#include "EMVCard.h" #include "TLVParser.h" #include "SCardReader.h" #include "PCSCException.h" #include "Platform/Finally.h" #include "Platform/ForEach.h" #include <vector> #include <iostream> #include <algorithm> #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS) || defined(TC_PROTOTYPE) #include "Platform/SerializerFactory.h" #include "Platform/StringConverter.h" #include "Platform/SystemException.h" #else #include "Dictionary.h" #include "Language.h" #endif using namespace std; namespace VeraCrypt { #ifndef TC_WINDOWS wstring ArrayToHexWideString(const unsigned char * pbData, size_t cbData) { static const wchar_t* hexChar = L"0123456789ABCDEF"; wstring result; if (pbData) { for (size_t i = 0; i < cbData; i++) { result += hexChar[pbData[i] >> 4]; result += hexChar[pbData[i] & 0x0F]; } } return result; } #endif map<EMVCardType, vector<uint8>> InitializeSupportedAIDs() { map<EMVCardType, vector<uint8>> supportedAIDs; supportedAIDs.insert(std::make_pair(EMVCardType::AMEX, vector<uint8>(EMVCard::AMEX_AID, EMVCard::AMEX_AID + sizeof(EMVCard::AMEX_AID)))); supportedAIDs.insert(std::make_pair(EMVCardType::MASTERCARD, vector<uint8>(EMVCard::MASTERCARD_AID, EMVCard::MASTERCARD_AID + sizeof(EMVCard::MASTERCARD_AID)))); supportedAIDs.insert(std::make_pair(EMVCardType::VISA, vector<uint8>(EMVCard::VISA_AID, EMVCard::VISA_AID + sizeof(EMVCard::VISA_AID)))); return supportedAIDs; } const uint8 EMVCard::AMEX_AID[7] = {0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x25, 0x10}; const uint8 EMVCard::MASTERCARD_AID[7] = {0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x10, 0x10}; const uint8 EMVCard::VISA_AID[7] = {0xA0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x10, 0x10}; const map<EMVCardType, vector<uint8>> EMVCard::SUPPORTED_AIDS = InitializeSupportedAIDs(); EMVCard::EMVCard() : SCard(), m_lastPANDigits(L"") { } EMVCard::EMVCard(size_t slotId) : SCard(slotId), m_lastPANDigits(L"") { } EMVCard::~EMVCard() { Clear(); } EMVCard::EMVCard(const EMVCard& other) : SCard(other), m_aid(other.m_aid), m_supportedAids(other.m_supportedAids), m_iccCert(other.m_iccCert), m_issuerCert(other.m_issuerCert), m_cplcData(other.m_cplcData), m_lastPANDigits(other.m_lastPANDigits) { } EMVCard::EMVCard(EMVCard&& other) : SCard(other), m_aid(std::move(other.m_aid)), m_supportedAids(std::move(other.m_supportedAids)), m_iccCert(std::move(other.m_iccCert)), m_issuerCert(std::move(other.m_issuerCert)), m_cplcData(std::move(other.m_cplcData)), m_lastPANDigits(std::move(other.m_lastPANDigits)) { } EMVCard& EMVCard::operator = (const EMVCard& other) { if (this != &other) { SCard::operator=(other); m_aid = other.m_aid; m_supportedAids = other.m_supportedAids; m_iccCert = other.m_iccCert; m_issuerCert = other.m_issuerCert; m_cplcData = other.m_cplcData; m_lastPANDigits = other.m_lastPANDigits; } return *this; } EMVCard& EMVCard::operator = (EMVCard&& other) { if (this != &other) { SCard::operator=(other); m_reader = std::move(other.m_reader); m_aid = std::move(other.m_aid); m_supportedAids = std::move(other.m_supportedAids); m_iccCert = std::move(other.m_iccCert); m_issuerCert = std::move(other.m_issuerCert); m_cplcData = std::move(other.m_cplcData); m_lastPANDigits = std::move(other.m_lastPANDigits); } return *this; } void EMVCard::Clear(void) { m_aid.clear(); m_supportedAids.clear(); m_iccCert.clear(); m_issuerCert.clear(); m_cplcData.clear(); m_lastPANDigits.clear(); } vector<uint8> EMVCard::GetCardAID(bool forceContactless) { vector<vector<uint8>> supportedAIDs; vector<uint8> supportedAIDsPriorities; vector<pair<uint8, vector<uint8>>> supportedAIDsSorted; bool hasBeenReset = false; CommandAPDU command; ResponseAPDU response; vector<uint8> responseData; shared_ptr<TLVNode> rootNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> fciNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> dfNameNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> sfiNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> fciIssuerNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> templateNode; vector<shared_ptr<TLVNode>> pseDirectoryNodes; unsigned char sfi; bool usingContactless = false; vector<uint8> tokenAID; if (m_aid.size()) return m_aid; if (m_reader) { if (m_reader->IsCardPresent()) { m_reader->Connect(SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1, hasBeenReset, true); m_reader->BeginTransaction(); finally_do_arg (shared_ptr<SCardReader>, m_reader, { finally_arg->EndTransaction(); }); try { for (auto it = EMVCard::SUPPORTED_AIDS.begin(); it != EMVCard::SUPPORTED_AIDS.end(); it++) { command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, it->second, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR) { tokenAID = it->second; break; } } if (tokenAID.size()) { m_supportedAids.push_back(tokenAID); m_aid = tokenAID; } else { // The following code retrieves the supported AIDs from the card using PSE. // If the card supports more than one AID, the returned list is sorted using the AIDs priorities, // the first AID being the one with more priority. if (forceContactless) { usingContactless = true; command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, EMV_PSE2, 0, sizeof(EMV_PSE2), SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); } else { command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, EMV_PSE1, 0, sizeof(EMV_PSE1), SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() != SW_NO_ERROR) { // EMV_PSE2 not found, try EMV_PSE1 usingContactless = true; command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, EMV_PSE2, 0, sizeof(EMV_PSE2), SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); } } if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR && response.getData().size() > 0) { responseData = response.getData(); rootNode = TLVParser::TLV_Parse(responseData.data(), responseData.size()); fciNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(rootNode, EMV_FCI_TAG); if (fciNode && fciNode->Subs->size() >= 2) { if (usingContactless) { fciIssuerNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(fciNode, EMV_FCI_ISSUER_TAG); if (fciIssuerNode && fciIssuerNode->Subs->size() >= 1) { fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(fciIssuerNode, EMV_FCI_ISSUER_DISCRETIONARY_DATA_TAG); if (fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode && fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode->Subs->size() >= 1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode->Subs->size(); i++) { if (fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode->Subs->at(i)->Tag == EMV_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TAG) { pseDirectoryNodes.push_back(fciIssuerDiscretionaryDataNode->Subs->at(i)); } } } } } else { dfNameNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(fciNode, EMV_DFNAME_TAG); if (dfNameNode) { fciIssuerNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(fciNode, EMV_FCI_ISSUER_TAG); if (fciIssuerNode) { sfiNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(fciIssuerNode, EMV_SFI_TAG); if (sfiNode && sfiNode->Value->size() == 1) { sfi = sfiNode->Value->at(0); uint8 rec = 1; do { command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_READ_RECORD, rec++, (sfi << 3) | 4, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR && response.getData().size() > 0) { responseData = response.getData(); try { templateNode = TLVParser::TLV_Parse(responseData.data(), responseData.size()); if (templateNode && templateNode->Tag == EMV_TEMPLATE_TAG && templateNode->Subs->size() >= 1) { for (size_t i = 0; i < templateNode->Subs->size(); i++) { if (templateNode->Subs->at(i)->Tag == EMV_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_TAG) { pseDirectoryNodes.push_back(templateNode->Subs->at(i)); } } } } catch(TLVException) { continue; } } } while (response.getData().size() > 0); } } } } } } for (size_t i = 0; i < pseDirectoryNodes.size(); i++) { shared_ptr<TLVNode> aidNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> aidPriorityNode; aidNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(pseDirectoryNodes[i], EMV_AID_TAG); aidPriorityNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(pseDirectoryNodes[i], EMV_PRIORITY_TAG); if (aidNode && aidNode->Value->size() > 0 && aidPriorityNode && aidPriorityNode->Value->size() == 1) { supportedAIDs.push_back(*aidNode->Value.get()); supportedAIDsPriorities.push_back(aidNode->Value->at(0)); } } for(size_t i = 0; i < supportedAIDs.size(); i++) { supportedAIDsSorted.push_back(make_pair(supportedAIDsPriorities[i], supportedAIDs[i])); } std::sort(supportedAIDsSorted.begin(), supportedAIDsSorted.end()); for(size_t i = 0; i < supportedAIDs.size(); i++) { supportedAIDs[i] = supportedAIDsSorted[i].second; } if (supportedAIDs.size()) { m_supportedAids = supportedAIDs; tokenAID = supportedAIDs[0]; m_aid = tokenAID; } } } catch (...) { } } } return tokenAID; } void EMVCard::GetCardContent(vector<uint8>& iccCert, vector<uint8>& issuerCert, vector<uint8>& cplcData) { bool hasBeenReset = false; bool aidSelected = false; bool iccFound = false; bool issuerFound = false; bool cplcFound = false; vector<uint8> emvCardAid; shared_ptr<TLVNode> rootNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> iccPublicKeyCertNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> issuerPublicKeyCertNode; CommandAPDU