Version 1.26 and newer of VeraCrypt have introduced significant changes by removing support for certain features. If you encounter issues while mounting volumes, this guide will help you understand and resolve them.
The following features have been deprecated:
If you experience mounting errors with volumes created in VeraCrypt 1.25.9 or older, use VeraCrypt 1.25.9 to check if these deprecated features are in use. Highlight the volume and click on "Volume Properties" in the GUI to check.
If you are using or can upgrade to VeraCrypt 1.25.9, follow these steps:
Download the 1.25.9 version here.
If you have already upgraded to VeraCrypt 1.26 or newer, follow these steps:
If you're on Linux or Mac, temporarily downgrade to VeraCrypt 1.25.9. Windows users can use the VCPassChanger tool that can be downloaded from here.
TrueCrypt file containers and partitions can be converted to VeraCrypt if created with TrueCrypt versions 6.x or 7.x.
After conversion, the file extension will remain as .tc
. Manually change it to .hc
if you want VeraCrypt 1.26 or newer to automatically recognize it.
Use the "Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm" feature to change the HMAC-RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm to one supported in VeraCrypt 1.26. Refer to the documentation for more details.
If your volume uses the GOST89 encryption algorithm, you will need to copy your data elsewhere and recreate the volume using a supported encryption algorithm. More details are available in the encryption algorithm documentation.
Note to users who created volumes with VeraCrypt 1.17 or earlier:
To avoid revealing whether your volumes contain a hidden volume or not, or if you rely on plausible deniability, you must recreate both the outer and hidden volumes, including system encryption and hidden OS. Discard existing volumes created prior to VeraCrypt 1.18a.
For more information, visit: