取消 為所有使用者安裝(&F) 瀏覽(&B)... 在桌面新增 VeraCrypt 圖示(&D) 立即贊助... 副檔名 '.hc' 的檔案關聯到 VeraCrypt(&E) 完成後開啟目標資料夾(&O) 建立 VeraCrypt 的開始功能表項目(&S) 建立系統還原點(&R) 移除(&U) 解壓縮(&E) 安裝(&I) VeraCrypt 安裝精靈 移除 VeraCrypt 說明(&H) 請選擇或者輸入您希望檔案解壓縮的位置: 請選擇或者輸入您希望 VeraCrypt 程式安裝的位置。如果指定的資料夾不存在,將會被自動建立。 點 '移除' 從系統移除 VeraCrypt。 中止 &Benchmark 測試(&T) 創建加密卷並對其進行格式化 Encrypt partition in place 顯示產生的金匙(其成分) 顯示集區內容 下載 CD/DVD 燒錄軟體 創建加密檔案容器 &GB &TB 更多訊息 建立隱藏的 VeraCrypt 加密區(&D) 更多隱藏加密區的訊息 直接模式 正常模式 KB(&K) 使用金鑰檔(&S) Try first to mount with an empty password Random size ( 64 <-> 1048576 ) 金鑰檔案(&K)... 關於雜湊演算法的更多資訊 更多訊息 有關PIM的信息 MB(&M) 更多訊息 關於系統磁區加密的更多訊息 更多訊息 多重開機 加密非系統分區/驅動器 不保留歷史記錄(&S) 打開外層加密區 暫停(&P) 使用 P&IM 使用 PIM 快速格式化 顯示密碼(&D) 顯示密碼(&A) 顯示PIM(&D) 單一系統開機 標準 VeraCrypt 加密區 隱藏(&D) 一般 加密系統分割區或者整個系統所在磁碟機 加密 Windows 系統分割區 加密整個磁碟機 VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈 叢集 重要:請在此視窗內盡可能的隨機移動滑鼠。移動時間越長越好。這將極為增強金鑰的加密強度。然後點 '下一步' 繼續。 確定(&C): 完成 磁碟機代號: 加密演算法 檔案系統 在檔案內建立虛擬加密磁碟。推薦給經驗不足的使用者使用。 選項 雜湊演算法 首金鑰: 剩餘 主金鑰: 如果在這台電腦上裝了兩個或多個作業系統的請選擇此項。\n\n例如:\n- Windows XP 和 Windows XP\n- Windows XP 和 Windows Vista\n- Windows 和 Mac OS X\n- Windows 和 Linux\n- Windows、Linux 和 Mac OS X Encrypts a non-system partition on any internal or external drive (e.g. a flash drive). Optionally, creates a hidden volume. 目前集區內容(部分) Pass 密碼: Volume PIM: Volume PIM: 進度: 隨機集區: 如果只在這台電腦上裝了一個作業系統的請選擇此項(即使該系統可能有多個使用者)。 速度 狀態 金鑰、salt 值、以及其他資料已經成功產生。如果您希望產生新的金鑰,請點 '上一步' 然後點 '下一步' 。否則點 '下一步' 繼續。 Encrypts the partition/drive where Windows is installed. Anyone who wants to gain access and use the system, read and write files, etc., will need to enter the correct password each time before Windows boots. Optionally, creates a hidden system. Select this option to encrypt the partition where the currently running Windows operating system is installed. Volume Label in Windows: 清除模式: 關閉 Allow pre-boot &authentication to be bypassed by pressing the Esc key (enables boot manager) 什麼也不做 自動掛載 VeraCrypt 加密區(&A)(下面指定的) 啟動 VeraCrypt(&S) Auto-&Detect Library &Cache pre-boot authentication password in driver memory (for mounting of non-system volumes) 瀏覽... 瀏覽... 在記憶體中快取密碼和金鑰檔(&A) 無掛載的加密區時結束 &Close token session (log out) after a volume is successfully mounted Include VeraCrypt Volume Expander 包含 VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈 建立 建立加密區(&C) Do not &show any texts in the pre-boot authentication screen (except the below custom message) Disable "Evil Maid" attack detection Accelerate AES encryption/decryption by using the AES instructions of the processor (if available) 使用金鑰檔 使用金鑰檔 結束(&X) Help on favorite volumes Do not mount selected volume when 'Mount Favorite Volumes' &hot key is pressed Mount selected volume when its host device gets &connected Mount selected volume upon log&on Mount selected volume as read-o&nly Mount selected volume as remo&vable medium 向下移動(&D) 向上移動(&U) Open &Explorer window for selected volume when successfully mounted 移除(&R) Use favorite label as Explorer drive label Global Settings Display balloon tooltip after successful hot-key dismount 使用熱鍵卸載成功時,撥放系統通知音效。 Alt Ctrl Shift Win 指定 移除 金鑰檔案... 請勿使用以下數量的處理器進行加密/解密: 更多訊息 更多訊息 更多設定... 自動掛載磁碟機(&A) 掛載選項(&A)... 以唯讀模式掛載加密區(&O) 金鑰檔案... (空或0表示預設選代) (空或0表示預設選代) 啟用 在驅動記憶體中快取密碼 自動卸載加密區,在無資料讀寫活動以下時間後 用戶登出時 User session locked 進入省電模式時 螢幕保護裝置啟動時 強制自動卸載,無論加密區是否有使用中的檔案或目錄 掛載所有磁碟機類型 VeraCrypt 加密區 啟動VeraCrypt後台任務 以唯讀模式掛載加密區 以卸除式媒體模式掛載加密區 為成功掛載的加密區打開瀏覽器視窗 Temporarily cache password during "Mount Favorite Volumes" operations 掛載卷時使用不同的任務欄圖標 自動卸載時清除快取的密碼 結束時清除快取的密碼 保留檔案容器的修改時間戳記 重設 選擇磁碟機(&E)... 選擇檔案(&F)... 選擇函式庫 (&L)... 顯示密碼 顯示密碼 為掛載的加密區打開檔案總管視窗(&E) 在動態記憶體中快取密碼(&C) TrueCrypt 模式 全部卸載(&S) 加密區內容(&V)... 加密區工具(&T)... 清除快取(&W) VeraCrypt - Mount Parameters VeraCrypt - Favorite Volumes VeraCrypt - 系統快速鍵 VeraCrypt 修改密碼和金鑰檔 輸入 VeraCrypt 加密區密碼 VeraCrypt - 性能和驅動程式選項 VeraCrypt - 偏好設定 VeraCrypt - 系統加密設定 VeraCrypt - 安全令牌選項 VeraCrypt 可攜式磁碟設定 VeraCrypt 加密區內容 關於 VeraCrypt... 新增或移除金鑰檔案... Add Mounted Volume to Favorites... Add Mounted Volume to System Favorites... Analyze a System Crash... 備份加密區標頭資訊... 基準測試... 設定首金鑰推衍演算法... 更改加密區密碼... 設定首金鑰推衍演算法... 更改密碼... 清除加密區歷史記錄 Close All Security Token Sessions 聯絡作者(線上)... Create Hidden Operating System... 建立救援磁碟... 建立新的加密區... 永久解密... 預設金鑰檔案... 預設掛載參數... 立即贊助... 加密系統分割區/磁碟機... 常見問題(線上) 使用者指南 首頁(線上)(&H) 系統快速鍵... 金鑰檔案產生器 語言選擇... 法律聲明 管理安全令牌密鑰檔案... 自動掛載全部磁碟機類型的加密區 掛載我的最愛加密區 以沒有啟動前置認證的方式掛載(&A)... 掛載選擇的加密區 根據選項掛載加密區 VeraCrypt 新聞(線上) 線上說明(線上) 新手上路(線上) Organize Favorite Volumes... Organize System Favorite Volumes... 性能和驅動程式選項 永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機... 偏好設定... 重新整理磁碟機代號 從加密區中移除所有金鑰... 復原加密區標頭資訊... 恢復被中斷的操作 選擇磁碟機... 選擇檔案... 恢復被中斷的操作 系統加密... 屬性... 設置... System Favorite Volumes... 下載(線上) 向量測試... 安全令牌... 可攜式磁碟設定... 卸載全部掛載的加密區 卸載選擇的加密區 驗證救援磁碟 驗證救援磁盤映像 版本歷史(線上) Volume Expander 加密區內容 加密區建立精靈 官方網站(線上) 清除快取的密碼 確定 硬體加速 捷徑 自動執行組態(autorun.inf) 自動卸載 全部卸載,當: Boot Loader Screen Options 確定密碼: 目前密碼 Display this custom message in the pre-boot authentication screen (24 characters maximum): 預設掛載選項 快速鍵設定 驅動配置 Enable extended disk control codes support Label of selected favorite volume: 檔案設定 要指定的快速鍵: Processor (CPU) in this computer supports hardware acceleration for AES: Windows 登錄時執行的操作 分鐘 以該磁碟機代號掛載: 掛載設定 新密碼 密碼: 基於執行緒的並行化 PKCS #11 Library Path PKCS-5 PRF: PKCS-5 PRF: 密碼快取 安全選項 VeraCrypt 背景工作 要掛載的 VeraCrypt 加密區(相對於可攜式磁碟的根目錄): 在插入可攜式磁碟時: 建立可攜式磁碟檔案於(可攜式磁碟根目錄): 加密區 Windows 新增路徑(&P)... 全部自動測試(&A) 繼續(&C) 解密(&D) 刪除(&D) 加密(&E) 匯出(&E)... 產生並保存金鑰檔案... 產生隨機金鑰檔(&G)... 下載語言檔案 AES硬體加速: &Import Keyfile to Token... 加入檔案(&F)... 使用金鑰檔(&A) 金鑰檔案(&K)... 移除(&R) 全部移除(&A) 什麼是隱藏加密區保護? 有關密鑰檔案的更多信息 掛載加密區為卸除式媒體(&M) 在使用系統加密而沒有啟動前置認證的情況下掛載分割區(&U) Parallelization: 基準測試 列印(&P) 向外層加密區寫入資料時保護隱藏加密區(&P) 重設(&R) 顯示密碼(&A) 加入令牌檔案(&T)... 如果可用,請使用嵌入卷中的備份標頭(&V) XTS 模式 關於 VeraCrypt VeraCrypt - 加密演算法基準測試 VeraCrypt - 測試向量 命令列說明 VeraCrypt - 金鑰檔案 VeraCrypt - 金鑰檔案產生器 VeraCrypt - 語言 VeraCrypt - 掛載選項 新安全令牌密鑰檔案屬性 VeraCrypt - Random Pool Enrichment 選擇一個磁碟分割區或磁碟機 VeraCrypt 安全令牌密鑰檔案 Security token password/PIN required 目前語言檔案 速度由 CPU 負載和存放磁碟機特性決定。\n\n這些測試在記憶體中進行。 緩衝區大小: 加密: 隱藏加密區的密碼(&A):\n(如果為空白,則使用快取) 保護隱藏加密區 金鑰長度: 重要:請在此視窗內僅可能的隨機移動滑鼠,移動時間越長越好。。這將極為增強金鑰的加密強度。 警告:如果您遺失了金鑰檔或者金鑰檔的前 1024 KB 位元組已改變,將不可能再掛載使用該金鑰的加密區! 位元 密鑰檔案數量: 密鑰檔案大小(位元組): Keyfiles base name: 翻譯人員: 純文字密碼長度: 位元 目前集區內容 混合 PRF: 重要訊息:在此窗口中隨機移動鼠標。移動的時間越長越好。這將顯著提高了安全性。完成後,點擊 "繼續"。 次金鑰(十六進位) 安全令牌: 排序方式: 請耐心等待。這個過程可能需要很長時間... 請稍候...\n這個過程可能需要很長時間,VeraCrypt可能會沒有反應。 區塊數值: 密文(十六進位) 資料單位數值(64 位元十六進位,資料單位大小是 512 位元組) 金鑰(十六進位) 明文(十六進位) 密鑰檔案名稱: XTS 模式 系統(&Y) 加密區(&V) Favor&ites 工具(&O) 設定(&G) 說明(&H) 首頁(線上)(&P) 關於(&A)... 無法更改舊版本加密區的唯讀內容。請檢查檔案存取權限。 錯誤:存取被拒絕。\n\n您試圖要存取的磁碟分割區可能是 0 長度磁扇區,或者是啟動磁碟機。 Administrator 要掛載 VeraCrypt 磁碟機,您必需以一個具有管理員權限的帳戶登錄。 請注意您必需以一個具有管理員權限的帳戶登錄如果要加密或格式化某磁碟分割區和磁碟機。\n\n檔案類型加密區不受這個限制。 如果要建立隱藏的加密區,您必須以一個具有管理員權限的帳戶登錄。\n\n要繼續嗎? 請注意您必需以一個具有管理員權限的帳戶登錄如果要把加密區格式化為 NTFS 檔案系統。\n\n如果沒有管理員權限,您可以格式化加密區為 FAT 檔案系統。 FIPS 認可的加密演算法(Rijndael,發表於 1998)可能被美國聯邦部門和機構用來對特定資訊進行極機密等級保護。256 位元金鑰,128 位元區塊,14 次離散迴圈(AES-256)。操作模式為 XTS。 加密區已掛載。 警告:在內置自動檢測時,至少一個加密或雜湊演算法失敗了!\n\n此 VeraCrypt 安裝可能已損壞。 警告:在亂數產生器集區中的資料不足,無法提供要求數量的亂數資料。\n\n您不應繼續進行。請從説明功能表選擇 "報告錯誤" 來報告此軟體錯誤。 The drive is damaged (there is a physical defect on it) or a cable is damaged, or the memory is malfunctioning.\n\nPlease note that this is a problem with your hardware, not with VeraCrypt. Therefore, please do NOT report this as a bug/problem in VeraCrypt and please do NOT ask for help with this in the VeraCrypt Forums. Please contact your computer vendor's technical support team for assistance. Thank you.\n\nNote: If the error occurs repeatedly at the same place, it is very likely caused by a bad disk block, which should be possible to correct using third-party software (note that, in many cases, the 'chkdsk /r' command cannot correct it because it works only at the filesystem level; in some cases, the 'chkdsk' tool cannot even detect it). If you are accessing a drive for removable media, please make sure that a medium is inserted in the drive. The drive/medium may also be damaged (there may be a physical defect on it) or a cable may be damaged/disconnected. Your system appears to be using custom chipset drivers containing a bug that prevents encryption of the whole system drive.\n\nPlease try updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers before proceeding. If it does not help, try encrypting the system partition only. 無效的磁碟機代號。 無效的路徑。 取消 無法存取磁碟機。請確保選中的磁碟機存在而且未被系統使用。 警告:Caps Lock 已開啟。這可能導致您輸入密碼錯誤。 加密區類型 有可能會發生某些人強迫您洩漏加密區密碼。有很多情況您可能無法拒絕這種要求(例如,因為暴力因素)。使用所謂的隱藏加密區可以在不洩漏隱藏加密區密碼的情況下解決這種問題。 選擇您希望建立一般 VeraCrypt 加密區的選項。 Please note that if you wish an operating system to be installed in a hidden partition-hosted volume, then the entire system drive cannot be encrypted using a single key. 外層加密區加密選項 隱藏加密區加密選項 加密選項 警告:清除上次選擇的加密區或金鑰檔路徑失敗(檔案選擇器記憶)! 錯誤:此容器已被檔案系統壓縮過的。VeraCrypt 不支援壓縮過的容器(要注意這是因為壓縮過的加密資料是低效能和資料冗長的)。\n\n請使用以下步驟取消壓縮: 1) 在 Windows 檔案總管中的容器上按右鍵(不是在 VeraCrypt 視窗中)。 2) 選擇 "內容"。 3) 在 "內容" 對話方塊,點 "進階"。 4) 在 "進階內容" 對話方塊,停用 "壓縮磁碟機來節省磁碟空間" 並選取 "確定"。 5) 回到 "內容" 對話方塊,點 "確定"。 建立加密區 %s 失敗 %s 的大小為 %.2f 位元組 %s 的大小為 %.2f KB %s 的大小為 %.2f MB %s 的大小為 %.2f GB %s 的大小為 %.2f TB %s 的大小為 %.2f PB 警告:磁碟機/磁碟分割區正被系統或應用程式使用。格式化該磁碟機/磁碟分割區可能導致資料遺失或系統不穩定。\n\n繼續進行格式化嗎? 警告:作業系統或應用程序正在使用該分區。 您應該關閉可能正在使用該分區的任何應用程序(包括防病毒軟件)。\n\n繼續? 錯誤:該磁碟機/磁碟分割區包含不能被卸載的檔案系統。此檔案系統可能被作業系統所使用。格式化此磁碟機/磁碟分割區很可能會導致資料損壞或者是系統不穩定。\n\n要解決此問題,我們建議您先刪除該磁碟分割區之後在不格式化的情況下重新建立這個磁碟分割區。要達成此目的,請遵照下面步驟: 1) 在 "我的電腦" 的圖示上按右鍵,然後選擇 "管理",顯示 "電腦管理" 視窗。 2) 在 "電腦管理" 視窗,選擇 "磁碟管理"。 3) 右鍵單點要加密的磁碟分割區,您可以選擇 "刪除磁碟分割","刪除磁區" 或者是 "刪除邏輯磁碟"。 4) 如果 Windows 提示要重新啟動,點 "是" 重新啟動。然後在第 5 個步驟中重複第 1 和第 2 步。 5) 右鍵單點未分配/可用空間並選擇 "新建磁碟分割","新建磁區" 或者 "新建邏輯磁碟"。 6) 在 "新建磁碟分割精靈" 或者 "新建磁區精靈" 視窗中,在 "格式化磁碟分割區" 標題的對話方塊中,選擇 "不格式化此磁碟分割區" 或者是 "不格式化此磁區"。在此精靈裡面,點 "下一步" 然後點 "完成"。 7) 要注意您現在在 VeraCrypt 中選擇的磁碟機路徑可能是錯誤的,因此,退出並重新啟動 VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈(如果正在執行)。 8) 嘗試重新加密該設備/磁碟分割區。\n\n如果 VeraCrypt 仍然顯示加密失敗,您可以考慮建立檔案類型的容器。 錯誤:無法鎖定和/或卸載檔案系統。 它可能被操作系統或應用程序(例如,防病毒軟體)使用。 加密分區可能會導致資料損壞和系統不穩定。\n\n請關閉可能正在使用檔案系統的任何應用程序(包括防病毒軟體),然後重試。 如果沒有幫助,請按照以下步驟進行操作。 警告:一些掛載的磁碟機/磁碟分割區正在使用中!\n\n忽略這些可能導致非期望的結果,包括系統不穩定。\n\n我們強烈建議您關閉所有可能正在使用此磁碟機/磁碟分割區的應用程式。 選定的磁碟機包含磁碟分割區。\n\n格式化該磁碟機可能會導致系統不穩定或資料遺失。您可以選擇該磁碟機的某個磁碟分割區,或者刪除該磁碟機的所有磁碟分割區,以確保 VeraCrypt 對其安全格式化。 The selected non-system device contains partitions.\n\nEncrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives). A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single master key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.\n\nIf you want to encrypt the selected non-system device using a single master key, you will need to remove all partitions on the device first to enable VeraCrypt to format it safely (formatting a device that contains partitions might cause system instability and/or data corruption). Alternatively, you can encrypt each partition on the drive individually (each partition will be encrypted using a different master key).\n\nNote: If you want to remove all partitions from a GPT disk, you may need to convert it to a MBR disk (using e.g. the Computer Management tool) in order to remove hidden partitions. Warning: If you encrypt the entire device (as opposed to encrypting only a partition on it), operating systems will consider the device as new, empty, and unformatted (as it will contain no partition table) and may spontaneously initialize the device (or ask you if you want to do so), which may damage the volume. Furthermore, it will not be possible to consistently mount the volume as favorite (e.g. when the drive number changes) or to assign a favorite-volume label to it.\n\nTo avoid that you may want to consider creating a partition on the device and encrypting the partition instead.\n\nAre you sure want to encrypt the entire device? IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that this volume can NOT be mounted/accessed using the drive letter %c:, which is currently assigned to it!\n\nTo mount this volume, click 'Auto-Mount Devices' in the main VeraCrypt window (alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/device, and click 'Mount'). The volume will be mounted to a different drive letter, which you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nThe original drive letter %c: should be used only in case you need to remove encryption from the partition/device (e.g., if you no longer need encryption). In such a case, right-click the drive letter %c: in the 'Computer' (or 'My Computer') list and select 'Format'. Otherwise, the drive letter %c: should never be used (unless you remove it, as described e.g. in the VeraCrypt FAQ, and assign it to another partition/device). In-place encryption of non-system volumes is not supported on the version of the operating system you are currently using (it is supported only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows).\n\nThe reason is that this version of Windows does not support shrinking of a filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header). The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nNote: The reason is that Windows does not support shrinking of other types of filesystems (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header). The selected partition does not appear to contain an NTFS filesystem. Only partitions that contain an NTFS filesystem can be encrypted in place.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within this partition, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place"). Error: The partition is too small. VeraCrypt cannot encrypt it in place. To encrypt the data on this partition, please follow these steps:\n\n1) Create a VeraCrypt volume on an empty partition/device and then mount it.\n\n2) Copy all files from the partition that you originally wanted to encrypt to the mounted VeraCrypt volume (that has been created and mounted in step 1). That way, you will create a VeraCrypt-encrypted backup of the data.\n\n3) Create a VeraCrypt volume on the partition that you originally wanted to encrypt and make sure that (in the VeraCrypt wizard) you choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place"). Note that all data stored on the partition will be erased. After the volume is created, mount it.\n\n4) Copy all files from the mounted backup VeraCrypt volume (created and mounted in step 1) to the mounted VeraCrypt volume that has been created (and mounted) in step 3.\n\nAfter you complete these steps, the data will be encrypted and, in addition, there will be an encrypted backup of the data. VeraCrypt can in-place encrypt only a partition, a dynamic volume, or an entire system drive.\n\nIf you want to create an encrypted VeraCrypt volume within the selected non-system device, choose the option "Create encrypted volume and format it" (instead of the option "Encrypt partition in place"). Error: VeraCrypt can in-place encrypt only a partition, a dynamic volume, or an entire system drive. Please make sure the specified path is valid. Error: Cannot shrink the filesystem (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).\n\nPossible causes and solutions:\n\n- Not enough free space on the volume. Please make sure no other application is writing to the filesystem.\n\n- Corrupted file system. Try to check it and fix any errors (right-click the corresponding drive letter in the 'Computer' list, then select Properties > Tools > 'Check Now', make sure the option 'Automatically fix file system errors' is enabled and click Start).\n\nIf the above steps do not help, please follow the below steps. Error: There is not enough free space on the volume and so the filesystem cannot be shrunk (the filesystem needs to be shrunk to make space for the volume header and backup header).\n\nPlease delete any redundant files and empty the Recycle Bin so as to free at least 256 KB of space and then try again. Note that due to a Windows issue, the amount of free space reported by the Windows Explorer may be incorrect until the operating system is restarted. If restarting the system does not help, the file system may be corrupted. Try to check it and fix any errors (right-click the corresponding drive letter in the 'Computer' list, then select Properties > Tools > 'Check Now', make sure the option 'Automatically fix file system errors' is enabled and click Start).\n\nIf the above steps do not help, please follow the below steps. 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f 位元組。 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f KB 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f MB 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f GB 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f TB 磁碟機 %s 上的可用空間為 %.2f PB 無法得到可用的磁碟機代號。 錯誤:找不到 VeraCrypt 磁碟機。\n\n請將檔案 "veracrypt.sys" 和 "veracrypt-x64.sys" 複製到 VeraCrypt 主應用程式(VeraCrypt.exe)所在的目錄。 Error: An incompatible version of the VeraCrypt driver is currently running.\n\nIf you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already installed, you must uninstall it first (or upgrade it using the VeraCrypt installer). To uninstall it, follow these steps: On Windows Vista or later, select 'Start Menu' > Computer > 'Uninstall or change a program' > VeraCrypt > Uninstall; on Windows XP, select 'Start Menu' > Settings > 'Control Panel' > 'Add Or Remove Programs' > VeraCrypt > Remove.\n\nSimilarly, if you are trying to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (i.e. without installing it) and a different version of VeraCrypt is already running in portable mode, you must restart the system first and then run only this new version. 錯誤:加密初始化失敗。 錯誤:檢測到弱強度金鑰!金鑰將被廢棄。請重試。 A critical error has occurred and VeraCrypt must be terminated. If this is caused by a bug in VeraCrypt, we would like to fix it. To help us, you can send us an automatically generated error report containing the following items:\n\n- Program version\n- Operating system version\n- Type of CPU\n- VeraCrypt component name\n- Checksum of VeraCrypt executable\n- Symbolic name of dialog window\n- Error category\n- Error address\n- VeraCrypt call stack\n\nIf you select 'Yes', the following URL (which contains the entire error report) will be opened in your default Internet browser.\n\n%hs\n\nDo you want to send us the above error report? A critical error has occurred in your system, which requires VeraCrypt to be terminated.\n\nNote that this error has not been caused by VeraCrypt (so the VeraCrypt developers cannot fix it). Please, check your system for possible problems (e.g., system configuration, network connection, failing hardware components). A critical error has occurred in your system, which requires VeraCrypt to be terminated.\n\nIf this problem persists, you may want to try disabling or uninstalling applications that could potentially be causing this issue, such as antivirus or Internet security software, system "enhancers", "optimizers" or "tweakers", etc. If it does not help, you may want to try reinstalling your operating system (this problem may also be caused by malware). VeraCrypt 關鍵性錯誤 VeraCrypt detected that the operating system recently crashed. There are many potential reasons why the system could have crashed (for example, a failing hardware component, a bug in a device driver, etc.)\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to check whether a bug in VeraCrypt could have caused the system crash? Do you want VeraCrypt to continue detecting system crashes? VeraCrypt found no system crash minidump file. Do you want to delete the Windows crash dump file to free up disk space? In order to analyze the system crash, VeraCrypt needs to install Microsoft Debugging Tools for Windows first.\n\nAfter you click OK, the Windows installer will download the Microsoft Debugging Tools installation package (16 MB) from a Microsoft server and install it (the Windows installer will be forwarded to the Microsoft server URL from the veracrypt.org server, which ensures that this feature works even if Microsoft changes the location of the installation package). After you click OK, VeraCrypt will analyze the system crash. This may take up to several minutes. Please make sure the environment variable 'PATH' includes the path to 'kd.exe' (Kernel Debugger). It appears that VeraCrypt most likely did not cause the system crash. There are many potential reasons why the system could have crashed (for example, a failing hardware component, a bug in a device driver, etc.) 分析結果表明更新以下驅動程式可能會解決此問題: 為了幫助我們確定VeraCrypt是否存在錯誤,您可以向我們發送包含以下項目的自動生成的錯誤報告:\n-程序版本\n-操作系統版本 \n-CPU類型\n-錯誤類別\n-驅動程式名稱和版本\n-系統調用堆棧\n\n如果選擇“是”,將在您的網址中打開以下URL(包含整個錯誤報告) 預設的Internet瀏覽器。 您要將上述錯誤報告發送給我們嗎? 加密(&E) 解密(&D) 永久解密(&p) 結束 請為該擴展磁碟分割區建立一個邏輯磁碟分割區,然後再試。 A VeraCrypt volume can reside in a file (called VeraCrypt container), which can reside on a hard disk, on a USB flash drive, etc. A VeraCrypt container is just like any normal file (it can be, for example, moved or deleted as any normal file). Click 'Select File' to choose a filename for the container and to select the location where you wish the container to be created.\n\nWARNING: If you select an existing file, VeraCrypt will NOT encrypt it; the file will be deleted and replaced with the newly created VeraCrypt container. You will be able to encrypt existing files (later on) by moving them to the VeraCrypt container that you are about to create now. Select the location of the outer volume to be created (within this volume the hidden volume will be created later on).\n\nA VeraCrypt volume can reside in a file (called VeraCrypt container), which can reside on a hard disk, on a USB flash drive, etc. A VeraCrypt container can be moved or deleted as any normal file. Click 'Select File' to choose a filename for the container and to select the location where you wish the container to be created. If you select an existing file, VeraCrypt will NOT encrypt it; it will be deleted and replaced with the newly created container. You will be able to encrypt existing files (later on) by moving them to the VeraCrypt container you are about to create now. Encrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within partitions on hard disks, solid-state drives, USB memory sticks, and on any other supported storage devices. Partitions can also be encrypted in place.