path: root/Translations/
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Diffstat (limited to 'Translations/')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/Translations/ b/Translations/
index 406d3b56..df1af7eb 100644
--- a/Translations/
+++ b/Translations/
@@ -130,18 +130,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_READONLY">Mount selected volume as read-o&amp;nly</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Mount selected volume as remo&amp;vable medium</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_DOWN">Move &amp;Down</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_MOVE_UP">Move &amp;Up</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_OPEN_EXPLORER_WIN_ON_MOUNT">Open &amp;Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_REMOVE">&amp;Remove</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAVORITE_USE_LABEL_IN_EXPLORER">Use favorite label as Explorer drive label</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FAV_VOL_OPTIONS_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_BOX">Global Settings</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_DISMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_DISMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_BALLOON_TOOLTIP">Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_UNMOUNT_PLAY_SOUND">Play system notification sound after successful hot-key dismount</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_ALT">Alt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_HK_MOD_CTRL">Ctrl</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_SHIFT">Shift</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HK_MOD_WIN">Win</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HOTKEY_ASSIGN">Priradiť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_HOTKEY_REMOVE">Odstrániť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_KEYFILES">Súbor. kľúče...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL">Do not use the following number of logical processors for encryption/decryption:</entry>
@@ -151,30 +151,30 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_MOUNTALL">&amp;Autom. pripojiť zariadenie</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Možnosti pripojenia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_MOUNT_READONLY">Pripojiť zväzok len &amp;na čítanie</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_NEW_KEYFILES">Súbor. kľúče...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_OLD_PIM_HELP">(Empty or 0 for default iterations)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PIM_HELP">(Empty or 0 for default iterations)</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_BKG_TASK_ENABLE">Povolené</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_CACHE_PASSWORDS">Ukladať hesla do pamäti ovládača</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_INACTIVE">Autom. odpojiť zväzok pokiaľ z/do neho nebolo čítané/zapisované</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_LOGOFF">Užívateľ sa odhlasuje</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_SESSION_LOCKED">User session locked</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_POWERSAVING">Prechádzam do úsporného režimu</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_DISMOUNT_SCREENSAVER">Je spustený šetrič obrazovky</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_FORCE_AUTO_DISMOUNT">Vynútiť automatické odpojenie aj keď zväzok obsahuje otvorené súbory alebo adresáre</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_INACTIVE">Autom. odpojiť zväzok pokiaľ z/do neho nebolo čítané/zapisované</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_LOGOFF">Užívateľ sa odhlasuje</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_SESSION_LOCKED">User session locked</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_POWERSAVING">Prechádzam do úsporného režimu</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_UNMOUNT_SCREENSAVER">Je spustený šetrič obrazovky</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_FORCE_AUTO_UNMOUNT">Vynútiť automatické odpojenie aj keď zväzok obsahuje otvorené súbory alebo adresáre</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_LOGON_MOUNT_DEVICES">Príp. všetky zväzky umiestnené na zariadeniach</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_LOGON_START">Start VeraCrypt Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_MOUNT_READONLY">Pripojiť zväzky len na čítanie</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_MOUNT_REMOVABLE">Pripojiť zväzky ako vymeniteľné média</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_OPEN_EXPLORER">Otvoriť okno Prieskumníka pre úspešne pripojený zväzok</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_TEMP_CACHE_ON_MULTIPLE_MOUNT">Temporarily cache password during "Mount Favorite Volumes" operations</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PREF_USE_DIFF_TRAY_ICON_IF_VOL_MOUNTED">Use a different taskbar icon when there are mounted volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTODISMOUNT">Odstrániť hesla z medzipamäte a automaticky odpojiť</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_AUTOUNMOUNT">Odstrániť hesla z medzipamäte a automaticky odpojiť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_PREF_WIPE_CACHE_ON_EXIT">Odstrániť hesla z medzipamäte pri skončenie</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_PRESERVE_TIMESTAMPS">Preserve modification timestamp of file containers</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_RESET_HOTKEYS">Vymazať</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_SELECT_DEVICE">Vybrať &amp;zariadenie...</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_SELECT_FILE">Vybrať &amp;súbor...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select &amp;Library...</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_CHPWD_NEW">Zobraziť heslo</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDC_SHOW_PASSWORD_CHPWD_ORI">Zobraziť heslo</entry>