command; ResponseAPDU response; vector<uint8> responseData; iccCert.clear(); issuerCert.clear(); cplcData.clear(); if (m_iccCert.size() && m_issuerCert.size() && m_cplcData.size()) { iccCert = m_iccCert; issuerCert = m_issuerCert; cplcData = m_cplcData; return; } emvCardAid = GetCardAID(); if (emvCardAid.size() == 0) { throw EMVUnknownCardType(); } if (m_reader) { if (m_reader->IsCardPresent()) { m_reader->Connect(SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1, hasBeenReset, true); m_reader->BeginTransaction(); finally_do_arg (shared_ptr<SCardReader>, m_reader, { finally_arg->EndTransaction(); }); // First get CPLC before selecting the AID of the card. command = CommandAPDU(0x80, INS_GET_DATA, (EMV_CPLC_TAG >> 8) & 0xFF, EMV_CPLC_TAG & 0xFF, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR && response.getData().size() > 0) { cplcFound = true; cplcData = response.getData(); // Then get the certs. command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, emvCardAid, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR) { aidSelected = true; // TODO: Send GET PROCESSING OPTIONS to get the AIL and AFL, // which will then be used to get the actual start and end of sfi and rec. for (uint8 sfi = 1; sfi < 32 && (!iccFound || !issuerFound); sfi++) { for (uint8 rec = 1; rec < 17 && (!iccFound || !issuerFound); rec++) { command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_READ_RECORD, rec, (sfi << 3) | 4, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR && response.getData().size() > 0) { responseData = response.getData(); try { rootNode = TLVParser::TLV_Parse(responseData.data(), responseData.size()); } catch(TLVException) { continue; } iccPublicKeyCertNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(rootNode, EMV_ICC_PK_CERT_TAG); if (iccPublicKeyCertNode && iccPublicKeyCertNode->Value->size() > 0) { iccFound = true; iccCert = *iccPublicKeyCertNode->Value.get(); } issuerPublicKeyCertNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(rootNode, EMV_ISS_PK_CERT_TAG); if (issuerPublicKeyCertNode && issuerPublicKeyCertNode->Value->size() > 0) { issuerFound = true; issuerCert = *issuerPublicKeyCertNode->Value.get(); } } } } } } } } if (!cplcFound) throw EMVCPLCNotFound(); if (!aidSelected) throw EMVSelectAIDFailed(); if (!iccFound) throw EMVIccCertNotFound(); if (!issuerFound) throw EMVIssuerCertNotFound(); m_iccCert = iccCert; m_issuerCert = issuerCert; m_cplcData = cplcData; } void EMVCard::GetCardPAN(wstring& lastPANDigits) { bool hasBeenReset = false; bool panFound = false; bool aidSelected = false; vector<uint8> EMVCardAid; vector<uint8> panData; shared_ptr<TLVNode> rootNode; shared_ptr<TLVNode> panNode; CommandAPDU command; ResponseAPDU response; vector<uint8> responseData; lastPANDigits = L""; if (m_lastPANDigits != L"") { lastPANDigits = m_lastPANDigits; return; } EMVCardAid = GetCardAID(); if (EMVCardAid.size() == 0) { throw EMVUnknownCardType(); } if (m_reader) { if (m_reader->IsCardPresent()) { m_reader->Connect(SCARD_PROTOCOL_T0 | SCARD_PROTOCOL_T1, hasBeenReset, true); m_reader->BeginTransaction(); finally_do_arg (shared_ptr<SCardReader>, m_reader, { finally_arg->EndTransaction(); }); command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_SELECT_FILE, 0x04, 0x00, EMVCardAid, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR) { aidSelected = true; // TODO: Send GET PROCESSING OPTIONS to get the AIL and AFL, // which will then be used to get the actual start and end of sfi and rec. for (uint8 sfi = 1; sfi < 32 && !panFound; sfi++) { for (uint8 rec = 1; rec < 17 && !panFound; rec++) { command = CommandAPDU(CLA_ISO7816, INS_READ_RECORD, rec, (sfi << 3) | 4, SCardReader::shortAPDUMaxTransSize); m_reader->ApduProcessData(command, response); if (response.getSW() == SW_NO_ERROR && response.getData().size() > 0) { responseData = response.getData(); try { rootNode = TLVParser::TLV_Parse(responseData.data(), responseData.size()); } catch(TLVException) { continue; } panNode = TLVParser::TLV_Find(rootNode, EMV_PAN_TAG); if (panNode && panNode->Value->size() >= 8) { panFound = true; panData = *panNode->Value.get(); panData = vector<uint8>(panData.rbegin(), panData.rbegin() + 2); // only interested in last digits std::swap(panData[0], panData[1]); lastPANDigits = ArrayToHexWideString(panData.data(), (int) panData.size()); } } } } } } } if (panData.size()) burn(panData.data(), panData.size()); if (!aidSelected) throw EMVSelectAIDFailed(); if (!panFound) throw EMVPANNotFound(); m_lastPANDigits = lastPANDigits; } }