\n\nIn addition, encrypted device-hosted VeraCrypt volumes can be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives).\n\nNote: A device that contains partitions can be entirely encrypted in place (using a single key) only if it is the drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots. A device-hosted VeraCrypt volume can be created within a hard disk partition, solid-state drive, USB memory stick, and other storage devices.\n\nWARNING: Note that the partition/device will be formatted and all data currently stored on it will be lost. \nSelect the location of the outer volume to be created (within this volume the hidden volume will be created later on).\n\nOuter volumes can be created within partitions on hard disks, solid-state drives, USB memory sticks, and on any other supported storage devices. Outer volumes can also be created within devices that do not contain any partitions (including hard disks and solid-state drives).\n\nWARNING: Note that the partition/device will be formatted and all data currently stored on it will be lost. \n選擇您想要建立隱藏加密區的 VeraCrypt 加密區位置。 WARNING: The host file/device is already in use!\n\nIgnoring this can cause undesired results including system instability. All applications that might be using the host file/device (for example, antivirus or backup applications) should be closed before mounting the volume.\n\nContinue mounting? 錯誤:無法掛載加密區。外層加密區或磁碟機正在使用中。嘗試不使用獨佔權限的掛載也同樣會失敗。 檔案無法被打開。 加密區位置 大檔案 您是否打算在此VeraCrypt卷中儲存大於4 GB的檔案? Depending on your choice above, VeraCrypt will choose a suitable default file system for the VeraCrypt volume (you will be able to select a file system in the next step). As you are creating an outer volume, you should consider choosing 'No'. If you choose 'Yes', the default filesystem will be NTFS, which is not as suitable for outer volumes as FAT/exFAT (for example, the maximum possible size of the hidden volume will be significantly greater if the outer volume is formatted as FAT/exFAT). Normally, FAT is the default for both hidden and normal volumes (so FAT volumes are not suspicious). However, if the user indicates intent to store files larger than 4 GB (which the FAT file system does not allow), then FAT is not the default. Are you sure you want to choose 'Yes'? 加密區建立模式 This is the fastest way to create a partition-hosted or device-hosted VeraCrypt volume (in-place encryption, which is the other option, is slower because content of each sector has to be first read, encrypted, and then written). Any data currently stored on the selected partition/device will be lost (the data will NOT be encrypted; it will be overwritten with random data). If you want to encrypt existing data on a partition, choose the other option. The entire selected partition and all data stored on it will be encrypted in place. If the partition is empty, you should choose the other option (the volume will be created much faster). Note: 恢復(&R) 延緩(&D) 開始(&S) &Continue 格式化(&F) &Wipe 中止格式化嗎? Show more information Do not show this again The content of the partition/device has been successfully erased. The content of the partition where the original system (of which the hidden system is a clone) resided has been successfully erased. Please make sure the version of Windows you are going to install (on the wiped partition) is the same as the version of Windows you are currently running. This is required due to the fact that both systems will share a common boot partition. The system partition/drive has been successfully encrypted.\n\nNote: If there are non-system VeraCrypt volumes that you need to have mounted automatically every time Windows starts, you can set it up by mounting each of them and selecting 'Favorites' > 'Add Mounted Volume to System Favorites'). 該系統割分割區/磁碟機已經被成功解密。 \n\nVeraCrypt 加密區已建立並準備就緒。要建立另外的 VeraCrypt 加密區,請點 '下一步',否則請點 '結束'。 \n\nThe hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created (the hidden operating system will reside within this hidden volume).\n\nClick Next to continue. Volume Fully Encrypted Volume Fully Decrypted IMPORTANT: TO MOUNT THIS NEWLY CREATED VERACRYPT VOLUME AND TO ACCESS DATA STORED IN IT, CLICK 'Auto-Mount Devices' IN THE MAIN VERACRYPT WINDOW. After you enter the correct password (and/or supply correct keyfiles), the volume will be mounted to the drive letter you select from the list in the main VeraCrypt window (and you will be able to access the encrypted data via the selected drive letter).\n\nPLEASE REMEMBER OR WRITE DOWN THE ABOVE STEPS. YOU MUST FOLLOW THEM WHENEVER YOU WANT TO MOUNT THE VOLUME AND ACCESS DATA STORED IN IT. Alternatively, in the main VeraCrypt window, click 'Select Device', then select this partition/volume, and click 'Mount'.\n\nThe partition/volume has been successfully encrypted (it contains a fully encrypted VeraCrypt volume now) and is ready for use. The VeraCrypt volume has been successfully decrypted. The VeraCrypt volume has been successfully decrypted.\n\nPlease select a drive letter that you wish to assign to the decrypted volume and then click Finish.\n\nIMPORTANT: Until a drive letter is assigned to the decrypted volume, you will not be able to access data stored on the volume. Warning: To be able to access the decrypted data, a drive letter needs to be assigned to the decrypted volume. However, no drive letter is currently available.\n\nPlease vacate a drive letter (for example, by disconnecting a USB flash drive or external hard drive, etc.) and then click OK. VeraCrypt 加密區已成功建立。 加密區已建立 重要:請在此視窗內僅可能的隨機移動滑鼠。移動時間越長越好。這將極為增強金鑰的加密強度。然後點 '格式化' 建立加密區。 點 '格式化' 建立外層加密區。要知道更多訊息,請參閱文件。 外層加密區格式 隱藏加密區格式 加密區格式化 如要顯示或列印 VeraCrypt 使用者指南需要使用 Adobe Reader (或與其相容的工具)。\n\nAdobe Reader (免費軟體)下載位址: www.adobe.com\n\n您想要查看這個線上文件嗎? 如果您選擇此選項,精靈將會先幫助您建立一個一般的 VeraCrypt 加密區,接著會繼續在裡面建立一個隱藏的 VeraCrypt 加密區。經驗不足的使用者應該總是選擇這個選項。 如果您選擇此選項,您將會在一個現存的 VeraCrypt 加密區內建立一個隱藏的 VeraCrypt 加密區。假設您已建立好了一個適合存放隱藏加密區的 VeraCrypt 加密區。 加密區建立模式 隱藏加密區已建立 The hidden VeraCrypt volume has been successfully created and is ready for use. If all the instructions have been followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume exists, even when the outer volume is mounted.\n\nWARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO DO SO, REFER TO THE SECTION "PROTECTION OF HIDDEN VOLUMES AGAINST DAMAGE" IN THE VERACRYPT USER'S GUIDE), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME. OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME! You have started the hidden operating system. As you may have noticed, the hidden operating system appears to be installed on the same partition as the original operating system. However, in reality, it is installed within the partition behind it (in the hidden volume). All read and write operations are being transparently redirected from the original system partition to the hidden volume.\n\nNeither the operating system nor applications will know that data written to and read from the system partition are actually written to and read from the partition behind it (from/to a hidden volume). Any such data is encrypted and decrypted on the fly as usual (with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\n\nPlease click Next to continue. The outer volume has been created and mounted as drive %hc:. To this outer volume you should now copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. You will be able to reveal the password for this outer volume, and the existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nIMPORTANT: The files you copy to the outer volume should not occupy more than %s. Otherwise, there may not be enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume (and you will not be able to continue). After you finish copying, click Next (do not dismount the volume). 外層加密區已成功建立並作為 %hc: 磁碟機掛載。對這個加密區,現在您應複製一些您不是真正要隱藏的看似敏感的檔案。這是讓那些強迫您洩漏密碼的人能看到的檔。您將僅對這個外層加密區洩漏密碼,而不要洩漏給他們隱藏加密區的密碼。您真正要保護的檔將被儲存在稍後建立的隱藏加密區裡。當您完成複製後,請點 '下一步',而且不要卸載此加密區。\n\n注意:點 '下一步' 後,將進行叢集圖掃描來確定連續的可用空間大小,此可用空間的結尾與加密區結尾一致。該空間將提供用來建立隱藏加密區同時也是隱藏加密區的最大容量。叢集圖掃描能夠保證外層加密區中的資料不會被隱藏加密區複寫。 外層加密區內容 \n\n在下一步您將要為外層加密區(在其內將建立隱藏加密區)調整其選項。 \n\nIn the next steps, you will create a so-called outer VeraCrypt volume within the first partition behind the system partition (as was explained in one of the previous steps). 外層加密區 In the following steps, you will set the options and password for the hidden volume, which will contain the hidden operating system.\n\nRemark: The cluster bitmap of the outer volume has been scanned in order to determine the size of uninterrupted area of free space whose end is aligned with the end of the outer volume. This area will accommodate the hidden volume, so it limits its maximum possible size. The maximum possible size of the hidden volume has been determined and confirmed to be greater than the size of the system partition (which is required, because the entire content of the system partition will need to be copied to the hidden volume). This ensures that no data currently stored on the outer volume will be overwritten by data written to the area of the hidden volume. IMPORTANT: Please remember the algorithms that you select in this step. You will have to select the same algorithms for the decoy system. Otherwise, the hidden system will be inaccessible! (The decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system.)\n\nNote: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader). \n\n外層加密區叢集圖掃描已完成,隱藏加密區最大可能大小已被確定。在下一步裡您可以調整隱藏加密區的選項、大小、和密碼。 隱藏加密區 在外層加密區卸載前隱藏加密區將處於保護之中。\n\n警告:如果有資料試圖存到隱藏加密區區域,VeraCrypt 將會開始對整個加密區(外層和隱藏加密區都是)進行寫入保護直到卸載。這也許會導致外層加密區的檔案系統損毀,這樣(如果持續下去)也許會對隱藏加密區的合理隱蔽特性有不利的影響。因此,您應該盡全力避免寫入資料到隱藏加密區區域裡。任何要被儲存到隱藏加密區區域的資料將不被保存而且會遺失!Windows 可能會報告為這是寫入錯誤("延遲寫入失敗" 或者 "參數不正確") 在新掛載上去的外層加密區卸載前每一個隱藏加密區將處於保護之中。\n\n警告:如果有資料試圖存到任何保護的隱藏加密區區域,VeraCrypt 將會開始對整個加密區(外層和隱藏加密區都是)進行寫入保護直到卸載。這也許會導致外層加密區的檔案系統損毀,這樣(如果持續下去)也許會對隱藏加密區的合理隱蔽特性有不利的影響。因此,您應該盡全力避免寫入資料到隱藏加密區區域裡。任何要被儲存到隱藏加密區區域的資料將不被保存而且會遺失!Windows 可能會報告為這是寫入錯誤("延遲寫入失敗" 或者 "參數不正確") 警告:資料試圖存到掛載為 %c: 加密區的隱藏加密區區域!\n\nVeraCrypt 為了保護隱藏加密區已經阻止了這些資料的儲存。這也許會導致外層加密區的檔案系統損毀而且 Windows 可能會報告為這是寫入錯誤("延遲寫入失敗" 或者 "參數不正確")。整個加密區(外層和隱藏加密區都是)將進行寫入保護直到加密區卸除為止。如果這不是 VeraCrypt 第一次避免資料寫入到隱藏加密區區域,隱藏加密區的合理隱蔽特性可能會有不利的影響(因為外層加密區的檔案系統裡可能有不正常的不一致相關)。因此,您應該考慮建立一個新的 VeraCrypt 加密區(停用快速格式化的)而且把檔案從這加密區移動到新加密區裡面;這加密區應該被安全的消除(外層和隱藏加密區都是)。我們強烈建議您現在重開作業系統。 You have indicated intent to store files larger than 4 GB on the volume. This requires the volume to be formatted as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS, which, however, will not be possible. Please note that when a hidden operating system is running, non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes cannot be formatted as NTFS/exFAT/ReFS. The reason is that the volume would need to be temporarily mounted without write protection in order to allow the operating system to format it as NTFS (whereas formatting as FAT is performed by VeraCrypt, not by the operating system, and without mounting the volume). For further technical details, see below. You can create a non-hidden NTFS/exFAT/ReFS volume from within the decoy operating system. For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, hidden volumes can be created only in the 'direct' mode (because outer volumes must always be mounted as read-only). To create a hidden volume securely, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot the decoy system.\n\n2) Create a normal VeraCrypt volume and, to this volume, copy some sensitive-looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide (the volume will become the outer volume).\n\n3) Boot the hidden system and start the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard. If the volume is file-hosted, move it to the system partition or to another hidden volume (otherwise, the newly created hidden volume would be mounted as read-only and could not be formatted). Follow the instructions in the wizard so as to select the 'direct' hidden volume creation mode.\n\n4) In the wizard, select the volume you created in step 2 and then follow the instructions to create a hidden volume within it. For security reasons, when a hidden operating system is running, local unencrypted filesystems and non-hidden VeraCrypt volumes are mounted as read-only (no data can be written to such filesystems or VeraCrypt volumes).\n\nData is allowed to be written to any filesystem that resides within a hidden VeraCrypt volume (provided that the hidden volume is not located in a container stored on an unencrypted filesystem or on any other read-only filesystem). There are three main reasons why such countermeasures have been implemented:\n\n- It enables the creation of a secure platform for mounting of hidden VeraCrypt volumes. Note that we officially recommend that hidden volumes are mounted only when a hidden operating system is running. (For more information, see the subsection 'Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes' in the documentation.)\n\n- In some cases, it is possible to determine that, at a certain time, a particular filesystem was not mounted under (or that a particular file on the filesystem was not saved or accessed from within) a particular instance of an operating system (e.g. by analyzing and comparing filesystem journals, file timestamps, application logs, error logs, etc). This might indicate that a hidden operating system is installed on the computer. The countermeasures prevent these issues.\n\n- It prevents data corruption and allows safe hibernation. When Windows resumes from hibernation, it assumes that all mounted filesystems are in the same state as when the system entered hibernation. VeraCrypt ensures this by write-protecting any filesystem accessible both from within the decoy and hidden systems. Without such protection, the filesystem could become corrupted when mounted by one system while the other system is hibernated. Note: If you need to securely transfer files from the decoy system to the hidden system, follow these steps:\n1) Start the decoy system.\n2) Save the files to an unencrypted volume or to an outer/normal VeraCrypt volume.\n3) Start the hidden system.\n4) If you saved the files to a VeraCrypt volume, mount it (it will be automatically mounted as read-only).\n5) Copy the files to the hidden system partition or to another hidden volume. 您的電腦必須重新啟動。\n\n您希望現在重新啟動電腦嗎? 取得系統加密狀態時出錯。 No password specified in the command line. The volume can't be created. No volume size specified in the command line. The volume can't be created. The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected NTFS filesystem. The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected FAT32 filesystem. The filesystem on the target drive doesn't support creating sparse files which is required for dynamic volumes. Only container files can be created through the command line. The container file size specified in the command line is greater than the available disk free space. Volume can't be created. The volume size specified in the command line is too small. The volume can't be created. The volume size specified in the command line is too big. The volume can't be created. 不能初始化用於系統加密的應用程式元件。 初始化亂數資料產生器失敗! Windows Crypto API failed!\n\n\n(If you report a bug in connection with this, please include the following technical information in the bug report:\n%hs, Last Error = 0x%.8X) 無法初始化應用程式。註冊對話方塊類別失敗。 Error: Failed to load the Rich Edit system library. VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈 該區能建立的最大隱藏加密區大小為 %.2f 位元組。 該區能建立的最大隱藏加密區大小為 %.2f KB。 該區能建立的最大隱藏加密區大小為 %.2f MB。 Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f GB. Maximum possible hidden volume size for this volume is %.2f TB. 當此加密區被掛載時,加密區密碼/金鑰檔無法被更改。請先卸載此加密區。 當加密區被掛載時無法修改首金鑰推導演算法。請先卸載加密區。 掛載(&M) 需要新版本的 VeraCrypt 來掛載此加密區。 錯誤:未發現加密區建立精靈。\n\n請確定檔案 "VeraCrypt Format.exe" 位於 "VeraCrypt.exe" 的目錄之中。如果不是這樣,請重新安裝 VeraCrypt,或在磁碟中確定 "VeraCrypt Format.exe" 的位置並執行它。 Error: Volume Expander not found.\n\nPlease make sure that the file 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' is in the folder from which 'VeraCrypt.exe' was launched. If it is not, please reinstall VeraCrypt, or locate 'VeraCryptExpander.exe' on your disk and run it. 下一步(&N) > 完成(&F) 安裝(&I) 解壓縮(&X) 不能連接到 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式。如果裝置驅動程式不能執行則 VeraCrypt 也不能執行。\n\n請注意由於 Windows 問題,可能需要登出或者重啟系統才能正常載入裝置驅動程式。 當載入/準備字型時出錯。 找不到磁碟機代號或是沒有指定磁碟機代號。 Error: Cannot assign drive letter.\n\nUntil a drive letter is assigned to the decrypted volume, you will not be able to access data stored on the volume.\n\nRetry? 磁碟機代號不可用。 未選定檔案! 無可用磁碟機代號。 外層加密區無可用磁碟機代號!無法進行加密區建立。 無法檢測到作業系統的版本,或您正在使用不被支援的作業系統。 未選定路徑! 建立隱藏加密區的可用空間不足!無法繼續加密區建立。 Error: The files you copied to the outer volume occupy too much space. Therefore, there is not enough free space on the outer volume for the hidden volume.\n\nNote that the hidden volume must be as large as the system partition (the partition where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the hidden operating system needs to be created by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume.\n\n\nThe process of creation of the hidden operating system cannot continue. 驅動程式無法卸載這個加密區。位於此加密區上某些檔案可能仍被使用中。 無法鎖定此加密區。此加密區上仍有些檔案被使用中。因而也無法卸載。 VeraCrypt cannot lock the volume because it is in use by the system or applications (there may be open files on the volume).\n\nDo you want to force dismount on the volume? 請選擇一個 VeraCrypt 加密區 指定路徑和檔案名稱 Select PKCS #11 Library 記憶體不足 IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that inexperienced users create a VeraCrypt file container on the selected device/partition, instead of attempting to encrypt the entire device/partition.\n\nWhen you create a VeraCrypt file container (as opposed to encrypting a device or partition) there is, for example, no risk of destroying a large number of files. Note that a VeraCrypt file container (even though it contains a virtual encrypted disk) is actually just like any normal file. For more information, see the chapter Beginner's Tutorial in the VeraCrypt User Guide.\n\nAre you sure you want to encrypt the entire device/partition? 警告:加密區 '%s' 已存在!\n\n重要:VeraCrypt 並不會加密這個檔案,而是會刪除這個檔案。您確定要刪除這個檔案並用一個新的 VeraCrypt 容器來取代它嗎? 警告:目前儲存在 %s '%s'%s 上的所有資料將會被刪除且遺失(它們將不會被加密)!\n\n您確定要繼續格式化嗎? WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start encrypting the selected %s '%s'%s? WARNING: You will not be able to mount the volume or access any files stored on it until it has been fully decrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to start decrypting the selected %s '%s'%s? WARNING: Please note that if power supply is suddenly interrupted while encrypting/decrypting existing data in place, or when the operating system crashes due to a software error or hardware malfunction while VeraCrypt is encrypting/decrypting existing data in place, portions of the data will be corrupted or lost. Therefore, before you start encrypting/decrypting, please make sure that you have backup copies of the files you want to encrypt/decrypt.\n\nDo you have such a backup? CAUTION: ANY FILES CURRENTLY STORED ON THE PARTITION '%s'%s (I.E. ON THE FIRST PARTITION BEHIND THE SYSTEM PARTITION) WILL BE ERASED AND LOST (THEY WILL NOT BE ENCRYPTED)!\n\nAre you sure you want to proceed with format? WARNING: THE SELECTED PARTITION CONTAINS A LARGE AMOUNT OF DATA! Any files stored on the partition will be erased and lost (they will NOT be encrypted)! Erase any files stored on the partition by creating a VeraCrypt volume within it 密碼 PIM 設定首金鑰推衍演算法 新增/移除 金鑰檔案... 從加密區中移除所有金鑰檔 Password, PIM and/or keyfile(s) successfully changed.\n\nIMPORTANT: Please make sure you have read the section 'Changing Passwords and Keyfiles' in the chapter 'Security Requirements and Precautions' in the VeraCrypt User Guide. This volume is registered as a System Favorite and its PIM was changed.\nDo you want VeraCrypt to automatically update the System Favorite configuration (administrator privileges required)?\n\nPlease note that if you answer no, you'll have to update the System Favorite manually. IMPORTANT: If you did not destroy your VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, your system partition/drive can still be decrypted using the old password (by booting the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and entering the old password). You should create a new VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and then destroy the old one.\n\nDo you want to create a new VeraCrypt Rescue Disk? 要注意您的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟仍然使用之前的加密演算法。如果您認為之前的加密演算法不安全,您應該建立一個新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟然後並銷毀原來的救援磁碟。\n\n您希望建立一個新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟嗎?要注意 VeraCrypt 將會使用之前的演算法。如果您認為之前的演算法不安全,您應該建立一片新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟且然後銷毀舊的。\n\n您想要建立一片新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟嗎? Any kind of file (for example, .mp3, .jpg, .zip, .avi) may be used as a VeraCrypt keyfile. Note that VeraCrypt never modifies the keyfile contents. You can select more than one keyfile (the order does not matter). If you add a folder, all non-hidden files found in it will be used as keyfiles. Click 'Add Token Files' to select keyfiles stored on security tokens or smart cards (or to import keyfiles to security tokens or smart cards). 金鑰檔已成功新增/移除。 Keyfile exported. 首金鑰推導演算法已成功設定。 Please enter the password and/or keyfile(s) for the non-system volume where you want to resume the process of in-place encryption/decryption.