/* LzFind.c -- Match finder for LZ algorithms 2021-11-29 : Igor Pavlov : Public domain */ #include "Precomp.h" #include // #include #include "CpuArch.h" #include "LzFind.h" #include "LzHash.h" #define kBlockMoveAlign (1 << 7) // alignment for memmove() #define kBlockSizeAlign (1 << 16) // alignment for block allocation #define kBlockSizeReserveMin (1 << 24) // it's 1/256 from 4 GB dictinary #define kEmptyHashValue 0 #define kMaxValForNormalize ((UInt32)0) // #define kMaxValForNormalize ((UInt32)(1 << 20) + 0xFFF) // for debug // #define kNormalizeAlign (1 << 7) // alignment for speculated accesses #define GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p) \ Inline_MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes(p) // #define kFix5HashSize (kHash2Size + kHash3Size + kHash4Size) #define kFix5HashSize kFix4HashSize /* HASH2_CALC: if (hv) match, then cur[0] and cur[1] also match */ #define HASH2_CALC hv = GetUi16(cur); // (crc[0 ... 255] & 0xFF) provides one-to-one correspondence to [0 ... 255] /* HASH3_CALC: if (cur[0]) and (h2) match, then cur[1] also match if (cur[0]) and (hv) match, then cur[1] and cur[2] also match */ #define HASH3_CALC { \ UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h2 = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ hv = (temp ^ ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8)) & p->hashMask; } #define HASH4_CALC { \ UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h2 = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ temp ^= ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8); \ h3 = temp & (kHash3Size - 1); \ hv = (temp ^ (p->crc[cur[3]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1)) & p->hashMask; } #define HASH5_CALC { \ UInt32 temp = p->crc[cur[0]] ^ cur[1]; \ h2 = temp & (kHash2Size - 1); \ temp ^= ((UInt32)cur[2] << 8); \ h3 = temp & (kHash3Size - 1); \ temp ^= (p->crc[cur[3]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_1); \ /* h4 = temp & p->hash4Mask; */ /* (kHash4Size - 1); */ \ hv = (temp ^ (p->crc[cur[4]] << kLzHash_CrcShift_2)) & p->hashMask; } #define HASH_ZIP_CALC hv = ((cur[2] | ((UInt32)cur[0] << 8)) ^ p->crc[cur[1]]) & 0xFFFF; static void LzInWindow_Free(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { if (!p->directInput) { ISzAlloc_Free(alloc, p->bufferBase); p->bufferBase = NULL; } } static int LzInWindow_Create2(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 blockSize, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { if (blockSize == 0) return 0; if (!p->bufferBase || p->blockSize != blockSize) { // size_t blockSizeT; LzInWindow_Free(p, alloc); p->blockSize = blockSize; // blockSizeT = blockSize; // printf("\nblockSize = 0x%x\n", blockSize); /* #if defined _WIN64 // we can allocate 4GiB, but still use UInt32 for (p->blockSize) // we use UInt32 type for (p->blockSize), because // we don't want to wrap over 4 GiB, // when we use (p->streamPos - p->pos) that is UInt32. if (blockSize >= (UInt32)0 - (UInt32)kBlockSizeAlign) { blockSizeT = ((size_t)1 << 32); printf("\nchanged to blockSizeT = 4GiB\n"); } #endif */ p->bufferBase = (Byte *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(alloc, blockSize); // printf("\nbufferBase = %p\n", p->bufferBase); // return 0; // for debug } return (p->bufferBase != NULL); } static const Byte *MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos(CMatchFinder *p) { return p->buffer; } static UInt32 MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes(CMatchFinder *p) { return GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p); } MY_NO_INLINE static void MatchFinder_ReadBlock(CMatchFinder *p) { if (p->streamEndWasReached || p->result != SZ_OK) return; /* We use (p->streamPos - p->pos) value. (p->streamPos < p->pos) is allowed. */ if (p->directInput) { UInt32 curSize = 0xFFFFFFFF - GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p); if (curSize > p->directInputRem) curSize = (UInt32)p->directInputRem; p->directInputRem -= curSize; p->streamPos += curSize; if (p->directInputRem == 0) p->streamEndWasReached = 1; return; } for (;;) { Byte *dest = p->buffer + GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p); size_t size = (size_t)(p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - dest); if (size == 0) { /* we call ReadBlock() after NeedMove() and MoveBlock(). NeedMove() and MoveBlock() povide more than (keepSizeAfter) to the end of (blockSize). So we don't execute this branch in normal code flow. We can go here, if we will call ReadBlock() before NeedMove(), MoveBlock(). */ // p->result = SZ_ERROR_FAIL; // we can show error here return; } // #define kRead 3 // if (size > kRead) size = kRead; // for