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48 files changed, 198 insertions, 157 deletions
@@ -222,19 +222,19 @@ IV. Third-Party Developers (Contributors) If you intend to implement a feature, please contact us first to make sure: 1) That the feature has not been implemented (we may have already implemented it, but haven't released the code yet). 2) That the feature is acceptable. 3) Whether we need help of third-party developers with implementing the feature. Information on how to contact us can be found at: -https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/ +https://www.veracrypt.fr/ V. Legal Information ==================== Copyright Information --------------------- diff --git a/Translations/Language.ar.xml b/Translations/Language.ar.xml index b0b38be3..2604dbc9 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ar.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ar.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ar" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">إن كنت لم تستخدم ڤيراكربت أبدا من قبل ننصحك بأن تقرأ فصل 'شرح المبتدئين في دليل مستخدم ڤيراكربت'. أتريد مطالعة الشرح؟</string> <string lang="ar" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">اختر فعلا من التالية لأداءه:</string> <string lang="ar" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">أصلح/أعد التنصيب</string> <string lang="ar" key="UPGRADE">تحديث</string> <string lang="ar" key="UNINSTALL">أزِل</string> <string lang="ar" key="SETUP_ADMIN">تنصيب أو إزالة ڤيراكربت يتطلب صلاحيات الإدارة. أتريد المواصلة؟</string> <string lang="ar" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">أداة تنصيب ڤيراكربت عاملة حاليا في هذا النظام و تجري أو تهيئ تنصيبا أو تحديثا. قبل المواصلة انتظر حتى تتم عملها أو أغلقها. إن تعذّر إغلاقها فأعد تشغيل النظام.</string> <string lang="ar" key="INSTALL_FAILED">فشل التنصيب.</string> <string lang="ar" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">فشلت الإزالة.</string> - <string lang="ar" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">حزمة التوزيع هذه معطوبة. حاول تنزيلها مجددا (يستحسن من موقع ڤيراكربت الرسمي في https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="ar" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">حزمة التوزيع هذه معطوبة. حاول تنزيلها مجددا (يستحسن من موقع ڤيراكربت الرسمي في https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="ar" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">تعذّرت كتابة الملف %s</string> <string lang="ar" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">يجري الاستحراج</string> <string lang="ar" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">تعذّرت قراءة البيانات من الحزمة.</string> <string lang="ar" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">تعذّر التحقق من سلامة حزمة التوزيع هذه.</string> <string lang="ar" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">فشل الاستخراح</string> <string lang="ar" key="ROLLBACK">استرجع أثر التنصيب.</string> <string lang="ar" key="INSTALL_OK">ثُبِّت ڤيراكربت بنجاح.</string> <string lang="ar" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">تم بنجاح تحديث ڤيراكربت.</string> <string lang="ar" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">تمت ترقية فيراكربت بنجاح. لكن, قبل البدء في استخدامه, لابد من إعادة تشغيل نظام التشغيل.\n\nهل ترغب في إعادة التشغيل الآن?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="ar" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">إذا كنت تريد أن تقلع النظام الخفي, كل ما تحتاجه هو إدخال كلمة السر الخاصة به في شاشة إقلاع فيراكربت (والتي تظهر بعد تشغيل أو إعادة تشغيل الجهاز).\n\nإذا كنت تريد إقلاع النظام المزيف, كل الذي تحتاجه هو كلمة السر الخاصة به في شاشة إقلاع فيراكربت.\n\nكلمة سر النظام المزيف يمكن أن تكشف لأي جهة عند طلب الدخول على الجهاز. وجود جزء مخفي (ووجود النظام المخفي) سيقى سرا.\n\n</string> <string lang="ar" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">كلمة السر الثالثة (للجزء الخارجي) يمكن كشفها عند الطلب لأي جهة وهي خاصة بالقسم الأول الذي يكمن وراءه القسم النظامي, حيث يوجد الجزء الخارجي والجزء المخفي (الذي يحوي نظام التشغيل المخفي). وجود القسم المخفي (ونظام التشغيل المخفي) سيبقى سرا.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ar" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">إذا كشفت كلمة السر للنظام المزيف وسألك المحقق لماذا المساحة الفارغة فيه تحوي بيانات عشوائية, يمكن أن تجيب بأن, على سبيل المثال: "القسم كان يحوي سابقا بيانات مشفرة بفيراكربت, لكني نسيت كلمة السر لما قبل الإقلاع (أو عطب النظام وتوقف الإقلاع), لذلك كان علي إعادة تثبيت ويندوز."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ar" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">إذا تم استيفاء جميع المتطلبات واتباع جميع الخطوات المذكورة في "المتطلبات الأمنية والتحذيرات الخاصة بالنظام المخفي" في دليل المستخدم لفيراكربت, فإنه من المستحيل معرفة وجود قسم مخفي ونظام مخفي, سواء تم تحميل الجزء الخارجي أو الدخول على النظام المزيف.\n\nإذا احتفظت بهذا النص أو قمت بطباعته (ينصح بشدة, ما لم تكن الطابعة تحتفظ بنسخة من النص على قرصها الصلب), فإنه يجب إتلاف ما طبعت بعدما تكون استوعبت فكرة النظام المخفي وقمت بإنشاء النظام المزيف(وإلا, فلو عثر على هذه المطبوعة, فهي يمكن أن تدل على وجود نظام مخفي على الجهاز).\n\n</string> <string lang="ar" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">تحذير: إذا لم تقم بحماية الجزء المخفي (لمعرفة كيفية القيام بذلك, راجع "حماية الجزء المخفي من العطب" في دليل المستخدم لفيراكربت), لا تكتب في الجزء الخارجي (لاحظ أن النظام المزيف لا يوجد بالجزء الخارجي). وإلا, فإنه يمكن أن تعطب الجزء المخفي (والنظام المخفي الذي بداخله)!</string> <string lang="ar" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">استنساخ نظام تشغيل</string> <string lang="ar" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">في الخطوات التالية سينشئ ڤيراكربت نظام التشغيل المخفي بنسخ محتوى قسم النظام إلى المجلد المخفي (البيانات المنسوخة ستُعمى لحظيا بمفتاح تعمية يختلف عن الذي سيستخدم لنظام التشغيل التمويهي). لاحظ أن هذه الصيرورة ستجري في بيئة ما قبل الإقلاع (قبل أن يشتغل ويندوز) و أنها قد تستغرق وقتا طويلا حتى تتم؛ بضع ساعات أو حتى أياما (حسب حجم قسم النظام و قوة الحاسوب). سيكون بوسعك مقاطعة الصيرورة و إطفاء الحاسوب ثم بدء نظام التشغيل و معاودة الصيرورة لاحقا. إلا أنك إذا ما قاطعت صيرورة نسخ نظام التشغيل فإنها ستبدأ من البداية عند معاودتها (لأن محتويات قسم النظام ينبغي ألا تتغير أثناء النسخ).</string> <string lang="ar" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">أتريد إلغاء صيرورة إنشاء نظام التسغيل المخفي كلية؟ ملاحظة: لن يمكنك معاودة الصيرورة إن ألغيتها الآن.</string> <string lang="ar" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">أتريد إلغاء الاختبار المبدئي لتعمية النظام؟</string> - <string lang="ar" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">فشل الاختبار المبدئي لتشفير فيراكربت. هل تريد إعادة المحاولة?\n\nإذا اخترت 'لا', سيتم إزالة برنامج الإقلاع من فيراكربت.\n\nملاحظة:\n\n- إذا لم يطلب برنامج إقلاع فيراكربت كلمة سر قبل ويندوز, فهذا يعني أن نظام التشغيل ليس مثبتا على نفس القسم الذي يقلع منه. وهذا ليس مدعوما.\n\n- إذا استخدمت خوارزمية تشفير غير AES وفشل عملية الإقلاع (مع إدخالك لكلمة السر), فيمكن أن يكون المحرك به خلل في التصميم. اختر 'لا', وحاول تشفير قسم/قرص النظام مرة أخرى, AES واستخدم خزارزمية تشفير (التي لها أقل المتطلبات بالنسبة للذاكرة).\n\n- للمزيد عن الأسباب والحلول, راجع: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="ar" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">فشل الاختبار المبدئي لتشفير فيراكربت. هل تريد إعادة المحاولة?\n\nإذا اخترت 'لا', سيتم إزالة برنامج الإقلاع من فيراكربت.\n\nملاحظة:\n\n- إذا لم يطلب برنامج إقلاع فيراكربت كلمة سر قبل ويندوز, فهذا يعني أن نظام التشغيل ليس مثبتا على نفس القسم الذي يقلع منه. وهذا ليس مدعوما.\n\n- إذا استخدمت خوارزمية تشفير غير AES وفشل عملية الإقلاع (مع إدخالك لكلمة السر), فيمكن أن يكون المحرك به خلل في التصميم. اختر 'لا', وحاول تشفير قسم/قرص النظام مرة أخرى, AES واستخدم خزارزمية تشفير (التي لها أقل المتطلبات بالنسبة للذاكرة).\n\n- للمزيد عن الأسباب والحلول, راجع: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="ar" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">لا يبدو أن قسم\\سواقة النظام مُعمّاة (لا جزئيا و لا بالكامل).</string> <string lang="ar" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">قسم\\سواقة النظام مُعمّاة (جزئيا أو بالكامل). ظهِّر قسم\\سواقة النظام كُليّا قبل المواصلة. لفعل هذا اختر 'نظام' > 'ظهِّر نهائيا قسم\\سواقة النظام' من قائمة نافذة ڤيراكربت الرئيسية.</string> <string lang="ar" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">حينما يتم تشفير قسم/قرص النظام (كليا أو جزئيا), لا يمكنك تخفيض فيراكربت (لكن يمكنك الترقية أو تثبيت نفس الإصدار).</string> <string lang="ar" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">يجري حاليا تظهير أو تعمية قسم\\سواقة النظام أو تعديلها على نحو ما. قاطع صيرورة التعمية\\التظهير\\التعديل (أو انتظر حتى تمامها) قبل المواصلة.</string> <string lang="ar" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">توجد نسخة من مرشد إنشاء مجلد ڤيراكربت تعمل في هذا النظام أو تعد لتعمية أو تظهير قسم\\سواقة النظام. قبل أن تمكن المواصلة ينبغي انتظاره حتى ينتهي أو إغلاقه. إن لم يكن يوسعك إغلاقه فأعد تشغيل الحاسوب قبل المواصلة.</string> <string lang="ar" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">لم تتم صيرورة تعمية أو تظهير قسم\\سواقة النظام. انتظر حتى تمامها قبل المواصلة.</string> <string lang="ar" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">عطل: لم تتم صيرورة تعمية أو تظهير قسم\\سواقة النظام. يجب أن تتم أولا.</string> <string lang="ar" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">ععطل: صيرورة تعمية القسم\\المجلد لم تتم؛ و ينبغي أن تتم أولا. ملاحظة: لمعاودة الصيرورة اختر 'مجلدات' > 'عاود الصيرورة المقاطعة' من قائمة نافذة ڤيراكربت الرئيسية.</string> <string lang="ar" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">كلمة السر صحيحة، و قد ظهَّر ڤيراكربت ترويسة المجلد و تحسَّس أنه مجلد نظام مخفي، لكن لا يمكن تعديل ترويسة مجلد نظام مخفي بهذه الطريقة. لتعيير كلمة السر لمجلد نظام مخفي أقلع نظام التشغيل الكائن في المجلد المخفي ثم اختر 'نظام' > 'غيِّر كلمة السر' من قائمة نافذة تروركبت الرئيسية. لضبط خوارزمية اشتقاق مفتاح الترويسة، أقلع نظام التشغيل و اختر 'نظام' > 'اضبط خوارزمية اشتقاق مفتاح الترويسة'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.be.xml b/Translations/Language.be.xml index 7c3a0a00..7713f283 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.be.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.be.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="be" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Калі вы ніколі раней не працавалі з VeraCrypt, рэкамендуецца азнаёміцца з падзелам для пачаткоўцаў у Кіраўніцтве карыстача VeraCrypt. Жадаеце прачытаць дакументацыю?</string> <string lang="be" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Абярыце жаданае дзеянне:</string> <string lang="be" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Аднавіць/пераўсталяваць</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="be" key="UNINSTALL">Выдаліць</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="be" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Усталёўка не выкананая.</string> <string lang="be" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Выдаленне не выканана.</string> - <string lang="be" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Гэты дыстрыбутыўны пакет пашкоджаны. Загрузіце яго ізноў (пажадана з афіцыйнага сайта VeraCrypt - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="be" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Гэты дыстрыбутыўны пакет пашкоджаны. Загрузіце яго ізноў (пажадана з афіцыйнага сайта VeraCrypt - https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="be" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Немагчыма запісаць файл %s</string> <string lang="be" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Выманне</string> <string lang="be" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Немагчыма прачытаць дадзеныя з дыстрыбутыва.</string> <string lang="be" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Немагчыма праверыць цэласнасць гэтага дыстрыбутыўнага пакета.</string> <string lang="be" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Выманне не выканана.</string> <string lang="be" key="ROLLBACK">Усталёўка звернута назад.</string> <string lang="be" key="INSTALL_OK">Праграма VeraCrypt паспяхова ўсталяваная.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="be" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Вы жадаеце адмяніць перад-тэст шыфравання сістэмы?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="be" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Сістэмны падзел/дыск зашыфраваны (часткова ці цалкам).\n\nПерш чым працягнуць, цалкам дэшыфруйце сістэмны падзел/дыск. Каб гэта зрабіць, абярыце ў галоўным акне VeraCrypt меню 'Сістэма' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="be" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">У дадзены момант ідзе шыфраванне, дэшыфраванне ці іншая мадыфікацыя сістэмнага падзелу/дыска. Перш чым працягнуць, перапыніце працэс шыфравання/дэшыфраванні/мадыфікацыі (ці дачакайцеся яго заканчэння).</string> <string lang="be" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">У сістэме ўжо запушчаная копія майстра стварэння тамоў VeraCrypt, яна выконвае ці падрыхтоўвае шыфраванне/дэшыфраванне сістэмнага падзелу/дыска. Перш чым працягнуць, дачакайцеся завяршэння працы майстра ці закрыйце яго. Калі закрыць майстра не атрымоўваецца, перазагрузіце кампутар і працягніце.</string> <string lang="be" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Шыфраванне ці дэшыфраванне сістэмнага падзелу/дыска не завершанае. Перш чым працягнуць, дачакайцеся заканчэння гэтага працэсу.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.bg.xml b/Translations/Language.bg.xml index dc5e550f..b37143cd 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.bg.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.bg.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="bg" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Ако никога не сте използвали VeraCrypt преди, препоръчваме ви да прочетете главата Beginner's Tutorial в VeraCrypt ръководството на потребителя. Желаете ли да погледнете инструкциите?</string> <string lang="bg" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Моля, изберете действие за изпълнение от следните:</string> <string lang="bg" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Поправка/Преинсталация</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="bg" key="UNINSTALL">Деинсталация</string> <string lang="bg" key="SETUP_ADMIN">За да инсталирате/деинсталирате VeraCrypt успешно, трябва да имате администраторски права. Желаете ли да продължите?</string> <string lang="bg" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">Инсталатора на VeraCrypt в момента е стартиран на тази система и подготвя или извършва инсталация или обновяване на VeraCrypt. Преди да продължите, моля изчакайте го да свърши или го затворете. Ако не можете да го затворите, моля рестартирайте вашия компютър преди да продължите.</string> <string lang="bg" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Инсталацията неуспешна.</string> <string lang="bg" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Деинсталация неуспешна.</string> - <string lang="bg" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Този пакет за дистрибуция е повреден. Моля, опитайте да го изтеглите отново (за предпочитане от официалния уебсайт на VeraCrypt - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="bg" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Този пакет за дистрибуция е повреден. Моля, опитайте да го изтеглите отново (за предпочитане от официалния уебсайт на VeraCrypt - https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="bg" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Не може да се запише файл %s</string> <string lang="bg" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Извличане</string> <string lang="bg" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Не може да се чете от пакета.</string> <string lang="bg" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Не може да се провери целостта на този пакет за дистрибуция.</string> <string lang="bg" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Извличането неуспешно.</string> <string lang="bg" key="ROLLBACK">Инсталацията е върната назад.</string> <string lang="bg" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt е инсталиран успешно.</string> <string lang="bg" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt е обновен успешно.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="bg" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Желаете ли да прекратите предварителният тест на системното криптиране?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="bg" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Изглежда, че системният дял/устройство не е криптиран (нито частично, нито изцяло).</string> <string lang="bg" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Вашият системен дял/устройство е криптиран (частично или изцяло).\n\nМоля, декриптирайте вашият системен дял/устройство изцяло преди да продължите. За да направите това, изберете 'Система' > 'Декриптиране на системния дял/устройство за постоянно' от менюто на гавния процорез на VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="bg" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">В момента вашият системен дял/устройство се криптира, декриптира, или изобщо се модифицра. Моля, прекъснете процеса на криптиране/декриптиране/модификация (или изчакайте докато приключи) преди да продължите.</string> <string lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">В момента има стартиран VeraCrypt помощник за създаване на томове, който извършва или подготвя криптиране/декриптиране на системния дял/устройство. Преди да продължите, моля, изчакайте го да свърши или го затворете. Ако не можете да го затворите, моля, рестаритрайте вашия компютър преди да продължите.</string> <string lang="bg" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Процеса на криптиране или декриптиране на дял/устройство не е завършен. Моля, изчакайте докато завърши, преди да продължите.</string> <string lang="bg" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Грешка: Процеса на криптиране на дял/устройство не е завършен. Първо трябва да бъде завършен.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.ca.xml b/Translations/Language.ca.xml index 2bb4b3bb..1fc6ab4e 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ca.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ca.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ca" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Si no ha utilitzat mai el VeraCrypt, li recomanem que llegeixi el capítol 'Tutorial per a principiants' a la guia d'usuari del VeraCrypt. Vol veure el tutorial ara?</string> <string lang="ca" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Seleccioni una acció a realitzar entre les següents:</string> <string lang="ca" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparar/Reinstal·lar</string> <string lang="ca" key="UPGRADE">Actualitzar</string> <string lang="ca" key="UNINSTALL">Desinstal·lar</string> <string lang="ca" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Per instal·lar o desinstal·lar el TrueCypt són necessaris privilegis d'administrador. Vol continuar?</string> <string lang="ca" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">L'instal·lador del VeraCrypt està realitzant una instal·lació o actualització del programa. Abans de continuar, si us plau esperi que acabi o tenqui'l. Si no el pot tancar, reinicii l'ordinador abans de continuar.</string> <string lang="ca" key="INSTALL_FAILED">La instal·lació ha fallat.</string> <string lang="ca" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">La desinstal·lació ha fallat.</string> - <string lang="ca" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Aquest paquet de distribució està malmès. Si us plau, torni'l a descarregar (preferentment des del lloc web oficial del VeraCrypt, a https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="ca" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Aquest paquet de distribució està malmès. Si us plau, torni'l a descarregar (preferentment des del lloc web oficial del VeraCrypt, a https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="ca" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">No s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer %s</string> <string lang="ca" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extraient</string> <string lang="ca" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">No s'han pogut llegir dades del paquet.</string> <string lang="ca" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">No s'ha pogut verificat la integritat d'aquest paquet de distribució.</string> <string lang="ca" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Ha fallat l'extracció.</string> <string lang="ca" key="ROLLBACK">La instal·lació s'ha desfet.</string> <string lang="ca" key="INSTALL_OK">S'ha instal·lat el VeraCrypt amb èxit.</string> <string lang="ca" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">S'ha actualitzat el VeraCrypt amb èxit.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="ca" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Si vol engegar el sistema operatiu ocult, només ha d'introduïr la contrasenya del sistema operatiu ocult a la pantalla del gestor d'arranc (que apareix quan engega o reinicia l'ordinador).\n\n vol engegar el sistema operatiu esquer, ha d'introduïr la contrasenya del sistema operatiu ocult a la pantalla del gestor d'arranc\n\nEs pot revelar la contrasenya del sistema esquer a qualsevol que el forci a revelar la contrasenya de prearrencada. L'existència del volum ocult (i el sistema operatiu ocult) s'ha de mantenir en secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="ca" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">La tercera contrasenya (la del volum exterior) es pot divulgar a qualsevol que el forci a revelar la contrasenya per la primera partició després de la partició de sistema, on hi ha tant el volum exterior com el volum ocult (que té el sistema operatiu ocult). L'existència del volum ocult (i el sistema operatiu ocult) s'ha de mantenir en secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ca" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Si revela la contrasenya del sistema operatiu ocult a un adversari i li pregunta perquè l'espai lliure a la partició de sistema (esquer) conté dades aleatòries pot respondre, per exemple: "La partició contenia un sistema xifrat amb el VeraCrypt, però vaig perdre la contrasenya de prearrancada (o el sistema està malmès i no arranca) i he hagut de tornar a instal·lar el Windows i tornar a xifrar la partició"\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ca" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Si s'han seguit totes les instruccions i s'han seguit les precaucions i requisits que es llisten a la secció 'Requisits de seguretat i precaucions dels volums ocults' del manual d'usuari VeraCrypt hauria de ser impossible provar que el sistema operatiu ocult existeix, encara que el volum exterior estigui muntat o que el sistema operatiu esquer estigui desxifrat o engegat.\n\nSi guarda alguna còpia d'aquest text o l'imprimeix (molt recomanat a no ser que la seva impressora guardi copies dels documents que imprimeix en una unitat interna), hauria de destruïr totes les còpies després de crear el sistema operatiu esquer i d'haver entès tota la informació del text (si es troba una còpia d'aquestes instruccions es podria sospitar que hi ha un sistema operatiu ocult en aquest ordinador).\n\n</string> <string lang="ca" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">ATENCIÓ: SI NO PROTEGEIX EL VOLUM OCULT (per informar-se sobre com fer-ho, pot consultar la secció 'Protecció dels volums ocults contra danys' a la guia d'usuari del VeraCrypt), NO ESCRIGUI AL VOLUM OCULT (el sistema operatiu esquer NO està instal·lat al volum ocult). SI HO FA, POT SOBREESCRIURE I MALMETRE EL VOLUM OCULT (I EL SISTEMA OPERATIU OCULT QUE HI HA A DINS)!</string> <string lang="ca" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Clonar el sistema operatiu</string> <string lang="ca" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Als passos següents, el VeraCrypt crearà un sistema operatiu ocult copiant el contingut de la partició de sistema al volum ocult (les dades copiades es xifraran al vol amb una clau de xifrat diferent a la que s'utilitza pel sistema operatiu esquer).\n\nAquest procés es durà a terme a l'entorn de prearrencada (abans d'iniciar el Windows) i pot trigar força estona a acabar-se; diverses hores o dies (depenent de la mida de la partició de sistema i del rendiment de l'ordinador).\n\nPorà interrompre el procés, apagar l'ordinador, engegar el sistema operatiu i després continuar el procés. No obstant, si l'interromp, el procés de copiar el sistema haurà de tornar a començar des del principi (ja que el contingut de la partició de sistema no haurien de canviar durant la còpia).</string> <string lang="ca" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Vol cancel·lar el procés de creació d'un sistema operatiu ocult?\n\nNota: No podrà continuar aquest procés si el cancel·la ara.</string> <string lang="ca" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Vol cancelar la prova prèvia de xifrat del sistema?</string> - <string lang="ca" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Ha fallat la prova prèvia de xifrat del sistema. Vol tornar-ho a provar?\n\nSi selecciona 'No', es desinstal·larà el component d'autenticació prearrencada.\n\nNots.\n\n- Si el gestor d'arranc del VeraCrypt no li demana la contrasenya abans d'engegar el Windows és possible que el seu sistema operatiu no engegui des del disc dur on es troba instal·lat. Això no està suportat.\n\n- Si utilitza un algorisme de xifrat que no sigui AES i la prova prèvia falla (i ha introduït la contrasenya) pot ser degut a un controlador defectuós. Seleccioni 'No' i provi de tornar a xifrar la partició/unitat una altre vegada, però utilitzant l'algorisme de xifrat AES (que necessita menys memòria).\n\n- Per a més possibles causes i solucions, vegi: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="ca" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Ha fallat la prova prèvia de xifrat del sistema. Vol tornar-ho a provar?\n\nSi selecciona 'No', es desinstal·larà el component d'autenticació prearrencada.\n\nNots.\n\n- Si el gestor d'arranc del VeraCrypt no li demana la contrasenya abans d'engegar el Windows és possible que el seu sistema operatiu no engegui des del disc dur on es troba instal·lat. Això no està suportat.\n\n- Si utilitza un algorisme de xifrat que no sigui AES i la prova prèvia falla (i ha introduït la contrasenya) pot ser degut a un controlador defectuós. Seleccioni 'No' i provi de tornar a xifrar la partició/unitat una altre vegada, però utilitzant l'algorisme de xifrat AES (que necessita menys memòria).\n\n- Per a més possibles causes i solucions, vegi: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="ca" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">La partició/unitat de sistema sembla no estar xifrada (ni parcial ni completament).</string> <string lang="ca" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">La partició/unitat de sistema està xifrada (parcial o completament).\n\nSi us plau, desxifri completament la partició/unitat abans de continuar. Per a fer-ho, seleccioni 'Sistema' > 'Desxifrar la partició/unitat del sistema permenentment'.</string> <string lang="ca" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Quan la partició/unitat de sistema està xifrada (parcial o completament) no és possible baixar la versió del VeraCrypt (però es pot actualitzar o reinstal·lar la mateixa versió).</string> <string lang="ca" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">La partició de sistema s'està xifrant, desxifrant o modificant d'altre manera. Si us plau, interrompi el procés de xifrat/desxifrat/modificació (o esperi que s'acabi) abans de continuar.</string> <string lang="ca" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">S'està executant una instància de l'assistent de creació de volums VeraCrypt i està preparant o realitzat un xifratge/desxifratge de la partició/unitat de sistema. Abans de seguir, si us plau esperi que acabi o tanqui-la. Si no pot tancar la instància, si us plau reinicii l'ordinador abans de continuar.</string> <string lang="ca" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">No s'ha completat el procés de xifrat o desxifrat de la partició/unitat de sistema. Si us plau, esperi que acabi abans de continuar.</string> <string lang="ca" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: No s'ha completat el procés de xifrat de la partició/unitat. Si us plau, esperi que acabi abans de continuar.</string> <string lang="ca" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: No s'ha completat el procés de xifrat de la partició/unitat. Si us plau, esperi que acabi abans de continuar.\n\nNota: Per continuar el procés, seleccioni 'Volums' > 'Continuar una tasca interrompuda'.</string> <string lang="ca" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">La contrasenya és correcta. El VeraCrypt ha desxifrat la capçalera del volum i ha detectar que és un volum de sistema ocult. No obstant, no pot modificar la capçalera del volum de sistema ocult d'aquesta manera.\n\nPer canviar la contrasenya d'un volum de sistema ocult, engegui el sistema operatiu que hi ha dins el volum i després seleccioni 'Sistema' > 'Canviar contrasenya' des del menú de VeraCrypt.\n\nPer canviar l'algorisma de derivació de la clau de capçalera, engegi el sistema operatiu i després seleccioni 'Sistema' > 'Algorisme de derivació de la clau de capçalera'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.cs.xml b/Translations/Language.cs.xml index 25f2470f..cde11ba9 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.cs.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.cs.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="cs" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Pokud jste ještě nikdy nepoužívali VeraCrypt, doporučujeme Vám přečíst si kapitolu Příručka pro nové uživatele v Uživatelské příručce. Chcete si přečíst průvodce?</string> <string lang="cs" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Vyberte prosím jednu z následujících voleb:</string> <string lang="cs" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Opravit/Přeinstalovat</string> <string lang="cs" key="UPGRADE">Aktualizovat</string> <string lang="cs" key="UNINSTALL">Odinstalovat</string> <string lang="cs" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Pro úspěšnou instalaci/odinstalaci VeraCryptu potřebujete administrátorská práva. Chcete pokračovat?</string> <string lang="cs" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">Instalátor programu VeraCrypt momentálně běží na tomto systému a provádí nebo připravuje instalaci nebo update programu VeraCrypt. Než budete pokračovat, počkejte na dokončení nebo jej zavřete. Pokud ho nemůžete zavřít, restartujte prosím počítač, než budete pokračovat.</string> <string lang="cs" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Instalace nebyla úspěšná.</string> <string lang="cs" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Odinstalace nebyla úspěšná.</string> - <string lang="cs" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Distribuční balíček je poškozený. Stáhněte jej prosím znovu (nejlépe z oficiálních stránek programu VeraCrypt na adrese https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="cs" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Distribuční balíček je poškozený. Stáhněte jej prosím znovu (nejlépe z oficiálních stránek programu VeraCrypt na adrese https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="cs" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Nelze zapsat soubor %s</string> <string lang="cs" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Rozbalení</string> <string lang="cs" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Nelze přečíst data z balíčku.</string> <string lang="cs" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Nelze ověřit integritu tohoto distribučního balíčku.</string> <string lang="cs" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Rozbalení nebylo úspěšná.</string> <string lang="cs" key="ROLLBACK">Instalace byla vrácena zpět.</string> <string lang="cs" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt byl úspěšně nainstalován.</string> <string lang="cs" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt byl úspěšně aktualizován.</string> <string lang="cs" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt byl aktualizován na novější verzi. Před použitím musí být váš počítač restartován.\n\nChcete ho nyní restartovat?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="cs" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Pokud chcete spustit skrytý operační systém, musíte již pouze zadat heslo pro skrytý OS - na obrazovce bootovacího zavaděče VeraCryptu (která se objeví po spuštění nebo restartu počítače).\n\nPokud chcete spustit operační klamný operační systém, musíte již pouze zadat heslo pro klamný OS - na obrazovce bootovacího zavaděče VeraCryptu.\n\nHeslo pro klamný operační systém může být prozrazeno komukoliv, kdo by se ho z vás snažil dostat násilím. Existence skrytého svazku (a skrytého operačního systému) zůstane skryta.\n\n</string> <string lang="cs" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Třetí heslo (pro vnější svazek) může být prozrazeno komukoliv, kdo by se snažil získat heslo k prvnímu oddílu za systémovým oddílem, kde jsou umístěny jak vnější svazek, tak i svazek skrytý (ten obsahuje skrytý operační systém). Existence skrytého svazku (a skrytého operačního systému) zůstane utajena.