path: root/src/Main/Forms
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2015-02-08Linux/MacOSX: use command line values of TrueCryptMode and PRF as defaults fo...Mounir IDRASSI6-9/+33
2015-01-04Linux/MacOSX: Add wait dialog to the benchmark computation. Correct handling ...Mounir IDRASSI4-22/+42
2015-01-04Linux/MacOSX: make the cancel button work on the preferences dialog.Mounir IDRASSI1-1/+1
2015-01-04Linux/MacOSX: change cascade encryption naming format in the UI as it was don...Mounir IDRASSI3-4/+4
2015-01-03Linux/MacOSX: workaround for wxWidgets bug in the method wxTextEntry::IsEmpty...Mounir IDRASSI1-1/+1
2014-12-30Linux/MacOSX: Implement TrueCrypt conversion and loading support. Correct man...Mounir IDRASSI13-21/+264
2014-12-28Linux/MacOSX: Add possibility to choose 1-pass wipe mode without changing the...Mounir IDRASSI2-4/+4
2014-12-26Linux/MacOSX: Implement waiting dialog for lengthy operations in order to hav...Mounir IDRASSI10-9/+530
2014-12-20Linux/MacOSX: Add a donation menu entryMounir IDRASSI4-0/+23
2014-12-19Linux/MacOSX: Enhance performance by implementing the possibility to choose t...Mounir IDRASSI8-11/+22
2014-12-11Linux/macOSX: always display random gathering dialog/interface before perform...Mounir IDRASSI1-0/+2
2014-12-11Linux/MacOSX: Implement generating more than one keyfile, specifying the size...Mounir IDRASSI5-11/+947
2014-12-07MacOSX/Linux: Solve truncated text in some Wizard windows by defining a large...VeraCrypt_1.0f-BETA2Mounir IDRASSI3-9/+9
2014-11-08Replace deprecated wxTextValidator::SetBellOnError whose logic whose inverted...Mounir IDRASSI1-2/+4
2014-11-08Linux/MacOSX: Remove static size values from GUI in order to let wxWidgets ca...Mounir IDRASSI3-11/+20
2014-11-08Linux: Support NTFS formatting of volume. We use mkfs.ntfs so it needs to be ...Mounir IDRASSI2-0/+2
2014-11-08MacOSX : correct compilation issue caused by system API deprication and use o...Mounir IDRASSI1-1/+1
2014-11-08Linux GUI : hide the wipe choice during volume creation. Remove extra content...Mounir IDRASSI3-3/+5
2014-11-08Correct compilation error under Linux introduced in latest commitMounir IDRASSI1-1/+1
2014-11-08Linux/MacOSX port of manual selection of number of passes for volume header o...Mounir IDRASSI6-3/+210
2014-11-08Change namespace from TrueCrypt to VeraCrypt. Rename method from Resources Re...Mounir IDRASSI60-63/+63
2014-11-08Update wxFormBuild file to latest version (3.5 beta) and generate new Forms.c...Mounir IDRASSI3-4086/+12798
2014-11-08Change legacy version check in newly added Linux/MacOSX sources from 0x600 (T...Mounir IDRASSI1-2/+2
2014-11-08wxWidgets 3.0 compatibility modificationsMounir IDRASSI3-3/+3
2014-11-08Replace TrueCrypt references in added sources and resources by VeraCrypt ones.Mounir IDRASSI8-33/+33
2014-11-08Add TrueCrypt 7.1a MacOSX/Linux specific source files.Mounir IDRASSI63-0/+29240
href='#n331'>331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381
 Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
 by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.

 Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) 
 and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX
 and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
 contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
 code distribution packages.

#ifndef TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption
#define TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption

#include "Tcdefs.h"
#include "Dlgcode.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "Platform/PlatformBase.h"
#include "Volumes.h"
#include <Winternl.h>


typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *NtQuerySystemInformationFn)(
		SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,
		PVOID                    SystemInformation,
      ULONG                    SystemInformationLength,
		PULONG                   ReturnLength

typedef ULONG (WINAPI *RtlNtStatusToDosErrorFn)(

using namespace std;

namespace VeraCrypt
	class File
		File () : Elevated (false), FileOpen (false), ReadOnly (false), FilePointerPosition(0), Handle(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), IsDevice(false), LastError(0) { }
		File (wstring path,bool readOnly = false, bool create = false);
		virtual ~File () { Close(); }

