/* Legal Notice: Some portions of the source code contained in this file were derived from the source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2003-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0, also from the source code of Encryption for the Masses 2.02a, which is Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Paul Le Roux and which is governed by the 'License Agreement for Encryption for the Masses' Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "Tcdefs.h" #include "Crypto.h" #include "Xts.h" #include "Crc.h" #include "Common/Endian.h" #if !defined(_UEFI) #include <string.h> #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER #include <ntstrsafe.h> #define StringCchCatW RtlStringCchCatW #define StringCchCopyW RtlStringCchCopyW #else #include <strsafe.h> #endif #include "EncryptionThreadPool.h" #endif #endif #include "Volumes.h" #include "cpu.h" #pragma warning (disable:4706) // assignment within conditional expression /* Update the following when adding a new cipher or EA: Crypto.h: ID #define MAX_EXPANDED_KEY #define Crypto.c: Ciphers[] EncryptionAlgorithms[] CipherInit() EncipherBlock() DecipherBlock() */ #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SINGLE_CIPHER_MODE // Cipher configuration static Cipher Ciphers[] = { // Block Size Key Size Key Schedule Size // ID Name (Bytes) (Bytes) (Bytes) #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT { AES, "AES", 16, 32, AES_KS }, { SERPENT, "Serpent", 16, 32, 140*4 }, { TWOFISH, "Twofish", 16, 32, TWOFISH_KS }, #else { AES, L"AES", 16, 32, AES_KS }, { SERPENT, L"Serpent", 16, 32, 140*4 }, { TWOFISH, L"Twofish", 16, 32, TWOFISH_KS }, { CAMELLIA, L"Camellia", 16, 32, CAMELLIA_KS }, { KUZNYECHIK, L"Kuznyechik",16, 32, KUZNYECHIK_KS }, #endif { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; // Encryption algorithm configuration static EncryptionAlgorithm EncryptionAlgorithms[] = { // Cipher(s) Modes FormatEnabled #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0}, 0, 0 }, // Must be all-zero { { AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { TWOFISH, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { CAMELLIA, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { KUZNYECHIK, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { TWOFISH, AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { SERPENT, TWOFISH, AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { AES, SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { AES, TWOFISH, SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { SERPENT, TWOFISH, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1, 1 }, { { KUZNYECHIK, CAMELLIA, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { TWOFISH, KUZNYECHIK, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { SERPENT, CAMELLIA, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { AES, KUZNYECHIK, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { CAMELLIA, SERPENT, KUZNYECHIK, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 0, 1 }, { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0}, 0, 0 } // Must be all-zero #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Encryption algorithms available for boot drive encryption { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, 0 }, // Must be all-zero { { AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { TWOFISH, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { TWOFISH, AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { SERPENT, TWOFISH, AES, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { AES, SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { AES, TWOFISH, SERPENT, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { SERPENT, TWOFISH, 0 }, { XTS, 0 }, 1 }, { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, 0 }, // Must be all-zero #endif }; #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Hash algorithms static Hash Hashes[] = { // ID Name Deprecated System Encryption { SHA512, L"SHA-512", FALSE, FALSE }, { WHIRLPOOL, L"Whirlpool", FALSE, FALSE }, { BLAKE2S, L"BLAKE2s-256", FALSE, TRUE }, { SHA256, L"SHA-256", FALSE, TRUE }, { STREEBOG, L"Streebog", FALSE, FALSE }, { 0, 0, 0 } }; #endif /* Return values: 0 = success, ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE (fatal), ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY (non-fatal) */ int CipherInit (int cipher, unsigned char *key, unsigned __int8 *ks) { int retVal = ERR_SUCCESS; switch (cipher) { case AES: #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT if (aes_encrypt_key256 (key, (aes_encrypt_ctx *) ks) != EXIT_SUCCESS) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; if (aes_decrypt_key256 (key, (aes_decrypt_ctx *) (ks + sizeof(aes_encrypt_ctx))) != EXIT_SUCCESS) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; #else if (aes_set_key (key, (length_type) CipherGetKeySize(AES), (aes_context *) ks) != 0) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; #endif break; case SERPENT: serpent_set_key (key, ks); break; case TWOFISH: twofish_set_key ((TwofishInstance *)ks, (const u4byte *)key); break; #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) || defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) case CAMELLIA: camellia_set_key (key, ks); break; #endif #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) case KUZNYECHIK: kuznyechik_set_key(key, (kuznyechik_kds*)ks); break; #endif // !