/* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "Bios.h" #include "BootConsoleIo.h" #include "BootConfig.h" #include "BootDebug.h" #include "BootDefs.h" #include "BootDiskIo.h" #include "BootStrings.h" byte SectorBuffer[TC_LB_SIZE]; #ifdef TC_BOOT_DEBUG_ENABLED static bool SectorBufferInUse = false; void AcquireSectorBuffer () { if (SectorBufferInUse) TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; SectorBufferInUse = true; } void ReleaseSectorBuffer () { SectorBufferInUse = false; } #endif bool IsLbaSupported (byte drive) { static byte CachedDrive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE; static bool CachedStatus; uint16 result = 0; if (CachedDrive == drive) goto ret; __asm { mov bx, 0x55aa mov dl, drive mov ah, 0x41 int 0x13 jc err mov result, bx err: } CachedDrive = drive; CachedStatus = (result == 0xaa55); ret: return CachedStatus; } void PrintDiskError (BiosResult error, bool write, byte drive, const uint64 *sector, const ChsAddress *chs) { PrintEndl(); Print (write ? "Write" : "Read"); Print (" error:"); Print (error); Print (" Drive:"); Print (drive ^ 0x80); if (sector) { Print (" Sector:"); Print (*sector); } if (chs) { Print (" CHS:"); Print (*chs); } PrintEndl(); Beep(); } void Print (const ChsAddress &chs) { Print (chs.Cylinder); PrintChar ('/'); Print (chs.Head); PrintChar ('/'); Print (chs.Sector); } void PrintSectorCountInMB (const uint64 §orCount) { Print (sectorCount >> (TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR + 2)); Print (" MB "); } BiosResult ReadWriteSectors (bool write, uint16 bufferSegment, uint16 bufferOffset, byte drive, const ChsAddress &chs, byte sectorCount, bool silent) { CheckStack(); byte cylinderLow = (byte) chs.Cylinder; byte sector = chs.Sector; sector |= byte (chs.Cylinder >> 2) & 0xc0; byte function = write ? 0x03 : 0x02; BiosResult result; byte tryCount = TC_MAX_BIOS_DISK_IO_RETRIES; do { result = BiosResultSuccess; __asm { push es mov ax, bufferSegment mov es, ax mov bx, bufferOffset mov dl, drive mov ch, cylinderLow mov si, chs mov dh, [si].Head mov cl, sector mov al, sectorCount mov ah, function int 0x13 jnc ok // If CF=0, ignore AH to prevent issues caused by potential bugs in BIOSes mov result, ah ok: pop es } if (result == BiosResultEccCorrected) result = BiosResultSuccess; // Some BIOSes report I/O errors prematurely in some cases } while (result != BiosResultSuccess && --tryCount != 0); if (!silent && result != BiosResultSuccess) PrintDiskError (result, write, drive, nullptr, &chs); return result; } BiosResult ReadWriteSectors (bool write, byte *buffer, byte drive, const ChsAddress &chs, byte sectorCount, bool silent) { uint16 codeSeg; __asm mov codeSeg, cs return ReadWriteSectors (write, codeSeg, (uint16) buffer, drive, chs, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult ReadSectors (byte *buffer, byte drive, const ChsAddress &chs, byte sectorCount, bool silent) { return ReadWriteSectors (false, buffer, drive, chs, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult WriteSectors (byte *buffer, byte drive, const ChsAddress &chs, byte sectorCount, bool silent) { return ReadWriteSectors (true, buffer, drive, chs, sectorCount, silent); } static BiosResult ReadWriteSectors (bool write, BiosLbaPacket &dapPacket, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { CheckStack(); if (!IsLbaSupported (drive)) { DriveGeometry geometry; BiosResult result = GetDriveGeometry (drive, geometry, silent); if (result != BiosResultSuccess) return result; ChsAddress chs; LbaToChs (geometry, sector, chs); return ReadWriteSectors (write, (uint16) (dapPacket.Buffer >> 16), (uint16) dapPacket.Buffer, drive, chs, sectorCount, silent); } dapPacket.Size = sizeof (dapPacket); dapPacket.Reserved = 0; dapPacket.SectorCount = sectorCount; dapPacket.Sector = sector; byte function = write ? 