debug p->result = ISeqInStream_Read(p->stream, dest, &size); if (p->result != SZ_OK) return; if (size == 0) { p->streamEndWasReached = 1; return; } p->streamPos += (UInt32)size; if (GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p) > p->keepSizeAfter) return; /* here and in another (p->keepSizeAfter) checks we keep on 1 byte more than was requested by Create() function (GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p) >= p->keepSizeAfter) - minimal required size */ } // on exit: (p->result != SZ_OK || p->streamEndWasReached || GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p) > p->keepSizeAfter) } MY_NO_INLINE void MatchFinder_MoveBlock(CMatchFinder *p) { const size_t offset = (size_t)(p->buffer - p->bufferBase) - p->keepSizeBefore; const size_t keepBefore = (offset & (kBlockMoveAlign - 1)) + p->keepSizeBefore; p->buffer = p->bufferBase + keepBefore; memmove(p->bufferBase, p->bufferBase + (offset & ~((size_t)kBlockMoveAlign - 1)), keepBefore + (size_t)GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p)); } /* We call MoveBlock() before ReadBlock(). So MoveBlock() can be wasteful operation, if the whole input data can fit in current block even without calling MoveBlock(). in important case where (dataSize <= historySize) condition (p->blockSize > dataSize + p->keepSizeAfter) is met So there is no MoveBlock() in that case case. */ int MatchFinder_NeedMove(CMatchFinder *p) { if (p->directInput) return 0; if (p->streamEndWasReached || p->result != SZ_OK) return 0; return ((size_t)(p->bufferBase + p->blockSize - p->buffer) <= p->keepSizeAfter); } void MatchFinder_ReadIfRequired(CMatchFinder *p) { if (p->keepSizeAfter >= GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p)) MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); } static void MatchFinder_SetDefaultSettings(CMatchFinder *p) { p->cutValue = 32; p->btMode = 1; p->numHashBytes = 4; p->bigHash = 0; } #define kCrcPoly 0xEDB88320 void MatchFinder_Construct(CMatchFinder *p) { unsigned i; p->bufferBase = NULL; p->directInput = 0; p->hash = NULL; p->expectedDataSize = (UInt64)(Int64)-1; MatchFinder_SetDefaultSettings(p); for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { UInt32 r = (UInt32)i; unsigned j; for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) r = (r >> 1) ^ (kCrcPoly & ((UInt32)0 - (r & 1))); p->crc[i] = r; } } static void MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { ISzAlloc_Free(alloc, p->hash); p->hash = NULL; } void MatchFinder_Free(CMatchFinder *p, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(p, alloc); LzInWindow_Free(p, alloc); } static CLzRef* AllocRefs(size_t num, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { size_t sizeInBytes = (size_t)num * sizeof(CLzRef); if (sizeInBytes / sizeof(CLzRef) != num) return NULL; return (CLzRef *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(alloc, sizeInBytes); } #if (kBlockSizeReserveMin < kBlockSizeAlign * 2) #error Stop_Compiling_Bad_Reserve #endif static UInt32 GetBlockSize(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 historySize) { UInt32 blockSize = (p->keepSizeBefore + p->keepSizeAfter); /* if (historySize > kMaxHistorySize) return 0; */ // printf("\nhistorySize == 0x%x\n", historySize); if (p->keepSizeBefore < historySize || blockSize < p->keepSizeBefore) // if 32-bit overflow return 0; { const UInt32 kBlockSizeMax = (UInt32)0 - (UInt32)kBlockSizeAlign; const UInt32 rem = kBlockSizeMax - blockSize; const UInt32 reserve = (blockSize >> (blockSize < ((UInt32)1 << 30) ? 1 : 2)) + (1 << 12) + kBlockMoveAlign + kBlockSizeAlign; // do not overflow 32-bit here if (blockSize >= kBlockSizeMax || rem < kBlockSizeReserveMin) // we reject settings that will be slow return 0; if (reserve >= rem) blockSize = kBlockSizeMax; else { blockSize += reserve; blockSize &= ~(UInt32)(kBlockSizeAlign - 1); } } // printf("\n LzFind_blockSize = %x\n", blockSize); // printf("\n LzFind_blockSize = %d\n", blockSize >> 20); return blockSize; } int MatchFinder_Create(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 historySize, UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { /* we need one additional byte in (p->keepSizeBefore), since we use MoveBlock() after (p->pos++) and before dictionary using */ // keepAddBufferBefore = (UInt32)0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << 22); // for debug p->keepSizeBefore = historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + 1; keepAddBufferAfter += matchMaxLen; /* we need (p->keepSizeAfter >= p->numHashBytes) */ if (keepAddBufferAfter < p->numHashBytes) keepAddBufferAfter = p->numHashBytes; // keepAddBufferAfter -= 2; // for debug