\n\nRemark: After you click Next, VeraCrypt will attempt to find all non-system volumes where the process of encryption/decryption has been interrupted and where the VeraCrypt volume header can be deciphered using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s). If more than one such volume is found, you will need to select one of them in the next step. Please select one of the listed volumes. The list contains each accessible non-system volume where the process of encryption/decryption has been interrupted and where the volume header was successfully deciphered using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s). Please enter the password and/or keyfile(s) for the non-system VeraCrypt volume that you want to decrypt. It is very important that you choose a good password. You should avoid choosing one that contains only a single word that can be found in a dictionary (or a combination of 2, 3, or 4 such words). It should not contain any names or dates of birth. It should not be easy to guess. A good password is a random combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters, such as @ ^ = $ * + etc. We recommend choosing a password consisting of 20 or more characters (the longer, the better). The maximum possible length is 128 characters. 請為隱藏加密區選擇一個密碼。 Please choose a password for the hidden operating system (i.e. for the hidden volume). IMPORTANT: The password that you choose for the hidden operating system in this step must be substantially different from the other two passwords (i.e. from the password for the outer volume and from the password for the decoy operating system). 請輸入外層加密區的密碼(您將在該加密區中建立隱藏加密區)。\n\n在點 '下一步' 後,VeraCrypt 會嘗試掛載此加密區。一旦加密區被掛載,將進行叢集圖掃描來確定連續的可用空間大小(如果有的話),此空間的結尾與加密區結尾一致。該區域將提供給隱藏加密區並因此會限制它的最大可能大小。叢集圖掃描是必要的,這可以確保外層加密區的資料不會被隱藏加密區複寫。 \nPlease choose a password for the outer volume. This will be the password that you will be able to reveal to an adversary if you are asked or forced to do so.\n\nIMPORTANT: The password must be substantially different from the one you will choose for the hidden volume.\n\nNote: The maximum possible password length is 128 characters. Please choose a password for the outer volume. This will be the password you will be able to reveal to anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret. Note that this password is not for the decoy operating system.\n\nIMPORTANT: The password must be substantially different from the one you will choose for the hidden volume (i.e. for the hidden operating system). 外層加密區密碼 隱藏加密區密碼 Password for Hidden Operating System 警告:簡短密碼容易被使用暴力破解技術破解!\n\n我們建議選擇一個超過 20 個字元的密碼。\n\n您確定要使用簡短密碼嗎? 加密區密碼 密碼不正確或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區。 金鑰 和/或 密碼不正確或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區。 錯誤的掛載模式,密碼不正確,或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區。 錯誤的掛載模式,金鑰 和/或 密碼不正確,或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區。 密碼不正確或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區。 金鑰 和/或 密碼不正確或不是 VeraCrypt 加密區 \n\n警告:Caps Lock 已經開啟。這可能導致您密碼輸入錯誤。 Remember Number to Mount Volume Outer Volume PIM Hidden Volume PIM PIM for Hidden Operating System PIM (Personal Iterations Multiplier) is a value that controls the number of iterations used by the header key derivation as follows:\n Iterations = 15000 + (PIM x 1000).\n\nWhen left empty or set to 0, VeraCrypt will use a default value (485) that ensures a high security.\n\nWhen the password is less than 20 characters, PIM can't be smaller than 485 in order to maintain a minimal security level.\nWhen the password is 20 characters or more, PIM can be set to any value.\n\nA PIM value larger than 485 will lead to slower mount. A small PIM value (less than 485) will lead to a quicker mount but it can reduce security if the password is not strong enough. PIM (Personal Iterations Multiplier) is a value that controls the number of iterations used by the header key derivation as follows:\n Iterations = PIM x 2048.\n\nWhen left empty or set to 0, VeraCrypt will use a default value that ensures a high security.\n\nWhen the password is less than 20 characters, PIM can't be smaller than 98 in order to maintain a minimal security level.\nWhen the password is 20 characters or more, PIM can be set to any value.\n\nA PIM value larger than 98 will lead to slower boot. A small PIM value (less than 98) will lead to a quicker boot but it can reduce security if the password is not strong enough. Remember Number to Boot System You have chosen a PIM value that is larger than VeraCrypt default value.\nPlease note that this will lead to much slower mount/boot. You have chosen a Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM) that is smaller than the default VeraCrypt value. Please note that if your password is not strong enough, this could lead to a weaker security.\n\nDo you confirm that you are using a strong password? Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM) maximum value for system encryption is 65535. Volume PIM \n\nWARNING: Hidden file(s) have been found in a keyfile search path. Such hidden files cannot be used as keyfiles. If you need to use them as keyfiles, remove their 'Hidden' attribute (right-click each of them, select 'Properties', uncheck 'Hidden' and click OK). Note: Hidden files are visible only if the corresponding option is enabled (Computer > Organize > 'Folder and search options' > View). If you are attempting to protect a hidden volume containing a hidden system, please make sure you are using the standard US keyboard layout when typing the password for the hidden volume. This is required due to the fact that the password needs to be typed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) where non-US Windows keyboard layouts are not available. VeraCrypt has not found any volume where the process of encryption/decryption of a non-system volume has been interrupted and where the volume header can be deciphered using the supplied password and/or keyfile(s).\n\nPlease make sure the password and/or keyfile(s) are correct and that the partition/volume is not being used by the system or applications (including antivirus software). The selected partition/device is already fully encrypted.\nHeader Flags = 0x%.8X The selected partition/device is not using in-place encryption.\nHeader Flags = 0x%.8X \n\n注意:如果您試圖掛載位於加密的系統磁碟機中的分割區而沒有啟動前置認證的話,或者是掛載作業系統沒有執行的加密的系統分割區,您可以經由選擇 "系統" > "以沒有啟動前置認證的方式掛載" 來達到。 In this mode, you cannot mount a partition located on a drive whose portion is within the key scope of active system encryption.\n\nBefore you can mount this partition in this mode, you need to either boot an operating system installed on a different drive (encrypted or unencrypted) or boot an unencrypted operating system. VeraCrypt cannot decrypt an individual partition on an entirely encrypted system drive (you can decrypt only the entire system drive). Warning: As the drive contains the VeraCrypt Boot Loader, it may be an entirely encrypted system drive. If it is, please note that VeraCrypt cannot decrypt an individual partition on an entirely encrypted system drive (you can decrypt only the entire system drive). If that is the case, you will be able to continue now but you will receive the 'Incorrect password' error message later. < 上一步(&B) 無法列出安裝在系統上的原生裝置! 加密區 "%s" 存在,而且是唯讀的。您確定要取代它嗎? 選擇目標目錄 選擇金鑰檔 選擇金鑰檔的搜索路徑。警告:要注意記憶的只是路徑,而不會記憶檔案名! Select a directory where to store the keyfiles. The current container file was selected as a keyfile. It will be skipped. 設計者為 Ross Anderson、Eli Biham、和 Lars Knudsen。發表於 1998 年。256 位金鑰,128 位元資料塊。操作模式為 XTS。Serpent 為與 AES 候選演算法中的一種。 Please specify the size of the container you want to create.\n\nIf you create a dynamic (sparse-file) container, this parameter will specify its maximum possible size.\n\nNote that the minimum possible size of a FAT volume is 292 KB. The minimum possible size of an exFAT volume is 424 KB. The minimum possible size of an NTFS volume is 3792 KB. The minimum possible size of an ReFS volume is 642 MB. Please specify the size of the outer volume to be created (you will first create the outer volume and then a hidden volume within it). The minimum possible size of a volume within which a hidden volume is intended to be created is 340 KB. Please specify the size of the hidden volume to create. The minimum possible size of a hidden volume is 40 KB (or 3664 KB if it is formatted as NTFS). The maximum possible size you can specify for the hidden volume is displayed above. 外層加密區大小 隱藏加密區大小 Please verify that the size of the selected device/partition shown above is correct and click Next. The outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) will reside within the above partition. It should be the first partition behind the system partition.\n\nPlease verify that the size of the partition and its number shown above are correct, and if they are, click Next. \n\nNote that the minimum possible size of a volume within which a hidden volume is intended to be created is 340 KB. 加密區大小 動態大小的 警告:自我檢測失敗! 全部演算法自我檢測通過 您提供的資料單位數值太長或太短。 您提供的次金鑰太長或太短。 您提供的測試加密文本太長或太短。 您提供的測試金鑰太長或太短。 您提供的測試明碼文本太長或太短。 在 XTS 模式的串聯操作中需要兩個加密。每個區塊首先使用 %s (%d 位元金鑰)加密然後使用 %s (%d 位元金鑰)加密。每個加密使用其各自的金鑰。所有的金鑰各自獨立。 在 XTS 模式的串聯操作中需要三個加密。每個區塊首先以 %s (%d 位元金鑰)加密,然後以 %s (%d 位元金鑰)加密,最後以 %s (%d 位金鑰)加密。每個加密均使用其各自的金鑰。所有的金鑰均各自獨立。 Note that, depending on the operating system configuration, these auto-run and auto-mount features may work only when the traveler disk files are created on a non-writable CD/DVD-like medium. Also note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt (it is a limitation of Windows). VeraCrypt traveler disk has been successfully created.\n\nNote that you need administrator privileges to run VeraCrypt in portable mode. Also note that, after examining the registry file, it may be possible to tell that VeraCrypt was run on a Windows system even if it is run in portable mode. VeraCrypt 可攜式磁碟 設計者為 Bruce Schneie、John Kelsey、Doug Whiting、David Wagner、Chris Hall、和 Niels Ferguson。發表於 1998 年。256 位元金鑰,128 位元區塊。操作模式為 XTS。Twofish 為與 AES 候選演算法中的一種。 關於 %s 的更多訊息 未知 An unspecified or unknown error occurred (%d). 一些加密區包含的檔案或資料夾 正被應用程式或系統使用。\n\n強制卸載嗎? 卸載(&D) 卸載失敗! 加密區包含的檔案或資料夾被應用程式或系統使用。\n\n強制卸載嗎? No volume is mounted to the specified drive letter. 您試圖要掛載的加密區早已經掛載了。 試圖掛載加密區時出錯。 在加密區裡定址時出錯。 錯誤:錯誤的加密區大小。 WARNING: You should use Quick Format only in the following cases:\n\n1) The device contains no sensitive data and you do not need plausible deniability.\n2) The device has already been securely and fully encrypted.\n\nAre you sure you want to use Quick Format? Dynamic container is a pre-allocated NTFS sparse file whose physical size (actual disk space used) grows as new data is added to it.\n\nWARNING: Performance of sparse-file-hosted volumes is significantly worse than performance of regular volumes. Sparse-file-hosted volumes are also less secure, because it is possible to tell which volume sectors are unused. Furthermore, sparse-file-hosted volumes cannot provide plausible deniability (host a hidden volume). Also note that if data is written to a sparse file container when there is not enough free space in the host file system, the encrypted file system may get corrupted.\n\nAre you sure you want to create a sparse-file-hosted volume? Note that the size of the dynamic container reported by Windows and by VeraCrypt will always be equal to its maximum size. To find out current physical size of the container (actual disk space it uses), right-click the container file (in a Windows Explorer window, not in VeraCrypt), then select 'Properties' and see the 'Size on disk' value.\n\nAlso note that if you move a dynamic container to another volume or drive, the physical size of the container will be extended to the maximum. (You can prevent that by creating a new dynamic container in the destination location, mounting it and then moving the files from the old container to the new one.) Password cache wiped Passwords (and/or processed keyfile contents) stored in the VeraCrypt driver cache have been wiped. VeraCrypt 無法修改外層加密區的密碼。 請從列表中選擇一個未被使用的磁碟機代號。 請在磁碟機列表中選擇一個已掛載的加密區。 Warning: Two different volumes/devices are currently selected (the first is selected in the drive letter list and the second is selected in the input field below the drive letter list).\n\nPlease confirm your choice: 錯誤:無法建立 autorun.inf 處理金鑰檔時出錯! 處理金鑰檔路徑時出錯! The keyfile path contains no files.\n\nPlease note that folders (and files they contain) found in keyfile search paths are ignored. VeraCrypt 不支援此作業系統。 Error: VeraCrypt supports only stable versions of this operating system (beta/RC versions are not supported). 錯誤:無法配置記憶體。 錯誤:無法復原效能計數器的值。 錯誤:錯誤的加密區格式。 Error: You supplied a password for a hidden volume (not for a normal volume). For security reasons, a hidden volume cannot be created within a VeraCrypt volume containing a filesystem that has been encrypted in place (because the free space on the volume has not been filled with random data). VeraCrypt - 法律聲明 所有檔案 VeraCrypt 加密區 Library Modules NTFS 格式化無法繼續。 無法掛載加密區。 無法卸載加密區。 Windows 格式化為 NTFS 檔案系統格式時失敗。\n\n請選擇不同的檔案系統格式(如果可能的話)再嘗試一次。另外,您可以保留該區為未格式化區(檔案系統選擇為 "無"),結束精靈,掛載這個加密區,然後再使用系統或第三方廠商工具格式化這個已經掛載的加密區(該掛載的區仍然為加密狀態)。 Windows 格式化為 NTFS 檔案系統格式時失敗。\n\n您希望格式化為 FAT 檔案系統格式嗎? 預設 partition 磁碟分割區 磁碟機 device 磁碟機 加密區 volume VOLUME Label 對加密區大小而言,選擇的叢集大小太小。將使用大一些的叢集大小來取代。 錯誤:無法取得加密區大小資訊!\n\n請確定選擇的加密區未被系統或其他程式使用。 Hidden volumes must not be created within dynamic (sparse file) containers. To achieve plausible deniability, the hidden volume needs to be created within a non-dynamic container. VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈只能在 FAT 或 NTFS 的檔案系統格式加密區內建立隱藏加密區。 在 Windows 2000 系統下,VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈只能在 FAT 的檔案系統格式加密區裡面建立隱藏加密區。 Note: The FAT/exFAT file system is more suitable for outer volumes than the NTFS file system (for example, the maximum possible size of the hidden volume would very likely have been significantly greater if the outer volume had been formatted as FAT/exFAT). Note that the FAT/exFAT file system is more suitable for outer volumes than the NTFS file system. For example, the maximum possible size of the hidden volume will very likely be significantly greater if the outer volume is formatted as FAT/exFAT (the reason is that the NTFS file system always stores internal data exactly in the middle of the volume and, therefore, the hidden volume can reside only in the second half of the outer volume).\n\nAre you sure you want to format the outer volume as NTFS? Do you want to format the volume as FAT instead? Note: This volume cannot be formatted as FAT, because it exceeds the maximum volume size supported by the FAT32 filesystem for the applicable sector size (2 TB for 512-byte sectors and 16 TB for 4096-byte sectors). Error: The partition for the hidden operating system (i.e. the first partition behind the system partition) must be at least 5% larger than the system partition (the system partition is the one where the currently running operating system is installed). Error: The partition for the hidden operating system (i.e. the first partition behind the system partition) must be at least 110% (2.1 times) larger than the system partition (the system partition is the one where the currently running operating system is installed). The reason is that the NTFS file system always stores internal data exactly in the middle of the volume and, therefore, the hidden volume (which is to contain a clone of the system partition) can reside only in the second half of the partition. Error: If the outer volume is formatted as NTFS, it must be at least 110% (2.1 times) larger than the system partition. The reason is that the NTFS file system always stores internal data exactly in the middle of the volume and, therefore, the hidden volume (which is to contain a clone of the system partition) can reside only in the second half of the outer volume.\n\nNote: The outer volume needs to reside within the same partition as the hidden operating system (i.e. within the first partition behind the system partition). Error: There is no partition behind the system partition.\n\nNote that before you can create a hidden operating system, you need to create a partition for it on the system drive. It must be the first partition behind the system partition and it must be at least 5% larger than the system partition (the system partition is the one where the currently running operating system is installed). However, if the outer volume (not to be confused with the system partition) is formatted as NTFS, the partition for the hidden operating system must be at least 110% (2.1 times) larger than the system partition (the reason is that the NTFS file system always stores internal data exactly in the middle of the volume and, therefore, the hidden volume, which is to contain a clone of the system partition, can reside only in the second half of the partition). Remark: It is not practical (and therefore is not supported) to install operating systems in two VeraCrypt volumes that are embedded within a single partition, because using the outer operating system would often require data to be written to the area of the hidden operating system (and if such write operations were prevented using the hidden volume protection feature, it would inherently cause system crashes, i.e. 'Blue Screen' errors). For information on how to create and manage partitions, please refer to the documentation supplied with your operating system or contact your computer vendor's technical support team for assistance. Error: The currently running operating system is not installed on the boot partition (first Active partition). This is not supported. You indicated that you intend to store files larger than 4 GB in this VeraCrypt volume. However, you chose the FAT file system, on which files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored.\n\nAre you sure you want to format the volume as FAT? Error: VeraCrypt does not support in-place decryption of legacy non-system volumes created by VeraCrypt 1.0b or earlier.\n\nNote: You can still decrypt files stored on the volume by copying/moving them to any unencrypted volume. Error: VeraCrypt cannot in-place decrypt a hidden VeraCrypt volume.\n\nNote: You can still decrypt files stored on the volume by copying/moving them to any unencrypted volume. Warning: Note that VeraCrypt cannot in-place decrypt a volume that contains a hidden VeraCrypt volume (the hidden volume would be overwritten with pseudorandom data).\n\nPlease confirm that the volume you are about to decrypt contains no hidden volume.\n\nNote: If the volume contains a hidden volume but you do not mind losing the hidden volume, you can select Proceed (the outer volume will be safely decrypted). The volume does not contain any hidden volume. Proceed. The volume contains a hidden volume. Cancel. 錯誤:無法存取加密區!\n\n請確定選擇的加密區存在,該加密區並未由系統或其他程式使用,同時該區未被防寫,而且具有對該區的讀寫權限。 Error: Cannot obtain volume properties. Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume.\n\nMake sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected. Error: Cannot access the volume and/or obtain information about the volume. Make sure that the selected volume exists, that it is not being used by the system or applications, that you have read/write permission for the volume, and that it is not write-protected.\n\nIf the problem persists, it might help to follow the below steps. An error prevented VeraCrypt from encrypting the partition. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again. If the problems persist, it might help to follow the below steps. An error prevented VeraCrypt from resuming the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume.\n\nPlease try fixing any previously reported problems and then try resuming the process again if possible. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or fully decrypted. An error prevented VeraCrypt from decrypting the volume. Please try fixing any previously reported problems and then try again if possible. 錯誤:無法卸載外層加密區!\n\n如果加密區中的檔案或資料夾被程式或系統使用,則該加密區無法被鎖定。\n\n請關閉任何可能使用加密區上檔案或目錄的程式,然後再選取 '重試'。 錯誤:不能獲得外層加密區的訊息! 加密區建立不能繼續。 錯誤:無法存取外層加密區!加密區建立無法繼續。 錯誤:無法掛載外層加密區!加密區建立無法繼續。 錯誤:無法取得加密區叢集圖!加密區建立無法繼續。 按字母順序 按平均速度(遞減) 演算法 加密 解密 平均 代號 大小 加密演算法 加密演算法 類型 內容 位置 位元組 隱藏 外層 一般 系統 隱藏 (系統) 唯讀 系統磁碟機 系統磁碟機(正在加密 - %.2f%% 已完成) 系統磁碟機(正在解密 - %.2f%% 已完成) 系統磁碟機(%.2f%% 已加密) 系統分割區 隱藏的系統分割區 系統分割區(正在加密 - %.2f%% 已完成) 系統分割區(正在解密 - %.2f%% 已完成)) 系統分割區(%.2f%% 已加密) 是(防止損壞!) Primary Key Size Secondary Key Size (XTS Mode) Tweak Key Size (LRW Mode) 位元 區塊大小 PKCS-5 PRF PKCS-5 反覆運算次數 加密區建立時間 標頭資訊上次修改時間 (%I64d 天前) Volume Format Version 嵌入備份標頭 VeraCrypt Boot Loader Version 最初可用的 可移除式磁碟 硬碟 不改變 自動檢測 精靈模式 Select one of the modes. If you are not sure which to select, use the default mode. Select this option if you want to install VeraCrypt on this system. Note: You can upgrade without decrypting even if the system partition/drive is encrypted or you use a hidden operating system. If you select this option, all files will be extracted from this package but nothing will be installed on the system. Do not select it if you intend to encrypt the system partition or system drive. Selecting this option can be useful, for example, if you want to run VeraCrypt in so-called portable mode. VeraCrypt does not have to be installed on the operating system under which it is run. After all files are extracted, you can directly run the extracted file 'VeraCrypt.exe' (then VeraCrypt will run in portable mode). 設定選項 您可以在在這裡設定不同選項來控制安裝的過程。 正在安裝 VeraCrypt 正在安裝請稍候。 VeraCrypt 已成功安裝 VeraCrypt 已成功升級 Please consider making a donation. You can click Finish anytime to close the installer. 解壓縮選項 您可以在這裡設定不同選項來控制解壓縮的過程。 正在解壓縮檔案請稍候。 檔案已成功提取 所有檔案已經被成功解壓縮到目標位置。 如果指定的資料夾不存在,將會自動建立該資料夾。 The VeraCrypt program files will be upgraded in the location where VeraCrypt is installed. If you need to select a different location, please uninstall VeraCrypt first. 您想查看目前版本的 VeraCrypt 的發行公告嗎? 如果您以前從未沒有使用過 VeraCrypt,我們建議您先閱讀 VeraCrypt 使用者指南中的 Beginner's Tutorial 章節。您想要查看教學導覽嗎? 請從下面選擇要執行的操作: 修復/重新安裝 升級 移除 To successfully install/uninstall VeraCrypt, you must have administrator privileges. Do you want to continue? VeraCrypt Installer is currently running on this system and performing or preparing installation or update of VeraCrypt. Before you proceed, please wait for it to finish or close it. If you cannot close it, please restart your computer before proceeding. 安裝失敗。 移除失敗。 這發行包裝檔已經損壞。請試著再下載一次(最好從 VeraCrypt 官方網站 https://www.veracrypt.fr 下載)。 