/* Copyright (c) 2008-2011 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "Crc.h" #include "Crypto.h" #include "Password.h" #include "Volumes.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Bios.h" #include "BootConfig.h" #include "BootMain.h" #include "BootDefs.h" #include "BootCommon.h" #include "BootConsoleIo.h" #include "BootDebug.h" #include "BootDiskIo.h" #include "BootEncryptedIo.h" #include "BootMemory.h" #include "BootStrings.h" #include "IntFilter.h" static void InitScreen () { ClearScreen(); const char *title = #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE " VeraCrypt Boot Loader " #else " VeraCrypt Rescue Disk " #endif VERSION_STRING "\r\n"; Print (title); PrintRepeatedChar ('\xDC', TC_BIOS_MAX_CHARS_PER_LINE); #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE if (CustomUserMessage[0]) { PrintEndl(); Print (CustomUserMessage); } #endif PrintEndl (2); } static void PrintMainMenu () { if (PreventBootMenu) return; Print (" Keyboard Controls:\r\n"); Print (" [Esc] "); #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE Print ((BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE) != TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_NONE ? "Boot Non-Hidden System (Boot Manager)" : "Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)"); #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE Print ("Skip Authentication (Boot Manager)"); Print ("\r\n [F8] "); Print ("Repair Options"); #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE PrintEndl (3); } static bool IsMenuKey (byte scanCode) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE return scanCode == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR; #else return false; #endif } static bool AskYesNo (const char *message) { Print (message); Print ("? (y/n): "); while (true) { switch (GetKeyboardChar()) { case 'y': case 'Y': case 'z': case 'Z': Print ("y\r\n"); return true; case 'n': case 'N': Print ("n\r\n"); return false; default: Beep(); } } } static int AskSelection (const char *options[], size_t optionCount) { for (int i = 0; i < optionCount; ++i) { Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] "); Print (options[i]); PrintEndl(); } Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n"); Print ("To select, press 1-9: "); char str; while (true) { if (GetString (&str, 1) == 0) return 0; if (str >= '1' && str <= optionCount + '0') return str - '0'; Beep(); PrintBackspace(); } } static byte AskPassword (Password &password) { size_t pos = 0; byte scanCode; byte asciiCode; Print ("Enter password"); Print (PreventNormalSystemBoot ? " for hidden system:\r\n" : ": "); while (true) { asciiCode = GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode); switch (scanCode) { case TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER: ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer(); PrintEndl(); password.Length = pos; return scanCode; case TC_BIOS_KEY_BACKSPACE: if (pos > 0) { if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD) PrintBackspace(); else PrintCharAtCursor (' '); --pos; } continue; default: if (scanCode == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC || IsMenuKey (scanCode)) { burn (password.Text, sizeof (password.Text)); ClearBiosKeystrokeBuffer(); PrintEndl(); return scanCode; } } if (!IsPrintable (asciiCode) || pos == MAX_PASSWORD) { Beep(); continue; } password.Text[pos++] = asciiCode; if (pos < MAX_PASSWORD) PrintChar ('*'); else PrintCharAtCursor ('*'); } } static void ExecuteBootSector (byte drive, byte *sectorBuffer) { Print ("Booting...\r\n"); CopyMemory (sectorBuffer, 0x0000, 0x7c00, TC_LB_SIZE); BootStarted = true; uint32 addr = 0x7c00; __asm { cli mov dl, drive // Boot drive mov dh, 0 xor ax, ax mov si, ax mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, 0x7c00 sti jmp cs:addr } } static bool OpenVolume (byte drive, Password &password, CRYPTO_INFO **cryptoInfo, uint32 *headerSaltCrc32, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden) { int volumeType; bool hiddenVolume; uint64 headerSec; AcquireSectorBuffer(); for (volumeType = 1; volumeType <= 2; ++volumeType) { hiddenVolume = (volumeType == 2); if (hiddenVolume) { if (skipHidden || PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != drive || PartitionFollowingActive.SectorCount <= ActivePartition.SectorCount) continue; headerSec = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector + TC_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HEADER_OFFSET / TC_LB_SIZE; } else { if (skipNormal) continue; headerSec.HighPart = 0; headerSec.LowPart = TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR; } if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSec, 1) != BiosResultSuccess) continue; if (ReadVolumeHeader (!hiddenVolume, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, cryptoInfo, nullptr) == ERR_SUCCESS) { // Prevent opening a non-system hidden volume if (hiddenVolume && !