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) default: // Unknown/wrong cipher ID return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; } return retVal; } void EncipherBlock(int cipher, void *data, void *ks) { switch (cipher) { case AES: // In 32-bit kernel mode, due to KeSaveFloatingPointState() overhead, AES instructions can be used only when processing the whole data unit. #if (defined (_WIN64) || !defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER)) && !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) if (IsAesHwCpuSupported()) aes_hw_cpu_encrypt (ks, data); else #endif aes_encrypt (data, data, ks); break; case TWOFISH: twofish_encrypt (ks, data, data); break; case SERPENT: serpent_encrypt (data, data, ks); break; #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) || defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) case CAMELLIA: camellia_encrypt (data, data, ks); break; #endif #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) case KUZNYECHIK: kuznyechik_encrypt_block(data, data, ks); break; #endif // !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) default: TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; // Unknown/wrong ID } } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT void EncipherBlocks (int cipher, void *dataPtr, void *ks, size_t blockCount) { byte *data = dataPtr; #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KFLOATING_SAVE floatingPointState; #endif if (cipher == AES && (blockCount & (32 - 1)) == 0 && IsAesHwCpuSupported() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { while (blockCount > 0) { aes_hw_cpu_encrypt_32_blocks (ks, data); data += 32 * 16; blockCount -= 32; } #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE && !defined (_UEFI) else if (cipher == SERPENT && (blockCount >= 4) && HasSSE2() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { serpent_encrypt_blocks (data, data, blockCount, ks); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 && !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) else if (cipher == TWOFISH) { twofish_encrypt_blocks(ks, data, data, (uint32) blockCount); } else if (cipher == CAMELLIA) { camellia_encrypt_blocks(ks, data, data, (uint32) blockCount); } #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE && !defined (_UEFI) else if (cipher == KUZNYECHIK && HasSSE2() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && (blockCount >= 4) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { kuznyechik_encrypt_blocks (data, data, blockCount, ks); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #endif else { size_t blockSize = CipherGetBlockSize (cipher); while (blockCount-- > 0) { EncipherBlock (cipher, data, ks); data += blockSize; } } } #endif // !TC_WINDOWS_BOOT void DecipherBlock(int cipher, void *data, void *ks) { switch (cipher) { case SERPENT: serpent_decrypt (data, data, ks); break; case TWOFISH: twofish_decrypt (ks, data, data); break; #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) || defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) case CAMELLIA: camellia_decrypt (data, data, ks); break; #endif #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) case KUZNYECHIK: kuznyechik_decrypt_block(data, data, ks); break; #endif // !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT case AES: #if defined (_WIN64) || !defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) if (IsAesHwCpuSupported()) aes_hw_cpu_decrypt ((byte *) ks + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx), data); else #endif aes_decrypt (data, data, (void *) ((char *) ks + sizeof(aes_encrypt_ctx))); break; #else case AES: aes_decrypt (data, data, ks); break; #endif default: TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; // Unknown/wrong ID } } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT void DecipherBlocks (int cipher, void *dataPtr, void *ks, size_t blockCount) { byte *data = dataPtr; #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KFLOATING_SAVE floatingPointState; #endif if (cipher == AES && (blockCount & (32 - 1)) == 0 && IsAesHwCpuSupported() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { while (blockCount > 0) { aes_hw_cpu_decrypt_32_blocks ((byte *) ks + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx), data); data += 32 * 16; blockCount -= 32; } #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE && !defined (_UEFI) else if (cipher == SERPENT && (blockCount >= 4) && HasSSE2() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { serpent_decrypt_blocks (data, data, blockCount, ks); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 && !