path: root/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main/UserInterface.cpp')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp b/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
index 35396b46..b4bfe836 100644
--- a/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
+++ b/src/Main/UserInterface.cpp
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
#ifdef TC_LINUX
if (!Preferences.NonInteractive)
if (!SystemInfo::IsVersionAtLeast (2, 6, 24))
- ShowWarning (_("Your system uses an old version of the Linux kernel.\n\nDue to a bug in the Linux kernel, your system may stop responding when writing data to a VeraCrypt volume. This problem can be solved by upgrading the kernel to version 2.6.24 or later."));
+ ShowWarning (LangString["LINUX_KERNEL_OLD"]);
#endif // TC_LINUX
@@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
if (Preferences.Verbose)
if (!message.IsEmpty())
message += L'\n';
- message += StringFormatter (_("Volume \"{0}\" has been dismounted."), wstring (volume->Path));
+ message += StringFormatter (LangString["LINUX_VOL_DISMOUNTED"], wstring (volume->Path));
if (twoPassMode && firstPass)
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
wxString prop;
foreach_ref (const VolumeInfo &volume, volumes)
- prop << _("Slot") << L": " << StringConverter::FromNumber (volume.SlotNumber) << L'\n';
+ prop << LangString["TOKEN_SLOT_ID"] << L": " << StringConverter::FromNumber (volume.SlotNumber) << L'\n';
prop << LangString["VOLUME"] << L": " << wstring (volume.Path) << L'\n';
#ifndef TC_WINDOWS
prop << LangString["VIRTUAL_DEVICE"] << L": " << wstring (volume.VirtualDevice) << L'\n';
@@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
// bad_alloc
const bad_alloc *outOfMemory = dynamic_cast <const bad_alloc *> (&ex);
if (outOfMemory)
- return _("Out of memory.");
+ return LangString["LINUX_OOM"];
// Unresolved exceptions
string typeName (StringConverter::GetTypeName (typeid (ex)));
size_t pos = typeName.find ("VeraCrypt::");
@@ -383,14 +383,14 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
wstring errOutput;
// ElevationFailed
if (dynamic_cast <const ElevationFailed*> (&ex))
- errOutput += wxString (_("Failed to obtain administrator privileges")) + (StringConverter::Trim (execEx->GetErrorOutput()).empty() ? L". " : L": ");
+ errOutput += wxString (LangString["LINUX_CANT_GET_ADMIN_PRIV"]) + (StringConverter::Trim (execEx->GetErrorOutput()).empty() ? L". " : L": ");
errOutput += StringConverter::ToWide (execEx->GetErrorOutput());
if (errOutput.empty())
- return errOutput + StringFormatter (_("Command \"{0}\" returned error {1}."), execEx->GetCommand(), execEx->GetExitCode());
+ return errOutput + StringFormatter (LangString["LINUX_COMMAND_GET_ERROR"], execEx->GetCommand(), execEx->GetExitCode());
return wxString (errOutput).Trim (true);
@@ -405,9 +405,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
if (Keyfile::WasHiddenFilePresentInKeyfilePath())
#ifdef TC_UNIX
- message += _("\n\nWarning: Hidden files are present in a keyfile path. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove the leading dot from their filenames. Hidden files are visible only if enabled in system options.");
@@ -441,62 +441,63 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
wxString UserInterface::ExceptionTypeToString (const std::type_info &ex)
#define EX2MSG(exception, message) do { if (ex == typeid (exception)) return (message); } while (false)
EX2MSG (DriveLetterUnavailable, LangString["DRIVE_LETTER_UNAVAILABLE"]);
- EX2MSG (DeviceSectorSizeMismatch, _("Storage device and VC volume sector size mismatch"));
- EX2MSG (EncryptedSystemRequired, _("This operation must be performed only when the system hosted on the volume is running."));
+ EX2MSG (EncryptedSystemRequired, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_ENCRYPTEDSYSTEMREQUIRED"]);
EX2MSG (ExternalException, LangString["EXCEPTION_OCCURRED"]);
- EX2MSG (InsufficientData, _("Not enough data available."));
+ EX2MSG (InsufficientData, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_INSUFFICIENTDATA"]);
EX2MSG (InvalidSecurityTokenKeyfilePath, LangString["INVALID_TOKEN_KEYFILE_PATH"]);
EX2MSG (HigherVersionRequired, LangString["NEW_VERSION_REQUIRED"]);