p->keepSizeAfter = keepAddBufferAfter; if (p->directInput) p->blockSize = 0; if (p->directInput || LzInWindow_Create2(p, GetBlockSize(p, historySize), alloc)) { const UInt32 newCyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1; // do not change it UInt32 hs; p->matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen; { // UInt32 hs4; p->fixedHashSize = 0; hs = (1 << 16) - 1; if (p->numHashBytes != 2) { hs = historySize; if (hs > p->expectedDataSize) hs = (UInt32)p->expectedDataSize; if (hs != 0) hs--; hs |= (hs >> 1); hs |= (hs >> 2); hs |= (hs >> 4); hs |= (hs >> 8); // we propagated 16 bits in (hs). Low 16 bits must be set later hs >>= 1; if (hs >= (1 << 24)) { if (p->numHashBytes == 3) hs = (1 << 24) - 1; else hs >>= 1; /* if (bigHash) mode, GetHeads4b() in LzFindMt.c needs (hs >= ((1 << 24) - 1))) */ } // hs = ((UInt32)1 << 25) - 1; // for test // (hash_size >= (1 << 16)) : Required for (numHashBytes > 2) hs |= (1 << 16) - 1; /* don't change it! */ // bt5: we adjust the size with recommended minimum size if (p->numHashBytes >= 5) hs |= (256 << kLzHash_CrcShift_2) - 1; } p->hashMask = hs; hs++; /* hs4 = (1 << 20); if (hs4 > hs) hs4 = hs; // hs4 = (1 << 16); // for test p->hash4Mask = hs4 - 1; */ if (p->numHashBytes > 2) p->fixedHashSize += kHash2Size; if (p->numHashBytes > 3) p->fixedHashSize += kHash3Size; // if (p->numHashBytes > 4) p->fixedHashSize += hs4; // kHash4Size; hs += p->fixedHashSize; } { size_t newSize; size_t numSons; p->historySize = historySize; p->hashSizeSum = hs; p->cyclicBufferSize = newCyclicBufferSize; // it must be = (historySize + 1) numSons = newCyclicBufferSize; if (p->btMode) numSons <<= 1; newSize = hs + numSons; // aligned size is not required here, but it can be better for some loops #define NUM_REFS_ALIGN_MASK 0xF newSize = (newSize + NUM_REFS_ALIGN_MASK) & ~(size_t)NUM_REFS_ALIGN_MASK; if (p->hash && p->numRefs == newSize) return 1; MatchFinder_FreeThisClassMemory(p, alloc); p->numRefs = newSize; p->hash = AllocRefs(newSize, alloc); if (p->hash) { p->son = p->hash + p->hashSizeSum; return 1; } } } MatchFinder_Free(p, alloc); return 0; } static void MatchFinder_SetLimits(CMatchFinder *p) { UInt32 k; UInt32 n = kMaxValForNormalize - p->pos; if (n == 0) n = (UInt32)(Int32)-1; // we allow (pos == 0) at start even with (kMaxValForNormalize == 0) k = p->cyclicBufferSize - p->cyclicBufferPos; if (k < n) n = k; k = GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p); { const UInt32 ksa = p->keepSizeAfter; UInt32 mm = p->matchMaxLen; if (k > ksa) k -= ksa; // we must limit exactly to keepSizeAfter for ReadBlock else if (k >= mm) { // the limitation for (p->lenLimit) update k -= mm; // optimization : to reduce the number of checks k++; // k = 1; // non-optimized version : for debug } else { mm = k; if (k != 0) k = 1; } p->lenLimit = mm; } if (k < n) n = k; p->posLimit = p->pos + n; } void MatchFinder_Init_LowHash(CMatchFinder *p) { size_t i; CLzRef *items = p->hash; const size_t numItems = p->fixedHashSize; for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) items[i] = kEmptyHashValue; } void MatchFinder_Init_HighHash(CMatchFinder *p) { size_t i; CLzRef *items = p->hash + p->fixedHashSize; const size_t numItems = (size_t)p->hashMask + 1; for (i = 0; i < numItems; i++) items[i] = kEmptyHashValue; } void MatchFinder_Init_4(CMatchFinder *p) { p->buffer = p->bufferBase; { /* kEmptyHashValue = 0 (Zero) is used in hash tables as NO-VALUE marker. the code in CMatchFinderMt expects (pos = 1) */ p->pos = p->streamPos = 1; // it's smallest optimal value. do not change it // 0; // for debug } p->result = SZ_OK; p->streamEndWasReached = 0; } // (CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET == 0) is expected by some optimized code #define CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET 0 // #define CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET 1 // for debug void MatchFinder_Init(CMatchFinder *p) { MatchFinder_Init_HighHash(p); MatchFinder_Init_LowHash(p); MatchFinder_Init_4(p); // if (readData) MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); /* if we init (cyclicBufferPos = pos), then we can use one variable instead of both (cyclicBufferPos) and (pos) : only before (cyclicBufferPos) wrapping */ p->cyclicBufferPos = (p->pos - CYC_TO_POS_OFFSET); // init with relation to (pos) // p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; // smallest value // p->son[0] = p->son[1] = 0; // unused: we can init skipped record for speculated accesses. MatchFinder_SetLimits(p); } #ifdef MY_CPU_X86_OR_AMD64 #if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 8) \ || defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 