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="cs" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Pokud jste odhalili protivníkovi heslo ke klamnému systému, a on se vás zeptá, proč je volné místo na oddílu klamného systému zaplněno náhodnými daty, můžete odpovědět např.: "Oddíl původně obsahoval zašifrovaný systémový svazek zašifrovaný VeraCryptem, ale já jsem zapomněl před-bootovací autentifikační heslo (nebo byl systém poškozen a přestal nabíhat), takže jsem musel celý systém Windows přeinstalovat a zašifrovat oddíl znovu."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="cs" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Pokud jste se řídili všemi instrukcemi, požadavky a opatřeními uvedenými v sekci "Bezpečnostní požadavky a opatření týkající se skrytých svazků" v uživatelské příručce VeraCryptu, mělo by být nemožné prokázat, že existuje skrytý svazek a skrytý operační systém, i když bude připojen vnější svazek nebo když by byl klamný operační systémem dešifrován nebo spuštěn.\n\nPokud si uložíte kopii tohoto textu nebo si ji uložíte (důrazně doporučujeme, pokud náhodou vaše tiskárna neukládá vytištěné dokumenty do své paměti), měli byste jakékoliv takové kopie zničit poté, co klamný systém vytvoříte a pochopíte všechny informace, které jsou v textu uvedené (v opačném případě, pokud by někdo takovou kopii nalezl, mohl by to být náznak toho, že se na vašem počítači nachází skrytý operační systém).\n\n</string> <string lang="cs" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">UPOZORNĚNÍ: POKUD NEOCHRÁNÍTE SKRYTÝ SVAZEK (pro více informací, viz sekce "Ochrana skrytých svazků proti poškození" v uživatelské příručce VeraCrypt), NEZAPISUJTE DO VNĚJŠÍHO SVAZKU (klamný operační systém NENÍ nainstalován ve vnějším svazku). JINAK SI MŮŽETE PŘEPSAT A POŠKODIT SKRYTÝ SVAZEK (A SKRYTÝ OPERAČNÍ SYSTÉM UVNITŘ).</string> <string lang="cs" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Klonování operačního systému</string> <string lang="cs" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">V následujícím kroku vytvoří VeraCrypt skrytý operační systém tak, že zkopíruje obsah systémového oddílu do skrytého svazku (kopírovaná data budou zašifrována za běhu jiným šifrovacím klíčem, než je ten, co se používá pro klamný operační systém).\n\nProces bude proveden v před-bootovacím prostředí (než se Windows spustí) a může to trvat delší dobu; několik hodin nebo dokonce několik dní (záleží na velikosti systémového oddílu a na výkonu vašeho počítače).\n\nBudete moci proces přerušit, vypnout počítač a pak spustit operační systém a pokračovat v procesu. Pokud ho ale přerušíte, celý proces kopírování systému bude spuštěn úplně od začátku (protože obsah systémového oddílu se nesmí během klonování změnit).</string> <string lang="cs" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Chcete zrušit celý proces vytváření skrytého operačního systému?\n\nPoznámka: NEBUDETE moci pokračovat, pokud ho nyní zrušíte.</string> <string lang="cs" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Chcete zrušit před-testování šifrování systému?</string> - <string lang="cs" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Předběžná zkouška zašifrování systému nebyla úspěšná. Chcete to zkusit znovu?\n\nVyberete-li 'Ne', před-bootovací autentifikační komponenta bude odinstalována.\n\nPoznámka:\n\n- Pokud vás bootovací zavaděč VeraCryptu nevyzval k zadání hesla před startem Windows, je možné, že vás operační systém nebootuje z disku, na kterém je nainstalován. To není podporováno.\n\n- Pokud jste použili jiný šifrovací algoritmus než AES a předběžná zkouška nebyla úspěšná (a vy jste zadali heslo), může to být způsobeno nevhodně navrženým ovladačem. Vyberte 'Ne' a zkuste systémový oddíl/jednotku znovu zašifrovat, ale použijte šifrovací algoritmus AES (který má nejmenší nároky na paměť).\n\n- Pro zjištění, jaké jsou další možné příčiny a řešení, viz: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="cs" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Předběžná zkouška zašifrování systému nebyla úspěšná. Chcete to zkusit znovu?\n\nVyberete-li 'Ne', před-bootovací autentifikační komponenta bude odinstalována.\n\nPoznámka:\n\n- Pokud vás bootovací zavaděč VeraCryptu nevyzval k zadání hesla před startem Windows, je možné, že vás operační systém nebootuje z disku, na kterém je nainstalován. To není podporováno.\n\n- Pokud jste použili jiný šifrovací algoritmus než AES a předběžná zkouška nebyla úspěšná (a vy jste zadali heslo), může to být způsobeno nevhodně navrženým ovladačem. Vyberte 'Ne' a zkuste systémový oddíl/jednotku znovu zašifrovat, ale použijte šifrovací algoritmus AES (který má nejmenší nároky na paměť).\n\n- Pro zjištění, jaké jsou další možné příčiny a řešení, viz: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="cs" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Systémový oddíl/disk pravděpodobně není zašifrován (ani částečně ani plně).</string> <string lang="cs" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Váš systémový oddíl/disk je zašifrován (částečně nebo plně).\n\nPřed pokračováním celý systémový oddíl/disk nejdříve dešifrujte. Pokud tak chcete učinit, zvolte 'Systém' > 'Trvale dešifrovat systémový oddíl/disk' z nabídky hlavního okna programu VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="cs" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Je-li systémový oddíl/disk zašifrován (částečně nebo úplně), nemůžete snížit verzi VeraCryptu (ale můžete jej aktualizovat nebo přeinstalovat stejnou verzi).</string> <string lang="cs" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Váš systémový oddíl/disk je momentálně zašifrováván/dešifrováván nebo jinak pozměňován. Před pokračováním zrušte proces šifrování/dešifrování/pozměňování (nebo počkejte na jeho dokončení).</string> <string lang="cs" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Na tomto systému již běží jiná instance Průvodce vytvořením svazku VeraCrypt a provádí nebo připravuje šifrování/dešifrování systémového oddílu/disku. Než budete pokračovat, počkejte, prosím, až skončí nebo jej zavřete. Pokud jej nemůžete zavřít, restartujte nejdříve váš počítač a pak pokračujte.</string> <string lang="cs" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Proces šifrování nebo dešifrování systémového oddílu-disku nebyl dokončen. Počkejte, prosím, než bude dokončen.</string> <string lang="cs" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Chyba: Proces šifrování oddílu/disku nebyl dokončen. Nejdříve je nutné jej dokončit.</string> <string lang="cs" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Chyba: Proces šifrování oddílu/svazku nebyl dokončen. Nejdříve musí skončit. \n\nPoznámka: Pro pokračování procesu vyberte 'Svazky' > 'Obnovit přerušený proces' z nabídky hlavního okna VeraCryptu.</string> <string lang="cs" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Heslo je správné, VeraCrypt úspěšně dešifrovat hlavičku svazku a zjistil, že tento svazek je skrytý operační systém. Avšak hlavička skrytého systémového svazku nemůže být takto změněna.\n\nPro změnu hesla skrytého systémového svazku nabootujte operační systém, který je umístěn ve skrytém svazku a pak vyberte 'Systém' > 'Změnit heslo' z lišty hlavního okna programu VeraCrypt.\n\nPro zadání hlavičkového klíče derivačního algoritmu nabootujte skrytý operační systém a pak vyberte 'Systém' > 'Zadat hlavičku klíče derivačního algoritmu'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.da.xml b/Translations/Language.da.xml index ce29f985..a0f7509a 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.da.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.da.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="da" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Hvis du aldrig før har brugt VeraCrypt, anbefaler vi at du læser kapitlet Begyndervejledning i VeraCrypt Brugervejledningen. Ønsker du at se vejledningen?</string> <string lang="da" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Vælg venligst en handling der skal udføres udfra følgende:</string> <string lang="da" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparer/geninstaller</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="da" key="UNINSTALL">Afinstaller</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="da" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installation kører nu på dette system og udfører eller forbereder installation eller opdatering af VeraCrypt. Før du fortsætter, vent venligst til det afsluttes eller luk det. Hvis du ikke kan lukke det, genstart venligst din computer før du fortsætter.</string> <string lang="da" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Fejl under installation.</string> <string lang="da" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Fejl under afinstallation.</string> - <string lang="da" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Denne distributions pakke er beskadiget. Prøv venligst at downloade den igen (helst fra det officielle VeraCrypt websted på https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="da" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Denne distributions pakke er beskadiget. Prøv venligst at downloade den igen (helst fra det officielle VeraCrypt websted på https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="da" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Kan ikke skrive fil %s</string> <string lang="da" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Udpakker</string> <string lang="da" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Kan ikke læse data fra pakken.</string> <string lang="da" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Kan ikke kontrollere integriteten på denne distributions pakke.</string> <string lang="da" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Fejl i udpakning.</string> <string lang="da" key="ROLLBACK">Installationen er trukket tilbage.</string> <string lang="da" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt er installeret med succes.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="da" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Ønsker du at afbryde hele processen med at oprette det skjulte operativsystem?\n\nBemærk: Du vil IKKE være i stand til at fortsætte processen hvis du afbryder nu.</string> <string lang="da" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Ønsker du at afbryde system krypteringens indledende test?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="da" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">System partition/drev ser ikke ud til at være krypteret (hverken delvist eller helt).</string> <string lang="da" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Det system partition/drev er krypteret (delvist eller helt).\n\nDekrypter venligst dit system partition/drev helt før du fortsætter. For at gøre dette, vælg 'System' > 'Dekrypter System Partition/Drev Permanent' fra menulinien i VeraCrypt hovedvinduet.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="da" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Dit system partition/drev bliver nu krypteret, dekrypteret, eller ændret på anden måde. Afbryd venligst kryptering/dekryptering/modifikations processen (eller vent til den er fuldført) før du fortsætter.</string> <string lang="da" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Et eksemplar af VeraCrypt Bind Oprettelsesguide kører nu på systemet og udfører eller forbereder kryptering/dekryptering af system partition/drev. Før du fortsætter, vent venligst på det afslutter eller luk det. Hvis du ikke kan lukke det, genstart venligst din computer før du fortsætter.</string> <string lang="da" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Processen med kryptering eller dekryptering af system partition/drev er ikke fuldført. Vent venligst indtil det er fuldført før du fortsætter.</string> <string lang="da" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Fejl: Krypteringsproces på partition/drev er ikke fuldført. Det skal færdiggøres først.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="da" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Kodeordet er korrekt, VeraCrypt har dekrypteret bind etiketten med succes og detekteret at dette bind er et skjult system bind. Du kan dog ikke ændre etiketten på et skjult system bind på denne måde.\n\nFor at ændre kodeord på et skjult system bind, boot operativsystemet der ligger i det skjulte bind, og vælg da 'System' > 'Ændre kodeord' fra menulinien i hoved VeraCrypt vinduet.\n\nFor at vælge etiket nøgle oprindelses algoritme, boot op på det skjulte operativsystem og vælg da 'System' > 'Indstil etiket nøgle oprindelses algoritme'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.de.xml b/Translations/Language.de.xml index 7639a36a..7daf15ff 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.de.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.de.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="de" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Falls Sie VeraCrypt noch nie zuvor verwendet haben, ist es empfehlenswert das Kapitel „Beginner's Tutorial“ im VeraCrypt-Benutzerhandbuch zu lesen. Möchten Sie das Tutorial ansehen?</string> <string lang="de" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Wählen Sie eine der folgenden Aktionen aus:</string> <string lang="de" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparatur/Neuinstallation</string> <string lang="de" key="UPGRADE">Aktualisierung</string> <string lang="de" key="UNINSTALL">Deinstallieren</string> <string lang="de" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Zum erfolgreichen Installieren/Deinstallieren von VeraCrypt werden Administratorrechte benötigt. Möchten Sie Fortsetzen?</string> <string lang="de" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">Das VeraCrypt-Installationsprogramm läuft zurzeit auf diesem Computer und führt eine Installation durch oder bereitet eine Installation vor oder aktualisiert VeraCrypt. Bevor Sie fortfahren, warten Sie bitte bis es beendet ist oder schließen Sie es. Wenn Sie es nicht schließen können, dann starten Sie bitte Ihren Computer neu bevor Sie fortfahren.</string> <string lang="de" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation fehlgeschlagen.</string> <string lang="de" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Deinstallation fehlgeschlagen.</string> - <string lang="de" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Dieses Paket ist beschädigt. Bitte laden Sie es erneut herunter (Vorzugsweise von der offiziellen Webseite von VeraCrypt https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="de" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Dieses Paket ist beschädigt. Bitte laden Sie es erneut herunter (Vorzugsweise von der offiziellen Webseite von VeraCrypt https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="de" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Kann Datei %s nicht schreiben</string> <string lang="de" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Entpacke</string> <string lang="de" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Die Paketdaten konnten nicht gelesen werden.</string> <string lang="de" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Die Integrität des Paketes konnte nicht überprüft werden.</string> <string lang="de" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Entpacken fehlgeschlagen.</string> <string lang="de" key="ROLLBACK">Die Installation wurde rückgängig gemacht.</string> <string lang="de" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt wurde erfolgreich installiert.</string> <string lang="de" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert.</string> <string lang="de" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt wurde erfolgreich aktualisiert. Zur Verwendung von VeraCrypt ist ein Neustart des Computers notwendig.\n\nMöchten Sie den Computer jetzt neu starten?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="de" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Wenn Sie das versteckte Betriebssystem starten möchten, müssen Sie nur das Passwort für das versteckte Betriebssystem im VeraCrypt-Bootloader-Bildschirm eingeben (dieser erscheint nachdem Sie Ihren Computer einschalten oder einschalten).\n\nWenn Sie das Köder-Betriebssystem starten möchten, müssen Sie nur das Passwort für das Köder-System im VeraCrypt-Bootloader-Bildschirm eingeben.\n\nDas Passwort für das Köder-System kann an jede Person ausgegeben werden, die Sie zwingt Ihr Prä-Boot-Authentifikationspasswort zu verraten. Die Existenz des versteckten Volumes (und des versteckten Betriebssystems) bleibt geheim.\n\n</string> <string lang="de" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Das dritte Passwort (für das äußere Volume) kann ebenfalls an jede Person ausgegeben werden, die Sie zwingt Ihr Passwort für die erste Partition hinter der Systempartition zu verraten, in dem sich sowohl das äußere Volume als auch das versteckte Volume (mit dem versteckten Betriebssystem) befinden. Die Existenz des versteckten Volumes (und des versteckten Betriebssystems) bleibt geheim.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="de" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Wenn Sie das Passwort für das Köder-System einer Person verraten mussten und Sie gefragt werden warum der ungenutzte Speicherplatz der (Köder-)Systempartition zufällige Daten enthält könnten Sie zum Beispiel folgendes Antworten: „Die Partition enthielt zuvor ein mit VeraCrypt verschlüsseltes System aber ich habe das Passwort vergessen (oder das System wurde beschädigt) und musste Windows neu installieren und wieder verschlüsseln.“\n\n\n</string> <string lang="de" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Wenn alle Anweisungen befolgt werden und alle Vorkehrungen und Voraussetzungen im Abschnitt „Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes“ im VeraCrypt-Benutzerhandbuch erfüllt sind, wird es unmöglich sein zu beweisen, dass das versteckte Volume und das versteckte Betriebssystem existieren. Dies trifft auch zu wenn das äußere Volume eingebunden ist oder wenn das Köder-Betriebssystem entschlüsselt oder gestartet ist.\n\nWenn Sie diesen Text speichern oder drucken (wird dringend empfohlen es sei denn Ihr Drucker speichert Kopien gedruckter Dokumente auf seinem internen Speicher) sollten Sie ihn und alle Kopien zerstören nachdem Sie die extra Bootpartition entfernt haben (andernfalls könnte der Text gefunden und ein Rückschluss auf ein verstecktes Betriebssystem gezogen werden).\n\n</string> <string lang="de" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNUNG: WENN SIE DAS VERSTECKTE VOLUME NICHT ABSICHERN DÜRFEN SIE NICHT AUF DAS ÄUSSERE VOLUME SCHREIBEN! ANDERNFALLS KÖNNEN SIE DAS VERSTECKTE VOLUME (UND DAS DARIN ENTHALTENE VERSTECKTE BETRIEBSSYSTEM) BESCHÄDIGEN UND ÜBERSCHREIBEN! (Informationen wie Sie das versteckte Volume sichern können, finden Sie im VeraCrypt-Benutzerhandbuch im Abschnitt „Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage“; Beachten Sie, dass das Köder-System NICHT im äußeren Volume installiert ist.)</string> <string lang="de" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Betriebssystem Klonen</string> <string lang="de" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In den nächsten Schritten wird VeraCrypt das versteckte Betriebssystem erstellen, indem der Inhalt der Systempartition in das Versteckte Volume kopiert wird (Daten, die kopiert werden, werden „on-the-fly“ (sofort) mit einem Verschlüsselungsschlüssel verschlüsselt, der sich von dem, der für das Köder-System verwendet wird unterscheidet).\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass der Prozess in der Prä-Boot-Umgebung durchgeführt wird (bevor Windows startet) und es lange dauern kann, um ihn fertigzustellen; mehrere Stunden oder sogar mehrere Tage (abhängig von der Größe der Systempartition und der Leistung Ihres Computers).\n\nSie können den Prozess jederzeit anhalten, Ihren PC ausschalten, neu starten und dann den Prozess fortsetzen. Wenn Sie ihn jedoch unterbrechen, dann muss der gesamte Kopiervorgang des Systems von vorn beginnen (weil sich der Inhalt der Systempartition beim Klonen nicht ändern darf).</string> <string lang="de" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Möchten Sie den gesamten Vorgang für die Erstellung des versteckten Betriebssystems abbrechen?\n\nHinweis: Sie werden den Vorgang nicht fortsetzen können wenn Sie ihn jetzt abbrechen.</string> <string lang="de" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Möchten Sie den Vortest für die Systemverschlüsselung wirklich abbrechen?</string> - <string lang="de" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Der VeraCrypt-Systemverschlüsselungsvortest ist fehlgeschlagen. Möchten Sie ihn erneut durchführen?\n\nWenn Sie „Nein“ wählen, wird die Prä-Boot-Authentifikationskomponente deinstalliert.\n\nHinweise:\n\n- Wenn der VeraCrypt-Bootloader vor dem Systemstart nicht nach einem Passwort gefragt hat, ist es möglich, dass das Betriebssystem nicht vom dem Laufwerk aus bootet auf dem es installiert ist. Dies wird nicht unterstützt.\n\n- Wenn Sie einen anderen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus als AES nutzen und der Vortest fehlgeschlagen ist (und Sie das Passwort eingegeben haben), kann dies durch einen fehlerhaften Treiber verursacht worden sein. Wählen Sie „Nein“ und versuchen Sie erneut die Systemverschlüsselung durchzuführen, diesmal mit dem AES-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus (welcher die niedrigsten Speichervoraussetzungen hat).\n\n- Weitere mögliche Ursachen und Lösungen finden Sie unter: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="de" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Der VeraCrypt-Systemverschlüsselungsvortest ist fehlgeschlagen. Möchten Sie ihn erneut durchführen?\n\nWenn Sie „Nein“ wählen, wird die Prä-Boot-Authentifikationskomponente deinstalliert.\n\nHinweise:\n\n- Wenn der VeraCrypt-Bootloader vor dem Systemstart nicht nach einem Passwort gefragt hat, ist es möglich, dass das Betriebssystem nicht vom dem Laufwerk aus bootet auf dem es installiert ist. Dies wird nicht unterstützt.\n\n- Wenn Sie einen anderen Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus als AES nutzen und der Vortest fehlgeschlagen ist (und Sie das Passwort eingegeben haben), kann dies durch einen fehlerhaften Treiber verursacht worden sein. Wählen Sie „Nein“ und versuchen Sie erneut die Systemverschlüsselung durchzuführen, diesmal mit dem AES-Verschlüsselungsalgorithmus (welcher die niedrigsten Speichervoraussetzungen hat).\n\n- Weitere mögliche Ursachen und Lösungen finden Sie unter: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="de" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Die Systempartition/das Systemlaufwerk ist offenbar nicht verschlüsselt (weder teilweise noch vollständig).</string> <string lang="de" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Ihre Systempartition/Ihr Systemlaufwerk ist verschlüsselt (teilweise oder vollständig).\n\nBitte entschlüsseln Sie Ihre Systempartition/Ihr Systemlaufwerk vollständig bevor Sie fortfahren. Wählen Sie dazu „System“ > „System-Partition/Laufwerk dauerhaft entschlüsseln“ in der Menüleiste des VeraCrypt-Hauptfensters aus.</string> <string lang="de" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Wenn die Systempartition/das Systemlaufwerk teilweise oder vollständig verschlüsselt ist, können Sie VeraCrypt nicht downgraden (aber Sie können es aktualisieren oder die selbe Version erneut installieren).</string> <string lang="de" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Ihre Systempartition/Ihr Systemlaufwerk wird zurzeit verschlüsselt, entschlüsselt, oder wird anderweitig bearbeitet. Bitte brechen Sie den Vorgang für das Verschlüsseln/Entschlüsseln/Modifizieren ab (oder warten Sie bis dieser abgeschlossen ist), bevor Sie fortfahren.</string> <string lang="de" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Eine Instanz des Assistenten für die VeraCrypt-Volume Erstellung läuft gerade und die Ver- bzw. Entschlüsselung der Systempartition/des Laufwerkes wird ausgeführt oder vorbereitet. Bevor Sie fortfahren, warten Sie bitte bis er beendet ist oder schließen ihn. Wenn Sie den Prozess nicht schließen können, dann starten Sie Ihren Computer neu bevor Sie fortfahren.</string> <string lang="de" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Der Ver- bzw. Entschlüsselungsvorgang für die Systempartition/für das Laufwerk wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Bitte warten Sie, bis er abgeschlossen ist, bevor Sie fortfahren.</string> <string lang="de" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Fehler: Der Verschlüsselungsprozess von der Partition/dem Laufwerk wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Dieser muss zuerst abgeschlossen werden.</string> <string lang="de" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Fehler: Der Verschlüsselungsprozess von der Partition/dem Laufwerk wurde nicht abgeschlossen. Dieser muss zuerst abgeschlossen werden.\n\nHinweis: Um den Vorgang fortzusetzen wählen Sie „Volumes“ > „Unterbrochenen Prozess fortsetzen“ in der Menüleiste des VeraCrypt-Hauptfensters.</string> <string lang="de" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Das Passwort ist korrekt, VeraCrypt hat erfolgreich die Volume-Kopfdaten entschlüsselt und festgestellt, dass dieses Volume ein verstecktes System-Volume ist. Allerdings können Sie die Kopfdaten eines versteckten System-Volumes auf diese Weise nicht ändern.\n\nUm das Passwort für ein verstecktes System-Volume zu ändern, starten Sie das Betriebssystem, welches sich im versteckten Volume befindet, und wählen Sie dann „System“ > „Passwort ändern ...“ in der Menüleiste des VeraCrypt-Hauptfensters aus.\n\nUm den Algorithmus für die Kopfdatenschlüsselberechnung festzulegen, starten Sie das versteckte Betriebssystem und wählen Sie dann „System“ > „Algorithmus für Kopfdatenschlüsselberechnung ändern ...“ aus.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.el.xml b/Translations/Language.el.xml index dade6137..a39913f4 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.el.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.el.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="el" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Αν δεν έχετε ξαναχρησιμοποιήσει το VeraCrypt, προτείνουμε να διαβάσετε τον Οδηγό Χρήσης. Θέλετε να τον δείτε;</string> <string lang="el" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Παρακαλώ επιλέξτε μια από τις παρακάτω ενέργειες:</string> <string lang="el" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Επιδιόρθωση/Επανεγκατάσταση</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="el" key="UNINSTALL">Απεγκατάσταση</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="el" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Η εγκατάσταση απέτυχε.</string> <string lang="el" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Η απεγκατάσταση απέτυχε.</string> - <string lang="el" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Αυτό το πακέτο εγκατάστασης είναι φθαρμένο. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε να το κατεβάσετε ξανά (κατά προτίμηση από τον ιστοχώρο του VeraCrypt στη https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="el" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Αυτό το πακέτο εγκατάστασης είναι φθαρμένο. Παρακαλώ δοκιμάστε να το κατεβάσετε ξανά (κατά προτίμηση από τον ιστοχώρο του VeraCrypt στη https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="el" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Αδυναμία εγγραφής αρχείου %s</string> <string lang="el" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Εξαγωγή</string> <string lang="el" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Αδυναμία ανάγνωσης δεδομένων από το πακέτο.</string> <string lang="el" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Αδυναμία επαλήθευσης της ακεραιότητας του πακέτου διανομής.</string> <string lang="el" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Η εξαγωγή απέτυχε.</string> <string lang="el" key="ROLLBACK">Η εγκατάσταση αναιρέθηκε.</string> <string lang="el" key="INSTALL_OK">Το VeraCrypt εγκαταστάθηκε επιτυχώς.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="el" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Θέλετε να ακυρώσετε τον προέλεγχο της κρυπτογράφησης συστήματος;</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="el" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Το διαμέρισμα/οδηγός του συστήματος δε φαίνεται κρυπτογραφημένο (ούτε μερικώς ούτε ολόκληρο).</string> <string lang="el" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Το διαμέρισμα/οδηγός του συστήματος είναι κρυπτογραφημένο (μερικώς ή ολόκληρο).\n\nΠαρακαλώ αποκρυπτογραφήστε το ολοκληρωτικά πριν συνεχίσετε. Για να το κάνετε αυτό, επιλέξτε 'Σύστημα' > 'Μόνιμη αποκρυπτογράφηση διαμερίσματος/οδηγού συστήματος' από το μενού του κύριου παράθυρου του VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="el" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Το διαμέρισμα/οδηγός του συστήματος αυτή τη στιγμή κρυπτογραφείται, αποκρυπτογραφείται ή τροποποιείται. Παρακαλώ διακόψτε τη διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης, αποκρυπτογράφησης ή τροποποίησης (ή περιμένετε να ολοκληρωθεί) πριν συνεχίσετε.</string> <string lang="el" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Μια διεργασία του Οδηγου Δημιουργίας Τόμου τρέχει τώρα στο σύστημα και διενεργεί ή προετοιμάζει κρυπτογράφηση/αποκρυπτογράφηση του διαμερίσματος/οδηγού του συστήματος. Πριν συνεχίσετε, παρακαλώ περιμένετε να τελειώσει ή κλείστε τον. Αν δεν μπορείτε να τον κλείσετε, παρακαλώ κάντε επανεκκίνηση πριν συνεχίσετε.</string> <string lang="el" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Η διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης ή αποκρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/οδηγού του συστήματος δεν έχει ολοκληρωθεί. Παρακαλώ περιμένετε να ολοκληρωθεί πριν συνεχίσετε.</string> <string lang="el" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Σφάλμα: Η διαδικασία κρυπτογράφησης του διαμερίσματος/οδηγού δεν ολοκληρώθηκε. Πρέπει πρώτα να ολοκληρωθεί.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption or decryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.es.xml b/Translations/Language.es.xml index a91c4b99..48dc5745 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.es.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.es.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="es" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Si nunca ha utilizado VeraCrypt, recomendamos que lea el capítulo Tutorial del Principiante en la Guía de usuario de VeraCrypt. ¿Desea ver el tutorial?</string> <string lang="es" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Por favor seleccione una de las siguientes acciones a realizar:</string> <string lang="es" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparar/Reinstalar</string> <string lang="es" key="UPGRADE">Actualizar</string> <string lang="es" key="UNINSTALL">Desinstalar</string> <string lang="es" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Para instalar/desinstalar VeraCrypt, debe ud. tener privilegios de administrador. ¿Desea continuar?</string> <string lang="es" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">El Instalador de VeraCrypt ya se está ejecutando en este sistema y está preparando o llevando a cabo la instalación o actualización de VeraCrypt. Antes de continuar, espere a que termine o ciérrelo. Si no puede cerrarlo, reinicie su ordenador antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="es" key="INSTALL_FAILED">La Instalación falló.</string> <string lang="es" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">La Desinstalación falló.</string> - <string lang="es" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Este paquete de distribución está dañado. Intente descargarlo nuevamente (preferentemente desde la página oficial de VeraCrypt en https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="es" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Este paquete de distribución está dañado. Intente descargarlo nuevamente (preferentemente desde la página oficial de VeraCrypt en https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="es" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">No se puede escribir el archivo %s</string> <string lang="es" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extrayendo</string> <string lang="es" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">No se puede leer información del paquete.</string> <string lang="es" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">No se puede verificar la integridad de este paquete de distribución.</string> <string lang="es" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">La Extracción falló.</string> <string lang="es" key="ROLLBACK">La instalación ha sido revertida.</string> <string lang="es" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt ha sido instalado con éxito.</string> <string lang="es" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt ha sido actualizado con éxito.</string> <string lang="es" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt ha sido actualizado a una nueva versión. Antes de poder empezar a usarla, su ordenador debe ser reiniciado.\n\n¿Desea reiniciar ahora?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="es" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Si desea iniciar el sistema operativo oculto, sólo tendrá que introducir la contraseña para el sistema operativo oculto en la pantalla del Cargador de Arranque VeraCrypt (que aparece tras encender o reiniciar su ordenador).\n\nSi desea iniciar el sistema operativo señuelo, sólo tendrá que introducir la contraseña para el sistema operativo señuelo en la misma pantalla.\n\nLa contraseña para el sistema señuelo puede ser revelada a cualquiera que le obligue a revelar la contraseña de autenticación de pre-arranque. La existencia del volumen oculto (y del sistema operativo oculto) permanecerá en secreto.