@@ -264,24 +264,24 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="IDM_VOLUME_PROPERTIES">Vlastnosti zväzku</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDM_VOLUME_WIZARD">Sprievodca vytvorením zväzku</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDM_WEBSITE">Domovská stránka VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDM_WIPE_CACHE">Odstrániť hesla z medzipamäte</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDOK">OK</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_ACCELERATION_OPTIONS">Hardware Acceleration</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_ASSIGN_HOTKEY">Klávesová skratka</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_AUTORUN">Konfigurácia automatického spúšťania (autorun.inf)</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_AUTO_DISMOUNT">Automatické odpojenie</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_AUTO_DISMOUNT_ON">Odpojiť vše keď:</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT">Automatické odpojenie</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON">Odpojiť vše keď:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_BOOT_LOADER_SCREEN_OPTIONS">Boot Loader Screen Options</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_CONFIRM_PASSWORD">Potvrdiť heslo:</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_CURRENT">Aktuálny</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_CUSTOM_BOOT_LOADER_MESSAGE">Display this custom message in the pre-boot authentication screen (24 characters maximum):</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_DEFAULT_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Pôvodné (default) predvoľby pripojenia</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_DISMOUNT_ACTION">Predvoľby klávesových skratiek</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="IDT_UNMOUNT_ACTION">Predvoľby klávesových skratiek</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_DRIVER_OPTIONS">Driver Configuration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_EXTENDED_IOCTL_SUPPORT">Enable extended disk control codes support</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_FAVORITE_LABEL">Label of selected favorite volume:</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_FILE_SETTINGS">Nastavanie súboru</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_HOTKEY_KEY">Kláves k priradeniu:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDT_HW_AES_SUPPORTED_BY_CPU">Processor (CPU) in this computer supports hardware acceleration for AES:</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_LOGON">Akcia na vykonanie po prihlásení do Windows</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDT_MINUTES">minút</entry>
@@ -418,18 +418,18 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_FREE_BYTES">Veľkosť %s je %.2f bajtov</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_FREE_KB">Veľkosť %s je %.2f KB</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_FREE_MB">Veľkosť %s je %.2f MB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_GB">Size of %s is %.2f GB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_TB">Size of %s is %.2f TB</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_FREE_PB">Size of %s is %.2f PB</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_FORMAT">VÝSTRAHA: zariadenie/oddiel sa používa operačným systémom alebo aplikáciami. Formátovanie zariadenia/oddielu môže spôsobiť poškodenie dát alebo systémovou nestabilitu.\n\nPokračovať?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INPLACE_ENC">Warning: The partition is in use by the operating system or applications. You should close any applications that might be using the partition (including antivirus software).\n\nContinue?</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_CANT_DISMOUNT_FILESYS">Chyba: zariadenie/oddiel obsahuje systém súborov, ktorý nie je možné pripojiť. Systém súborov môže byť používaný operačným systémom. Formátovanie zariadenia/oddielu by pravdepodobne spôsobilo poškodenie dát a systémovou nestabilitu.\n\nPre vyriešenie tohto problému doporučujeme najskôr zmazať oddiel a potom ho znova vytvoriť bez formátovania. Postupujte nasledovne: 1) Pravý-klik myšou na ikonu 'Tento počítač' alebo v menu 'Štart' vyberte 'Spravovať'. Zobrazí sa okno 'Správa počítača'. 2) V okne 'Správa počítača' vyberte 'ukladací priestor' &gt; 'Správa diskov'. 3) Pravý-klik myšou na oddiel, ktorý chcete zašifrovať a vyberte buď 'zmazať oddiel' alebo 'zmazať zväzok' alebo 'zmazať logický disk'. 4) kliknite 'Áno'. pokiaľ sa Windows opýta na reštart počítača, vykonajte tak. Potom zopakujte kroky 1 a 2 a pokračujte od kroku 5. 5) Pravý-klik na nealokované/Voľné miesto a vyberte buď 'Nový oddiel' alebo 'Nový obyčajný zväzok' alebo 'Nový logický disk'. 6) Zobrazí sa okno 'Sprievodca vytvorením nového oddielu' alebo 'Sprievodca nového jednoduchého zväzku'; nasledujte ich inštrukcie. Na stránke Sprievodca nazvanej 'sformátovať oddiel' vyberte buď 'Naformátovať tento oddiel' alebo 'Naformátovať tento zväzok'. V rovnakom sprievodcovi kliknite 'Ďalší' a potom 'Dokončiť'. 7) Cesta k zariadeniu, ktorú ste vybrali v programe VeraCrypt môže byť teraz nesprávne. Ukončite preto Sprievodcu vytvorením oddielu VeraCrypt (Pokiaľ stále beží) a spustite ho znova. 8) skúste zašifrovať zariadenie/oddiel znova.\n\nPokiaľ VeraCrypt opakovane zlyháva pri šifrovaní zariadenia/oddielu, skúste miesto toho vytvorenie súborového zväzku.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_DISMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_CANT_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Chyba: zariadenie/oddiel obsahuje systém súborov, ktorý nie je možné pripojiť. Systém súborov môže byť používaný operačným systémom. Formátovanie zariadenia/oddielu by pravdepodobne spôsobilo poškodenie dát a systémovou nestabilitu.\n\nPre vyriešenie tohto problému doporučujeme najskôr zmazať oddiel a potom ho znova vytvoriť bez formátovania. Postupujte nasledovne: 1) Pravý-klik myšou na ikonu 'Tento počítač' alebo v menu 'Štart' vyberte 'Spravovať'. Zobrazí sa okno 'Správa počítača'. 2) V okne 'Správa počítača' vyberte 'ukladací priestor' &gt; 'Správa diskov'. 3) Pravý-klik myšou na oddiel, ktorý chcete zašifrovať a vyberte buď 'zmazať oddiel' alebo 'zmazať zväzok' alebo 'zmazať logický disk'. 4) kliknite 'Áno'. pokiaľ sa Windows opýta na reštart počítača, vykonajte tak. Potom zopakujte kroky 1 a 2 a pokračujte od kroku 5. 5) Pravý-klik na nealokované/Voľné miesto a vyberte buď 'Nový oddiel' alebo 'Nový obyčajný zväzok' alebo 'Nový logický disk'. 6) Zobrazí sa okno 'Sprievodca vytvorením nového oddielu' alebo 'Sprievodca nového jednoduchého zväzku'; nasledujte ich inštrukcie. Na stránke Sprievodca nazvanej 'sformátovať oddiel' vyberte buď 'Naformátovať tento oddiel' alebo 'Naformátovať tento zväzok'. V rovnakom sprievodcovi kliknite 'Ďalší' a potom 'Dokončiť'. 