/* Legal Notice: Some portions of the source code contained in this file were derived from the source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2003-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0, also from the source code of Encryption for the Masses 2.02a, which is Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Paul Le Roux and which is governed by the 'License Agreement for Encryption for the Masses' Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2025 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #ifndef TC_HEADER_DLGCODE #define TC_HEADER_DLGCODE #include "Common.h" #include "Apidrvr.h" #include "Keyfiles.h" #include "Wipe.h" #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* IDs for dynamically generated GUI elements */ enum dynamic_gui_element_ids { IDPM_CHECK_FILESYS = 500001, IDPM_REPAIR_FILESYS, IDPM_OPEN_VOLUME, IDPM_SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT, IDPM_SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT, IDPM_ADD_TO_FAVORITES, IDPM_ADD_TO_SYSTEM_FAVORITES, IDM_SHOW_HIDE, IDM_HOMEPAGE_SYSTRAY, IDPM_COPY_VALUE_TO_CLIPBOARD }; enum { TC_TBXID_LEGAL_NOTICES, TC_TBXID_SYS_ENCRYPTION_PRETEST, TC_TBXID_SYS_ENC_RESCUE_DISK, TC_TBXID_DECOY_OS_INSTRUCTIONS, TC_TBXID_EXTRA_BOOT_PARTITION_REMOVAL_INSTRUCTIONS }; #define TC_APPLICATION_ID L"IDRIX.VeraCrypt" #define TC_MUTEX_NAME_SYSENC L"Global\\VeraCrypt System Encryption Wizard" #define TC_MUTEX_NAME_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC L"Global\\VeraCrypt In-Place Encryption Wizard" #define TC_MUTEX_NAME_APP_SETUP L"Global\\VeraCrypt Setup" #define TC_MUTEX_NAME_DRIVER_SETUP L"Global\\VeraCrypt Driver Setup" #define IDC_ABOUT 0x7fff /* ID for AboutBox on system menu in wm_user range */ #define EXCL_ACCESS_MAX_AUTO_RETRIES 500 #define EXCL_ACCESS_AUTO_RETRY_DELAY 10 #define UNMOUNT_MAX_AUTO_RETRIES 30 #define UNMOUNT_AUTO_RETRY_DELAY 50 // After the user receives the "Incorrect password" error this number of times in a row, we should automatically // try using the embedded header backup (if any). This ensures that the "Incorrect password" message is reported faster // initially (most such errors are really caused by supplying an incorrect password, not by header corruption). #define TC_TRY_HEADER_BAK_AFTER_NBR_WRONG_PWD_TRIES 2 #define MAX_MULTI_CHOICES 10 /* Maximum number of options for mutliple-choice dialog */ #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_CONFIGURATION L"Configuration.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_SYSTEM_ENCRYPTION L"System Encryption.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_DEFAULT_KEYFILES L"Default Keyfiles.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_HISTORY L"History.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_FAVORITE_VOLUMES L"Favorite Volumes.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_SYSTEM_FAVORITE_VOLUMES _T(TC_APP_NAME) L" System Favorite Volumes.xml" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC L"In-Place Encryption" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_WIPE L"In-Place Encryption Wipe Algo" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_POST_INSTALL_TASK_TUTORIAL L"Post-Install Task - Tutorial" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_POST_INSTALL_TASK_RELEASE_NOTES L"Post-Install Task - Release Notes" #define TC_APPD_FILENAME_POST_INSTALL_TASK_RESCUE_DISK L"Post-Install Task - Rescue Disk" #define VC_FILENAME_RENAMED_SUFFIX L"_old" /* customer service control code to build device list */ #define VC_SERVICE_CONTROL_BUILD_DEVICE_LIST 128 #ifndef USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI #define USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI 96 #endif #if (USER_DEFAULT_SCREEN_DPI != 96) # error Revision of GUI and graphics necessary, since everything assumes default screen DPI as 96 (note that 96 is the default on Windows 2000, XP, and Vista). #endif enum { TC_POST_INSTALL_CFG_REMOVE_ALL = 0, TC_POST_INSTALL_CFG_TUTORIAL, TC_POST_INSTALL_CFG_RELEASE_NOTES, TC_POST_INSTALL_CFG_RESCUE_DISK, }; extern char *LastDialogId; extern char *ConfigBuffer; extern wchar_t szHelpFile[TC_MAX_PATH]; extern wchar_t szHelpFile2[TC_MAX_PATH]; extern wchar_t SecurityTokenLibraryPath[TC_MAX_PATH]; extern char CmdTokenPin [TC_MAX_PATH]; extern HFONT hFixedDigitFont; extern HFONT hBoldFont; extern HFONT hTitleFont; extern HFONT hFixedFont; extern HFONT hUserFont; extern HFONT hUserUnderlineFont; extern HFONT hUserBoldFont; extern HFONT WindowTitleBarFont; extern int