free space on the outer volume. This is not a bug in VeraCrypt but a limitation of the operating system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_HIDDEN_SIZE">Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is {0}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_OUTER_VOL">Open Outer Volume</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not dismount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OUTER_VOL_IS_MOUNTED">Outer volume has been successfully created and mounted as '{0}'. To this volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. The files will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose your password. You will reveal only the password for this outer volume, not for the hidden one. The files that you really care about will be stored in the hidden volume, which will be created later on. When you finish copying, click Next. Do not unmount the volume.\n\nNote: After you click Next, the outer volume will be analyzed to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it will limit its maximum possible size. The procedure ensures no data on the outer volume are overwritten by the hidden volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_DRIVE">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system drive.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt a system drive only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_TRY_ENCRYPT_SYSTEM_PARTITION">Error: You are trying to encrypt a system partition.\n\nVeraCrypt can encrypt system partitions only under Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_WARNING_FORMAT_DESTROY_FS">WARNING: Formatting of the device will destroy all data on filesystem '{0}'.\n\nDo you want to continue?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please unmount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been unmounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>
diff --git a/src/Common/Cmdline.c b/src/Common/Cmdline.c
index e0e6f356..ff19b76a 100644
--- a/src/Common/Cmdline.c
+++ b/src/Common/Cmdline.c
@@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ BOOL CALLBACK CommandHelpDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM
if (!as->args[i].Internal)
StringCchPrintfW(tmp2, MAX_PATH * 2, L"%s\t%s\n", as->args[i].short_name, as->args[i].long_name);
StringCchCatW(tmp, 8192, tmp2);
#if defined(TCMOUNT) && !defined(VCEXPANDER)
- StringCchCatW (tmp, 8192, L"\nExamples:\n\nMount a volume as X:\tveracrypt.exe /q /v volume.hc /l X\nDismount a volume X:\tveracrypt.exe /q /d X");
+ StringCchCatW (tmp, 8192, L"\nExamples:\n\nMount a volume as X:\tveracrypt.exe /q /v volume.hc /l X\nUnmount a volume X:\tveracrypt.exe /q /u X");
SetWindowTextW (GetDlgItem (hwndDlg, IDC_COMMANDHELP_TEXT), tmp);
return 1;
diff --git a/src/Driver/DriveFilter.c b/src/Driver/DriveFilter.c
index de682863..f8f06b37 100644
--- a/src/Driver/DriveFilter.c
+++ b/src/Driver/DriveFilter.c
@@ -282,31 +282,31 @@ err:
return status;
static void DismountDrive (DriveFilterExtension *Extension, BOOL stopIoQueue)
- Dump ("Dismounting drive\n");
+ Dump ("Unmounting drive\n");
ASSERT (Extension->DriveMounted);
if (stopIoQueue && EncryptedIoQueueIsRunning (&Extension->Queue))
EncryptedIoQueueStop (&Extension->Queue);
crypto_close ((PCRYPTO_INFO) Extension->Queue.CryptoInfo);
Extension->Queue.CryptoInfo = NULL;
crypto_close ((PCRYPTO_INFO) Extension->HeaderCryptoInfo);
Extension->HeaderCryptoInfo = NULL;
Extension->DriveMounted = FALSE;
- Dump ("Drive dismount done!\n");
+ Dump ("Drive unmount done!\n");
static void InvalidateVolumeKeys (EXTENSION *Extension)
Dump ("Invalidating volume encryption keys\n");
Extension->Queue.ThreadBlockReadWrite = TRUE;
diff --git a/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp b/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
index 9b5d1108..b507d9a3 100644
--- a/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
@@ -1171,31 +1171,31 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
" Inexperienced users should use the graphical user interface to create a hidden\n"
" volume. When using the text user interface, the following procedure must be\n"
" followed to create a hidden volume:\n"
" 1) Create an outer volume with no filesystem.\n"
" 2) Create a hidden volume within the outer volume.\n"
" 3) Mount the outer volume using hidden volume protection.\n"
" 4) Create a filesystem on the virtual device of the outer volume.\n"
" 5) Mount the new filesystem and fill it with data.\n"