8) \ || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER >= 1900) #define USE_SATUR_SUB_128 #define USE_AVX2 #define ATTRIB_SSE41 __attribute__((__target__("sse4.1"))) #define ATTRIB_AVX2 __attribute__((__target__("avx2"))) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #if (_MSC_VER >= 1600) #define USE_SATUR_SUB_128 #if (_MSC_VER >= 1900) #define USE_AVX2 #include // avx #endif #endif #endif // #elif defined(MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64) #elif defined(MY_CPU_ARM64) #if defined(__clang__) && (__clang_major__ >= 8) \ || defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 8) #define USE_SATUR_SUB_128 #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM64 // #define ATTRIB_SSE41 __attribute__((__target__(""))) #else // #define ATTRIB_SSE41 __attribute__((__target__("fpu=crypto-neon-fp-armv8"))) #endif #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #if (_MSC_VER >= 1910) #define USE_SATUR_SUB_128 #endif #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(MY_CPU_ARM64) #include #else #include #endif #endif /* #ifndef ATTRIB_SSE41 #define ATTRIB_SSE41 #endif #ifndef ATTRIB_AVX2 #define ATTRIB_AVX2 #endif */ #ifdef USE_SATUR_SUB_128 // #define _SHOW_HW_STATUS #ifdef _SHOW_HW_STATUS #include #define _PRF(x) x _PRF(;) #else #define _PRF(x) #endif #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64 #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM64 // #define FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 #endif typedef uint32x4_t v128; #define SASUB_128(i) \ *(v128 *)(void *)(items + (i) * 4) = \ vsubq_u32(vmaxq_u32(*(const v128 *)(const void *)(items + (i) * 4), sub2), sub2); #else #include // sse4.1 typedef __m128i v128; #define SASUB_128(i) \ *(v128 *)(void *)(items + (i) * 4) = \ _mm_sub_epi32(_mm_max_epu32(*(const v128 *)(const void *)(items + (i) * 4), sub2), sub2); // SSE 4.1 #endif MY_NO_INLINE static #ifdef ATTRIB_SSE41 ATTRIB_SSE41 #endif void MY_FAST_CALL LzFind_SaturSub_128(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, const CLzRef *lim) { v128 sub2 = #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64 vdupq_n_u32(subValue); #else _mm_set_epi32((Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue); #endif do { SASUB_128(0) SASUB_128(1) SASUB_128(2) SASUB_128(3) items += 4 * 4; } while (items != lim); } #ifdef USE_AVX2 #include // avx #define SASUB_256(i) *(__m256i *)(void *)(items + (i) * 8) = _mm256_sub_epi32(_mm256_max_epu32(*(const __m256i *)(const void *)(items + (i) * 8), sub2), sub2); // AVX2 MY_NO_INLINE static #ifdef ATTRIB_AVX2 ATTRIB_AVX2 #endif void MY_FAST_CALL LzFind_SaturSub_256(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, const CLzRef *lim) { __m256i sub2 = _mm256_set_epi32( (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue, (Int32)subValue); do { SASUB_256(0) SASUB_256(1) items += 2 * 8; } while (items != lim); } #endif // USE_AVX2 #ifndef FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 typedef void (MY_FAST_CALL *LZFIND_SATUR_SUB_CODE_FUNC)( UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, const CLzRef *lim); static LZFIND_SATUR_SUB_CODE_FUNC g_LzFind_SaturSub; #endif // FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 #endif // USE_SATUR_SUB_128 // kEmptyHashValue must be zero // #define SASUB_32(i) v = items[i]; m = v - subValue; if (v < subValue) m = kEmptyHashValue; items[i] = m; #define SASUB_32(i) v = items[i]; if (v < subValue) v = subValue; items[i] = v - subValue; #ifdef FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 #define DEFAULT_SaturSub LzFind_SaturSub_128 #else #define DEFAULT_SaturSub LzFind_SaturSub_32 MY_NO_INLINE static void MY_FAST_CALL LzFind_SaturSub_32(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, const CLzRef *lim) { do { UInt32 v; SASUB_32(0) SASUB_32(1) SASUB_32(2) SASUB_32(3) SASUB_32(4) SASUB_32(5) SASUB_32(6) SASUB_32(7) items += 8; } while (items != lim); } #endif MY_NO_INLINE void MatchFinder_Normalize3(UInt32 subValue, CLzRef *items, size_t numItems) { #define K_NORM_ALIGN_BLOCK_SIZE (1 << 6) CLzRef *lim; for (; numItems != 0 && ((unsigned)(ptrdiff_t)items & (K_NORM_ALIGN_BLOCK_SIZE - 1)) != 0; numItems--) { UInt32 v; SASUB_32(0); items++; } { #define K_NORM_ALIGN_MASK (K_NORM_ALIGN_BLOCK_SIZE / 4 - 1) lim = items + (numItems & ~(size_t)K_NORM_ALIGN_MASK); numItems &= K_NORM_ALIGN_MASK; if (items != lim) { #if defined(USE_SATUR_SUB_128) && !defined(FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128) if (g_LzFind_SaturSub) g_LzFind_SaturSub(subValue, items, lim); else #endif DEFAULT_SaturSub(subValue, items, lim); } items = lim; } for (; numItems != 0; numItems--) { UInt32 