ScreenDPI; extern double DlgAspectRatio; extern HWND MainDlg; extern BOOL Silent; extern BOOL bHistory; extern BOOL bPreserveTimestamp; extern BOOL bShowDisconnectedNetworkDrives; extern BOOL bHideWaitingDialog; extern BOOL bCmdHideWaitingDialog; extern BOOL bCmdHideWaitingDialogValid; extern BOOL bUseSecureDesktop; extern volatile BOOL bSecureDesktopOngoing; extern TCHAR SecureDesktopName[65]; extern BOOL bUseLegacyMaxPasswordLength; extern BOOL bCmdUseSecureDesktop; extern BOOL bCmdUseSecureDesktopValid; extern BOOL bStartOnLogon; extern BOOL bMountDevicesOnLogon; extern BOOL bMountFavoritesOnLogon; extern int HiddenSectorDetectionStatus; extern wchar_t *lpszTitle; extern OSVersionEnum nCurrentOS; extern int CurrentOSMajor; extern int CurrentOSMinor; extern int CurrentOSServicePack; extern int CurrentOSBuildNumber; extern BOOL RemoteSession; extern HANDLE hDriver; extern HINSTANCE hInst; extern int SystemEncryptionStatus; extern WipeAlgorithmId nWipeMode; extern BOOL bSysPartitionSelected; extern BOOL bSysDriveSelected; extern wchar_t SysPartitionDevicePath [TC_MAX_PATH]; extern wchar_t SysDriveDevicePath [TC_MAX_PATH]; extern char bCachedSysDevicePathsValid; extern BOOL bHyperLinkBeingTracked; extern BOOL bInPlaceEncNonSysPending; extern BOOL PimEnable; extern BOOL KeyFilesEnable; extern KeyFile *FirstKeyFile; extern KeyFilesDlgParam defaultKeyFilesParam; extern BOOL UacElevated; extern BOOL IgnoreWmDeviceChange; extern BOOL DeviceChangeBroadcastDisabled; extern BOOL LastMountedVolumeDirty; extern BOOL MountVolumesAsSystemFavorite; extern BOOL FavoriteMountOnArrivalInProgress; extern BOOL MultipleMountOperationInProgress; extern BOOL EMVSupportEnabled; extern volatile BOOL NeedPeriodicDeviceListUpdate; extern BOOL DisablePeriodicDeviceListUpdate; extern BOOL EnableMemoryProtection; #ifndef SETUP extern BOOL bLanguageSetInSetup; #endif enum tc_app_msg_ids { /* WARNING: Changing these values or their meanings may cause incompatibility with other versions (for example, if a new version of the TrueCrypt installer needed to shut down this version of TrueCrypt during upgrade, it could fail or do something unwanted because the signal value would be incorrect). When adding a new constant, verify that the value is unique within this block and that it is less than WM_APP+16383. */ // Common (inter-app) TC_APPMSG_CLOSE_BKG_TASK = WM_APP + 4, // Changing this value will prevent smooth upgrades from pre-5.x versions TC_APPMSG_SYSENC_CONFIG_UPDATE = WM_APP + 101, TC_APPMSG_TASKBAR_ICON = WM_APP + 102, TC_APPMSG_LOAD_TEXT_BOX_CONTENT = WM_APP + 103, // Mount TC_APPMSG_MOUNT_ENABLE_DISABLE_CONTROLS = WM_APP + 201, TC_APPMSG_MOUNT_SHOW_WINDOW = WM_APP + 202, TC_APPMSG_PREBOOT_PASSWORD_MODE = WM_APP + 203, VC_APPMSG_CREATE_RESCUE_DISK = WM_APP + 204, // Format TC_APPMSG_VOL_TRANSFORM_THREAD_ENDED = WM_APP + 301, TC_APPMSG_FORMAT_FINISHED = WM_APP + 302, TC_APPMSG_FORMAT_USER_QUIT = WM_APP + 303, TC_APPMSG_PERFORM_POST_WMINIT_TASKS = WM_APP + 304, TC_APPMSG_PERFORM_POST_SYSENC_WMINIT_TASKS = WM_APP + 305, TC_APPMSG_NONSYS_INPLACE_ENC_FINISHED = WM_APP + 306, // Setup TC_APPMSG_INSTALL_SUCCESS = WM_APP + 401, TC_APPMSG_UNINSTALL_SUCCESS = WM_APP + 402, TC_APPMSG_EXTRACTION_SUCCESS = WM_APP + 403, TC_APPMSG_INSTALL_FAILURE = WM_APP + 404, TC_APPMSG_UNINSTALL_FAILURE = WM_APP + 405, TC_APPMSG_EXTRACTION_FAILURE = WM_APP + 406 }; enum system_encryption_status { /* WARNING: As these values are written to config files, if they or their meanings are changed, incompatiblity with other versions may arise (upgrade, downgrade, etc.). When adding a new constant, verify that the value is unique within this block. */ SYSENC_STATUS_NONE = 0, SYSENC_STATUS_PRETEST = 200, // This may also mean that the OS is to be (or has been) copied to a hidden volume (to create a hidden OS). SYSENC_STATUS_ENCRYPTING = 400, SYSENC_STATUS_DECRYPTING = 600 }; enum vol_creation_wizard_modes { WIZARD_MODE_FILE_CONTAINER = 0, WIZARD_MODE_NONSYS_DEVICE, WIZARD_MODE_SYS_DEVICE }; typedef struct { BOOL VolumeIsOpen; CRYPTO_INFO *CryptoInfo; BOOL IsDevice; HANDLE HostFileHandle; uint64 HostSize; BOOL TimestampsValid; FILETIME CreationTime; FILETIME LastWriteTime; FILETIME LastAccessTime; } OpenVolumeContext; typedef enum BitLockerEncryptionStatus { BL_Status_Unknown = 0, BL_Status_Unprotected, BL_Status_Protected } BitLockerEncryptionStatus; #ifndef CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_ENABLED #define CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_ENABLED 0x01 #define CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_TESTSIGN 0x02 typedef struct _SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION { ULONG Length; ULONG CodeIntegrityOptions; } SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION, *PSYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION; #endif #define SYSPARTITIONINFORMATION 0x62 #define SYSTEMCODEINTEGRITYINFORMATION 0x67 typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *NtQuerySystemInformationFn)( SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength ); #define DEFAULT_VOL_CREATION_WIZARD_MODE WIZARD_MODE_FILE_CONTAINER #define ICON_HAND MB_ICONHAND #define YES_NO MB_YESNO #define ISO_BURNER_TOOL L"isoburn.exe" #define PRINT_TOOL L"notepad.exe" #define WIN_10_1607_BUILD 14393 // Windows 10 version 1607 corresponds to build 14393 #define WIN_10_1809_BUILD 17763 // Windows 10 version 1809 corresponds to build 17763 void InitGlobalLocks (); void FinalizeGlobalLocks (); void cleanup ( void ); void LowerCaseCopy ( wchar_t *lpszDest , const wchar_t *lpszSource ); void UpperCaseCopy ( wchar_t *lpszDest , size_t cbDest, const wchar_t *lpszSource ); BOOL IsNullTerminateString (const wchar_t* str, size_t cbSize); void CreateFullVolumePath ( wchar_t *lpszDiskFile , size_t cbDiskFile, const wchar_t *lpszFileName , BOOL *bDevice ); int FakeDosNameForDevice ( const wchar_t *lpszDiskFile , wchar_t *lpszDosDevice , size_t cbDosDevice, wchar_t *lpszCFDevice , size_t cbCFDevice, BOOL bNameOnly ); int RemoveFakeDosName ( wchar_t *lpszDiskFile , wchar_t *lpszDosDevice ); void AbortProcessDirect ( wchar_t *abortMsg ); void AbortProcess ( char *stringId ); void AbortProcessSilent ( void ); void *err_malloc ( size_t size ); char *err_strdup ( char *lpszText ); DWORD handleWin32Error ( HWND hwndDlg, const char* srcPos ); BOOL IsDiskReadError (DWORD error); BOOL IsDiskWriteError (DWORD error); BOOL IsDiskError (DWORD error); BOOL translateWin32Error ( wchar_t *lpszMsgBuf , int nWSizeOfBuf ); BOOL CALLBACK AboutDlgProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); static BOOL CALLBACK StaticModelessWaitDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void DisplayStaticModelessWaitDlg (HWND parent); void CloseStaticModelessWaitDlg (void); BOOL IsButtonChecked ( HWND hButton ); void CheckButton ( HWND hButton ); void LeftPadString (wchar_t *szTmp, int len, int targetLen, wchar_t filler); void InitDialog ( HWND hwndDlg ); void ProcessPaintMessages (HWND hwnd, int maxMessagesToProcess); HDC CreateMemBitmap ( HINSTANCE hInstance , HWND hwnd , wchar_t *resource ); HBITMAP RenderBitmap ( wchar_t *resource , HWND hwndDest , int x , int y , int nWidth , int nHeight , BOOL bDirectRender , BOOL bKeepAspectRatio); LRESULT CALLBACK RedTick ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); BOOL RegisterRedTick ( HINSTANCE hInstance ); BOOL UnregisterRedTick ( HINSTANCE hInstance ); LRESULT CALLBACK SplashDlgProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); void WaitCursor ( void ); void NormalCursor ( void ); void ArrowWaitCursor ( void ); void HandCursor (); void AddComboPair (HWND hComboBox, const wchar_t *lpszItem, int value); void SelectAlgo ( HWND hComboBox , int *nCipher ); void PopulateWipeModeCombo (HWND hComboBox, BOOL bNA, BOOL bInPlaceEncryption, BOOL bHeaderWipe); HWND CreateToolTip(int toolID, HWND hDlg, const char* strID); wchar_t *GetWipeModeName (WipeAlgorithmId modeId); wchar_t *GetPathType (const wchar_t *path, BOOL bUpperCase, BOOL *bIsPartition); LRESULT CALLBACK CustomDlgProc ( HWND hwnd , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); BOOL TCCreateMutex (volatile HANDLE *hMutex, wchar_t *name); void TCCloseMutex (volatile HANDLE *hMutex); BOOL MutexExistsOnSystem (wchar_t *name); BOOL CreateSysEncMutex (void); BOOL InstanceHasSysEncMutex (void); void CloseSysEncMutex (void); BOOL CreateNonSysInplaceEncMutex (void); BOOL InstanceHasNonSysInplaceEncMutex (void); void CloseNonSysInplaceEncMutex (void); BOOL NonSysInplaceEncInProgressElsewhere (void); BOOL CreateDriverSetupMutex (void); void CloseDriverSetupMutex (void); BOOL CreateAppSetupMutex (void); BOOL InstanceHasAppSetupMutex (void); void CloseAppSetupMutex (void); BOOL IsTrueCryptInstallerRunning (void); uint32 ReadDriverConfigurationFlags (); uint32 ReadServiceConfigurationFlags (); uint32 ReadEncryptionThreadPoolFreeCpuCountLimit (); BOOL ReadMemoryProtectionConfig (); BOOL WriteMemoryProtectionConfig (BOOL bEnable); BOOL LoadSysEncSettings (); int LoadNonSysInPlaceEncSettings (WipeAlgorithmId *wipeAlgorithm); void