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) else if (cipher == TWOFISH) { twofish_decrypt_blocks(ks, data, data, (uint32) blockCount); } else if (cipher == CAMELLIA) { camellia_decrypt_blocks(ks, data, data, (uint32) blockCount); } #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE && !defined (_UEFI) else if (cipher == KUZNYECHIK && HasSSE2() #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) && (blockCount >= 4) && NT_SUCCESS (KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState)) #endif ) { kuznyechik_decrypt_blocks (data, data, blockCount, ks); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64) KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState); #endif } #endif else { size_t blockSize = CipherGetBlockSize (cipher); while (blockCount-- > 0) { DecipherBlock (cipher, data, ks); data += blockSize; } } } #endif // !TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Ciphers support Cipher *CipherGet (int id) { int i; for (i = 0; Ciphers[i].Id != 0; i++) if (Ciphers[i].Id == id) return &Ciphers[i]; return NULL; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT const wchar_t *CipherGetName (int cipherId) { Cipher* pCipher = CipherGet (cipherId); return pCipher? pCipher -> Name : L""; } int CipherGetBlockSize (int cipherId) { Cipher* pCipher = CipherGet (cipherId); return pCipher? pCipher -> BlockSize : 0; } #endif int CipherGetKeySize (int cipherId) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT return CipherGet (cipherId) -> KeySize; #else Cipher* pCipher = CipherGet (cipherId); return pCipher? pCipher -> KeySize : 0; #endif } int CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (int cipherId) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT return CipherGet (cipherId) -> KeyScheduleSize; #else Cipher* pCipher = CipherGet (cipherId); return pCipher? pCipher -> KeyScheduleSize : 0; #endif } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT BOOL CipherSupportsIntraDataUnitParallelization (int cipher) { return (cipher == AES && IsAesHwCpuSupported()) #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_SSE2_INTRINSICS_AVAILABLE && !defined (_UEFI) || (cipher == SERPENT && HasSSE2()) || (cipher == KUZNYECHIK && HasSSE2()) #endif #if CRYPTOPP_BOOL_X64 && !defined(CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_ASM) || (cipher == TWOFISH) || (cipher == CAMELLIA) #endif ; } #endif // Encryption algorithms support int EAGetFirst () { return 1; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Returns number of EAs int EAGetCount (void) { int ea, count = 0; for (ea = EAGetFirst (); ea != 0; ea = EAGetNext (ea)) { count++; } return count; } #endif int EAGetNext (int previousEA) { int id = previousEA + 1; if (EncryptionAlgorithms[id].Ciphers[0] != 0) return id; return 0; } // Return values: 0 = success, ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE (fatal), ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY (non-fatal) int EAInit (int ea, unsigned char *key, unsigned __int8 *ks) { int c, retVal = ERR_SUCCESS; if (ea == 0) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; for (c = EAGetFirstCipher (ea); c != 0; c = EAGetNextCipher (ea, c)) { switch (CipherInit (c, key, ks)) { case ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE: return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; case ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY: retVal = ERR_CIPHER_INIT_WEAK_KEY; // Non-fatal error break; } key += CipherGetKeySize (c); ks += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (c); } return retVal; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT BOOL EAInitMode (PCRYPTO_INFO ci, unsigned char* key2) { switch (ci->mode) { case XTS: // Secondary key schedule if (EAInit (ci->ea, key2, ci->ks2) != ERR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; /* Note: XTS mode could potentially be initialized with a weak key causing all blocks in one data unit on the volume to be tweaked with zero tweaks (i.e. 512 bytes of the volume would be encrypted in ECB mode). However, to create a TrueCrypt volume with such a weak key, each human being on Earth would