		bool IsOpened () const { return FileOpen;}
		void CheckOpened (const char* srcPos) { if (!FileOpen) { SetLastError (LastError); throw SystemException (srcPos);} }
		void Close ();
		DWORD Read (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
		void Write (byte *buffer, DWORD size);
		void SeekAt (int64 position);
		void GetFileSize (unsigned __int64& size);
		void GetFileSize (DWORD& dwSize);
      bool IoCtl(DWORD code, void* inBuf, DWORD inBufSize, void* outBuf, DWORD outBufSize);

		bool Elevated;
		bool FileOpen;
		bool ReadOnly;
		uint64 FilePointerPosition;
		HANDLE Handle;
		bool IsDevice;
		wstring Path;
		DWORD LastError;
		BYTE ReadBuffer[4096];

	class Device : public File
		Device (wstring path,bool readOnly = false);
		virtual ~Device () {}

	class Buffer
		Buffer (size_t size) : DataSize (size)
			DataPtr = new byte[size];
			if (!DataPtr)
				throw bad_alloc();

		~Buffer () { delete[] DataPtr; }
		byte *Ptr () const { return DataPtr; }
		size_t Size () const { return DataSize; }
		void Resize (size_t newSize)
			if (newSize > DataSize)
				byte *tmp = new byte[newSize];
				if (!tmp)
					throw bad_alloc();
				memcpy (tmp, DataPtr, DataSize);
				delete [] DataPtr;			
				DataPtr = tmp;
			DataSize = newSize;

		byte *DataPtr;
		size_t DataSize;

	struct Partition
		wstring DevicePath;
		wstring MountPoint;
		size_t Number;
		wstring VolumeNameId;

	typedef list <Partition> PartitionList;

#pragma pack (push)
#pragma pack(1)

	struct PartitionEntryMBR
		byte BootIndicator;

		byte StartHead;
		byte StartCylSector;
		byte StartCylinder;

		byte Type;

		byte EndHead;
		byte EndSector;
		byte EndCylinder;

		uint32 StartLBA;
		uint32 SectorCountLBA;

	struct MBR
		byte Code[446];
		PartitionEntryMBR Partitions[4];
		uint16 Signature;

#pragma pack (pop)

	struct SystemDriveConfiguration
		wstring DeviceKernelPath;
		wstring DevicePath;
		int DriveNumber;
		Partition DrivePartition;
		bool ExtraBootPartitionPresent;
		int64 InitialUnallocatedSpace;
		PartitionList Partitions;
		Partition SystemPartition;
		int64 TotalUnallocatedSpace;
		bool SystemLoaderPresent;

	class EfiBootConf

		int passwordType;
		string passwordMsg;
		string passwordPicture;
		string hashMsg;
		int hashAlgo;
		int requestHash;
		string pimMsg;
		int pim;
		int requestPim;
		int authorizeVisible;
		int authorizeRetry;
		int bmlLockFlags;
		int bmlDriverEnabled;
		string actionSuccessValue;


		static BOOL ReadConfigValue (char* configContent, const char *configKey, char *configValue, int maxValueSize);
		static int ReadConfigInteger (char* configContent, const char *configKey, int defaultValue);
		static char *ReadConfigString (char* configContent, const char *configKey, char *defaultValue, char *str, int maxLen);
		static BOOL WriteConfigString (FILE* configFile, char* configContent, const char *configKey, const char *configValue);
		static BOOL WriteConfigInteger (FILE* configFile, char* configContent, const char *configKey, int configValue);
		BOOL Load (const wchar_t* fileName);
		void Load (char* configContent);
		BOOL Save (const wchar_t* fileName, HWND hwnd);
		static BOOL IsPostExecFileField (const string& szFieldValue, string& filePath);
		static BOOL IsPostExecFileField (const string& szFieldValue, wstring& filePath);

	void GetVolumeESP(wstring& path, wstring& bootVolumePath);
	std::string ReadESPFile (LPCWSTR szFilePath, bool bSkipUTF8BOM);
	void WriteESPFile (LPCWSTR szFilePath, LPBYTE pbData, DWORD dwDataLen, bool bAddUTF8BOM);

	class EfiBoot {

		void PrepareBootPartition(bool bDisableException = false);
		bool IsEfiBoot();

		void DeleteStartExec(uint16 statrtOrderNum = 0xDC5B, wchar_t* type = NULL);
		void SetStartExec(wstring description, wstring execPath, bool setBootEntry = true, bool forceFirstBootEntry = true, bool setBootNext = true, uint16 statrtOrderNum = 0xDC5B, wchar_t* type = NULL, uint32 attr = 1);
		void SaveFile(const wchar_t* name, byte* data, DWORD size);
		void GetFileSize(const wchar_t* name, unsigned __int64& size);
		void ReadFile(const wchar_t* name, byte* data, DWORD size);
		void CopyFile(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* targetName);
		bool FileExists(const wchar_t* name);
		static bool CompareFiles (const wchar_t* fileName1, const wchar_t* fileName2);
		static bool CompareFileData (const wchar_t* fileName, const byte* data, DWORD size);