((*cryptoInfo)->HeaderFlags & TC_HEADER_FLAG_ENCRYPTED_SYSTEM)) { crypto_close (*cryptoInfo); continue; } if (headerSaltCrc32) *headerSaltCrc32 = GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, PKCS5_SALT_SIZE); break; } } ReleaseSectorBuffer(); return volumeType != 3; } static bool CheckMemoryRequirements () { uint16 codeSeg; __asm mov codeSeg, cs if (codeSeg == TC_BOOT_LOADER_LOWMEM_SEGMENT) { PrintErrorNoEndl ("BIOS reserved too much memory: "); uint16 memFree; __asm { push es xor ax, ax mov es, ax mov ax, es:[0x413] mov memFree, ax pop es } Print (memFree); PrintEndl(); Print (TC_BOOT_STR_UPGRADE_BIOS); return false; } return true; } static bool MountVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey, bool skipNormal, bool skipHidden) { BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET; int incorrectPasswordCount = 0; EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments)); // Open volume header while (true) { exitKey = AskPassword (bootArguments->BootPassword); if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER) return false; if (OpenVolume (BootDrive, bootArguments->BootPassword, &BootCryptoInfo, &bootArguments->HeaderSaltCrc32, skipNormal, skipHidden)) break; if (GetShiftFlags() & TC_BIOS_SHIFTMASK_CAPSLOCK) Print ("Warning: Caps Lock is on.\r\n"); Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n"); if (++incorrectPasswordCount == 4) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged.\r\n" "If so, use 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n"); #else Print ("If you are sure the password is correct, the key data may be damaged. Boot your\r\n" "VeraCrypt Rescue Disk and select 'Repair Options' > 'Restore key data'.\r\n\r\n"); #endif } } // Setup boot arguments bootArguments->BootLoaderVersion = VERSION_NUM; bootArguments->CryptoInfoOffset = (uint16) BootCryptoInfo; bootArguments->CryptoInfoLength = sizeof (*BootCryptoInfo); if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume) bootArguments->HiddenSystemPartitionStart = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR; if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent) bootArguments->Flags |= TC_BOOT_ARGS_FLAG_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION; TC_SET_BOOT_ARGUMENTS_SIGNATURE (bootArguments->Signature); // Setup virtual encrypted partition if (BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.HighPart != 0 || BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength.LowPart != 0) { EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = BootDrive; EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaStart >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR; HiddenVolumeStartUnitNo = EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector; HiddenVolumeStartSector = PartitionFollowingActive.StartSector; HiddenVolumeStartSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector; EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount = BootCryptoInfo->EncryptedAreaLength >> TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR; EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount - 1; EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector += EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector; } else { // Drive not encrypted EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE; } return true; } static bool GetSystemPartitions (byte drive) { size_t partCount; if (!GetActivePartition (drive)) return false; // Find partition following the active one GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition); // If there is an extra boot partition, use the partitions following it. // The real boot partition is determined in BootEncryptedDrive(). if (ActivePartition.SectorCount.HighPart == 0 && ActivePartition.SectorCount.LowPart <= TC_MAX_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE && PartitionFollowingActive.Drive != TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE) { ExtraBootPartitionPresent = true; ActivePartition = PartitionFollowingActive; GetDrivePartitions (drive, &PartitionFollowingActive, 1, partCount, false, &ActivePartition); } return true; } static byte BootEncryptedDrive () { BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET; byte exitKey; BootCryptoInfo = NULL; if (!GetSystemPartitions (BootDrive)) goto err; if (!MountVolume (BootDrive, exitKey, PreventNormalSystemBoot, false)) return exitKey; if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ()) goto err; if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume) { EncryptedVirtualPartition = ActivePartition; bootArguments->DecoySystemPartitionStart = ActivePartition.StartSector << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR; } if (ExtraBootPartitionPresent && !GetActivePartition (BootDrive)) goto err; if (ReadWriteMBR (false, ActivePartition.Drive) != BiosResultSuccess) goto