have to create approximately 11,378,125,361,078,862 (about eleven quadrillion) TrueCrypt volumes (provided that the size of each of the volumes is 1024 terabytes). */ break; default: // Unknown/wrong ID TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } return TRUE; } static void EAGetDisplayName(wchar_t *buf, size_t bufLen, int ea, int i) { StringCchCopyW (buf, bufLen, CipherGetName (i)); if (i = EAGetPreviousCipher(ea, i)) { size_t curLen; StringCchCatW (buf, bufLen, L"("); curLen = wcslen(buf); EAGetDisplayName (&buf[curLen], bufLen - curLen, ea, i); StringCchCatW (buf, bufLen, L")"); } } // Returns name of EA, cascaded cipher names are separated by hyphens wchar_t *EAGetName (wchar_t *buf, size_t bufLen, int ea, int guiDisplay) { if (guiDisplay) { EAGetDisplayName (buf, bufLen, ea, EAGetLastCipher(ea)); } else { int i = EAGetLastCipher(ea); StringCchCopyW (buf, bufLen, (i != 0) ? CipherGetName (i) : L"?"); while (i = EAGetPreviousCipher(ea, i)) { StringCchCatW (buf, bufLen, L"-"); StringCchCatW (buf, bufLen, CipherGetName (i)); } } return buf; } int EAGetByName (wchar_t *name) { int ea = EAGetFirst (); wchar_t n[128]; do { EAGetName(n, 128, ea, 1); #if defined(_UEFI) if (wcscmp(n, name) == 0) #else if (_wcsicmp(n, name) == 0) #endif return ea; } while (ea = EAGetNext (ea)); return 0; } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Returns sum of key sizes of all ciphers of the EA (in bytes) int EAGetKeySize (int ea) { int i = EAGetFirstCipher (ea); int size = CipherGetKeySize (i); while (i = EAGetNextCipher (ea, i)) { size += CipherGetKeySize (i); } return size; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Returns the first mode of operation of EA int EAGetFirstMode (int ea) { return (EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Modes[0]); } int EAGetNextMode (int ea, int previousModeId) { int c, i = 0; while (c = EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Modes[i++]) { if (c == previousModeId) return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Modes[i]; } return 0; } // Returns the name of the mode of operation of the whole EA wchar_t *EAGetModeName (int ea, int mode, BOOL capitalLetters) { switch (mode) { case XTS: return L"XTS"; } return L"[unknown]"; } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Returns sum of key schedule sizes of all ciphers of the EA int EAGetKeyScheduleSize (int ea) { int i = EAGetFirstCipher(ea); int size = CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (i); while (i = EAGetNextCipher(ea, i)) { size += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (i); } return size; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT // Returns number of ciphers in EA int EAGetCipherCount (int ea) { int i = 0; while (EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i++]); return i - 1; } #endif int EAGetFirstCipher (int ea) { return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[0]; } int EAGetLastCipher (int ea) { int c, i = 0; while (c = EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i++]); return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i - 2]; } int EAGetNextCipher (int ea, int previousCipherId) { int c, i = 0; while (c = EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i++]) { if (c == previousCipherId) return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i]; } return 0; } int EAGetPreviousCipher (int ea, int previousCipherId) { int c, i = 0; if (EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i++] == previousCipherId) return 0; while (c = EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i++]) { if (c == previousCipherId) return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].Ciphers[i - 2]; } return 0; } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT int EAIsFormatEnabled (int ea) { return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].FormatEnabled; } int EAIsMbrSysEncEnabled (int ea) { return EncryptionAlgorithms[ea].MbrSysEncEnabled; } // Returns TRUE if the mode of operation is supported for the encryption algorithm BOOL EAIsModeSupported (int ea, int testedMode) { int mode; for (mode = EAGetFirstMode (ea); mode != 0; mode = EAGetNextMode (ea, mode)) { if (mode == testedMode) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } Hash *HashGet (int id) { int i; for (i = 0; Hashes[i].Id != 0; i++) if (Hashes[i].Id == id) return &Hashes[i]; return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 int HashGetIdByName (wchar_t *name) { int i; for (i = 0; Hashes[i].Id != 0; i++) if (_wcsicmp (Hashes[i].Name, name) == 0) return Hashes[i].Id; return 0; } #endif const wchar_t *HashGetName (int hashId) { Hash* pHash = HashGet(hashId); return pHash? pHash -> Name : L""; } void HashGetName2 (wchar_t *buf, size_t bufLen, int hashId) { Hash* pHash = HashGet(hashId); if (pHash) StringCchCopyW (buf, bufLen, pHash -> Name); else buf[0] = L'\0'; } BOOL HashIsDeprecated (int hashId) { Hash* pHash = HashGet(hashId); return pHash? pHash -> Deprecated : FALSE; } BOOL HashForSystemEncryption (int hashId) { Hash* pHash = HashGet(hashId); return pHash? pHash -> SystemEncryption : FALSE; } // Returns the largest key size needed by an EA for the specified mode of operation int EAGetLargestKeyForMode (int mode) { int ea, key = 0; for (ea = EAGetFirst (); ea != 0; ea = EAGetNext (ea)) { if (!EAIsModeSupported (ea, mode)) continue; if (EAGetKeySize (ea) >= key) key = EAGetKeySize (ea); } return key; } // Returns the maximum number of bytes necessary to be generated by the PBKDF2 (PKCS #5) int GetMaxPkcs5OutSize (void) { int size = 32; size = VC_MAX (size, EAGetLargestKeyForMode (XTS) * 2); // Sizes of primary + secondary keys return size; } #endif #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SINGLE_CIPHER_MODE #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT static byte CryptoInfoBufferInUse = 0; CRYPTO_INFO CryptoInfoBuffer; #endif PCRYPTO_INFO crypto_open () { #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT /* Do the crt allocation */ PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo = (PCRYPTO_INFO) TCalloc (sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); if (cryptoInfo == NULL) return NULL; memset (cryptoInfo, 0, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #if !defined(DEVICE_DRIVER) && !defined(_UEFI) VirtualLock (cryptoInfo, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #endif cryptoInfo->ea = -1; return cryptoInfo; #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT #if 0 if (CryptoInfoBufferInUse) TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; #endif CryptoInfoBufferInUse = 1; return &CryptoInfoBuffer; #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT void crypto_loadkey (PKEY_INFO keyInfo, char *lpszUserKey, int nUserKeyLen) { keyInfo->keyLength = nUserKeyLen; burn (keyInfo->userKey, sizeof (keyInfo->userKey)); memcpy (keyInfo->userKey, lpszUserKey, nUserKeyLen); } void crypto_eraseKeys (PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { burn (cryptoInfo->ks, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks)); burn (cryptoInfo->ks2, sizeof (cryptoInfo->ks2)); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER burn (cryptoInfo->master_keydata_hash, sizeof (cryptoInfo->master_keydata_hash)); #else burn (cryptoInfo->master_keydata, sizeof (cryptoInfo->master_keydata)); burn (cryptoInfo->k2, sizeof (cryptoInfo->k2)); #endif burn (&cryptoInfo->noIterations, sizeof (cryptoInfo->noIterations)); burn (&cryptoInfo->volumePim, sizeof (cryptoInfo->volumePim)); } #endif void crypto_close (PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT if (cryptoInfo != NULL) { burn (cryptoInfo, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #if !defined(DEVICE_DRIVER) && !defined(_UEFI) VirtualUnlock (cryptoInfo, sizeof (CRYPTO_INFO)); #endif TCfree (cryptoInfo); } #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT burn (&CryptoInfoBuffer, sizeof (CryptoInfoBuffer)); CryptoInfoBufferInUse = FALSE; #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT } #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SINGLE_CIPHER_MODE // EncryptBuffer // // buf: data to be encrypted; the start of the buffer is assumed to be aligned with the start of a data unit. // len: number of bytes to encrypt; must be divisible by the block size (for cascaded ciphers, divisible // by the largest block size used within the cascade) void EncryptBuffer (unsigned __int8 *buf, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT len, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { switch (cryptoInfo->mode) { case XTS: { unsigned __int8 *ks = cryptoInfo->ks; unsigned __int8 *ks2 = cryptoInfo->ks2; UINT64_STRUCT dataUnitNo; int cipher; // When encrypting/decrypting a buffer (typically a volume header) the sequential number // of the first XTS data unit in the buffer is always 0 and the start of the buffer is // always assumed to be aligned with the start of a data unit. dataUnitNo.LowPart = 0; dataUnitNo.HighPart = 0; for (cipher = EAGetFirstCipher (cryptoInfo->ea); cipher != 0; cipher = EAGetNextCipher (cryptoInfo->ea, cipher)) { EncryptBufferXTS (buf, len, &dataUnitNo, 0, ks, ks2, cipher); ks += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); ks2 += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); } } break; default: // Unknown/wrong ID TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } } // buf: data to be encrypted // unitNo: sequential number of the data unit