
Documentation >> Technical Details >> PIM


PIM stands for "Personal Iterations Multiplier". It is a parameter that was introduced in VeraCrypt 1.12 and whose value controls the number of iterations used by the header key derivation function. This value can be specified through the password dialog or in the command line.

If no PIM value is specified, VeraCrypt will use the default number of iterations used in versions prior to 1.12 (see Header Key Derivation).

When a PIM value is specified, the number of iterations is calculated as follows:

Prior to version 1.12, the security of a VeraCrypt volume was only based on the password strength because VeraCrypt was using a fixed number of iterations.
With the introduction of PIM, VeraCrypt has a 2-dimensional security space for volumes based on the couple (Password, PIM). This provides more flexibility for adjusting the desired security level while also controlling the performance of the mount/boot operation.

PIM Usage

It is not mandatory to specify a PIM.

When creating a volume or when changing the password, the user has the possibility to specify a PIM value by checking the "Use PIM" checkbox which in turn will make a PIM field available in the GUI so a PIM value can be entered.
The PIM is treated like a secret value that must be entered by the user each time alongside the password. If the incorrect PIM value is specified, the mount/boot operation will fail.
Using high PIM values leads to better security thanks to the increased number of iterations but it comes with slower mounting/booting times.
With small PIM values, mounting/booting is quicker but this could decrease security if a weak password is used.
During the creation of a volume or the encryption of the system, VeraCrypt forces the PIM value to be greater than or equal to a certain minimal value when the password is less than 20 characters. This check is done in order to ensure that, for short passwords, the security level is at least equal to the default level provided by an empty PIM.
The PIM minimal value for short passwords is 98 for system encryption that doesn't use SHA-512 or Whirlpool and 485 for the other cases. For password with 20 characters and more, the PIM minimal value is 1. In all cases, leaving the PIM empty or setting its value to 0 will make VeraCrypt use the default high number of iterations as explained in section Header Key Derivation.

Motivations behind using a custom PIM value can be:

The screenshots below show the step to mount a volume using a PIM equal to 231:


Changing/clearing the PIM

The PIM of a volume or for system encryption can be changed or cleared using the change password functionality. The screenshots below shows an example of changing the PIM from the empty default value to a value equal to 3 (this is possible since the password has more than 20 characters). In order to do so, the user must first tick "Use PIM" checkbox in the "New" section to reveal the PIM field.

Normal volume case

System encryption case


Next Section >>

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 Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
 by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.

 Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
 and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX
 and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
 contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
 code distribution packages.

#ifndef TC_HEADER_Main_GraphicUserInterface
#define TC_HEADER_Main_GraphicUserInterface

#include "System.h"
#include <utility>
#include "Main.h"
#include "UserInterface.h"
#include "Forms/WaitDialog.h"

namespace VeraCrypt
	class GraphicUserInterface : public UserInterface
		GraphicUserInterface ();
		virtual ~GraphicUserInterface ();