v; SASUB_32(0); items++; } } // call MatchFinder_CheckLimits() only after (p->pos++) update MY_NO_INLINE static void MatchFinder_CheckLimits(CMatchFinder *p) { if (// !p->streamEndWasReached && p->result == SZ_OK && p->keepSizeAfter == GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p)) { // we try to read only in exact state (p->keepSizeAfter == GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p)) if (MatchFinder_NeedMove(p)) MatchFinder_MoveBlock(p); MatchFinder_ReadBlock(p); } if (p->pos == kMaxValForNormalize) if (GET_AVAIL_BYTES(p) >= p->numHashBytes) // optional optimization for last bytes of data. /* if we disable normalization for last bytes of data, and if (data_size == 4 GiB), we don't call wastfull normalization, but (pos) will be wrapped over Zero (0) in that case. And we cannot resume later to normal operation */ { // MatchFinder_Normalize(p); /* after normalization we need (p->pos >= p->historySize + 1); */ /* we can reduce subValue to aligned value, if want to keep alignment of (p->pos) and (p->buffer) for speculated accesses. */ const UInt32 subValue = (p->pos - p->historySize - 1) /* & ~(UInt32)(kNormalizeAlign - 1) */; // const UInt32 subValue = (1 << 15); // for debug // printf("\nMatchFinder_Normalize() subValue == 0x%x\n", subValue); size_t numSonRefs = p->cyclicBufferSize; if (p->btMode) numSonRefs <<= 1; Inline_MatchFinder_ReduceOffsets(p, subValue); MatchFinder_Normalize3(subValue, p->hash, (size_t)p->hashSizeSum + numSonRefs); } if (p->cyclicBufferPos == p->cyclicBufferSize) p->cyclicBufferPos = 0; MatchFinder_SetLimits(p); } /* (lenLimit > maxLen) */ MY_FORCE_INLINE static UInt32 * Hc_GetMatchesSpec(size_t lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, size_t _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue, UInt32 *d, unsigned maxLen) { /* son[_cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; for (;;) { UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; if (cutValue-- == 0 || delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) return d; { const Byte *pb = cur - delta; curMatch = son[_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)]; if (pb[maxLen] == cur[maxLen] && *pb == *cur) { UInt32 len = 0; while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; if (maxLen < len) { maxLen = len; *d++ = len; *d++ = delta - 1; if (len == lenLimit) return d; } } } } */ const Byte *lim = cur + lenLimit; son[_cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; do { UInt32 delta; if (curMatch == 0) break; // if (curMatch2 >= curMatch) return NULL; delta = pos - curMatch; if (delta >= _cyclicBufferSize) break; { ptrdiff_t diff; curMatch = son[_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)]; diff = (ptrdiff_t)0 - (ptrdiff_t)delta; if (cur[maxLen] == cur[(ptrdiff_t)maxLen + diff]) { const Byte *c = cur; while (*c == c[diff]) { if (++c == lim) { d[0] = (UInt32)(lim - cur); d[1] = delta - 1; return d + 2; } } { const unsigned len = (unsigned)(c - cur); if (maxLen < len) { maxLen = len; d[0] = (UInt32)len; d[1] = delta - 1; d += 2; } } } } } while (--cutValue); return d; } MY_FORCE_INLINE UInt32 * GetMatchesSpec1(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, size_t _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue, UInt32 *d, UInt32 maxLen) { CLzRef *ptr0 = son + ((size_t)_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; CLzRef *ptr1 = son + ((size_t)_cyclicBufferPos << 1); unsigned len0 = 0, len1 = 0; UInt32 cmCheck; // if (curMatch >= pos) { *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return NULL; } cmCheck = (UInt32)(pos - _cyclicBufferSize); if ((UInt32)pos <= _cyclicBufferSize) cmCheck = 0; if (cmCheck < curMatch) do { const UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; { CLzRef *pair = son + ((size_t)(_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); const Byte *pb = cur - delta; unsigned len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); const UInt32 pair0 = pair[0]; if (pb[len] == cur[len]) { if (++len != lenLimit && pb[len] == cur[len]) while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; if (maxLen < len) { maxLen = (UInt32)len; *d++ = (UInt32)len; *d++ = delta - 1; if (len == lenLimit) { *ptr1 = pair0; *ptr0 = pair[1]; return d; } } } if (pb[len] < cur[len]) { *ptr1 = curMatch; // const UInt32 curMatch2 = pair[1]; // if (curMatch2 >= curMatch) { *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return NULL; } // curMatch = curMatch2; curMatch = pair[1]; ptr1 = pair + 1; len1 = len; } else { *ptr0 = curMatch; curMatch = pair[0]; ptr0 = pair; len0 = len; } } } while(--cutValue && cmCheck < curMatch); *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return