\n\n</string> <string lang="es" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">La tercera contraseña (para el volumen externo) puede ser revelada a cualquiera que le obligue a revelar la contraseña para la primera partición tras la partición del sistema, donde residen tanto el volumen externo como el oculto (con el sistema operativo oculto). La existencia del volumen oculto (y del sistema oculto) permanecerá en secreto.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="es" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Si reveló la contraseña para el sistema señuelo a un adversario y éste le preguntó por qué el espacio libre de la partición del sistema (señuelo) contiene datos aleatorios, puede responder, por ejemplo: "La partición contuvo un sistema cifrado por VeraCrypt, pero olvidé la contraseña de autenticación de pre-arranque (o el sistema fue dañado y dejó de arrancar), así que tuve que reinstalar Windows y cifrar la partición otra vez."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="es" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Si todas las instrucciones son seguidas y las precauciones y requisitos listados en la sección "Precauciones y Requisitos de Seguridad Concernientes a los Volúmenes Ocultos" en la Guía del Usuario de VeraCrypt son seguidos, debería ser imposible demostrar que el volumen oculto y el sistema operativo oculto existen, incluso si el volumen externo está montado o el sistema operativo señuelo es descifrado o iniciado.\n\nSi guarda o imprime una copia de este texto (altamente recomendado salvo que su impresora almacene internamente copias de los documentos que imprime), debería destruir todas las copias del mismo tras crear el sistema señuelo y tras haber comprendido toda la información contenida en el texto (de otro modo, si se encuentra una copia, podría indicar que hay un sistema operativo oculto en este ordenador).\n\n</string> <string lang="es" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">AVISO: SI NO PROTEGE EL VOLUMEN OCULTO (para saber cómo hacerlo, vaya a la sección "Protección de Volúmenes Ocultos Contra Daño" en la Guía de Usuario de VeraCrypt), NO ESCRIBA EN EL VOLUMEN EXTERNO (recuerde que el sistema operativo señuelo NO está instalado en el volumen externo). DE LO CONTRARIO, ¡PODRÍA SOBREESCRIBIR Y DAÑAR EL VOLUMEN OCULTO (Y EL SISTEMA OPERATIVO OCULTO QUE CONTIENE)!</string> <string lang="es" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Clonando Sistema Operativo</string> <string lang="es" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">En los siguientes pasos, VeraCrypt creará el sistema operativo oculto copiando el contenido de la partición del sistema al volumen oculto (los datos que se copien serán cifrados al vuelo con una clave de cifrado diferente de la que se usará para el sistema operativo señuelo).\n\nTenga en cuenta que el proceso se realizará en el entorno de pre-arranque (antes del inicio de Windows) y puede tardar mucho en completarse; varias horas o incluso días (dependiendo del tamaño de la partición del sistema y del rendimiento de su ordenador).\n\nPodrá interrumpir el proceso, apagar su ordenador, iniciar el sistema operativo y luego continuar el proceso. No obstante, si lo interrumpe, el proceso de copiado tendrá que comenzar desde el principio (porque el contenido de la partición del sistema no debe cambiar durante la clonación).</string> <string lang="es" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">¿Desea cancelar el proceso entero de cración del sistema operativo oculto?\n\nNota: NO podrá continuar el proceso más tarde si lo cancela ahora.</string> <string lang="es" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">¿Desea cancelar la prueba del cifrado del sistema?</string> - <string lang="es" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Ha fallado la prueba del cifrado del sistema VeraCrypt. ¿Desea intentarlo de nuevo?\n\nSi selecciona 'No', el componente de autenticación de pre-arranque será desinstalado.\n\nNotas:\n\n- Si el Cargador de Arranque VeraCrypt no le pidió que introdujera la contraseña antes de que Windows se iniciara, es posible que su sistema operativo no arranque desde la unidad en la que está instalado. Esto no está soportado.\n\n- Si usó un algoritmo de cifrado distinto a AES y la prueba falló (e introdujo la contraseña), la causa puede ser un controlador diseñado inapropiadamente. Seleccione 'No', y trate de cifrar la partición/unidad del sistema otra vez, pero use el algoritmo de cifrado AES (que tiene los requisitos de memoria más bajos).\n\n- Para más posibles causas y soluciones, vea https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="es" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Ha fallado la prueba del cifrado del sistema VeraCrypt. ¿Desea intentarlo de nuevo?\n\nSi selecciona 'No', el componente de autenticación de pre-arranque será desinstalado.\n\nNotas:\n\n- Si el Cargador de Arranque VeraCrypt no le pidió que introdujera la contraseña antes de que Windows se iniciara, es posible que su sistema operativo no arranque desde la unidad en la que está instalado. Esto no está soportado.\n\n- Si usó un algoritmo de cifrado distinto a AES y la prueba falló (e introdujo la contraseña), la causa puede ser un controlador diseñado inapropiadamente. Seleccione 'No', y trate de cifrar la partición/unidad del sistema otra vez, pero use el algoritmo de cifrado AES (que tiene los requisitos de memoria más bajos).\n\n- Para más posibles causas y soluciones, vea https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="es" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">La partición/unidad del sistema no parece estar cifrada (ni parcial ni completamente).</string> <string lang="es" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Su partición/unidad del sistema está cifrada (parcial o completamente).\n\nDescifre por completo su partición/unidad del sistema antes de continuar. Para ello, seleccione 'Sistema' > 'Descifrar Permanentemente la Partición/Unidad del Sistema' desde el menú de la ventana principal de VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="es" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Si la partición/unidad del sistema está cifrada (parcial o completamente), no puede usar una versión anterior de VeraCrypt (pero puede actualizarlo o reinstalar la misma versión).</string> <string lang="es" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Su partición/unidad del sistema está siendo actualmente cifrada, descifrada, o modificada de otra manera. Interrumpa el proceso de cifrado/descifrado/modificación (o espere a que termine) antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="es" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">El Asistente de Creación de Volúmenes VeraCrypt ya está ejecutándose y está preparando o llevando a cabo el cifrado/descifrado de la partición/unidad del sistema. Antes de continuar, espere a que termine o ciérrelo. Si no puede cerrarlo, reinicie su ordenador antes de proceder.</string> <string lang="es" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">El proceso de cifrado o descifrado de la partición/unidad del sistema no ha sido completado. Espere a que se complete antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="es" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: El proceso de cifrado de la partición/unidad del sistema no ha sido completado. Debe completarse primero.</string> <string lang="es" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: El proceso de cifrado de la partición/volumen no ha sido completado. Debe completarse primero.\n\nNota: para continuar el proceso, seleccione 'Volúmenes' > 'Continuar Proceso Interrumpido' desde el menú de la ventana principal de VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="es" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">La contraseña es correcta, VeraCrypt ha descifrado con éxito la cabecera del volumen y detectado que éste es un volumen de sistema oculto. No obstante, no puede modificar la cabecera de un volumen de sistema oculto de esta forma.\n\nPara cambiar la contraseña de un volumen de sistema oculto, arranque el sistema operativo residente en dicho volumen, y luego seleccione 'Sistema' > 'Cambiar Contraseña' desde el menú de la ventana principal de VeraCrypt.\n\nPara establecer el algoritmo de derivación de la clave de cabecera, arranque el sistema operativo oculto y seleccione 'Sistema' > 'Establecer Algoritmo de Derivación de Clave de Cabecera'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.et.xml b/Translations/Language.et.xml index eff8170d..d959e2ea 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.et.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.et.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="et" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Kui sa pole kunagi VeraCrypti kasutanud, soovitame sul lugeda peatükki Beginner's Tutorial VeraCrypti kasutaja teejuhis. Kas soovid õpetust vaadata?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="et" key="ROLLBACK">Paigaldus võeti tagasi.</string> <string lang="et" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt edukalt paigaldatud.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.eu.xml b/Translations/Language.eu.xml index 0840d3ee..a3c79e0f 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.eu.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.eu.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="eu" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">VeraCrypt inoiz erabili ez baduzu, VeraCrypt-en Erabiltzaile Gidaren Hasiberrientzako Tutoriala kapituloa irakurtzea gomendatzen dugu. Tutoriala ikusi nahi?</string> <string lang="eu" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Hondoko ekintza hauetatik aukeratu zein egin nahi duzun:</string> <string lang="eu" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Konpondu/Berinstalatu</string> <string lang="eu" key="UPGRADE">Eguneratu</string> <string lang="eu" key="UNINSTALL">Desinstalatu</string> <string lang="eu" key="SETUP_ADMIN">VeraCrypt instalatzeko/desinstalatzeko administratzaile baimenak izan behar dituzu. Jarraitu nahi al duzu?</string> <string lang="eu" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt-en instalatzailea dagoeneko martxan dago sistema honetan instalazio bat egiten edo prestatzen edo VeraCrypt-en eguneraketa batekin. Jarraitu baino lehen, mesedez, bukatzen den arte itxaron ezazu edo itxi ezazu. Ezin baduzu itxi, mesedez, zure ordenagailua berrabiatu ezazu jarraitu baino lehen.</string> <string lang="eu" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Instalazioak huts egin du.</string> <string lang="eu" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Desinstalazioak huts egin du.</string> - <string lang="eu" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Banaketaren pakete hau hondatuta dago. Mesedez, saiatu zaitez berriro deskargatzen (hobe VeraCrypt-en weborri ofizialetik https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="eu" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Banaketaren pakete hau hondatuta dago. Mesedez, saiatu zaitez berriro deskargatzen (hobe VeraCrypt-en weborri ofizialetik https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="eu" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Ezin da %s fitxategia idatzi</string> <string lang="eu" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Ateratzen</string> <string lang="eu" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Ezin da paketeko informazioa irakurri.</string> <string lang="eu" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Distribuzio honen paketearen osotasuna ezin da egiaztatu.</string> <string lang="eu" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Ateratzerakoan huts egin du.</string> <string lang="eu" key="ROLLBACK">Instalazioa bere lehendabiziko egoerara itzuli da.</string> <string lang="eu" key="INSTALL_OK">TrueCryp instalatu egin da.</string> <string lang="eu" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt eguneratu da.</string> <string lang="eu" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt ondo eguneratu da. Ala ere, erabiltzen hasi baino lehen, ordenagailua berrabiatu egin behar da.\n\nOrain berrabiatu nahi al duzu?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="eu" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Ezkutuko sistema eragilea abiatu nahi baldin baduzu, VeraCrypt Hasieraketa Kargatzailearen lehioan (ordenagailua piztu edo berrabiatu eta gero agertzen dena) ezkutuko sistema eragilearen pasahitza sartu behar duzu.\n\nSistema eragilie amua abiatu nahi baduzu, VeraCrypt Hasieraketa Kargatzailearen lehioan sistema eragile amuaren pasahitza sartu behar duzu.\n\nNorbaitek hasieraketa aurreko kautotze pasahitza ematera behartzen bazaitu sistema eragile amuaren pasahitza eman diezaiokezu. Ezkutuko bolumena (eta ezkutuko sistema eragilea) sekretupean jarraituko du.\n\n</string> <string lang="eu" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Hirugarren pasahitza (kanpoko bolumenarena) norbaitek sistemaren partizioaren atzean dagoen lehendabiziko partizioaren, non kanpoko bolumena eta ezkutuko bolumena (ezkutuko sistema eragilea ostatzen duena) dauden, pasahitza ematera behartzen bazaitu hau eman diezaiokezu. Ezkutuko bolumena (eta ezkutuko sistema eragilea) sekretupean jarraituko du.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="eu" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Sistema eragile amuaren pasahitza arerio bati eman eta honek sistema amuaren partizioaren zati hutsean dauden ausazko datuen zergatia galdetzen badizu, adibidez, ondorengo hau erantzun zenzake: "Partizioak VeraCrypt-ek zifratutako sistema bat zeukan baina hasieraketa aurreko kautotze pasahitza ahaztu nuen (edo sistema hondatuta zegoen eta ez zen abiatzen), beraz Windows berrinstalatu eta partizioa berriro zifratu behar izan nuen."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="eu" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Jarraibide guztiak bete badira eta VeraCrypt-en Erabiltzaile Gidaren "Ezkutuko Bolumenentzako Sekurtasun Baldintzak eta Neurriak" kapituloko baldintzak bete badira, ezinezkoa izango da ezkutuko bolumena eta ezkutuko sistema eragilea esistitzen direla frogatzea, nahiz eta kanpoko bolumena muntatuta egon edo sistema eragile amua argitu edo abiatu bada.\n\nTestu honen kopia bat gorde edo inprimatzen baduzu (hau gogor gomendatzen da, zure inprimagailuak inprimitzen dituen dokumentuen kopia bere barneko memorian gordetzen ez baditu), sistema eragile amua sortu eta testu honetan dagoen informatzio guztia ulertu eta gero kopia horiek suntsitu beharko zenituzke (bestela, kopia hori aurkituko balitz, ordenagailu honetan ezkutuko sistema eragile bat dagoelaren susmoa eman dezake).\n\n</string> <string lang="eu" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">KONTUZ: EZKUTUKO BOLUMENA BABESTEN EZ BADUZU (hau egiteko informazioa nahi baduzu, VeraCrypt Erabiltzaile Gidaren "Kalteen Aurkako Babesa Ezkutuko Bolumenetan" atala irakurri ezazu), EZ EZAZU KANPOKO BOLUMENEAN IDATZI (ohartu zaitez sistema eragile amua EZ dagoela kanpoko bolumenean instalatuta). BESTELA, EZKUTUKO BOLUMENAREN GAINEAN IDATZI DEZAKEZU ETA HURA KALTETU (ETA BERE BARRUAN DAGOEN SISTEMA ERAGILEA)!</string> <string lang="eu" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Sistema Eragilearen Klonazioa</string> <string lang="eu" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Hurrengo urratsetan VeraCrypt ezkutuko sistema eragile berria sortuko du sistemaren partizioa ezkutuko bolumenera kopiatuz (kopiatutako datuak segidan zifratuko dira sistema amu bezala dagoen sistema eragileak daukan gako ezberdinarekin).\n\nKontutan izan ezazu prozesu hau hasieraketa aurreko ingurunean (Windows hasi aurretik) egingo dela eta asko iraun dezakela; orduak edo egunak (sistemaren partizioaren tamaina eta ordenagailuaren potentziaren arabera).\n\nProzesua bertan bera uzti ahal izango duzu ordenagailua itzaliz, sistema eragilea hasieratu eta prozesua jarraitu. Hala ere, prozesua mozten baduzu, sistema kopiatzeko prozesu guztia haieratik hasi behar izando da berriro (sistemaren partizioaren edukia ezin daitekeelako aldatu klonatze prozesua martxan dagoenean).</string> <string lang="eu" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Ezkutuko sistema eragilearen sortzeko prozesua bertan behera utzi nahi al duzu?n\nOharra: Orain uzten baduzu ezingo diozu prozesuari berrekin.</string> <string lang="eu" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Sistema zifratzeko aurre-azterketa bertan behera utzi nahi al duzu?</string> - <string lang="eu" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt-en sistema zifratzeko aurre-azterketak huts egin du. Berriz saiatu nahi duzu?\n\n'Ez' aukeratzen baduzu, hasieraketa aurreko kautotze osagarria desinstalatuko da.\n\nOharrak:\n\n- VeraCrypt Hasieraketa Kargatzaileak ez badizu pasahitzik eskatu Windows hasi aurretik, agian zure sistema eragilea ez da abiatzen instalatuta dagoen unitatetik. Hori ez dago onartua.\n\n- AES ez den zifraketa algoritmo bat erabili baduzu eta aurre-azterketak huts egin badu (eta pasahitza sartu duzu), gaizki diseinatuta dagoen erabiltzaile baten errua izan daiteke. 'Ez' aukeratu ezazu eta sistemaren partizio/unitatea berriz zifratzen saiatu zatez, baina oraingoan AES zifratze algoritmoa erabiliz (zeinek memoria behar baxuenak dituen).\n\n- Zergati eta konponbide gehiago ikusteko: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="eu" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt-en sistema zifratzeko aurre-azterketak huts egin du. Berriz saiatu nahi duzu?\n\n'Ez' aukeratzen baduzu, hasieraketa aurreko kautotze osagarria desinstalatuko da.\n\nOharrak:\n\n- VeraCrypt Hasieraketa Kargatzaileak ez badizu pasahitzik eskatu Windows hasi aurretik, agian zure sistema eragilea ez da abiatzen instalatuta dagoen unitatetik. Hori ez dago onartua.\n\n- AES ez den zifraketa algoritmo bat erabili baduzu eta aurre-azterketak huts egin badu (eta pasahitza sartu duzu), gaizki diseinatuta dagoen erabiltzaile baten errua izan daiteke. 'Ez' aukeratu ezazu eta sistemaren partizio/unitatea berriz zifratzen saiatu zatez, baina oraingoan AES zifratze algoritmoa erabiliz (zeinek memoria behar baxuenak dituen).\n\n- Zergati eta konponbide gehiago ikusteko: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="eu" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Sistemaren partizioa/unitatea ez dirudi zifratuta dagoenik (ez zati bat, ez guztiz).</string> <string lang="eu" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Zure sistemaren partizioa/unitatea (zatika edo guztiz) zifratuta dago.\n\nMesedez, sistemaren partizio/unitate osoa argitu jarraitu aurretik. Hori egiteko, 'Sistema' > 'Sistemaren Partizioa/Unitatea Betirako Argitu' aukeratu VeraCrypt lehio nagusiaren menuan.</string> <string lang="eu" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Sistemaren partizioa/unitatea (zatika edo guztiz) zifratuta dagoenean, ezin zara VeraCrypt-en bertsio zahar batera aldatu (baina berri bat instalatu edo martxan dagoena berrinstalatu bai).</string> <string lang="eu" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Zure sistemaren partizioa/unitatea momentu honetan zifratzen, argitzen edo beste modu batean aldatzen ari da. Mesedez, zifratze/argitze/aldatze prozesua eten ezazu (edo bukatu arte itxaron ezazu) jarraitu baino lehen..</string> <string lang="eu" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCrypt Bolumenak Sortzeko Laguntzaile bat sistema honetan martxan dago eta sistemaren partizioa/unitatearen zifraketa/argitze prozesu bat egiten edo prestatzen ari da. Jarraitu baino lehen, mesedez, hura bukatu arte itxaron ezazu edo itxi ezazu. Ezin baduzu itxi, jarraitu baino lehen ordenagailua berrabiatu ezazu.</string> <string lang="eu" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Sistemaren partizioaren/unitatearen zifraketa/argitze prozesua ez da bukatu. Mesedez, jarraitu baino lehen itxaron ezazu bukatzen den arte.</string> <string lang="eu" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Errorea: Partizioaren/Unitatearen zifraketa/argitze prozesua ez da bukatu. Lehendabizi bukatu behar da.</string> <string lang="eu" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Errorea: Partizioa/bolumena zifratzeko prozesua ez da bukatu. Lehendabizi bukatu behar da.\n\nOharra: Prozesua jarraitzeko, 'Bolumenak' > 'Etendako Prozesua Jarraitu' aukeratu ezazu VeraCrypt-en lehio nagusiaren menuan.</string> <string lang="eu" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Pasahitza zuzena da, VeraCrypt-ek bolumenaren goiburua artitu du eta ezkutuko sistema daukan bolumen bat dela aurkitu du. Hala ere, ezin duzu ezkutuko sistema baten bolumenaren goiburua modu honetan aldatu.\n\nEzkutuko sistema baten bolumenaren pasahitza aldateko, ezkutuko bolumenean dagoen sistema eragilea abiatu ezazu, eta gero 'Sistema' > 'Pasahitza Aldatu' aukera hautatu ezazu VeraCrypt-en lehio nagusiaren menuan.\n\nGoiburuaren gakoaren ondorioztatzeko algoritmoa aldatzeko, ezkutuko sistema eragilea abiatu ezazu eta 'Sistema' > 'Goiburuaren Gakoa Ondorioztatzeko Algoritmoa Jarri' hautatu ezazu.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.fa.xml b/Translations/Language.fa.xml index 24176360..76364d26 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.fa.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.fa.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.fi.xml b/Translations/Language.fi.xml index 60f2efb2..7ac468dd 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.fi.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.fi.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="fi" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Jos et ole koskaan käyttänyt VeraCrypt ohjelmaa ennen, suosittelemme, että luet kappaleen Aloittelijan Koulutus 'Beginner's Tutorial' VeraCrypt Käyttäjä Oppaassa. Haluatko katsoa opetusohjelmaa?</string> <string lang="fi" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Valitse toiminto suorittaaksesi seuraavan:</string> <string lang="fi" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Korjaa/Uudelleen asennus</string> <string lang="fi" key="UPGRADE">Päivitys</string> <string lang="fi" key="UNINSTALL">Poista Asennus</string> <string lang="fi" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Asentaaksesi/poistaaksesi VeraCrypt asennuksen onnistuneesti, sinulla tulee olla pääkäyttäjän oikeudet. Haluatko jatkaa?</string> <string lang="fi" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt asennusohjelma on juuri käynnissä tässä järjestelmässä ja suorittaa tai valmistelee asennusta tai VeraCrypt päivittämistä. Ennen kuin aloitat, ole hyvä ja odota sen loppumista tai sulje se. Jos et voi sulkea sitä, ole hyvä ja käynnistä tietokoneesi uudelleen ennen tätä suoritusta.</string> <string lang="fi" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Asennus epäonnistui.</string> <string lang="fi" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Asennuksen poisto epäonnistui.</string> - <string lang="fi" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Tämä jaettu paketti on viallinen. Yritä ladata se uudelleen (mieluiten virallisilta VeraCrypt kotisivuilta osoitteesta https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="fi" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Tämä jaettu paketti on viallinen. Yritä ladata se uudelleen (mieluiten virallisilta VeraCrypt kotisivuilta osoitteesta https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="fi" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Ei voida kirjoittaa tiedostoa %s</string> <string lang="fi" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Puretaan</string> <string lang="fi" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Ei voida lukea tietoja paketista.</string> <string lang="fi" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Ei voida tarkistaa jaetun paketin yhteneväisyyttä.</string> <string lang="fi" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Purku epäonnistui.</string> <string lang="fi" key="ROLLBACK">Asennus otettu takaisin.</string> <string lang="fi" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt onnistuneesti asennettu.</string> <string lang="fi" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt on onnistuneesti päivitetty.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="fi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Jos haluat käynnistää piilotetun käyttöjärjestelmän, sinun tarvitsee antaa vain salasana piilotetulle käyttöjärjestelmälle VeraCrypt käynnistyslataajan ikkunassa (joka ilmestyy kun olet käynnistänyt tietokoneesi).\n\nJos haluat käynnistää houkutuslintu käyttöjärjestelmän, sinun tarvitsee antaa vain salasana houkutuslintu käyttöjärjestelmälle VeraCrypt käynnistyslataajan ikkunassa.\n\nHoukutuslintu järjestelmän salasanan voi paljastaa kenelle tahansa jos olet pakotettu antamaan esikäynnistys autentikointi salasanan. Piilotetun taltion olemassaolo (ja piilotettu käyttöjärjestelmä) pysyvät salassa.\n\n</string> <string lang="fi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Kolmas salasana (ulkoiselle taltiolle) voi paljastaa kenelle tahansa pakotettuna antamaan salasanaa ensimmäisen osion käyttöjärjestelmänosion takana, jossa sekä ulkoinen että piilotettu taltio (sisältää piilotetun käyttöjärjestelmän) sijaita. Olemassa olevan piilotettu taltion (ja piilotettu käyttöjärjestelmä) pysyy salattuna.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="fi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Jos olet pakotettu paljastamaan houkutuslintujärjestelmän salasanan ja hän kysyy sinulta miksi vapaa tila (houkutuslintu) järjestelmäosiolla sisältää satunnaista tietoa, voit vastata, esim: "Osion nykyisin sisältämä järjestelmä salattuna VeraCrypt ohjelmalla, mutta unohdin esikäynnistys autentikointi salasanan (tai järjestelmä tuhoutui ja loppui käynnistymästä), siksi minun täytyi asentaa uudelleen Windows ja salata osio uudelleen."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="fi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">VAROITUS: JOS ETI SUOJAA PIILOTETTUATALTIOTA (ohje kuinka tämän teet, sisältyy osiossa "Piilotettujen taltioiden Suojaaminen Vaurioitumista Vastaan" VeraCrypt Käyttäjäohjeessa), ÄLÄ KIRJOITA ULKOISELLE TALTIOLLE (huomioi että piilotettu käyttöjärjestelmä EI ole asennettu ulkoiselle taltiolle). MUUTOIN, VOIT YLIKIRJOITTAA JA TUHOTA PIILOTETUN TALTION (JA PIILOTETTU KÄYTTöJÄRJESTELMÄ SEN SISÄLLÄ)!</string> <string lang="fi" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Käyttöjärjestelmän Kloonaus</string> <string lang="fi" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Seuraavassa askeleessa, VeraCrypt luo piilotetun käyttöjärjestelmän kopioimalla järjestelmäosion sisällön piilotetulle taltiolle (kopioitava data salataan lennossa salausavaimella joka eroaa siitä mitä käytetään houkutuslintu käyttöjärjestelmälle).\n\nOle hyvä ja huomioi että prosessi suorittaa esikäynnistys ympäristössä (ennen kuin Windows käynnistyy) ja sen valmistuminen saattaa kestää kauemmin; useita tunteja tai jopa useita päiviä (riippuen järjestelmäosion koosta ja tietokoneen suorituskyvystä).\n\nSinun on mahdollista keskeyttää prosessi, sulkea tietokone, käynnistää käyttöjärjestelmä ja sitten aloittaa uudelleen prosessi. Kuitenkin, jos keskeytät sen, koko järjestelmän kopiointi prosessi täytyy aloittaa alusta (koska järjestelmäosion sisältö ei saa muuttua kloonauksen aikana).</string> <string lang="fi" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Haluatko peruuttaa koko piilotetun käyttöjärjestelmän luonti tehtävän?\n\nHuomioi: EI ole mahdollista aloittaa tehtävää uudelleen jos keskeytät tehtävän nyt.</string> <string lang="fi" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Haluatko perua järjestelmän salauksen esitestauksen?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="fi" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">järjestelmäosio/asema ei ole salattu (ei osittain eikä täysin).</string> <string lang="fi" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">järjestelmäosio/asema on suojattu (osittain tai täysin).\n\nValitse salauksenpurku järjestelmäosiolle/asemalle pelkästään ennen suoritusta. Tee näin, valitse 'Järjestelmä' > 'Pysyvästi salasanapurettu järjestelmäosio/asema' menusta VeraCrypt pääikkunasta.</string> <string lang="fi" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Kun järjestelmäosio/asema on salattu (osittain tai täysin), et voi käyttää vanhempaa versiota VeraCrypt ohjelmasta (mutta voit päivittää sen tai uudelleen asentaa saman version).</string> <string lang="fi" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">järjestelmäosio/asema on nykyisellään salattu, salapurettu tai muutoin muokattu. Keskeytä salaus/salauksenpurku/muokkaus toiminto (tai odota sen valmistumista) ennen kuin jatkat.</string> <string lang="fi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCrypt Aseman Luonti Velhon käsittely on päällä tässä järjestelmässä järjestelmäosion/aseman salauksen/salauksenpurulla. Ennen kuin jatkat, odota sen päättymistä tai sulkemista. Jos et voi sulkea sitä, uudelleen käynnistä tietokoneesi ennen kuin jatkat.</string> <string lang="fi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Osion/aseman salaus tai salauksen purku prosessi ei ole valmistunut. Odota kunnes se on valmis ennen kuin jatkat.</string> <string lang="fi" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Virhe: Osion/aseman salausprosessi ei ole valmistunut. Sen täytyy valmistua ensin.</string> <string lang="fi" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Virhe: Salausprosessi osiolle/taltiolle ei ole suoritettu loppuun. Se pitää ensin suorittaa loppuun.\n\nTiedote: Aloittaaksesi prosessin uudelleen, valitse 'Taltiot' > 'Aloita Uudelleen Keskeytetty Prosessi' VeraCrypt pääikkunan menusta.</string> <string lang="fi" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Salasana on oikea, VeraCrypt on onnistuneesti purkanut salauksen taltion otsikon ja havainnut että tämä taltio on piilotettu järjestelmätaltio. Kuitenkin, sinä et voi muokata otsikkoa piilotetulla taltiolla tätä kautta.\n\nMuuttaaksesi salasanan piilotetulle järjestelmätaltiolle, käynnistä käyttöjärjestelmä joka sijaitsee piilotetulla taltiolla, ja sitten valitse 'Järjestelmä' > 'Muuta Salasana' valinta menusta VeraCrypt pääikkunasta.\n\nAsettaaksesi Otsikkoavaimen periytyvän algoritmin, käynnistä piilotettu käyttöjärjestelmä ja valitse 'Järjestelmä' > 'Aseta Otsikkoavaimen Periytymisalgoritmi'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.fr.xml b/Translations/Language.fr.xml index f054ffa6..45bfd505 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.fr.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.fr.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="fr" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Si vous n'avez jamais utilisé VeraCrypt, il est recommandé de lire le chapitre 'Beginner's Tutorial' du guide de l'utilisateur. Voulez-vous voir le didactitiel ?</string> <string lang="fr" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Sélectionnez une action à effectuer :</string> <string lang="fr" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Réparer/Réinstaller</string> <string lang="fr" key="UPGRADE">Mettre à niveau</string> <string lang="fr" key="UNINSTALL">Désinstaller</string> <string lang="fr" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Pour installer/désinstaller correctement VeraCrypt, vous devez disposer des privilèges administrateur. Voulez-vous continuer ?</string> <string lang="fr" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">L'installeur de VeraCrypt est actuellement exécuté sur votre système et réalise ou prépare l'installation ou la mise à jour de VeraCrypt. Avant de poursuivre, attendez qu'il termine ou se ferme. Si vous ne pouvez pas le fermer, redémarrez votre ordinateur avant de poursuivre.</string> <string lang="fr" key="INSTALL_FAILED">L'installation a échoué.</string> <string lang="fr" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">La désinstallation a échoué.</string> - <string lang="fr" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Ce package est endommagé. Essayez de le télécharger à nouveau (de préférence à partir du site web officiel de VeraCrypt à l'URL https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="fr" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Ce package est endommagé. Essayez de le télécharger à nouveau (de préférence à partir du site web officiel de VeraCrypt à l'URL https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="fr" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Impossible d'écrire dans le fichier %s</string> <string lang="fr" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extraction de</string> <string lang="fr" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Impossible de lire les données du package.</string> <string lang="fr" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Impossible de vérifier l'intégrité du package.</string> <string lang="fr" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">L'extraction a échoué.</string> <string lang="fr" key="ROLLBACK">L'installation est revenue à la version précédente.</string> <string lang="fr" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt a été installé avec succès</string> <string lang="fr" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt a été mis à jour avec succès.</string> <string lang="fr" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt a été mis à niveau avec succès. Toutefois, avant de commencer à l'utiliser, l'ordinateur doit être redémarré.\n\nSouhaitez-vous redémarrer maintenant ?