#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (c) 2013-2024 IDRIX # Governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained # in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source # code distribution packages. # # Errors should cause script to exit set -e # Absolute path to this script export SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0") # Absolute path this script is in export SCRIPTPATH=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") # Source directory which contains the Makefile export SOURCEPATH=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTPATH/..") # Directory where the VeraCrypt has been checked out export PARENTDIR=$(readlink -f "$SCRIPTPATH/../../..") # Check if wxWidgets-3.2.5 exists in PARENTDIR; if not, use /tmp if [ ! -d "$PARENTDIR/wxWidgets-3.2.5" ]; then export PARENTDIR="/tmp" fi # The sources of wxWidgets 3.2.5 must be extracted to the parent directory export WX_ROOT=$PARENTDIR/wxWidgets-3.2.5 # Exit with error if wxWidgets is not found if [ ! -d "$WX_ROOT" ]; then echo "Error: wxWidgets-3.2.5 not found in either the default PARENTDIR or /tmp. Exiting." exit 1 fi echo "Using wxWidgets sources in $WX_ROOT" cd $SOURCEPATH build_and_install() { target=$1 wxstatic=$2 indicator=$3 nogui="" # Determine wxWidgets build directory based on target if [ "$target" = "Console" ]; then export WX_BUILD_DIR="$PARENTDIR/wxBuildConsole" nogui="NOGUI=1" else export WX_BUILD_DIR="$PARENTDIR/wxBuildGUI" fi wxstatic_value="" if [ "$wxstatic" = "WXSTATIC" ]; then wxstatic_value="WXSTATIC=1" make $wxstatic_value $nogui wxbuild || exit 1 fi indicator_value="" if [ "$indicator" = "INDICATOR" ]; then indicator_value="INDICATOR=1" fi make $wxstatic_value $indicator_value $nogui clean || exit 1 make $wxstatic_value $indicator_value $nogui || exit 1 make $wxstatic_value $indicator_value $nogui install DESTDIR="$PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Setup/$target" || exit 1 } # Handle arguments case "$1$2" in "WXSTATIC") echo "Building GUI version of VeraCrypt for DEB using wxWidgets static libraries" build_and_install "GUI" "WXSTATIC" "" ;; "INDICATOR") echo "Building GUI version of VeraCrypt for DEB using system wxWidgets and indicator" build_and_install "GUI" "" "INDICATOR" ;; "WXSTATICINDICATOR"|"INDICATORWXSTATIC") echo "Building GUI version of VeraCrypt for DEB using wxWidgets static libraries and indicator" build_and_install "GUI" "WXSTATIC" "INDICATOR" ;; *) echo "Building GUI version of VeraCrypt for DEB using system wxWidgets" build_and_install "GUI" "" "" ;; esac echo "Building console version of VeraCrypt for DEB using wxWidgets static libraries" build_and_install "Console" "WXSTATIC" "" echo "Creating VeraCrypt DEB packages" # -DCPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=TRUE for debugging cpack DEB # -DCPACK_RPM_PACKAGE_DEBUG=TRUE for debugging cpack DEB mkdir -p $PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Packaging/{GUI,Console} cmake -H$SCRIPTPATH -B$PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Packaging/GUI -DVERACRYPT_BUILD_DIR="$PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Setup/GUI" -DNOGUI=FALSE || exit 1 cpack --config $PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Packaging/GUI/CPackConfig.cmake || exit 1 cmake -H$SCRIPTPATH -B$PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Packaging/Console -DVERACRYPT_BUILD_DIR="$PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Setup/Console" -DNOGUI=TRUE || exit 1 cpack --config $PARENTDIR/VeraCrypt_Packaging/Console/CPackConfig.cmake || exit 1