/* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "Platform/Finally.h" #include "Platform/ForEach.h" #if !defined (TC_WINDOWS) || defined (TC_PROTOTYPE) # include "Platform/SerializerFactory.h" # include "Platform/StringConverter.h" # include "Platform/SystemException.h" #else # include "Dictionary.h" # include "Language.h" #endif #ifdef TC_UNIX # include #endif #include "SecurityToken.h" #ifndef burn # define burn Memory::Erase #endif using namespace std; namespace VeraCrypt { SecurityTokenKeyfile::SecurityTokenKeyfile (const SecurityTokenKeyfilePath &path) { wstring pathStr = path; unsigned long slotId; if (swscanf (pathStr.c_str(), TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_PREFIX TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_SLOT L"/%lu", &slotId) != 1) throw InvalidSecurityTokenKeyfilePath(); SlotId = slotId; size_t keyIdPos = pathStr.find (L"/" TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_FILE L"/"); if (keyIdPos == string::npos) throw InvalidSecurityTokenKeyfilePath(); Id = pathStr.substr (keyIdPos + wstring (L"/" TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_FILE L"/").size()); vector keyfiles = SecurityToken::GetAvailableKeyfiles (&SlotId, Id); if (keyfiles.empty()) throw SecurityTokenKeyfileNotFound(); *this = keyfiles.front(); } SecurityTokenKeyfile::operator SecurityTokenKeyfilePath () const { wstringstream path; path << TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_PREFIX TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_SLOT L"/" << SlotId << L"/" TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_FILE L"/" << Id; return path.str(); } void SecurityToken::CheckLibraryStatus () { if (!Initialized) throw SecurityTokenLibraryNotInitialized(); } void SecurityToken::CloseLibrary () { if (Initialized) { CloseAllSessions(); Pkcs11Functions->C_Finalize (NULL_PTR); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS FreeLibrary (Pkcs11LibraryHandle); #else dlclose (Pkcs11LibraryHandle); #endif Initialized = false; } } void SecurityToken::CloseAllSessions () throw () { if (!Initialized) return; typedef pair SessionMapPair; foreach (SessionMapPair p, Sessions) { try { CloseSession (p.first); } catch (...) { } } } void SecurityToken::CloseSession (CK_SLOT_ID slotId) { if (Sessions.find (slotId) == Sessions.end()) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); Pkcs11Functions->C_CloseSession (Sessions[slotId].Handle); Sessions.erase (Sessions.find (slotId)); } void SecurityToken::CreateKeyfile (CK_SLOT_ID slotId, vector &keyfileData, const string &name) { if (name.empty()) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); LoginUserIfRequired (slotId); foreach (const SecurityTokenKeyfile &keyfile, GetAvailableKeyfiles (&slotId)) { if (keyfile.IdUtf8 == name) throw SecurityTokenKeyfileAlreadyExists(); } CK_OBJECT_CLASS dataClass = CKO_DATA; CK_BBOOL trueVal = CK_TRUE; CK_ATTRIBUTE keyfileTemplate[] = { { CKA_CLASS, &dataClass, sizeof (dataClass) }, { CKA_TOKEN, &trueVal, sizeof (trueVal) }, { CKA_PRIVATE, &trueVal, sizeof (trueVal) }, { CKA_LABEL, (CK_UTF8CHAR *) name.c_str(), name.size() }, { CKA_VALUE, &keyfileData.front(), keyfileData.size() } }; CK_OBJECT_HANDLE keyfileHandle; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_CreateObject (Sessions[slotId].Handle, keyfileTemplate, array_capacity (keyfileTemplate), &keyfileHandle); switch (status) { case CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE: status = CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY; break; case CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY: status = CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED; break; } if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); // Some tokens report success even if the new object was truncated to fit in the available memory vector objectData; GetObjectAttribute (slotId, keyfileHandle, CKA_VALUE, objectData); finally_do_arg (vector *, &objectData, { if (!finally_arg->empty()) burn (&finally_arg->front(), finally_arg->size()); }); if (objectData.size() != keyfileData.size()) { Pkcs11Functions->C_DestroyObject (Sessions[slotId].Handle, keyfileHandle); throw Pkcs11Exception (CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY); } } void SecurityToken::DeleteKeyfile (const SecurityTokenKeyfile &keyfile) { LoginUserIfRequired (keyfile.SlotId); CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_DestroyObject (Sessions[keyfile.SlotId].Handle, keyfile.Handle); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); } vector SecurityToken::GetAvailableKeyfiles (CK_SLOT_ID *slotIdFilter, const wstring keyfileIdFilter) { bool unrecognizedTokenPresent = false; vector keyfiles; foreach (const CK_SLOT_ID &slotId, GetTokenSlots()) { SecurityTokenInfo token; if (slotIdFilter && *slotIdFilter != slotId) continue; try { LoginUserIfRequired (slotId); token = GetTokenInfo (slotId); } catch (UserAbort &) { continue; } catch (Pkcs11Exception &e) { if (e.GetErrorCode() == CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED) { unrecognizedTokenPresent = true; continue; } throw; } foreach (const CK_OBJECT_HANDLE &dataHandle, GetObjects (slotId, CKO_DATA)) { SecurityTokenKeyfile keyfile; keyfile.Handle = dataHandle; keyfile.SlotId = slotId; keyfile.Token = token; vector privateAttrib; GetObjectAttribute (slotId, dataHandle, CKA_PRIVATE, privateAttrib); if (privateAttrib.size() == sizeof (CK_BBOOL) && *(CK_BBOOL *) &privateAttrib.front() != CK_TRUE) continue; vector label; GetObjectAttribute (slotId, dataHandle, CKA_LABEL, label); label.push_back (0); keyfile.IdUtf8 = (char *) &label.front(); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS) && !defined (TC_PROTOTYPE) keyfile.Id = Utf8StringToWide ((const char *) &label.front()); #else keyfile.Id = StringConverter::ToWide ((const char *) &label.front()); #endif if (keyfile.Id.empty() || (!keyfileIdFilter.empty() && keyfileIdFilter != keyfile.Id)) continue; keyfiles.push_back (keyfile); if (!keyfileIdFilter.empty()) break; } } if (keyfiles.empty() && unrecognizedTokenPresent) throw Pkcs11Exception (CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED); return keyfiles; } list SecurityToken::GetAvailableTokens () { bool unrecognizedTokenPresent = false; list tokens; foreach (const CK_SLOT_ID &slotId, GetTokenSlots()) { try { tokens.push_back (GetTokenInfo (slotId)); } catch (Pkcs11Exception &e) { if (e.GetErrorCode() == CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED) { unrecognizedTokenPresent = true; continue; } throw; } } if (tokens.empty() && unrecognizedTokenPresent) throw Pkcs11Exception (CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED); return tokens; } SecurityTokenInfo SecurityToken::GetTokenInfo (CK_SLOT_ID slotId) { CK_TOKEN_INFO info; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetTokenInfo (slotId, &info); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); SecurityTokenInfo token; token.SlotId = slotId; token.Flags = info.flags; char label[sizeof (info.label) + 1]; memset (label, 0, sizeof (label)); memcpy (label, info.label, sizeof (info.label)); token.LabelUtf8 = label; size_t lastSpace = token.LabelUtf8.find_last_not_of (' '); if (lastSpace == string::npos) token.LabelUtf8.clear(); else token.LabelUtf8 = token.LabelUtf8.substr (0, lastSpace + 1); #if defined (TC_WINDOWS) && !defined (TC_PROTOTYPE) token.Label = Utf8StringToWide (token.LabelUtf8); #else token.Label = StringConverter::ToWide (token.LabelUtf8); #endif return token; } void SecurityToken::GetKeyfileData (const SecurityTokenKeyfile &keyfile, vector &keyfileData) { LoginUserIfRequired (keyfile.SlotId); GetObjectAttribute (keyfile.SlotId, keyfile.Handle, CKA_VALUE, keyfileData); } vector SecurityToken::GetObjects (CK_SLOT_ID slotId, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE objectClass) { if (Sessions.find (slotId) == Sessions.end()) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); CK_ATTRIBUTE findTemplate; findTemplate.type = CKA_CLASS; findTemplate.pValue = &objectClass; findTemplate.ulValueLen = sizeof (objectClass); CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_FindObjectsInit (Sessions[slotId].Handle, &findTemplate, 1); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); finally_do_arg (CK_SLOT_ID, slotId, { Pkcs11Functions->C_FindObjectsFinal (Sessions[finally_arg].Handle); }); CK_ULONG objectCount; vector objects; while (true) { CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_FindObjects (Sessions[slotId].Handle, &object, 1, &objectCount); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); if (objectCount != 1) break; objects.push_back (object); } return objects; } void SecurityToken::GetObjectAttribute (CK_SLOT_ID slotId, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE tokenObject, CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attributeType, vector &attributeValue) { attributeValue.clear(); if (Sessions.find (slotId) == Sessions.end()) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); CK_ATTRIBUTE attribute; attribute.type = attributeType; attribute.pValue = NULL_PTR; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetAttributeValue (Sessions[slotId].Handle, tokenObject, &attribute, 1); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); if (attribute.ulValueLen == 0) return; attributeValue = vector (attribute.ulValueLen); attribute.pValue = &attributeValue.front(); status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetAttributeValue (Sessions[slotId].Handle, tokenObject, &attribute, 1); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); } list SecurityToken::GetTokenSlots () { CheckLibraryStatus(); list slots; CK_ULONG slotCount; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetSlotList (TRUE, NULL_PTR, &slotCount); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); if (slotCount > 0) { vector slotArray (slotCount); status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetSlotList (TRUE, &slotArray.front(), &slotCount); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); for (size_t i = 0; i < slotCount; i++) { CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo; status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetSlotInfo (slotArray[i], &slotInfo); if (status != CKR_OK || !(slotInfo.flags & CKF_TOKEN_PRESENT)) continue; slots.push_back (slotArray[i]); } } return slots; } bool SecurityToken::IsKeyfilePathValid (const wstring &securityTokenKeyfilePath) { return securityTokenKeyfilePath.find (TC_SECURITY_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_PREFIX) == 0; } void SecurityToken::Login (CK_SLOT_ID slotId, const string &pin) { if (Sessions.find (slotId) == Sessions.end()) OpenSession (slotId); else if (Sessions[slotId].UserLoggedIn) return; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_Login (Sessions[slotId].Handle, CKU_USER, (CK_CHAR_PTR) pin.c_str(), pin.size()); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); Sessions[slotId].UserLoggedIn = true; } void SecurityToken::LoginUserIfRequired (CK_SLOT_ID slotId) { CheckLibraryStatus(); CK_RV status; if (Sessions.find (slotId) == Sessions.end()) { OpenSession (slotId); } else { CK_SESSION_INFO sessionInfo; status = Pkcs11Functions->C_GetSessionInfo (Sessions[slotId].Handle, &sessionInfo); if (status == CKR_OK) { Sessions[slotId].UserLoggedIn = (sessionInfo.state == CKS_RO_USER_FUNCTIONS || sessionInfo.state == CKS_RW_USER_FUNCTIONS); } else { try { CloseSession (slotId); } catch (...) { } OpenSession (slotId); } } SecurityTokenInfo tokenInfo = GetTokenInfo (slotId); while (!Sessions[slotId].UserLoggedIn && (tokenInfo.Flags & CKF_LOGIN_REQUIRED)) { try { if (tokenInfo.Flags & CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH) { status = Pkcs11Functions->C_Login (Sessions[slotId].Handle, CKU_USER, NULL_PTR, 0); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); } else { string pin = tokenInfo.LabelUtf8; if (tokenInfo.Label.empty()) { stringstream s; s << "#" << slotId; pin = s.str(); } finally_do_arg (string*, &pin, { burn ((void *) finally_arg->c_str(), finally_arg->size()); }); (*PinCallback) (pin); Login (slotId, pin); } Sessions[slotId].UserLoggedIn = true; } catch (Pkcs11Exception &e) { CK_RV error = e.GetErrorCode(); if (error == CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN) { break; } else if (error == CKR_PIN_INCORRECT && !(tokenInfo.Flags & CKF_PROTECTED_AUTHENTICATION_PATH)) { (*WarningCallback) (Pkcs11Exception (CKR_PIN_INCORRECT)); continue; } throw; } } } void SecurityToken::InitLibrary (const string &pkcs11LibraryPath, auto_ptr pinCallback, auto_ptr warningCallback) { if (Initialized) CloseLibrary(); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS Pkcs11LibraryHandle = LoadLibraryA (pkcs11LibraryPath.c_str()); #else Pkcs11LibraryHandle = dlopen (pkcs11LibraryPath.c_str(), RTLD_NOW | RTLD_LOCAL); #endif throw_sys_if (!Pkcs11LibraryHandle); typedef CK_RV (*C_GetFunctionList_t) (CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR_PTR ppFunctionList); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS C_GetFunctionList_t C_GetFunctionList = (C_GetFunctionList_t) GetProcAddress (Pkcs11LibraryHandle, "C_GetFunctionList"); #else C_GetFunctionList_t C_GetFunctionList = (C_GetFunctionList_t) dlsym (Pkcs11LibraryHandle, "C_GetFunctionList"); #endif if (!C_GetFunctionList) throw SecurityTokenLibraryNotInitialized(); CK_RV status = C_GetFunctionList (&Pkcs11Functions); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); status = Pkcs11Functions->C_Initialize (NULL_PTR); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); PinCallback = pinCallback; WarningCallback = warningCallback; Initialized = true; } void SecurityToken::OpenSession (CK_SLOT_ID slotId) { if (Sessions.find (slotId) != Sessions.end()) return; CK_SESSION_HANDLE session; CK_FLAGS flags = CKF_SERIAL_SESSION; if (!