不能寫入檔案 %s 正在解壓縮 不能從包裝檔中讀取資料 不能驗證發行包裝檔的完整性。 解壓縮失敗。 安裝已經被返回。 VeraCrypt 已成功安裝。 VeraCrypt 已成功更新。 VeraCrypt has been successfully upgraded. However, before you can start using it, the computer must be restarted.\n\nDo you want to restart it now? Failed to upgrade VeraCrypt!\n\nIMPORTANT: Before you shut down or restart the system, we strongly recommend that you use System Restore (Windows Start menu > All programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore) to restore your system to the restore point named 'VeraCrypt installation'. If System Restore is not available, you should try installing the original or the new version of VeraCrypt again before you shut down or restart the system. VeraCrypt 已成功移除。\n\n點 "完成" 來移除 VeraCrypt 安裝程式和資料夾 %s。要注意如果該資料夾中含有非安裝程式建立的檔案,則該資料夾不會被移除。 正在移除 VeraCrypt 登錄檔項目。 正在新增登錄檔項目 正在刪除程式相關資料 正在安裝 正在停止 正在刪除 新增圖示 建立系統還原點 建立系統還原點失敗! Updating boot loader "%s" 的安裝已失敗。 %s 您想要繼續安裝嗎? "%s" 的移除已失敗。 %s 您想要繼續移除嗎? 安裝完成。 資料夾 "%s" 無法被建立 無法卸載 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式。\n\n請先關閉所有使用中的 VeraCrypt 視窗。如果這樣仍然沒有作用,請重新啟動電腦然後再試一次。 在安裝或者移除 VeraCrypt 之前必須先要卸載所有的 VeraCrypt 加密區。 An obsolete version of VeraCrypt is currently installed on this system. It needs to be uninstalled before you can install this new version of VeraCrypt.\n\nAs soon as you close this message box, the uninstaller of the old version will be launched. Note that no volume will be decrypted when you uninstall VeraCrypt. After you uninstall the old version of VeraCrypt, run the installer of the new version of VeraCrypt again. 安裝註冊表項目失敗 安裝裝置驅動程式失敗。請重新啟動電腦後再嘗試安裝 VeraCrypt。 正在啟動 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式 裝置驅動程式的移除已失敗。請注意,由於 Windows 問題,在設定裝置驅動程式能夠被移除(或重新安裝)前可能需要登出或者重新啟動系統。 正在安裝 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式 正在停止 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式 正在移除 VeraCrypt 裝置驅動程式 註冊使用者帳戶控制項支援函式庫失敗。 反註冊使用者帳戶控制項支援函式庫失敗。 Note about portable mode:\n\nPlease note that the operating system requires drivers to be registered with it before they can be started. Hence, the VeraCrypt driver is not (and cannot be) fully portable (whereas the VeraCrypt applications are fully portable, i.e. they do not have to be installed or registered with the operating system). Also note that VeraCrypt needs a driver to provide transparent on-the-fly encryption/decryption. Note that if you decide to run VeraCrypt in portable mode (as opposed to running an installed copy of VeraCrypt), the system will ask you for permission to run VeraCrypt (UAC prompt) every time you attempt to run it.\n\nThe reason is that when you run VeraCrypt in portable mode, VeraCrypt needs to load and start the VeraCrypt device driver. VeraCrypt needs a device driver to provide transparent on-the-fly encryption/decryption, and users without administrator privileges cannot start device drivers in Windows. Therefore, the system will ask you for permission to run VeraCrypt with administrator privileges (UAC prompt).\n\nNote that if you install VeraCrypt on the system (as opposed to running VeraCrypt in portable mode), the system will NOT ask you for permission to run VeraCrypt (UAC prompt) every time you attempt to run it.\n\nAre you sure you want to extract the files? Warning: This instance of the Volume Creation Wizard has administrator privileges.\n\nYour new volume may be created with permissions that will not allow you to write to the volume when it is mounted. If you want to avoid that, close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard and launch a new one without administrator privileges.\n\nDo you want to close this instance of the Volume Creation Wizard? 錯誤:不能顯示授權聲明。 外層(!) 小時 分鐘 打開 卸載 顯示 VeraCrypt 隱藏 VeraCrypt 掛載以來讀取的資料 掛載以來寫入的資料 加密成分 100% (完全加密) 0% (未加密) %.3f%% 100% 正在等待 Preparing Resizing 正在加密 正在解密 Finalizing 已暫停 已完成 錯誤 Device disconnected System favorite volumes saved.\n\nTo enable mounting of system favorite volumes when the system starts, please select 'Settings' > 'System Favorite Volumes' > 'Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts'. The volume you are adding to favorites is neither a partition nor a dynamic volume. Therefore, VeraCrypt will be unable to mount this favorite volume if the device number changes. The volume you are adding to favorites is a partition not recognized by Windows.\n\nVeraCrypt will be unable to mount this favorite volume if the device number changes. Please set the type of the partition to a type recognized by Windows (use the SETID command of the Windows 'diskpart' tool). Then add the partition to favorites again. VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled or it is configured to exit when there are no mounted volumes (or VeraCrypt is running in portable mode). This may prevent your favorite volumes from being automatically mounted when devices hosting them get connected.\n\nNote: To enable the VeraCrypt Background Task, select Settings > Preferences and check the 'Enabled' checkbox in the section 'VeraCrypt Background Task'. A container stored in a remote filesystem shared over a network cannot be automatically mounted when its host device gets connected. The device displayed below is neither a partition nor a dynamic volume. Therefore, the volume hosted on the device cannot be automatically mounted when the device gets connected. Please set the type of the partition displayed below to a type recognized by Windows (use the SETID command of the Windows 'diskpart' tool). Then remove the partition from favorites and add it again. This will enable the volume hosted on the device to be automatically mounted when the device gets connected. The device displayed below is neither a partition nor a dynamic volume. Therefore, no label can be assigned to it. Please set the type of the partition displayed below to a type recognized by Windows (use the SETID command of the Windows 'diskpart' tool). Then remove the partition from favorites and add it again. This will enable VeraCrypt to assign a label to the partition. Due to a Windows limitation, a container stored in a remote filesystem shared over a network cannot be mounted as a system favorite volume (however, it can be mounted as a non-system favorite volume when a user logs on). 為 %s 輸入密碼 Enter password for '%s' Enter password for the normal/outer volume Enter password for the hidden volume Enter password for the header stored in backup file 金鑰檔已成功建立。 The number of keyfiles you supplied is invalid. The keyfile size must be comprized between 64 and 1048576 bytes. Please enter a name for the keyfile(s) to be generated The base name of the keyfile(s) is invalid The keyfile '%s' already exists.\nDo you want to overwrite it? The generation process will be stopped if you answer No. WARNING: The header of this volume is damaged! VeraCrypt automatically used the backup of the volume header embedded in the volume.\n\nYou should repair the volume header by selecting 'Tools' > 'Restore Volume Header'. 加密區標頭資訊備份已經成功建立。\n\n重要:使用復原功能復原時也會復原目前加密區的密碼。此外,如果建立加密區的時候使用了金鑰檔,復原後也需要同樣的金鑰檔來打開加密區。\n\n警告:該加密區標頭資訊備份只能用在這個提供備份的加密區上。如果您把該標頭資訊備份復原到其他加密區,您可能能夠打開加密區,但是您將無法解密儲存在加密區的任何資料(這是因為您已經改變了加密區的主金鑰)。 加密區標頭資訊備份已經成功復原。\n\n重要:請注意舊密碼也同樣被復原了。此外,備份時如果需要金鑰檔來掛載加密區,復原後也需要同樣的金鑰檔。 For security reasons, you will have to enter the correct password (and/or supply the correct keyfiles) for the volume.\n\nNote: If the volume contains a hidden volume, you will have to enter the correct password (and/or supply the correct keyfiles) for the outer volume first. Afterwards, if you choose to back up the header of the hidden volume, you will have to enter the correct password (and/or supply the correct keyfiles) for the hidden volume. Are you sure you want to create volume header backup for %s?\n\nAfter you click Yes, you will prompted for a filename for the header backup.\n\nNote: Both the standard and the hidden volume headers will be re-encrypted using a new salt and stored in the backup file. If there is no hidden volume within this volume, the area reserved for the hidden volume header in the backup file will be filled with random data (to preserve plausible deniability). When restoring a volume header from the backup file, you will need to enter the correct password (and/or to supply the correct keyfiles) that was/were valid when the volume header backup was created. The password (and/or keyfiles) will also automatically determine the type of the volume header to restore, i.e. standard or hidden (note that VeraCrypt determines the type through the process of trial and error). 您確定要復原加密區 %s 的標頭資訊嗎?\n\n警告:復原加密區標頭資訊也會復原在建立備份時有效的密碼。此外,如果在備份時需要使用金鑰檔掛載加密區,那麼在標頭資訊復原後,仍然需要同樣的金鑰檔。\n\n在您選取 '是' 之後,您將會選擇標頭資訊備份檔案。 Does the volume contain a hidden volume? The volume contains a hidden volume The volume does not contain a hidden volume Please select the type of volume header backup you want to use: Restore the volume header from the backup embedded in the volume Restore the volume header from an external backup file The size of the volume header backup file is incorrect. There is no backup header embedded in this volume (note that only volumes created by VeraCrypt 6.0 or later contain embedded backup headers). 您正在嘗試備份系統分割區/磁碟機的標頭訊息。這是不被允許的。對於系統分割區/磁碟機標頭訊息的備份/恢復操作只能經由使用 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟來進行。\n\n您希望建立 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟嗎? 您正在嘗試恢復虛擬 VeraCrypt 加密區的標頭訊息但是您選擇的是系統分割區/磁碟機。這是不被允許的。 對於系統分割區/磁碟機標頭訊息的備份/恢復只能經由使用 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟來進行。\n\n您希望建立 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟嗎? 在點 '確定' 後,您將會選擇新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟 影像檔案的檔案名稱和您要存放位置。 The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to burn the Rescue Disk image to a CD or DVD.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the file must be written to the CD/DVD as an ISO disk image (not as an individual file). For information on how to do so, please refer to the documentation of your CD/DVD recording software.\n\nAfter you burn the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly burned. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to burn the Rescue Disk image to a CD or DVD.\n\nDo you want to launch the Microsoft Windows Disc Image Burner now?\n\nNote: After you burn the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly burned. 請插入 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟到 CD/DVD 光碟機並點選 '確定' 開始驗證。 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟已經被成功驗證。 無法驗證救援磁碟已被正確燒錄。\n\n如果您已經燒錄了救援磁碟,請退出後重新插入 CD/DVD;然後再試一次。如果沒有用,請嘗試使用其他 CD/DVD 燒錄軟體或光碟片。\n\n如果您嘗試驗證一個為不同的主金鑰、密碼、salt 值、等建立的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟,請注意這樣的救援磁碟永遠無法通過驗證。要建立一個新的和目前組態完全相容的救援磁碟,請選擇 "系統" > "建立救援磁碟"。 The VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image has been successfully verified. The Rescue Disk image verification failed.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk image will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk image fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. 建立 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟時失敗。 VeraCrypt Rescue Disk cannot be created when a hidden operating system is running.\n\nTo create a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, boot the decoy operating system and then select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly burned.\n\nIf you have burned the Rescue Disk, please eject and reinsert the CD/DVD; then click Next to try again. If this does not help, please try another medium%s.\n\nIf you have not burned the Rescue Disk yet, please do so, and then click Next.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created before you started this wizard, please note that such Rescue Disk cannot be used, because it was created for a different master key. You need to burn the newly generated Rescue Disk. and/or other CD/DVD recording software VeraCrypt - System Favorite Volumes What are system favorite volumes? The system partition/drive does not appear to be encrypted.\n\nSystem favorite volumes can be mounted using only a pre-boot authentication password. Therefore, to enable use of system favorite volumes, you need to encrypt the system partition/drive first. 在操作前請卸載加密區。 錯誤:不能設定計時器。 檢查檔案系統 修正檔案系統 新增到我的最愛... Add to System Favorites... P&roperties... 隱藏加密區已被保護 N/A 關閉 1 2 或更多 操作模式 Label: Size: Path: 磁碟機代號: 錯誤:密碼必須只包含 ASCII 字元。\n\n密碼中的非 ASCII 字元可能會導致當作業系統組態改變時加密區無法掛載。\n\n允許使用以下字元:\n\n ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ 警告:密碼中包含非 ASCII 字元。可能會導致當作業系統組態改變時加密區無法掛載。\n\n您應該使用 ASCII 字元取代密碼中的非 ASCII 字元。如要這樣做,請選取 "加密區" -> "修改加密區密碼"\n\n以下字元為 ASCII 字元:\n\n ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \\ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ WARNING: We strongly recommend that you avoid file extensions that are used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) and other similarly problematic file extensions. Using such file extensions causes Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which adversely affects the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension or change it (e.g., to '.hc').\n\nAre you sure you want to use the problematic file extension? WARNING: This container has a file extension that is used for executable files (such as .exe, .sys, or .dll) or some other file extension that is similarly problematic. It will very likely cause Windows and antivirus software to interfere with the container, which will adversely affect the performance of the volume and may also cause other serious problems.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you remove the file extension of the container or change it (e.g., to '.hc') after you dismount the volume. 首頁(線上) 警告:看起來您還沒有安裝任何 Windows 作業系統的修正檔案。您不應該向未安裝 SP1 或更新的修正檔案的 Windows XP 系統中大於 128 GB 的 IDE 硬碟寫入資料!如果這樣做了,磁碟上的資料(不論是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)可能會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 作業系統的限制,而不是 VeraCrypt 的錯誤。 警告:看起來您的 Windows 2000 系統還未安裝 SP3 或更新的修正檔案。您不應該向這個系統中大於 128 GB 的 IDE 硬碟寫入資料!如果這樣做了,磁碟上的資料(不論是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)可能會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 作業系統的限制,而不是 VeraCrypt 的錯誤。\n\n注意:您也需在註冊表裡啟用 48-位元 LBA 支援;更多資訊,請參考 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305098/EN-US 警告:您的系統不支援 48-位元 LBA ATAPI。因此,您將不能寫入到超過 128GB 容量的 IDE 磁碟!如果您仍然堅持這樣做,磁碟上的資料(不論其是否為 VeraCrypt 加密區)將會損壞。要注意這是 Windows 系統的限制,不是 VeraCrypt 軟體的限制。\n\n要啟用 48-位元 LBA 支援,請在註冊表的 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\atapi\\Parameters 下增加一個 "EnableBigLba" 鍵值並設定其值為 1。\n\n更多訊息請參考 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305098 Error: Files larger than 4 GB cannot be stored on a FAT32 file system. Therefore, file-hosted VeraCrypt volumes (containers) stored on a FAT32 file system cannot be larger than 4 GB.\n\nIf you need a larger volume, create it on an NTFS file system (or, if you use Windows Vista SP1 or later, on an exFAT file system) or, instead of creating a file-hosted volume, encrypt an entire partition or device. Warning: Windows XP does not support files larger than 2048 GB (it will report that "Not enough storage is available"). Therefore, you cannot create a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume (container) larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP.\n\nNote that it is still possible to encrypt the entire drive or create a partition-hosted VeraCrypt volume larger than 2048 GB under Windows XP. 警告:如果您想以後在外層加密區中新增更多的資料或檔案,您應該考慮為隱藏加密區選擇一個小一點的大小。\n\n您確定要以指定的大小繼續嗎? 未選擇加密區。\n\n選取 "選擇磁碟機..." 或 "選擇檔案..." 來選擇 VeraCrypt 加密區。 沒有選擇分割區。\n\n點 "選擇磁碟機" 來選擇一個通常需要啟動前置認證的卸載的分割區(例如,一個位於其他沒有在執行作業系統的加密的系統磁碟機上的分割區,或是另外一個作業系統的加密的系統分割區)。\n\n注意:選擇的分割區將會以一般 VeraCrypt 加密區的方式掛載而沒有啟動前置認證。這會舉例來說在備份或修復的操作上比較有用。 警告:如果預設的金鑰檔被設定和啟用後,就無法掛載不使用該金鑰檔的加密區。因此,在啟用預設的金鑰檔之後,每當掛載加密區時記得不要勾選 "使用金鑰檔" 核取方塊(在輸入密碼欄位下方)。您確定保存選定的金鑰檔/路徑作為預設值嗎? 自動掛載磁碟機 全部卸載 清除快取 Dismount All & Wipe Cache 強制全部卸載並清除快取 強制全部卸載清除快取並結束程式 掛載我的最愛加密區 顯示/隱藏 VeraCrypt 主視窗 (點這裡並按下某個鍵盤按鍵) 操作 捷徑 錯誤:該快速鍵為系統保留快速鍵,請選擇其他的。 錯誤:快速鍵已被使用。 警告:一個或多個 VeraCrypt 作用於系統範圍的快速鍵無法使用!\n\n請確定 VeraCrypt 的這些快速鍵沒有被其他程式或作業系統使用。 Paging file creation has been prevented.\n\nPlease note that, due to Windows issues, paging files cannot be located on non-system VeraCrypt volumes (including system favorite volumes). VeraCrypt supports creation of paging files only on an encrypted system partition/drive. An error or incompatibility prevents VeraCrypt from encrypting the hibernation file. Therefore, hibernation has been prevented.\n\nNote: When a computer hibernates (or enters a power-saving mode), the content of its system memory is written to a hibernation storage file residing on the system drive. VeraCrypt would not be able to prevent encryption keys and the contents of sensitive files opened in RAM from being saved unencrypted to the hibernation storage file. Hibernation has been prevented.\n\nVeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition. Please note that the boot partition is shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating. VeraCrypt volume mounted as %c: has been dismounted. VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted. VeraCrypt volumes have been dismounted and password cache has been wiped. Successfully dismounted WARNING: If the VeraCrypt Background Task is disabled, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n5) Tray icon\n\nNote: You can shut down the Background Task anytime by right-clicking the VeraCrypt tray icon and selecting 'Exit'.\n\nAre you sure you want to permanently disable the VeraCrypt Background Task? 警告:如果此選項被停用,包含使用中的檔案/目錄 的加密區將無法自動卸載。\n\n您確定要停用這個選項嗎? 警告:包含使用中的檔案/目錄的加密區將無法自動卸載。\n\n要防止這種情況,在對話方塊視窗中啟用以下選項:"強制自動卸載,不論加密區是否包含使用中的檔案或目錄" WARNING: When the notebook battery power is low, Windows may omit sending the appropriate messages to running applications when the computer is entering power saving mode. Therefore, VeraCrypt may fail to auto-dismount volumes in such cases. You have scheduled the process of encryption/decryption of a partition/volume. The process has not been completed yet.\n\nDo you want to resume the process now? 您已經排定了加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作。但該項操作尚未完成。\n\n您希望現在開始(恢復)該項操作嗎? Do you want to be prompted about whether you want to resume the currently scheduled processes of encryption/decryption of non-system partitions/volumes? Yes, keep prompting me No, do not prompt me IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can resume the process of encryption/decryption of any non-system partition/volume by selecting 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. 您已經排定了加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作。然而,啟動前置認證已失敗(或被繞過)。\n\n注意:如果您在啟動前置認證環境中解密了系統分割區/磁碟機,您也許需要經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" > "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機" 來完成最後的操作。 WARNING: If VeraCrypt exits now, the following functions will be disabled:\n\n1) Hot keys\n2) Auto-dismount (e.g., upon logoff, inadvertent host device removal, time-out, etc.)\n3) Auto-mount of favorite volumes\n4) Notifications (e.g., when damage to hidden volume is prevented)\n\nNote: If you do not wish VeraCrypt to run in the background, disable the VeraCrypt Background Task in the Preferences (and, if necessary, disable the automatic start of VeraCrypt in the Preferences).\n\nAre you sure you want VeraCrypt to exit? 結束嗎? VeraCrypt 沒有足夠的訊息確定是否加密還是解密了。 VeraCrypt 沒有足夠的訊息確定是否加密還是解密了。\n\n注意:如果您在啟動前置認證環境中解密了系統分割區/磁碟機,您也許需要經由點 '解密' 來完成最後的操作。 Note: When you are encrypting a non-system partition/volume in place and an error persistently prevents you from finishing the process, you will not be able to mount the volume (and access data stored on it) until you entirely DECRYPT the volume (i.e. reverse the process).\n\nIf you need to do so, follow these steps:\n1) Exit this wizard.\n2) In the main VeraCrypt window, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process'.\n3) Select 'Decrypt'. Do you want to interrupt and postpone the process of encryption/decryption of the partition/volume?\n\nNote: Keep in mind that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted or decrypted. You will be able to resume the process of encryption/decryption and it will continue from the point where it was stopped. You can do so, for example, by selecting 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. 您想要中斷和延緩對系統分割區/磁碟機的加密操作嗎?\n\n注意:您以後也可以從中斷點恢復操作。您可以這樣做,舉例來說,經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" > "恢復被中斷的操作"。如果您想永久終止或返回加密操作,選擇 "系統" > "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機..."。 您想要中斷和延緩對系統分割區/磁碟機的解密操作嗎?\n\n注意:您以後也可以從中斷點恢復操作。您可以這樣做,舉例來說,經由在 VeraCrypt 主視窗選單中選擇 "系統" > "恢復被中斷的操作"。如果您想返回解密操作(並開始加密),選擇 "系統" > "加密系統分割區/磁碟機..."。 錯誤:中斷加密/解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作失敗。 Error: Failed to interrupt the process of wiping. 錯誤:恢復加密/解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作失敗。 Error: Failed to start the process of wiping. 解決不一致性。\n\n\n(如果您報告錯誤與這個有關,請在報告中包含下面技術訊息: %hs) Error: Unexpected state.\n\n\n(If you report a bug in connection with this, please include the following technical information in the bug report:\n%hs) There is no interrupted process of encryption/decryption of the system partition/drive to resume.\n\nNote: If you want to resume an interrupted process of encryption/decryption of a non-system partition/volume, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process'. 警告:VeraCrypt 背景工作已停用。在您結束 VeraCrypt 後,如果對隱藏加密區的損壞被阻止時,您也將無法得到提示。\n\n注意:您可以隨時在 VeraCrypt 的圖示按右鍵並選擇 "結束" 來停止背景工作。\n\n\n您要啟用 VeraCrypt 背景工作嗎? 語言檔案版本: %s 正在檢測掛載為 %s 的 VeraCrypt 加密區的檔案系統... 正在試圖修正掛載為 %s 的 VeraCrypt 加密區的檔案系統... 警告:該加密區使用了被保留的加密演算法。\n\n所有 64 位元區塊加密演算法(Blowfish,CAST-128 和 Triple DES)已經逐漸不再被使用了。雖然該加密區在以後版本的 VeraCrypt 可能會被掛載。然而以後不會針對這些被保留演算法採取一些改善措施。我們建議您建立一個使用 128 位元區塊加密演算法的 Veracrypt 加密區(如:AES,Serpent,Twofish,等等)並把使用舊演算法的加密區裡面的檔案移動到新的加密區裡面去。 您的系統未被設置為自動掛載新加密區。因此也不可能掛載磁碟機類型的加密區。自動卸載可以在執行下列命令後重啟系統來啟用。\n\n\nmountvol.exe /E 請在繼續前為該磁碟機/磁碟分割區指定一個代號("控制台" > "系統和維護" > "管理工具" - "建立和格式化磁碟分割區")。\n\n要注意這些是作業系統所需要的。 