7) Cesta k zariadeniu, ktorú ste vybrali v programe VeraCrypt môže byť teraz nesprávne. Ukončite preto Sprievodcu vytvorením oddielu VeraCrypt (Pokiaľ stále beží) a spustite ho znova. 8) skúste zašifrovať zariadenie/oddiel znova.\n\nPokiaľ VeraCrypt opakovane zlyháva pri šifrovaní zariadenia/oddielu, skúste miesto toho vytvorenie súborového zväzku.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_LOCK_OR_UNMOUNT_FILESYS">Error: The filesystem could not be locked and/or dismounted. It may be in use by the operating system or applications (for example, antivirus software). Encrypting the partition might cause data corruption and system instability.\n\nPlease close any applications that might be using the filesystem (including antivirus software) and try again. If it does not help, please follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_IN_USE_INFO">UPOZORNENIE: Niektoré z pripojených zariadení/oddielov boli už používané!\n\nIgnorovanie môže spôsobiť nežiaduce následky vrátane nestability systému.\n\nDôrazne doporučujeme zatvoriť všetky aplikácie, ktoré by mohli zariadenie/oddiely používať.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR">Vybrané zariadenie obsahuje oddiely.\n\nSformátovanie zariadenia by mohlo spôsobiť systémovou nestabilitu a/alebo poškodenie údajov. Vyberte prosím oddiel na zariadenie alebo odstráňte všetky oddiely na zariadení, aby ho mohol VeraCrypt bezpečne sformátovať.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_PARTITIONS_ERR_W_INPLACE_ENC_NOTE">The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="WHOLE_NONSYS_DEVICE_ENC_CONFIRM">Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="AFTER_FORMAT_DRIVE_LETTER_WARN">IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OS_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_NTFS_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ONLY_MOUNTED_VOL_SUPPORTED_FOR_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC">The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place").</entry>
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_FREE_DRIVES">Žiadne písmeno disku nie je k dispozícií.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_FREE_DRIVE_FOR_OUTER_VOL">Nie je k dispozícií žiadne voľné písmeno disku pre externý zväzok! vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_OS_VER">Verzia Vášho operačného systému nebola rozpoznaná alebo používate nepodporovaný operačný systém.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_PATH_SELECTED">Nebola vybratá cesta!</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_HIDDEN_VOL">Pre skrytý zväzok nie je dostatok voľného miesta! Vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_VOLUME_TOO_SMALL_FOR_OS_CLONE">Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPENFILES_DRIVER">Ovládač nemôže odpojiť zväzok. Niektoré súbory umiestnené na zväzku sú pravdepodobne ešte otvorené.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPENFILES_LOCK">Zväzok nemohol byť uzamknutý. Na zväzku sú stále otvorené súbory. Preto nemôže byť odpojený.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_DISMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOL_LOCK_FAILED_OFFER_FORCED_UNMOUNT">VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPEN_VOL_TITLE">Vyberte zväzok VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPEN_TITLE">Zadajte cestu a meno súboru</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SELECT_PKCS11_MODULE">Select PKCS #11 Library</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OUTOFMEMORY">Nedostatok pamäti</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_DEVICE_FOR_ADVANCED_ONLY">IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT">WARNING: The file '%s' already exists!\n\nIMPORTANT: VERACRYPT WILL NOT ENCRYPT THE FILE, BUT IT WILL DELETE IT. Are you sure you want to delete the file and replace it with a new VeraCrypt container?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="OVERWRITEPROMPT_DEVICE">CAUTION: ALL FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE SELECTED %s '%s'%s WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_CONFIRM">WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s?</entry>
@@ -724,17 +724,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_HIDDEN_NOT_NORMAL_VOLUME">Error: You supplied a password for a hidden volume (not for a normal volume).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERR_HIDDEN_VOL_HOST_ENCRYPTED_INPLACE">For security reasons, a hidden volume cannot be created within a VeraCrypt volume containing a filesystem that has been encrypted in place (because the free space on the volume has not been filled with random data).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LEGAL_NOTICES_DLG_TITLE">VeraCrypt - Legal Notices</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ALL_FILES">Všetky súbory</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="TC_VOLUMES">Zväzky VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DLL_FILES">Library Modules</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_NTFS_STOP">NTFS formátovanie nemôže pokračovať.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_MOUNT_VOLUME">Zväzok nie je možné pripojiť.</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="CANT_DISMOUNT_VOLUME">Zväzok nie je možné odpojiť.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_VOLUME">Zväzok nie je možné odpojiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FORMAT_NTFS_FAILED">Windows nemohol sformátovať zväzok ako NTFS.\n\nVyberte prosím iný systému súborov (ak je to možné) a skúste to znova. Poprípade môžete nechať zväzok nenaformátovaný (vyberte 'Žiaden' systém súborov), Ukončite tohto sprievodcu, pripojte zväzok a potom použite buď systémový nástroj alebo nástroj tretej strany k sformátovaniu pripojeného zväzku (zväzok zostane zašifrovaný).</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FORMAT_NTFS_FAILED_ASK_FAT">Windows failed to format the volume as NTFS.\n\nDo you want to format the volume as FAT instead?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEFAULT">Predvolený</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PARTITION_LOWER_CASE">partition</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="PARTITION_UPPER_CASE">ODDIEL</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE">zariadenie</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DEVICE_LOWER_CASE">device</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DEVICE_UPPER_CASE">ZARIADENIE</entry>
