/* Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0. Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2025 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "CoreFreeBSD.h" #include "Core/Unix/CoreServiceProxy.h" namespace VeraCrypt { CoreFreeBSD::CoreFreeBSD () { } CoreFreeBSD::~CoreFreeBSD () { } DevicePath CoreFreeBSD::AttachFileToLoopDevice (const FilePath &filePath, bool readOnly) const { list args; args.push_back ("-a"); args.push_back ("-t"); args.push_back ("vnode"); if (readOnly) { args.push_back ("-o"); args.push_back ("readonly"); } args.push_back ("-f"); args.push_back (filePath); string dev = StringConverter::Trim (Process::Execute ("/sbin/mdconfig", args)); if (dev.find ("/") == string::npos) dev = string ("/dev/") + dev; return dev; } void CoreFreeBSD::DetachLoopDevice (const DevicePath &devicePath) const { list args; args.push_back ("-d"); args.push_back ("-u"); args.push_back (StringConverter::GetTrailingNumber (devicePath)); for (int t = 0; true; t++) { try { Process::Execute ("/sbin/mdconfig", args); break; } catch (ExecutedProcessFailed&) { if (t > 5) throw; Thread::Sleep (200); } } } HostDeviceList CoreFreeBSD::GetHostDevices (bool pathListOnly) const { HostDeviceList devices; #ifdef TC_MACOSX const string busType = "rdisk"; #else foreach (const string &busType, StringConverter::Split ("ad da vtbd")) #endif { for (int devNumber = 0; devNumber < 64; devNumber++) { stringstream devPath; devPath << "/dev/" << busType << devNumber; if (FilesystemPath (devPath.str()).IsBlockDevice() || FilesystemPath (devPath.str()).IsCharacterDevice()) { make_shared_auto (HostDevice, device); device->Path = devPath.str(); if (!pathListOnly) { try { device->Size = GetDeviceSize (device->Path); } catch (...) { device->Size = 0; } device->MountPoint = GetDeviceMountPoint (device->Path); device->SystemNumber = 0; } devices.push_back (device); for (int partNumber = 1; partNumber < 32; partNumber++) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX const string partLetter = ""; #else foreach (const string &partLetter, StringConverter::Split (",a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h", ",", true)) #endif { stringstream partPath; partPath << devPath.str() << "s" << partNumber << partLetter; if (FilesystemPath (partPath.str()).IsBlockDevice() || FilesystemPath (partPath.str()).IsCharacterDevice()) { make_shared_auto (HostDevice, partition); partition->Path = partPath.str(); if (!pathListOnly) { try { partition->Size = GetDeviceSize (partition->Path); } catch (...) { partition->Size = 0; } partition->MountPoint = GetDeviceMountPoint (partition->Path); partition->SystemNumber = 0; } device->Partitions.push_back (partition); } } } } } } return devices; } MountedFilesystemList CoreFreeBSD::GetMountedFilesystems (const DevicePath &devicePath, const DirectoryPath &mountPoint) const { static Mutex mutex; ScopeLock sl (mutex); struct statfs *sysMountList; int count = getmntinfo (&sysMountList, MNT_NOWAIT); throw_sys_if (count == 0); MountedFilesystemList mountedFilesystems; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { make_shared_auto (MountedFilesystem, mf); if (sysMountList[i].f_mntfromname[0]) mf->Device = DevicePath (sysMountList[i].f_mntfromname); else continue; if (sysMountList[i].f_mntonname[0]) mf->MountPoint = DirectoryPath (sysMountList[i].f_mntonname); mf->Type = sysMountList[i].f_fstypename; if ((devicePath.IsEmpty() || devicePath == mf->Device) && (mountPoint.IsEmpty() || mountPoint == mf->MountPoint)) mountedFilesystems.push_back (mf); } return mountedFilesystems; } void CoreFreeBSD::MountFilesystem (const DevicePath &devicePath, const DirectoryPath &mountPoint, const string &filesystemType, bool readOnly, const string &systemMountOptions) const { std::string chosenFilesystem = "msdos"; std::string modifiedMountOptions = systemMountOptions; if (filesystemType.empty() && modifiedMountOptions.find("mountprog") == string::npos) { // No filesystem type specified through CLI, attempt to identify with blkid // as mount is unable to probe filesystem type on BSD // Make sure we don't override user defined mountprog std::vector buffer(128,0); std::string cmd = "blkid -o value -s TYPE " + static_cast(devicePath) + " 2>/dev/null"; std::string result; FILE* pipe = popen(cmd.c_str(), "r"); if (pipe) { while (!feof(pipe)) { if (fgets(buffer.data(), 128, pipe) != nullptr) result += buffer.data(); } fflush(pipe); pclose(pipe); pipe = nullptr; } if (result.find("ext") == 0 || StringConverter::ToLower(filesystemType).find("ext") == 0) { chosenFilesystem = "ext2fs"; } else if (result.find("exfat") == 0 || StringConverter::ToLower(filesystemType) == "exfat") { chosenFilesystem = "exfat"; modifiedMountOptions += string(!systemMountOptions.empty() ? "," : "") + "mountprog=/usr/local/sbin/mount.exfat"; } else if (result.find("ntfs") == 0 || StringConverter::ToLower(filesystemType) == "ntfs") { chosenFilesystem = "ntfs"; modifiedMountOptions += string(!systemMountOptions.empty() ? "," : "") + "mountprog=/usr/local/bin/ntfs-3g"; } else if (!filesystemType.empty()) { // Filesystem is specified but is none of the above, then supply as is chosenFilesystem = filesystemType; } } else chosenFilesystem = filesystemType; try { CoreUnix::MountFilesystem (devicePath, mountPoint, chosenFilesystem, readOnly, modifiedMountOptions); } catch (ExecutedProcessFailed&) { if (!filesystemType.empty()) throw; CoreUnix::MountFilesystem (devicePath, mountPoint, filesystemType, readOnly, systemMountOptions); } } #ifdef TC_FREEBSD unique_ptr Core (new CoreServiceProxy ); unique_ptr CoreDirect (new CoreFreeBSD); #endif }