err; bootArguments->BootDriveSignature = *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 0x1b8); if (!InstallInterruptFilters()) goto err; bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 = GetCrc32 ((byte *) bootArguments, (byte *) &bootArguments->BootArgumentsCrc32 - (byte *) bootArguments); while (true) { // Execute boot sector of the active partition if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, ActivePartition.Drive, ActivePartition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess) { if (*(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 510) != 0xaa55) { PrintError (TC_BOOT_STR_NO_BOOT_PARTITION); GetKeyboardChar(); } ExecuteBootSector (ActivePartition.Drive, SectorBuffer); } GetKeyboardChar(); } err: if (BootCryptoInfo) { crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); BootCryptoInfo = NULL; } EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive = TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE; EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments)); byte scanCode; GetKeyboardChar (&scanCode); return scanCode; } static void BootMenu () { BiosResult result; Partition partitions[16]; Partition bootablePartitions[9]; size_t partitionCount; size_t bootablePartitionCount = 0; for (byte drive = TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE; drive <= TC_LAST_BIOS_DRIVE; ++drive) { if (GetDrivePartitions (drive, partitions, array_capacity (partitions), partitionCount, false, nullptr, true) == BiosResultSuccess) { for (size_t i = 0; i < partitionCount; ++i) { const Partition &partition = partitions[i]; result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, partition.StartSector, 1); if (result == BiosResultSuccess && *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + TC_LB_SIZE - 2) == 0xaa55) { // Windows writes boot loader on all NTFS/FAT filesytems it creates and, therefore, // NTFS/FAT partitions must have the boot indicator set to be considered bootable. if (!partition.Active && (*(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x5346544e // 'NTFS' || *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 3) == 0x41465845 && SectorBuffer[7] == 'T' // 'exFAT' || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 54) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[56] == 'T' // 'FAT' || *(uint16 *) (SectorBuffer + 82) == 0x4146 && SectorBuffer[84] == 'T')) { continue; } // Bootable sector found if (bootablePartitionCount < array_capacity (bootablePartitions)) bootablePartitions[bootablePartitionCount++] = partition; } } } } if (bootablePartitionCount < 1) { PrintError (TC_BOOT_STR_NO_BOOT_PARTITION); GetKeyboardChar(); return; } char partChar; while (true) { InitScreen(); Print ("Bootable Partitions:\r\n"); PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 20); Print ("\r\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < bootablePartitionCount; ++i) { const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[i]; Print ("["); Print (i + 1); Print ("] "); Print ("Drive: "); Print (partition.Drive - TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE); Print (", Partition: "); Print (partition.Number + 1); Print (", Size: "); PrintSectorCountInMB (partition.SectorCount); PrintEndl(); } if (bootablePartitionCount == 1) { // There's only one bootable partition so we'll boot it directly instead of showing boot manager partChar = '1'; } else { Print ("[Esc] Cancel\r\n\r\n"); Print ("Press 1-9 to select partition: "); if (GetString (&partChar, 1) == 0) return; PrintEndl(); if (partChar < '1' || partChar > '0' + bootablePartitionCount) { Beep(); continue; } } const Partition &partition = bootablePartitions[partChar - '0' - 1]; if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, partition.Drive, partition.StartSector, 1) == BiosResultSuccess) { ExecuteBootSector (partition.Drive, SectorBuffer); } } } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE static bool CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (byte drive, byte &exitKey) { bool status = false; uint64 sectorsRemaining; uint64 sectorOffset; sectorOffset.LowPart = 0; sectorOffset.HighPart = 0; int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS int statCount; if (!CheckMemoryRequirements ()) goto err; if (!GetSystemPartitions (drive)) goto err; if (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE) TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; // Check if BIOS can read the last sector of the hidden system AcquireSectorBuffer(); if (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, PartitionFollowingActive.Drive, PartitionFollowingActive.EndSector - (TC_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE / TC_LB_SIZE - 2), 1) != BiosResultSuccess || GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer, sizeof (SectorBuffer)) != OuterVolumeBackupHeaderCrc) { PrintErrorNoEndl ("Your BIOS does not support large drives"); Print (IsLbaSupported (PartitionFollowingActive.Drive) ? " due to a bug" : "\r\n- Enable LBA in BIOS"); PrintEndl(); Print (TC_BOOT_STR_UPGRADE_BIOS); ReleaseSectorBuffer(); goto err; } ReleaseSectorBuffer(); if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, true, false)) return false; sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.SectorCount; if (!