@@ -766,17 +766,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="VOL_CONTAINS_A_HIDDEN_VOL">The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_ACCESS_VOL">Chyba: Ku zväzku nie je možné pristúpiť!\n\nUbezpečte sa, že vybraný zväzok existuje, že nie je pripojený používaný systémom alebo aplikáciou, že máte práva na čítanie/zápis zväzku a že zväzok nie je chránený proti zápisu.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain volume properties.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_CANT_ACCESS_OR_GET_INFO_ON_VOL_ALT">Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_ALT_STEPS">An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_ENC_GENERIC_ERR_RESUME">An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption of the partition.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INPLACE_DEC_GENERIC_ERR">An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible.</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="CANT_DISMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Chyba: externý zväzok nie je možné odpojiť!\n\nZväzok nemôže byť odpojený pokiaľ obsahuje súbory alebo zložky používané programom alebo systémom.\n\nZatvorte prosím akýkoľvek program, ktorý by mohol súbory alebo adresáre na zväzku používať a kliknite znova.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="CANT_UNMOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Chyba: externý zväzok nie je možné odpojiť!\n\nZväzok nemôže byť odpojený pokiaľ obsahuje súbory alebo zložky používané programom alebo systémom.\n\nZatvorte prosím akýkoľvek program, ktorý by mohol súbory alebo adresáre na zväzku používať a kliknite znova.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANT_GET_OUTER_VOL_INFO">Error: Cannot obtain information about the outer volume!\nVolume creation cannot continue.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_ACCESS_OUTER_VOL">Chyba: nie je možné pristúpiť na externý zväzok! Vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_MOUNT_OUTER_VOL">Chyba: Nemôžem pripojiť externý zväzok! Vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_GET_CLUSTER_BITMAP">Chyba: nie je možné získať bitmapu clusteru zväzku! Vytvorenie zväzku nie je možné dokončiť.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ALPHABETICAL_CATEGORIZED">Abecedne/podľa kategórií</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="MEAN_SPEED">Priemerná rýchlosť (zostupne)</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ALGORITHM">Algoritmus</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ENCRYPTION">Šifrovanie</entry>
@@ -877,17 +877,17 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="CREATING_SYS_RESTORE">Vytváram bod obnovenia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FAILED_SYS_RESTORE">Bod obnovenia sa nepodarilo vytvoriť!</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALLER_UPDATING_BOOT_LOADER">Updating boot loader</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="INSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to install '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue installing?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OF_FAILED">Failed to uninstall '%s'. %s\nDo you want to continue uninstalling?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="INSTALL_COMPLETED">Inštalácia dokončená.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANT_CREATE_FOLDER">Zložka '%s' nemohla byť vytvorená</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CLOSE_TC_FIRST">Ovládač zariadenia VeraCrypt nemôže byť odstránený.\n\nZatvorte prosím najskôr všetky okná VeraCrypt. Pokiaľ to nepomôže, reštartujte prosím Windows a skúste to znova.</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="DISMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">Všetky zväzky VeraCrypt musí byť odpojené pred inštaláciou alebo odinštaláciou programu VeraCrypt.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_FIRST">Všetky zväzky VeraCrypt musí byť odpojené pred inštaláciou alebo odinštaláciou programu VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNINSTALL_OLD_VERSION_FIRST">An obsolete version of VeraCrypt is currently installed on this system. It needs to be uninstalled before you can install this new version of VeraCrypt.\n\nAs soon as you close this message box, the uninstaller of the old version will be launched. Note that no volume will be decrypted when you uninstall VeraCrypt. After you uninstall the old version of VeraCrypt, run the installer of the new version of VeraCrypt again.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="REG_INSTALL_FAILED">Inštalácia záznamov do registrov zlyhala</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DRIVER_INSTALL_FAILED">Inštalácie ovládača zariadenia zlyhala. Reštartujte prosím Windows a skúste potom nainštalovať VeraCrypt znova.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="STARTING_DRIVER">Štartujem ovládač VeraCrypt zariadenia</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DRIVER_UINSTALL_FAILED">Uninstallation of the device driver has failed. Please note that, due to a Windows issue, it may be necessary to log off or restart the system before the device driver can be uninstalled (or reinstalled).</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="INSTALLING_DRIVER">Inštalujem ovládač VeraCrypt zariadenia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="STOPPING_DRIVER">Zastavujem ovládač VeraCrypt zariadenia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="REMOVING_DRIVER">Odinštalovanie ovládača VeraCrypt zariadenia</entry>
