#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Copyright (c) 2013-2019 IDRIX # Governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained # in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source # code distribution packages. # # Absolute path this script is in SCRIPTPATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd) # source directory which contains the Makefile SOURCEPATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$SCRIPTPATH/../.")"; pwd) # directory where the VeraCrypt project has been checked out PARENTDIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$SCRIPTPATH/../../../.")"; pwd) while getopts bpr flag do case "${flag}" in b) brew=true;; p) package=true;; esac done if [ -n "$brew" ]; then export VC_OSX_SDK=$(xcrun --show-sdk-version) #use the latest version installed, this might fail export VC_OSX_TARGET=${VC_OSX_SDK} echo "Using MacOSX SDK $VC_OSX_SDK with target set to $VC_OSX_TARGET" cd $SOURCEPATH echo "Building VeraCrypt with precompiled homebrew packages" cellar=$(brew --cellar "wxwidgets") version=$(brew list --versions "wxwidgets" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}') export WX_BUILD_DIR="$cellar/$version/bin" # skip signing and build only for local arch export LOCAL_DEVELOPMENT_BUILD=true # set the correct CPU arch for Makefile export CPU_ARCH=$(uname -m) export AS=$(which yasm) export COMPILE_ASM=$( if [[ "$CPU_ARCH" != "arm64" ]]; then echo true; else echo false; fi ) make clean && make if [ -n "$package" ]; then make package fi exit 0 fi # the sources of wxWidgets 3.1.2 must be extracted to the parent directory (for night mode) export WX_ROOT=$PARENTDIR/wxWidgets- echo "Using wxWidgets sources in $WX_ROOT" # this will be the temporary wxWidgets directory export WX_BUILD_DIR=$PARENTDIR/wxBuild- # define the SDK version to use and OSX minimum target. We target 12 by default export VC_OSX_TARGET=12 export VC_OSX_SDK=13 echo "Using MacOSX SDK $VC_OSX_SDK with target set to $VC_OSX_TARGET" cd $SOURCEPATH echo "Building VeraCrypt" make WXSTATIC=FULL wxbuild && make WXSTATIC=FULL clean && make WXSTATIC=FULL && make WXSTATIC=FULL package # Uncomment below and comment line above to reuse existing wxWidgets build # make WXSTATIC=FULL clean && make WXSTATIC=FULL && make WXSTATIC=FULL package