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="fr" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Si vous souhaitez démarrer le système d'exploitation caché, vous devrez entrer le mot de passe dans l'écran du chargeur de démarrage VeraCrypt pour le système d'exploitation caché (qui s'affiche lorsque vous allumez ou redémarrez votre ordinateur).\n\nSi vous souhaitez démarrer le système d'exploitation leurre, vous devrez entrer le mot de passe pour le système d'exploitation leurre dans l'écran du chargeur de démarrage VeraCrypt.\n\nLe mot de passe pour le système leurre peut être communiqué à quiconque vous demande de le révéler. L'existence du volume caché (et du système d'exploitation caché) restera secrète.\n\n</string> <string lang="fr" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Le troisième mot de passe (pour le volume extérieur) peut être communiqué à quiconque vous demande de révéler le mot de passe pour la première partition derrière la partition système, là où résident aussi bien le volume extérieur que le volume caché (contenant le système d'exploitation caché). L'existence du volume caché (et du système d'exploitation caché) restera secrète.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="fr" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Si vous avez révélé le mot de passe pour le système leurre à quelqu'un et qu'il vous a demand pourquoi l'espace libre de la partition système (leurre) contient des données aléatoires, vous pouvez par exemple répondre : "La partition contenait auparavant un système chiffré par VeraCrypt, mais j'ai oublié le mot de passe d'authentification de pré-amorçage (ou le système a été endommagé et ne démarrait plus), donc j'ai dû réinstaller Windows et chiffrer la partition à nouveau. »\n\n\n</string> <string lang="fr" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Si toutes les instructions, les précautions et les exigences énumérées dans la section « Exigences et précautions de sécurité relatives aux volumes cachés » dans le guide de l'utilisateur VeraCrypt sont suivies, il devrait être impossible de prouver que le volume caché et le système d'exploitation caché existent, même si le volume extérieur est monté ou lorsque le système d'exploitation leurre est déchiffré ou démarré.\n\nSi vous enregistrez une copie de ce texte ou l'imprimez (ce qui est fortement recommandé, à moins que votre imprimante stocke des copies des documents imprimés sur son disque interne), vous devez détruire toute copie de celui-ci après avoir créé le système leurre et après avoir compris toutes les informations contenues dans le texte (dans le cas contraire, si une telle copie a été trouvée, il peut indiquer qu'il y a un système d'exploitation caché sur cet ordinateur).\n\n</string> <string lang="fr" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">AVERTISSEMENT : SI VOUS NE PAS PROTÉGER LE VOLUME CACHÉ (pour plus d'informations sur la façon de le faire, reportez-vous à la section « Protection des volumes cachés contre les dommages » dans le Guide de l'utilisateur VeraCrypt), N'ÉCRIVEZ PAS SUR LE VOLUME EXTERNE (Notez que le système d'exploitation leurre n'est pas installé sur le volume externe). SINON, VOUS POUVEZ ÉCRASER ET ENDOMMAGER LE VOLUME CACHÉ (ET LE SYSTÈME D'EXPLOITATION CACHÉ QU'IL CONTIENT) !</string> <string lang="fr" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Clonage du système d'exploitation</string> <string lang="fr" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Dans les prochaines étapes, VeraCrypt va créer le système d'exploitation caché en copiant le contenu de la partition système sur le volume caché (les données à copier à la volée seront chiffrées avec une clé de chiffrement différente de celle qui sera utilisée pour le système d'exploitation leurre).\n\nVeuillez noter que le processus sera effectué dans l'environnement de pré-amorçage (avant le démarrage de Windows) et cela peut prendre beaucoup de temps, plusieurs heures ou même plusieurs jours (selon la taille de la partition système et les performances de votre ordinateur).\n\nVous serez en mesure d'interrompre le processus, arrêtez l'ordinateur, démarrez le système d'exploitation et ensuite reprendre le processus. Toutefois, si vous l'interrompez, tout le processus de copie du système devra recommencer depuis le début (parce que le contenu de la partition système ne doit pas changer lors du clonage).</string> <string lang="fr" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Voulez-vous annuler l'intégralité du processus de création du système d'exploitation caché ?\n\nNote : Vous ne pourrez PAS reprendre le processus si vous l'annulez maintenant.</string> <string lang="fr" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Voulez-vous annuler le pré-test de chiffrement du système ?</string> - <string lang="fr" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Le prétest de chiffrement du système VeraCrypt a échoué. Voulez-vous réessayer ?\n\nSi vous sélectionnez « Non », le composant d'authentification de pré-amorçage sera désinstallé.\n\nRemarques :\n\n- Si le chargeur de démarrage de VeraCrypt n'a pas demandé d'entrer le mot de passe avant que Windows a commencé à démarrer, il est possible que votre système d'exploitation ne démarre pas depuis le disque sur lequel il est installé. Ceci n'est pas supporté.\\n\n- Si vous avez utilisé un algorithme de chiffrement autre que de l'AES et que le prétest a échoué (et vous avez entré le mot de passe), cela peut avoir été causé par un pilote mal conçu. Sélectionnez « Non » et essayer de chiffrer la partition/lecteur système à nouveau, mais utilisez l'algorithme de chiffrement AES (qui a le plus bas niveau d'exigences).\n\n- Pour plus de détails sur les causes et les solutions, voir : https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="fr" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Le prétest de chiffrement du système VeraCrypt a échoué. Voulez-vous réessayer ?\n\nSi vous sélectionnez « Non », le composant d'authentification de pré-amorçage sera désinstallé.\n\nRemarques :\n\n- Si le chargeur de démarrage de VeraCrypt n'a pas demandé d'entrer le mot de passe avant que Windows a commencé à démarrer, il est possible que votre système d'exploitation ne démarre pas depuis le disque sur lequel il est installé. Ceci n'est pas supporté.\\n\n- Si vous avez utilisé un algorithme de chiffrement autre que de l'AES et que le prétest a échoué (et vous avez entré le mot de passe), cela peut avoir été causé par un pilote mal conçu. Sélectionnez « Non » et essayer de chiffrer la partition/lecteur système à nouveau, mais utilisez l'algorithme de chiffrement AES (qui a le plus bas niveau d'exigences).\n\n- Pour plus de détails sur les causes et les solutions, voir : https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="fr" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">La partition/le disque système ne semble pas chiffré (totalement ou en partie).</string> <string lang="fr" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Votre partition/votre disque système est chiffré (totalement ou en partie).\n\nDéchiffrez votre partition/votre disque système entièrement avant de poursuivre. Pour cela sélectionnez 'Système' > 'Déchiffrer définitivement la partition/le disque système' depuis la barre des menus de la fenêtre principale VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="fr" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Lorsque la partition/lecteur système est chiffré (partiellement ou totalement), vous ne pouvez pas rétrograder VeraCrypt (mais vous pouvez le mettre à jour ou réinstaller la même version).</string> <string lang="fr" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Votre partition/votre disque est en cours de chiffrement, déchiffrement ou de modification. Interrompez le processus en cours (ou attendez son arrêt) avant de poursuivre.</string> <string lang="fr" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Une instance de l'assistant de création de volume de VeraCrypt existe déjà sur ce système et procède (ou se prépare à procéder) au chiffrement/déchiffrement de la partition/du disque système. Avant de poursuivre, patientez jusqu'à la fin du traitement ou arrêtez-le. Si vous ne pouvez pas l'arrêter, redémarrer votre ordinateur avant de poursuivre.</string> <string lang="fr" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Le processus de chiffrement ou de déchiffrement de la partition/du disque système n'est pas terminé. Patientez jusqu'à ce qu'il finisse avant de poursuivre.</string> <string lang="fr" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Erreur : Le processus de chiffrement de la partition/du disque n'est pas terminé. Il doit d'abord être achevé.</string> <string lang="fr" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Erreur : Le processus de chiffrement de la partition ou du volume n'a pas été terminé. Il d'abord doit être complété.\n\nRemarque : Pour reprendre le processus, sélectionnez « Volumes » > « Reprendre le processus interrompu » de la barre de menus de la fenêtre principale de VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="fr" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Le mot de passe est correct, VeraCrypt a déchiffré avec succès l'en-tête du volume et a détecté que ce volume est un volume caché. Cependant, vous ne pouvez pas modifier l'en-tête d'un volume système caché de cette manière.\n\nPour changer le mot de passe d'un volume système caché, démarrer le système d'exploitation résidant dans le volume caché, puis sélectionnez 'Système' > 'Modifier le mot de passe...' depuis la barre des menus de la fenêtre principale de VeraCrypt.\n\nPour paramétrer l'algorithme de dérivation de la clé d'en-tête, démarrez le système d'exploitation caché puis sélectionnez 'Système' > 'Paramétrer l'algorithme de dérivation de la clé d'en-tête...'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.hu.xml b/Translations/Language.hu.xml index ba569e02..74bb468f 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.hu.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.hu.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.id.xml b/Translations/Language.id.xml index 09594608..4994ef00 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.id.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.id.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.it.xml b/Translations/Language.it.xml index c835f0b1..f2cc0331 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.it.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.it.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="it" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Se non si è mai utilizzato VeraCrypt prima d'ora, si raccomanda di leggere il capitolo 'Beginner’s Tutorial' della 'VeraCrypt User Guide'. Si desidera visualizzare la guida?</string> <string lang="it" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Selezionare un’azione da eseguire dalle seguenti:</string> <string lang="it" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Ripara/Reinstalla</string> <string lang="it" key="UPGRADE">Aggiorna</string> <string lang="it" key="UNINSTALL">Disinstalla</string> <string lang="it" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Per installare/disinstallare VeraCrypt, dovete avere i privilegi di amministratore. Volete continuare?</string> <string lang="it" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">L’installer di VeraCrypt è attualmente in esecuzione in questo sistema ed esegue o prepara l’installazione oppure aggiornamento di VeraCrypt. Prima di procedere, attendere per finire o chiudere esso. Se non potete chiudere l’installer, riavviare i computer prima di procedere.</string> <string lang="it" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installazione fallita.</string> <string lang="it" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Disinstallazione fallita.</string> - <string lang="it" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Questo pacchetto di distribuzione è danneggiato. Provare a scaricarlo nuovamente (preferibilmente dal sito ufficiale di VeraCrypt all’indirizzo ww.veracrypt.org).</string> + <string lang="it" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Questo pacchetto di distribuzione è danneggiato. Provare a scaricarlo nuovamente (preferibilmente dal sito ufficiale di VeraCrypt all’indirizzo https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="it" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Impossibile scrivere il file %s</string> <string lang="it" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Estrazione</string> <string lang="it" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Impossibile leggere i dati dal pacchetto.</string> <string lang="it" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Impossibile verificare l'integrità del pacchetto.</string> <string lang="it" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">L'estrazione è fallita.</string> <string lang="it" key="ROLLBACK">L'installazione è ritornata alla versione precedente.</string> <string lang="it" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt è stato installato con successo.</string> <string lang="it" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt è stato aggiornato con successo.</string> <string lang="it" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt è stato aggiornato correttamente. Comunque prima di utilizzarlo il computer deve essere riavviato.\n\nSi desidera riavviare edesso?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="it" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Se volete avviare il sistema operativo nascosto, dovete semplicemente digitare la password per questo sistema nello schermo del boot loader di VeraCrypt (che appare quando accendete o riavviate il vostro computer).\n\nDovete fare lo stesso per il sistema operativo “di inganno”.\n\nPotete solo rivelare la password per il sistema “di inganno” a chiunque vi obbliga a svelare la vostra password di autenticazione pre-boot. L’esistenza del volume nascosto (e quindi del sistema operativo nascosto) rimarrà segreta.\n\n</string> <string lang="it" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">La terza password (quella per il volume esterno) può essere svelata a chiunque vi obblighi a rivelare la password per la prima partizione dietro a quella di sistema, dove risiedono entrambi i volumi, esterno ed nascosto (contenente il sistema operativo nascosto). L’esistenza del volume nascosto rimarrà segreta.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="it" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Se rivelate la password per il sistema “di inganno” ad un vostro avversario ed esso vi chiede perchè lo spazio libero della partizione del sistema (quello “di inganno”) contiene dei dati casuali, voi potete rispondere, ad esempio: "La partizione conteneva prima un sistema criptato da VeraCrypt, ma io ho dimenticato la password di autenticazione pre-boot (quindi il sistema è stato danneggiato e non si avvia) in modo che ho dovuto reinstallare Windows e ricrittare la partizione."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="it" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Se vengono seguite tutte le istruzoni come tutte le precauzioni eI requisiti elencati nella sezione "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" nella VeraCrypt User's Guide , sarà impossibile provare l’esistenza del volume e del sistema operative nascosto, anche quando viene montato il volume esterno o quando il sistema operative “di inganno” viene decriptato oppure viene avviato.\n\nSe salvate una copia di questo testo o lo stampate (molto raccomandato, finchè la vostra stampante conserva delle copie dei documenti in stampa nella suo drive interno), dovete distruggere qualsasi copia di esso dopo aver creato il sistema di inganno e dopo aver capito tutte le informazioni contenute nel testo (altrimenti, se viene trovata una copia di questo testo, si può dimostrare la presenza di un sistema operativo nascosto in questo computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="it" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">ATTENZIONE: SE NON PROTEGGETE IL VOLUME nascosto (per informazioni su come fare questo fate riferimento alla sezione "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" nella VeraCrypt User's Guide), NON SCRIVERE SUL VOLUME ESTERNO (notare che il sistema operativo “di inganno” NON è installato nel volume esterno). DIVERSAMENTE, POTETE SOVRASCRIVERE E DANNEGGIARE IL VOLUME ESTERNO ED IL SISTEMA OPERATIVO nascosto AL SUO INTERNO)!</string> <string lang="it" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Clonazione del sistema operativo</string> <string lang="it" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Nei passi successivi, VeraCrypt creerà il sistema operativo nascosto copiando il contenuto della partizione di sistema nel volume nascosto (i dati in copia saranno Codificati al volo con una chiave di codifica differente da quella usata per il sistema operativo di richiamo).\n\nNotate che il processo sarà eseguito in ambiente di pre-boot(prima dell’avvio di Windows) e può impiegare molto tempo per essere completato; diverse ore o anche diversi giorni (a seconda della dimensione della partizione di sistema e dalle prestazioni del vostro computer).\n\nVoi potrete interrompere il processo, spegnere il vostro computer, avviare il sistema operativo e riavviare il processo. Comunque, se interrompete tale processo, l’intera procedura di copia del sistema dovrà ripartire dall’inizio (perché il contenuto della partizione di sistema non deve cambiare durante la clonazione).</string> <string lang="it" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Volete annullare l’intero processo di creazione del sistema operativo nascosto?\n\nNota: NON potrete ripristinare il processo se lo annullate adesso.</string> <string lang="it" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Volete annullare il pre-test per la codifica di sistema?</string> - <string lang="it" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">La richiesta di codifica di sistema VeraCrypt è fallita. Volete ritentare?\n\nSelezionando 'No', il componente di autenticazione in pre-boot sarà disinstallato.\n\nNota:\n\n- Se il Boot Loader di VeraCrypt non vi richiede di digitare la password prima dell'avvio di Windows, è possibile che il vostro sistema operativo non si it is avvia dall'unità nella quale esso è installato. Questo non è supportato.\n\n- Se usate un algoritmo di cifratura diverso di AES e la richiesta è fallita (ed avete digitato la password), questo è stato causato da un driver designato inadeguatamente. Selezionare 'No', e ritentare la cifratura della partizione/unità di sistema, usando l'algoritmo di codifica AES (che ha dei requisiti di memoria inferiori).\n\n- Per più possibili cause e soluzioni, visitare: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="it" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">La richiesta di codifica di sistema VeraCrypt è fallita. Volete ritentare?\n\nSelezionando 'No', il componente di autenticazione in pre-boot sarà disinstallato.\n\nNota:\n\n- Se il Boot Loader di VeraCrypt non vi richiede di digitare la password prima dell'avvio di Windows, è possibile che il vostro sistema operativo non si it is avvia dall'unità nella quale esso è installato. Questo non è supportato.\n\n- Se usate un algoritmo di cifratura diverso di AES e la richiesta è fallita (ed avete digitato la password), questo è stato causato da un driver designato inadeguatamente. Selezionare 'No', e ritentare la cifratura della partizione/unità di sistema, usando l'algoritmo di codifica AES (che ha dei requisiti di memoria inferiori).\n\n- Per più possibili cause e soluzioni, visitare: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="it" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">La partizione/disco di sistema non sembra essere criptato (né parzialmente né interamente).</string> <string lang="it" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">La vostra partizione/disco di sistema è criptato (parzialmente o completamente).\n\nDeCodificate la vostra partizione/disco interamente prima di procedere. Per fare questo, selezionate 'Sistema'>'Decodifica definitivamente la partizione/disco di sistema' dal menu della barra strumenti della finestra principale di VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="it" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Quando la partizione/unità di sistema è crittata (parzialmente o totalmente), non potete tornare ad una precedente versione di VeraCrypt (ma potete aggiornare o reinstallare la stessa versione di esso).</string> <string lang="it" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">La vostra partizione/disco di sistema verrà Crittata, deCrittata o modificata in un altro modo. Interrompere il processo in corso (oppure aspettare finché venga completata) prima di procedere.</string> <string lang="it" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Una sessione della Creazione guidata volume VeraCrypt è aperta attualmente in questo sistema ed esegue o prepara la codifica/decodifica della partizione/disco di sistema. Prima di procedere, attendere che la sessione precedente sia finita o chiusa. Se non potete chiuderla, riavviate il vostro computer prima di procedere.</string> <string lang="it" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Il processo di codifica o decodifica della partizione/disco di sistema non è stata completato. Attendere finché essa venga completata prima di procedere.</string> <string lang="it" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">ERRORE! Il processo di codifica della partizione/disco di sistema non è completo. Esso deve essere prima completato.</string> <string lang="it" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">ERRORE! Il processo di codifica della partizione/volume non è completo. Esso deve essere prima completato.\n\nNota: Per riprendere il processo selezionare 'Volumi' > 'Riprendi processi interrotti' dalla barra del menu della finestra principale di VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="it" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">La password è corretta, VeraCrypt ha decriptato la testa del volume e scoperto che questo volume è uno di sistema operativo nascosto. Comunque, non potete modificare in questo modo la testa di un voume di sistema nascosto.\n\nPer cambiare la password per un volume di sistema nascosto, avviate il sistema operativo risiedente nel volume nascosto e selezionate 'Sistema' > 'Cambia password...' dal menu degli strumenti della barra principale della finestra di VeraCrypt.\n\nPer impostare la chiave principale dell’algoritmo di derivazione, avviare il sistema operativo e selezionare 'Sistema' >'Impostare la chiave principale algoritmo di derivazione...'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.ja.xml b/Translations/Language.ja.xml index e6684470..304a7242 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ja.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ja.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ja" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">VeraCryptを使うのが初めてならば、ユーザーズガイドの「初心者のためのチュートリアル」に目を通されるようお勧めします。ユーザーズガイドを読みますか?</string> <string lang="ja" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">実行内容を以下から選択してください:</string> <string lang="ja" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">リペア/再インストール</string> <string lang="ja" key="UPGRADE">アップグレード</string> <string lang="ja" key="UNINSTALL">アンインストール</string> <string lang="ja" key="SETUP_ADMIN">VeraCryptのインストール/アンインストールを完了させるには、管理者権限が必要です。続けますか?</string> <string lang="ja" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">現在VeraCryptインストーラが起動しており、インストールあるいはアップデートの実行中です。インストーラの処理が終わるのを待つか、閉じるかしてください。閉じることができない場合は再起動してください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="INSTALL_FAILED">インストールに失敗しました。</string> <string lang="ja" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">アンインストールに失敗しました。</string> - <string lang="ja" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">この配布パッケージは破損しています。(なるべくVeraCryptの公式サイト https://veracrypt.codeplex.com から)もう一度ダウンロードしてみてください。</string> + <string lang="ja" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">この配布パッケージは破損しています。(なるべくVeraCryptの公式サイト https://www.veracrypt.fr から)もう一度ダウンロードしてみてください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">ファイル %s を書き込めません。</string> <string lang="ja" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">展開</string> <string lang="ja" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">パッケージからデータを読み込めません。</string> <string lang="ja" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">この配布パッケージの完全性を検証できません。</string> <string lang="ja" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">展開に失敗しました。</string> <string lang="ja" key="ROLLBACK">インストール内容はロールバックされました。</string> <string lang="ja" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCryptのインストールに成功しました</string> <string lang="ja" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCryptの更新に成功しました。</string> <string lang="ja" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCryptのアップグレードに成功しました。ただし使用を開始するためにはコンピュータを再起動する必要があります。\n\nすぐに再起動しますか?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="ja" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">隠しOSを起動したい場合は、VeraCryptブートローダー画面(コンピュータの電源を入れるか再起動した後に表示)で、隠しOS用のパスワードを入力する必要があります。\n\n囮OSを起動したい場合は、VeraCryptブートローダー画面で、囮OS用のパスワードを入力する必要があります。\n\n囮OS用のパスワードは起動前認証パスワードの開示を強要する人に明かしても構いません。それでも隠しボリューム(および隠しOS)の存在は秘匿されたままです。\n\n</string> <string lang="ja" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">第三のパスワード(外殻ボリューム用)は、システムパーティション直後のパーティション(外殻ボリュームと隠しボリュームが存在しています)のパスワードの開示を強要する人に明かしても構いません。それでも隠しボリューム(および隠しOS)の存在は秘匿されたままです。\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ja" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">もしも囮システム用のパスワードを敵対者に明かしたとき、なぜ(囮)システムパーティションの空き領域がランダムデータで埋められているのかを尋ねられたら、たとえば次のように答えることができるでしょう。「このパーティションは以前からVeraCryptでシステムの暗号化をしていましたが、起動前認証用のパスワードを忘れた(あるいはシステム障害で起動しなくなった)ため、Windowsを再インストールするはめになり、その後もう一度暗号化したのです」\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ja" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">もし、この説明書の手順がすべて遵守され、ユーザーズガイドの「隠しボリュームの安全に関する必要事項と予防策」の記載内容によく留意しておくならば、たとえ外殻ボリュームがマウントされたり、囮OSの暗号化が突破されたとしても、隠しボリュームや隠しOSの存在を検知することは不可能です。\n\nもしこの文面のコピーを保存したり印刷(プリンタの内蔵ドライブに文面が保存されるのでなければ、強く推奨します)したなら、囮システムを作成し、文書の内容すべてを理解した後、その紙やコピーを破棄すべきです。そうしないと、もしその紙が見つかったならば、このコンピュータに隠しOSがあることを推測されるおそれがあるからです。\n\n</string> <string lang="ja" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">警告:隠しボリュームを保護(方法はユーザーズガイドの「隠しボリュームを破損から守る」を参照ください)していない場合、外殻ボリュームに書き込みをしないでください(囮OSは外殻ボリュームにインストールされているわけではありません)。さもなければ、隠しボリューム(そしてその中の隠しOS)の内容を上書きし、破壊してしまいます!</string> <string lang="ja" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">オペレーティングシステムの複製</string> <string lang="ja" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">次のステップで、VeraCryptはシステムパーティションから隠しボリュームへファイルをコピーすることで隠しOS領域を作成します(囮OS領域とは別の暗号鍵で即時暗号化しながらコピーします)。\n\nこの処理はWindows起動前の環境で行われ、完了するまでに長時間かかることに注意してください。処理時間はシステムパーティションのサイズやコンピュータの性能にもよりますが、数時間から数日かかることもあります。\n\nこの処理を途中で中断し、コンピュータを再起動した後にあらためて再開することも可能です。ただし、もし処理を中断した場合は、システムのコピー処理からやり直しになります。これはシステムパーティションとコピー先の内容を同一にするために必要です。</string> <string lang="ja" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">隠しOSの作成をキャンセルしますか?\n\nここで処理をキャンセルした場合、後で処理を再開することはできません。</string> <string lang="ja" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">システム暗号化の予備検査をキャンセルしますか?</string> - <string lang="ja" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCryptのシステム暗号化予備検査に失敗しました。もう一度予備検査をしますか?\n\nもし「いいえ」を選んだ場合、起動前認証用コンポーネントがアンインストールされます。\n\n注:\n\n- もしVeraCryptブートローダーがWindowsが起動する前にパスワードの入力を要求してこなかった場合、ブートローダーがインストールされたのではないドライブからOSが起動している可能性があります。このケースには対応していません。\n\n- もしAES以外の暗号化アルゴリズムを使って予備検査に失敗した(そしてパスワードは入力した)場合、不適切な設計のドライバーに起因している可能性があります。「いいえ」を選択し、システムパーティション/ドライブをAESを使って暗号化しなおしてみてください(メモリ使用量が最少になります)。\n\n- その他に考えられる原因や対処方法については、https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting をご覧ください。</string> + <string lang="ja" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCryptのシステム暗号化予備検査に失敗しました。もう一度予備検査をしますか?\n\nもし「いいえ」を選んだ場合、起動前認証用コンポーネントがアンインストールされます。\n\n注:\n\n- もしVeraCryptブートローダーがWindowsが起動する前にパスワードの入力を要求してこなかった場合、ブートローダーがインストールされたのではないドライブからOSが起動している可能性があります。このケースには対応していません。\n\n- もしAES以外の暗号化アルゴリズムを使って予備検査に失敗した(そしてパスワードは入力した)場合、不適切な設計のドライバーに起因している可能性があります。「いいえ」を選択し、システムパーティション/ドライブをAESを使って暗号化しなおしてみてください(メモリ使用量が最少になります)。\n\n- その他に考えられる原因や対処方法については、https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html をご覧ください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">システムパーティション/ドライブは部分的にも全体的にも暗号化されていないようです。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">システムパーティション/デバイスは暗号化されています(部分的あるいは全体的)。\n\n処理を進める前にシステムパーティション/デバイス全体の暗号化を解除してください。VeraCryptのメインウィンドウのメニューから[システム]-[暗号化の解除]を選択することで解除できます。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">システムパーティション/ドライブが部分的であれ全体であれ暗号化されている場合は、VeraCryptをダウングレードできません。ただしアップグレードあるいは同じバージョンでの再インストールは可能です。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">システムパーティション/ドライブは暗号化中か復号中か、もしくはその他の処理で更新中です。処理を進める前に暗号化/復号/更新を中断してください。あるいはそれらが終了するまで待ってください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCryptボリューム作成ウィザードが他に起動しており、システムパーティション/ドライブの暗号化あるいは復号の準備中あるいは実行中です。処理を進める前に、そちらを終了するかあるいは処理が終わるのを待ってください。もし終了できない場合はコンピュータを再起動してください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">システムパーティション/ドライブの暗号化あるいは復号処理はまだ終了していません。処理を進める前にそちらが終了するのを待ってください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">エラー:パーティション/ドライブの暗号化処理が完了していません。最初にこの処理を完了させる必要があります。</string> <string lang="ja" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">エラー:パーティション/ボリュームの暗号化処理は完了していません。これは必ず最初に完了させる必要があります。\n\n注:処理を再開するには、メインウィンドウのメニューバーから[ボリューム]-[中断処理を再開]を選択してください。</string> <string lang="ja" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">正しいパスワードによって、VeraCryptはボリュームヘッダを復号し、このボリュームが隠しシステムボリュームであることを検出することに成功しました。ただし今の状態では隠しシステムボリュームのヘッダを変更することはできません。\n\n隠しシステムボリュームのパスワードを変更するには、隠しOSを起動してVeraCryptのメニューから[システム]-[パスワード変更]を選択してください。\n\nヘッダキーの導出アルゴリズムを設定するには隠しOSを起動し、[システム]-[ヘッダキー導出アルゴリズムの設定]を選択してください。</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.ka.xml b/Translations/Language.ka.xml index da817d50..b6d0ef39 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ka.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ka.xml @@ -260,19 +260,19 @@ <control lang="ka" key="IDM_TRAVELER">მოგზაური დისკის შექმნა</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_UNMOUNTALL">ყველა ტომის გამოერთება</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">ტომის გამოერთება</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_VERIFY_RESCUE_DISK">აღმდგენი დისკის შემოწმება</control> <control lang="en" key="IDM_VERIFY_RESCUE_DISK_ISO">Verify Rescue Disk Image</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_VERSION_HISTORY">ვერსიების ისტორია</control> <control lang="en" key="IDM_VOLUME_EXPANDER">Volume Expander</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_VOLUME_PROPERTIES">ტომის მახასიათებლები</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_VOLUME_WIZARD">ტომების შექმნის ოსტატი</control> - <control lang="ka" key="IDM_WEBSITE">veracrypt.codeplex.com</control> + <control lang="en" key="IDM_WEBSITE">VeraCrypt Website</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDM_WIPE_CACHE">პაროლების ქეშის წაშლა</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDOK">დიახ</control> <control lang="en" key="IDT_ACCELERATION_OPTIONS">Hardware Acceleration</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDT_ASSIGN_HOTKEY">სწრაფი გამოძახების კლავიში</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDT_AUTORUN">ავტოგაშვების ფაილის (autorun.inf) გამართვა</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDT_AUTO_DISMOUNT">ავტოგამოერთება</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDT_AUTO_DISMOUNT_ON">ყველა ტომის გამოერთება:</control> <control lang="en" key="IDT_BOOT_LOADER_SCREEN_OPTIONS">Boot Loader Screen Options</control> <control lang="ka" key="IDT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD">დაადასტურეთ:</control> @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ka" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">თუ VeraCrypt-თან არასდროს გიმუშავიათ, რეკომენდებულია გაეცნოთ დამწყებთა განაყოფს VeraCrypt-ის მომხმარებლის სახელმძღვანელოში გსურთ დოკუმენტაციის წაკითხვა?</string> <string lang="ka" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">გთხოვთ აირჩიოთ შემდეგი მოქმედებებიდან:</string> <string lang="ka" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">აღდგენა/რეინსტალაცია</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="ka" key="UNINSTALL">დეინსტალაცია</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="ka" key="INSTALL_FAILED">ინსტალაცია ჩაიშალა.</string> <string lang="ka" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">დეინსტალაცია ჩაიშალა.</string> - <string lang="ka" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">ეს საინსტალაციო პაკეტი დაზიანებულია. გთხოვთ, ხელახლან ჩამოტვირთოთ (უმჯობესია ოფიციალური საიტიდან https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="ka" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">ეს საინსტალაციო პაკეტი დაზიანებულია. გთხოვთ, ხელახლან ჩამოტვირთოთ (უმჯობესია ოფიციალური საიტიდან https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="ka" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">ფაილის %s ჩაწერა არ ხერხდება</string> <string lang="ka" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">დეარქივაცია</string> <string lang="ka" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">პაკეტიდან მონაცემთა წაკითხვა არ ხერხდება.</string> <string lang="ka" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">საინსტალაციო პაკეტის მთლიანობის შემოწმება არ ხერხდება.</string> <string lang="ka" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">დეარქივაცია ჩაიშალა.</string> <string lang="ka" key="ROLLBACK">მოხდა ინსტალაციის უკუქცევა.</string> <string lang="ka" key="INSTALL_OK">პროგრამა VeraCrypt წარმატებით ინსტალირებულია.