@@ -898,17 +898,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="CONTAINER_ADMIN_WARNING">Warning: This instance of the Volume Creation Wizard has administrator privileges.\n\nYour new volume may be created with permissions that will not allow you to write to the volume when it is mounted. If you want to avoid that, close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard and launch a new one without administrator privileges.\n\nDo you want to close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_DISPLAY_LICENSE">Error: Cannot display license.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OUTER_VOL_WRITE_PREVENTED">externý(!)</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="DAYS">dní</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HOURS">hodín</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="MINUTES">minút</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SECONDS">s</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="OPEN">Otvoriť</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="DISMOUNT">Odpojiť</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="UNMOUNT">Odpojiť</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SHOW_TC">Zobraziť VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDE_TC">Skryť VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="TOTAL_DATA_READ">Prečítané dáta od pripojenia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="TOTAL_DATA_WRITTEN">Zapísané dáta od pripojenia</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION">Encrypted Portion</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION_FULLY_ENCRYPTED">100% (fully encrypted)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ENCRYPTED_PORTION_NOT_ENCRYPTED">0% (not encrypted)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PROCESSED_PORTION_X_PERCENT">%.3f%%</entry>
@@ -970,17 +970,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_ISO_IMAGE_CHECK_FAILED">The Rescue Disk image verification failed.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk image will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk image fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ERROR_CREATING_RESCUE_DISK">Error creating VeraCrypt Rescue Disk.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_CREATE_RESCUE_DISK_ON_HIDDEN_OS">VeraCrypt Rescue Disk cannot be created when a hidden operating system is running.\n\nTo create a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, boot the decoy operating system and then select 'System' &gt; 'Create Rescue Disk'.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_CHECK_FAILED">Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly burned.\n\nIf you have burned the Rescue Disk, please eject and reinsert the CD/DVD; then click Next to try again. If this does not help, please try another medium%s.\n\nIf you have not burned the Rescue Disk yet, please do so, and then click Next.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created before you started this wizard, please note that such Rescue Disk cannot be used, because it was created for a different master key. You need to burn the newly generated Rescue Disk.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RESCUE_DISK_CHECK_FAILED_SENTENCE_APPENDIX"> and/or other CD/DVD recording software</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_FAVORITES_DLG_TITLE">VeraCrypt - System Favorite Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_HELP_LINK">What are system favorite volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_FAVORITES_REQUIRE_PBA">The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted.\n\nSystem favorite volumes can be mounted using only a pre-boot authentication password. Therefore, to enable use of system favorite volumes, you need to encrypt the system partition/drive first.</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="DISMOUNT_FIRST">Pred pokračovaním odpojte prosím zväzok.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="UNMOUNT_FIRST">Pred pokračovaním odpojte prosím zväzok.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CANNOT_SET_TIMER">Error: Cannot set timer.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDPM_CHECK_FILESYS">Skontrolovať systém súborov</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="IDPM_REPAIR_FILESYS">Opraviť systém súborov</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_ADD_TO_FAVORITES">Add to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_ADD_TO_SYSTEM_FAVORITES">Add to System Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDPM_PROPERTIES">P&amp;roperties...</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDDEN_VOL_PROTECTION">Skrytý zväzok je chránený</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NOT_APPLICABLE_OR_NOT_AVAILABLE">N/A</entry>
@@ -1004,40 +1004,40 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="LARGE_IDE_WARNING_2K_REGISTRY">VAROVANIE: Podpora 48-bit LBA ATAPI je vo Vašom systéme zakázaná. Preto by ste nemali zapisovať na IDE disky väčšie ako 128 GB! Pokiaľ tak učiníte, údaje na disku (či už je to VeraCrypt zväzok alebo nie) sa môžu poškodiť. Toto je obmedzenie Windows, nie programu VeraCrypt.\n\nPre povolenie podpory 48-bit LBA, pridajte hodnotu 'EnableBigLba' do registrov v reg. kľúči HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters and zadajte mu hodnotu 1.\n\nPre viac informácií viď</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32">Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_TOO_LARGE_FOR_WINXP">Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="FREE_SPACE_FOR_WRITING_TO_OUTER_VOLUME">UPOZORNENIE: pokiaľ budete chcieť v budúcností prídávať viac dát/súborov/files na externý zväzok, mali by ste zvážiť či nevybrať menšiu veľkosť skrytého zväzku.\n\nSte si istí, že chcete pokračovať so zadanou veľkosťou?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="NO_VOLUME_SELECTED">Nie je vybratý žiaden zväzok.\n\nKliknite 'Vybrať zariadenie' alebo 'Vybrať súbor' pre výber zväzku VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SYSENC_PARTITION_SELECTED">No partition selected.\n\nClick 'Select Device' to select a dismounted partition that normally requires pre-boot authentication (for example, a partition located on the encrypted system drive of another operating system, which is not running, or the encrypted system partition of another operating system).\n\nNote: The selected partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume without pre-boot authentication. This is useful e.g. for backup or repair operations.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SAVE_DEFAULT_KEYFILES">WARNING: If default keyfiles are set and enabled, volumes that are not using these keyfiles will be impossible to mount. Therefore, after you enable default keyfiles, keep in mind to uncheck the 'Use keyfiles' checkbox (below a password input field) whenever mounting such volumes.\n\nAre you sure you want to save the selected keyfiles/paths as default?