 Copyright (c) 2004-2010 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.

 Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
 the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

BOOL ReadLocalMachineRegistryDword (char *subKey, char *name, DWORD *value);
BOOL ReadLocalMachineRegistryMultiString (char *subKey, char *name, char *value, DWORD *size);
BOOL ReadLocalMachineRegistryString (const char *subKey, char *name, char *value, DWORD *size);
BOOL ReadLocalMachineRegistryStringNonReflected (const char *subKey, char *name, char *str, DWORD *size);
int ReadRegistryInt (char *subKey, char *name, int defaultValue);
char *ReadRegistryString (char *subKey, char *name, char *defaultValue, char *str, int maxLen);
DWORD ReadRegistryBytes (char *path, char *name, char *value, int maxLen);
void WriteRegistryInt (char *subKey, char *name, int value);
BOOL WriteLocalMachineRegistryDword (char *subKey, char *name, DWORD value);
BOOL WriteLocalMachineRegistryDwordW (WCHAR *subKey, WCHAR *name, DWORD value);
BOOL WriteLocalMachineRegistryMultiString (char *subKey, char *name, char *multiString, DWORD size);
BOOL WriteLocalMachineRegistryString (char *subKey, char *name, char *str, BOOL expandable);
void WriteRegistryString (char *subKey, char *name, char *str);
BOOL WriteRegistryBytes (char *path, char *name, char *str, DWORD size);
BOOL DeleteLocalMachineRegistryKey (char *parentKey, char *subKeyToDelete);
void DeleteRegistryValue (char *subKey, char *name);
void GetStartupRegKeyName (char *regk, size_t cbRegk);

#ifdef  __cplusplus