		virtual void AppendToListCtrl (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, const vector <wstring> &itemFields, int imageIndex = -1, void *itemDataPtr = nullptr) const;
		virtual wxMenuItem *AppendToMenu (wxMenu &menu, const wxString &label, wxEvtHandler *handler = nullptr, wxObjectEventFunction handlerFunction = nullptr, int itemId = wxID_ANY) const;
		virtual bool AskYesNo (const wxString &message, bool defaultYes = false, bool warning = false) const;
		virtual void AutoDismountVolumes (VolumeInfoList mountedVolumes, bool alwaysForce = true);
		virtual void BackupVolumeHeaders (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath) const;
		virtual void BeginBusyState () const { wxBeginBusyCursor(); }
		virtual void BeginInteractiveBusyState (wxWindow *window);
		virtual void ChangePassword (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath = shared_ptr <VolumePath>(), shared_ptr <VolumePassword> password = shared_ptr <VolumePassword>(), int pim = 0, shared_ptr <Hash> currentHash = shared_ptr <Hash>(), bool truecryptMode = false, shared_ptr <KeyfileList> keyfiles = shared_ptr <KeyfileList>(), shared_ptr <VolumePassword> newPassword = shared_ptr <VolumePassword>(), int newPim = 0, shared_ptr <KeyfileList> newKeyfiles = shared_ptr <KeyfileList>(), shared_ptr <Hash> newHash = shared_ptr <Hash>()) const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); }
		wxHyperlinkCtrl *CreateHyperlink (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &linkUrl, const wxString &linkText) const;
		virtual void CreateKeyfile (shared_ptr <FilePath> keyfilePath = shared_ptr <FilePath>()) const;
		virtual void CreateVolume (shared_ptr <VolumeCreationOptions> options) const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); }
		virtual void ClearListCtrlSelection (wxListCtrl *listCtrl) const;
		virtual void DeleteSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); }
		virtual void DoShowError (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual void DoShowInfo (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual void DoShowString (const wxString &str) const;
		virtual void DoShowWarning (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual void EndBusyState () const { wxEndBusyCursor(); }
		virtual void EndInteractiveBusyState (wxWindow *window) const;
		virtual void ExportTokenKeyfile () const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); }
		virtual wxTopLevelWindow *GetActiveWindow () const;
		virtual shared_ptr <GetStringFunctor> GetAdminPasswordRequestHandler ();
		virtual int GetCharHeight (wxWindow *window) const;
		virtual int GetCharWidth (wxWindow *window) const;
		virtual int GetDefaultBorderSize () const { return 5; }
		virtual wxFont GetDefaultBoldFont (wxWindow *window) const;
		virtual wxString GetHomepageLinkURL (const wxString &linkId, const wxString &extraVars = wxEmptyString) const;
		virtual wxFrame *GetMainFrame () const { return mMainFrame; }
		virtual int GetScrollbarWidth (wxWindow *window, bool noScrollBar = false) const;
		virtual list <long> GetListCtrlSelectedItems (wxListCtrl *listCtrl) const;
		virtual wxString GetListCtrlSubItemText (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, int columnIndex) const;
		virtual void ImportTokenKeyfiles () const { ThrowTextModeRequired(); }
		virtual void InitSecurityTokenLibrary () const;
		virtual void InsertToListCtrl (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, const vector <wstring> &itemFields, int imageIndex = -1, void *itemDataPtr = nullptr) const;
		virtual bool IsInBackgroundMode () const { return BackgroundMode; }
		virtual bool IsTheOnlyTopLevelWindow (const wxWindow *window) const;
        virtual void ListTokenKeyfiles () const;
        virtual void ListSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const;
        virtual void ListEMVTokenKeyfiles () const;
		virtual VolumeInfoList MountAllDeviceHostedVolumes (MountOptions &options) const;
		virtual shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> MountVolume (MountOptions &options) const;
		virtual void MoveListCtrlItem (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, long newItemIndex) const;
		virtual void OnAutoDismountAllEvent ();
		virtual bool OnInit ();
		virtual void OnLogOff ();
		virtual void OpenDocument (wxWindow *parent, const wxFileName &document);
		virtual void OpenHomepageLink (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &linkId, const wxString &extraVars = wxEmptyString);
		virtual void OpenOnlineHelp (wxWindow *parent);
		virtual void OpenUserGuide (wxWindow *parent);
		virtual void RestoreVolumeHeaders (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath) const;
		virtual DevicePath SelectDevice (wxWindow *parent) const;
		virtual DirectoryPath SelectDirectory (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &message = wxEmptyString, bool existingOnly = true) const;
		virtual FilePathList SelectFiles (wxWindow *parent, const wxString &caption, bool saveMode = false, bool allowMultiple = false, const list < pair <wstring, wstring> > &fileExtensions = (list < pair <wstring, wstring> > ()), const DirectoryPath &directory = DirectoryPath()) const;
		virtual FilePath SelectVolumeFile (wxWindow *parent, bool saveMode = false, const DirectoryPath &directory = DirectoryPath()) const;
		virtual void SetActiveFrame (wxFrame *frame) { ActiveFrame = frame; }
		virtual void SetBackgroundMode (bool state);
		virtual void SetListCtrlColumnWidths (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, list <int> columnWidthPermilles, bool hasVerticalScrollbar = true) const;
		virtual void SetListCtrlHeight (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, size_t rowCount) const;
		virtual void SetListCtrlWidth (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, size_t charCount, bool hasVerticalScrollbar = true) const;
		virtual void ShowErrorTopMost (char *langStringId) const { ShowErrorTopMost (LangString[langStringId]); }
		virtual void ShowErrorTopMost (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual void ShowInfoTopMost (char *langStringId) const { ShowInfoTopMost (LangString[langStringId]); }
		virtual void ShowInfoTopMost (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual void ShowWarningTopMost (char *langStringId) const { ShowWarningTopMost (LangString[langStringId]); }
		virtual void ShowWarningTopMost (const wxString &message) const;
		virtual bool UpdateListCtrlItem (wxListCtrl *listCtrl, long itemIndex, const vector <wstring> &itemFields) const;
		virtual void UserEnrichRandomPool (wxWindow *parent, shared_ptr <Hash> hash = shared_ptr <Hash>()) const;
		virtual void Yield () const;
		virtual shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> MountVolumeThread (MountOptions &options) const;
		WaitDialog* GetWaitDialog () { return mWaitDialog; }
		void ExecuteWaitThreadRoutine (wxWindow *parent, WaitThreadRoutine *pRoutine) const;

#ifdef TC_MACOSX
		virtual void MacOpenFiles (const wxArrayString &fileNames);
		virtual void MacReopenApp ();
		static bool HandlePasswordEntryCustomEvent (wxEvent& event);
		static void InstallPasswordEntryCustomKeyboardShortcuts (wxWindow* window);

		template <class T>
		T *GetSelectedData (wxControlWithItems *control) const
			int sel = control->GetSelection();
			if (sel == wxNOT_FOUND)
				return nullptr;

			return reinterpret_cast <T *> (control->GetClientData (sel));

		Event OpenVolumeSystemRequestEvent;

		virtual void OnEndSession (wxCloseEvent& event) { OnLogOff(); }
		virtual void OnPowerSuspending (wxPowerEvent& event);
		static void OnSignal (int signal);
		virtual void OnVolumesAutoDismounted ();
		virtual int ShowMessage (const wxString &message, long style, bool topMost = false) const;
		void ThrowTextModeRequired () const;

		wxFrame *ActiveFrame;
		bool BackgroundMode;
		unique_ptr <wxDDEServer> DDEServer;
		wxFrame *mMainFrame;
		unique_ptr <wxSingleInstanceChecker> SingleInstanceChecker;

		mutable WaitDialog* mWaitDialog;
#ifdef TC_MACOSX
		static int g_customIdCmdV;
		static int g_customIdCmdA;

		GraphicUserInterface (const GraphicUserInterface &);
		GraphicUserInterface &operator= (const GraphicUserInterface &);

	struct OpenVolumeSystemRequestEventArgs : public EventArgs
		OpenVolumeSystemRequestEventArgs (const wxString &volumePath) : mVolumePath (volumePath) { }
		wxString mVolumePath;

	class FreezeScope
		FreezeScope (wxWindow *window) : Window (window)

		~FreezeScope ()

		wxWindow *Window;


	extern GraphicUserInterface *Gui;

#endif // TC_HEADER_Main_GraphicUserInterface