- EX2MSG (KernelCryptoServiceTestFailed, _("Kernel cryptographic service test failed. The cryptographic service of your kernel most likely does not support volumes larger than 2 TB.\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Upgrade the Linux kernel to version 2.6.33 or later.\n- Disable use of the kernel cryptographic services (Settings > Preferences > System Integration) or use 'nokernelcrypto' mount option on the command line."));
EX2MSG (KeyfilePathEmpty, LangString["ERR_KEYFILE_PATH_EMPTY"]);
- EX2MSG (LoopDeviceSetupFailed, _("Failed to set up a loop device."));
- EX2MSG (MissingArgument, _("A required argument is missing."));
- EX2MSG (MissingVolumeData, _("Volume data missing."));
- EX2MSG (MountPointRequired, _("Mount point required."));
- EX2MSG (MountPointUnavailable, _("Mount point is already in use."));
+ EX2MSG (MissingArgument, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_MISSINGARGUMENT"]);
+ EX2MSG (MissingVolumeData, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_MISSINGVOLUMEDATA"]);
+ EX2MSG (MountPointRequired, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_MOUNTPOINTREQUIRED"]);
+ EX2MSG (MountPointUnavailable, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_MOUNTPOINTUNAVAILABLE"]);
EX2MSG (NoDriveLetterAvailable, LangString["NO_FREE_DRIVES"]);
- EX2MSG (PasswordEmpty, _("No password or keyfile specified."));
+ EX2MSG (PasswordEmpty, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_PASSWORDEMPTY"]);
EX2MSG (PasswordIncorrect, LangString["PASSWORD_WRONG"]);
EX2MSG (PasswordKeyfilesIncorrect, LangString["PASSWORD_OR_KEYFILE_WRONG"]);
- EX2MSG (PasswordOrKeyboardLayoutIncorrect, LangString["PASSWORD_OR_KEYFILE_WRONG"] + _("\n\nNote that pre-boot authentication passwords need to be typed in the pre-boot environment where non-US keyboard layouts are not available. Therefore, pre-boot authentication passwords must always be typed using the standard US keyboard layout (otherwise, the password will be typed incorrectly in most cases). However, note that you do NOT need a real US keyboard; you just need to change the keyboard layout in your operating system."));
- EX2MSG (PasswordOrMountOptionsIncorrect, LangString["PASSWORD_OR_KEYFILE_OR_MODE_WRONG"] + _("\n\nNote: If you are attempting to mount a partition located on an encrypted system drive without pre-boot authentication or to mount the encrypted system partition of an operating system that is not running, you can do so by selecting 'Options >' > 'Mount partition using system encryption'."));
- EX2MSG (PasswordTooLong, StringFormatter (_("Password is longer than {0} characters."), (int) VolumePassword::MaxSize));
+ EX2MSG (PasswordTooLong, StringFormatter (LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_PASSWORDTOOLONG"], (int) VolumePassword::MaxSize));
EX2MSG (PasswordUTF8TooLong, LangString["PASSWORD_UTF8_TOO_LONG"]);
EX2MSG (PasswordLegacyUTF8TooLong, LangString["LEGACY_PASSWORD_UTF8_TOO_LONG"]);
EX2MSG (PasswordUTF8Invalid, LangString["PASSWORD_UTF8_INVALID"]);
- EX2MSG (PartitionDeviceRequired, _("Partition device required."));
- EX2MSG (ProtectionPasswordIncorrect, _("Incorrect password to the protected hidden volume or the hidden volume does not exist."));
- EX2MSG (ProtectionPasswordKeyfilesIncorrect,_("Incorrect keyfile(s) and/or password to the protected hidden volume or the hidden volume does not exist."));
+ EX2MSG (PartitionDeviceRequired, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_PARTITIONDEVICEREQUIRED"]);
+ EX2MSG (ProtectionPasswordIncorrect, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_PROTECTIONPASSWORDINCORRECT"]);
EX2MSG (RootDeviceUnavailable, LangString["NODRIVER"]);
EX2MSG (SecurityTokenKeyfileAlreadyExists, LangString["TOKEN_KEYFILE_ALREADY_EXISTS"]);
EX2MSG (SecurityTokenKeyfileNotFound, LangString["TOKEN_KEYFILE_NOT_FOUND"]);
EX2MSG (SecurityTokenLibraryNotInitialized, LangString["PKCS11_MODULE_INIT_FAILED"]);
- EX2MSG (StringConversionFailed, _("Invalid characters encountered."));
- EX2MSG (StringFormatterException, _("Error while parsing formatted string."));
- EX2MSG (TemporaryDirectoryFailure, _("Failed to create a file or directory in a temporary directory.\n\nPlease make sure that the temporary directory exists, its security permissions allow you to access it, and there is sufficient disk space."));
+ EX2MSG (StringConversionFailed, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_STRINGCONVERSIONFAILED"]);