- " 6) Dismount the outer volume.\n"
+ " 6) Unmount the outer volume.\n"
" If at any step the hidden volume protection is triggered, start again from 1).\n"
" Create a new keyfile containing pseudo-random data.\n"
"-C, --change[=VOLUME_PATH]\n"
" Change a password and/or keyfile(s) of a volume. Most options are requested\n"
" from the user if not specified on command line. PKCS-5 PRF HMAC hash\n"
" algorithm can be changed with option --hash. See also options -k,\n"
" --new-keyfiles, --new-password, -p, --random-source.\n"
- "-d, --dismount[=MOUNTED_VOLUME]\n"
- " Dismount a mounted volume. If MOUNTED_VOLUME is not specified, all\n"
- " volumes are dismounted. See below for description of MOUNTED_VOLUME.\n"
+ "-u, --unmount[=MOUNTED_VOLUME]\n"
+ " Unmount a mounted volume. If MOUNTED_VOLUME is not specified, all\n"
+ " volumes are unmounted. See below for description of MOUNTED_VOLUME.\n"
" Delete keyfiles from security tokens. See also command --list-token-keyfiles.\n"
" Export a keyfile from a token. See also command --list-token-keyfiles.\n"
@@ -1256,17 +1256,17 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
" Filesystem type to mount. The TYPE argument is passed to mount(8) command\n"
" with option -t. Default type is 'auto'. When creating a new volume, this\n"
" option specifies the filesystem to be created on the new volume.\n"
" Filesystem type 'none' disables mounting or creating a filesystem.\n"
- " Force mounting of a volume in use, dismounting of a volume in use, or\n"
+ " Force mounting of a volume in use, unmounting of a volume in use, or\n"
" overwriting a file. Note that this option has no effect on some platforms.\n"
" Filesystem mount options. The OPTIONS argument is passed to mount(8)\n"
" command with option -o when a filesystem on a VeraCrypt volume is mounted.\n"
" This option is not available on some platforms.\n"
@@ -1292,17 +1292,17 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
"-m, --mount-options=OPTION1[,OPTION2,OPTION3,...]\n"
" Specifies comma-separated mount options for a VeraCrypt volume:\n"
" headerbak: Use backup headers when mounting a volume.\n"
" nokernelcrypto: Do not use kernel cryptographic services.\n"
" readonly|ro: Mount volume as read-only.\n"
" system: Mount partition using system encryption.\n"
" timestamp|ts: Do not restore host-file modification timestamp when a volume\n"
- " is dismounted (note that the operating system under certain circumstances\n"
+ " is unmounted (note that the operating system under certain circumstances\n"
" does not alter host-file timestamps, which may be mistakenly interpreted\n"
" to mean that this option does not work).\n"
" See also option --fs-options.\n"
" Add specified keyfiles to a volume. This option can only be used with command\n"
" -C.\n"
@@ -1327,17 +1327,17 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
" Write-protect a hidden volume when mounting an outer volume. Before mounting\n"
" the outer volume, the user will be prompted for a password to open the hidden\n"
" volume. The size and position of the hidden volume is then determined and the\n"
" outer volume is mounted with all sectors belonging to the hidden volume\n"
" protected against write operations. When a write to the protected area is\n"
" prevented, the whole volume is switched to read-only mode. Verbose list\n"
" (-v -l) can be used to query the state of the hidden volume protection.\n"
" Warning message is displayed when a volume switched to read-only is being\n"
- " dismounted.\n"
+ " unmounted.\n"
" Use specified keyfiles to open a hidden volume to be protected. This option\n"
" may be used only when mounting an outer volume with hidden volume protected.\n"
" See also options -k and --protect-hidden.\n"
" Use specified password to open a hidden volume to be protected. This option\n"
@@ -1348,17 +1348,17 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
" Do not encrypt free space when creating a device-hosted volume. This option\n"
" must not be used when creating an outer volume.\n"
" Use FILE as a source of random data (e.g., when creating a volume) instead\n"
" of requiring the user to type random characters.\n"
- " Use specified slot number when mounting, dismounting, or listing a volume.\n"
+ " Use specified slot number when mounting, unmounting, or listing a volume.\n"
"--size=SIZE[K|KiB|M|MiB|G|GiB|T|TiB] or --size=max\n"
" Use specified size when creating a new volume. If no suffix is indicated,\n"