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_AUTOMOUNT_DEVICES">Autom. pripojiť zariadenie</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="HK_DISMOUNT_ALL">Odpojiť všetko</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL">Odpojiť všetko</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_WIPE_CACHE">Vyčistiť Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HK_DISMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_DISMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých &amp; Vyčistiť medzipamäť</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_DISMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých, Vyčistiť medzipamäť &amp; Koniec</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HK_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Dismount All &amp; Wipe Cache</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých &amp; Vyčistiť medzipamäť</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="HK_FORCE_UNMOUNT_ALL_AND_WIPE_AND_EXIT">Vynútiť odpojenie všetkých, Vyčistiť medzipamäť &amp; Koniec</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_MOUNT_FAVORITE_VOLUMES">Pripojiť obľúbené oddiely</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW">Zobraziť/skryť Hlavné okno programe VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="PRESS_A_KEY_TO_ASSIGN">(Kliknite sem a stlačte klávesu)</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ACTION">Akcia</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SHORTCUT">Klávesová skratka</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CANNOT_USE_RESERVED_KEY">Chyba: Táto klávesová skratka je rezervovaná. Vyberte prosím inú klávesovú skratku.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SHORTCUT_ALREADY_IN_USE">Chyba: Klávesová skratka sa už používa.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="HOTKEY_REGISTRATION_ERROR">VÝSTRAHA: Jedna alebo viac VeraCrypt systémových klávesových skratiek nebude fungovať!\n\nUbezpečte sa, že ďalšie aplikácie a operačný systém nepoužívajú rovnaké klávesové skratky ako VeraCrypt.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="PAGING_FILE_CREATION_PREVENTED">Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENC_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="HIDDEN_OS_HIBERNATION_PREVENTED">Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_DISMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_DISMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_DISMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_DISMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_MOUNTED_AS_DRIVE_LETTER_X_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="VOLUMES_UNMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED">VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="SUCCESSFULLY_UNMOUNTED">Successfully dismounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_BACKGROUND_TASK_DISABLED">WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task?</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTODISMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: pokiaľ je táto voľba vypnutá, zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebude možné automaticky odpojiť.\n\nSte si istí, že chcete túto voľbu vypnúť?</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_DISMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebudú automaticky odpojené.\n\nAby ste tomu zabránili, povoľte nasledujúcu voľbu v tomto dialógovom okne: 'Vynútiť automatické odpojenie, aj keď zväzok obsahuje otvorené súbory alebo adresáre'</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_DISMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="CONFIRM_NO_FORCED_AUTOUNMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: pokiaľ je táto voľba vypnutá, zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebude možné automaticky odpojiť.\n\nSte si istí, že chcete túto voľbu vypnúť?</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT">UPOZORNENIE: zväzky obsahujúce otvorené súbory/adresáre nebudú automaticky odpojené.\n\nAby ste tomu zabránili, povoľte nasledujúcu voľbu v tomto dialógovom okne: 'Vynútiť automatické odpojenie, aj keď zväzok obsahuje otvorené súbory alebo adresáre'</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="WARN_PREF_AUTO_UNMOUNT_ON_POWER">WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_RESUME_PROMPT">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to start (resume) the process now?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL">Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption of non-system partitions/volumes?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="KEEP_PROMPTING_ME">Yes, keep prompting me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DO_NOT_PROMPT_ME">No, do not prompt me</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_NOTIFICATION_REMOVAL_NOTE">IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' &gt; 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION_SCHEDULED_BUT_PBA_FAILED">You have scheduled the process of encryption or decryption of the system partition/drive. However, pre-boot authentication failed (or was bypassed).\n\nNote: If you decrypted the system partition/drive in the pre-boot environment, you may need to finalize the process by selecting 'System' &gt; 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_EXIT">WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit?</entry>
@@ -1058,17 +1058,17 @@
<entry lang="sk" key="HIDVOL_PROT_BKG_TASK_WARNING">UPOZORNENIE: VeraCrypt možnosť úloha na pozadí je vypnutá. Po skončení programu VeraCrypt, či je zabránené poškodenie skrytého zväzku.\n\nPozn.: úlohu na pozadí môžete kedykoľvek zatvoriť kliknutím pravého tlačidla myši na ikonu programu VeraCrypt v pravom dolnom rohu a vyberte 'Koniec'.\n\nPovoliť VeraCrypt úlohu na pozadí?</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="LANG_PACK_VERSION">Verzia jazykového balíčka: %s</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="CHECKING_FS">Kontrolujem systém súborov na zväzku VeraCrypt pripojeného ako %s...</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="REPAIRING_FS">Pokúšam sa opraviť súborový systém na zväzku VeraCrypt pripojenom ako %s...</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="WARN_64_BIT_BLOCK_CIPHER">Varovanie: Tento zväzok je zašifrovaný odkazovaným šifrovacím algoritmom.\n\nVšetky 64-bit-blokové šifrovacie algoritmy (napr. Blowfish, CAST-128 alebo Triple DES) sú neschválené. Tento zväzok bude možné pripojiť použitím budúcej verzia programu VeraCrypt. Treba si tiež uvedomiť, že žiadne ďalšie vylepšenia týchto odkazovaných šifrovacích algoritmov nebudú. Doporučujeme Vám vytvoriť nový VeraCrypt zväzok zašifrovaný 128-bit-blokovým šifrovacím algoritmem (napr. AES, Serpent, Twofish, apod.) a presuňte všetky súboru z tohto zväzku do nového.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SYS_AUTOMOUNT_DISABLED">Váš systém nie je nakonfigurovaný k autom. pripojeniu nových zväzkov. Môže sa stať, že zväzky VeraCrypt umiestnené na zariadeniach nebude možné pripojiť. Autom. pripojenia môže byť povolené spustením nasledujúceho príkazu a reštartovaním systému.\n\nmountvol.exe /E</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="SYS_ASSIGN_DRIVE_LETTER">Priraďte prosím písmeno jednotke oddielu/zariadeniu, ako budete pokračovať ('Ovládacie panely' &gt; 'Systém a údržba' &gt; 'Administr. nástroje' - 'Vytvoriť a formátovať oddiely pevného disku').\n\nToto je požiadavka operačného systému.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="MOUNT_TC_VOLUME">Pripojiť zväzok VeraCrypt</entry>