(GetTokenInfo (slotId).Flags & CKF_WRITE_PROTECTED)) flags |= CKF_RW_SESSION; CK_RV status = Pkcs11Functions->C_OpenSession (slotId, flags, NULL_PTR, NULL_PTR, &session); if (status != CKR_OK) throw Pkcs11Exception (status); Sessions[slotId].Handle = session; } Pkcs11Exception::operator string () const { if (ErrorCode == CKR_OK) return string(); static const struct { CK_RV ErrorCode; const char *ErrorString; } ErrorStrings[] = { # define TC_TOKEN_ERR(CODE) { CODE, #CODE }, TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_CANCEL) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_HOST_MEMORY) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SLOT_ID_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_GENERAL_ERROR) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_FUNCTION_FAILED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ARGUMENTS_BAD) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_NO_EVENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_NEED_TO_CREATE_THREADS) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_CANT_LOCK) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_READ_ONLY) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_SENSITIVE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DATA_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DATA_LEN_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DEVICE_ERROR) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DEVICE_MEMORY) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DEVICE_REMOVED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_ENCRYPTED_DATA_LEN_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_FUNCTION_CANCELED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_PARALLEL) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_FUNCTION_NOT_SUPPORTED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_SIZE_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_NOT_NEEDED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_CHANGED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_NEEDED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_INDIGESTIBLE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_FUNCTION_NOT_PERMITTED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_NOT_WRAPPABLE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_KEY_UNEXTRACTABLE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_MECHANISM_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_MECHANISM_PARAM_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_OBJECT_HANDLE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_OPERATION_NOT_INITIALIZED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_PIN_INCORRECT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_PIN_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_PIN_LEN_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_PIN_EXPIRED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_PIN_LOCKED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_CLOSED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_COUNT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_HANDLE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_PARALLEL_NOT_SUPPORTED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_EXISTS) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_READ_ONLY_EXISTS) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SESSION_READ_WRITE_SO_EXISTS) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SIGNATURE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SIGNATURE_LEN_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_TOKEN_NOT_RECOGNIZED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_TOKEN_WRITE_PROTECTED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_UNWRAPPING_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_NOT_LOGGED_IN) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_PIN_NOT_INITIALIZED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_TYPE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_ANOTHER_