
Documentation >> Converting TrueCrypt volumes and partitions

Converting TrueCrypt volumes and partitions

⚠️ Warning: After conversion, ensure that the "TrueCrypt Mode" checkbox is not selected during the mount of the converted volume. Since it is no longer a TrueCrypt volume, mounting it with this option will lead to a mount failure.

⚠️ Important Notice: As of version 1.26, VeraCrypt has removed support for "TrueCrypt Mode." Consequently, the conversion of TrueCrypt volumes and partitions using this method is no longer possible. Please refer to this documentation page for guidance on how to proceed with TrueCrypt volumes in VeraCrypt versions 1.26 and later.

Starting from version 1.0f, TrueCrypt volumes and non-system partitions can be converted to VeraCrypt format using any of the following actions:

If the TrueCrypt volume contains a hidden volume, it should also be converted using the same approach, by specifying the hidden volume password and/or keyfiles.

“TrueCrypt Mode” must be checked in the dialog as shown below:


Note: Converting system partitions encrypted with TrueCrypt is not supported.