d; } static void SkipMatchesSpec(UInt32 lenLimit, UInt32 curMatch, UInt32 pos, const Byte *cur, CLzRef *son, size_t _cyclicBufferPos, UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize, UInt32 cutValue) { CLzRef *ptr0 = son + ((size_t)_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; CLzRef *ptr1 = son + ((size_t)_cyclicBufferPos << 1); unsigned len0 = 0, len1 = 0; UInt32 cmCheck; cmCheck = (UInt32)(pos - _cyclicBufferSize); if ((UInt32)pos <= _cyclicBufferSize) cmCheck = 0; if (// curMatch >= pos || // failure cmCheck < curMatch) do { const UInt32 delta = pos - curMatch; { CLzRef *pair = son + ((size_t)(_cyclicBufferPos - delta + ((delta > _cyclicBufferPos) ? _cyclicBufferSize : 0)) << 1); const Byte *pb = cur - delta; unsigned len = (len0 < len1 ? len0 : len1); if (pb[len] == cur[len]) { while (++len != lenLimit) if (pb[len] != cur[len]) break; { if (len == lenLimit) { *ptr1 = pair[0]; *ptr0 = pair[1]; return; } } } if (pb[len] < cur[len]) { *ptr1 = curMatch; curMatch = pair[1]; ptr1 = pair + 1; len1 = len; } else { *ptr0 = curMatch; curMatch = pair[0]; ptr0 = pair; len0 = len; } } } while(--cutValue && cmCheck < curMatch); *ptr0 = *ptr1 = kEmptyHashValue; return; } #define MOVE_POS \ ++p->cyclicBufferPos; \ p->buffer++; \ { const UInt32 pos1 = p->pos + 1; p->pos = pos1; if (pos1 == p->posLimit) MatchFinder_CheckLimits(p); } #define MOVE_POS_RET MOVE_POS return distances; MY_NO_INLINE static void MatchFinder_MovePos(CMatchFinder *p) { /* we go here at the end of stream data, when (avail < num_hash_bytes) We don't update sons[cyclicBufferPos << btMode]. So (sons) record will contain junk. And we cannot resume match searching to normal operation, even if we will provide more input data in buffer. p->sons[p->cyclicBufferPos << p->btMode] = 0; // kEmptyHashValue if (p->btMode) p->sons[(p->cyclicBufferPos << p->btMode) + 1] = 0; // kEmptyHashValue */ MOVE_POS; } #define GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, ret_op) \ unsigned lenLimit; UInt32 hv; Byte *cur; UInt32 curMatch; \ lenLimit = (unsigned)p->lenLimit; { if (lenLimit < minLen) { MatchFinder_MovePos(p); ret_op; }} \ cur = p->buffer; #define GET_MATCHES_HEADER(minLen) GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, return distances) #define SKIP_HEADER(minLen) do { GET_MATCHES_HEADER2(minLen, continue) #define MF_PARAMS(p) lenLimit, curMatch, p->pos, p->buffer, p->son, p->cyclicBufferPos, p->cyclicBufferSize, p->cutValue #define SKIP_FOOTER SkipMatchesSpec(MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS; } while (--num); #define GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BASE(_maxLen_, func) \ distances = func(MF_PARAMS(p), \ distances, (UInt32)_maxLen_); MOVE_POS_RET; #define GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(_maxLen_) \ GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BASE(_maxLen_, GetMatchesSpec1) #define GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_HC(_maxLen_) \ GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BASE(_maxLen_, Hc_GetMatchesSpec) #define UPDATE_maxLen { \ const ptrdiff_t diff = (ptrdiff_t)0 - (ptrdiff_t)d2; \ const Byte *c = cur + maxLen; \ const Byte *lim = cur + lenLimit; \ for (; c != lim; c++) if (*(c + diff) != *c) break; \ maxLen = (unsigned)(c - cur); } static UInt32* Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { GET_MATCHES_HEADER(2) HASH2_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hv]; p->hash[hv] = p->pos; GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(1) } UInt32* Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) HASH_ZIP_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hv]; p->hash[hv] = p->pos; GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(2) } #define SET_mmm \ mmm = p->cyclicBufferSize; \ if (pos < mmm) \ mmm = pos; static UInt32* Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { UInt32 mmm; UInt32 h2, d2, pos; unsigned maxLen; UInt32 *hash; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) HASH3_CALC; hash = p->hash; pos = p->pos; d2 = pos - hash[h2]; curMatch = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[hv]; hash[h2] = pos; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[hv] = pos; SET_mmm maxLen = 2; if (d2 < mmm && *(cur - d2) == *cur) { UPDATE_maxLen distances[0] = (UInt32)maxLen; distances[1] = d2 - 1; distances += 2; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { SkipMatchesSpec(MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS_RET; } } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(maxLen) } static UInt32* Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { UInt32 mmm; UInt32 