RemoveNonSysInPlaceEncNotifications (void); void SavePostInstallTasksSettings (int command); void DoPostInstallTasks (HWND hwndDlg); void InitOSVersionInfo (); void InitApp ( HINSTANCE hInstance, wchar_t *lpszCommandLine ); void InitHelpFileName (void); BOOL OpenDevice (const wchar_t *lpszPath, OPEN_TEST_STRUCT *driver, BOOL detectFilesystem, BOOL computeVolumeID); void NotifyDriverOfPortableMode (void); int GetAvailableFixedDisks ( HWND hComboBox , char *lpszRootPath ); int GetAvailableRemovables ( HWND hComboBox , char *lpszRootPath ); int IsSystemDevicePath (const wchar_t *path, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL bReliableRequired); int IsNonSysPartitionOnSysDrive (const wchar_t *path); BOOL CALLBACK RawDevicesDlgProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT msg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); BOOL CALLBACK TextEditDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); INT_PTR TextInfoDialogBox (int nID); BOOL CALLBACK TextInfoDialogBoxDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); char * GetLegalNotices (); BOOL CALLBACK BenchmarkDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void UserEnrichRandomPool (HWND hwndDlg); BOOL CALLBACK KeyfileGeneratorDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK MultiChoiceDialogProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); int DriverAttach ( void ); BOOL CALLBACK CipherTestDialogProc ( HWND hwndDlg , UINT uMsg , WPARAM wParam , LPARAM lParam ); void ResetCipherTest ( HWND hwndDlg , int idTestCipher ); void ResetCurrentDirectory (); BOOL BrowseFiles (HWND hwndDlg, char *stringId, wchar_t *lpszFileName, BOOL keepHistory, BOOL saveMode); BOOL BrowseDirectories(HWND hwndDlg, char *lpszTitle, wchar_t *dirName, const wchar_t *initialDir); void handleError ( HWND hwndDlg , int code, const char* srcPos ); BOOL CheckFileStreamWriteErrors (HWND hwndDlg, FILE *file, const wchar_t *fileName); void LocalizeDialog ( HWND hwnd, char *stringId ); void OpenVolumeExplorerWindow (int driveNo); static BOOL CALLBACK CloseVolumeExplorerWindowsEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM driveNo); BOOL CloseVolumeExplorerWindows (HWND hwnd, int driveNo); BOOL UpdateDriveCustomLabel (int driveNo, wchar_t* effectiveLabel, BOOL bSetValue); BOOL CheckCapsLock (HWND hwnd, BOOL quiet); BOOL CheckFileExtension (wchar_t *fileName); void CorrectFileName (wchar_t* fileName); void CorrectURL (wchar_t* fileName); void IncreaseWrongPwdRetryCount (int count); void ResetWrongPwdRetryCount (void); BOOL WrongPwdRetryCountOverLimit (void); DWORD GetUsedLogicalDrives (void); int GetFirstAvailableDrive (); int GetLastAvailableDrive (); BOOL IsDriveAvailable (int driveNo); BOOL IsDeviceMounted (wchar_t *deviceName); int DriverUnmountVolume (HWND hwndDlg, int nDosDriveNo, BOOL forced); void BroadcastDeviceChange (WPARAM message, int nDosDriveNo, DWORD driveMap); int MountVolume (HWND hwndDlg, int driveNo, wchar_t *volumePath, Password *password, int pkcs5, int pim, BOOL cachePassword, BOOL cachePim, BOOL sharedAccess, const MountOptions* const mountOptions, BOOL quiet, BOOL bReportWrongPassword); BOOL UnmountVolume (HWND hwndDlg , int nDosDriveNo, BOOL forceUnmount); BOOL UnmountVolumeAfterFormatExCall (HWND hwndDlg, int nDosDriveNo); BOOL IsPasswordCacheEmpty (void); BOOL IsMountedVolumeID (BYTE volumeID[VOLUME_ID_SIZE]); BOOL IsMountedVolume (const wchar_t *volname); int GetMountedVolumeDriveNo (wchar_t *volname); BOOL IsAdmin (void); BOOL IsBuiltInAdmin (); BOOL IsUacSupported (); BOOL ResolveSymbolicLink (const wchar_t *symLinkName, PWSTR targetName, size_t cbTargetName); int GetDiskDeviceDriveLetter (PWSTR deviceName); int FileSystemAppearsEmpty (const wchar_t *devicePath); __int64 GetStatsFreeSpaceOnPartition (const wchar_t *devicePath, float *percent, __int64 *occupiedBytes, BOOL silent); __int64 GetDeviceSize (const wchar_t *devicePath); HANDLE DismountDrive (wchar_t *devName, wchar_t *devicePath); int64 FindString (const char *buf, const char *str, int64 bufLen, int64 strLen, int64 startOffset); BOOL FileExists (const wchar_t *filePathPtr); __int64 FindStringInFile (const wchar_t *filePath, const char *str, int strLen); BOOL TCCopyFile (wchar_t *sourceFileName, wchar_t *destinationFile); BOOL SaveBufferToFile (const char *inputBuffer, const wchar_t *destinationFile, DWORD inputLength, BOOL bAppend, BOOL bRenameIfFailed); typedef void (_cdecl *ProgressFn) ( HWND hwndDlg , const wchar_t *txt ); BOOL DecompressZipToDir (const unsigned char *inputBuffer, DWORD inputLength, const