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="ka" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">გსურთ სისტემის შიფრაციისწინა ტესტირების შეწყვეტა?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="ka" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">სისტემური განაყოფი/დისკი არ არის დაშიფრული (ნაწილობრივ ან მთლიანად).</string> <string lang="ka" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">სისტემური განაყოფი/დისკი დაშიფრულია (ნაწილობრივ ან მთლიანად).\n\nგაგრძელებამდე გთხოვთ, დეშიფრაცია გაუკეთოთ მთლიანად სისტემურ განაყოფს/დისკს. ამისათვის, აირჩიეთ პროგრამის მენიუში "სისტემა" > "სისტემური განაყოფის/დისკის სამუდამო დეშიფრაცია".</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="ka" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">ამჟამად მიმდინარეობს სისტემური განაყოფის/დისკის შიფრაცია, დეშიფრაცია ან სხვა სახის მოდიფიცირება. ვიდრე გააგრძელებთ, გთხოვთ შეწყვიტოთ ეს პროცესი (ან მოიცადოთ მის დასრულებამდე).</string> <string lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCrypt ტომის შექმნის ოსტატი უკვე გაშვებულია და ახდენს სისტემური განაყოფის/მოწყობილობის შიფრაცია/დეშიფრაციას. გაგრძელებამდე, გთხოვთ მოიცადოთ მის დასრულებამდე ან დახურეთ იგი. თუ იგი არ იხურება, ვიდრე გააგრძელებთ, გთხოვთ დაარესტარტოთ კომპიუტერი.</string> <string lang="ka" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">სისტემური მოწყობილობის/განაყოფის შიფრაციის ან დეშიფრაციის პროცესი არ დასრულებულა. გთხოვთ მოიცადოთ მის დასრულებამდე.</string> <string lang="ka" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">შეცდომა: განაყოფის/დისკის შიფრაცია არ დასრულებულა. ჯერ ეს პროცესი უნდა დასრულდეს.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.ko.xml b/Translations/Language.ko.xml index bca53158..0f447d2f 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ko.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ko.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ko" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">이전에 VeraCrypt를 사용해 본 적이 없는 경우, VeraCrypt 사용자 안내서에서 Beginner’s Tutorial을 읽어볼 것을 권장합니다. 지금 읽어 보시겠습니까?</string> <string lang="ko" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">아래에서 실행한 동작을 선택해 주세요:</string> <string lang="ko" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">수리/재설치</string> <string lang="ko" key="UPGRADE">업그레이드</string> <string lang="ko" key="UNINSTALL">제거</string> <string lang="ko" key="SETUP_ADMIN">VeraCrypt를 성공적으로 설치하거나 제거하려면 관리자 권한을 가지고 있어야 합니다. 계속하시겠습니까?</string> <string lang="ko" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt 설치기가 ① 현재 시스템에서 실행되고 있거나 ② 설치의 실행 및 준비 또는 ③ VeraCrypt를 업데이트하고 있습니다. 진행하기 전에, 그 작업이 끝날 때까지 기다리거나 닫아 주세요. 만약 닫기 작업이 되지 않는 경우에는 진행 전에 컴퓨터를 다시 시작해야 합니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="INSTALL_FAILED">설치 실패.</string> <string lang="ko" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">제거 실패.</string> - <string lang="ko" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">배포 패키지가 손상되었습니다. 다시 다운로드해 보시기 바랍니다(VeraCrypt 공식 웹사이트 - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="ko" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">배포 패키지가 손상되었습니다. 다시 다운로드해 보시기 바랍니다(VeraCrypt 공식 웹사이트 - https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="ko" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">%s 파일을 쓸 수 없습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">추출 중</string> <string lang="ko" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">패키지에서 데이터를 읽을 수 없습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">현재 배포 패키지의 완전성(무결성)을 검증할 수 없습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">추출 실패.</string> <string lang="ko" key="ROLLBACK">설치가 롤백되었습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt를 성공적으로 설치했습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt를 성공적으로 업데이트했습니다.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="ko" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">숨긴 운영체제를 시작하려면, VeraCrypt 부트 로더 화면(→ 컴퓨터를 켜거나 재시작할 때 나타남)에서 숨긴 운영체제용 비밀번호를 입력합니다.\n\n미끼용 운영체제를 시작하려면, VeraCrypt 부트 로더 화면에서 미끼용 운영체제용 비밀번호를 입력합니다.\n\n미끼용 시스템에 대한 비밀번호는, 부팅-전 인증 비밀번호의 노출을 강요하는 사람에게, 표시될 수 있습니다. 숨긴 볼륨 (및 숨긴 운영체제)의 존재는 여전히 비밀로 남습니다.\n\n</string> <string lang="ko" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">세번째 비밀번호(* 외부 볼륨용)는 노출을 강요하는 자에게 공개되어도 상관이 없는 “시스템 파티션 뒤의 첫번째 파티션에 대한 비밀번호용”입니다. 시스템 파티션에는 ① 외부 볼륨 및 ② 숨긴 볼륨(→ 숨긴 운영체제 포함)이 자리잡고 있습니다. 숨긴 볼륨 (및 숨긴 운영체제)의 존재는 여전히 비밀로 남습니다.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ko" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">적대자에게 미끼용 시스템의 비밀번호를 노출했는데, 그가 (미끼용) 시스템의 여유 공간에 왜 무작위 데이터가 있는지를 물어볼 경우, 다음의 예와 같이 답변할 수 있습니다: “이 파티션은 VeraCrypt에 의해 암호화된 시스템을 포함하고 있었던 이전에 포함하고 있었다. 그러나 부팅-전 인증 비밀번호를 잊어버렸다(* 또는 시스템이 손상되었거나 부팅이 되지 않는다). 그래서 윈도우를 다시 설치한 후 파티션을 다시 암호화할 수밖에 없었다.”\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="ko" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">주의: “숨긴 볼륨을 보호하지 않은 경우라면(→ 보호하는 방법은 VeraCrypt 사용자 안내서의 “Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage” 부분 참고), 절대로 “외부 볼륨”에 쓰기를 해서는 안됩니다. 미끼용 운영체제가 외부 볼륨에 설치되어 있지 않다는 점을 명심하세요. 만약 외부 볼륨에 데이터를 작성해 버리면 숨긴 볼륨(→ 이 안에 숨긴 운영체제가 존재함)을 덮어쓰게 되고 이를 손상시키게 됩니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">운영체제 복제(cloning)</string> <string lang="ko" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">다음 단계에서 VeraCrypt는 시스템 파티션의 내용을 숨긴 볼륨에 복사하는 방법으로 숨긴 운영체제를 만듭니다. 복사되는 데이터는 미끼용 운영체제에서 사용되는 키와 다른 것으로 실시간으로 암호화됩니다.\n\n진행 과정은 부팅-전 환경(→ 윈도우 시작 전)에서 실행되고, 완료하는데 많은 시간이 소요될 수 있습니다(→ 시스템 파티션의 크기 및 컴퓨터의 성능에 따라 몇 시간 또는 몇 일이 걸릴 수 있습니다).\n\n여러분은 진행 과정에 간섭할 수 있으며, 컴퓨터를 종료하고 운영체제를 시작하며 진행 과정을 다시 시작할 수도 있습니다. 그러나 진행 과정에 간섭을 할 경우, 시스템 복사 작업은 처음부터 시작하게 됩니다. 왜냐하면 시스템 파티션의 내용은 복제하는 동안 변경되어선 안되기 때문입니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">숨긴 운영체제의 전체 생성 작업을 취소하시겠습니까?\n\n참고: 지금 취소하게 되면 이 진행 작업을 다시 시작할 수 없게 됩니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">시스템 암호화 예비테스트를 취소하시겠습니까?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="ko" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">시스템 파티션/드라이브가 (부분적으로 또는 완전히) 암호화되지 않은 것으로 보입니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">시스템 파티션/드라이브가 (완전히 또는 부분적으로) 암호화되었습니다.\n\n작업을 진행하기 전에 시스템 파티션/드라이브를 완전히 암호해제시켜 주세요. 해제하려면 VeraCrypt 메인 창의 메뉴표시줄에서 “시스템” ▶ “시스템 파티션/드라이브 영구적 암호해제”를 선택하세요.</string> <string lang="ko" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">시스템 파티션/드라이브가 (완전히 또는 부분적으로) 암호화된 경우, VeraCrypt를 다운그레이드할 수 없습니다(* 업그레이드하거나 동일 버전을 재설치할 수는 있습니다).</string> <string lang="ko" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">시스템 파티션/드라이브가 현재 암호화, 암호해제 또는 다른 방식으로 수정되었습니다. 작업을 진행하기 전에 암호화/암호해제/수정 작업 진행을 중단해 주세요(또는 마칠 때까지 기다립니다).</string> <string lang="ko" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCrypt 볼륨 만들기 마법사가 현재 이 시스템에서 실행되어 시스템 파티션/드라이브에 대해 암호화/암호해제 작업을 수행 중이거나 준비 중입니다. 진행하기 전에, 그 작업이 끝날 때까지 기다리거나 닫아 주세요. 만약 닫기 작업이 되지 않는 경우에는 진행 전에 컴퓨터를 다시 시작해야 합니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">시스템 파티션/드라이브에 대한 암호화 또는 암호해제 작업 진행이 완료되지 않았습니다. 진행하기 전에 작업이 마칠 때까지 기다려 주세요.</string> <string lang="ko" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">오류: 시스템 파티션/드라이브에 대한 암호화 작업이 완료되지 않았습니다. 먼저 작업을 완료해야 합니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">오류: 시스템 파티션/볼륨에 대한 암호화 작업이 완료되지 않았습니다. 먼저 작업을 완료해야 합니다.\n\n참고: 이 작업을 다시 시작하려면, VeraCrypt 메인 창의 메뉴 표시줄에 있는 “볼륨” > “중단된 진행을 다시 시작”을 선택해서 실행할 수 있습니다.</string> <string lang="ko" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">올바른 비밀번호입니다. VeraCrypt가 볼륨 헤더를 성공적으로 암호해제하고, 현재 볼륨이 숨긴 시스템 볼륨임을 탐지했습니다. 그러나 숨긴 시스템 볼륨의 헤더를 이런 방식으로 수정할 수는 없습니다.\n\n숨긴 시스템 볼륨에 대한 비밀번호를 변경하려면, 숨긴 볼륨에 위치한 운영체제를 부팅한 다음 메뉴에서 “시스템” ▶ “비밀번호 변경”을 선택합니다.\n\n헤더 키 도출 알고리듬을 설정하려면, 숨긴 운영체제로 부팅한 다음 “시스템” ▶ “헤더 키 도출 알고리듬 설정”을 선택합니다.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.lv.xml b/Translations/Language.lv.xml index 6392fcda..810a5f7d 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.lv.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.lv.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.my.xml b/Translations/Language.my.xml index 7121d580..13d55295 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.my.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.my.xml @@ -853,19 +853,19 @@ <string lang="my" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">VeraCrypt ကို မသုံးစွဲခဲ့ဖူးပါက၊ VeraCrypt သုံးစွဲသူ လမ်းညွှန်ထဲရှိ စတင် သုံးစွဲသူ သင်တန်း လမ်းညွှန်ကို ဖတ်ရှုရန် အကြံပြုအပ်ပါသည်။ ၎င်း သင်တန်း လမ်းညွှန်ကို ဖတ်ရှုမည်လား?</string> <string lang="my" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">ရှေ့ဆက် ဆောင်ရွက်မည့် လုပ်ဆောင်ချက် တစ်ခုကို ရွေးချယ်ပါ -</string> <string lang="my" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">ပြုပြင်ရန်/ပြန်ထည့်သွင်းရန်</string> <string lang="my" key="UPGRADE">အဆင်မြှင့်ရန်</string> <string lang="my" key="UNINSTALL">ဖယ်ထုတ်ရန်</string> <string lang="my" key="SETUP_ADMIN">VeraCrypt ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ ထည့်သွင်းခြင်း/ဖယ်ထုတ်ခြင်း ပြုလုပ်နိုင်ရန်၊ သင်၌ စီမံခန့်ခွဲသူ ရပိုင်ခွင့်များ ရရှိရန် လိုအပ်သည်။ ဆက်လုပ်သွားမည်လား?</string> <string lang="my" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt ဆော့ဗ်ဝဲ ထည့်သွင်းစနစ်သည် လောလောဆယ် ဤစက်ပေါ်၌ အလုပ်လုပ်နေပြီး စက်ထဲ ထည့်သွင်းရန် ပြင်ဆင်နေသည် (သို့) VeraCrypt မွမ်းမံချက်ကို လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည်။ ရှေ့ဆက် မသွားမီ၊ ၄င်းပြီးဆုံးသည့်အထိ စောင့်ဆိုင်းပါ (သို့) ပိတ်လိုက်ပါ။ အကယ်၍ ပိတ် မရပါက ကွန်ပြူတာကို ပြန်ဖွင့်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="INSTALL_FAILED">စက်ထဲ ထည့်သွင်းမှု မအောင်မြင်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">ဖယ်ထုတ်မှု မအောင်မြင်ပါ။</string> - <string lang="my" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">ဖြန့်ချီသော ဖိုင်ထုတ် ပျက်စီးနေသည်။ ထပ်မံ၍ ဒေါင်းလုဒ် ဆွဲယူပါ (တရား၀င် VeraCrypt ကွန်ရက် စာမျက်နှာ www.teuecrypt.org ၌ ရယူရန် ပိုသင့်လျှော်သည်)။ </string> + <string lang="my" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">ဖြန့်ချီသော ဖိုင်ထုတ် ပျက်စီးနေသည်။ ထပ်မံ၍ ဒေါင်းလုဒ် ဆွဲယူပါ (တရား၀င် VeraCrypt ကွန်ရက် စာမျက်နှာ https://www.veracrypt.fr ၌ ရယူရန် ပိုသင့်လျှော်သည်)။ </string> <string lang="my" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">%s ဖိုင်ကို ရေး၍ မရပါ</string> <string lang="my" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">ဖြည်ချနေသည်</string> <string lang="my" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">ဒေတာများကို ဖိုင်ထုတ်ထဲမှ ဖတ်၍ မရပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">ဤဖြန့်ဖြူးရေး ဖိုင်ထုတ်၏ တည်တံ့ခိုင်မြဲမှုကို အတည်ပြု၍ မရနိုင်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">ဖိုင် ဖြည်ချမှု မအောင်မြင်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="ROLLBACK">စက်ထဲ ထည့်သွင်းမှု ပြန်ရုပ်သိမ်းသွားသည်။</string> <string lang="my" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt ကို စက်ထဲ အောင်မြင်စွာ ထည့်သွင်းလိုက်ပြီ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ အဆင့်မြှင့်လိုက်ပြီ။</string> <string lang="my" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt ကို အောင်မြင်စွာ အဆင့်မြှင့်လိုက်ပြီ။ သို့သော်၊ ၄င်းကို အသုံးမပြုခင် ကွန်ပျူတာကို ပြန်ဖွင့်ပါ။\n\n ကွန်ပျူတာကို ယခု ပြန်ဖွင့်မည်လား?</string> @@ -1228,19 +1228,19 @@ <string lang="my" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">အကယ်၍ လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်ကို သင် စဖွင့်လိုပါက၊ VeraCrypt Boot Loader မျက်နှာပြင်ရှိ လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်၏ စကားဝှက်ကို သင် ရေးထည့်ရန် လိုအပ်သည် (ကွန်ပျူတာ ဖွင့်သည့်အခါ ပေါ်လာသည်)။\n\nအကယ်၍ မျက်လှည့် OS စနစ်ကို စဖွင့်လိုပါက၊ VeraCrypt Boot Loader မျက်နှာပြင်ရှိ မျက်လှည့် OS စနစ်၏ စကားဝှက်ကို သင် ရေးထည့်ရမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\nမျက်လှည့် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ်၏ စကားဝှက်ကို စက်မတက်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက်ကို ဖေါ်ပြရန် တစ်ဦးတစ်ယောက်က တောင်းဆိုလာပါက ဖွင့်ပြုနိုင်သည်။ လျှို့ဝှက် volume (နှင့် လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်) ၏ တည်ရှိမှုကို ဆက်လက် လျှို့ဝှက်ထားရမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\n</string> <string lang="my" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">တတိယ စကားဝှက် (ပြင်ပ volume အတွက်) ကို ပြင်ပ volume နှင် လျှို့ဝှက် volume (လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ် အပါအဝင်) တို့ တည်ရှိသော ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့် နောက်ကွယ်ရှိ ပထမ အခန်းကန့်၏ စကားဝှက်ကို ဖေါ်ပြရန် တစ်စုံတစ်ယောက်က အတင်းအကျပ် တောင်းဆိုလာပါက သင် ဖွင့်ပြနိုင်သည်။ လျှို့ဝှက် volume ၏ တည်ရှိမှုကို ဆက်လယ် လျှို့ဝှက်ထားမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\n\n</string> <string lang="my" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">အကယ်၍ ရန်သူ တစ်ဦးတစ်ယောက်ထံ မျက်လှည့် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ်၏ စကားဝှက်ကို ဖေါ်ပြမိပါက၊ (မျက်လှည့်) ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းခန့် အလွတ်၌ အဘယ်ကြောင့် ကျပန်း ဒေတာများ ရှိနေသနည်းဟု မေးလာလျှင်၊ သင်အနေဖြင့် ဥပမာ အားဖြင့် - "ယခင်က အခန်းကန့်၌ VeraCrypt က စာဝှက်ခဲ့သော ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် တစ်ခု ရှိခဲ့သည်၊ သို့သော် စက်မတင်မီ အတည်ပြု စကားဝှက် (သို့မဟုတ် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် ပျက်သွားပြီး boot မလုပ်တော့ပါ) ကို ကျွန်တော် မေ့သွားသည်။ ထို့ကြောင့် Windows ကို ကျွန်တော် ထပ်သွင်းပြီး အခန်းကန့်ကို စာဝှက်ထားရခြင်း ဖြစ်သည်" ဟူ၍ ဖြေဆိုနိုင်သည်။\n\n\n</string> <string lang="my" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">အကယ်၍ ညွှန်ကြားချက် အားလုံးကို လိုက်နာပြီး VeraCrypt သုံးစွဲသူ လမ်းညွှန်ရှိ "လျှို့ဝှက် Volumes နှင့် ပါတ်သက်သော လုံခြုံရေး လိုအပ်ချက်များနှင့် ကြိုတင်ကာကွယ်မှုများ" အခန်းထဲ၌ ဖေါ်ပြထားသော ကြိုတင်ကာကွယ်မှုများနှင့် လိုအပ်ချက်များအတိုင်း လိုက်နာလျှင်၊ ပြင်ပ volume ကို အစပျိုးထားခြင်း (သို့) မျက်လှည့် OS စနစ်ကို စာဝှက်ဖြည်ခြင်း သို့မဟုတ် စဖွင့်ခြင်း ပြုလုပ်လျှင်ပင် လျှို့ဝှက် volume နှင့် လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ် တည်ရှိကြောင်း သက်သေပြနိုင်မည် မဟုတ်ပေ။\n\nအကယ်၍ ဤစာတမ်းကို ကော်ပီ တစ်ခုကို သိမ်းဆည်းလျှင် (သို့) ပရင့်ထုတ် (ပရင်တာသည် ၄င်းပရင့်ထုတ်ခဲ့သော မှတ်တမ်းမှတ်ရာများကို ၄င်း၏ drive ထဲ၌ သိမ်းဆည်းမထားပါက) ပြီးလျှင်၊ ၄င်းကို မျက်လှည့် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ်ကို ဖန်တီးပြီး စာတမ်း (အကယ်၍ ယင်းကော်ပီကို တွေ့ရှိပါက၊ ဤကွန်ပျူတာထဲ၌ လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ် ရှိနေကြောင်း ညွှန်ပြနေလိမ့်မည်) ပါ အချက်အလက် အားလုံးကို နားလည်သဘောပေါက်ပါက ဖျက်ဆီးပစ်ပါ။\n\n</string> <string lang="my" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">သတိပေးချက် - အကယ်၍ လျှို့ဝှက် VOLUME (လုပ်ဆောင်နည်း အချက်အလက်များကို VeraCrypt သုံးစွဲသူ လမ်းညွှန်ရှိ "လျှို့ဝှက် Volumes များကို မပျက်စီးအောင် ကာကွယ်ခြင်း" ကို လေ့လာပါ) ကို သင် ကာကွယ်မထားပါက၊ ပြင်ပ VOLUME (မျက်လှည့် OS စနစ်ကို ပြင်ပ volume ထဲ၌ ထည့်သွင်းမထားပါ) ၌ ရေးသားခြင်း မပြုပါနှင့်။ သို့မဟုတ်ပါက၊ လျှို့ဝှက် VOLUME (နှင့် ၄င်းအထဲ၌ ရှိသော လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်) ကို အစားထိုးမိနိုင်၊ ဖျက်ဆီးမိနိုင်သည်!</string> <string lang="my" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">OS စနစ် ကိုယ်ပွား</string> <string lang="my" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">နောက်အဆင့်များတွင်၊ VeraCrypt သည် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်ထဲရှိ အကြောင်းအရာများကို လျှို့ဝှက် volume ထဲ ကော်ပီကူးခြင်းဖြင့် လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်ကို ဖန်တီးသွားမည် ဖြစ်သည် (ကော်ပီးကူးနေသည့် ဒေတာများကို မျက်လှည့် OS စနစ်အတွက် အသုံးပြုမည့် ကီးနှင့် မတူသော စာဝှက်စနစ် ကီးတစ်ခုဖြင့် ချက်ခြင်း စာဝှက်ပေးမည် ဖြစ်သည်)။\n\nစက်မတက်မီ အခြေအနေ (Windows မဖွင့်မီ) တွင် လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို လုပ်ဆောင်သွားမည် ဖြစ်ပြီး ပြီးစီးရန် (ကွန်ပျူတာ အခန်းကန့် အရွယ်အစားနှင့် စွမ်းဆောင်ရည်တို့အပေါ် မူတည်ပြီး) အချိန်အတော်ကြာ ယူမည် ဖြစ်သည် - နာရီ အတော်ကြာ (သို့) ရက်အတန်ကြာ ဖြစ်နိုင်သည်။\n\nဤလုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို သင် ရပ်ဆိုင်းနိုင်သည်။ ကွန်ပျူတာကို စက်ပိတ်ထားနိုင်သည်။ OS စနစ်ကို စဖွင့်ပြီး လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို ပြန်စနိုင်သည်။ သို့သော်၊ ၄င်းကို ရပ်ဆိုင်းလိုက်ပါက၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် ကော်ပီ လုပ်ခြင်း လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် တစ်ခုလုံးကို အစမှ ပြန်လည် စတင်ရမည် ဖြစ်သည် (အဘယ်ကြောင့် ဆိုသော် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်ရှိ အကြောင်းအရာသည် ကိုယ်ပွား ပြုလုပ်နေစဉ် ပြောင်းလဲမည် မဟုတ်သောကြောင့် ဖြစ်သည်)</string> <string lang="my" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ် ဖန်တီးမှု လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် တစ်ခုလုံးကို ဖျက်သိမ်းရန် အလိုရှိသလား?\n\nမှတ်ချက် - အကယ်၍ ၄င်းကို ယခု ဖျက်သိမ်းပါက လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို ပြန်စနိုင်မည် မဟုတ်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် စာဝှက်ခြင်း အကြို စမ်းသပ်ချက်ကို ဖျက်သိမ်းလိုသလား?</string> - <string lang="my" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt စနစ် စာဝှက်ခြင်း အကြို စမ်းသပ်ချက် မအောင်မြင်ပါ။ သင် ထပ်မံ ကြိုးစားလိုသလား?\n\nအကယ်၍ 'မဟုတ်ပါ' ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါက၊ စက်မတင်မီ စစ်ဆေးအတည်ပြုချက် အစိတ်အပိုင်းကို ဖယ်ထုတ်သွားမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\nမှတ်ချက်များ - \n\n- အကယ်၍ Windows မတက်မီ VeraCrypt Boot Loader က စကားဝှက် ရေးထည့်ရန် မတောင်းပါက၊ သင့် OS စနစ်သည် ၄င်းကို ထည့်သွင်းထားသော drive မှ boot မတက်၍ ဖြစ်မည်။ ဤအချက်အတွက် ပံ့ပိုးမထားပါ။\n\n- အကယ်၍ သင်သည် AES ကို မသုံးပဲ စာဝှက်စနစ် အယ်လဂိုရီသမ် တစ်ခုကို အသုံးပြုပြီး အကြို စမ်းသပ်ချက် မအောင်မြင်ပါက (စကားဝှက် ရေးထည့်သော်လည်း)၊ စနစ်တကျ စီမံရေးသားခြင်း မပြုသော ဒရိုင်ဘာ တစ်ခုကြောင့် ဖြစ်နိုင်သည်။ 'မဟုတ်ပါ' ကို ရွေးပြီး၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို ထပ်မံ စာဝှက်ကြည့်ပါ၊ သို့သော် AES စာဝှက်စနစ် အယ်လဂိုရီသမ်ကို အသုံးပြုပါ (၄င်း၌ မှတ်ဉာဏ် လုပ်အပ်ချက် အနိမ့်ဆုံး ရှိသည်)။\n\nဖြစ်နိုင်ချေ အကြောင်းရင်းများနှင့် ဖြေရှင်းချက်များအတွက်၊ https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting ကို လေ့လာပါ။</string> + <string lang="my" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt စနစ် စာဝှက်ခြင်း အကြို စမ်းသပ်ချက် မအောင်မြင်ပါ။ သင် ထပ်မံ ကြိုးစားလိုသလား?\n\nအကယ်၍ 'မဟုတ်ပါ' ကို ရွေးချယ်ပါက၊ စက်မတင်မီ စစ်ဆေးအတည်ပြုချက် အစိတ်အပိုင်းကို ဖယ်ထုတ်သွားမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\nမှတ်ချက်များ - \n\n- အကယ်၍ Windows မတက်မီ VeraCrypt Boot Loader က စကားဝှက် ရေးထည့်ရန် မတောင်းပါက၊ သင့် OS စနစ်သည် ၄င်းကို ထည့်သွင်းထားသော drive မှ boot မတက်၍ ဖြစ်မည်။ ဤအချက်အတွက် ပံ့ပိုးမထားပါ။\n\n- အကယ်၍ သင်သည် AES ကို မသုံးပဲ စာဝှက်စနစ် အယ်လဂိုရီသမ် တစ်ခုကို အသုံးပြုပြီး အကြို စမ်းသပ်ချက် မအောင်မြင်ပါက (စကားဝှက် ရေးထည့်သော်လည်း)၊ စနစ်တကျ စီမံရေးသားခြင်း မပြုသော ဒရိုင်ဘာ တစ်ခုကြောင့် ဖြစ်နိုင်သည်။ 'မဟုတ်ပါ' ကို ရွေးပြီး၊ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို ထပ်မံ စာဝှက်ကြည့်ပါ၊ သို့သော် AES စာဝှက်စနစ် အယ်လဂိုရီသမ်ကို အသုံးပြုပါ (၄င်း၌ မှတ်ဉာဏ် လုပ်အပ်ချက် အနိမ့်ဆုံး ရှိသည်)။\n\nဖြစ်နိုင်ချေ အကြောင်းရင်းများနှင့် ဖြေရှင်းချက်များအတွက်၊ https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html ကို လေ့လာပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive သည် (တစ်၀က်တစ်ပိုင်း ဖြစ်စေ၊ အပြည့်အ၀ ဖြစ်စေ) စာဝှက်ထားပုံ မပေါ်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို (တစ်၀က်တစ်ပိုင်း ဖြစ်စေ၊ အပြည့်အ၀ ဖြစ်စေ) စာဝှက်ထားသည်။\n\nဆက်လက် မလုပ်ဆောင်မီ ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို စာဝှက်ဖြည်ပါ။ ထိုသို့ ပြုလုပ်ရန်၊ ပင်မ VeraCrypt ၀င်းဒိုးရှိ မီနူးဘားမှ 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' ကို ရွေးပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို (တစ်၀က်တစ်ပိုင်း ဖြစ်စေ၊ အပြည့်အ၀ ဖြစ်စေ) စာဝှက်ပြီးသည့်အခါ၊ VeraCrypt (သို့ရာတွင် ၄င်းကို အဆင့်မြှင့်နိုင်ပြီး အလားတူ ဗားရှင်းကို ပြန်လည် ထည့်သွင်းနိုင်သည်) ကို အဆင့်လျှော့၍ မရပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">သင့် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို လောလောဆယ် စာဝှက်ခြင်း၊ စာဝှက်ဖြည်ခြင်း၊ (သို့) ပြုပြင်ခြင်း လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည်။ စာဝှက်ခြင်း/စာဝှက်ဖြည်ခြင်း/ပြုပြင်ခြင်း လုပ်ငန်းစဉ်များကို (သို့မဟုတ် ၄င်း ပြီးစီးသည့်အထိ) ဆက်လက် မလုပ်ဆောင်မီ၊ ရပ်ဆိုင်းလိုက်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">VeraCrypt Volume ဖန်တီးခြင်း အညွှန်း ဖြစ်စဉ် တစ်ခုသည် လောလောဆယ် ဤကွန်ပျူတာစနစ်တွင် အလုပ်လုပ်နေပြီး ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို စာဝှက်ရန်/စာဝှက်ဖြည်ရန် ပြင်ဆင် လုပ်ဆောင်နေသည်။ ဆက်လက် မလုပ်ဆောင်မီ၊ ၄င်းပြီးစီးသည့်အထိ စောင့်ဆိုင်းပါ (သို့) ပိတ်လိုက်ပါ။ အကယ်၍ ၄င်းကို မပိတ်နိုင်ပါက၊ ဆက်လက် မလုပ်ဆောင်မီ သင့်ကွန်ပျူတာကို ပြန်ဖွင့်ပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်ကို စာဝှက်ခြင်း (သို့) စာဝှက်ဖြည်ခြင်း လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် မပြီးစီးသေးပါ။ ဆက်လက် မလုပ်ဆောင်မီ ၄င်းပြီးစီးသည့်အထိ စောင့်ဆိုင်းပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">ချို့ယွင်းချက် - ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် အခန်းကန့်/drive ကို စာဝှက်ခြင်း လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် မပြီးစီးသေးပါ။ ၄င်းကို ပထမဦးစွာ ပြီးစီးရမည် ဖြစ်သသည်။</string> <string lang="my" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">ချို့ယွင်းချက် - အခန်းကန့်/volume ကို စာဝှက်သည့် လုပ်ငန်းစဉ် မပြီးစီးသေးပါ။ ၄င်းကို ပထမဦးစွာ ပြီးစီးရမည် ဖြစ်သည်။\n\nမှတ်ချက် - ထိုလုပ်ငန်းစဉ်ကို ပြန်လည် စတင်ရန်၊ VeraCrypt ၏ ပင်မ ၀င်းဒိုးရှိ မီနူးဘားမှ 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' ကို ရွေးပါ။</string> <string lang="my" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">စကားဝှက်သည် မှန်ကန်သည်။ VeraCrypt သည် volume ခေါင်းစီးကို အောင်မြင်စွာ စာဝှက်ဖြည်လိုက်ပြီး၊ ဤ volume သည် လျှို့ဝှက် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် volume ဖြစ်ကြောင်း စစ်ဆေးတွေ့ရှိသည်။ သို့သော်၊ ဤနည်းဖြင့် လျှို့ဝှက် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် volume ၏ ခေါင်းစီးကို မပြုပြင်နိုင်ပါ။\n\nလျှို့ဝှက် ကွန်ပျူတာစနစ် volume ၏ စကားဝှက်ကို ပြောင်းရန်၊ လျှို့ဝှက် volume ၌ရှိသော OS စနစ်ကို boot လုပ်ပါ။ ထို့နောက်၊ VeraCrypt ပင်မ ၀င်းဒိုးရှိ မီနူးဘားမှ 'System' > 'Change Password' ကို ရွေးပါ။\n\nခေါင်းစီး ကီး ဆင်းသက်မှု အယ်လဂိုရီသမ်ကို သတ်မှတ်ရန်၊ လျှို့ဝှက် OS စနစ်ကို boot လုပ်ပြီး 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm' ကို ရွေးပါ။</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.nl.xml b/Translations/Language.nl.xml index 579bb428..4dc83a7b 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.nl.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.nl.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="nl" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Als u nog nooit eerder VeraCrypt heeft gebruikt, raden we u aan het hoofdstuk Beginner's Tutorial in de VeraCrypt Gebruikershandleiding te lezen. Wilt u deze tutorial zien?</string> <string lang="nl" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Wilt u a.u.b. een van de volgende te verrichten acties selecteren:</string> <string lang="nl" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repareer/Herinstalleer</string> <string lang="nl" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="nl" key="UNINSTALL">Deïnstalleer</string> <string lang="nl" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Om VeraCrypt succesvol te kunnen de/installeren dient u administrator rechten te hebben. Wilt u doorgaan?</string> <string lang="nl" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">De VeraCrypt Installer verzorgt op dit systeem op dit moment een installatie of update van VeraCrypt. Alvorens verder te gaan, wacht totdat deze is beëindigd of afgesloten. Indien afsluiten niet lukt, herstart dan de computer alvorens verder te gaan.</string> <string lang="nl" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installatie mislukt.</string> <string lang="nl" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Deïnstallatie mislukt.</string> - <string lang="nl" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Dit installatiebestand is beschadigd. Wilt u het a.u.b. opnieuw downloaden (bij voorkeur van de officiële VeraCrypt website op https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="nl" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Dit installatiebestand is beschadigd. Wilt u het a.u.b. opnieuw downloaden (bij voorkeur van de officiële VeraCrypt website op https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="nl" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Kan niet schrijven bestand %s</string> <string lang="nl" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Uitpakken</string> <string lang="nl" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Kan geen data lezen in het installatiebestand.</string> <string lang="nl" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Kan de integriteit van het installatiebestand niet vaststellen.</string> <string lang="nl" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Uitpakken mislukt.</string> <string lang="nl" key="ROLLBACK">De installatie heeft een roll-back ondergaan.</string> <string lang="nl" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt is succesvol geïnstalleerd.</string> <string lang="nl" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">Update van VeraCrypt was succesvol.</string> <string lang="nl" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt is succesvol geüpgradet. Echter, voor u het kunt gebruiken, moet u de computer herstarten.\n\nWilt u de computer nu herstarten?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="nl" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Klonen besturingssysteem</string> <string lang="nl" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In de volgende stappen zal VeraCrypt het verborgen besturingssysteem aanmaken door de inhoud van de system partitie naar het verborgen volume te kopiëren (de te kopiëren data worden on-the-fly gecodeerd met een andere codering sleutel dan die van het lokvogel besturingssysteem)\n\nMerk op dat dit proces wordt uitgevoerd in de pre-boot omgeving (dus voordat Windows start) en dat voltooiing lang kan duren: meerder uren of zelfs dagen (afhankelijk van de grootte van de systeem partitie en van de prestaties van uw computer).\n\nU kunt het proces onderbreken, de computer afsluiten, en weer hervatten na aanzetten van de computer. Echter, na onderbreking zal het proces van het kopiëren en coderen van de systeem partitie altijd weer van voren af aan beginnen omdat de inhoud van deze partitie tijdens het klonen niet gewijzigd mag worden.</string> <string lang="nl" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Wilt u het gehele proces tot aanmaak van een verborgen besturingssysteem stoppen?\n\nNoot: U zult het proces NIET kunnen hervatten als u nu stopt.</string> <string lang="nl" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Wilt u de systeemcodering pre-test annuleren?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="nl" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">De systeem partitie/schijf blijkt niet gecodeerd te zijn (ook niet gedeeltelijk).</string> <string lang="nl" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Uw systeem partitie/schijf is gecodeerd (volledig of geheel).\n\nDecodeer a.u.b. uw systeem partitie/schijf geheel alvorens verder te gaan. Om dit te doen, selecteer 'Systeem' > 'Permanent Decoderen Systeem Partitie/Schijf' uit het menu van het hoofdscherm van VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="nl" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Uw systeem partitie/schijf wordt op dit moment gecodeerd, gedecodeerd, of op andere wijze aangepast. Onderbreek a.u.b. de codering/decodering/aanpassing, of wacht tot het proces is afgerond, alvorens verder te gaan.</string> <string lang="nl" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Een exemplaar van de VeraCrypt volume aanmaak wizard draait op dit moment op dit systeem en is bezig met voorbereiden tot of de codering/decodering zelf van de systeem partitie/schijf. Voordat u verder gaat, wacht a.u.b.totdat deze klaar is of sluit hem af. Als u deze niet af kunt sluiten, herstart a.u.b. uw computer alvorens verder te gaan.</string> <string lang="nl" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Het coderen/decoderen van de systeem partitie/schijf is niet voltooid. Wacht a.u.b. tot het is voltooid alvorens verder te gaan.</string> <string lang="nl" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Fout: Het coderen/decoderen van de partitie/schijf is niet voltooid. Het moet eerst afgerond worden.</string> <string lang="nl" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Fout: Het coderingsproces van de partitie/volume is niet voltooid. Het moet eerst voltooid worden.\n\nOm het proces te hervatten, selecteer 'Volumes' > 'Hervat Onderbroken Proces' uit het menu van het hoofdscherm van VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="nl" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Het wachtwoord is goed, VeraCrypt heeft de volumeheader gedecodeerd maar ontdekt dat dit een verborgen systeemvolume is. U kunt de volumeheader van een verborgen systeemvolume niet op deze manier wijzigen.\n\nOm het wachtwoord van een verborgen systeemvolume te wijzigen, start het verborgen besturingssysteem en kies dan 'Systeem' > 'Verander wachtwoord' uit het menu van het hoofdscherm van VeraCrypt.\n\nOm het header key afleidingsalgoritme aan te maken, start het verborgen besturingssysteem en lies dan 'Systeem' > 'Creëer Header Key Afleidingsalgoritme'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.nn.xml b/Translations/Language.nn.xml index c4450dd2..1df5014e 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.nn.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.nn.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="nn" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Vist du ikkje har brukt VeraCrypt før, annbefallar me att du les Beginner's Tutorial i VeraCrypt brukarretliing. Vill du visa tutorialen?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="nn" key="ROLLBACK">Installasjonen har vorte rulla tilbake.</string> <string lang="nn" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt vart installert utan feil.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption or decryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.pl.xml b/Translations/Language.pl.xml index 38c2ae23..ed71c1b9 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.pl.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.pl.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="pl" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Jeśli nigdy wcześniej nie używałeś programu VeraCrypt, zalecamy przeczytanie rozdziału Beginner's Tutorial w podręczniku użytkownika VeraCrypt. Chcesz wyświetlić ten rozdział?</string> <string lang="pl" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Wybierz działanie do wykonania:</string> <string lang="pl" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Naprawa/Reinstalacja</string> <string lang="pl" key="UPGRADE">Aktualizacja</string> <string lang="pl" key="UNINSTALL">Dezinstalacja</string> <string lang="pl" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Aby pomyślnie zainstalować/odinstalować VeraCrypt, musisz posiadać uprawnienia administratora. Czy chcesz kontynuować?</string> <string lang="pl" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer jest uruchomiony w twoim systemie i przygotowuje lub dokonuje instalacji lub uaktualnienia VeraCrypt. Przed dalszym kontynuowaniem instalacji, proszę poczekać na zakończenie aktualnego działania lub zamknij aplikacje. Jeżeli nie możesz zamknąć, proszę zrestartuj komputer przed uruchomieniem procesu instalacji.</string> <string lang="pl" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Niepowodzenie instalacji.</string> <string lang="pl" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Niepowodzenie dezinstalacji.</string> - <string lang="pl" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Pakiet dystrybucyjny jest uszkodzony. Pobierz go ponownie (najlepiej z oficjalnej strony programu VeraCrypt po adresem www.veracrypt.org).</string> + <string lang="pl" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Pakiet dystrybucyjny jest uszkodzony. Pobierz go ponownie (najlepiej z oficjalnej strony programu VeraCrypt po adresem https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="pl" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Nie można zapisać pliku %s</string> <string lang="pl" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Wyodrębnianie</string> <string lang="pl" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Nie można odczytać danych z tego pakietu.</string> <string lang="pl" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Nie można zweryfikować integralności tego pakietu dystrybucyjnego.</string> <string lang="pl" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Niepowodzenie wyodrębniania.</string> <string lang="pl" key="ROLLBACK">Instalacja została wycofana.</string> <string lang="pl" key="INSTALL_OK">Program VeraCrypt został pomyślnie zainstalowany.</string> <string lang="pl" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt został pomyślnie uaktualniony.</string> <string lang="pl" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">Program VeraCrypt został zaktualizowany do nowej wersji. Przed rozpoczęciem korzystania w programu należy ponownie uruchomić komputer.\n\nCzy chcesz teraz zrestartować system?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="pl" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Jeśli chcesz uruchomić ukryty system operacyjny, wystarczy tylko wpisać hasło do ukrytego systemu operacyjnego na ekranie programu startowego VeraCrypt (który pojawia się po włączeniu lub restarcie komputera).\n\nJeśli chcesz uruchomić zwodzący system operacyjny, wystarczy wpisać hasło dla zwodzącego systemu operacyjnego na ekranie programu startowego VeraCrypt.\n\nHasło do zwodzącego systemu operacyjnego może zostać ujawnione każdemu zmuszającemu Cię do zdradzenia przeduruchomieniowego hasła autentykacyjnego. Istnienie ukrytego wolumenu (i ukrytego systemu operacyjnego) pozostanie tajemnicą.\n\n</string> <string lang="pl" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Trzecie hasło (do wolumenu zewnętrznego) może zostać wyjawiony każdemu zmuszającemu do zdradzenia hasła do pierwszej partycji za partycją systemową, gdzie mieszczą się wolumen zewnętrzny i ukryty (zawierający ukryty system operacyjny). Istnienie ukrytego wolumenu (i ukrytego systemu operacyjnego) pozostanie tajemnicą.