- <entry lang="sk" key="DISMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Odpojiť všetky zväzky VeraCrypt</entry>
+ <entry lang="sk" key="UNMOUNT_ALL_TC_VOLUMES">Odpojiť všetky zväzky VeraCrypt</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="UAC_INIT_ERROR">VeraCrypt nemohol získať Administrátorské práva.</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="ERR_ACCESS_DENIED">Prístup bol odoprený operačným systémom.\n\nMožná príčina: operačný systém vyžaduje, aby ste mali práva na čítanie/zápis (alebo administrátorské oprávnenia) pre určité zložky, súbory a zariadenia, aby ste mohli čítať a zapisovať údaje do/z nich. Užívateľ bez administrátorských práv môže normálne vytvárať, čítať a meniť súbory vo svojej zložke s dokumentmi.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SECTOR_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED">Error: The drive uses an unsupported sector size.\n\nIt is currently not possible to create partition/device-hosted volumes on drives that use sectors larger than 4096 bytes. However, note that you can create file-hosted volumes (containers) on such drives.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYSENC_UNSUPPORTED_SECTOR_SIZE_BIOS">It is currently not possible to encrypt a system installed on a disk that uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NO_SPACE_FOR_BOOT_LOADER">The VeraCrypt Boot Loader requires at least 32 KBytes of free space at the beginning of the system drive (the VeraCrypt Boot Loader needs to be stored in that area). Unfortunately, your drive does not meet this condition.\n\nPlease do NOT report this as a bug/problem in VeraCrypt. To solve this problem, you will need to repartition your disk and leave the first 32 KBytes of the disk free (in most cases, you will need to delete and recreate the first partition). We recommend that you use the Microsoft partition manager that is available e.g. when you are installing Windows.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">The feature is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_CURRENT_OS">VeraCrypt does not support encryption of a system partition/drive on the version of the operating system you are currently using.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="SYS_ENCRYPTION_UNSUPPORTED_ON_VISTA_SP0">Before you can encrypt the system partition/drive on Windows Vista, you need to install Service Pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista (no such Service Pack has been installed on this system yet).\n\nNote: Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista resolved an issue causing a shortage of free base memory during system boot.</entry>
@@ -1301,18 +1301,18 @@
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY">Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="MOUNTED_DEVICE_FORCED_READ_ONLY_WRITE_PROTECTION">Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMIT_ENC_THREAD_POOL_NOTE">Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="NUMBER_OF_THREADS">%d threads</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISABLED_HW_AES_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LIMITED_THREAD_COUNT_AFFECTS_PERFORMANCE">Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="ASK_REMOVE_DEVICE_WRITE_PROTECTION">Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_SETTING_DEGRADES_PERFORMANCE">WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting?</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_DISMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_DISMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN_TITLE">Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="HOST_DEVICE_REMOVAL_UNMOUNT_WARN">Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT">This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TEST">Test</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="KEYFILE">Súborový kľúč</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_08">Backspace</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_09">Tab</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_0C">Clear</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_0D">Enter</entry>
<entry lang="sk" key="VKEY_13">Pauza</entry>
@@ -1448,17 +1448,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_FORCE_VERACRYPT_FIRST_BOOT_ENTRY">Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="RAM_ENCRYPTION_DISABLE_HIBERNATE">WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="CONFIRM_DISABLE_FAST_STARTUP">WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="QUICK_FORMAT_HELP">In order to enable your operating system to mount your new volume, it has to be formatted with a filesystem. Please select a filesystem type.\n\nIf your volume is going to be hosted on a device or partition, you can use 'Quick format' to skip encryption of free space of the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDC_ENABLE_HARDWARE_ENCRYPTION_NEG">Do not accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="IDM_ADD_ALL_VOLUME_TO_FAVORITES">Add All Mounted Volumes to Favorites...</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_MENU_ITEMS">Task Icon Menu Items</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_OPEN_VOL">Open Mounted Volumes</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_DISMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="TASKICON_PREF_UNMOUNT_VOL">Dismount Mounted Volumes</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="DISK_FREE">Free space available: {0}</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="VOLUME_SIZE_HELP">Please specify the size of the container to create. Note that the minimum possible size of a volume is 292 KiB.