wchar_t *destinationFile, ProgressFn progressFnPtr, HWND hwndDlg); BOOL TCFlushFile (FILE *f); BOOL PrintHardCopyTextUTF16 (wchar_t *text, wchar_t *title, size_t byteLen); void GetSpeedString (unsigned __int64 speed, wchar_t *str, size_t cbStr); BOOL IsNonInstallMode (); BOOL DriverUnload (); LRESULT SetCheckBox (HWND hwndDlg, int dlgItem, BOOL state); BOOL GetCheckBox (HWND hwndDlg, int dlgItem); void SetListScrollHPos (HWND hList, int topMostVisibleItem); void ManageStartupSeq (void); void ManageStartupSeqWiz (BOOL bRemove, const wchar_t *arg); void CleanLastVisitedMRU (void); void ClearHistory (HWND hwndDlgItem); LRESULT ListItemAdd (HWND list, int index, const wchar_t *string); LRESULT ListSubItemSet (HWND list, int index, int subIndex, const wchar_t *string); BOOL GetMountList (MOUNT_LIST_STRUCT *list); int GetDriverRefCount (); void GetSizeString (unsigned __int64 size, wchar_t *str, size_t cbStr); __int64 GetFileSize64 (const wchar_t *path); BOOL LoadInt16 (const wchar_t *filePath, int *result, __int64 fileOffset); BOOL LoadInt32 (const wchar_t *filePath, unsigned __int32 *result, __int64 fileOffset); char *LoadFile (const wchar_t *fileName, DWORD *size); char *LoadFileBlock (const wchar_t *fileName, __int64 fileOffset, DWORD count); wchar_t *GetModPath (wchar_t *path, int maxSize); wchar_t *GetConfigPath (wchar_t *fileName); wchar_t *GetProgramConfigPath (wchar_t *fileName); wchar_t GetSystemDriveLetter (void); void OpenPageHelp (HWND hwndDlg, int nPage); void TaskBarIconDisplayBalloonTooltip (HWND hwnd, wchar_t *headline, wchar_t *text, BOOL warning); void InfoBalloon (char *headingStringId, char *textStringId, HWND hwnd); void InfoBalloonDirect (wchar_t *headingString, wchar_t *textString, HWND hwnd); void WarningBalloon (char *headingStringId, char *textStringId, HWND hwnd); void WarningBalloonDirect (wchar_t *headingString, wchar_t *textString, HWND hwnd); int Info (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int InfoTopMost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int InfoDirect (const wchar_t *msg, HWND hwnd); int Warning (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int WarningTopMost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int WarningDirect (const wchar_t *warnMsg, HWND hwnd); int Error (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int ErrorRetryCancel (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int ErrorDirect (const wchar_t *errMsg, HWND hwnd); int ErrorTopMost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskYesNo (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskYesNoString (const wchar_t *str, HWND hwnd); int AskYesNoTopmost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskNoYes (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskNoYesString (const wchar_t *string, HWND hwnd); int AskOkCancel (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnYesNo (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnYesNoString (const wchar_t *string, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnYesNoTopmost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnYesNoStringTopmost (const wchar_t *string, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnNoYes (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnNoYesString (const wchar_t *string, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnNoYesTopmost (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnOkCancel (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskWarnCancelOk (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskErrYesNo (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskErrNoYes (char *stringId, HWND hwnd); int AskMultiChoice (void *strings[], BOOL bBold, HWND hwnd); BOOL ConfigWriteBegin (); BOOL ConfigWriteEnd (HWND hwnd); BOOL ConfigWriteString (char *configKey, char *configValue); BOOL ConfigWriteStringW (char *configKey, wchar_t *configValue); BOOL ConfigWriteInt (char *configKey, int configValue); int ConfigReadInt (char *configKey, int defaultValue); char *ConfigReadString (char *configKey, char *defaultValue, char *str, int maxLen); void ConfigReadCompareInt(char *configKey, int defaultValue, int* pOutputValue, BOOL bOnlyCheckModified, BOOL* pbModified); void ConfigReadCompareString (char *configKey, char *defaultValue, char *str, int maxLen, BOOL bOnlyCheckModified, BOOL *pbModified); void RestoreDefaultKeyFilesParam (void); BOOL LoadDefaultKeyFilesParam (void); void Debug (char *format, ...); void DebugMsgBox (char *format, ...); BOOL IsOSAtLeast (OSVersionEnum