h2, h3, d2, d3, pos; unsigned maxLen; UInt32 *hash; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; hash = p->hash; pos = p->pos; d2 = pos - hash [h2]; d3 = pos - (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; curMatch = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = pos; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = pos; (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv] = pos; SET_mmm maxLen = 3; for (;;) { if (d2 < mmm && *(cur - d2) == *cur) { distances[0] = 2; distances[1] = d2 - 1; distances += 2; if (*(cur - d2 + 2) == cur[2]) { // distances[-2] = 3; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { d2 = d3; distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; } else break; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { d2 = d3; distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; } else break; UPDATE_maxLen distances[-2] = (UInt32)maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { SkipMatchesSpec(MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS_RET } break; } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(maxLen) } static UInt32* Bt5_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { UInt32 mmm; UInt32 h2, h3, d2, d3, maxLen, pos; UInt32 *hash; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(5) HASH5_CALC; hash = p->hash; pos = p->pos; d2 = pos - hash [h2]; d3 = pos - (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; // d4 = pos - (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4]; curMatch = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = pos; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = pos; // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = pos; (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv] = pos; SET_mmm maxLen = 4; for (;;) { if (d2 < mmm && *(cur - d2) == *cur) { distances[0] = 2; distances[1] = d2 - 1; distances += 2; if (*(cur - d2 + 2) == cur[2]) { } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; d2 = d3; } else break; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; d2 = d3; } else break; distances[-2] = 3; if (*(cur - d2 + 3) != cur[3]) break; UPDATE_maxLen distances[-2] = (UInt32)maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { SkipMatchesSpec(MF_PARAMS(p)); MOVE_POS_RET; } break; } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_BT(maxLen) } static UInt32* Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { UInt32 mmm; UInt32 h2, h3, d2, d3, pos; unsigned maxLen; UInt32 *hash; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(4) HASH4_CALC; hash = p->hash; pos = p->pos; d2 = pos - hash [h2]; d3 = pos - (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; curMatch = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = pos; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = pos; (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv] = pos; SET_mmm maxLen = 3; for (;;) { if (d2 < mmm && *(cur - d2) == *cur) { distances[0] = 2; distances[1] = d2 - 1; distances += 2; if (*(cur - d2 + 2) == cur[2]) { // distances[-2] = 3; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { d2 = d3; distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; } else break; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { d2 = d3; distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; } else break; UPDATE_maxLen distances[-2] = (UInt32)maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; MOVE_POS_RET; } break; } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_HC(maxLen); } static UInt32 * Hc5_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { UInt32 mmm; UInt32 h2, h3, d2, d3, maxLen, pos; UInt32 *hash; GET_MATCHES_HEADER(5) HASH5_CALC; hash = p->hash; pos = p->pos; d2 = pos - hash [h2]; d3 = pos - (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3]; // d4 = pos - (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4]; curMatch = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = pos; (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = pos; // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = pos; (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv] = pos; SET_mmm maxLen = 4; for (;;) { if (d2 < mmm && *(cur - d2) == *cur) { distances[0] = 2; distances[1] = d2 - 1; distances += 2; if (*(cur - d2 + 2) == cur[2]) { } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; d2 = d3; } else break; } else if (d3 < mmm && *(cur - d3) == *cur) { distances[1] = d3 - 1; distances += 2; d2 = d3; } else break; distances[-2] = 3; if (*(cur - d2 + 3) != cur[3]) break; UPDATE_maxLen distances[-2] = maxLen; if (maxLen == lenLimit) { p->son[p->cyclicBufferPos] = curMatch; MOVE_POS_RET; } break; } GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_HC(maxLen); } UInt32* Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_GetMatches(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 *distances) { GET_MATCHES_HEADER(3) HASH_ZIP_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hv]; p->hash[hv] = p->pos; GET_MATCHES_FOOTER_HC(2) } static void Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER(2) { HASH2_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hv]; p->hash[hv] = p->pos; } SKIP_FOOTER } void Bt3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER(3) { HASH_ZIP_CALC; curMatch = p->hash[hv]; p->hash[hv] = p->pos; } SKIP_FOOTER } static void Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER(3) { UInt32 h2; UInt32 *hash; HASH3_CALC; hash = p->hash; curMatch = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[hv]; hash[h2] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[hv] = p->pos; } SKIP_FOOTER } static void Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER(4) { UInt32 h2, h3; UInt32 *hash; HASH4_CALC; hash = p->hash; curMatch = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv] = p->pos; } SKIP_FOOTER } static void Bt5_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { SKIP_HEADER(5) { UInt32 h2, h3; UInt32 *hash; HASH5_CALC; hash = p->hash; curMatch = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv] = p->pos; } SKIP_FOOTER } #define HC_SKIP_HEADER(minLen) \ do { if (p->lenLimit < minLen) { MatchFinder_MovePos(p); num--; continue; } { \ Byte *cur; \ UInt32 *hash; \ UInt32 *son; \ UInt32 pos = p->pos; \ UInt32 num2 = num; \ /* (p->pos == p->posLimit) is not allowed here !!! */ \ { const UInt32 rem = p->posLimit - pos; if (num2 > rem) num2 = rem; } \ num -= num2; \ { const UInt32 cycPos = p->cyclicBufferPos; \ son = p->son + cycPos; \ p->cyclicBufferPos = cycPos + num2; } \ cur = p->buffer; \ hash = p->hash; \ do { \ UInt32 curMatch; \ UInt32 hv; #define HC_SKIP_FOOTER \ cur++; pos++; *son++ = curMatch; \ } while (--num2); \ p->buffer = cur; \ p->pos = pos; \ if (pos == p->posLimit) MatchFinder_CheckLimits(p); \ }} while(num); \ static void Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { HC_SKIP_HEADER(4) UInt32 h2, h3; HASH4_CALC; curMatch = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = (hash + kFix4HashSize)[hv] = pos; HC_SKIP_FOOTER } static void Hc5_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { HC_SKIP_HEADER(5) UInt32 h2, h3; HASH5_CALC curMatch = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv]; hash [h2] = (hash + kFix3HashSize)[h3] = // (hash + kFix4HashSize)[h4] = (hash + kFix5HashSize)[hv] = pos; HC_SKIP_FOOTER } void Hc3Zip_MatchFinder_Skip(CMatchFinder *p, UInt32 num) { HC_SKIP_HEADER(3) HASH_ZIP_CALC; curMatch = hash[hv]; hash[hv] = pos; HC_SKIP_FOOTER } void MatchFinder_CreateVTable(CMatchFinder *p, IMatchFinder2 *vTable) { vTable->Init = (Mf_Init_Func)MatchFinder_Init; vTable->GetNumAvailableBytes = (Mf_GetNumAvailableBytes_Func)MatchFinder_GetNumAvailableBytes; vTable->GetPointerToCurrentPos = (Mf_GetPointerToCurrentPos_Func)MatchFinder_GetPointerToCurrentPos; if (!p->btMode) { if (p->numHashBytes <= 4) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Hc4_MatchFinder_Skip; } else { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Hc5_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Hc5_MatchFinder_Skip; } } else if (p->numHashBytes == 2) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt2_MatchFinder_Skip; } else if (p->numHashBytes == 3) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt3_MatchFinder_Skip; } else if (p->numHashBytes == 4) { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt4_MatchFinder_Skip; } else { vTable->GetMatches = (Mf_GetMatches_Func)Bt5_MatchFinder_GetMatches; vTable->Skip = (Mf_Skip_Func)Bt5_MatchFinder_Skip; } } void LzFindPrepare() { #ifndef FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 #ifdef USE_SATUR_SUB_128 LZFIND_SATUR_SUB_CODE_FUNC f = NULL; #ifdef MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64 { if (CPU_IsSupported_NEON()) { // #pragma message ("=== LzFind NEON") _PRF(printf("\n=== LzFind NEON\n")); f = LzFind_SaturSub_128; } // f = 0; // for debug } #else // MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64 if (CPU_IsSupported_SSE41()) { // #pragma message ("=== LzFind SSE41") _PRF(printf("\n=== LzFind SSE41\n")); f = LzFind_SaturSub_128; #ifdef USE_AVX2 if (CPU_IsSupported_AVX2()) { // #pragma message ("=== LzFind AVX2") _PRF(printf("\n=== LzFind AVX2\n")); f = LzFind_SaturSub_256; } #endif } #endif // MY_CPU_ARM_OR_ARM64 g_LzFind_SaturSub = f; #endif // USE_SATUR_SUB_128 #endif // FORCE_SATUR_SUB_128 }