
Documentation >> Pipelining


When encrypting or decrypting data, VeraCrypt uses so-called pipelining (asynchronous processing). While an application is loading a portion of a file from a VeraCrypt-encrypted volume/drive, VeraCrypt is automatically decrypting it (in RAM). Thanks to pipelining, the application does not have wait for any portion of the file to be decrypted and it can start loading other portions of the file right away. The same applies to encryption when writing data to an encrypted volume/drive.
Pipelining allows data to be read from and written to an encrypted drive as fast as if the drive was not encrypted (the same applies to file-hosted and partition-hosted VeraCrypt volumes).*
Note: Pipelining is implemented only in the Windows versions of VeraCrypt.


* Some solid-state drives compress data internally, which appears to increase the actual read/write speed when the data is compressible (for example, text files). However, encrypted data cannot be compressed (as it appears to consist solely of random "noise" without any compressible patterns). This may have various implications. For example, benchmarking software that reads or writes compressible data (such as sequences of zeroes) will report lower speeds on encrypted volumes than on unencrypted volumes (to avoid this, use benchmarking software that reads/writes random or other kinds of uncompressible data).

d='n15' href='#n15'>15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
// Used by Setup.rc
#define IDR_COMREG                      10
#define IDR_LANG_AR                     20
#define IDR_LANG_CS                     21
#define IDR_LANG_DE                     22
#define IDR_LANG_ES                     23
#define IDR_LANG_FR                     24
#define IDR_LANG_IT                     25
#define IDR_LANG_JA                     26
#define IDR_LANG_NL                     27
#define IDR_LANG_PL                     28
#define IDR_LANG_RO                     29
#define IDR_LANG_RU                     30
#define IDR_LANG_VI                     31
#define IDR_LANG_ZHCN                   32
#define IDR_LANG_ZHHK                   33
#define IDR_LANG_BE                     34
#define IDR_LANG_BG                     35
#define IDR_LANG_CA                     36
#define IDR_LANG_CO                     37
#define IDR_LANG_DA                     38
#define IDR_LANG_EL                     39
#define IDR_LANG_ET                     40
#define IDR_LANG_EU                     41
#define IDR_LANG_FA                     42
#define IDR_LANG_FI                     43
#define IDR_LANG_HE                     44
#define IDR_LANG_HU                     45
#define IDR_LANG_ID                     46
#define IDR_LANG_KA                     47
#define IDR_LANG_KO                     48
#define IDR_LANG_LV                     49
#define IDR_LANG_NN                     50
#define IDR_LANG_PTBR                   51
#define IDR_LANG_SK                     52
#define IDR_LANG_SL                     53
#define IDR_LANG_SV                     54
#define IDR_LANG_TH                     55
#define IDR_LANG_TR                     56
#define IDR_LANG_UK                     57
#define IDR_LANG_UZ                     58
#define IDR_LANG_ZHTW                   59
#define IDD_INSTALL                     101
#define IDD_UNINSTALL                   103
#define IDI_SETUP                       104
#define IDR_SETUP_RSRC_HEADER           105
#define IDB_SETUP_WIZARD                107
#define IDD_INTRO_PAGE_DLG              108
#define IDB_SETUP_WIZARD_BKG            109
#define IDD_INFO_PAGE_DLG               110
#define IDD_INSTL_DLG                   111
#define IDD_WIZARD_MODE_PAGE_DLG        112
#define IDD_PROGRESS_PAGE_DLG           113
#define IDD_DONATIONS_PAGE_DLG          114
#define IDD_INSTALL_LANGUAGE            115
#define IDC_DESTINATION                 1000
#define IDC_BOX_TITLE                   1001
#define IDC_BROWSE                      1002
#define IDC_BOX_INFO                    1003
#define IDC_LICENSE                     1004
#define IDC_BOX_HELP                    1005
#define IDC_LICENSE_TEXT                1006
#define IDC_BOX_HELP2                   1007
#define IDC_FILE_TYPE                   1008
#define IDT_UNINSTALL_DIR               1009
#define IDC_PROG_GROUP                  1010
#define IDC_SYSTEM_RESTORE              1011
#define IDC_DESKTOP_ICON                1012
#define IDC_ALL_USERS                   1013
#define IDT_INSTALL_DESTINATION         1014
#define IDC_UNINSTALL                   1015
#define IDC_PROGRESS_BAR                1016
#define IDC_LOG_WINDOW                  1017
#define IDC_SETUP_WIZARD_BKG            1018
#define IDC_SETUP_WIZARD_GFX_AREA       1019
#define IDC_HR                          1020
#define IDC_AGREE                       1022
#define IDC_HR_BOTTOM                   1023
#define IDC_WIZARD_MODE_INSTALL         1024
#define IDC_NEXT                        1026
#define IDC_PREV                        1027
#define IDT_EXTRACT_DESTINATION         1028
#define IDC_POS_BOX                     1029
#define IDC_BITMAP_SETUP_WIZARD         1030
#define IDC_MAIN_CONTENT_CANVAS         1031
#define IDC_DONATE                      1032
#define IDC_LANGUAGES_LIST              1033
#define IDC_SELECT_LANGUAGE_LABEL       1034

// Next default values for new objects
#define _APS_NO_MFC                     1
#define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        116
#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         40001
#define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1035
#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           101