reqMinOS); BOOL IsOSVersionAtLeast (OSVersionEnum reqMinOS, int reqMinServicePack); BOOL IsWin10BuildAtLeast(DWORD minBuild); BOOL IsSupportedOS (); BOOL Is64BitOs (); BOOL IsARM(); BOOL IsServerOS (); BOOL IsHiddenOSRunning (void); BOOL EnableWow64FsRedirection (BOOL enable); BOOL RestartComputer (BOOL bShutdown); void Applink (const char *dest); wchar_t *RelativePath2Absolute (wchar_t *szFileName); void HandleDriveNotReadyError (HWND hwnd); BOOL CALLBACK CloseTCWindowsEnum( HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK FindTCWindowEnum (HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam); BYTE *MapResource (wchar_t *resourceType, int resourceId, PDWORD size); void InconsistencyResolved (char *msg); void ReportUnexpectedState (const char *techInfo); void OpenOnlineHelp (); BOOL GetPartitionInfo (const wchar_t *deviceName, PPARTITION_INFORMATION rpartInfo); BOOL GetDeviceInfo (const wchar_t *deviceName, DISK_PARTITION_INFO_STRUCT *info); BOOL GetDriveGeometry (const wchar_t *deviceName, PDISK_GEOMETRY_EX diskGeometry); BOOL GetPhysicalDriveGeometry (int driveNumber, PDISK_GEOMETRY diskGeometry); BOOL IsVolumeDeviceHosted (const wchar_t *lpszDiskFile); int CompensateXDPI (int val); int CompensateYDPI (int val); int CompensateDPIFont (int val); int GetTextGfxWidth (HWND hwndDlgItem, const wchar_t *text, HFONT hFont); int GetTextGfxHeight (HWND hwndDlgItem, const wchar_t *text, HFONT hFont); BOOL ToHyperlink (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId); BOOL ToCustHyperlink (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId, HFONT hFont); void DisableCloseButton (HWND hwndDlg); void EnableCloseButton (HWND hwndDlg); void ToBootPwdField (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId); void ToNormalPwdField (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId); void AccommodateTextField (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId, BOOL bFirstUpdate, HFONT hFont); void AccommodateCheckBoxTextWidth (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId); void MakeControlsContiguous(HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrl1ID, UINT ctrl2ID); BOOL GetDriveLabel (int driveNo, wchar_t *label, int labelSize); BOOL GetSysDevicePaths (HWND hwndDlg); BOOL DoDriverInstall (HWND hwndDlg); int OpenVolume (OpenVolumeContext *context, const wchar_t *volumePath, Password *password, int pkcs5_prf, int pim, BOOL write, BOOL preserveTimestamps, BOOL useBackupHeader); void CloseVolume (OpenVolumeContext *context); int ReEncryptVolumeHeader (HWND hwndDlg, unsigned char *buffer, BOOL bBoot, CRYPTO_INFO *cryptoInfo, Password *password, int pim, BOOL wipeMode); BOOL IsPagingFileActive (BOOL checkNonWindowsPartitionsOnly); BOOL IsPagingFileWildcardActive (); BOOL DisablePagingFile (); BOOL CALLBACK SecurityTokenPasswordDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL CALLBACK SecurityTokenKeyfileDlgProc (HWND hwndDlg, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); BOOL InitSecurityTokenLibrary (HWND hwndDlg); BOOL FileHasReadOnlyAttribute (const wchar_t *path); BOOL IsFileOnReadOnlyFilesystem (const wchar_t *path); void CheckFilesystem (HWND hwndDlg, int driveNo, BOOL fixErrors); BOOL BufferContainsPattern (const uint8 *buffer, size_t bufferSize, const uint8 *pattern, size_t patternSize); BOOL BufferContainsString (const uint8 *buffer, size_t bufferSize, const char *str); BOOL BufferContainsWideString (const uint8 *buffer, size_t bufferSize, const wchar_t *str); int AskNonSysInPlaceEncryptionResume (HWND hwndDlg, BOOL* pbDecrypt); BOOL RemoveDeviceWriteProtection (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t *devicePath); void EnableElevatedCursorChange (HWND parent); BOOL DisableFileCompression (HANDLE file); BOOL VolumePathExists (const wchar_t *volumePath); BOOL IsWindowsIsoBurnerAvailable (); BOOL LaunchWindowsIsoBurner (HWND hwnd, const wchar_t *isoPath); BOOL IsApplicationInstalled (const wchar_t *appName); int GetPim (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId, int defaultPim); void SetPim (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlId, int pim); BOOL GetPassword (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlID, char* passValue, int bufSize, BOOL bLegacyPassword, BOOL bShowError); void SetPassword (HWND hwndDlg, UINT ctrlID, char* passValue); void HandleShowPasswordFieldAction (HWND hwndDlg, UINT checkBoxId, UINT edit1Id, UINT edit2Id); HKEY OpenDeviceClassRegKey (const GUID *deviceClassGuid); LSTATUS DeleteRegistryKey (HKEY, LPCTSTR); HIMAGELIST