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="pl" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Jeśli zdradziłeś hasło do zwodzącego systemu operacyjnego przeciwnikowi a ten spyta, czemu wolna przestrzeń (zwodzącej) partycji systemowej zawiera dane losowe, możesz odpowiedzieć na przykład: "Partycja zawierała przedtem system zaszyfrowany przez VeraCrypt, ale zapomniałem przeduruchomieniowego hasła autentykacyjnego (albo system został uszkodzony i przestał się uruchamiać), więc musiałem ponownie zainstalować partycję windows i zaszyfrować ją."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="pl" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Jeśli wykonano wszystkie instrukcje i zapewniono wszystkie środki ostrożności i i wymagania wymienione w sekcji "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" w instrukcji użytkownika VeraCrypt, powinno być niemożliwe udowodnienie, że ukryty wolumen i ukryty system operacyjny istnieje, nawet gdy zewnętrzny wolumen został zamontowany lub gdy zwodzący system operacyjny jest odcyfrowany i uruchomiony.\n\nJeśli zapiszesz kopię tego tekstu lub wydrukujesz go (gorąco polecane, chyba, że drukarka przechowuje kopie drukowanych dokumentów na wewnętrznym dysku), musisz zniszczyć wszystkie jego kopie po utworzeniu systemu zwodzącego i zrozumieniu wszystkich informacji zawartych w tekście (w przeciwnym przypadku, jeśli taka kopia zostanie znaleziona, mogłaby wskazywać, że na tym komputerze zainstalowano ukryty system operacyjny).\n\n</string> <string lang="pl" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">UWAGA: JEŚLI NIE CHRONISZ UKRYTEGO WOLUMENU (by uzyskać informację jak to zrobić, sprawdź sekcję "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" w Instrukcji Użytkownika VeraCrypt), NIE ZAPISYWAĆ DANYCH NA WOLUMENIE ZEWNĘTRZNYM (zauważ że zwodzący system operacyjny NIE jest zainstalowany na wolumenie zewnętrznym). W PRZECIWNYM PRZYPADKU MOŻESZ NADPISAĆ I USZKODZIĆ UKRYTY WOLUMEN (I UKRYTY SYSTEM OPERACYJNY NA NIM)!</string> <string lang="pl" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Klonowanie Systemu Operacyjnego</string> <string lang="pl" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">W następnym kroku, VeraCrypt będzie tworzył ukryty system operacyjny przez skopiowanie zawartości partycji systemowej do ukrytego wolumenu (kopiowane dane zostaną zaszyfrowane "w locie" z innym kluczem niż został użyty w zwodzącym systemie operacyjnym).\n\nProszę pamiętać, że proces zacznie się od rozruchu wstępnego i może zabrać dość dużo czasu aż skończy; od kilu godzin lub nieraz kliku dni (w zależności od wielkości partycji systemowej i wydajności twojego komputera).\n\nMożesz przerwać proces, wyłączając komputer, a proces wznowi się, gdy włączysz go ponownie. Jednakże, jeżeli przerwiesz proces, cały proces kopiowania zacznie się od początku (ponieważ zawartość systemowej partycji nie może ulec zmianie podczas klonowania).</string> <string lang="pl" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Czy chcesz anulować cały proces tworzenia ukrytego systemu operacyjnego?\n\nInfo: Nie będziesz mógł wznowić procesu jeżeli go anulujesz teraz.</string> <string lang="pl" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Chcesz anulować test szyfrowania systemu?</string> - <string lang="pl" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Test szyfrowania systemu przez program VeraCrypt nie powiódł się. Czy chcesz spróbować jeszcze raz?\n\nJeśli wybierzesz 'Nie', komponent odpowiedzialny za uwierzytelnienie przed uruchomieniem zostanie odinstalowany.\n\nUwagi: \n\n- Jeśli program startowy VeraCrypt nie pytał o hasło przed uruchomieniem systemu Windows, jest możliwe, że system operacyjny nie startuje z dysku, na którym jest zainstalowany. \n\n- Jeśli używasz algorytmu szyfrującego innego niż AES i test się nie powiódł (po wpisaniu hasła), mogło to być spowodowane przez niepoprawnie przydzielony sterownik. Wybierz 'Nie' i spróbuj zaszyfrować ponownie partycję lub dysk systemowy, jednak przy użyciu algorytmu szyfrowania AES (który ma najmniejsze wymagania co do pamięci).\n\n- Więcej możliwych powodów i rozwiązań na stronie https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting (w języku angielskim).</string> + <string lang="pl" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Test szyfrowania systemu przez program VeraCrypt nie powiódł się. Czy chcesz spróbować jeszcze raz?\n\nJeśli wybierzesz 'Nie', komponent odpowiedzialny za uwierzytelnienie przed uruchomieniem zostanie odinstalowany.\n\nUwagi: \n\n- Jeśli program startowy VeraCrypt nie pytał o hasło przed uruchomieniem systemu Windows, jest możliwe, że system operacyjny nie startuje z dysku, na którym jest zainstalowany. \n\n- Jeśli używasz algorytmu szyfrującego innego niż AES i test się nie powiódł (po wpisaniu hasła), mogło to być spowodowane przez niepoprawnie przydzielony sterownik. Wybierz 'Nie' i spróbuj zaszyfrować ponownie partycję lub dysk systemowy, jednak przy użyciu algorytmu szyfrowania AES (który ma najmniejsze wymagania co do pamięci).\n\n- Więcej możliwych powodów i rozwiązań na stronie https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html (w języku angielskim).</string> <string lang="pl" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Partycja/dysk systemowy nie jest zaszyfrowany (ani częściowo, ani w pełni).</string> <string lang="pl" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Partycja/dysk systemowy jest zaszyfrowany (częściowo lub całkowicie).\n\nOdszyfruj partycję lub dysk systemowy przed kontynuowaniem. W tym celu wybierz opcję 'System' > 'Trwale odszyfruj partycję lub dysk systemowy' w menu głównym programu VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="pl" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Kiedy systemowa partycja/dysk jest zaszyfrowany (częściowo lub całkowicie), nie możesz wykonać instalacji wcześniejszej wersji VeraCrypt (ale możesz zrobić aktualizacji lub reinstalację tej samej wersji).</string> <string lang="pl" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Partycja/dysk systemowy jest właśnie w trakcie szyfrowania, odszyfrowywania lub jest modyfikowany w inny sposób. Aby kontynuować, przerwij ten proces (lub poczekaj na jego zakończenie).</string> <string lang="pl" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Instancja kreatora tworzenia wolumenu programu VeraCrypt jest w tej chwili uruchomiona i wykonuje operację szyfrowania/deszyfrowania partycji/dysku systemowego. Aby kontynuować, przerwij ten proces (lub poczekaj na jego zakończenie). Jeśli zamknięcie nie jest możliwe, zrestartuj komputer przed kontynuowaniem.</string> <string lang="pl" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Proces szyfrowania lub deszyfrowania partycji/dysku systemowego nie został zakończony. Aby kontynuować, przerwij ten proces (lub poczekaj na jego zakończenie).</string> <string lang="pl" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Błąd: Proces szyfrowania partycji lub dysku systemowego nie został zakończony. Ten proces musi zostać najpierw zakończony.</string> <string lang="pl" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Błąd: Proces szyfrowania partycji/wolumenu nie jest kompletny. Musi być najpierw kompletny.\n\nUwaga: Aby wznowić proces, wybierz 'Wolumeny' > 'Kontynuuj przerwany proces' z menu głównego okna VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="pl" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Hasło jest poprawne, VeraCrypt poprawnie odszyfrował nagłówek wolumenu i wykrył że wolumen jest ukrytym wolumenem systemowym. Dlatego, nie możesz modyfikować nagłówka ukrytego wolumenu systemowego w tym kroku.\n\nAby zmienić hasło dla ukrytego wolumenu systemowego, uruchom system operacyjny zlokalizowany na ukrytym wolumenie, i wybierz 'System' > 'Zmień hasło' z menu głównego okna VeraCrypt.\n\nAby zmienić algorytm klucz nagłówka, uruchom ukryty system operacyjny i wybierz 'System' > 'Ustaw algorytm klucza nagłówka'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.pt-br.xml b/Translations/Language.pt-br.xml index 433626dc..f0964603 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.pt-br.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.pt-br.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="pt-br" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Se você nunca usou o VeraCrypt, recomendamos que você leia o capítulo Tutorial para Iniciantes no Guia do Usuário do VeraCrypt. Você deseja ler o tutorial?</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Favor escolher uma das seguintes ações:</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparar/Reinstalar</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="UNINSTALL">Desinstalar</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Para instalar/desinstalar o VeraCrypt com sucesso, você deve ter privilégios de administrador. Deseja continuar?</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">O instalador do VeraCrypt está atualmente em execução, realizando ou preparando uma instalação ou atualização do VeraCrypt. Antes de continuar, por favor, aguarde o seu término ou feche-o. Se você não puder fechá-lo, por favor, reinicie o computador antes de prosseguir.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="INSTALL_FAILED">A instalação falhou.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">A desinstalação falhou.</string> - <string lang="pt-br" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Este pacote de distribuição parece estar danificado. Tente baixá-lo novamente (de preferência a partir do nosso site oficial https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="pt-br" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Este pacote de distribuição parece estar danificado. Tente baixá-lo novamente (de preferência a partir do nosso site oficial https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Não foi possível gravr o arquivoe %s</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extraindo</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Não foi possível ler alguns dados do pacote de instalação.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Não foi possível verificar a integridade do pacote de instalação.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">A extração falhou.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="ROLLBACK">A instalação foi revertida.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="INSTALL_OK">O VeraCrypt foi instalado com sucesso.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">O VeraCrypt foi atualizado com sucesso.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Clonagem de Sistema Operacional</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Nas próximas etapas, o VeraCrypt irá criar o sistema operacional oculto copiando o conteúdo da partição do sistema para o volume oculto (os dados a serem copiados serão criptografados on-the-fly com uma chave de criptografia diferente daquele que será utilizada para o sistema isca).\n\nPor favor note que o processo será realizado em ambiente pré-boot (antes do Windows iniciar) e pode levar um longo tempo para concluir; várias horas ou até vários dias (dependendo do tamanho da partição do sistema e do desempenho do seu computador).\n\nVocê poderá interromper o processo, desligar o computador, iniciar o sistema operacional e, em seguida, retomar o processo. No entanto, se você interrompê-lo, todo o processo de cópia do sistema terá que começar desde o início (porque o conteúdo da partição do sistema não deve mudar durante a clonagem).</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Deseja cancelar todo o processo de criação do sistema operacional oculto?\n\nNota: Você NÃO poderá retomar o processo se cancelá-lo agora.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Você deseja cancelar o pré-teste de criptografia de sistema?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">O dispositivo/partição de sistema não parece estar criptografado (nem parcial nem completamente).</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Seu dispositivo/partição de sistema está criptografado (parcial ou completamente).\n\nFavor descriptografar o dispositivo/partição de sistema completamente antes de continuar. Para isso, clique em 'Sistema' > 'Descriptografar Dispositivo/Partição de Sistema Definitivamente' na barra de menu da janela principal do VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Seu dispositivo/partição de sistema está sendo criptografado, descriptografado ou modificado de outra forma. Favor interromper o processo de criptografia/descriptografia/modificação (ou aguardar até que ele esteja completo) antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Uma instância do Assistente de Criação de Volume VeraCrypt ja está em execução neste sistema ou se preparando para a criptografia/descriptografia do dispositivo/partição de sistema. Antes de continuar, aguarde até que ele seja concluído ou feche-o. Se você não conseuir fechá-lo, reinicie o seu computador antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">O processo de criptografia ou descriptografia do dispositivo/partição de sistema não foi concluído. Aguarde até que ele seja concluído antes de continuar.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Erro: O processo de criptografia do disco/partição de sistema não foi concluído. Ele precisa ser concluído primeiro.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Erro: O processo de criptografia da partição/volume não foi concluído. Ele precisa ser concluído primeiro.\n\nNota: Para retomar o processo, selecione 'Volumes' > 'Retomar Processo Interrompido' na barra de menu da janela principal do VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="pt-br" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">A senha está correta. O VeraCrypt descriptografou com êxito o cabeçalho do volume e detectou que este é um volume de sistema oculto. No entanto, você não pode modificar o cabeçalho de um volume de sistema oculto desta forma.\n\nPara alterar a senha de um volume de sistema oculto, inicie o sistema operacional residente no volume oculto e depois selecione 'Sistema' > 'Alterar Senha' na barra de menu da janela principal do VeraCrypt.\n\nPara definir o algoritmo de derivação da chave de cabeçalho, inicie o sistema operacional oculto e selecione 'Sistema' > 'Definir Algoritmo de Derivação da Chave de Cabeçalho'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.ru.xml b/Translations/Language.ru.xml index e8c378a4..b436bfa8 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.ru.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.ru.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="ru" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Если вы никогда ранее не работали с VeraCrypt, рекомендуется ознакомиться с разделом для новичков в Руководстве пользователя VeraCrypt. Хотите прочитать документацию?</string> <string lang="ru" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Выберите желаемое действие:</string> <string lang="ru" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Восстановить/переустановить</string> <string lang="ru" key="UPGRADE">Обновить</string> <string lang="ru" key="UNINSTALL">Удалить</string> <string lang="ru" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Для установки/удаления VeraCrypt необходимо иметь права администратора. Продолжить?</string> <string lang="ru" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">В системе сейчас запущен установщик VeraCrypt. Он выполняет/готовит установку или обновление VeraCrypt. Дождитесь завершения его работы или закройте его. Если закрыть установщик не получается, перезагрузите компьютер и лишь потом продолжите.</string> <string lang="ru" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Установка не выполнена.</string> <string lang="ru" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Удаление не выполнено.</string> - <string lang="ru" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Этот дистрибутивный пакет повреждён. Загрузите его снова (желательно с официального сайта VeraCrypt - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="ru" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Этот дистрибутивный пакет повреждён. Загрузите его снова (желательно с официального сайта VeraCrypt - https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="ru" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Невозможно записать файл %s</string> <string lang="ru" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Извлечение</string> <string lang="ru" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Невозможно прочитать данные из дистрибутива.</string> <string lang="ru" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Невозможно проверить целостность дистрибутивного пакета.</string> <string lang="ru" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Извлечение не выполнено.</string> <string lang="ru" key="ROLLBACK">Установка возвращена назад.</string> <string lang="ru" key="INSTALL_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно установлена.</string> <string lang="ru" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно обновлена.</string> <string lang="ru" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">Версия VeraCrypt успешно обновлена. Однако прежде чем её использовать, нужно перезагрузить компьютер.\n\nВыполнить перезагрузку сейчас?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="ru" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Если вы хотите запустить скрытую ОС, нужно просто ввести пароль для скрытой ОС на экране загрузчика VeraCrypt (который появляется при включении или перезагрузке ПК).\n\nЕсли вам нужно загрузить обманную ОС, введите пароль для обманной ОС на экране загрузчика VeraCrypt.\n\nПароль для обманной ОС можно сообщать всякому, кто потребует выдать пароль дозагрузочной аутентификации. Наличие скрытого тома (и скрытой ОС) останется в секрете.\n\n</string> <string lang="ru" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Третий пароль (для внешнего тома) можно сообщать всякому, кто потребует выдать пароль для первого раздела, следующего за системным, где находятся внешний и скрытый тома (со скрытой ОС). Существование скрытого тома (и скрытой ОС) останется секретом.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ru" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Если вы сообщите неприятелю пароль от обманной ОС, и он спросит, почему свободное место на (обманном) системном разделе содержит случайные данные, вы сможете, например, ответить: 'Этот раздел раньше содержал систему, зашифрованную VeraCrypt, но я забыл(а) пароль дозагрузочной аутентификации (или система повредилась и перестала загружаться), поэтому мне пришлось переустановить Windows и снова зашифровать раздел'.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="ru" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Если выполнены все инструкции и учтены меры предосторожности из главы 'Требования безопасности и меры предосторожности касательно скрытых томов' в Руководстве пользователя VeraCrypt, определить наличие скрытого тома и скрытой ОС должно быть невозможно, даже если смонтирован внешний том или расшифрована/запущена обманная ОС.\n\nЕсли вы сохраните или распечатаете копию этого текста (что настоятельно рекомендуется сделать, если только принтер не хранит копии заданий на своём внутреннем накопителе), то, создав обманную систему и убедившись, что вы поняли всё, что тут написано, все копии данного текста следует уничтожить (иначе если такую копию обнаружат, это может навести на мысль о наличии в ПК скрытой ОС).\n\n</string> <string lang="ru" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">ВНИМАНИЕ: ЕСЛИ ВЫ НЕ ЗАЩИТИЛИ СКРЫТЫЙ ТОМ (см. главу 'Защита скрытых томов от повреждений' в Руководстве пользователя VeraCrypt), НЕ ВЫПОЛНЯЙТЕ ЗАПИСЬ ВО ВНЕШНИЙ ТОМ (обратите внимание, что обманная ОС установлена НЕ во внешнем томе). ИНАЧЕ ВЫ МОЖЕТЕ ПЕРЕЗАПИСАТЬ И ПОВРЕДИТЬ СКРЫТЫЙ ТОМ (И СКРЫТУЮ ОС ВНУТРИ НЕГО)!</string> <string lang="ru" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Клонирование ОС</string> <string lang="ru" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">На следующих этапах VeraCrypt создаст скрытую ОС, скопировав содержимое системного раздела в скрытый том (копируемые данные шифруются 'на лету' с ключом, отличным от используемого для обманной ОС).\n\nУчтите, что процесс выполняется на дозагрузочной стадии (до запуска Windows) и может занять много времени (несколько часов или даже дней, в зависимости от размера системного раздела и быстродействия ПК).\n\nВы сможете прервать этот процесс, выключить ПК, запустить ОС и затем возобновить его. Однако в случае прерывания, копирование системы придётся начать сначала (так как при клонировании содержимое системного раздела не должно изменяться).</string> <string lang="ru" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Вы хотите отменить весь процесс создания скрытой операционной системы?\n\nПри отмене вы НЕ сможете затем продолжить процесс.</string> <string lang="ru" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Вы хотите отменить пре-тест шифрования системы?</string> - <string lang="ru" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Пре-тест шифрования системы не пройден. Повторить попытку?\n\nПри выборе 'Нет' компонент дозагрузочной аутентификации будет удалён.\n\nПримечания:\n\n- Если загрузчик VeraCrypt не просил ввести пароль перед стартом Windows, возможно, ОС загружается не с того диска, на котором она установлена. Такая конфигурация не поддерживается.\n\n- Если используется отличный от AES алгоритм шифрования, и пре-тест выдаёт ошибку (и вы ввели пароль), причина может быть в некорректном драйвере. Выберите 'Нет' и попробуйте снова зашифровать системный раздел/диск, но используя AES (у этого алгоритма наименьшие требования к памяти).\n\n- Другие причины и решения см. здесь: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="ru" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">Пре-тест шифрования системы не пройден. Повторить попытку?\n\nПри выборе 'Нет' компонент дозагрузочной аутентификации будет удалён.\n\nПримечания:\n\n- Если загрузчик VeraCrypt не просил ввести пароль перед стартом Windows, возможно, ОС загружается не с того диска, на котором она установлена. Такая конфигурация не поддерживается.\n\n- Если используется отличный от AES алгоритм шифрования, и пре-тест выдаёт ошибку (и вы ввели пароль), причина может быть в некорректном драйвере. Выберите 'Нет' и попробуйте снова зашифровать системный раздел/диск, но используя AES (у этого алгоритма наименьшие требования к памяти).\n\n- Другие причины и решения см. здесь: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="ru" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Похоже, системный раздел/диск не зашифрован (ни частично, ни полностью).</string> <string lang="ru" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Системный раздел/диск зашифрован (частично или полностью).\n\nПрежде чем продолжить, полностью расшифруйте системный раздел/диск. Чтобы это сделать, выберите в главном окне VeraCrypt меню 'Система' > 'Перманентно расшифровать системный раздел/диск'.</string> <string lang="ru" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Если системный раздел/диск зашифрован (частично или полностью), нельзя устанавливать VeraCrypt более старой версии (но можно более новую или ту же версию).</string> <string lang="ru" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Сейчас выполняется (де)шифрование или иная модификация системного раздела/диска. Прежде чем продолжить, прервите процесс шифрования/дешифрования/модификации (или дождитесь его окончания).</string> <string lang="ru" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">В системе уже запущена копия мастера создания томов VeraCrypt, она выполняет или подготавливает (де)шифрование системного раздела/диска. Прежде чем продолжить, дождитесь завершения работы мастера или закройте его. Если закрыть окно мастера не удаётся, перезагрузите ПК и продолжите.</string> <string lang="ru" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">(Де)шифрование системного раздела/диска не завершено. Прежде чем продолжить, дождитесь завершения этого процесса.</string> <string lang="ru" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">ОШИБКА: Шифрование раздела/диска не было завершено. Сначала его нужно завершить.</string> <string lang="ru" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">ОШИБКА: Шифрование раздела/тома не было завершено. Сначала его нужно завершить.\n\nПримечание: чтобы возобновить процесс, выберите команду 'Тома' > 'Продолжить прерванный процесс' в меню главного окна VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="ru" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Пароль правильный. Программа VeraCrypt успешно расшифровала заголовок тома и обнаружила, что это скрытый системный том. Однако изменить заголовок скрытого системного тома таким способом нельзя.\n\nЧтобы изменить пароль скрытого системного тома, загрузите ОС, расположенную в скрытом томе, после чего в главном окне VeraCrypt выберите в меню 'Система' > 'Изменить пароль'.\n\nЧтобы установить алгоритм деривации ключа заголовка, загрузите скрытую ОС и выберите 'Система' > 'Установить алгоритм деривации ключа заголовка'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.sk.xml b/Translations/Language.sk.xml index 3d2e7087..8734348e 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.sk.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.sk.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="sk" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Pokiaľ ste ešte nikdy nepoužívali VeraCrypt, doporučujeme Vám prečítať si kapitolu príručka pre nových užívateľov v Užívateľskej príručke. Chcete si prečítať Sprievodcu ?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="sk" key="ROLLBACK">Inštalácia bola vrátená späť.</string> <string lang="sk" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt bol úspešne nainštalovaný.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.sl.xml b/Translations/Language.sl.xml index 19c8d515..271ef091 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.sl.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.sl.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="sl" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Sistemski razdelek/pogon očitno ni šifriran (ne deloma ali v celoti).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="sl" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Eden primer VeraCrypt-ovega čarovnika za ustvarjanje zbirnikov je trenutno na tem sistemu zagnan in izvaja ali pripravlja šifriranje/dešifriranje sistemskega razdelka/pogona. Preden nadaljujete prosim, da počakate da le-ta zaključi in ga nato zaprite. Če ga pa ne morete zapreti, potem pa prosim, da ponovno zaženete računalnik preden nadaljujete.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.sv.xml b/Translations/Language.sv.xml index 31e17a3c..d0faa4fb 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.sv.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.sv.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="sv" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Om du aldrig har använt VeraCrypt tidigare, rekommenderar vi att du läser kapitlet ”Beginner’s Tutorial” i VeraCrypts användarhandbok. Vill du läsa kapitlet nu?</string> <string lang="sv" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Välj ett av nedanstående alternativ:</string> <string lang="sv" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Reparera eller installera om</string> <string lang="sv" key="UPGRADE">Uppgradera</string> <string lang="sv" key="UNINSTALL">Avinstallera</string> <string lang="sv" key="SETUP_ADMIN">För att kunna installera eller avinstallera VeraCrypt måste du ha administratörsbehörighet. Vill du fortsätta?</string> <string lang="sv" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypts installationsprogram körs för närvarande och genomför eller förbereder en installation av VeraCrypt. Vänta på att installationsprogrammet slutförts eller stäng det innan du fortsätter. Starta om datorn, om programmet inte går att avsluta.</string> <string lang="sv" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installationen misslyckades.</string> <string lang="sv" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Avinstallationen misslyckades.</string> - <string lang="sv" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Installationspaketet är skadat. Försök att ladda ned det igen (företrädelsevis från VeraCrypts officiella webbplats, https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="sv" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Installationspaketet är skadat. Försök att ladda ned det igen (företrädelsevis från VeraCrypts officiella webbplats, https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="sv" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Kan inte skapa filen %s</string> <string lang="sv" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Packar upp</string> <string lang="sv" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Det går inte att läsa från installationspaketet.</string> <string lang="sv" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Det går inte att verifiera installationspaketets integritet.</string> <string lang="sv" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Uppackningen misslyckades.</string> <string lang="sv" key="ROLLBACK">Installationen har återställts.</string> <string lang="sv" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt har installerats utan fel.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt har uppdaterats utan fel.</string> <string lang="sv" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt har uppgraderats utan fel, men innan du kan börja använda programmet måste datorn startas om.\n\nVill du starta om datorn nu?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="sv" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Om du vill starta det dolda operativsystemet anger du lösenordet för det dolda operativsystemet i VeraCrypts startinläsare (som visas efter att du startar eller startar om datorn).\n\nOm du vill starta skenoperativsystemet anger du lösenordet för skenoperativsystemet i VeraCrypts startinläsare.\n\nLösenordet för skenoperativsystemet kan avslöjas för någon som tvingar dig att röja lösenordet till förstartsautentiseringen. Den dolda volymens (och det dolda operativsystemets) existens förblir hemlig.\n\n</string> <string lang="sv" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Det tredje lösenordet (för den yttre volymen) kan avslöjas för någon som tvingar dig att röja lösenordet för den första partitionen efter systempartitionen, där både den yttre volymen och den dolda volymen (innehållande det dolda operativsystemet) finns. Den dolda volymens (och det dolda operativsystemets) existens förblir hemlig.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="sv" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Om du avslöjade det dolda operativsystemets lösenord, och du blir tillfrågad varför det lediga utrymmet på skenoperativsystemets partition innehåller slumpmässiga data, kan du exempelvis svara följande: ”Partitionen innehöll tidigare ett system som krypterats av VeraCrypt, men jag glömde bort lösenordet till förstartsautentiseringen (eller operativsystemet skadades och gick inte längre att starta), så jag var tvungen att ominstallera Windows och kryptera partitionen igen.”\n\n\n</string> <string lang="sv" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">Om alla instruktioner samt de försiktighetsåtgärder och krav som beskrivs i avsnittet ”Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes” i VeraCrypts användarhandbok har följts, bör det vara omöjligt att bevisa att den dolda volymen och det dolda operativsystemet existerar, även om den yttre volymen monteras eller skenoperativsystemet dekrypteras eller startas.\n\nOm du sparar en kopia av denna text eller skriver ut den (vilket rekommenderas, såvida inte skrivaren lagrar kopior av dokument den skriver ut på en intern enhet), bör du förstöra alla kopior av den efter att du skapat skenoperativsystemet och efter att du har läst och förstått all information i den. (Annars riskerar en sådan kopia avslöja existensen av ett dolt operativsystem i datorn.)\n\n</string> <string lang="sv" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">VARNING: SKRIV INTE TILL DEN YTTRE VOLYMEN (observera att skenoperativsystemet INTE är installerat på den yttre volymen) OM DU INTE SKYDDAT DEN DOLDA VOLYMEN. (Läs avsnittet ”Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage” i VeraCrypts användarhandbok för mer information om detta.) ANNARS KAN DET HÄNDA ATT DU SKRIVER ÖVER OCH SKADAR DEN DOLDA VOLYMEN (OCH DET DOLDA OPERATIVSYSTEMET INUTI DEN)!</string> <string lang="sv" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Kloning av operativsystemet</string> <string lang="sv" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">I följande steg kommer VeraCrypt att skapa det dolda operativsystemet genom att kopiera systempartitionens innehåll till den dolda volymen. (Data som kopieras krypteras i realtid med en krypteringsnyckel skild från den som används för skenoperativsystemet.)\n\nObservera att kopieringen kommer att genomföras i förstartsmiljön (innan Windows startas) och kan ta lång tid att slutföra, allt från flera timmar till flera dagar (beroende på systempartitionens storlek och din dators prestanda).\n\nDu kan avbryta kloningsprocessen, stänga av din dator, starta operativsystemet igen och sedan återuppta processen. Hela kloningsprocessen kommer, om du avbryter den, emellertid att behöva börja om från början, eftersom systempartitionens innehåll inte får ändras under processens gång.</string> <string lang="sv" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Vill du avbryta hela processen för att skapa ett dolt operativsystem?