" then SIZE is interpreted in bytes. Suffixes K, M, G or T can be used to\n"
" indicate a value in KiB, MiB, GiB or TiB respectively.\n"
" If max is specified, the new volume will use all available free disk space.\n"
"-t, --text\n"
@@ -1393,21 +1393,21 @@ const FileManager fileManagers[] = {
"veracrypt -m ro -k keyfile1,keyfile2 volume.hc\n"
"Mount a volume without mounting its filesystem:\n"
"veracrypt --filesystem=none volume.hc\n"
"Mount a volume prompting only for its password:\n"
"veracrypt -t -k \"\" --pim=0 --protect-hidden=no volume.hc /media/veracrypt1\n"
- "Dismount a volume:\n"
- "veracrypt -d volume.hc\n"
+ "Unmount a volume:\n"
+ "veracrypt -u volume.hc\n"
- "Dismount all mounted volumes:\n"
- "veracrypt -d\n"
+ "Unmount all mounted volumes:\n"
+ "veracrypt -u\n"
#ifndef TC_NO_GUI
if (Application::GetUserInterfaceType() == UserInterfaceType::Graphic)
wxDialog dialog (nullptr, wxID_ANY, LangString["LINUX_CMD_HELP"], wxDefaultPosition);
wxTextCtrl *textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl (&dialog, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);
diff --git a/src/Mount/Mount.c b/src/Mount/Mount.c
index 2c2f7ae7..f6d1bc86 100644
--- a/src/Mount/Mount.c
+++ b/src/Mount/Mount.c
@@ -4985,17 +4985,17 @@ BOOL CALLBACK TravelerDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa
cacheInDriver ? (includePimInCache? L" /c p" : L" /c y") : L"",
bMountReadOnly ? L" /m ro" : L"",
fwprintf (af, L"[autorun]\nlabel=%s\nicon=VeraCrypt\\VeraCrypt.exe\n", GetString ("TC_TRAVELER_DISK"));
fwprintf (af, L"action=%s\n", bAutoMount ? GetString ("MOUNT_TC_VOLUME") : GetString ("IDC_PREF_LOGON_START"));
fwprintf (af, L"open=%s\n", bAutoMount ? autoMount : L"VeraCrypt\\VeraCrypt.exe");
fwprintf (af, L"shell\\start=%s\nshell\\start\\command=VeraCrypt\\VeraCrypt.exe\n", GetString ("IDC_PREF_LOGON_START"));
- fwprintf (af, L"shell\\dismount=%s\nshell\\dismount\\command=VeraCrypt\\VeraCrypt.exe /q /d\n", GetString ("UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES"));
+ fwprintf (af, L"shell\\unmount=%s\nshell\\unmount\\command=VeraCrypt\\VeraCrypt.exe /q /u\n", GetString ("UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES"));
CheckFileStreamWriteErrors (hwndDlg, af, dstPath);
fclose (af);
MessageBoxW (hwndDlg, GetString ("TRAVELER_DISK_CREATED"), lpszTitle, MB_ICONINFORMATION);
FreeAllFileBuffers ();
@@ -10478,17 +10478,17 @@ skipMount:
MountVolumesAsSystemFavorite = FALSE;
if (ServiceMode && LastMountedVolumeDirty)
DWORD bytesOut;
DeviceIoControl (hDriver, TC_IOCTL_SET_SYSTEM_FAVORITE_VOLUME_DIRTY, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &bytesOut, NULL);
- SystemFavoritesServiceLogError (wstring (L"The filesystem of the volume mounted as ") + (wchar_t) (drive + L'A') + L": was not cleanly dismounted and needs to be checked for errors.");
+ SystemFavoritesServiceLogError (wstring (L"The filesystem of the volume mounted as ") + (wchar_t) (drive + L'A') + L": was not cleanly unmounted and needs to be checked for errors.");
else if (!systemFavorites && !favoriteVolumeToMount.Path.empty())
else if (ServiceMode && systemFavorites)
SystemFavoritesServiceLogError (wstring (L"The drive letter ") + (wchar_t) (drive + L'A') + wstring (L" used by favorite \"") + effectiveVolumePath + L"\" is already taken.\nThis system favorite will not be mounted");
diff --git a/src/Mount/Mount.rc b/src/Mount/Mount.rc
index 4fb49790..a2118659 100644
--- a/src/Mount/Mount.rc
+++ b/src/Mount/Mount.rc
@@ -59,48 +59,48 @@ BEGIN
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,140,75,188,10
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,197,105,130,11
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,81,116,114,10
CONTROL "Entering power saving mode",IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_POWERSAVING,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,197,115,130,11
- CONTROL "Auto-dismount volume after no data has been read/written to it for",IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_INACTIVE,
+ CONTROL "Auto-unmount volume after no data has been read/written to it for",IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_INACTIVE,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,128,246,11
- CONTROL "Force auto-dismount even if volume contains open files or directories",IDC_PREF_FORCE_AUTO_UNMOUNT,
+ CONTROL "Force auto-unmount even if volume contains open files or directories",IDC_PREF_FORCE_AUTO_UNMOUNT,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,141,294,10