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_USER_TOO_MANY_TYPES) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_HANDLE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_SIZE_RANGE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_WRAPPING_KEY_TYPE_INCONSISTENT) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_RANDOM_SEED_NOT_SUPPORTED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_RANDOM_NO_RNG) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_DOMAIN_PARAMS_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_SAVED_STATE_INVALID) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_INFORMATION_SENSITIVE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_STATE_UNSAVEABLE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_CRYPTOKI_NOT_INITIALIZED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_CRYPTOKI_ALREADY_INITIALIZED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_MUTEX_BAD) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_MUTEX_NOT_LOCKED) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_NEW_PIN_MODE) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_NEXT_OTP) TC_TOKEN_ERR (CKR_FUNCTION_REJECTED) #undef TC_TOKEN_ERR }; for (size_t i = 0; i < array_capacity (ErrorStrings); ++i) { if (ErrorStrings[i].ErrorCode == ErrorCode) return ErrorStrings[i].ErrorString; } stringstream s; s << "0x" << hex << ErrorCode; return s.str(); } #ifdef TC_HEADER_Common_Exception void Pkcs11Exception::Show (HWND parent) const { string errorString = string (*this); if (!errorString.empty()) { wstringstream subjectErrorCode; if (SubjectErrorCodeValid) subjectErrorCode << L": " << SubjectErrorCode; if (!GetDictionaryValue (errorString.c_str())) { if (errorString.find ("CKR_") == 0) { errorString = errorString.substr (4); for (size_t i = 0; i < errorString.size(); ++i) { if (errorString[i] == '_') errorString[i] = ' '; } } wchar_t err[8192]; wsprintfW (err, L"%s:\n\n%hs%s", GetString ("SECURITY_TOKEN_ERROR"), errorString.c_str(), subjectErrorCode.str().c_str()); ErrorDirect (err); } else { wstring err = GetString (errorString.c_str()); if (SubjectErrorCodeValid) err += L"\n\nError code" + subjectErrorCode.str(); ErrorDirect (err.c_str()); } } } #endif // TC_HEADER_Common_Exception auto_ptr SecurityToken::PinCallback; auto_ptr SecurityToken::WarningCallback; bool SecurityToken::Initialized; CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR SecurityToken::Pkcs11Functions; map SecurityToken::Sessions; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS HMODULE SecurityToken::Pkcs11LibraryHandle; #else void *SecurityToken::Pkcs11LibraryHandle; #endif #ifdef TC_HEADER_Platform_Exception void Pkcs11Exception::Deserialize (shared_ptr stream) { Exception::Deserialize (stream); Serializer sr (stream); uint64 code; sr.Deserialize ("ErrorCode", code); sr.Deserialize ("SubjectErrorCodeValid", SubjectErrorCodeValid); sr.Deserialize ("SubjectErrorCode", SubjectErrorCode); ErrorCode = (CK_RV) code; } void Pkcs11Exception::Serialize (shared_ptr stream) const { Exception::Serialize (stream); Serializer sr (stream); sr.Serialize ("ErrorCode", (uint64) ErrorCode); sr.Serialize ("SubjectErrorCodeValid", SubjectErrorCodeValid); sr.Serialize ("SubjectErrorCode", SubjectErrorCode); } # define TC_EXCEPTION(TYPE) TC_SERIALIZER_FACTORY_ADD(TYPE) # undef TC_EXCEPTION_NODECL # define TC_EXCEPTION_NODECL(TYPE) TC_SERIALIZER_FACTORY_ADD(TYPE) TC_SERIALIZER_FACTORY_ADD_EXCEPTION_SET (SecurityTokenException); #endif } ions from the cable connecting the keyboard with the computer can reveal passwords you type. It is beyond the scope of this document to list all of the kinds of such attacks (sometimes called TEMPEST attacks) and all known ways to prevent them (such as shielding or radio jamming). It is your responsibility to prevent such attacks. If you do not, VeraCrypt may become unable to secure data on the computer.</div> <p><br style="text-align:left"> </p> <hr align="left" size="1" width="189" style="text-align:left; height:0px; border-width:0px 1px 1px; border-style:solid; border-color:#000000"> <p><span style="text-align:left; font-size:10px; line-height:12px">* In this section (<em style="text-align:left">Physical Security</em>), the phrase &quot;data on the computer&quot; means data on internal and external storage devices/media (including removable devices and network drives) connected to the computer.</span></p> </div><div class="ClearBoth"></div></body></html>