		BOOL RenameFile(const wchar_t* name, const wchar_t* nameNew, BOOL bForce);
		BOOL DelFile(const wchar_t* name);
		BOOL MkDir(const wchar_t* name, bool& bAlreadyExists);
		BOOL ReadConfig (const wchar_t* name, EfiBootConf& conf);
		BOOL UpdateConfig (const wchar_t* name, int pim, int hashAlgo, HWND hwndDlg);
		BOOL WriteConfig (const wchar_t* name, bool preserveUserConfig, int pim, int hashAlgo, const char* passPromptMsg, HWND hwndDlg);
		BOOL DelDir(const wchar_t* name);
		PSTORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER GetStorageDeviceNumber () { if (bDeviceInfoValid) return &sdn; else { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE); throw SystemException(SRC_POS);}}

		bool m_bMounted;
		std::wstring	EfiBootPartPath;
		bool bDeviceInfoValid;
		WCHAR     tempBuf[1024];
		std::wstring BootVolumePath;

	class BootEncryption
		BootEncryption (HWND parent, bool postOOBE = false, bool setBootEntry = true, bool forceFirstBootEntry = true, bool setBootNext = false);
		~BootEncryption ();

		enum FilterType

		void SetParentWindow (HWND parent) { ParentWindow = parent; }
		void AbortDecoyOSWipe ();
		void AbortSetup ();
		void AbortSetupWait ();
		void CallDriver (DWORD ioctl, void *input = nullptr, DWORD inputSize = 0, void *output = nullptr, DWORD outputSize = 0);
		int ChangePassword (Password *oldPassword, int old_pkcs5, int old_pim, Password *newPassword, int pkcs5, int pim, int wipePassCount, HWND hwndDlg);
		void CheckDecoyOSWipeResult ();
		void CheckEncryptionSetupResult ();
		void CheckRequirements ();
		void CheckRequirementsHiddenOS ();
		void CopyFileAdmin (const wstring &sourceFile, const wstring &destinationFile);
		void CreateRescueIsoImage (bool initialSetup, const wstring &isoImagePath);
		void Deinstall (bool displayWaitDialog = false);
		void DeleteFileAdmin (const wstring &file);
		DecoySystemWipeStatus GetDecoyOSWipeStatus ();
		DWORD GetDriverServiceStartType ();
		unsigned int GetHiddenOSCreationPhase ();
		uint16 GetInstalledBootLoaderVersion ();
		void GetInstalledBootLoaderFingerprint (byte fingerprint[WHIRLPOOL_DIGESTSIZE + SHA512_DIGESTSIZE]);
		Partition GetPartitionForHiddenOS ();
		bool IsBootLoaderOnDrive (wchar_t *devicePath);
		BootEncryptionStatus GetStatus ();
		void GetVolumeProperties (VOLUME_PROPERTIES_STRUCT *properties);
		SystemDriveConfiguration GetSystemDriveConfiguration ();
		void Install (bool hiddenSystem, int hashAlgo);
		void InstallBootLoader (Device& device, bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false, int pim = -1, int hashAlg = -1);
		void InstallBootLoader (bool preserveUserConfig = false, bool hiddenOSCreation = false, int pim = -1, int hashAlg = -1);
		bool CheckBootloaderFingerprint (bool bSilent = false);
		void InvalidateCachedSysDriveProperties ();
		bool IsCDRecorderPresent ();
		bool IsHiddenSystemRunning ();
		bool IsPagingFileActive (BOOL checkNonWindowsPartitionsOnly);
		void PrepareHiddenOSCreation (int ea, int mode, int pkcs5);
		void PrepareInstallation (bool systemPartitionOnly, Password &password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim, const wstring &rescueIsoImagePath);
		void ProbeRealSystemDriveSize ();
		bool ReadBootSectorConfig (byte *config, size_t bufLength, byte *userConfig = nullptr, string *customUserMessage = nullptr, uint16 *bootLoaderVersion = nullptr);
		uint32 ReadDriverConfigurationFlags ();
		uint32 ReadServiceConfigurationFlags ();
		void RegisterBootDriver (bool hiddenSystem);