with which the buffer starts // nbrUnits: number of data units in the buffer void EncryptDataUnits (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, uint32 nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) && !defined(_UEFI) { EncryptionThreadPoolDoWork (EncryptDataUnitsWork, buf, structUnitNo, nbrUnits, ci); } void EncryptDataUnitsCurrentThread (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) #endif // !TC_WINDOWS_BOOT { int ea = ci->ea; unsigned __int8 *ks = ci->ks; unsigned __int8 *ks2 = ci->ks2; int cipher; switch (ci->mode) { case XTS: for (cipher = EAGetFirstCipher (ea); cipher != 0; cipher = EAGetNextCipher (ea, cipher)) { EncryptBufferXTS (buf, nbrUnits * ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, structUnitNo, 0, ks, ks2, cipher); ks += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); ks2 += CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); } break; default: // Unknown/wrong ID TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } } // DecryptBuffer // // buf: data to be decrypted; the start of the buffer is assumed to be aligned with the start of a data unit. // len: number of bytes to decrypt; must be divisible by the block size (for cascaded ciphers, divisible // by the largest block size used within the cascade) void DecryptBuffer (unsigned __int8 *buf, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT len, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { switch (cryptoInfo->mode) { case XTS: { unsigned __int8 *ks = cryptoInfo->ks + EAGetKeyScheduleSize (cryptoInfo->ea); unsigned __int8 *ks2 = cryptoInfo->ks2 + EAGetKeyScheduleSize (cryptoInfo->ea); UINT64_STRUCT dataUnitNo; int cipher; // When encrypting/decrypting a buffer (typically a volume header) the sequential number // of the first XTS data unit in the buffer is always 0 and the start of the buffer is // always assumed to be aligned with the start of the data unit 0. dataUnitNo.LowPart = 0; dataUnitNo.HighPart = 0; for (cipher = EAGetLastCipher (cryptoInfo->ea); cipher != 0; cipher = EAGetPreviousCipher (cryptoInfo->ea, cipher)) { ks -= CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); ks2 -= CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); DecryptBufferXTS (buf, len, &dataUnitNo, 0, ks, ks2, cipher); } } break; default: // Unknown/wrong ID TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } } // buf: data to be decrypted // unitNo: sequential number of the data unit with which the buffer starts // nbrUnits: number of data units in the buffer void DecryptDataUnits (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, uint32 nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) && !defined(_UEFI) { EncryptionThreadPoolDoWork (DecryptDataUnitsWork, buf, structUnitNo, nbrUnits, ci); } void DecryptDataUnitsCurrentThread (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) #endif // !TC_WINDOWS_BOOT { int ea = ci->ea; unsigned __int8 *ks = ci->ks; unsigned __int8 *ks2 = ci->ks2; int cipher; switch (ci->mode) { case XTS: ks += EAGetKeyScheduleSize (ea); ks2 += EAGetKeyScheduleSize (ea); for (cipher = EAGetLastCipher (ea); cipher != 0; cipher = EAGetPreviousCipher (ea, cipher)) { ks -= CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); ks2 -= CipherGetKeyScheduleSize (cipher); DecryptBufferXTS (buf, nbrUnits * ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, structUnitNo, 0, ks, ks2, cipher); } break; default: // Unknown/wrong ID TC_THROW_FATAL_EXCEPTION; } } #else // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SINGLE_CIPHER_MODE #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES) && !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SERPENT) && !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH) && !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) #error No cipher defined #endif void EncipherBlock(int cipher, void *data, void *ks) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES if (IsAesHwCpuSupported()) aes_hw_cpu_encrypt ((byte *) ks, data); else aes_encrypt (data, data, ks); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SERPENT) serpent_encrypt (data, data, ks); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH) twofish_encrypt (ks, data, data); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) camellia_encrypt (data, data, ks); #endif } void DecipherBlock(int cipher, void *data, void *ks) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES if (IsAesHwCpuSupported()) aes_hw_cpu_decrypt ((byte *) ks + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx) + 14 * 16, data); else aes_decrypt (data, data, (aes_decrypt_ctx *) ((byte *) ks + sizeof(aes_encrypt_ctx))); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SERPENT) serpent_decrypt (data, data, ks); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_TWOFISH) twofish_decrypt (ks, data, data); #elif defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_CAMELLIA) camellia_decrypt (data, data, ks); #endif } #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES int EAInit (unsigned char *key, unsigned __int8 *ks) { aes_init(); if (aes_encrypt_key256 (key, (aes_encrypt_ctx *) ks) != EXIT_SUCCESS) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; if (aes_decrypt_key256 (key, (aes_decrypt_ctx *) (ks + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx))) != EXIT_SUCCESS) return ERR_CIPHER_INIT_FAILURE; return ERR_SUCCESS; } #endif void EncryptBuffer (unsigned __int8 *buf, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT len, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { UINT64_STRUCT dataUnitNo; dataUnitNo.LowPart = 0; dataUnitNo.HighPart = 0; EncryptBufferXTS (buf, len, &dataUnitNo, 0, cryptoInfo->ks, cryptoInfo->ks2, 1); } void EncryptDataUnits (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) { EncryptBufferXTS (buf, nbrUnits * ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, structUnitNo, 0, ci->ks, ci->ks2, 1); } void DecryptBuffer (unsigned __int8 *buf, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT len, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo) { UINT64_STRUCT dataUnitNo; dataUnitNo.LowPart = 0; dataUnitNo.HighPart = 0; DecryptBufferXTS (buf, len, &dataUnitNo, 0, cryptoInfo->ks, cryptoInfo->ks2, 1); } void DecryptDataUnits (unsigned __int8 *buf, const UINT64_STRUCT *structUnitNo, TC_LARGEST_COMPILER_UINT nbrUnits, PCRYPTO_INFO ci) { DecryptBufferXTS (buf, nbrUnits * ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, structUnitNo, 0, ci->ks, ci->ks2, 1); } #endif // TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_SINGLE_CIPHER_MODE #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) || defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES) static BOOL HwEncryptionDisabled = FALSE; BOOL IsAesHwCpuSupported () { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_BOOT_AES static BOOL state = FALSE; static BOOL stateValid = FALSE; if (!stateValid) { state = is_aes_hw_cpu_supported() ? TRUE : FALSE; stateValid = TRUE; } return state && !HwEncryptionDisabled; #elif defined (_M_ARM64) || defined(__arm__) || defined (__arm64__) || defined (__aarch64__) return 0; #else return (HasAESNI() && !HwEncryptionDisabled)? TRUE : FALSE; #endif } void EnableHwEncryption (BOOL enable) { #if defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) if (enable) aes_hw_cpu_enable_sse(); #endif HwEncryptionDisabled = !enable; } BOOL IsHwEncryptionEnabled () { return !HwEncryptionDisabled; } #endif // !TC_WINDOWS_BOOT #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS_BOOT) && !defined (_UEFI) static BOOL CpuRngDisabled = TRUE; static BOOL RamEncryptionEnabled = FALSE; BOOL IsCpuRngSupported () { if (HasRDSEED() || HasRDRAND()) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } void EnableCpuRng (BOOL enable) { CpuRngDisabled = !enable; } BOOL IsCpuRngEnabled () { return !CpuRngDisabled; } BOOL IsRamEncryptionSupported () { #ifdef _WIN64 if (t1ha_selfcheck__t1ha2() == 0) return TRUE; else return FALSE; #else return FALSE; #endif } void EnableRamEncryption (BOOL enable) { RamEncryptionEnabled = enable; } BOOL IsRamEncryptionEnabled () { return RamEncryptionEnabled; } /* masking for random index to remove bias */ byte GetRngMask (byte count) { if (count >= 128) return 0xFF; if (count >= 64) return 0x7F; if (count >= 32) return 0x3F; if (count >= 16) return 0x1F; if (count >= 8) return 0x0F; if (count >= 4) return 0x07; if (count >= 2) return 0x03; return 1; } byte GetRandomIndex (ChaCha20RngCtx* pCtx, byte elementsCount) { byte index = 0; byte mask = GetRngMask (elementsCount); while (TRUE) { ChaCha20RngGetBytes (pCtx, &index, 1); index &= mask; if (index < elementsCount) break; } return index; } #if defined(_WIN64) && !defined (_UEFI) /* declaration of variables and functions used for RAM encryption on 64-bit build */ static byte* pbKeyDerivationArea = NULL; static ULONG cbKeyDerivationArea = 0; static uint64 HashSeedMask = 0; static uint64 CipherIVMask = 0; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER ULONG AllocTag = 'MMCV'; #endif #if !defined(PAGE_SIZE) #define PAGE_SIZE 4096 #endif BOOL InitializeSecurityParameters(GetRandSeedFn rngCallback) { ChaCha20RngCtx ctx; byte pbSeed[CHACHA20RNG_KEYSZ + CHACHA20RNG_IVSZ]; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER byte i, tagLength; Dump ("InitializeSecurityParameters BEGIN\n"); #endif rngCallback (pbSeed, sizeof (pbSeed)); ChaCha20RngInit (&ctx, pbSeed, rngCallback, 0); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER /* generate random tag length between 1 and 4 */ tagLength = GetRandomIndex (&ctx, 4) + 1; /* generate random value for tag: * Each ASCII character in the tag must be a value in the range 0x20 (space) to 0x7E (tilde) * So we have 95 possibility */ AllocTag = 0; for (i = 0; i < tagLength; i++) { AllocTag = (AllocTag << 8) + (((ULONG) GetRandomIndex (&ctx, 95)) + 0x20); } #endif cbKeyDerivationArea = 1024 * 1024; pbKeyDerivationArea = (byte*) TCalloc(cbKeyDerivationArea); if (!pbKeyDerivationArea) { cbKeyDerivationArea = 2 * PAGE_SIZE; pbKeyDerivationArea = (byte*) TCalloc(cbKeyDerivationArea); } if (!pbKeyDerivationArea) { cbKeyDerivationArea = 0; Dump ("InitializeSecurityParameters return=FALSE END\n"); return FALSE; } /* fill key derivation area with random bytes */ ChaCha20RngGetBytes (&ctx, pbKeyDerivationArea, cbKeyDerivationArea); /* generate hash seed mask */ ChaCha20RngGetBytes(&ctx, (unsigned char*) &HashSeedMask, sizeof (HashSeedMask)); /* generate IV mask */ ChaCha20RngGetBytes(&ctx, (unsigned char*) &CipherIVMask, sizeof (CipherIVMask)); FAST_ERASE64 (pbSeed, sizeof (pbSeed)); burn (&ctx, sizeof (ctx)); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER burn (&tagLength, 1); Dump ("InitializeSecurityParameters return=TRUE END\n"); #endif return TRUE; } void ClearSecurityParameters() { Dump ("ClearSecurityParameters BEGIN\n"); if (pbKeyDerivationArea) { FAST_ERASE64 (pbKeyDerivationArea, cbKeyDerivationArea); TCfree (pbKeyDerivationArea); pbKeyDerivationArea =NULL; cbKeyDerivationArea = 0; } FAST_ERASE64 (&HashSeedMask, 8); FAST_ERASE64 (&CipherIVMask, 8); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER burn (&AllocTag, sizeof (AllocTag)); #endif Dump ("ClearSecurityParameters END\n"); } #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER void VcProtectMemory (uint64 encID, unsigned char* pbData, size_t cbData, unsigned char* pbData2, size_t cbData2) #else void VcProtectMemory (uint64 encID, unsigned char* pbData, size_t cbData, unsigned char* pbData2, size_t cbData2, unsigned char* pbData3, size_t cbData3, unsigned char* pbData4, size_t cbData4) #endif { if (pbKeyDerivationArea) { uint64 hashLow, hashHigh, hashSeed, cipherIV; uint64 pbKey[4]; ChaCha256Ctx ctx; hashSeed = (((uint64) pbKeyDerivationArea) + encID) ^ HashSeedMask; hashLow = t1ha2_atonce128(&hashHigh, pbKeyDerivationArea, cbKeyDerivationArea, hashSeed); /* set the key to the hash result */ pbKey[0] = pbKey[2] = hashLow; pbKey[1] = pbKey[3] = hashHigh; /* Initialize ChaCha12 cipher */ cipherIV = encID ^ CipherIVMask; ChaCha256Init (&ctx, (unsigned char*) pbKey, (unsigned char*) &cipherIV, 12); ChaCha256Encrypt (&ctx, pbData, cbData, pbData); ChaCha256Encrypt (&ctx, pbData2, cbData2, pbData2); #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER ChaCha256Encrypt (&ctx, pbData3, cbData3, pbData3); ChaCha256Encrypt (&ctx, pbData4, cbData4, pbData4); #endif FAST_ERASE64 (pbKey, sizeof(pbKey)); FAST_ERASE64 (&hashLow, 8); FAST_ERASE64 (&hashHigh, 8); FAST_ERASE64 (&hashSeed, 8); FAST_ERASE64 (&cipherIV, 8); burn (&ctx, sizeof (ctx)); } } uint64 VcGetEncryptionID (PCRYPTO_INFO pCryptoInfo) { return ((uint64) pCryptoInfo->ks) + ((uint64) pCryptoInfo->ks2) #ifndef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER + ((uint64) pCryptoInfo->master_keydata) + ((uint64) pCryptoInfo->k2) #endif ; } static void VcInternalProtectKeys (PCRYPTO_INFO pCryptoInfo, uint64 encID) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS_DRIVER VcProtectMemory (encID, pCryptoInfo->ks, MAX_EXPANDED_KEY, pCryptoInfo->ks2, MAX_EXPANDED_KEY); #else VcProtectMemory (encID, pCryptoInfo->ks, MAX_EXPANDED_KEY, pCryptoInfo->ks2, MAX_EXPANDED_KEY, pCryptoInfo->master_keydata, MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE, pCryptoInfo->k2, MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE); #endif } void VcProtectKeys (PCRYPTO_INFO pCryptoInfo, uint64 encID) { Dump ("VcProtectKeys BEGIN\n"); VcInternalProtectKeys (pCryptoInfo, encID); Dump ("VcProtectKeys END\n"); } void VcUnprotectKeys (PCRYPTO_INFO pCryptoInfo, uint64 encID) { Dump ("VcUnprotectKeys BEGIN\n"); VcInternalProtectKeys (pCryptoInfo, encID); Dump ("VcUnprotectKeys END\n"); } #endif #endif #if defined(_M_ARM64) || defined(__arm__) || defined (__arm64__) || defined (__aarch64__) /* dummy implementation that should never be called */ void aes_hw_cpu_decrypt(const byte* ks, byte* data) { ks = ks; data = data; } void aes_hw_cpu_decrypt_32_blocks(const byte* ks, byte* data) { ks = ks; data = data; } void aes_hw_cpu_encrypt(const byte* ks, byte* data) { ks = ks; data = data; } void aes_hw_cpu_encrypt_32_blocks(const byte* ks, byte* data) { ks = ks; data = data; } #endif