\n\nObservera: Du kommer INTE att kunna återuppta processen om du avbryter den nu.</string> <string lang="sv" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Vill du avbryta det förberedande testet inför systemkrypteringen?</string> - <string lang="sv" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypts förberedande test inför systemkrypteringen misslyckades. Vill du försöka igen?\n\nOm du väljer ”Nej”, kommer komponenten för förstartsautentiseringen att avinstalleras.\n\nObservera:\n\n· Om VeraCrypts startinläsare inte bad dig att ange lösenordet innan Windows startades, är det möjligt att ditt operativsystem inte startade från den enhet på vilket det är installerat. Detta förfarande stöds inte.\n\n· Om du använde en annan krypteringsalgoritm än AES och det förberedande testet misslyckades (och du dessutom angav rätt lösenord), kan det ha orsakats av en dåligt anpassad drivrutin. Välj ”Nej” och försök att kryptera systempartitionen eller -enheten igen, men använd AES som krypteringsalgoritm, då den är minst minneskrävande.\n\n· För fler möjliga orsaker och lösningar, gå till sidan https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting.</string> + <string lang="sv" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypts förberedande test inför systemkrypteringen misslyckades. Vill du försöka igen?\n\nOm du väljer ”Nej”, kommer komponenten för förstartsautentiseringen att avinstalleras.\n\nObservera:\n\n· Om VeraCrypts startinläsare inte bad dig att ange lösenordet innan Windows startades, är det möjligt att ditt operativsystem inte startade från den enhet på vilket det är installerat. Detta förfarande stöds inte.\n\n· Om du använde en annan krypteringsalgoritm än AES och det förberedande testet misslyckades (och du dessutom angav rätt lösenord), kan det ha orsakats av en dåligt anpassad drivrutin. Välj ”Nej” och försök att kryptera systempartitionen eller -enheten igen, men använd AES som krypteringsalgoritm, då den är minst minneskrävande.\n\n· För fler möjliga orsaker och lösningar, gå till sidan https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Systempartitionen eller -enheten verkar inte vara krypterad (varken helt eller delvis).</string> <string lang="sv" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Din systempartition eller -enhet är krypterad (delvis eller fullständigt).\n\nDu måste dekryptera din systempartition eller -volym innan du fortsätter. Välj ”Permanent dekryptering av systempartition eller -enhet” under ”System” i rullgardinsmenyn.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Du kan inte nedgradera VeraCrypt när systempartitionen eller -enheten är krypterad (helt eller delvis). Du kan däremot uppgradera eller ominstallera samma version.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Din systempartition eller -enhet håller för närvarande på att krypteras, dekrypteras eller på något annat sätt modifieras. Avbryt krypterings-, dekrypterings- eller modifieringsprocessen (eller vänta tills den slutförts) innan du fortsätter.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">En instans av guiden Skapa VeraCrypt-volym körs redan och förbereder eller utför en kryptering eller dekryptering av systempartitionen eller -enheten. Innan du kan fortsätta, måste du avsluta guiden eller vänta på att den slutförs. Stäng av datorn, om det inte går att avsluta guiden.</string> <string lang="sv" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Krypteringen eller dekrypteringen av systempartitionen eller -enheten har inte slutförts. Vänta tills den slutförts innan du fortsätter.</string> <string lang="sv" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Fel: Krypteringen av partitionen eller enheten har inte slutförts. Den måste slutföras först.</string> <string lang="sv" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Fel: Krypteringen av partitionen eller enheten har inte slutförts. Den måste slutföras först.\n\nObservera: Välj ”Återuppta avbruten process” under ”Volymer” i VeraCrypts rullgardinsmeny för att återuppta krypteringsprocessen.</string> <string lang="sv" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Lösenordet är rätt, och VeraCrypt har dekrypterat volymhuvudet och upptäckt att volymen är en dold systemvolym. Emellertid kan du inte ändra volymhuvudet på en dold systemvolym på detta sätt.\n\nFör att ändra ett lösenord för en dold systemvolym startar du operativsystemet på den dolda volymen och väljer sedan ”Ändra lösenord” under ”System” i VeraCrypts rullgardinsmeny.\n\nFör att ändra härledningsalgoritm för volymhuvudets nyckel startar du det dolda operativsystemet och väljer ”Ändra härledningsalgoritmen för volymhuvudets nyckel” under ”System” i VeraCrypts rullgardinsmeny.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.tr.xml b/Translations/Language.tr.xml index d54fdc7b..808e63ec 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.tr.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.tr.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="tr" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">VeraCrypt'i daha önce hiç kullanmadıysanız, VeraCrypt Kullanıcı Kılavuzundaki Beginner's Tutorial (Yeni Başlayanlar İçin Eğitim) bölümünü okumanızı tavsiye ediyoruz. Eğitimi görüntülemek istiyor musunuz?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="tr" key="ROLLBACK">Yükleme geri alındı.</string> <string lang="tr" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt başarıyla yüklendi.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.uk.xml b/Translations/Language.uk.xml index ff494740..11947b0f 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.uk.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.uk.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="uk" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Якщо ви ще не користувались VeraCrypt, рекомендовано прочитати главу для початківців Посібника Користувача VeraCrypt. Відкрити Посібник?</string> <string lang="uk" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Будь ласка, оберіть подальшу дію з наступного:</string> <string lang="uk" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Ремонтувати/Перевстановити</string> <string lang="uk" key="UPGRADE">Оновити</string> <string lang="uk" key="UNINSTALL">Видалити</string> <string lang="uk" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Для встановлення/видалення VeraCrypt необхідні права Адміністратора. Бажаєте продовжити?</string> <string lang="uk" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">В этой системе сейчас запущен инсталлятор VeraCrypt. Он выполняет/готовит установку или обновление VeraCrypt. Дождитесь завершения его работы или закройте его. Если закрыть инсталлятор не получается, перезагрузите комп'ютер и лишь потом продолжите.</string> <string lang="uk" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Невдале встановлювання.</string> <string lang="uk" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Невдале видалення.</string> - <string lang="uk" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Цей файл встановлення пошкоджено. Будь ласка, спробуйте завантажити його знову (рекомендовано з офіційної сторінки VeraCrypt на https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="uk" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Цей файл встановлення пошкоджено. Будь ласка, спробуйте завантажити його знову (рекомендовано з офіційної сторінки VeraCrypt на https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="uk" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Неможливо записати файл %s</string> <string lang="uk" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Видобування</string> <string lang="uk" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Неможливо прочитати дані з файлу встановлювання.</string> <string lang="uk" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Неможливо перевірити цілісність цього файлу встановлювання.</string> <string lang="uk" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Невдале видобування.</string> <string lang="uk" key="ROLLBACK">Встановлення має повернутись назад.</string> <string lang="uk" key="INSTALL_OK">Програму VeraCrypt успішно встановлено.</string> <string lang="uk" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно обновлена.</string> <string lang="uk" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt було відновлено до нової версії. Перед початком її використання, комп'ютер потрібно перезавантажити.\n\nБажаєте перезавантажити зараз?</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.uz.xml b/Translations/Language.uz.xml index 02683d18..49abaf96 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.uz.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.uz.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="uz" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Если вы никогда ранее не работали с VeraCrypt, рекомендуется ознакомиться с разделом для новичков в Руководстве пользователя VeraCrypt. Хотите прочитать документацию?</string> <string lang="uz" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Выберите желаемое действие:</string> <string lang="uz" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Восстановить/переустановить</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="uz" key="UNINSTALL">Удалить</string> <string lang="uz" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Для установки/удаления VeraCrypt необходимо иметь права Администратора. Хотите продолжить?</string> <string lang="uz" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">В этой системе сейчас запущен инсталлятор VeraCrypt. Он выполняет/готовит установку или обновление VeraCrypt. Дождитесь завершения его работы или закройте его. Если закрыть инсталлятор не получается, перезагрузите компьютер и лишь потом продолжите.</string> <string lang="uz" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Установка не выполнена.</string> <string lang="uz" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Удаление не выполнено.</string> - <string lang="uz" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Этот дистрибутивный пакет повреждён. Загрузите его снова (желательно с официального сайта VeraCrypt - https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="uz" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Этот дистрибутивный пакет повреждён. Загрузите его снова (желательно с официального сайта VeraCrypt - https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="uz" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Невозможно записать файл %s</string> <string lang="uz" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Извлечение</string> <string lang="uz" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Невозможно прочитать данные из дистрибутива.</string> <string lang="uz" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Невозможно проверить целостность этого дистрибутивного пакета.</string> <string lang="uz" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Извлечение не выполнено.</string> <string lang="uz" key="ROLLBACK">Установка возвращена назад.</string> <string lang="uz" key="INSTALL_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно установлена.</string> <string lang="uz" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">Программа VeraCrypt успешно обновлена.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="uz" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Клонирование ОС</string> <string lang="uz" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Yf следующих этапах VeraCrypt создаст скрытую ОС, скопировав содержимое системного раздела в скрытый том (копируемые данные шифруются 'на лету' с ключом, отличным от используемого для обманной ОС).\n\nУчтите, что процесс выполняется на предзагрузочной стадии (до запуска Windows) и может занять много времени (несколько часов или даже дней, в зависимости от размера системного раздела и быстродействия ПК).\n\nВы сможете прервать этот процесс, выключить ПК, запустить ОС и затем возобновить его. Однако в случае прерывания, копирование системы придётся начать сначала (так как при клонировании содержимое системного раздела не должно изменяться).</string> <string lang="uz" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Вы хотите отменить весь процесс создания скрытой операционной системы?\n\nПримечание: в случае отмены вы НЕ сможете возобновить процесс.</string> <string lang="uz" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Вы хотите отменить пре-тест шифрования системы?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="uz" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Судя по всему, системный раздел/диск не зашифрован (ни частично, ни полностью).</string> <string lang="uz" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Системный раздел/диск зашифрован (частично или полностью).\n\nПрежде чем продолжить, полностью дешифруйте системный раздел/диск. Чтобы это сделать, выберите в главном окне VeraCrypt меню 'Система' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive'.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="uz" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">В данный момент идёт шифрование, дешифрование или иная модификация системного раздела/диска. Прежде чем продолжить, прервите процесс шифрования/дешифрования/модификации (или дождитесь его окончания).</string> <string lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">В системе уже запущена копия мастера создания томов VeraCrypt, она выполняет или подготавливает шифрование/дешифрование системного раздела/диска. Прежде чем продолжить, дождитесь завершения работы мастера или закройте его. Если закрыть окно мастера не удаётся, перезагрузите ПК и продолжите.</string> <string lang="uz" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Шифрование или дешифрование системного раздела/диска не завершено. Прежде чем продолжить, дождитесь завершения этого процесса.</string> <string lang="uz" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">ОШИБКА: Шифрование раздела/диска не было завершено. Сначала его нужно завершить.</string> <string lang="uz" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">ОШИБКА: Шифрование раздела/тома не было завершено. Сначала его нужно завершить.\n\nПримечание: чтобы возобновить процесс, выберите команду 'Тома' > 'Продолжить прерванный процесс' в меню главного окна VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="uz" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Пароль правильный. VeraCrypt успешно расшифровал заголовок тома и обнаружил, что этот том является скрытым системным томом. Однако изменить заголовок скрытого системного тома таким способом нельзя.\n\nЧтобы изменить пароль скрытого системного тома, загрузите ОС, расположенную в скрытом томе, после чего в главном окне VeraCrypt выберите в меню 'Система' > 'Изменить пароль'.\n\nЧтобы установить алгоритм деривации ключа заголовка, загрузите скрытую ОС и выберите 'Система' > 'Установить алгоритм деривации ключа заголовка'.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.vi.xml b/Translations/Language.vi.xml index c979aea3..1881d9c9 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.vi.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.vi.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="vi" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">Nếu bạn chưa bao giờ dùng VeraCrypt trước đây, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên đọc chương Dạy kèm cho Người mới bắt đầu trong Hướng dẫn cho Người dùng của VeraCrypt. Bạn có muốn xem dạy kèm không?</string> <string lang="vi" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Xin chọn một động tác để thi hành từ những cái sau đây:</string> <string lang="vi" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Sửa chữa/Cài đặt lại</string> <string lang="vi" key="UPGRADE">Nâng cấp</string> <string lang="vi" key="UNINSTALL">Hủy cài đặt</string> <string lang="vi" key="SETUP_ADMIN">Để cài đặt/hủy cài đặt VeraCrypt thành công, bạn phải có quyền quản lý. Bạn có muốn tiếp tục không?</string> <string lang="vi" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">Bộ cài đặt của VeraCrypt hiện đang chạy trong hệ thống này và đang thi hành hay chuẩn bị việc cài đặt hay cập nhật VeraCrypt. Trước khi bạn tiến hành, xin chờ cho nó chấm dứt hoặc đóng nó lại. Nếu bạn không đóng nó được thì xin bắt đầu máy điện toán của bạn lại trước khi tiến hành.</string> <string lang="vi" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Không cài đặt được.</string> <string lang="vi" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Không hủy cài đặt được.</string> - <string lang="vi" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Kiện đồ phân phối này bị tổn hại. Xin tải nó xuống lại (tốt hơn là từ trang web chính thức của VeraCrypt tại https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="vi" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">Kiện đồ phân phối này bị tổn hại. Xin tải nó xuống lại (tốt hơn là từ trang web chính thức của VeraCrypt tại https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="vi" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Không thể viết vào tập tin %s</string> <string lang="vi" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Đang rút ra</string> <string lang="vi" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Không thể đọc dữ liệu từ kiện đồ được.</string> <string lang="vi" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Không thể kiểm chứng tính toàn vẹn của kiện đồ phân phối này đuợc.</string> <string lang="vi" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Rút ra bị thất bại.</string> <string lang="vi" key="ROLLBACK">Việc cài đặt đã được quay ngược lại.</string> <string lang="vi" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt đã được cài đặt thành công.</string> <string lang="vi" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt đã được cập nhật thành công.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="vi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">Nếu bạn muốn bắt đầu hệ điều hành ẩn, bạn chỉ cần nhập mật mã cho hệ điều hành ẩn trong màn hình Bộ tải Khởi nạp VeraCrypt (xuất hiện sau khi bạn bật hoặc khởi động lại máy điện toán của bạn).\n\nNếu bạn muốn bắt đầu hệ điều hành nghi trang, bạn chỉ cần nhập mật mã cho hệ điều hành nghi trang trong màn hình Bộ tải Khởi nạp VeraCrypt.\n\n Mật mã cho hệ thống nghi trang. có thể được tiết lộ cho bất cứ ai ép buộc bạn để lộ mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động. Sự tồn tại của tập đĩa ẩn (và của hệ điều hành ẩn) sẽ vẫn là bí mật.\n\n</string> <string lang="vi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">Mật mã thứ ba (cho tập đĩa bên ngoài) có thể được tiết lộ cho bất cứ ai ép buộc bạn để lộ mật mã cho phân vùng đầu tiên phía sau phân vùng hệ thống, nơi mà cả hai tập đĩa bên ngoài và tập đĩa ẩn (có chứa hệ điều hành ẩn) cư trú. Sự tồn tại của khối lượng ẩn (và của hệ điều hành ẩn) sẽ vẫn được giữ bí mật.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="vi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">Nếu bạn tiết lộ mật mã cho hệ thống nghi trang với đối phương một và anh ta hỏi bạn tại sao phần tự do của hệ thống phân vùng nghi trang chứa dữ liệu ngẫu nhiên, bạn có thể trả lời, ví dụ: "Các phân vùng trước đây có một hệ thống mã hóa của VeraCrypt, nhưng tôi quên mật mã chứng thực tiền khởi động (hoặc hệ thống bị tổn hại và ngừng khởi động), do đó, tôi đã phải cài đặt lại Windows và mã hóa các phân vùng một lần nữa."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="vi" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">Cảnh báo: NẾU BẠN KHÔNG BẢO VỆ TẬP ĐĨA ẨN (để có hướng dẫn làm như thế nào, tham khảo phần "Bảo vệ của những Tập đĩa ẩn chống thiệt hại" trong Hướng dẫn cho Người dùng của VeraCrypt), ĐỪNG VIẾT VÀO TẬP ĐĨA bên ngoài (lưu ý là hệ điều hành nghi trang không được cài đặt trong tập đĩa bên ngoài). Không thôi, bạn CÓ THỂ ghi đè lên và làm hư hỏng TẬP ĐĨA ẨN (VÀ HỆ THỐNG HOẠT ĐỘNG ẩn trong nó)!</string> <string lang="vi" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Hệ điều hành Sao y</string> <string lang="vi" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">Trong các bước kế tiếp, VeraCrypt sẽ cấu tạo hệ điều hành ẩn bằng cách sao chép nội dung của phân vùng hệ thống thành tập đĩa ẩn (dữ liệu đã được sao chép sẽ được mã hóa ở bộ phận fly với một khoá mật mã khác với hệ sẽ được sử dụng cho các hệ thống hoạt động nghi trang).\n\nXin lưu ý là quá trình này sẽ được thực hiện trong môi trường tiền khởi động (trước khi bắt đầu Windows) và nó có thể mất một thời gian dài để hoàn thành; vài giờ hoặc thậm chí vài ngày (tùy thuộc vào kích cỡ của hệ thống phân vùng và về hiệu suất của máy điện toán của bạn).\n\n Bạn sẽ có thể làm gián đoạn quá trình,. tắt máy, khởi động hệ điều hành và sau đó tiếp tục lại quá trình. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn làm gián đoạn nó, toàn bộ quá trình sao chép hệ thống sẽ phải bắt đầu từ đầu (vì nội dung của phân vùng hệ thống không phải thay đổi trong quá trình sao y).</string> <string lang="vi" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Bạn có muốn hủy bỏ toàn bộ quá trình sáng tạo của hệ điều hành ẩn?\n\nLưu ý: Bạn sẽ không thể tiếp tục lại quá trình nếu bạn hủy bỏ nó ngay bây giờ.</string> <string lang="vi" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Bạn có muốn hủy bỏ hệ thống mã hóa thử trước?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="vi" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">Các phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống dường như không được mã hóa (một phần hoặc hoàn toàn).</string> <string lang="vi" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống của bạn được mã hóa (một phần hoặc hoàn toàn). \n\nXin giải mã phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống của bạn hoàn toàn trước khi tiến hành. Để làm như vậy, hãy chọn 'Hệ thống'> 'Vĩnh viễn Giải mã Phân vùng/Ổ đĩa Hệ thống' từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ VeraCrypt chính.</string> <string lang="vi" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">Khi phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống được mã hóa (một phần hoặc hoàn toàn), bạn không thể hạ cấp VeraCrypt xuống (nhưng bạn có thể nâng cấp hoặc cài đặt một phiên bản giống vậy lại).</string> <string lang="vi" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống của bạn đang được mã hóa, giải mã, hoặc bằng không sửa đổi. Xin gián đoạn quá trình mã hóa/giải mã/sửa đổi (hoặc chờ cho đến khi nó được hoàn tất) trước khi tiến hành.</string> <string lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">Một thực thể của Trợ lý Cấu tạo Tập đĩa VeraCrypt hiện đang chạy trên hệ thống này và đang thực hiện hoặc chuẩn bị mã hóa/giải mã phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống. Trước khi bạn tiếp hành, xin chờ cho nó chấm dứt hoặc đóng nó lại. Nếu bạn không thể đóng nó lại, hãy khởi động lại máy vi tính của bạn trước khi tiếp tục.</string> <string lang="vi" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Quá trình mã hóa hay giải mã phân vùng/ổ đĩa hệ thống chưa được hoàn tất. Xin chờ cho đến khi nó được hoàn tất trước khi tiếp tục.</string> <string lang="vi" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Lỗi: Quá trình mã hóa của phân vùng/ổ đĩa chưa được hoàn tất. Nó phải được hoàn tất trước tiên.</string> <string lang="vi" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Lỗi: Quá trình mã hóa của phân vùng/tập đĩa chưa được hoàn tất. Nó phải được hoàn tất trưóc tiên.\n\nLưu ý: Để tiếp tục lại quá trình, hãy chọn 'Tập đĩa'> 'Tiếp tục lại Quá trình bị Gián đoạn’ từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt.</string> <string lang="vi" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">Mật mã là đúng, VeraCrypt đã giải mã thành công tiêu đề tập đĩa và phát hiện ra rằng tập đĩa này là một tập đĩa hệ thống ẩn. Tuy nhiên, bạn không thể sửa đổi tiêu đề của một tập đĩa hệ thống ẩn theo cách này.\n\nĐể thay đổi mật mã cho một tập đĩa hệ thống ẩn, khởi động hệ điều hành đang ở tại tập đĩa ẩn, và sau đó chọn 'Hệ thống'> 'Thay đổi mật mã’ từ thanh trình đơn của cửa sổ chính của VeraCrypt.\n\nĐể thiết lập thuật toán dẫn xuất tiêu đề chính, khởi động hệ điều hành ẩn và sau đó chọn 'Hệ thống'> 'Thiết lập thuật toán dẫn xuất khóa tiêu đề.</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml index 718a9223..0cac9f28 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-cn.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="zh-cn" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">如果您以前从未没有使用过 VeraCrypt,我们推荐您先阅读“VeraCrypt User Guide”文档中的“Beginner's Tutorial”章节。您想要查看用户指南吗(联网)?</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">请从下面选项中选择要执行的操作:</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">修复/重新安装</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="UPGRADE">更新</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="UNINSTALL">卸载</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SETUP_ADMIN">要成功安装或卸载 VeraCrypt,您必须具有系统管理员权限。您确认要继续吗?</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt 安装程序正在执行 VeraCrypt 的安装或更新。在您继续进行前,请等待其完成或者关闭它。如果您无法关闭它,请在继续之前重启计算机。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="INSTALL_FAILED">安装失败。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">卸载失败。</string> - <string lang="zh-cn" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">该安装包已经损坏。请尝试重新下载安装包(优先建议从 VeraCrypt 官方网站 https://veracrypt.codeplex.com 下载)。</string> + <string lang="zh-cn" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">该安装包已经损坏。请尝试重新下载安装包(优先建议从 VeraCrypt 官方网站 https://www.veracrypt.fr 下载)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">不能写入文件 %s</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">正在释放</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">不能从安装包中读取数据</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">不能验证安装包的完整性。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">释放失败。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="ROLLBACK">安装已经回滚。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt 已成功安装。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt 已经成功更新。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt 已经更新到新版本。在您开始使用新版本前,您必须重启计算机。\n\n您希望现在就重启计算机吗?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="zh-cn" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">如果您想启动隐形操作系统,只需要在 VeraCrypt 启动管理器屏幕(该屏幕出现于您开机或者重启系统的时候)输入隐形操作系统的密码。\n\n如果您想启动迷惑操作系统,只需要在 VeraCrypt 启动管理器屏幕输入迷惑操作系统的密码即可。\n\n迷惑操作系统的密码可以泄漏给强迫您说出密码的人,而此时隐藏加密卷(以及隐形操作系统)的存在仍然是保密的。\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">第三个密码(外层加密卷的密码),可以泄漏给强迫您说出系统分区之后那个分区密码的人(这个分区包含外层加密卷和隐藏加密卷,隐藏加密卷中即为隐形系统)。而此时隐藏加密卷(以及隐形操作系统)的存在仍然是保密的。\n\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">如果您把迷惑系统的密码泄漏给强迫您说出密码的人,如果他询问为什么(迷惑)系统分区的自由空间包含随机数据,您可以回答,例如:"这个分区以前包含 VeraCrypt 加密的系统但是我忘记了密码(或者说这个系统已经损坏和无法启动了),因此我不得不安装了 Windows 和重新加密了这个分区"。\n\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">如果您遵循了前面的指令并且遵循了《VeraCrypt User Guide》中的 "Security Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" 章节所提到的防护措施,则外人无法证明隐藏加密卷和隐形系统的存在,哪怕是外层加密卷已加载或迷惑操作系统已解密/启动。\n\n如果您打印了此文本,在您创建迷惑操作系统之后并理解了文本中所述内容之后,强烈建议您销毁这个文本(否则,如果该文本纸张被发现,可能会暗示计算机上有存在隐形系统的可能)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">警告:如果您没有保护隐藏加密卷(保护的做法参考 VeraCrypt 用户指南的"Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage"章节),请不要向外层加密卷写入数据。否则您可能会覆盖或损坏隐藏隐藏加密卷!请不要想外层加密卷写入数据(注意,迷惑操作系统并未安装在外层加密卷)。否则,您可能会覆盖和损坏隐藏加密卷(以及在其内的隐形系统)!</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">正在克隆操作系统</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">在下一步中,VeraCrypt 将会通过复制当前运行系统的内容到隐藏加密卷来创建隐形系统(被复制的数据将会使用与迷惑系统不同的密钥实时加密))。\n\n请注意该过程将会在启动验证环境中执行(在 Windows 启动前),并可能花费较长的时间;可能需要花费几个小时或者几天(依据系统分区容量和计算机性能而定,例如PM1.6GHz加密时大概的速度是0.5GB/分钟左右)。\n\n您可以中断该过程,关机,启动操作系统并在此之后继续该过程。然而,如果您中断该过程,整个复制系统的过程将会不得不从头开始(因为系统分区的内容在克隆期间必须不能被改变)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">您想要取消整个隐形操作系统的创建过程吗?\n\n注意:如果现在取消,您将无法继续该进程。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">您要取消系统加密预测试吗?</string> - <string lang="zh-cn" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt 系统加密预测试失败。您希望再试一次吗?\n\n如果选择〖否〗,则启动验证组件将会被卸载。\n\n说明:如果 VeraCrypt 启动管理器在 Windows 启动前不要求您输入密码,这很可能是您的操作系统并没有从该系统所安装的驱动器引导的。目前并不支持这种方式。\n\n- 如果您使用了AES 之外的加密算法并且预测试失败了(并且您也输入了密码),这可能由有设计缺陷的驱动导致的。选择〖否〗,尝试再次加密系统分区/设备,但是要使用 AES 加密算法(该算法所需内存最低)。\n\n- 更多可能导致该错误的原因,请参考: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="zh-cn" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt 系统加密预测试失败。您希望再试一次吗?\n\n如果选择〖否〗,则启动验证组件将会被卸载。\n\n说明:如果 VeraCrypt 启动管理器在 Windows 启动前不要求您输入密码,这很可能是您的操作系统并没有从该系统所安装的驱动器引导的。目前并不支持这种方式。\n\n- 如果您使用了AES 之外的加密算法并且预测试失败了(并且您也输入了密码),这可能由有设计缺陷的驱动导致的。选择〖否〗,尝试再次加密系统分区/设备,但是要使用 AES 加密算法(该算法所需内存最低)。\n\n- 更多可能导致该错误的原因,请参考: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">该系统分区/驱动器看起来没有被加密(或者是没有被完全加密)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">您的系统分区/驱动器已加密(部分或完全加密)。\n\n请在继续进行前解密该系统分区/驱动器。操作步骤:在 VeraCrypt 主窗口的菜单中,选择〖系统〗->〖永久解密系统分区/驱动器〗。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">当系统分区/驱动器已部份或完全加密时,您不能降级 VeraCrypt 的版本(但是可以更新到新版本或者从新安装同一版本)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">您的系统分区/驱动器正在被加密/解密,或正在被修改。请在继续操作前中断这个加密/解密/修改进程(或者等待直到其完成)。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">已经有 VeraCrypt 加密卷创建向导的实例在运行,并且正在执行对系统分区/驱动器的加密或解密操作。在您继续前,请等候其完成或者关闭该实例。如果您无法关闭这个实例,请在继续操作前重启计算机。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">加密或解密系统分区/驱动器的进程尚未完成。在进程完成前请稍候。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">错误:加密分区/驱动器的过程已经未完成,该过程必须首先完成。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">错误:加密 分区/卷 的过程尚未完成。您必须首先完成此过程。\n\n说明:要继续该过程,在 TrueCrype 主界面的菜单中,选择〖加密卷〗->〖继续被中断的过程〗。</string> <string lang="zh-cn" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">密码正确,VeraCrypt 已经成功解密加密卷头信息并检测到了该加密卷存在一个隐形的操作系统。然而,您不能以此种方式修改隐形系统卷的头信息。\n\n要修改隐形系统卷的密码,请启动隐形操作系统,之后在 VeraCrypt 主界面选择〖系统〗->〖修改密码〗。\n\n要设置首密钥的生成算法,启动隐形操作系统并在程序窗口选择〖系统〗->〖设置首密钥生成算法〗。</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml index 257929a3..afb6b842 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-hk.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="zh-hk" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">如果您以前從未沒有使用過 VeraCrypt,我們推薦您先閱讀“VeraCrypt User Guide”文檔中的“Beginner's Tutorial”章節。您想要查看用戶指南嗎(聯網)?</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">請從下面選項中選擇要執行的操作:</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">修復/重新安裝</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="UPGRADE">更新</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="UNINSTALL">卸載</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SETUP_ADMIN">要成功安裝或卸載 VeraCrypt,您必須具有系統管理員許可權。您確認要繼續嗎?</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt 安裝程式正在執行 VeraCrypt 的安裝或更新。在您繼續進行前,請等待其完成或者關閉它。如果您無法關閉它,請在繼續之前重啟電腦。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="INSTALL_FAILED">安裝失敗。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">卸載失敗。</string> - <string lang="zh-hk" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">該安裝包已經損壞。請嘗試重新下載安裝包(優先建議從 VeraCrypt 官方網站 https://veracrypt.codeplex.com 下載)。</string> + <string lang="zh-hk" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">該安裝包已經損壞。請嘗試重新下載安裝包(優先建議從 VeraCrypt 官方網站 https://www.veracrypt.fr 下載)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">不能寫入檔 %s</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">正在釋放</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">不能從安裝包中讀取資料</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">不能驗證安裝包的完整性。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">釋放失敗。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="ROLLBACK">安裝已經回滾。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt 已成功安裝。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt 已經成功更新。</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="zh-hk" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">如果您想啟動隱形作業系統,只需要在 VeraCrypt 啟動管理器螢幕(該螢幕出現於您開機或者重啟系統的時候)輸入隱形作業系統的密碼。\n\n如果您想啟動迷惑作業系統,只需要在 VeraCrypt 啟動管理器螢幕輸入迷惑作業系統的密碼即可。\n\n迷惑作業系統的密碼可以洩漏給強迫您說出密碼的人,而此時隱藏加密卷(以及隱形作業系統)的存在仍然是保密的。\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">第三個密碼(外層加密卷的密碼),可以洩漏給強迫您說出系統分區之後那個分區密碼的人(這個分區包含外層加密卷和隱藏加密卷,隱藏加密卷中即為隱形系統)。而此時隱藏加密卷(以及隱形作業系統)的存在仍然是保密的。\n\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">如果您把迷惑系統的密碼洩漏給強迫您說出密碼的人,如果他詢問為什麼(迷惑)系統分區的自由空間包含亂數據,您可以回答,例如:"這個分區以前包含 VeraCrypt 加密的系統但是我忘記了密碼(或者說這個系統已經損壞和無法啟動了),因此我不得不安裝了 Windows 和重新加密了這個分區"。\n\n\n</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">如果您遵循了前面的指令並且遵循了《VeraCrypt User Guide》中的 "Security Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" 章節所提到的防護措施,則外人無法證明隱藏加密卷和隱形系統的存在,哪怕是外層加密卷已被載入或迷惑作業系統已被解密/啟動。\n\n如果您列印了此文本,在您創建迷惑作業系統之後並理解了文本中所述內容之後,強烈建議您銷毀這個文本(否則,如果該文本紙張被發現,可能會暗示電腦上有存在隱形系統的可能)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">警告:如果您沒有保護隱藏加密卷(保護的做法參考 VeraCrypt 用戶指南的"Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage"章節),請不要向外層加密卷寫入資料。否則您可能會覆蓋或損壞隱藏隱藏加密卷!請不要想外層加密卷寫入資料(注意,迷惑作業系統並未安裝在外層加密卷)。否則,您可能會覆蓋和損壞隱藏加密卷(以及在其內的隱形系統)!</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">正在克隆作業系統</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">在下一步中,VeraCrypt 將會通過複製當前運行系統的內容到隱藏加密卷來創建隱形系統(被複製的資料將會使用與迷惑系統不同的密鑰即時加密))。\n\n請注意該過程將會在啟動驗證環境中執行(在 Windows 啟動前),並可能花費較長的時間;可能需要花費幾個小時或者幾天(依據系統分區容量和電腦性能而定,例如PM1.6GHz加密時大概的速度是0.5GB/分鐘左右)。\n\n您可以中斷該過程,關機,啟動作業系統並在此之後繼續該過程。然而,如果您中斷該過程,整個複製系統的過程將會不得不從頭開始(因為系統分區的內容在克隆期間必須不能被改變)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">您想要取消整個隱形作業系統的創建過程嗎?\n\n注意:如果現在取消,您將無法繼續該進程。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">您要取消系統加密預測試嗎?</string> - <string lang="zh-hk" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt 系統加密預測試失敗。您希望再試一次嗎?\n\n如果您選擇 '否',則啟動驗證元件將會被卸載。\n\n說明:如果 VeraCrypt 啟動管理器在 Windows 啟動前不要求您輸入密碼,這很可能是您的作業系統並沒有從該系統所安裝的驅動器引導的。目前並不支援這種方式。\n\n- 如果您使用了AES 之外的加密演算法並且預測試失敗了(並且您也輸入了密碼),這可能由有設計缺陷的驅動導致的。選擇 '否',嘗試再次加密系統分區/設備,但是要使用 AES 加密演算法(該演算法所需記憶體最低)。\n\n- 更多可能導致該錯誤的原因,請參考: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="zh-hk" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">VeraCrypt 系統加密預測試失敗。