掛載 VeraCrypt 加密區 卸除所有 VeraCrypt 加密區 VeraCrypt 取得系統管理員權限失敗。 已被作業系統拒絕存取。\n\n可能原因:作業系統要求您對某些資料夾、檔案、和磁碟機具有讀寫權限(或管理權限),以便您能夠從其中讀寫資料。通常情況下,非系統管理員只允許在他自己的檔案資料夾中建立、讀取和修改檔案。 Error: The drive uses an unsupported sector size.\n\nIt is currently not possible to create partition/device-hosted volumes on drives that use sectors larger than 4096 bytes. However, note that you can create file-hosted volumes (containers) on such drives. It is currently not possible to encrypt a system installed on a disk that uses a sector size other than 512 bytes. VeraCrypt 開機管理程式需要至少 32 KBytes 的可用空間在系統磁碟機的一開始部分(VeraCrypt 開機管理程式需要被存到那空間)。不幸的,您得磁碟機沒有滿足此條件。\n\n請不要報告這錯誤/問題給 VeraCrypt。要解決這問題,您將需要重新分割您的磁碟機並保留前 32 KBytes 空間可用(在大部分的情況下,您將需要刪除並重新建立第一個分割區),我們建議您可以使用微軟的磁碟分割管理那是舉例來說當您正在安裝 Windows 時可以用的。 此功能不支援目前您正在使用的作業系統版本。 VeraCrypt 不支援在您目前使用的作業系統版本的系統分割區/磁碟機的加密。 Before you can encrypt the system partition/drive on Windows Vista, you need to install Service Pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista (no such Service Pack has been installed on this system yet).\n\nNote: Service Pack 1 for Windows Vista resolved an issue causing a shortage of free base memory during system boot. VeraCrypt no longer supports encryption of the system partition/drive on Windows Vista with no Service Pack installed. Before upgrading VeraCrypt, please install Service Pack 1 or higher for Windows Vista. Error: This feature requires VeraCrypt to be installed on the system (you are running VeraCrypt in portable mode).\n\nPlease install VeraCrypt and then try again. WARNING: Windows does not appear to be installed on the drive from which it boots. This is not supported.\n\nYou should continue only if you are sure that Windows is installed on the drive from which it boots.\n\nDo you want to continue? 警告:VeraCrypt 開機管理程式已經安裝到了您的系統磁碟機上!\n\n這可能在您的電腦上已經加密了另外一個系統。\n\n警告:繼續加密目前執行的系統可能會導致其他系統不可能啟動或導致資料無法存取。\n\n您確定要繼續嗎? Failed to restore the original system loader.\n\nPlease use your VeraCrypt Rescue Disk ('Repair Options' > 'Restore original system loader') or Windows installation medium to replace the VeraCrypt Boot Loader with the Windows system loader. 原來的系統開機管理程式將不會保存到救援磁碟上(可能原因:備份檔案遺失) 寫入 MBR 磁扇區時失敗。\n\n您的 BIOS 可能設定為保護 MBR 磁扇區。檢查您的 BIOS 設定(啟動電腦後按 F2,Delete,或 Esc)中的 MBR/防毒保護。 WARNING: The verification of VeraCrypt bootloader fingerprint failed!\nYour disk may have been tampered with by an attacker ("Evil Maid" attack).\n\nThis warning can also be triggered if you restored VeraCrypt boot loader using an Rescue Disk generated using a different VeraCrypt version.\n\nYou are advised to change your password immediately which will also restore the correct VeraCrypt bootloader. It is recommended to reinstall VeraCrypt and to take measures to avoid access to this machine by untrusted entities. The required version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader is currently not installed. This may prevent some of the settings from being saved. Note: In some situations, you may wish to prevent a person (adversary) that is watching you start the computer from knowing that you use VeraCrypt. The above options allow you to do that by customizing the VeraCrypt boot loader screen. If you enable the first option, no texts will be displayed by the boot loader (not even when you enter the wrong password). The computer will appear to be "frozen" while you can type your password. In addition, a custom message can be displayed to mislead the adversary. For example, fake error messages such as "Missing operating system" (which is normally displayed by the Windows boot loader if it finds no Windows boot partition). It is, however, important to note that if the adversary can analyze the content of the hard drive, he can still find out that it contains the VeraCrypt boot loader. WARNING: Please keep in mind that if you enable this option, the VeraCrypt boot loader will not display any texts (not even when you enter the wrong password). The computer will appear to be "frozen" (unresponsive) while you can type your password (the cursor will NOT move and no asterisk will be displayed when you press a key).\n\nAre you sure you want to enable this option? 您的系統分割區/磁碟機似乎已被完全加密了。 VeraCrypt 並不支援加密一個被轉換成動態大小的磁碟的系統磁碟機。 The system drive contains extended (logical) partitions.\n\nYou can encrypt an entire system drive containing extended (logical) partitions only on Windows Vista and later versions of Windows. On Windows XP, you can encrypt an entire system drive provided that it contains only primary partitions.\n\nNote: You can still encrypt the system partition instead of the entire system drive (and, in addition to that, you can create partition-hosted VeraCrypt volumes within any non-system partitions on the drive). WARNING: As you are running Windows XP/2003, after you start encrypting the drive, you must NOT create any extended (logical) partitions on it (you may create only primary partitions). Any extended (logical) partition on the drive would be inaccessible after you start encrypting (the drive currently does not contain any such partition).\n\nNote: If this limitation is not acceptable, you can go back and choose to encrypt only the system partition instead of the entire drive (and, in addition to that, you can create partition-hosted VeraCrypt volumes within any non-system partitions on the drive).\n\nAlternatively, if this limitation is not acceptable, you may want to consider upgrading to Windows Vista or a later version of Windows (you can encrypt an entire system drive containing extended/logical partitions only on Windows Vista or later). Your system drive contains a non-standard partition.\n\nIf you are using a notebook, your system drive probably contains a special recovery partition. After the whole system drive is encrypted (including any recovery partition), your system might become unbootable if your computer is using an inappropriately designed BIOS. It would also be impossible to use any recovery partition until the system drive is decrypted. Therefore, we recommend that you encrypt only the system partition. 您想要用加密系統分割區取代整個磁碟機嗎?\n\n要注意您可以在磁碟機上建立任何非系統分割區的分割區為主的 VeraCrypt 加密區(除了加密系統分割區)。 由於您的系統磁碟機僅包含一個佔據整個磁碟機的分割區,適合(更安全)加密整個磁碟機包含通常位於這樣分割區周圍沒用到的閒置空間。\n\n您希望加密整個系統磁碟機嗎? Your system is configured to store temporary files on a non-system partition.\n\nTemporary files may be stored only on the system partition. Your user profile files are not stored on the system partition.\n\nUser profile files may be stored only on the system partition. There is/are paging file(s) on non-system partitions.\n\nPaging files may be located only on the system partition. Do you want to configure Windows to create paging files only on the Windows partition now?\n\nNote that if you click 'Yes', the computer will be restarted. Then start VeraCrypt and try creating the hidden OS again. Otherwise, plausible deniability of the hidden operating system might be adversely affected.\n\nNote: If an adversary analyzed the content of such files (residing on a non-system partition), he might find out that you used this wizard in the hidden-system-creation mode (which might indicate the existence of a hidden operating system on your computer). Also note that any such files stored on the system partition will be securely erased by VeraCrypt during the process of creation of the hidden operating system. WARNING: During the process of creation of the hidden operating system, you will be required to fully reinstall the currently running system (in order to create a decoy system securely).\n\nNote: The currently running operating system and the entire content of the system partition will be copied to the hidden volume (in order to create the hidden system).\n\n\nAre you sure you will be able to install Windows using a Windows Setup medium (or using a service partition)? For security reasons, if the currently running operating system requires activation, it must be activated before proceeding. Note that the hidden operating system will be created by copying the content of the system partition to a hidden volume (so if this operating system is not activated, the hidden operating system will not be activated either). For more information, see the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide.\n\nImportant: Before proceeding, please make sure you have read the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide.\n\n\nDoes the currently running operating system meet the above condition? Your system uses an extra boot partition. VeraCrypt does not support hibernation on hidden operating systems that use an extra boot partition (decoy systems can be hibernated without any problems).\n\nPlease note that the boot partition would be shared by both the decoy and the hidden system. Therefore, in order to prevent data leaks and problems while resuming from hibernation, VeraCrypt has to prevent the hidden system from writing to the shared boot partition and from hibernating.\n\n\nDo you want to continue? If you select 'No', instructions for removing the extra boot partition will be displayed. \nThe extra boot partition can be removed before installing Windows. To do so, follow these steps:\n\n1) Boot your Windows installation disc.\n\n2) In the Windows installer screen, click 'Install now' > 'Custom (advanced)'.\n\n3) Click 'Drive Options'.\n\n4) Select the main system partition and delete it by clicking 'Delete' and 'OK'.\n\n5) Select the 'System Reserved' partition, click 'Extend', and increase its size so that the operating system can be installed to it.\n\n6) Click 'Apply' and 'OK'.\n\n7) Install Windows on the 'System Reserved' partition.\n\n\nShould an attacker ask why you removed the extra boot partition, you can answer that you wanted to prevent any possible data leaks to the unencrypted boot partition.\n\nNote: You can print this text by clicking the 'Print' button below. If you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after removing the extra boot partition (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer). Warning: There is unallocated space between the system partition and the first partition behind it. After you create the hidden operating system, you must not create any new partitions in that unallocated space. Otherwise, the hidden operating system will be impossible to boot (until you delete such newly created partitions). 此演算法目前不支援系統加密。 This algorithm is not supported for TrueCrypt mode. PIM (Personal Iterations Multiplier) not supported for TrueCrypt mode. Password must contain 20 or more characters in order to use the specified PIM.\nShorter passwords can only be used if the PIM is 485 or greater. Pre-boot authentication Password must contain 20 or more characters in order to use the specified PIM.\nShorter passwords can only be used if the PIM is 98 or greater. Keyfiles are currently not supported for system encryption. >警告:VeraCrypt 不能回復原始鍵盤配置。這可能導致您輸入不正確的密碼。 錯誤:不能設定 VeraCrypt 鍵盤配置為標準美式鍵盤配置。\n\n要注意在啟動前置環境(Windows 啟動前)需要輸入密碼,這時非標準美式鍵盤配置是無法使用的。因此,密碼必須總是使用標準美式鍵盤配置輸入。 由於 VeraCrypt 暫時改變鍵盤配置為標準美式鍵盤配置,目前在按下右 ALT 鍵的情況下是不可能經由按鍵盤輸入字元。然而,您可以在按下 Shift 鍵的時候經由按適當鍵輸入大多數的字元。 VeraCrypt 阻止了對鍵盤配置的修改 注意:在啟動前置環境(Windows 啟動前)需要輸入密碼,這時非標準美式鍵盤配置是無法使用的。因此,密碼必須總是使用標準美式鍵盤配置輸入。然而,重要的是要注意您不需要真的使用美式鍵盤。VeraCrypt 在您沒有真的美式鍵盤的情況下也能夠自動的保證您能夠安全的輸入密碼(現在和在啟動前置環境)。 Before you can encrypt the partition/drive, you must create a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (VRD), which serves the following purposes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader, master key, or other critical data gets damaged, the VRD allows you to restore it (note, however, that you will still have to enter the correct password then).\n\n- If Windows gets damaged and cannot start, the VRD allows you to permanently decrypt the partition/drive before Windows starts.\n\n- The VRD will contain a backup of the present content of the first drive track (which typically contains a system loader or boot manager) and will allow you to restore it if necessary.\n\nThe VeraCrypt Rescue Disk ISO image will be created in the location specified below. After you click OK, Microsoft Windows Disc Image Burner will be launched. Please use it to burn the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk ISO image to a CD or DVD.\n\nAfter you do so, return to the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard and follow its instructions. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to burn it to a CD or DVD.\n\n%lsAfter you burn the Rescue Disk, click Next to verify that it has been correctly burned. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you should either burn the image to a CD/DVD or move it to a safe location for later use.\n\n%lsClick Next to continue. IMPORTANT: Note that the file must be written to the CD/DVD as an ISO disk image (not as an individual file). For information on how to do so, please refer to the documentation of your CD/DVD recording software. If you do not have any CD/DVD recording software that can write the ISO disk image to a CD/DVD, click the link below to download such free software.\n\n Launch Microsoft Windows Disc Image Burner WARNING: If you already created a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk in the past, it cannot be reused for this system partition/drive because it was created for a different master key! Every time you encrypt a system partition/drive, you must create a new VeraCrypt Rescue Disk for it even if you use the same password. 錯誤:不能儲存系統加密設定。 不能初始化系統加密預先測試。 Cannot initiate the process of creation of the hidden operating system. 清除模式 On some types of storage media, when data is overwritten with other data, it may be possible to recover the overwritten data using techniques such as magnetic force microscopy. This also applies to data that are overwritten with their encrypted form (which happens when VeraCrypt initially encrypts an unencrypted partition or drive). According to some studies and governmental publications, recovery of overwritten data can be prevented (or made very difficult) by overwriting the data with pseudorandom and certain non-random data a certain number of times. Therefore, if you believe that an adversary might be able to use such techniques to recover the data you intend to encrypt, you may want to select one of the wipe modes (existing data will NOT be lost). Note that wiping will NOT be performed after the partition/drive is encrypted. When the partition/drive is fully encrypted, no unencrypted data is written to it. Any data being written to it is first encrypted on the fly in memory and only then is the (encrypted) data written to the disk. On some types of storage media, when data is overwritten with other data (e.g. when the data is erased), it may be possible to recover the overwritten data using techniques such as magnetic force microscopy. According to some studies and governmental publications, recovery of overwritten data can be prevented (or made very difficult) by overwriting the data with pseudorandom and certain non-random data a certain number of times. Therefore, if you believe that an adversary might be able to use such techniques to recover the data that is to be erased, you may want to select one of the multi-pass wipe modes.\n\nNote: The more wipe passes you use, the longer it takes to erase the data. Wiping \nNote: You can interrupt the process of wiping, shut down your computer, start the hidden system again and then resume the process (this wizard will be launched automatically). However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of wiping will have to start from the beginning. \n\nNote: If you interrupt the process of wiping and then attempt to resume it, the entire process will have to start from the beginning. Do you want to abort the process of wiping? Warning: The entire content of the selected partition/device will be erased and lost. The entire content of the partition where the original system resides will be erased.\n\nNote: The entire content of the partition that is to be erased has been copied to this hidden system partition. WARNING: Note that when you choose e.g. the 3-pass wipe mode, the time necessary to encrypt the partition/drive will be up to 4 times longer. Likewise, if you choose the 35-pass wipe mode, it will be up to 36 times longer (it might even take several weeks).\n\nHowever, please note that wiping will NOT be performed after the partition/drive is fully encrypted. When the partition/drive is fully encrypted, no unencrypted data is written to it. Any data being written to it is first encrypted on the fly in memory and only then is the (encrypted) data written to the disk (so the performance will NOT be affected).\n\nAre you sure you want to use the wipe mode? 無(最快) 1 次複寫 (隨機資料) 3 次複寫(US DoD 5220.22-M) 7 次複寫(US DoD 5220.22-M) 35 次複寫 ("Gutmann") 256-pass 作業系統數目 警告:經驗不足的使用者從不應該試圖在多重開機的組態設定下加密 Windows。\n\n要繼續嗎? When creating/using a hidden operating system, VeraCrypt supports multi-boot configurations only when the following conditions are met:\n\n- The currently running operating system must be installed on the boot drive, which must not contain any other operating systems.\n\n- Operating systems installed on other drives must not use any boot loader residing on the drive on which the currently running operating system is installed.\n\nAre the above conditions met? VeraCrypt does not support this multi-boot configuration when creating/using a hidden operating system. 啟動磁碟機 目前執行的作業系統安裝到了啟動磁碟機上了嗎?\n\n注意:有時,Windows 可能沒有跟 Windows 開機管理程式(啟動分割區)安裝在同一個磁碟機上。如果是這種情況,選擇 "否"。 VeraCrypt 目前不支援加密不是從安裝作業系統磁碟機開機的作業系統。 系統磁碟機數目 有多少個磁碟機含有作業系統?\n\n注意:舉例來說,您在主要的磁碟機上安裝了作業系統(例如 Windows,Mac OS X,Linux,等等)又在第二個磁碟機上安裝了額外的作業系統,就選擇 "2 或更多"。 VeraCrypt 目前不支援對整個包含多個作業系統磁碟機的加密。\n\n可能的解決方法:\n\n- 您可以回上一步並選只加密單一系統分割區(相對於去選加密整個系統磁碟機)。\n\n- 另外,如果把磁碟機中的其他系統移到其他的磁碟機只保留一個系統的話您將可以加密整個磁碟機。 多個系統在單一磁碟機中 在目前執行的作業系統所安裝的磁碟機中,是否包含其他任何的作業系統?\n\n注意:例如目前執行的作業系統安裝在磁碟機 #0,該磁碟機包含了幾個分割區,其中一個分割區安裝 Windows 系統,而另一個分割區安裝了額外任何的作業系統(例如 Windows,Mac OS X,Linux,等等),選擇 "是"。 非 Windows 的開機管理程式 Is a non-Windows boot loader (or boot manager) installed in the master boot record (MBR)?\n\nNote: For example, if the first track of the boot drive contains GRUB, LILO, XOSL, or some other non-Windows boot manager (or boot loader), select 'Yes'. 多重開機 VeraCrypt 目前不支援是在主要啟動磁區中安裝非 Windows 的開機管理程式的多重開機組態設定。\n\n可能的解決辦法:\n\n- 如果您使用了一個啟動管理程式來開啟 Windows 和 Linux,把啟動管理程式(一般來說,GRUB)從主要啟動磁區移到一個分割區上。然後再啟動精靈來加密系統分割區/磁碟機。注意:VeraCrypt 開機管理程式將會成為主要的啟動管理程式,而且會允許您把原來的啟動管理程式(例如 GRUB)作為第二啟動管理程式來執行(經由在 VeraCrypt 開機管理程式畫面按下 'ESC' 鍵),因此您仍然可以開啟 Linux。 If the currently running operating system is installed on the boot partition, then, after you encrypt it, you will need to enter the correct password even if you want to start any other unencrypted Windows system(s) (as they will share a single encrypted Windows boot loader/manager).\n\nIn contrast, if the currently running operating system is not installed on the boot partition (or if the Windows boot loader/manager is not used by any other system), then, after you encrypt this system, you will not need to enter the correct password to boot the other unencrypted system(s) -- you will only need to press the Esc key to start the unencrypted system (if there are multiple unencrypted systems, you will also need to choose which system to start in the VeraCrypt Boot Manager menu).\n\nNote: Typically, the earliest installed Windows system is installed on the boot partition. Encryption of Host Protected Area At the end of many drives, there is an area that is normally hidden from the operating system (such areas are usually referred to as Host Protected Areas). However, some programs can read and write data from/to such areas.\n\nWARNING: Some computer manufacturers may use such areas to store tools and data for RAID, system recovery, system setup, diagnostic, or other purposes. If such tools or data must be accessible before booting, the hidden area should NOT be encrypted (choose 'No' above).\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to detect and encrypt such a hidden area (if any) at the end of the system drive? Type of System Encryption Select this option if you merely want to encrypt the system partition or the entire system drive. It may happen that you are forced by somebody to decrypt the operating system. There are many situations where you cannot refuse to do so (for example, due to extortion). If you select this option, you will create a hidden operating system whose existence should be impossible to prove (provided that certain guidelines are followed). Thus, you will not have to decrypt or reveal the password to the hidden operating system. For a detailed explanation, please click the link below. It may happen that you are forced by somebody to decrypt the operating system. There are many situations where you cannot refuse to do so (for example, due to extortion).\n\nUsing this wizard, you can create a hidden operating system whose existence should be impossible to prove (provided that certain guidelines are followed). Thus, you will not have to decrypt or reveal the password for the hidden operating system. Hidden Operating System In the following steps, you will create two VeraCrypt volumes (outer and hidden) within the first partition behind the system partition. The hidden volume will contain the hidden operating system (OS). VeraCrypt will create the hidden OS by copying the content of the system partition (where the currently running OS is installed) to the hidden volume. To the outer volume, you will copy some sensitive looking files that you actually do NOT want to hide. They will be there for anyone forcing you to disclose the password for the hidden OS partition. You can reveal the password for the outer volume within the hidden OS partition (the existence of the hidden OS remains secret).\n\nFinally, on the system partition of the currently running OS, you will install a new OS, so-called decoy OS, and encrypt it. It must not contain sensitive data and will be there for anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. In total, there will be three passwords. Two of them can be disclosed (for the decoy OS and outer volume). If you use the third one, the hidden OS will start. 