CONTROL "Open Explorer window for successfully mounted volume",IDC_PREF_OPEN_EXPLORER,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,171,316,11
CONTROL "Use a different taskbar icon when there are mounted volumes",IDC_PREF_USE_DIFF_TRAY_ICON_IF_VOL_MOUNTED,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,184,314,10
CONTROL "Preserve modification timestamp of file containers",IDC_PRESERVE_TIMESTAMPS,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,196,316,10
CONTROL "Make disconnected network drives available for mounting",IDC_SHOW_DISCONNECTED_NETWORK_DRIVES,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,208,316,10
CONTROL "Cache passwords in driver memory",IDC_PREF_CACHE_PASSWORDS,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,271,146,11
CONTROL "Wipe cached passwords on exit",IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_EXIT,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,162,271,165,11
CONTROL "Temporarily cache password during ""Mount Favorite Volumes"" operations",IDC_PREF_TEMP_CACHE_ON_MULTIPLE_MOUNT,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,285,294,11
- CONTROL "Wipe cached passwords on auto-dismount",IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTOUNMOUNT,
+ CONTROL "Wipe cached passwords on auto-unmount",IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTOUNMOUNT,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,299,296,11
CONTROL "Include PIM when caching a password",IDC_PREF_CACHE_PIM,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,313,296,10
PUSHBUTTON "More Settings...",IDC_MORE_SETTINGS,5,331,85,14
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,281,331,50,14
GROUPBOX "Default Mount Options",IDT_DEFAULT_MOUNT_OPTIONS,4,3,328,26
GROUPBOX "VeraCrypt Background Task",IDT_TASKBAR_ICON,4,33,328,26
- GROUPBOX "Auto-Dismount",IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT,4,94,328,62
+ GROUPBOX "Auto-Unmount",IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT,4,94,328,62
LTEXT "minutes",IDT_MINUTES,289,129,39,10
- LTEXT "Dismount all when:",IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON,9,104,71,20
+ LTEXT "Unmount all when:",IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON,9,104,71,20
GROUPBOX "Password Cache",IDT_PW_CACHE_OPTIONS,4,260,328,68
GROUPBOX "Actions to perform upon logon to Windows",IDT_LOGON,4,63,328,28
CONTROL "Don't show wait message dialog when performing operations",IDC_HIDE_WAITING_DIALOG,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,220,316,10
CONTROL "Use Secure Desktop for password entry",IDC_SECURE_DESKTOP_PASSWORD_ENTRY,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,232,316,10
CONTROL "Use legacy maximum password length (64 characters)",IDC_USE_LEGACY_MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,11,244,316,10
@@ -251,19 +251,19 @@ BEGIN
- CONTROL "Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount",IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND,
+ CONTROL "Play system notification sound after successful hot-key unmount",IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND,
"Button",BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | WS_TABSTOP,15,201,348,10
- CONTROL "Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount",IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP,
+ CONTROL "Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key unmount",IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP,
PUSHBUTTON "Cancel",IDCANCEL,323,236,59,14
RTEXT "Key to assign:",IDT_HOTKEY_KEY,15,142,86,8
GROUPBOX "Hot Key Options",IDT_UNMOUNT_ACTION,7,188,375,42
GROUPBOX "Shortcut",IDT_ASSIGN_HOTKEY,7,127,375,53
@@ -646,18 +646,18 @@ BEGIN
MENUITEM "Auto-Mount All Device-Hosted Volumes", IDM_MOUNTALL
- MENUITEM "Dismount All Mounted Volumes", IDM_UNMOUNTALL
+ MENUITEM "Unmount All Mounted Volumes", IDM_UNMOUNTALL
MENUITEM "Change Volume Password...", IDM_CHANGE_PASSWORD
MENUITEM "Add/Remove Keyfiles to/from Volume...", IDM_ADD_REMOVE_VOL_KEYFILES
MENUITEM "Remove All Keyfiles from Volume...", IDM_REMOVE_ALL_KEYFILES_FROM_VOL
MENUITEM "Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm...", IDM_CHANGE_HEADER_KEY_DERIV_ALGO
diff --git a/src/Release/Setup Files/Product64.wxs b/src/Release/Setup Files/Product64.wxs
index 390f6723..fdf4c02b 100644
--- a/src/Release/Setup Files/Product64.wxs
+++ b/src/Release/Setup Files/Product64.wxs
@@ -817,17 +817,17 @@
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