CreateImageList(int cx, int cy, UINT flags, int cInitial, int cGrow); int AddBitmapToImageList(HIMAGELIST himl, HBITMAP hbmImage, HBITMAP hbmMask); HRESULT VCStrDupW(LPCWSTR psz, LPWSTR *ppwsz); void ProcessEntropyEstimate (HWND hProgress, DWORD* pdwInitialValue, DWORD dwCounter, DWORD dwMaxLevel, DWORD* pdwEntropy); void AllowMessageInUIPI (UINT msg); BOOL IsRepeatedByteArray (uint8 value, const uint8* buffer, size_t bufferSize); BOOL TranslateVolumeID (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t* pathValue, size_t cchPathValue); BOOL CopyTextToClipboard (const wchar_t* txtValue); BOOL LaunchElevatedProcess (HWND hwndDlg, const wchar_t* szModPath, const wchar_t* args); BOOL GetFreeDriveLetter(WCHAR* pCh); BOOL SetPrivilege(LPTSTR szPrivilegeName, BOOL bEnable); BOOL IsPrivilegeEnabled (LPTSTR szPrivilegeName); BOOL DeleteDirectory (const wchar_t* szDirName); BOOL IsThreadInSecureDesktop(DWORD dwThreadID); INT_PTR SecureDesktopDialogBoxParam (HINSTANCE, LPCWSTR, HWND, DLGPROC, LPARAM); BOOL VerifyModuleSignature (const wchar_t* path); void GetInstallationPath (HWND hwndDlg, wchar_t* szInstallPath, DWORD cchSize, BOOL* pbInstallPathDetermined); BOOL GetSetupconfigLocation (wchar_t* path, DWORD cchSize); BOOL BufferHasPattern (const unsigned char* buffer, size_t bufferLen, const void* pattern, size_t patternLen); void ActivateProcessMitigations(); BOOL ActivateMemoryProtection(); void SafeOpenURL (LPCWSTR szUrl); BitLockerEncryptionStatus GetBitLockerEncryptionStatus(WCHAR driveLetter); BOOL IsTestSigningModeEnabled (); DWORD SendServiceNotification (DWORD dwNotificationCmd); DWORD FastResizeFile (const wchar_t* filePath, __int64 fileSize); #if !defined(SETUP) void GetAppRandomSeed (unsigned char* pbRandSeed, size_t cbRandSeed); #endif BOOL IsInternetConnected(); #if defined(SETUP) && !defined (PORTABLE) typedef struct _SECURITY_INFO_BACKUP { PSID pOrigOwner; PSID pOrigGroup; PACL pOrigDacl; PACL pOrigSacl; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pOrigSD; } SECURITY_INFO_BACKUP, * PSECURITY_INFO_BACKUP; typedef struct _PRIVILEGE_STATE { BOOL takeOwnership; BOOL backup; BOOL restore; } PRIVILEGE_STATE, * PPRIVILEGE_STATE; BOOL RestoreSecurityInfo(const wchar_t* filePath, PSECURITY_INFO_BACKUP pBackup); void FreeSecurityBackup(PSECURITY_INFO_BACKUP pBackup); BOOL SaveCurrentPrivilegeState(PPRIVILEGE_STATE state); BOOL RestorePrivilegeState(const PPRIVILEGE_STATE state); BOOL EnableRequiredSetupPrivileges(PPRIVILEGE_STATE currentState); BOOL ModifyFileSecurityPermissions(const wchar_t* filePath, PSECURITY_INFO_BACKUP pBackup); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #include #include typedef std::vector ByteArray; struct HostDevice { HostDevice () : Bootable (false), ContainsSystem (false), DynamicVolume (false), Floppy (false), IsPartition (false), IsVirtualPartition (false), HasUnencryptedFilesystem (false), Removable (false), Size (0), SystemNumber((uint32) -1), HasVolumeIDs (false) { ZeroMemory (VolumeIDs, sizeof (VolumeIDs)); } HostDevice (const HostDevice& device) : Bootable (device.Bootable), ContainsSystem (device.ContainsSystem), DynamicVolume (device.DynamicVolume), Floppy (device.Floppy), IsPartition (device.IsPartition), IsVirtualPartition (device.IsVirtualPartition), HasUnencryptedFilesystem (device.HasUnencryptedFilesystem), MountPoint (device.MountPoint), Name (device.Name), Path (device.Path), Removable (device.Removable), Size (device.Size), SystemNumber (device.SystemNumber), HasVolumeIDs (device.HasVolumeIDs), Partitions (device.Partitions) { memcpy (VolumeIDs, device.VolumeIDs, sizeof (VolumeIDs)); } ~HostDevice () {} HostDevice& operator= (const HostDevice& device) { if (this != &device) { Bootable = device.Bootable; ContainsSystem = device.ContainsSystem; DynamicVolume = device.DynamicVolume; Floppy = device.Floppy; IsPartition = device.IsPartition; IsVirtualPartition = device.IsVirtualPartition; HasUnencryptedFilesystem = device.HasUnencryptedFilesystem; MountPoint = device.MountPoint; Name = device.Name; Path = device.Path; Removable = device.Removable; Size = device.Size; SystemNumber = device.SystemNumber; HasVolumeIDs = device.HasVolumeIDs; Partitions = device.Partitions; memcpy (VolumeIDs, device.VolumeIDs, sizeof (VolumeIDs)); } return *this; } bool Bootable; bool ContainsSystem; bool DynamicVolume; bool Floppy; bool IsPartition; bool IsVirtualPartition; bool HasUnencryptedFilesystem; std::wstring MountPoint; std::wstring Name; std::wstring Path; bool Removable; uint64 Size; uint32 SystemNumber; BYTE