		void RegisterFilterDriver (bool registerDriver, FilterType filterType);
		void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService);
		void RegisterSystemFavoritesService (BOOL registerService, BOOL noFileHandling);
		bool IsSystemFavoritesServiceRunning ();
		void UpdateSystemFavoritesService ();
		void RenameDeprecatedSystemLoaderBackup ();
		bool RestartComputer (BOOL bShutdown = FALSE);
		void InitialSecurityChecksForHiddenOS ();
		void RestrictPagingFilesToSystemPartition ();
		void SetDriverConfigurationFlag (uint32 flag, bool state);
		void SetServiceConfigurationFlag (uint32 flag, bool state);
		void SetDriverServiceStartType (DWORD startType);
		void SetHiddenOSCreationPhase (unsigned int newPhase);
		void StartDecryption (BOOL discardUnreadableEncryptedSectors);
		void StartDecoyOSWipe (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm);
		void StartEncryption (WipeAlgorithmId wipeAlgorithm, bool zeroUnreadableSectors);
		bool SystemDriveContainsPartitionType (byte type);
		bool SystemDriveContainsExtendedPartition ();
		bool SystemDriveContainsNonStandardPartitions ();
		bool SystemPartitionCoversWholeDrive ();
		bool SystemDriveIsDynamic ();
		bool VerifyRescueDisk ();
		bool VerifyRescueDiskImage (const wchar_t* imageFile);
		void WipeHiddenOSCreationConfig ();
		void WriteBootDriveSector (uint64 offset, byte *data);
		void WriteBootSectorConfig (const byte newConfig[]);
		void WriteBootSectorUserConfig (byte userConfig, const string &customUserMessage, int pim, int hashAlg);
		void WriteEfiBootSectorUserConfig (byte userConfig, const string &customUserMessage, int pim, int hashAlg);
		void WriteLocalMachineRegistryDwordValue (wchar_t *keyPath, wchar_t *valueName, DWORD value);
		void GetEfiBootDeviceNumber (PSTORAGE_DEVICE_NUMBER pSdn);
		void BackupSystemLoader ();
		void RestoreSystemLoader ();
		static void UpdateSetupConfigFile (bool bForInstall);
		void GetSecureBootConfig (BOOL* pSecureBootEnabled, BOOL *pVeraCryptKeysLoaded);
		static const uint32 RescueIsoImageSize = 1835008; // Size of ISO9660 image with bootable emulated 1.44MB floppy disk image

		void CreateBootLoaderInMemory (byte *buffer, size_t bufferSize, bool rescueDisk, bool hiddenOSCreation = false);
		void CreateVolumeHeader (uint64 volumeSize, uint64 encryptedAreaStart, Password *password, int ea, int mode, int pkcs5, int pim);
		wstring GetSystemLoaderBackupPath ();
		uint32 GetChecksum (byte *data, size_t size);
		DISK_GEOMETRY_EX GetDriveGeometry (int driveNumber);
		PartitionList GetDrivePartitions (int driveNumber);
		wstring GetRemarksOnHiddenOS ();
		wstring GetWindowsDirectory ();
		void RegisterFilter (bool registerFilter, FilterType filterType, const GUID *deviceClassGuid = nullptr);		
		void InstallVolumeHeader ();

		HWND ParentWindow;
		SystemDriveConfiguration DriveConfig;
		int SelectedEncryptionAlgorithmId;
		int SelectedPrfAlgorithmId;
		Partition HiddenOSCandidatePartition;
		byte *RescueIsoImage;
		byte *RescueZipData;
		unsigned long RescueZipSize;
		bool DriveConfigValid;
		bool RealSystemDriveSizeValid;
		bool RescueVolumeHeaderValid;
		bool VolumeHeaderValid;
		bool PostOOBEMode;
		bool SetBootNext;
		bool SetBootEntry;
		bool ForceFirstBootEntry;



#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME			L"Original System Loader"
#define TC_SYS_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_NAME_LEGACY	L"Original System Loader.bak"	// Deprecated to prevent removal by some "cleaners"




#endif // TC_HEADER_Common_BootEncryption