(sectorsRemaining == ActivePartition.SectorCount)) TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; InitScreen(); Print ("\r\nCopying system to hidden volume. To abort, press Esc.\r\n\r\n"); while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0) { if (EscKeyPressed()) { Print ("\rIf aborted, copying will have to start from the beginning (if attempted again).\r\n"); if (AskYesNo ("Abort")) break; } if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount) fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart; if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, ActivePartition.StartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess) { Print ("To fix bad sectors: 1) Terminate 2) Encrypt and decrypt sys partition 3) Retry\r\n"); crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); goto err; } AcquireSectorBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i) { CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, i * TC_LB_SIZE, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE); uint64 s = HiddenVolumeStartUnitNo + sectorOffset + i; EncryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo); CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, i * TC_LB_SIZE, TC_LB_SIZE); } ReleaseSectorBuffer(); if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, HiddenVolumeStartSector + sectorOffset, fragmentSectorCount, false) != BiosResultSuccess) { crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); goto err; } sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount; sectorOffset = sectorOffset + fragmentSectorCount; if (!(statCount++ & 0xf)) { Print ("\rRemaining: "); PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining); } } crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0) { status = true; Print ("\rCopying completed."); } PrintEndl (2); goto ret; err: exitKey = TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC; GetKeyboardChar(); ret: EraseMemory ((void *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET, sizeof (BootArguments)); return status; } #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE static void DecryptDrive (byte drive) { byte exitKey; if (!MountVolume (drive, exitKey, false, true)) return; BootArguments *bootArguments = (BootArguments *) TC_BOOT_LOADER_ARGS_OFFSET; bool headerUpdateRequired = false; uint64 sectorsRemaining = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1 - EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector; uint64 sector = EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector + 1; int fragmentSectorCount = 0x7f; // Maximum safe value supported by BIOS int statCount; bool skipBadSectors = false; Print ("\r\nUse only if Windows cannot start. Decryption under Windows is much faster\r\n" "(in VeraCrypt, select 'System' > 'Permanently Decrypt').\r\n\r\n"); if (!AskYesNo ("Decrypt now")) { crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); goto ret; } if (EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive == TC_INVALID_BIOS_DRIVE) { // Drive already decrypted sectorsRemaining.HighPart = 0; sectorsRemaining.LowPart = 0; } else { Print ("\r\nTo safely interrupt and defer decryption, press Esc.\r\n" "WARNING: You can turn off power only after you press Esc.\r\n\r\n"); } while (sectorsRemaining.HighPart != 0 || sectorsRemaining.LowPart != 0) { if (EscKeyPressed()) break; if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart < fragmentSectorCount) fragmentSectorCount = (int) sectorsRemaining.LowPart; sector = sector - fragmentSectorCount; if (!(statCount++ & 0xf)) { Print ("\rRemaining: "); PrintSectorCountInMB (sectorsRemaining); } if (ReadWriteSectors (false, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) == BiosResultSuccess) { AcquireSectorBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < fragmentSectorCount; ++i) { CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, i * TC_LB_SIZE, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE); uint64 s = sector + i; DecryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &s, 1, BootCryptoInfo); CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, i * TC_LB_SIZE, TC_LB_SIZE); } ReleaseSectorBuffer(); if (ReadWriteSectors (true, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, drive, sector, fragmentSectorCount, skipBadSectors) != BiosResultSuccess && !skipBadSectors) goto askBadSectorSkip; } else if (!skipBadSectors) goto askBadSectorSkip; sectorsRemaining = sectorsRemaining - fragmentSectorCount; headerUpdateRequired = true; continue; askBadSectorSkip: if (!AskYesNo ("Skip all bad sectors")) break; skipBadSectors = true; sector = sector + fragmentSectorCount; fragmentSectorCount = 1; } crypto_close (BootCryptoInfo); if (headerUpdateRequired) { AcquireSectorBuffer(); uint64 headerSector; headerSector.HighPart = 0; headerSector.LowPart = TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR; // Update encrypted area size in volume header CRYPTO_INFO *headerCryptoInfo = crypto_open(); while (ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess); if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &bootArguments->BootPassword, NULL, headerCryptoInfo) == 0) { DecryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo); uint64 encryptedAreaLength = sectorsRemaining << TC_LB_SIZE_BIT_SHIFT_DIVISOR; for (int i = 7; i >= 0; --i) { SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_ENCRYPTED_AREA_LENGTH + i] = (byte) encryptedAreaLength.LowPart; encryptedAreaLength = encryptedAreaLength >> 8; } uint32 headerCrc32 = GetCrc32 (SectorBuffer + TC_HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC, TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC - TC_HEADER_OFFSET_MAGIC); for (i = 3; i >= 0; --i) { SectorBuffer[TC_HEADER_OFFSET_HEADER_CRC + i] = (byte) headerCrc32; headerCrc32 >>= 8; } EncryptBuffer (SectorBuffer + HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_OFFSET, HEADER_ENCRYPTED_DATA_SIZE, headerCryptoInfo); } crypto_close (headerCryptoInfo); while (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, headerSector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess); ReleaseSectorBuffer(); } if (sectorsRemaining.HighPart == 0 && sectorsRemaining.LowPart == 0) Print ("\rDrive decrypted.\r\n"); else Print ("\r\nDecryption deferred.\r\n"); GetKeyboardChar(); ret: EraseMemory (bootArguments, sizeof (*bootArguments)); } static void RepairMenu () { DriveGeometry bootLoaderDriveGeometry; if (GetDriveGeometry (BootLoaderDrive, bootLoaderDriveGeometry, true) != BiosResultSuccess) { // Some BIOSes may fail to get the geometry of an emulated floppy drive bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Cylinders = 80; bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Heads = 2; bootLoaderDriveGeometry.Sectors = 18; } while (true) { InitScreen(); Print ("Available "); Print ("Repair Options"); Print (":\r\n"); PrintRepeatedChar ('\xC4', 25); PrintEndl(); enum { RestoreNone = 0, DecryptVolume, RestoreTrueCryptLoader, RestoreVolumeHeader, RestoreOriginalSystemLoader }; static const char *options[] = { "Permanently decrypt system partition/drive", "Restore VeraCrypt Boot Loader", "Restore key data (volume header)", "Restore original system loader" }; int selection = AskSelection (options, (BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISK_ORIG_SYS_LOADER) ? array_capacity (options) : array_capacity (options) - 1); PrintEndl(); switch (selection) { case RestoreNone: return; case DecryptVolume: DecryptDrive (BootDrive); continue; case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader: if (!AskYesNo ("Is the system partition/drive decrypted")) { Print ("Please decrypt it first.\r\n"); GetKeyboardChar(); continue; } break; } bool writeConfirmed = false; BiosResult result; uint64 sector; sector.HighPart = 0; ChsAddress chs; byte mbrPartTable[TC_LB_SIZE - TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE]; AcquireSectorBuffer(); for (int i = (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader ? TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR : TC_MBR_SECTOR); i < TC_BOOT_LOADER_AREA_SECTOR_COUNT; ++i) { sector.LowPart = i; if (selection == RestoreOriginalSystemLoader) sector.LowPart += TC_ORIG_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_SECTOR; else if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader) sector.LowPart += TC_BOOT_LOADER_BACKUP_RESCUE_DISK_SECTOR; // The backup medium may be a floppy-emulated bootable CD. The emulation may fail if LBA addressing is used. // Therefore, only CHS addressing can be used. LbaToChs (bootLoaderDriveGeometry, sector, chs); sector.LowPart = i; if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR) { // Read current partition table result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1); if (result != BiosResultSuccess) goto err; memcpy (mbrPartTable, SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, sizeof (mbrPartTable)); } result = ReadSectors (SectorBuffer, BootLoaderDrive, chs, 1); if (result != BiosResultSuccess) goto err; if (i == TC_MBR_SECTOR) { // Preserve current partition table memcpy (SectorBuffer + TC_MAX_MBR_BOOT_CODE_SIZE, mbrPartTable, sizeof (mbrPartTable)); } // Volume header if (i == TC_BOOT_VOLUME_HEADER_SECTOR) { if (selection == RestoreTrueCryptLoader) continue; if (selection == RestoreVolumeHeader) { while (true) { bool validHeaderPresent = false; uint32 masterKeyScheduleCrc; Password password; byte exitKey = AskPassword (password); if (exitKey != TC_BIOS_KEY_ENTER) goto abort; CRYPTO_INFO *cryptoInfo; CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, TC_LB_SIZE); ReleaseSectorBuffer(); // Restore volume header only if the current one cannot be used if (OpenVolume (TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, password, &cryptoInfo, nullptr, false, true)) { validHeaderPresent = true; masterKeyScheduleCrc = GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks)); crypto_close (cryptoInfo); } AcquireSectorBuffer(); CopyMemory (TC_BOOT_LOADER_BUFFER_SEGMENT, 0, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE); if (ReadVolumeHeader (TRUE, (char *) SectorBuffer, &password, &cryptoInfo, nullptr) == 0) { if (validHeaderPresent) { if (masterKeyScheduleCrc == GetCrc32 (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks))) { Print ("Original header preserved.\r\n"); goto err; } Print ("WARNING: Drive 0 contains a valid header!\r\n"); } crypto_close (cryptoInfo); break; } Print ("Incorrect password.\r\n\r\n"); } } } if (!writeConfirmed && !AskYesNo ("Modify drive 0")) goto abort; writeConfirmed = true; if (WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE, sector, 1) != BiosResultSuccess) goto err; } done: switch (selection) { case RestoreTrueCryptLoader: Print ("VeraCrypt Boot Loader"); break; case RestoreVolumeHeader: Print ("Header"); break; case RestoreOriginalSystemLoader: Print ("System loader"); break; } Print (" restored.\r\n"); err: GetKeyboardChar(); abort: ReleaseSectorBuffer(); } } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE #ifndef DEBUG extern "C" void _acrtused () { } // Required by linker #endif void main () { __asm mov BootLoaderDrive, dl __asm mov BootSectorFlags, dh #ifdef TC_BOOT_TRACING_ENABLED InitDebugPort(); #endif #ifdef TC_BOOT_STACK_CHECKING_ENABLED InitStackChecker(); #endif #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE ReadBootSectorUserConfiguration(); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES) EnableHwEncryption (!(BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_FLAG_RESCUE_DISABLE_HW_ENCRYPTION)); #endif InitVideoMode(); InitScreen(); // Determine boot drive BootDrive = BootLoaderDrive; if (BootDrive < TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE) BootDrive = TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE; // Query boot drive geometry if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess) { BootDrive = TC_FIRST_BIOS_DRIVE; if (GetDriveGeometry (BootDrive, BootDriveGeometry) != BiosResultSuccess) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE Print ("- Connect system drive to (SATA) port 1\r\n"); #endif GetKeyboardChar(); } else BootDriveGeometryValid = true; } else BootDriveGeometryValid = true; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE // Check whether the user is not using the Rescue Disk to create a hidden system if (ReadWriteMBR (false, BootDrive, true) == BiosResultSuccess && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 6) == 0x61726556 && *(uint32 *) (SectorBuffer + 10) == 0x70797243 && (SectorBuffer[TC_BOOT_SECTOR_CONFIG_OFFSET] & TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE) != TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_NONE) { PrintError ("It appears you are creating a hidden OS."); if (AskYesNo ("Is this correct")) { Print ("Please remove the Rescue Disk from the drive and restart."); while (true); } } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE // Main menu while (true) { byte exitKey; InitScreen(); #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE // Hidden system setup byte hiddenSystemCreationPhase = BootSectorFlags & TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE; if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase != TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_NONE) { PreventNormalSystemBoot = true; PrintMainMenu(); if (hiddenSystemCreationPhase == TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_CLONING) { if (CopySystemPartitionToHiddenVolume (BootDrive, exitKey)) { BootSectorFlags = (BootSectorFlags & ~TC_BOOT_CFG_MASK_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE) | TC_HIDDEN_OS_CREATION_PHASE_WIPING; UpdateBootSectorConfiguration (BootLoaderDrive); } else if (exitKey == TC_BIOS_KEY_ESC) goto bootMenu; else continue; } } else PrintMainMenu(); exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive(); #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE PrintMainMenu(); exitKey = BootEncryptedDrive(); if (exitKey == TC_MENU_KEY_REPAIR) { RepairMenu(); continue; } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_RESCUE_DISK_MODE bootMenu: if (!PreventBootMenu) BootMenu(); } } 83 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027