您希望再試一次嗎?\n\n如果您選擇 '否',則啟動驗證元件將會被卸載。\n\n說明:如果 VeraCrypt 啟動管理器在 Windows 啟動前不要求您輸入密碼,這很可能是您的作業系統並沒有從該系統所安裝的驅動器引導的。目前並不支援這種方式。\n\n- 如果您使用了AES 之外的加密演算法並且預測試失敗了(並且您也輸入了密碼),這可能由有設計缺陷的驅動導致的。選擇 '否',嘗試再次加密系統分區/設備,但是要使用 AES 加密演算法(該演算法所需記憶體最低)。\n\n- 更多可能導致該錯誤的原因,請參考: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">該系統分區/驅動器看起來沒有被加密(或者是沒有被完全加密)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">您的系統分區/驅動器已加密(部分或完全加密)。\n\n請在繼續進行前解密這個系統分區/驅動器。操作步驟:在 VeraCrypt 主視窗的功能表中,選擇 '系統' > '永久解密系統分區/驅動器'。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">當系統分區/驅動器已被部份或完全加密時,您不能降級 VeraCrypt 的版本(但是可以更新到新版本或者從新安裝同一版本)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">您的系統分區/驅動器正在被加密/解密,或正在被修改。請在繼續操作前中斷這個加密/解密/修改進程(或者等待直到其完成)。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">已經有 VeraCrypt 加密卷創建嚮導的實例在運行,並且正在執行對系統分區/驅動器的加密或解密操作。在您繼續前,請等候其完成或者關閉該實例。如果您無法關閉這個實例,請在繼續操作前重啟電腦。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">加密或解密系統分區/驅動器的進程尚未完成。在進程完成前請稍候。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">錯誤:加密分區/驅動器的過程已經未完成,該過程必須首先完成。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">錯誤:加密 分區/卷 的過程尚未完成。您必須首先完成此過程。\n\n說明:要繼續該過程,在 TrueCrype 主介面的功能表中,選擇 '加密卷' > '繼續被中斷的過程'。</string> <string lang="zh-hk" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">密碼正確,VeraCrypt 已經成功解密加密卷頭資訊並檢測到了該加密卷存在一個隱形的作業系統。然而,您不能以此種方式修改隱形系統卷的頭資訊。\n\n要修改隱形系統卷的密碼,請啟動隱形作業系統,之後在 VeraCrypt 主介面選擇 '系統' > '修改密碼' 。\n\n要設置首密鑰的生成演算法,啟動隱形作業系統並在程式視窗選擇 '系統' > '設置首密鑰生成演算法'。</string> diff --git a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml index 8b2adad2..fc3863ab 100644 --- a/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml +++ b/Translations/Language.zh-tw.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="zh-tw" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">如果您以前從未沒有使用過 VeraCrypt,我們建議您先閱讀 VeraCrypt 使用者指南中的 Beginner's Tutorial 章節。您想要查看教學導覽嗎?</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">請從下面選擇要執行的操作:</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">修復/重新安裝</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="UNINSTALL">移除</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="INSTALL_FAILED">安裝失敗。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">移除失敗。</string> - <string lang="zh-tw" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">這發行包裝檔已經損壞。請試著再下載一次(最好從 VeraCrypt 官方網站 https://veracrypt.codeplex.com 下載)。</string> + <string lang="zh-tw" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">這發行包裝檔已經損壞。請試著再下載一次(最好從 VeraCrypt 官方網站 https://www.veracrypt.fr 下載)。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">不能寫入檔案 %s</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">正在解壓縮</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">不能從包裝檔中讀取資料</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">不能驗證發行包裝檔的完整性。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">解壓縮失敗。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="ROLLBACK">安裝已經被返回。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt 已成功安裝。</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">您要取消系統加密預先測試嗎?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">系統分割區/磁碟機看起來並未加密(即沒有部分也沒有完全加密)。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">您的系統分割區/磁碟機已加密(部分或完全加密)。\n\n請在繼續進行之前解密這個系統分割區/磁碟機。要這樣做,在 VeraCrypt 主視窗的選單中,選擇 "系統" > "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機"。</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">您的系統分割區/磁碟機正在被加密,解密,不然就是被修改。請在繼續操作前中斷這個加密/解密/修改的操作(或一直等到它完成)。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">已經有 VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈的執行實例在執行,而且正在執行對系統分割區/磁碟機的加密/解密操作。在您操作前,請等它完成或者將它關閉。如果您無法關閉它,請在繼續操作前重新啟動電腦。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作尚未完成。請等到它操作完成。</string> <string lang="zh-tw" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">錯誤:加密分割區/磁碟機的操作尚未完成。那必須要先完成。</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/src/Common/Dlgcode.c b/src/Common/Dlgcode.c index c177793b..5ff9a83b 100644 --- a/src/Common/Dlgcode.c +++ b/src/Common/Dlgcode.c @@ -6961,18 +6961,29 @@ void CorrectFileName (wchar_t* fileName) /* replace '/' by '\' */ size_t i, len = wcslen (fileName); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (fileName [i] == L'/') fileName [i] = L'\\'; } } +void CorrectURL (wchar_t* fileName) +{ + /* replace '\' by '/' */ + size_t i, len = wcslen (fileName); + for (i = 0; i < len; i++) + { + if (fileName [i] == L'\\') + fileName [i] = L'/'; + } +} + void IncreaseWrongPwdRetryCount (int count) { WrongPwdRetryCounter += count; } void ResetWrongPwdRetryCount (void) { WrongPwdRetryCounter = 0; @@ -10156,152 +10167,170 @@ std::wstring GetWindowsEdition () osname += s.str(); } return osname; } void Applink (char *dest, BOOL bSendOS, char *extraOutput) { - char url [MAX_URL_LENGTH]; + wchar_t url [MAX_URL_LENGTH] = {0}; + wchar_t page[MAX_PATH] = {0}; + wchar_t installDir[MAX_PATH] = {0}; + BOOL buildUrl = TRUE; + int r; ArrowWaitCursor (); + + GetModPath (installDir, MAX_PATH); - // sprintf_s (url, sizeof (url), TC_APPLINK "%s%s&dest=%s", bSendOS ? ("&os=" + GetWindowsEdition()).c_str() : "", extraOutput, dest); if (strcmp(dest, "donate") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Donation#VeraCryptDonation"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Donation.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "main") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),TC_HOMEPAGE); + StringCbCopyW (url, sizeof (url), TC_HOMEPAGE); + buildUrl = FALSE; } else if (strcmp(dest,"localizations") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Language%20Packs"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Language%20Packs.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "beginnerstutorial") == 0 || strcmp(dest,"tutorial") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Beginner%27s%20Tutorial"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Beginner%27s%20Tutorial.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "releasenotes") == 0 || strcmp(dest, "history") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Release%20Notes"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Release%20Notes.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "hwacceleration") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hardware%20Acceleration"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Hardware%20Acceleration.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "parallelization") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Parallelization"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Parallelization.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "help") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/documentation"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Documentation.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "keyfiles") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Keyfiles"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Keyfiles.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "introcontainer") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Creating%20New%20Volumes"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Creating%20New%20Volumes.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "introsysenc") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Encryption"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"System%20Encryption.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "hiddensysenc") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=VeraCrypt%20Hidden%20Operating%20System"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"VeraCrypt%20Hidden%20Operating%20System.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "sysencprogressinfo") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Encryption"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"System%20Encryption.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "hiddenvolume") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hidden%20Volume"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Hidden%20Volume.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "aes") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=AES"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"AES.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "serpent") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Serpent"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Serpent.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "twofish") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Twofish"); - } - else if (strcmp(dest, "gost89") == 0) - { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=GOST89"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Twofish.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "kuznyechik") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Kuznyechik"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Kuznyechik.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "camellia") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Camellia"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Camellia.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "cascades") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Cascades"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Cascades.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "hashalgorithms") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hash%20Algorithms"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Hash%20Algorithms.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "isoburning") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://cdburnerxp.se/en/home"); + StringCbCopyW (url, sizeof (url),L"https://cdburnerxp.se/en/home"); + buildUrl = FALSE; } else if (strcmp(dest, "sysfavorites") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Favorite%20Volumes"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"System%20Favorite%20Volumes.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "favorites") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Favorite%20Volumes"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Favorite%20Volumes.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "hiddenvolprotection") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Protection%20of%20Hidden%20Volumes"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Protection%20of%20Hidden%20Volumes.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "faq") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=FAQ"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"FAQ.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "downloads") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Downloads"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Downloads.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "news") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=News"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"News.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "contact") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Contact"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Contact.html"); } else if (strcmp(dest, "pim") == 0) { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Personal%20Iterations%20Multiplier%20%28PIM%29"); + StringCbCopyW (page, sizeof (page),L"Personal%20Iterations%20Multiplier%20%28PIM%29.html"); } else { - StringCbCopyA (url, sizeof (url),TC_APPLINK); + StringCbCopyW (url, sizeof (url),TC_APPLINK); + buildUrl = FALSE; + } + + if (buildUrl) + { + StringCbPrintfW (url, sizeof (url), L"file:///%sdocs/html/en/%s", installDir, page); + CorrectURL (url); } - ShellExecuteA (NULL, "open", url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); + + r = (int) ShellExecuteW (NULL, L"open", url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); + + if (((r == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) || (r == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND)) && buildUrl) + { + // fallbacl to online resources + StringCbPrintfW (url, sizeof (url), L"https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/%s", page); + ShellExecuteW (NULL, L"open", url, NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); + } Sleep (200); NormalCursor (); } wchar_t *RelativePath2Absolute (wchar_t *szFileName) { if (szFileName[0] != L'\\' diff --git a/src/Common/Dlgcode.h b/src/Common/Dlgcode.h index a1930f67..8d92cf40 100644 --- a/src/Common/Dlgcode.h +++ b/src/Common/Dlgcode.h @@ -330,18 +330,19 @@ void handleError ( HWND hwndDlg , int code, const char* srcPos ); BOOL CheckFileStreamWriteErrors (HWND hwndDlg, FILE *file, const wchar_t *fileName); void LocalizeDialog ( HWND hwnd, char *stringId ); void OpenVolumeExplorerWindow (int driveNo); static BOOL CALLBACK CloseVolumeExplorerWindowsEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM driveNo); BOOL CloseVolumeExplorerWindows (HWND hwnd, int driveNo); BOOL UpdateDriveCustomLabel (int driveNo, wchar_t* effectiveLabel, BOOL bSetValue); BOOL CheckCapsLock (HWND hwnd, BOOL quiet); BOOL CheckFileExtension (wchar_t *fileName); void CorrectFileName (wchar_t* fileName); +void CorrectURL (wchar_t* fileName); void IncreaseWrongPwdRetryCount (int count); void ResetWrongPwdRetryCount (void); BOOL WrongPwdRetryCountOverLimit (void); DWORD GetUsedLogicalDrives (void); int GetFirstAvailableDrive (); int GetLastAvailableDrive (); BOOL IsDriveAvailable (int driveNo); BOOL IsDeviceMounted (wchar_t *deviceName); int DriverUnmountVolume (HWND hwndDlg, int nDosDriveNo, BOOL forced); diff --git a/src/Common/Language.xml b/src/Common/Language.xml index 6c5697b4..a53d69a2 100644 --- a/src/Common/Language.xml +++ b/src/Common/Language.xml @@ -851,19 +851,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="AFTER_INSTALL_TUTORIAL">If you have never used VeraCrypt before, we recommend that you read the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide. Do you want to view the tutorial?</string> <string lang="en" key="SELECT_AN_ACTION">Please select an action to perform from the following:</string> <string lang="en" key="REPAIR_REINSTALL">Repair/Reinstall</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE">Upgrade</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL">Uninstall</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_ADMIN">To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue?</string> <string lang="en" key="TC_INSTALLER_IS_RUNNING">VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_FAILED">Installation failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation failed.</string> - <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://veracrypt.codeplex.com).</string> + <string lang="en" key="DIST_PACKAGE_CORRUPTED">This distribution package is damaged. Please try downloading it again (preferably from the official VeraCrypt website at https://www.veracrypt.fr).</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_WRITE_FILE_X">Cannot write file %s</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTING_VERB">Extracting</string> <string lang="en" key="CANNOT_READ_FROM_PACKAGE">Cannot read data from the package.</string> <string lang="en" key="CANT_VERIFY_PACKAGE_INTEGRITY">Cannot verify the integrity of this distribution package.</string> <string lang="en" key="EXTRACTION_FAILED">Extraction failed.</string> <string lang="en" key="ROLLBACK">The installation has been rolled back.</string> <string lang="en" key="INSTALL_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully installed.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_UPDATE_OK">VeraCrypt has been successfully updated.</string> <string lang="en" key="UPGRADE_OK_REBOOT_REQUIRED">VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now?</string> @@ -1226,19 +1226,19 @@ <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_14">If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_15">The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_16">If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_17">If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n</string> <string lang="en" key="DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS_PORTION_18">WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)!</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_TITLE">Operating System Cloning</string> <string lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PREINFO_HELP">In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning).</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION">Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now.</string> <string lang="en" key="CONFIRM_CANCEL_SYS_ENC_PRETEST">Do you want to cancel the system encryption pretest?</string> - <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Troubleshooting</string> + <string lang="en" key="BOOT_PRETEST_FAILED_RETRY">The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_DRIVE_NOT_ENCRYPTED">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted (neither partially nor fully).</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED">Your system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully).\n\nPlease decrypt your system partition/drive entirely before proceeding. To do so, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="SETUP_FAILED_BOOT_DRIVE_ENCRYPTED_DOWNGRADE">When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version).</string> <string lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_OR_DECRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS">Your system partition/drive is currently being encrypted, decrypted, or otherwise modified. Please interrupt the encryption/decryption/modification process (or wait until it is complete) before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_IN_PROGRESS_ELSEWHERE">An instance of the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard is currently running on this system and performing or preparing encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">The process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive has not been completed. Please wait until it is complete before proceeding.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED">Error: The process of encryption of the partition/drive has not been completed. It must be completed first.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_INCOMPLETE">Error: The process of encryption or decryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</string> <string lang="en" key="ERR_SYS_HIDVOL_HEAD_REENC_MODE_WRONG">The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'.</string> diff --git a/src/Common/Tcdefs.h b/src/Common/Tcdefs.h index 9a5cb43a..bcf2928e 100644 --- a/src/Common/Tcdefs.h +++ b/src/Common/Tcdefs.h @@ -353,21 +353,20 @@ void EraseMemory (void *memory, int size); #define TC_MAX_PATH MAX_PATH #else #define TC_MAX_PATH 260 /* Includes the null terminator */ #endif #define TC_STR_RELEASED_BY L"Released by IDRIX on " TC_STR_RELEASE_DATE #define MAX_URL_LENGTH 2084 /* Internet Explorer limit. Includes the terminating null character. */ -#define TC_HOMEPAGE "http://www.idrix.fr/" -#define TC_APPLINK "https://veracrypt.codeplex.com" -#define TC_APPLINK_SECURE "https://veracrypt.codeplex.com" +#define TC_HOMEPAGE L"https://www.idrix.fr/" +#define TC_APPLINK L"https://www.veracrypt.fr" enum { /* WARNING: ADD ANY NEW CODES AT THE END (DO NOT INSERT THEM BETWEEN EXISTING). DO *NOT* DELETE ANY EXISTING CODES! Changing these values or their meanings may cause incompatibility with other versions (for example, if a new version of the TrueCrypt installer receives an error code from an installed driver whose version is lower, it will report and interpret the error incorrectly). */ ERR_SUCCESS = 0, diff --git a/src/ExpandVolume/WinMain.cpp b/src/ExpandVolume/WinMain.cpp index 5ab9718c..70ea266a 100644 --- a/src/ExpandVolume/WinMain.cpp +++ b/src/ExpandVolume/WinMain.cpp @@ -947,19 +947,19 @@ BOOL CALLBACK MainDialogProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lPa if (lw == IDM_ABOUT ) { DialogBoxW (hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCEW (IDD_ABOUT_DLG), hwndDlg, (DLGPROC) AboutDlgProc); return 1; } if (lw == IDM_HOMEPAGE ) { ArrowWaitCursor (); - ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); + ShellExecute (NULL, L"open", L"https://www.veracrypt.fr", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); Sleep (200); NormalCursor (); return 1; } if (lw == IDC_SELECT_FILE) { SelectContainer (hwndDlg); diff --git a/src/Main/FatalErrorHandler.cpp b/src/Main/FatalErrorHandler.cpp index 37a10e73..28587630 100644 --- a/src/Main/FatalErrorHandler.cpp +++ b/src/Main/FatalErrorHandler.cpp @@ -63,19 +63,19 @@ namespace VeraCrypt #endif wstringstream vars; vars << L"cpus=" << wxThread::GetCPUCount(); vars << L"&cksum=" << hex << FatalErrorHandler::GetAppChecksum() << dec; vars << L"&err=" << signalInfo->si_signo; vars << L"&addr=" << hex << faultingInstructionAddress << dec; vars << FatalErrorHandler::GetCallStack (16); - wxString url = Gui->GetHomepageLinkURL (L"err-report", true, vars.str()); + wxString url = Gui->GetHomepageLinkURL (L"err-report", vars.str()); url.Replace (L"=0x", L"="); url.Replace (L"=0X0x", L"=0x"); url.Replace (L"=0X", L"=0x"); wxString msg = L"A critical error has occurred and VeraCrypt must be terminated. If this is caused by a bug in VeraCrypt, we would like to fix it. To help us, you can send us an automatically generated error report containing the following items:\n\n- Program version\n- Operating system version\n- Hardware architecture\n- Checksum of VeraCrypt executable\n- Error category\n- Error address\n"; #if wxUSE_STACKWALKER == 1 msg += L"- VeraCrypt call stack\n"; #endif msg += L"\nIf you select 'Yes', the following URL (which contains the entire error report) will be opened in your default Internet browser.\n\n"; @@ -206,19 +206,19 @@ namespace VeraCrypt vars << L"cpus=" << wxThread::GetCPUCount(); vars << wxString::Format (L"&cksum=%x", GetAppChecksum()); vars << L"&exception=" << exName; vars << L"&exlocation=" << exPos; vars << FatalErrorHandler::GetCallStack (16); vars.Replace (L"::", L"."); vars.Replace (L":", L"."); - wxString url = Gui->GetHomepageLinkURL (L"err-report", true, vars); + wxString url = Gui->GetHomepageLinkURL (L"err-report", vars); url.Replace (L"=0x", L"="); url.Replace (L"=0X0x", L"=0x"); url.Replace (L"=0X", L"=0x"); wxString msg = L"An unhandled exception has occurred and VeraCrypt must be terminated. If this is caused by a bug in VeraCrypt, we would like to fix it. To help us, you can send us an automatically generated error report containing the following items:\n\n- Program version\n- Operating system version\n- Hardware architecture\n- Checksum of VeraCrypt executable\n- Error description\n- Error location\n"; #if wxUSE_STACKWALKER == 1 msg += L"- VeraCrypt call stack\n"; #endif msg += L"\nIf you select 'Yes', the following URL (which contains the entire error report) will be opened in your default Internet browser.\n\n"; diff --git a/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp b/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp index a5687a71..f69a2413 100644 --- a/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp +++ b/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.cpp @@ -1081,148 +1081,160 @@ namespace VeraCrypt { if (wxExecute (fileType->GetOpenCommand (document.GetFullPath())) != 0) return; } catch (TimeOut&) { } } #endif } - wxString GraphicUserInterface::GetHomepageLinkURL (const wxString &linkId, bool secure, const wxString &extraVars) const + wxString GraphicUserInterface::GetHomepageLinkURL (const wxString &linkId, const wxString &extraVars) const { - wxString url = wxString (StringConverter::ToWide (secure ? TC_APPLINK_SECURE : TC_APPLINK)); + wxString url = wxString (TC_APPLINK); + bool buildUrl = true; if (linkId == L"donate") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Donation#VeraCryptDonation"; + url = L"Donation.html"; } else if (linkId == L"main") { - url = wxString (StringConverter::ToWide (TC_HOMEPAGE)); + url = wxString (TC_HOMEPAGE); + buildUrl = false; } else if (linkId == L"localizations") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Language%20Packs"; + url = L"Language%20Packs.html"; } else if (linkId == L"beginnerstutorial" || linkId == L"tutorial") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Beginner%27s%20Tutorial"; + url = L"Beginner%27s%20Tutorial.html"; } else if (linkId == L"releasenotes" || linkId == L"history") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Release%20Notes"; + url = L"Release%20Notes.html"; } else if (linkId == L"hwacceleration") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hardware%20Acceleration"; + url = L"Hardware%20Acceleration.html"; } else if (linkId == L"parallelization") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Parallelization"; + url = L"Parallelization.html"; } else if (linkId == L"help") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/documentation"; + url = L"Documentation.html"; } else if (linkId == L"keyfiles") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Keyfiles"; + url = L"Keyfiles.html"; } else if (linkId == L"introcontainer") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Creating%20New%20Volumes"; + url = L"Creating%20New%20Volumes.html"; } else if (linkId == L"introsysenc") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Encryption"; + url = L"System%20Encryption.html"; } else if (linkId == L"hiddensysenc") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=VeraCrypt%20Hidden%20Operating%20System"; + url = L"VeraCrypt%20Hidden%20Operating%20System.html"; } else if (linkId == L"sysencprogressinfo") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Encryption"; + url = L"System%20Encryption.html"; } else if (linkId == L"hiddenvolume") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hidden%20Volume"; + url = L"Hidden%20Volume.html"; } else if (linkId == L"aes") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=AES"; + url = L"AES.html"; } else if (linkId == L"serpent") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Serpent"; + url = L"Serpent.html"; } else if (linkId == L"twofish") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Twofish"; + url = L"Twofish.html"; } else if (linkId == L"camellia") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Camellia"; + url = L"Camellia.html"; } else if (linkId == L"kuznyechik") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Kuznyechik"; + url = L"Kuznyechik.html"; } else if (linkId == L"cascades") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Cascades"; + url = L"Cascades.html"; } else if (linkId == L"hashalgorithms") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Hash%20Algorithms"; + url = L"Hash%20Algorithms.html"; } else if (linkId == L"isoburning") { url = L"https://cdburnerxp.se/en/home"; + buildUrl = false; } else if (linkId == L"sysfavorites") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=System%20Favorite%20Volumes"; + url = L"System%20Favorite%20Volumes.html"; } else if (linkId == L"favorites") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Favorite%20Volumes"; + url = L"Favorite%20Volumes.html"; } else if (linkId == L"hiddenvolprotection") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Protection%20of%20Hidden%20Volumes"; + url = L"Protection%20of%20Hidden%20Volumes.html"; } else if (linkId == L"faq") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=FAQ"; + url = L"FAQ.html"; } else if (linkId == L"downloads") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Downloads"; + url = L"Downloads.html"; } else if (linkId == L"news") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=News"; + url = L"News.html"; } else if (linkId == L"contact") { - url = L"https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Contact"; + url = L"Contact.html"; + } + else + { + buildUrl = false; + } + + if (buildUrl) + { + url = L"https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/" + url; } return url; } void GraphicUserInterface::OpenHomepageLink (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &linkId, const wxString &extraVars) { wxString url; BeginInteractiveBusyState (parent); - wxLaunchDefaultBrowser (GetHomepageLinkURL (linkId, false, extraVars), wxBROWSER_NEW_WINDOW); + wxLaunchDefaultBrowser (GetHomepageLinkURL (linkId, extraVars), wxBROWSER_NEW_WINDOW); Thread::Sleep (200); EndInteractiveBusyState (parent); } void GraphicUserInterface::OpenOnlineHelp (wxWindow *parent) { OpenHomepageLink (parent, L"help"); } diff --git a/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.h b/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.h index a7056f08..38f34201 100644 --- a/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.h +++ b/src/Main/GraphicUserInterface.h @@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ namespace VeraCrypt virtual void EndBusyState () const { wxEndBusyCursor(); } virtual void EndInteractiveBusyState (wxWindow *window) const; virtual void ExportSecurityTokenKeyfile () const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); } virtual wxTopLevelWindow *GetActiveWindow () const; virtual shared_ptr <GetStringFunctor> GetAdminPasswordRequestHandler (); virtual int GetCharHeight (wxWindow *window) const; virtual int GetCharWidth (wxWindow *window) const; virtual int GetDefaultBorderSize () const { return 5; } virtual wxFont GetDefaultBoldFont (wxWindow *window) const; - virtual wxString GetHomepageLinkURL (const wxString &linkId, bool secure = false, const wxString &extraVars = wxEmptyString) const; + virtual wxString GetHomepageLinkURL (const wxString &linkId, const wxString &extraVars = wxEmptyString) const; virtual wxFrame *GetMainFrame () const { return mMainFrame; } virtual int GetScrollbarWidth (wxWindow *window, bool noScrollBar = false) const; virtual list <long> GetListCtrlSelectedItems (wxListCtrl *listCtrl) const; virtual wxString GetListCtrlSubItemText (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, int columnIndex) const; virtual void ImportSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); } virtual void InitSecurityTokenLibrary () const; virtual void InsertToListCtrl (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, const vector <wstring> &itemFields, int imageIndex = -1, void *itemDataPtr = nullptr) const; virtual bool IsInBackgroundMode () const { return BackgroundMode; } virtual bool IsTheOnlyTopLevelWindow (const wxWindow *window) const; diff --git a/src/Readme.txt b/src/Readme.txt index 44c11e23..14bf05ff 100644 --- a/src/Readme.txt +++ b/src/Readme.txt @@ -222,19 +222,19 @@ IV. Third-Party Developers (Contributors) If you intend to implement a feature, please contact us first to make sure: 1) That the feature has not been implemented (we may have already implemented it, but haven't released the code yet). 2) That the feature is acceptable. 3) Whether we need help of third-party developers with implementing the feature. Information on how to contact us can be found at: -https://veracrypt.codeplex.com/ +https://www.veracrypt.fr/ V. Legal Information ==================== Copyright Information --------------------- diff --git a/src/Setup/Setup.c b/src/Setup/Setup.c index 6f35e282..705ff5eb 100644 --- a/src/Setup/Setup.c +++ b/src/Setup/Setup.c @@ -1038,19 +1038,19 @@ BOOL DoRegInstall (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t *szDestDir, BOOL bInstallType) if (SystemEncryptionUpdate) { if (RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\VeraCrypt", 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_WRITE | KEY_WOW64_32KEY, NULL, &hkey, &dw) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), _T(VERSION_STRING)); RegSetValueEx (hkey, L"DisplayVersion", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szTmp, (wcslen (szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)); - StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), _T(TC_HOMEPAGE)); + StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), TC_HOMEPAGE); RegSetValueEx (hkey, L"URLInfoAbout", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szTmp, (wcslen (szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)); RegCloseKey (hkey); } return TRUE; } StringCbCopyW (szDir, sizeof(szDir), szDestDir); @@ -1163,19 +1163,19 @@ BOOL DoRegInstall (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t *szDestDir, BOOL bInstallType) StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), L"VeraCrypt"); if (RegSetValueEx (hkey, L"DisplayName", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szTmp, (wcslen (szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), L"IDRIX"); if (RegSetValueEx (hkey, L"Publisher", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szTmp, (wcslen (szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; - StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), _T(TC_HOMEPAGE)); + StringCbCopyW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), TC_HOMEPAGE); if (RegSetValueEx (hkey, L"URLInfoAbout", 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) szTmp, (wcslen (szTmp) + 1) * sizeof (wchar_t)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto error; bOK = TRUE; error: if (hkey != 0) RegCloseKey (hkey); @@ -1828,19 +1828,19 @@ BOOL DoShortcutsInstall (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t *szDestDir, BOOL bProgGroup, BOOL IconMessage (hwndDlg, szTmp2); if (CreateLink (szTmp, L"", szTmp2, NULL, -1) != S_OK) goto error; StringCbPrintfW (szTmp2, sizeof(szTmp2), L"%s%s", szLinkDir, L"\\VeraCrypt Website.url"); IconMessage (hwndDlg, szTmp2); f = _wfopen (szTmp2, L"w"); if (f) { - fprintf (f, "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=%s\n", TC_APPLINK); + fprintf (f, "[InternetShortcut]\nURL=%S\n", TC_APPLINK); CheckFileStreamWriteErrors (hwndDlg, f, szTmp2); fclose (f); } else goto error; StringCbPrintfW (szTmp, sizeof(szTmp), L"%s%s", szDir, L"VeraCrypt Setup.exe"); StringCbPrintfW (szTmp2, sizeof(szTmp2), L"%s%s", szLinkDir, L"\\Uninstall VeraCrypt.lnk"); |