0x43 : 0x42; BiosResult result; byte tryCount = TC_MAX_BIOS_DISK_IO_RETRIES; do { result = BiosResultSuccess; __asm { mov bx, 0x55aa mov dl, drive mov si, [dapPacket] mov ah, function xor al, al int 0x13 jnc ok // If CF=0, ignore AH to prevent issues caused by potential bugs in BIOSes mov result, ah ok: } if (result == BiosResultEccCorrected) result = BiosResultSuccess; // Some BIOSes report I/O errors prematurely in some cases } while (result != BiosResultSuccess && --tryCount != 0); if (!silent && result != BiosResultSuccess) PrintDiskError (result, write, drive, §or); return result; } static BiosResult ReadWriteSectors (bool write, byte *buffer, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { BiosLbaPacket dapPacket; dapPacket.Buffer = (uint32) buffer; return ReadWriteSectors (write, dapPacket, drive, sector, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult ReadWriteSectors (bool write, uint16 bufferSegment, uint16 bufferOffset, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { BiosLbaPacket dapPacket; dapPacket.Buffer = ((uint32) bufferSegment << 16) | bufferOffset; return ReadWriteSectors (write, dapPacket, drive, sector, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult ReadSectors (uint16 bufferSegment, uint16 bufferOffset, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { return ReadWriteSectors (false, bufferSegment, bufferOffset, drive, sector, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult ReadSectors (byte *buffer, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { BiosResult result; uint16 codeSeg; __asm mov codeSeg, cs result = ReadSectors (BootStarted ? codeSeg : TC_BOOT_LOADER_ALT_SEGMENT, (uint16) buffer, drive, sector, sectorCount, silent); // Alternative segment is used to prevent memory corruption caused by buggy BIOSes if (!BootStarted) CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_ALT_SEGMENT, (uint16) buffer, buffer, sectorCount * TC_LB_SIZE); return result; } BiosResult WriteSectors (byte *buffer, byte drive, const uint64 §or, uint16 sectorCount, bool silent) { return ReadWriteSectors (true, buffer, drive, sector, sectorCount, silent); } BiosResult GetDriveGeometry (byte drive, DriveGeometry &geometry, bool silent) { CheckStack(); byte maxCylinderLow, maxHead, maxSector; BiosResult result; __asm { push es mov dl, drive mov ah, 0x08 int 0x13 mov result, ah mov maxCylinderLow, ch mov maxSector, cl mov maxHead, dh pop es } if (result == BiosResultSuccess) { geometry.Cylinders = (maxCylinderLow | (uint16 (maxSector & 0xc0) << 2)) + 1; geometry.Heads = maxHead + 1; geometry.Sectors = maxSector & ~0xc0; } else if (!silent) { Print ("Drive "); Print (drive ^ 0x80); Print (" not found: "); PrintErrorNoEndl (""); Print (result); PrintEndl(); } return result; } void ChsToLba (const DriveGeometry &geometry, const ChsAddress &chs, uint64 &lba) { lba.HighPart = 0; lba.LowPart = (uint32 (chs.Cylinder) * geometry.Heads + chs.Head) * geometry.Sectors + chs.Sector - 1; } void LbaToChs (const DriveGeometry &geometry, const uint64 &lba, ChsAddress &chs) { chs.Sector = (byte) ((lba.LowPart % geometry.Sectors) + 1); uint32 ch = lba.LowPart / geometry.Sectors; chs.Head = (byte) (ch % geometry.Heads); chs.Cylinder = (uint16) (ch / geometry.Heads); } void PartitionEntryMBRToPartition (const PartitionEntryMBR &partEntry, Partition &partition) { partition.Active = partEntry.BootIndicator == 0x80; partition.EndSector.HighPart = 0; partition.EndSector.LowPart = partEntry.StartLBA + partEntry.SectorCountLBA - 1; partition.SectorCount.HighPart = 0; partition.SectorCount.LowPart = partEntry.SectorCountLBA; partition.StartSector.HighPart = 0; partition.StartSector.LowPart = partEntry.StartLBA; partition.Type = partEntry.Type; } BiosResult ReadWriteMBR (bool write, byte drive, bool silent) { uint64 mbrSector; mbrSector.HighPart = 0; mbrSector.LowPart = 0; if (write) return WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, mbrSector, 1, silent); return ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, mbrSector, 1, silent); // Uses alternative segment } BiosResult GetDrivePartitions (byte drive, Partition *partitionArray, size_t partitionArrayCapacity, size_t &partitionCount, bool activeOnly, Partition *findPartitionFollowingThis, bool silent) { Partition *followingPartition; Partition tmpPartition; if (findPartitionFollowingThis) { assert (partitionArrayCapacity == 1); partitionArrayCapacity = 0xff; followingPartition = partitionArray; partitionArray = &tmpPartition; followingPartition->Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE; followingPartition->StartSector.LowPart = 0xFFFFffffUL; } AcquireSectorBuffer(); BiosResult result = ReadWriteMBR (false, drive, silent); ReleaseSectorBuffer(); partitionCount = 0; MBR *mbr = (MBR *) SectorBuffer; if (result != BiosResultSuccess || mbr->Signature != 0xaa55) return result; PartitionEntryMBR mbrPartitions[4]; memcpy (mbrPartitions, mbr->Partitions, sizeof (mbrPartitions)); size_t partitionArrayPos = 0, partitionNumber; for (partitionNumber = 0; partitionNumber < array_capacity (mbrPartitions) && partitionArrayPos < partitionArrayCapacity; ++partitionNumber) { const PartitionEntryMBR &partEntry = mbrPartitions[partitionNumber]; if (partEntry.SectorCountLBA > 0) { Partition &partition = partitionArray[partitionArrayPos]; PartitionEntryMBRToPartition (partEntry, partition); if (activeOnly && !partition.Active) continue; partition.Drive = drive; partition.Number = partitionArrayPos; if (partEntry.Type == 0x5 || partEntry.Type == 0xf) // Extended partition { if (IsLbaSupported (drive)) { // Find all extended partitions uint64 firstExtStartLBA = partition.StartSector; uint64 extStartLBA = partition.StartSector; MBR *extMbr = (MBR *) SectorBuffer; while (partitionArrayPos < partitionArrayCapacity && (result = ReadSectors ((byte *) extMbr, drive, extStartLBA, 1, silent)) == BiosResultSuccess && extMbr->Signature == 0xaa55) { if (extMbr->Partitions[0].SectorCountLBA > 0) { Partition &logPart = partitionArray[partitionArrayPos]; PartitionEntryMBRToPartition (extMbr->Partitions[0], logPart); logPart.Drive = drive; logPart.Number = partitionArrayPos; logPart.Primary = false; logPart.StartSector.LowPart += extStartLBA.LowPart; logPart.EndSector.LowPart += extStartLBA.LowPart; if (findPartitionFollowingThis) { if (logPart.StartSector.LowPart > findPartitionFollowingThis->EndSector.LowPart && logPart.StartSector.LowPart < followingPartition->StartSector.LowPart) { *followingPartition = logPart; } } else ++partitionArrayPos; } // Secondary extended if (extMbr->Partitions[1].Type != 0x5 && extMbr->Partitions[1].Type == 0xf || extMbr->Partitions[1].SectorCountLBA == 0) break; extStartLBA.LowPart = extMbr->Partitions[1].StartLBA + firstExtStartLBA.LowPart; } } } else { partition.Primary = true; if (findPartitionFollowingThis) { if (partition.StartSector.LowPart > findPartitionFollowingThis->EndSector.LowPart && partition.StartSector.LowPart < followingPartition->StartSector.LowPart) { *followingPartition = partition; } } else ++partitionArrayPos; } } } partitionCount = partitionArrayPos; return result; } bool GetActivePartition (byte drive) { size_t partCount; if (GetDrivePartitions (drive, &ActivePartition, 1, partCount, true) != BiosResultSuccess || partCount < 1) { ActivePartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE; PrintError (TC_BOOT_STR_NO_BOOT_PARTITION); return false; } return true; } ef='#n276'>276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344