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_INNER_VOLUME_CALC">WARNING: You have selected a filesystem other than FAT for the outer volume.\nPlease Note that in this case VeraCrypt can't calculate the exact maximum allowed size for the hidden volume and it will use only an estimation that can be wrong.\nThus, it is your responsibility to use an adequate value for the size of the hidden volume so that it does not overlap the outer volume.\n\nDo you want to continue using the selected filesystem for the outer volume?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SECURITY">Security</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_MOUNT_OPTIONS">Mount Options</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_BACKGROUND_TASK">Background Task</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION">System Integration</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_PREF_TAB_SYSTEM_INTEGRATION_EXPLORER">Filesystem Explorer</entry>
@@ -1478,24 +1478,24 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY">Enter your user password or administrator password:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ADMIN_PW_QUERY_TITLE">Administrator privileges required</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_RUNNING_ALREADY">VeraCrypt is already running.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_ENC_PW_LENGTH_NOTE">System Encryption password is longer than {0} characters.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_SYSTEM_ENC_PREBOOT">Mount partition &amp;using system encryption (preboot authentication)</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DO_NOT_MOUNT">Do &amp;not mount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNT_AT_DIR">Mount at directory:</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SELECT">Se&amp;lect...</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNMOUNT_ALL_WHEN">Dismount All Volumes When</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ENTERING_POWERSAVING">System is entering power saving mode</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_LOGIN_ACTION">Actions to Perform when User Logs On</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_DISMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CLOSE_EXPL_ON_UNMOUNT">Close all Explorer windows of volume being dismounted</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HOTKEYS">Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SYSTEM_HOTKEYS">System-Wide Hotkeys</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_SOUND_NOTIFICATION">Play system notification sound after mount/dismount</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_DISMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CONFIRM_AFTER_UNMOUNT">Display confirmation message box after dismount</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VC_QUITS">VeraCrypt quits</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OPEN_FINDER">Open Finder window for successfully mounted volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_ONLY_SETTING">Please note that this setting takes effect only if use of the kernel cryptographic services is disabled.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DISABLE_KERNEL_CRYPT_CONFIRM">Disabling the use of kernel cryptographic services can degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure?</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_CRYPT_OPTION_CHANGE_MOUNTED_HINT">Please note that disabling this option may have no effect on volumes mounted using kernel cryptographic services.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_REMOUNT_BECAUSEOF_SETTING">Please note that any currently mounted volumes need to be remounted before they can use this setting.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED">Unknown exception occurred.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_FIRST_AID">"Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.</entry>
@@ -1517,17 +1517,17 @@
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MOUNTET_HINT">The filesystem of the selected device is currently mounted. Please dismount '{0}' before proceeding.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_PASS_NO_DIFF">The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_FAT_HINT">Please note that the volume will not be formatted with a FAT filesystem and, therefore, you may be required to install additional filesystem drivers on platforms other than {0}, which will enable you to mount the volume.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_ERROR_SIZE_HIDDEN_VOL">Error: The hidden volume to be created is larger than {0} TB ({1} GB).\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a container/partition smaller than {0} TB.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_MAX_SIZE_HINT">- Use a drive with 4096-byte sectors to be able to create partition/device-hosted hidden volumes up to 16 TB in size</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_DOT_LF">.\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_NOT_SUPPORTED"> (not supported by components available on this platform).\n</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_KERNEL_OLD">Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later.</entry>
- <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_DISMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
+ <entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_UNMOUNTED">Volume {0} has been dismounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_VOL_MOUNTED">Volume {0} has been mounted.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_OOM">Out of memory.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV">Failed to obtain administrator privileges</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR">Command {0} returned error {1}.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_CMD_HELP">VeraCrypt Command Line Help</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_HIDDEN_FILES_PRESENT_IN_KEYFILE_PATH">\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_DEVICESECTORSIZEMISMATCH">Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch</entry>
<entry lang="en" key="LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED">This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running.</entry>