VolumeIDs[TC_VOLUME_TYPE_COUNT][VOLUME_ID_SIZE]; bool HasVolumeIDs; std::vector Partitions; }; struct RawDevicesDlgParam { std::vector devices; wchar_t *pszFileName; }; BOOL SelectMultipleFiles (HWND hwndDlg, const char *stringId, BOOL keepHistory, std::vector& filesList); BOOL BrowseFilesInDir (HWND hwndDlg, char *stringId, wchar_t *initialDir, wchar_t *lpszFileName, BOOL keepHistory, BOOL saveMode, wchar_t *browseFilter, const wchar_t *initialFileName = NULL, const wchar_t *defaultExtension = NULL); std::wstring SingleStringToWide (const std::string &singleString); std::wstring Utf8StringToWide (const std::string &utf8String); std::string WideToUtf8String (const std::wstring &wideString); std::vector GetAvailableHostDevices (bool noDeviceProperties = false, bool singleList = false, bool noFloppy = true, bool detectUnencryptedFilesystems = false); std::wstring ToUpperCase (const std::wstring &str); std::wstring GetWrongPasswordErrorMessage (HWND hwndDlg); std::wstring GetWindowsEdition (); std::wstring FitPathInGfxWidth (HWND hwnd, HFONT hFont, LONG width, const std::wstring &path); std::wstring GetServiceConfigPath (const wchar_t *fileName, bool useLegacy); std::wstring VolumeGuidPathToDevicePath (std::wstring volumeGuidPath); std::wstring HarddiskVolumePathToPartitionPath (const std::wstring &harddiskVolumePath); std::wstring FindLatestFileOrDirectory (const std::wstring &directory, const wchar_t *namePattern, bool findDirectory, bool findFile); std::wstring GetUserFriendlyVersionString (int version); std::wstring IntToWideString (int val); std::wstring ArrayToHexWideString (const unsigned char* pbData, int cbData); bool HexWideStringToArray (const wchar_t* hexStr, std::vector& arr); std::wstring FindDeviceByVolumeID (const BYTE volumeID [VOLUME_ID_SIZE], BOOL bFromService); void RegisterDriverInf (bool registerFilter, const std::string& filter, const std::string& filterReg, HWND ParentWindow, HKEY regKey); std::wstring GetTempPathString (); void CorrectFileName (std::wstring& fileName); inline std::wstring AppendSrcPos (const wchar_t* msg, const char* srcPos) { return std::wstring (msg? msg : L"") + L"\n\nSource: " + SingleStringToWide (srcPos); } void UpdateMountableHostDeviceList (); INT_PTR TextEditDialogBox (BOOL readOnly, HWND parent, const WCHAR* Title, std::string& text); // Display a wait dialog while calling the provided callback with the given parameter typedef void (CALLBACK* WaitThreadProc)(void* pArg, HWND hWaitDlg); void BringToForeground(HWND hWnd); void ShowWaitDialog(HWND hwnd, BOOL bUseHwndAsParent, WaitThreadProc callback, void* pArg); // classes used to implement support for password drag-n-drop from KeePass Password Safe // Implementation based the following source code with many modifications to fix isses and add features // URL: https://www.codeguru.com/cpp/misc/misc/draganddrop/article.php/c349/Drag-And-Drop-between-Window-Controls.htm interface GenericDropTarget : public IDropTarget { public: GenericDropTarget(CLIPFORMAT* pFormats, size_t count); ~GenericDropTarget(); // basic IUnknown stuff HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void ** ppvObject); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE AddRef(void); ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE Release(void); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragEnter(struct IDataObject *,unsigned long,struct _POINTL,unsigned long *); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragOver(unsigned long,struct _POINTL,unsigned long *); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DragLeave(void); HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE Drop(struct IDataObject *,unsigned long,struct _POINTL,unsigned long *); // called by parents BOOL Register(HWND hWnd); void Revoke(); // call parent we have goodies virtual void GotDrop(CLIPFORMAT format); virtual DWORD GotDrag(void); virtual void GotLeave(void); virtual DWORD GotEnter(void); public: BYTE *m_Data; POINT m_DropPoint; DWORD m_KeyState; protected: HWND m_DropTargetWnd; std::vector m_SupportedFormat; volatile LONG m_dwRefCount; }; class PasswordEditDropTarget : public GenericDropTarget { public: PasswordEditDropTarget(); // called by child we have drop void GotDrop(CLIPFORMAT format); DWORD GotDrag(void); void GotLeave(void); DWORD GotEnter(void); }; BOOL GetHibernateStatus (BOOL& bHibernateEnabled, BOOL& bHiberbootEnabled); bool GetKbList (std::vector& kbList); bool OneOfKBsInstalled (const wchar_t* szKBs[], int count); #endif // __cplusplus #endif // TC_HEADER_DLGCODE