正在檢測隱藏磁扇區 Please wait while VeraCrypt is detecting possible hidden sectors at the end of the system drive. Note that it may take a long time to complete.\n\nNote: In very rare cases, on some computers, the system may become unresponsive during this detection process. If it happens, restart the computer, start VeraCrypt, repeat the previous steps but skip this detection process. Note that this issue is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. 要加密的區域 Select this option if you want to encrypt the entire drive on which the currently running Windows system is installed. The whole drive, including all its partitions, will be encrypted except the first track where the VeraCrypt Boot Loader will reside. Anyone who wants to access a system installed on the drive, or files stored on the drive, will need to enter the correct password each time before the system starts. This option cannot be used to encrypt a secondary or external drive if Windows is not installed on it and does not boot from it. 正在蒐集隨機資料 金鑰已經產生 VeraCrypt has found no CD/DVD burner connected to your computer. VeraCrypt needs a CD/DVD burner to burn a bootable VeraCrypt Rescue Disk containing a backup of the encryption keys, VeraCrypt boot loader, original system loader, etc.\n\nWe strongly recommend that you burn the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk. I have no CD/DVD burner but I will store the Rescue Disk ISO image on a removable drive (e.g. USB flash drive). I will connect a CD/DVD burner to my computer later. Terminate the process now. A CD/DVD burner is connected to my computer now. Continue and write the Rescue Disk. Please follow these steps:\n\n1) Connect a removable drive, such as a USB flash drive, to your computer now.\n\n2) Copy the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image file (%s) to the removable drive.\n\nIn case you need to use the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk in the future, you will be able to connect your removable drive (containing the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image) to a computer with a CD/DVD burner and create a bootable VeraCrypt Rescue Disk by burning the image to a CD or DVD. IMPORTANT: Note that the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk image file must be written to the CD/DVD as an ISO disk image (not as an individual file). 正在燒錄救援磁碟 救援磁碟已建立 系統加密預先測試 救援磁碟已驗證 \nVeraCrypt 救援磁碟已被成功驗證。請現在從光碟機中移除救援磁碟並把它存放到安全的地方。\n\n點 '下一步' 繼續。 WARNING: During the next steps, the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk must not be in the drive. Otherwise, it will not be possible to complete the steps correctly.\n\nPlease remove it from the drive now and store it in a safe place. Then click OK. 警告:由於啟動前置環境的技術限制,VeraCrypt 在啟動前置環境(例如 Windows 啟動前)顯示的文字不能被本地化。VeraCrypt 開機管理程式的使用者介面完全是英文的。\n\n要繼續嗎? 在加密系統分割區或磁碟機之前,VeraCrypt 需要驗證每個環節都正確無誤。\n\n在點 '測試' 以後,所有必須的元件(例如,啟動前置認證元件,如 VeraCrypt 開機管理程式)將會被安裝而且您的電腦將會重新開機。然後您需要在 Windows 開啟前的 VeraCrypt 開機管理程式畫面輸入您的密碼。在 Windows 開啟後,您將會被自動通知預先測試的結果。\n\n以下的裝置將會被修改:磁碟機 #%d\n\n\n如果您現在點 '取消',將不會安裝任何東西而且預先測試將不會被執行。 IMPORTANT NOTES -- PLEASE READ OR PRINT (click 'Print'):\n\nNote that none of your files will be encrypted before you successfully restart your computer and start Windows. Thus, if anything fails, your data will NOT be lost. However, if something does go wrong, you might encounter difficulties in starting Windows. Therefore, please read (and, if possible, print) the following guidelines on what to do if Windows cannot start after you restart the computer.\n\n What to Do If Windows Cannot Start\n------------------------------------------------\n\nNote: These instructions are valid only if you have not started encrypting.\n\n- If Windows does not start after you enter the correct password (or if you repeatedly enter the correct password but VeraCrypt says that the password is incorrect), do not panic. Restart (power off and on) the computer, and in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen, press the Esc key on your keyboard (and if you have multiple systems, choose which to start). Then Windows should start (provided that it is not encrypted) and VeraCrypt will automatically ask whether you want to uninstall the pre-boot authentication component. Note that the previous steps do NOT work if the system partition/drive is encrypted (nobody can start Windows or access encrypted data on the drive without the correct password even if he or she follows the previous steps).\n\n - If the previous steps do not help or if the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen does not appear (before Windows starts), insert the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk into your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer. If the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen does not appear (or if you do not see the 'Repair Options' item in the 'Keyboard Controls' section of the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen), it is possible that your BIOS is configured to attempt to boot from hard drives before CD/DVD drives. If that is the case, restart your computer, press F2 or Delete (as soon as you see a BIOS start-up screen), and wait until a BIOS configuration screen appears. If no BIOS configuration screen appears, restart (reset) the computer again and start pressing F2 or Delete repeatedly as soon as you restart (reset) the computer. When a BIOS configuration screen appears, configure your BIOS to boot from the CD/DVD drive first (for information on how to do so, please refer to the documentation for your BIOS/motherboard or contact your computer vendor's technical support team for assistance). Then restart your computer. The VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen should appear now. In the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen, select 'Repair Options' by pressing F8 on your keyboard. From the 'Repair Options' menu, select 'Restore original system loader'. Then remove the Rescue Disk from your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer. Windows should start normally (provided that it is not encrypted).\n\n Note that the previous steps do NOT work if the system partition/drive is encrypted (nobody can start Windows or access encrypted data on the drive without the correct password even if he or she follows the previous steps).\n\n\nNote that even if you lose your VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and an attacker finds it, he or she will NOT be able to decrypt the system partition or drive without the correct password. 預先測試已經完成 The pretest has been successfully completed.\n\nWARNING: Please note that if power supply is suddenly interrupted while encrypting existing data in place, or when the operating system crashes due to a software error or hardware malfunction while VeraCrypt is encrypting existing data in place, portions of the data will be corrupted or lost. Therefore, before you start encrypting, please make sure that you have backup copies of the files you want to encrypt. If you do not, please back up the files now (you can click Defer, back up the files, then run VeraCrypt again anytime, and select 'System' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' to start encrypting).\n\nWhen ready, click Encrypt to start encrypting. You can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of encryption or decryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down your computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped. To prevent slowdown when the system or applications write or read data from the system drive, VeraCrypt automatically waits until the data is written or read (see Status above) and then automatically continues encrypting or decrypting. \n\nYou can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of encryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down your computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully encrypted. \n\nYou can click Pause or Defer anytime to interrupt the process of decryption, exit this wizard, restart or shut down the computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point where it was stopped. Note that the volume cannot be mounted until it has been fully decrypted. Hidden System Started Original System Windows creates (typically, without your knowledge or consent) various log files, temporary files, etc., on the system partition. It also saves the content of RAM to hibernation and paging files located on the system partition. Therefore, if an adversary analyzed files stored on the partition where the original system (of which the hidden system is a clone) resides, he might find out, for example, that you used the VeraCrypt wizard in the hidden-system-creation mode (which might indicate the existence of a hidden operating system on your computer).\n\nTo prevent such issues, VeraCrypt will, in the next steps, securely erase the entire content of the partition where the original system resides. Afterwards, in order to achieve plausible deniability, you will need to install a new system on the partition and encrypt it. Thus you will create the decoy system and the whole process of creation of the hidden operating system will be completed. The hidden operating system has been successfully created. However, before you can start using it (and achieve plausible deniability), you need to securely erase (using VeraCrypt) the entire content of the partition where the currently running operating system is installed. Before you can do that, you need to restart the computer and, in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears before Windows starts), enter the pre-boot authentication password for the hidden operating system. Then, after the hidden system starts, the VeraCrypt wizard will be launched automatically.\n\nNote: If you choose to terminate the process of creation of the hidden operating system now, you will NOT be able to resume the process and the hidden system will NOT be accessible (because the VeraCrypt Boot Loader will be removed). You have scheduled the process of creation of a hidden operating system. The process has not been completed yet. To complete it, you need to restart the computer and, in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears before Windows starts), enter the password for the hidden operating system.\n\nNote: If you choose to terminate the process of creation of the hidden operating system now, you will NOT be able to resume the process. Restart the computer and proceed Permanently terminate the process of creation of the hidden operating system Do nothing now and ask again later \nIF POSSIBLE, PLEASE PRINT THIS TEXT (click 'Print' below).\n\n\nHow and When to Use VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (After Encrypting)\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n I. How to Boot VeraCrypt Rescue Disk\n\nTo boot a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, insert it into your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer. If the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen does not appear (or if you do not see the 'Repair Options' item in the 'Keyboard Controls' section of the screen), it is possible that your BIOS is configured to attempt to boot from hard drives before CD/DVD drives. If that is the case, restart your computer, press F2 or Delete (as soon as you see a BIOS start-up screen), and wait until a BIOS configuration screen appears. If no BIOS configuration screen appears, restart (reset) the computer again and start pressing F2 or Delete repeatedly as soon as you restart (reset) the computer. When a BIOS configuration screen appears, configure your BIOS to boot from the CD/DVD drive first (for information on how to do so, please refer to the documentation for your BIOS/motherboard or contact your computer vendor's technical support team for assistance). Then restart your computer. The VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen should appear now. Note: In the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk screen, you can select 'Repair Options' by pressing F8 on your keyboard.\n\n\n II. When and How to Use VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (After Encrypting)\n\n 1) If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen does not appear after you start your computer (or if Windows does not boot), the VeraCrypt Boot Loader may be damaged. The VeraCrypt Rescue Disk allows you to restore it and thus to regain access to your encrypted system and data (however, note that you will still have to enter the correct password then). In the Rescue Disk screen, select 'Repair Options' > 'Restore VeraCrypt Boot Loader'. Then press 'Y' to confirm the action, remove the Rescue Disk from your CD/DVD drive and restart your computer.\n\n 2) If you repeatedly enter the correct password but VeraCrypt says that the password is incorrect, the master key or other critical data may be damaged. The VeraCrypt Rescue Disk allows you to restore them and thus to regain access to your encrypted system and data (however, note that you will still have to enter the correct password then). In the Rescue Disk screen, select 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'. Then enter your password, press 'Y' to confirm the action, remove the Rescue Disk from your CD/DVD drive, and restart your computer.\n\n 3) If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader is damaged, you can avoid running it by booting directly from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk. Insert your Rescue Disk into your CD/DVD drive and then enter your password in the Rescue Disk screen.\n\n 4) If Windows is damaged and cannot start, the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk allows you to permanently decrypt the partition/drive before Windows starts. In the Rescue Disk screen, select 'Repair Options' > 'Permanently decrypt system partition/drive'. Enter the correct password and wait until decryption is complete. Then you can e.g. boot your MS Windows setup CD/DVD to repair your Windows installation.\n\n Note: Alternatively, if Windows is damaged (cannot start) and you need to repair it (or access files on it), you can avoid decrypting the system partition/drive by following these steps: If you have multiple operating systems installed on your computer, boot the one that does not require pre-boot authentication. If you do not have multiple operating systems installed on your computer, you can boot a WinPE or BartPE CD/DVD or you can connect your system drive as a secondary or external drive to another computer and then boot the operating system installed on the computer. After you boot a system, run VeraCrypt, click 'Select Device', select the affected system partition, click 'OK', select 'System' > 'Mount Without Pre-Boot Authentication', enter your pre-boot authentication password and click 'OK'. The partition will be mounted as a regular VeraCrypt volume (data will be on-the-fly decrypted/encrypted in RAM on access, as usual).\n\n\n Note that even if you lose your VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and an attacker finds it, he or she will NOT be able to decrypt the system partition or drive without the correct password. \n\nI M P O R T A N T -- PLEASE PRINT THIS TEXT IF POSSIBLE (click 'Print' below).\n\n\nNote: This text will be automatically displayed each time you start the hidden system until you start creating the decoy system.\n\n\n How to Create Decoy System Safely and Securely\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nIn order to achieve plausible deniability, you need to create the decoy operating system now. To do so, follow these steps:\n\n 1) For security reasons, shut down your computer and leave it powered off for at least several minutes (the longer, the better). This is required to clear the memory, which contains sensitive data. Then turn on the computer but do not boot the hidden system.\n\n 2) Install Windows on the partition whose content has been erased (i.e. on the partition where the original system, of which the hidden system is a clone, was installed).\n\nIMPORTANT: WHEN YOU START INSTALLING THE DECOY SYSTEM, THE HIDDEN SYSTEM WILL *NOT* BE POSSIBLE TO BOOT (because the VeraCrypt Boot Loader will be erased by the Windows system installer). THIS IS NORMAL AND EXPECTED. PLEASE DO NOT PANIC. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BOOT THE HIDDEN SYSTEM AGAIN AS SOON AS YOU START ENCRYPTING THE DECOY SYSTEM (because VeraCrypt will then automatically install the VeraCrypt Boot Loader on the system drive).\n\nImportant: The size of the decoy system partition must remain the same as the size of the hidden volume (this condition is now met). Moreover, you must not create any partition between the decoy system partition and the partition where the hidden system resides.\n\n 3) Boot the decoy system (which you installed in step 2 and install VeraCrypt on it).\n\nKeep in mind that the decoy system must never contain any sensitive data.\n\n 4) On the decoy system, run VeraCrypt and select 'System' > 'Encrypt System Partition/Drive'. The VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard window should appear.\n\nThe following steps apply to the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard.\n\n 5) In the VeraCrypt Volume Creation Wizard, do NOT select the 'Hidden' option. Leave the 'Normal' option selected and click 'Next'.\n\n 6) Select the option 'Encrypt the Windows system partition' and then click 'Next'.\n\n 7) If there are only the hidden system and the decoy system installed on the computer, select the option 'Single-boot' (if there are more than these two systems installed on the computer, select 'Multi-boot'). Then click 'Next'.\n\n 8) IMPORTANT: In this step, FOR THE DECOY SYSTEM, YOU MUST SELECT THE SAME ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM AND HASH ALGORITHM THAT YOU SELECTED FOR THE HIDDEN SYSTEM! OTHERWISE, THE HIDDEN SYSTEM WILL BE INACCESSIBLE! In other words, the decoy system must be encrypted with the same encryption algorithm as the hidden system. Note: The reason is that the decoy system and the hidden system will share a single boot loader, which supports only a single algorithm, selected by the user (for each algorithm, there is a special version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader).\n\n 9) In this step, choose a password for the decoy operating system. This will be the password that you will be able to reveal to an adversary if you are asked or forced to disclose your pre-boot authentication password (the other password you can reveal is the one for the outer volume). The existence of the third password (i.e. of the pre-boot authentication password for the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\nImportant: The password you choose for the decoy system must be substantially different from the one you chose for the hidden volume (i.e. for the hidden operating system).\n\n 10) Follow the remaining instructions in the wizard so as to encrypt the decoy operating system.\n\n\n\n After Decoy System Is Created\n------------------------------------------------\n\nAfter you encrypt the decoy system, the whole process of creation of the hidden operating system will be completed and you will be able to use these three passwords:\n\n1) Pre-boot authentication password for the hidden operating system.\n\n2) Pre-boot authentication password for the decoy operating system.\n\n3) Password for the outer volume.\n\n If you want to start the hidden operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the hidden operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen (which appears after you turn on or restart your computer).\n\nIf you want to start the decoy operating system, you will just need to enter the password for the decoy operating system in the VeraCrypt Boot Loader screen.\n\nThe password for the decoy system can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal your pre-boot authentication password. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n The third password (for the outer volume) can be disclosed to anyone forcing you to reveal the password for the first partition behind the system partition, where both the outer volume and the hidden volume (containing the hidden operating system) reside. The existence of the hidden volume (and of the hidden operating system) will remain secret.\n\n\n If you revealed the password for the decoy system to an adversary and he asked you why the free space of the (decoy) system partition contains random data, you could answer, for example: "The partition previously contained a system encrypted by VeraCrypt, but I forgot the pre-boot authentication password (or the system was damaged and stopped booting), so I had to reinstall Windows and encrypt the partition again."\n\n\n If all the instructions are followed and if the precautions and requirements listed in the section "Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide are followed, it should be impossible to prove that the hidden volume and hidden operating system exist, even when the outer volume is mounted or when the decoy operating system is decrypted or started.\n\nIf you save a copy of this text or print it (strongly recommended, unless your printer stores copies of documents it prints on its internal drive), you should destroy any copies of it after you have created the decoy system and after you have understood all the information contained in the text (otherwise, if such a copy was found, it might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer).\n\n WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT PROTECT THE HIDDEN VOLUME (for information on how to do so, refer to the section "Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage" in the VeraCrypt User's Guide), DO NOT WRITE TO THE OUTER VOLUME (note that the decoy operating system is NOT installed in the outer volume). OTHERWISE, YOU MAY OVERWRITE AND DAMAGE THE HIDDEN VOLUME (AND THE HIDDEN OPERATING SYSTEM WITHIN IT)! Operating System Cloning In the next steps, VeraCrypt will create the hidden operating system by copying the content of the system partition to the hidden volume (data being copied will be encrypted on the fly with an encryption key different from the one that will be used for the decoy operating system).\n\nPlease note that the process will be performed in the pre-boot environment (before Windows starts) and it may take a long time to complete; several hours or even several days (depending on the size of the system partition and on the performance of your computer).\n\nYou will be able to interrupt the process, shut down your computer, start the operating system and then resume the process. However, if you interrupt it, the entire process of copying the system will have to start from the beginning (because the content of the system partition must not change during cloning). Do you want to cancel the entire process of creation of the hidden operating system?\n\nNote: You will NOT be able to resume the process if you cancel it now. 您要取消系統加密預先測試嗎? The VeraCrypt system encryption pretest failed. Do you want to try again?\n\nIf you select 'No', the pre-boot authentication component will be uninstalled.\n\nNotes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader did not ask you to enter the password before Windows started, it is possible that your operating system does not boot from the drive on which it is installed. This is not supported.\n\n- If you used an encryption algorithm other than AES and the pretest failed (and you entered the password), it may have been caused by an inappropriately designed driver. Select 'No', and try encrypting the system partition/drive again, but use the AES encryption algorithm (which has the lowest memory requirements).\n\n- For more possible causes and solutions, see: https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Troubleshooting.html 系統分割區/磁碟機看起來並未加密(即沒有部分也沒有完全加密)。 您的系統分割區/磁碟機已加密(部分或完全加密)。\n\n請在繼續進行之前解密這個系統分割區/磁碟機。要這樣做,在 VeraCrypt 主視窗的選單中,選擇 "系統" > "永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機"。 When the system partition/drive is encrypted (partially or fully), you cannot downgrade VeraCrypt (but you can upgrade it or reinstall the same version). 您的系統分割區/磁碟機正在被加密,解密,不然就是被修改。請在繼續操作前中斷這個加密/解密/修改的操作(或一直等到它完成)。 已經有 VeraCrypt 加密區建立精靈的執行實例在執行,而且正在執行對系統分割區/磁碟機的加密/解密操作。在您操作前,請等它完成或者將它關閉。如果您無法關閉它,請在繼續操作前重新啟動電腦。 加密或解密系統分割區/磁碟機的操作尚未完成。請等到它操作完成。 錯誤:加密分割區/磁碟機的操作尚未完成。那必須要先完成。 Error: The process of encryption or decryption of the partition/volume has not been completed. It must be completed first.\n\nNote: To resume the process, select 'Volumes' > 'Resume Interrupted Process' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. The password is correct, VeraCrypt has successfully decrypted the volume header and detected that this volume is a hidden system volume. However, you cannot modify the header of a hidden system volume this way.\n\nTo change the password for a hidden system volume, boot the operating system residing in the hidden volume, and then select 'System' > 'Change Password' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window.\n\nTo set the header key derivation algorithm, boot the hidden operating system and then select 'System' > 'Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm'. VeraCrypt does not support in-place decryption of a hidden system partition.\n\nNote: If you want to decrypt the decoy system partition, boot the decoy system, and then select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive' from the menu bar of the main VeraCrypt window. 錯誤:不正確/無效的參數。 您已經選擇了一個分割區或者磁碟機,但是您選擇的精靈模式只適用檔案型容器。\n\n您希望改變精靈模式嗎? 您想改為建立 VeraCrypt 檔案型容器嗎? You have selected the system partition/drive (or the boot partition), but the wizard mode you selected is suitable only for non-system partitions/drives.\n\nDo you want to set up pre-boot authentication (which means that you will need to enter your password each time before Windows boots/starts) and encrypt the system partition/drive? 您確認要永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機嗎? 警告:如果您永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機,所有未加密資料將會寫到它上面。\n\n您真的確定要永久解密系統分割區/磁碟機嗎? Are you sure you want to permanently decrypt the following volume? CAUTION: If you permanently decrypt the VeraCrypt volume, unencrypted data will be written to the disk.\n\nAre you really sure you want to permanently decrypt the selected volume? Warning: If you use a cascade of ciphers for system encryption, you may encounter the following issues:\n\n1) The VeraCrypt Boot Loader is larger than normal and, therefore, there is not enough space in the first drive track for a backup of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader. Hence, whenever it gets damaged (which often happens, for example, during inappropriately designed anti-piracy activation procedures of certain programs), you will need to use the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk to boot or to repair the VeraCrypt Boot Loader.\n\n2) On some computers, resuming from hibernation takes longer.\n\nThese potential issues can be prevented by choosing a non-cascade encryption algorithm (e.g. AES).\n\nAre you sure you want to use a cascade of ciphers? 如果您遭遇任何前面描述的問題,先解密該分割區/磁碟機(如果它已經加密)並試著使用一種非串聯加密演算法對它再次加密(例如 AES)。 WARNING: For safety and security reasons, you should update VeraCrypt on the decoy operating system before you update it on the hidden operating system.\n\nTo do so, boot the decoy system and run the VeraCrypt installer from within it. Then boot the hidden system and run the installer from within it as well.\n\nNote: The decoy system and the hidden system share a single boot loader. If you upgraded VeraCrypt only on the hidden system (but not on the decoy system), the decoy system would contain a VeraCrypt driver and VeraCrypt applications whose version numbers are different from the version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader. Such a discrepancy might indicate that there is a hidden operating system on this computer.\n\n\nDo you want to continue? The version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader that booted this operating system is different from the version number of the VeraCrypt driver (and of the VeraCrypt applications) installed on this system.\n\nYou should run the VeraCrypt installer (whose version number is the same as the one of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader) to update VeraCrypt on this operating system. The version number of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader that booted this operating system is different from the version number of the VeraCrypt driver (and of the VeraCrypt applications) installed on this system. Note that older versions may contain bugs fixed in later versions.\n\nIf you did not boot from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should reinstall VeraCrypt or upgrade it to the latest stable version (the boot loader will be updated too).\n\nIf you booted from the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk, you should update it ('System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'). VeraCrypt 開機管理程式已經更新。\n\n強烈建議您建立一片新的 VeraCrypt 救援磁碟(那將包含新版的 VeraCrypt 開機管理程式)經由選擇 "系統" > "建立救援磁碟" 在您重新啟動電腦之後。 The VeraCrypt Boot Loader has been upgraded.\n\nIt is strongly recommended that you boot the decoy operating system and then create a new VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (which will contain the new version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader) by selecting 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. 更新 VeraCrypt 開機管理程式失敗。 VeraCrypt failed to detect the real size of the system drive and, therefore, the size reported by the operating system (which may be smaller than the real size) will be used. Also note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt. 警告:看來 VeraCrypt 已經試著檢測過這個系統磁碟機上的隱藏磁扇區。如果您在上次檢測過程中遭遇任何問題,您現在可以經由跳過隱藏磁扇區的檢測來避免這些問題。要注意如果您這樣做,VeraCrypt 將會使用作業系統回報的大小(那也許會小於真實磁碟機的大小)。\n\n要注意這問題並不是 VeraCrypt 的錯誤引起的。 跳過隱藏磁扇區的檢測(使用作業系統回報的大小) 嘗試再次檢測隱藏磁扇區 Error: Content of one or more sectors on the disk cannot be read (probably due to a physical defect).\n\nThe process of in-place encryption can continue only when the sectors have been made readable again. VeraCrypt can attempt to make these sectors readable by writing zeros to the sectors (subsequently such all-zero blocks would be encrypted). However, note that any data stored in the unreadable sectors will be lost. If you want to avoid that, you can attempt to recover portions of the corrupted data using appropriate third-party tools.\n\nNote: In case of physically damaged sectors (as opposed to mere data corruption and checksum errors) most types of storage devices internally reallocate the sectors when data is attempted to be written to them (so the existing data in the damaged sectors may remain unencrypted on the drive).\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to write zeroes to unreadable sectors? Error: Content of one or more sectors on the disk cannot be read (probably due to a physical defect).\n\nTo be able to proceed with decryption, VeraCrypt will have to discard the content of the unreadable sectors (the content will be replaced with pseudorandom data). Please note that, before proceeding, you can attempt to recover portions of any corrupted data using appropriate third-party tools.\n\nDo you want VeraCrypt to discard data in the unreadable sectors now? Note: VeraCrypt has replaced the content of %I64d unreadable sectors (%s) with encrypted all-zero plaintext blocks. Note: VeraCrypt has replaced the content of %I64d unreadable sectors (%s) with pseudorandom data. Enter password/PIN for token '%s': In order to allow VeraCrypt to access a security token or smart card, you need to install a PKCS #11 software library for the token or smart card first. Such a library may be supplied with the device or it may be available for download from the website of the vendor or other third parties.\n\nAfter you install the library, you can either select it manually by clicking 'Select Library' or you can let VeraCrypt find and select it automatically by clicking 'Auto-Detect Library' (only the Windows system directory will be searched). Note: For the filename and location of the PKCS #11 library installed for your security token or smart card, please refer to the documentation supplied with the token, card, or third-party software.\n\nClick 'OK' to select the path and filename. In order to allow VeraCrypt to access a security token or smart card, you need to select a PKCS #11 software library for the token/card first. To do so, select 'Settings' > 'Security Tokens'. Failed to initialize PKCS #11 security token library.\n\nPlease make sure the specified path and filename refer to a valid PKCS #11 library. To specify a PKCS #11 library path and filename, select 'Settings' > 'Security Tokens'. No PKCS #11 library has been found in the Windows system directory.\n\nPlease make sure that a PKCS #11 library for your security token (or for your smart card) is installed (such a library may be supplied with the token/card or it may be available for download from the website of the vendor or other third parties). If it is installed in a directory other than the Windows system directory, click 'Select Library' to locate the library (e.g. in the folder where the software for the token/card is installed). No security token found.\n\nPlease make sure your security token is connected to your computer and the correct device driver for your token is installed. Security token keyfile not found. A security token keyfile with the same name already exists. Do you want to delete the selected files? Security token keyfile path is invalid. Security token error Password for security token is incorrect. The security token does not have enough memory/space to perform the requested operation.\n\nIf you are attempting to import a keyfile, you should select a smaller file or use a keyfile generated by VeraCrypt (select 'Tools' > 'Keyfile Generator'). All open security token sessions have been closed. Select Security Token Keyfiles Slot Token name File name IMPORTANT: Please note that pre-boot authentication passwords are always typed using the standard US keyboard layout. Therefore, a volume that uses a password typed using any other keyboard layout may be impossible to mount using a pre-boot authentication password (note that this is not a bug in VeraCrypt). To allow such a volume to be mounted using a pre-boot authentication password, follow these steps:\n\n1) Click 'Select File' or 'Select Device' and select the volume.\n2) Select 'Volumes' > 'Change Volume Password'.\n3) Enter the current password for the volume.\n4) Change the keyboard layout to English (US) by clicking the Language bar icon in the Windows taskbar and selecting 'EN English (United States)'.\n5) In VeraCrypt, in the field for the new password, type the pre-boot authentication password.\n6) Confirm the new password by retyping it in the confirmation field and click 'OK'.\nWARNING: Please keep in mind that if you follow these steps, the volume password will always have to be typed using the US keyboard layout (which is automatically ensured only in the pre-boot environment). System favorite volumes will be mounted using the pre-boot authentication password. If any system favorite volume uses a different password, it will not be mounted. Please note that if you need to prevent normal VeraCrypt volume actions (such as 'Dismount All', auto-dismount, etc.) from affecting system favorite volumes, you should enable the option 'Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt'. In addition, when VeraCrypt is run without administrator privileges (the default on Windows Vista and later), system favorite volumes will not be displayed in the drive letter list in the main VeraCrypt application window. IMPORTANT: Please keep in mind that if this option is enabled and VeraCrypt does not have administrator privileges, mounted system favorite volumes are NOT displayed in the VeraCrypt application window and they cannot be dismounted. Therefore, if you need e.g. to dismount a system favorite volume, please right-click the VeraCrypt icon (in the Start menu) and select 'Run as administrator' first. The same limitation applies to the 'Dismount All' function, 'Auto-Dismount' functions, 'Dismount All' hot keys, etc. Note that this setting takes effect only after the operating system is restarted. Error while parsing command line. 救援磁碟 Select &File and Mount... Select &Device and Mount... Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt Mount system favorite volumes when Windows starts (in the initial phase of the startup procedure) Warning: The filesystem on the volume mounted as '%s' was not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain errors. Using a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption.\n\nNote: Before you physically remove or switch off a device (such as a USB flash drive or an external hard drive) where a mounted VeraCrypt volume resides, you should always dismount the VeraCrypt volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\n\nDo you want Windows to attempt to detect and fix errors (if any) on the filesystem? Warning: One or more system favorite volumes were not cleanly dismounted and thus may contain filesystem errors. Please see the system event log for further details.\n\nUsing a corrupted filesystem can cause data loss or data corruption. You should check the affected system favorite volume(s) for errors (right-click each of them in VeraCrypt and select 'Repair Filesystem'). Warning: Repairing a damaged filesystem using the Microsoft 'chkdsk' tool might cause loss of files in damaged areas. Therefore, it is recommended that you first back up the files stored on the VeraCrypt volume to another, healthy, VeraCrypt volume.\n\nDo you want to repair the filesystem now? Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure the security permissions of the file container allow you to write to it (right-click the container and select Properties > Security).\n\nNote that, due to a Windows issue, you may see this warning even after setting the appropriate security permissions. This is not caused by a bug in VeraCrypt. A possible solution is to move your container to, e.g., your 'Documents' folder.\n\nIf you intend to keep your volume read-only, set the read-only attribute of the container (right-click the container and select Properties > Read-only), which will suppress this warning. Volume '%s' had to be mounted as read-only because write access was denied.\n\nPlease make sure no other application (e.g. antivirus software) is accessing the partition/device on which the volume is hosted. Volume '%s' has been mounted as read-only because the operating system reported the host device to be write-protected.\n\nPlease note that some custom chipset drivers have been reported to cause writable media to falsely appear write-protected. This problem is not caused by VeraCrypt. It may be solved by updating or uninstalling any custom (non-Microsoft) chipset drivers that are currently installed on this system. Note that the Hyper-Threading technology provides multiple logical cores per a single physical core. When Hyper Threading is enabled, the number selected above represents the number of logical processors/cores. %d threads Note that hardware-accelerated AES is disabled, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo enable hardware acceleration, select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and enable the corresponding option. Note that the number of threads is currently limited, which will affect benchmark results (worse performance).\n\nTo utilize the full potential of the processor(s), select 'Settings' > 'Performance' and disable the corresponding option. Do you want VeraCrypt to attempt to disable write protection of the partition/drive? WARNING: This setting may degrade performance.\n\nAre you sure you want to use this setting? Warning: VeraCrypt volume auto-dismounted Before you physically remove or turn off a device containing a mounted volume, you should always dismount the volume in VeraCrypt first.\n\nUnexpected spontaneous dismount is usually caused by an intermittently failing cable, drive (enclosure), etc. This volume was created with TrueCrypt %x.%x but VeraCrypt supports only TrueCrypt volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x/7.x series 測試 金鑰檔案 Backspace Tab Clear Enter Pause Caps Lock Spacebar Page Up Page Down End Home Select Key Print Key Execute Key Print Screen Insert Delete Applications Key Sleep Num Lock Scroll Lock Browser Back Browser Forward Browser Refresh Browser Stop Browser Search Browser Favorites Browser Home Mute Volume Down Volume Up Next Track Previous Track Stop Media Play/Pause Media Start Mail Key Select Media Key Application 1 Application 2 Attn CrSel ExSel Play Zoom NumPad Shift Control Alt Win B KB MB GB TB PB B/s KB/s MB/s GB/s TB/s PB/s Include &PIM when caching pre-boot authentication password Include PIM when caching a password Make disconnected network drives available for mounting The entered password is too long: its UTF-8 representation exceeds 128 bytes. The entered password contains Unicode characters that couldn't be converted to UTF-8 representation. Error: Failed to load a system library. The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected exFAT filesystem. Randomness Collected From Mouse Movements Volume ID: Volume ID Use Volume ID to mount favorite The Volume ID value is invalid No Volume with the specified ID was found on the system Copy Value to Clipboard... Do not request PIM in the pre-boot authentication screen (PIM value is stored unencrypted on disk) WARNING: Please keep in mind that if you enable this option, the PIM value will be stored unencrypted on the disk.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable this option? Personal Iterations Multiplier (PIM) maximum value is 2147468. Skip Rescue Disk verification Don't show wait message dialog when performing operations Do not request Hash algorithm in the pre-boot authentication screen Kuznyechik is a block cipher first published in 2015 and defined in the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 34.12-2015 and also in RFC 7801. 256-bit key, 128-bit block. Mode of operation is XTS. Jointly developed by Mitsubishi Electric and NTT of Japan. First published on 2000. 256-bit key, 128-bit block. Mode of operation is XTS. It has been approved for use by the ISO/IEC, the European Union's NESSIE project and the Japanese CRYPTREC project. 時間 Iterations Pre-Boot Before you can encrypt the partition, you must create a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (VRD), which serves the following purposes:\n\n- If the VeraCrypt Boot Loader, master key, or other critical data gets damaged, the VRD allows you to restore it (note, however, that you will still have to enter the correct password then).\n\n- If Windows gets damaged and cannot start, the VRD allows you to permanently decrypt the partition before Windows starts.\n\n- The VRD will contain a backup of the present EFI boot loader and will allow you to restore it if necessary.\n\nThe VeraCrypt Rescue Disk ZIP image will be created in the location specified below. The Rescue Disk ZIP image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract it to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\n%lsAfter you create the Rescue Disk, click Next to verify that it has been correctly created. The Rescue Disk ZIP image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you should either extract the image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32 or move it to a safe location for later use.