+ EX2MSG (StringFormatterException, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_STRINGFORMATTEREXCEPTION"]);
+ EX2MSG (TemporaryDirectoryFailure, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_TEMPORARYDIRECTORYFAILURE"]);
EX2MSG (UnportablePassword, LangString["UNSUPPORTED_CHARS_IN_PWD"]);
#if defined (TC_LINUX)
EX2MSG (UnsupportedSectorSize, LangString["SECTOR_SIZE_UNSUPPORTED"]);
- EX2MSG (UnsupportedSectorSizeHiddenVolumeProtection, _("Error: The drive uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.\n\nDue to limitations of components available on your platform, outer volumes hosted on the drive cannot be mounted using hidden volume protection.\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Use a drive with 512-byte sectors.\n- Create a file-hosted volume (container) on the drive.\n- Backup the contents of the hidden volume and then update the outer volume."));
- EX2MSG (UnsupportedSectorSizeNoKernelCrypto, _("Error: The drive uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.\n\nDue to limitations of components available on your platform, partition/device-hosted volumes on the drive can only be mounted using kernel cryptographic services.\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Enable use of the kernel cryptographic services (Preferences > System Integration).\n- Use a drive with 512-byte sectors.\n- Create a file-hosted volume (container) on the drive."));
- EX2MSG (UnsupportedSectorSize, _("Error: The drive uses a sector size other than 512 bytes.\n\nDue to limitations of components available on your platform, partition/device-hosted volumes cannot be created/used on the drive.\n\nPossible solutions:\n- Create a file-hosted volume (container) on the drive.\n- Use a drive with 512-byte sectors.\n- Use VeraCrypt on another platform."));
+ EX2MSG (UnsupportedSectorSize, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_UNSUPPORTEDSECTORSIZE"]);
EX2MSG (VolumeAlreadyMounted, LangString["VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED"]);
EX2MSG (VolumeEncryptionNotCompleted, LangString["ERR_ENCRYPTION_NOT_COMPLETED"]);
- EX2MSG (VolumeHostInUse, _("The host file/device is already in use."));
- EX2MSG (VolumeSlotUnavailable, _("Volume slot unavailable."));
+ EX2MSG (VolumeSlotUnavailable, LangString["LINUX_EX2MSG_VOLUMESLOTUNAVAILABLE"]);
EX2MSG (UnsupportedAlgoInTrueCryptMode, LangString["ALGO_NOT_SUPPORTED_FOR_TRUECRYPT_MODE"]);
EX2MSG (UnsupportedTrueCryptFormat, LangString["UNSUPPORTED_TRUECRYPT_FORMAT"]);
#ifdef TC_MACOSX
- EX2MSG (HigherFuseVersionRequired, _("VeraCrypt requires OSXFUSE 2.5 or above."));
#undef EX2MSG
return L"";
@@ -799,9 +800,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
ShowError (e);
catch (...)
- ShowError (_("Unknown exception occurred."));
+ ShowError (LangString["LINUX_UNKNOWN_EXC_OCCURRED"]);
Application::SetExitCode (1);
@@ -1006,9 +1007,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
foreach_ref (const VolumeInfo &volume, mountedVolumes)
if (!message.IsEmpty())
message += L'\n';
- message += StringFormatter (_("Volume \"{0}\" has been mounted."), wstring (volume.Path));
+ message += StringFormatter (LangString["LINUX_VOL_DISMOUNTED"], wstring (volume.Path));
ShowInfo (message);
@@ -1325,9 +1326,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
#ifndef TC_NO_GUI
if (Application::GetUserInterfaceType() == UserInterfaceType::Graphic)
- wxDialog dialog (nullptr, wxID_ANY, _("VeraCrypt Command Line Help"), wxDefaultPosition);
+ wxDialog dialog (nullptr, wxID_ANY, LangString["LINUX_CMD_HELP"], wxDefaultPosition);
wxTextCtrl *textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl (&dialog, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTE_MULTILINE | wxTE_READONLY);
textCtrl->SetFont (wxFont (wxNORMAL_FONT->GetPointSize(), wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, L"Courier"));
textCtrl->SetValue (helpText);
@@ -1337,9 +1338,9 @@ namespace VeraCrypt
dialog.SetSize (wxSize (fontWidth * 85, fontHeight * 29));
wxBoxSizer *sizer = new wxBoxSizer (wxVERTICAL);
sizer->Add (textCtrl, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND, 5);
- sizer->Add (new wxButton (&dialog, wxID_OK, _("OK")), 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
+ sizer->Add (new wxButton (&dialog, wxID_OK, LangString["IDOK"]), 0, wxALL | wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL, 5);
dialog.SetSizer (sizer);