\n\n%lsClick Next to continue. IMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\n Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk, please eject and reinsert the USB stick; then click Next to try again. If this does not help, please try another USB stick and/or another ZIP software.\n\nIf you have not extracted the Rescue Disk yet, please do so, and then click Next.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created before you started this wizard, please note that such Rescue Disk cannot be used, because it was created for a different master key. You need to extract the newly generated Rescue Disk ZIP image. Cannot verify that the Rescue Disk has been correctly extracted.\n\nIf you have extracted the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick, please eject it and reinsert it; then try again. If this does not help, please try other ZIP software and/or medium.\n\nIf you attempted to verify a VeraCrypt Rescue Disk created for a different master key, password, salt, etc., please note that such Rescue Disk will always fail this verification. To create a new Rescue Disk fully compatible with your current configuration, select 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'. The Rescue Disk image has been created and stored in this file:\n%s\n\nNow you need to extract the Rescue Disk image to a USB stick that is formatted as FAT/FAT32.\n\nIMPORTANT: Note that the zip file must be extracted directly to the root of the USB stick. For example, if the drive letter of the USB stick is E: then extracting the zip file should create a folder E:\\EFI on the USB stick.\n\nAfter you create the Rescue Disk, select 'System' > 'Verify Rescue Disk' to verify that it has been correctly created. Use Secure Desktop for password entry The volume file size specified in the command line is incompatible with selected ReFS filesystem. Edit Boot Loader Configuration Display EFI Platform Information Boot Loader Configuration File EFI Platform Information WARNING: Inexperienced users should never attempt to manually edit boot loader configurations.\n\nContinue? WARNING: Failed to validate the XML format of the Boot Loader configuration. Please check your modifications. 進階選項 It is strongly recommended that you create a new VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (which will contain the new version of the VeraCrypt Boot Loader) by selecting 'System' > 'Create Rescue Disk'.\nDo you want to do it now? Allow TRIM command for non-system SSD partition/drive Block TRIM command on system partition/drive ERROR: Windows EFI system loader could not be located on the disk. Operation will be aborted. It is currently not possible to encrypt a system if SecureBoot is enabled and if VeraCrypt custom keys are not loaded into the machine firmware. SecureBoot needs to be disabled in the BIOS configuration in order to allow system encryption to proceed. Pasted text truncated because the password maximum length is 128 characters Password already reached its maximum length of 128 characters.\nNo additional character is allowed. Select the language to use during the installation: ERROR: The size of the file container is larger than the available free space on disk. Allow Windows Disk Defragmenter to defragment non-system partition/drive WARNING: Defragmenting non-system partitions/drives may leak metadata about their content or cause issues with hidden volumes they may contain.\n\nContinue? Virtual Device The selected mounted volume is not associated with its drive letter in Windows and so it can not be opened in Windows Explorer. Clear encryption keys from memory if a new device is inserted IMPORTANT NOTES:\n - Please keep in mind that this option will not persist after a shutdown/reboot so you will need to select it again next time the machine is started.\n\n - With this option enabled and after a new device is connected, the machine will freeze and it will eventually crash with a BSOD since Windows can not access the encrypted disk after its keys are cleared from memory.\n Starting Use CPU hardware random generator as an additional source of entropy Use legacy maximum password length (64 characters) Activate encryption of keys and passwords stored in RAM Benchmark: Only create virtual device without mounting on selected drive letter The entered password is too long: its UTF-8 representation exceeds 64 bytes. The Hidden volume can't have the same password, PIM and keyfiles as the Outer volume VeraCrypt does not support encrypting a system drive that is already encrypted by BitLocker. Automatically fix boot configuration issues that may prevent Windows from starting Force machine to boot on VeraCrypt in the next startup Force the presence of VeraCrypt entry in the EFI firmware boot menu Force VeraCrypt entry to be the first in the EFI firmware boot menu WARNING: RAM encryption is not compatible with Windows Hibernate and Windows Fast Startup features. VeraCrypt needs to disable them before activating RAM encryption.\n\nContinue? WARNING: Windows Fast Startup is enabled and it is known to cause issues when working with VeraCrypt volumes. It is advised to disable it for better security and usability.\n\nDo you want to disable Windows Fast Startup? 3][key[19]] ^ RS[4][key[20]] ^ RS[5][key[21]] ^ RS[6][key[22]] ^ RS[7][key[23]]; us.S32[3] = RS[0][key[24]] ^ RS[1][key[25]] ^ RS[2][key[26]] ^ RS[3][key[27]] ^ RS[4][key[28]] ^ RS[5][key[29]] ^ RS[6][key[30]] ^ RS[7][key[31]]; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { instance->mk_tab[0][i] = MDSQ[0][Q[0][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][i] ^ us.S8[0]] ^ us.S8[4]] ^ us.S8[8]] ^ us.S8[12]]; instance->mk_tab[1][i] = MDSQ[1][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][i] ^ us.S8[1]] ^ us.S8[5]] ^ us.S8[9]] ^ us.S8[13]]; instance->mk_tab[2][i] = MDSQ[2][Q[1][Q[0][Q[0][Q[0][i] ^ us.S8[2]] ^ us.S8[6]] ^ us.S8[10]] ^ us.S8[14]]; instance->mk_tab[3][i] = MDSQ[3][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][Q[1][i] ^ us.S8[3]] ^ us.S8[7]] ^ us.S8[11]] ^ us.S8[15]]; } for (i = 0; i != 40; i += 2) { uint32 a = MDSQ[0][Q[0][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][i] ^ key[24]] ^ key[16]] ^ key[8]] ^ key[0]] ^ MDSQ[1][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][i] ^ key[25]] ^ key[17]] ^ key[9]] ^ key[1]] ^ MDSQ[2][Q[1][Q[0][Q[0][Q[0][i] ^ key[26]] ^ key[18]] ^ key[10]] ^ key[2]] ^ MDSQ[3][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][Q[1][i] ^ key[27]] ^ key[19]] ^ key[11]] ^ key[3]]; uint32 b = rotl32(MDSQ[0][Q[0][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][i + 1] ^ key[28]] ^ key[20]] ^ key[12]] ^ key[4]] ^ MDSQ[1][Q[0][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][i + 1] ^ key[29]] ^ key[21]] ^ key[13]] ^ key[5]] ^ MDSQ[2][Q[1][Q[0][Q[0][Q[0][i + 1] ^ key[30]] ^ key[22]] ^ key[14]] ^ key[6]] ^ MDSQ[3][Q[1][Q[1][Q[0][Q[1][i + 1] ^ key[31]] ^ key[23]] ^ key[15]] ^ key[7]], 8); a += b; #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 && !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) if (i < 8) { instance->w[i] = a; instance->w[i + 1] = rotl32(a + b, 9); } else { instance->k[i - 8] = a; instance->k[i + 1 - 8] = rotl32(a + b, 9); } #else instance->l_key[i] = a; instance->l_key[i + 1] = rotl32(a + b, 9); #endif } } #else #define Q_TABLES #define M_TABLE #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH) # define MK_TABLE # define ONE_STEP #endif /* finite field arithmetic for GF(2**8) with the modular */ /* polynomial x^8 + x^6 + x^5 + x^3 + 1 (0x169) */ #define G_M 0x0169 static u1byte tab_5b[4] = { 0, G_M >> 2, G_M >> 1, (G_M >> 1) ^ (G_M >> 2) }; static u1byte tab_ef[4] = { 0, (G_M >> 1) ^ (G_M >> 2), G_M >> 1, G_M >> 2 }; #define ffm_01(x) (x) #define ffm_5b(x) ((x) ^ ((x) >> 2) ^ tab_5b[(x) & 3]) #define ffm_ef(x) ((x) ^ ((x) >> 1) ^ ((x) >> 2) ^ tab_ef[(x) & 3]) static u1byte ror4[16] = { 0, 8, 1, 9, 2, 10, 3, 11, 4, 12, 5, 13, 6, 14, 7, 15 }; static u1byte ashx[16] = { 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 5, 14, 7 }; static u1byte qt0[2][16] = { { 8, 1, 7, 13, 6, 15, 3, 2, 0, 11, 5, 9, 14, 12, 10, 4 }, { 2, 8, 11, 13, 15, 7, 6, 14, 3, 1, 9, 4, 0, 10, 12, 5 } }; static u1byte qt1[2][16] = { { 14, 12, 11, 8, 1, 2, 3, 5, 15, 4, 10, 6, 7, 0, 9, 13 }, { 1, 14, 2, 11, 4, 12, 3, 7, 6, 13, 10, 5, 15, 9, 0, 8 } }; static u1byte qt2[2][16] = { { 11, 10, 5, 14, 6, 13, 9, 0, 12, 8, 15, 3, 2, 4, 7, 1 }, { 4, 12, 7, 5, 1, 6, 9, 10, 0, 14, 13, 8, 2, 11, 3, 15 } }; static u1byte qt3[2][16] = { { 13, 7, 15, 4, 1, 2, 6, 14, 9, 11, 3, 0, 8, 5, 12, 10 }, { 11, 9, 5, 1, 12, 3, 13, 14, 6, 4, 7, 15, 2, 0, 8, 10 } }; static u1byte qp(const u4byte n, const u1byte x) { u1byte a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4; a0 = x >> 4; b0 = x & 15; a1 = a0 ^ b0; b1 = ror4[b0] ^ ashx[a0]; a2 = qt0[n][a1]; b2 = qt1[n][b1]; a3 = a2 ^ b2; b3 = ror4[b2] ^ ashx[a2]; a4 = qt2[n][a3]; b4 = qt3[n][b3]; return (b4 << 4) | a4; }; #ifdef Q_TABLES static u4byte qt_gen = 0; static u1byte q_tab[2][256]; #define q(n,x) q_tab[n][x] static void gen_qtab(void) { u4byte i; for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { q(0,i) = qp(0, (u1byte)i); q(1,i) = qp(1, (u1byte)i); } }; #else #define q(n,x) qp(n, x) #endif #ifdef M_TABLE static u4byte mt_gen = 0; static u4byte m_tab[4][256]; static void gen_mtab(void) { u4byte i, f01, f5b, fef; for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { f01 = q(1,i); f5b = ffm_5b(f01); fef = ffm_ef(f01); m_tab[0][i] = f01 + (f5b << 8) + (fef << 16) + (fef << 24); m_tab[2][i] = f5b + (fef << 8) + (f01 << 16) + (fef << 24); f01 = q(0,i); f5b = ffm_5b(f01); fef = ffm_ef(f01); m_tab[1][i] = fef + (fef << 8) + (f5b << 16) + (f01 << 24); m_tab[3][i] = f5b + (f01 << 8) + (fef << 16) + (f5b << 24); } }; #define mds(n,x) m_tab[n][x] #else #define fm_00 ffm_01 #define fm_10 ffm_5b #define fm_20 ffm_ef #define fm_30 ffm_ef #define q_0(x) q(1,x) #define fm_01 ffm_ef #define fm_11 ffm_ef #define fm_21 ffm_5b #define fm_31 ffm_01 #define q_1(x) q(0,x) #define fm_02 ffm_5b #define fm_12 ffm_ef #define fm_22 ffm_01 #define fm_32 ffm_ef #define q_2(x) q(1,x) #define fm_03 ffm_5b #define fm_13 ffm_01 #define fm_23 ffm_ef #define fm_33 ffm_5b #define q_3(x) q(0,x) #define f_0(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_0##n(x)) #define f_1(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_1##n(x) << 8) #define f_2(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_2##n(x) << 16) #define f_3(n,x) ((u4byte)fm_3##n(x) << 24) #define mds(n,x) f_0(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_1(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_2(n,q_##n(x)) ^ f_3(n,q_##n(x)) #endif static u4byte h_fun(TwofishInstance *instance, const u4byte x, const u4byte key[]) { u4byte b0, b1, b2, b3; #ifndef M_TABLE u4byte m5b_b0, m5b_b1, m5b_b2, m5b_b3; u4byte mef_b0, mef_b1, mef_b2, mef_b3; #endif b0 = extract_byte(x, 0); b1 = extract_byte(x, 1); b2 = extract_byte(x, 2); b3 = extract_byte(x, 3); b0 = q(1, (u1byte) b0) ^ extract_byte(key[3],0); b1 = q(0, (u1byte) b1) ^ extract_byte(key[3],1); b2 = q(0, (u1byte) b2) ^ extract_byte(key[3],2); b3 = q(1, (u1byte) b3) ^ extract_byte(key[3],3); b0 = q(1, (u1byte) b0) ^ extract_byte(key[2],0); b1 = q(1, (u1byte) b1) ^ extract_byte(key[2],1); b2 = q(0, (u1byte) b2) ^ extract_byte(key[2],2); b3 = q(0, (u1byte) b3) ^ extract_byte(key[2],3); b0 = q(0, (u1byte) (q(0, (u1byte) b0) ^ extract_byte(key[1],0))) ^ extract_byte(key[0],0); b1 = q(0, (u1byte) (q(1, (u1byte) b1) ^ extract_byte(key[1],1))) ^ extract_byte(key[0],1); b2 = q(1, (u1byte) (q(0, (u1byte) b2) ^ extract_byte(key[1],2))) ^ extract_byte(key[0],2); b3 = q(1, (u1byte) (q(1, (u1byte) b3) ^ extract_byte(key[1],3))) ^ extract_byte(key[0],3); #ifdef M_TABLE return mds(0, b0) ^ mds(1, b1) ^ mds(2, b2) ^ mds(3, b3); #else b0 = q(1, (u1byte) b0); b1 = q(0, (u1byte) b1); b2 = q(1, (u1byte) b2); b3 = q(0, (u1byte) b3); m5b_b0 = ffm_5b(b0); m5b_b1 = ffm_5b(b1); m5b_b2 = ffm_5b(b2); m5b_b3 = ffm_5b(b3); mef_b0 = ffm_ef(b0); mef_b1 = ffm_ef(b1); mef_b2 = ffm_ef(b2); mef_b3 = ffm_ef(b3); b0 ^= mef_b1 ^ m5b_b2 ^ m5b_b3; b3 ^= m5b_b0 ^ mef_b1 ^ mef_b2; b2 ^= mef_b0 ^ m5b_b1 ^ mef_b3; b1 ^= mef_b0 ^ mef_b2 ^ m5b_b3; return b0 | (b3 << 8) | (b2 << 16) | (b1 << 24); #endif }; #ifdef MK_TABLE #ifdef ONE_STEP //u4byte mk_tab[4][256]; #else static u1byte sb[4][256]; #endif #define q20(x) q(0,q(0,x) ^ extract_byte(key[1],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],0) #define q21(x) q(0,q(1,x) ^ extract_byte(key[1],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],1) #define q22(x) q(1,q(0,x) ^ extract_byte(key[1],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],2) #define q23(x) q(1,q(1,x) ^ extract_byte(key[1],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],3) #define q30(x) q(0,q(0,q(1, x) ^ extract_byte(key[2],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],0) #define q31(x) q(0,q(1,q(1, x) ^ extract_byte(key[2],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],1) #define q32(x) q(1,q(0,q(0, x) ^ extract_byte(key[2],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],2) #define q33(x) q(1,q(1,q(0, x) ^ extract_byte(key[2],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],3) #define q40(x) q(0,q(0,q(1, q(1, x) ^ extract_byte(key[3],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[2],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],0)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],0) #define q41(x) q(0,q(1,q(1, q(0, x) ^ extract_byte(key[3],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[2],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],1)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],1) #define q42(x) q(1,q(0,q(0, q(0, x) ^ extract_byte(key[3],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[2],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],2)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],2) #define q43(x) q(1,q(1,q(0, q(1, x) ^ extract_byte(key[3],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[2],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[1],3)) ^ extract_byte(key[0],3) static void gen_mk_tab(TwofishInstance *instance, u4byte key[]) { u4byte i; u1byte by; u4byte *mk_tab = instance->mk_tab; for(i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { by = (u1byte)i; #ifdef ONE_STEP mk_tab[0 + 4*i] = mds(0, q40(by)); mk_tab[1 + 4*i] = mds(1, q41(by)); mk_tab[2 + 4*i] = mds(2, q42(by)); mk_tab[3 + 4*i] = mds(3, q43(by)); #else sb[0][i] = q40(by); sb[1][i] = q41(by); sb[2][i] = q42(by); sb[3][i] = q43(by); #endif } }; # ifdef ONE_STEP # define g0_fun(x) ( mk_tab[0 + 4*extract_byte(x,0)] ^ mk_tab[1 + 4*extract_byte(x,1)] \ ^ mk_tab[2 + 4*extract_byte(x,2)] ^ mk_tab[3 + 4*extract_byte(x,3)] ) # define g1_fun(x) ( mk_tab[0 + 4*extract_byte(x,3)] ^ mk_tab[1 + 4*extract_byte(x,0)] \ ^ mk_tab[2 + 4*extract_byte(x,1)] ^ mk_tab[3 + 4*extract_byte(x,2)] ) # else # define g0_fun(x) ( mds(0, sb[0][extract_byte(x,0)]) ^ mds(1, sb[1][extract_byte(x,1)]) \ ^ mds(2, sb[2][extract_byte(x,2)]) ^ mds(3, sb[3][extract_byte(x,3)]) ) # define g1_fun(x) ( mds(0, sb[0][extract_byte(x,3)]) ^ mds(1, sb[1][extract_byte(x,0)]) \ ^ mds(2, sb[2][extract_byte(x,1)]) ^ mds(3, sb[3][extract_byte(x,2)]) ) # endif #else #define g0_fun(x) h_fun(instance, x, instance->s_key) #define g1_fun(x) h_fun(instance, rotl(x,8), instance->s_key) #endif /* The (12,8) Reed Soloman code has the generator polynomial g(x) = x^4 + (a + 1/a) * x^3 + a * x^2 + (a + 1/a) * x + 1 where the coefficients are in the finite field GF(2^8) with a modular polynomial a^8 + a^6 + a^3 + a^2 + 1. To generate the remainder we have to start with a 12th order polynomial with our eight input bytes as the coefficients of the 4th to 11th terms. That is: m[7] * x^11 + m[6] * x^10 ... + m[0] * x^4 + 0 * x^3 +... + 0 We then multiply the generator polynomial by m[7] * x^7 and subtract it - xor in GF(2^8) - from the above to eliminate the x^7 term (the artihmetic on the coefficients is done in GF(2^8). We then multiply the generator polynomial by x^6 * coeff(x^10) and use this to remove the x^10 term. We carry on in this way until the x^4 term is removed so that we are left with: r[3] * x^3 + r[2] * x^2 + r[1] 8 x^1 + r[0] which give the resulting 4 bytes of the remainder. This is equivalent to the matrix multiplication in the Twofish description but much faster to implement. */ #define G_MOD 0x0000014d static u4byte mds_rem(u4byte p0, u4byte p1) { u4byte i, t, u; for(i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { t = p1 >> 24; // get most significant coefficient p1 = (p1 << 8) | (p0 >> 24); p0 <<= 8; // shift others up // multiply t by a (the primitive element - i.e. left shift) u = (t << 1); if(t & 0x80) // subtract modular polynomial on overflow u ^= G_MOD; p1 ^= t ^ (u << 16); // remove t * (a * x^2 + 1) u ^= (t >> 1); // form u = a * t + t / a = t * (a + 1 / a); if(t & 0x01) // add the modular polynomial on underflow u ^= G_MOD >> 1; p1 ^= (u << 24) | (u << 8); // remove t * (a + 1/a) * (x^3 + x) } return p1; }; /* initialise the key schedule from the user supplied key */ void twofish_set_key(TwofishInstance *instance, const u4byte in_key[]) { u4byte i, a, b, me_key[4], mo_key[4]; u4byte *l_key, *s_key; l_key = instance->l_key; s_key = instance->s_key; #ifdef Q_TABLES if(!qt_gen) { gen_qtab(); qt_gen = 1; } #endif #ifdef M_TABLE if(!mt_gen) { gen_mtab(); mt_gen = 1; } #endif for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { a = LE32(in_key[i + i]); me_key[i] = a; b = LE32(in_key[i + i + 1]); mo_key[i] = b; s_key[4 - i - 1] = mds_rem(a, b); } for(i = 0; i < 40; i += 2) { a = 0x01010101 * i; b = a + 0x01010101; a = h_fun(instance, a, me_key); b = rotl(h_fun(instance, b, mo_key), 8); l_key[i] = a + b; l_key[i + 1] = rotl(a + 2 * b, 9); } #ifdef MK_TABLE gen_mk_tab(instance, s_key); #endif }; #endif /* encrypt a block of text */ #ifndef TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE #if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 == 0) || defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) void twofish_encrypt(TwofishInstance *ks, const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4]) { uint32* rk = ks->l_key; uint32 x0 = in_blk[0] ^ rk[0]; uint32 x1 = in_blk[1] ^ rk[1]; uint32 x2 = in_blk[2] ^ rk[2]; uint32 x3 = in_blk[3] ^ rk[3]; uint32 f0, f1; #ifdef UNROLL_TWOFISH ROUNDA(0); ROUNDB(1); ROUNDA(2); ROUNDB(3); ROUNDA(4); ROUNDB(5); ROUNDA(6); ROUNDB(7); ROUNDA(8); ROUNDB(9); ROUNDA(10); ROUNDB(11); ROUNDA(12); ROUNDB(13); ROUNDA(14); ROUNDB(15); #else size_t j; for(j = 0; j != 16; j += 2) { ROUNDA (j); ROUNDB (j + 1); } #endif x2 ^= rk[4]; x3 ^= rk[5]; x0 ^= rk[6]; x1 ^= rk[7]; out_blk[0] = x2; out_blk[1] = x3; out_blk[2] = x0; out_blk[3] = x1; } #endif #else // TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE void twofish_encrypt(TwofishInstance *instance, const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[]) { u4byte t0, t1, blk[4]; u4byte *l_key = instance->l_key; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH u4byte *mk_tab = instance->mk_tab; #endif int i; blk[0] = LE32(in_blk[0]) ^ l_key[0]; blk[1] = LE32(in_blk[1]) ^ l_key[1]; blk[2] = LE32(in_blk[2]) ^ l_key[2]; blk[3] = LE32(in_blk[3]) ^ l_key[3]; for (i = 0; i <= 7; ++i) { t1 = g1_fun(blk[1]); t0 = g0_fun(blk[0]); blk[2] = rotr(blk[2] ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 8]), 1); blk[3] = rotl(blk[3], 1) ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 9]); t1 = g1_fun(blk[3]); t0 = g0_fun(blk[2]); blk[0] = rotr(blk[0] ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 10]), 1); blk[1] = rotl(blk[1], 1) ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 11]); } out_blk[0] = LE32(blk[2] ^ l_key[4]); out_blk[1] = LE32(blk[3] ^ l_key[5]); out_blk[2] = LE32(blk[0] ^ l_key[6]); out_blk[3] = LE32(blk[1] ^ l_key[7]); }; #endif // TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE /* decrypt a block of text */ #ifndef TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE #if (CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 == 0) || defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) void twofish_decrypt(TwofishInstance *ks, const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4]) { uint32* rk = ks->l_key; uint32 x0 = in_blk[0] ^ rk[4]; uint32 x1 = in_blk[1] ^ rk[5]; uint32 x2 = in_blk[2] ^ rk[6]; uint32 x3 = in_blk[3] ^ rk[7]; uint32 f0, f1; #ifdef UNROLL_TWOFISH RROUNDA(15); RROUNDB(14); RROUNDA(13); RROUNDB(12); RROUNDA(11); RROUNDB(10); RROUNDA(9); RROUNDB(8); RROUNDA(7); RROUNDB(6); RROUNDA(5); RROUNDB(4); RROUNDA(3); RROUNDB(2); RROUNDA(1); RROUNDB(0); #else int j; for(j = 15; j != -1; j -= 2) { RROUNDA (j); RROUNDB (j - 1); } #endif x2 ^= rk[0]; x3 ^= rk[1]; x0 ^= rk[2]; x1 ^= rk[3]; out_blk[0] = x2; out_blk[1] = x3; out_blk[2] = x0; out_blk[3] = x1; }; #endif #else // TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE void twofish_decrypt(TwofishInstance *instance, const u4byte in_blk[4], u4byte out_blk[4]) { u4byte t0, t1, blk[4]; u4byte *l_key = instance->l_key; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH u4byte *mk_tab = instance->mk_tab; #endif int i; blk[0] = LE32(in_blk[0]) ^ l_key[4]; blk[1] = LE32(in_blk[1]) ^ l_key[5]; blk[2] = LE32(in_blk[2]) ^ l_key[6]; blk[3] = LE32(in_blk[3]) ^ l_key[7]; for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) { t1 = g1_fun(blk[1]); t0 = g0_fun(blk[0]); blk[2] = rotl(blk[2], 1) ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 10]); blk[3] = rotr(blk[3] ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 11]), 1); t1 = g1_fun(blk[3]); t0 = g0_fun(blk[2]); blk[0] = rotl(blk[0], 1) ^ (t0 + t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 8]); blk[1] = rotr(blk[1] ^ (t0 + 2 * t1 + l_key[4 * (i) + 9]), 1); } out_blk[0] = LE32(blk[2] ^ l_key[0]); out_blk[1] = LE32(blk[3] ^ l_key[1]); out_blk[2] = LE32(blk[0] ^ l_key[2]); out_blk[3] = LE32(blk[1] ^ l_key[3]); }; #endif // TC_MINIMIZE_CODE_SIZE