rueCrypt License 3.0. # # Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) # and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX # and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is # contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source # code distribution packages. # #------ Command line arguments ------ # DEBUG: Disable optimizations and enable debugging checks # DEBUGGER: Enable debugging information for use by debuggers # NOASM: Exclude modules requiring assembler # NOGUI: Disable graphical user interface (build console-only application) # NOSTRIP: Do not strip release binary # NOTEST: Do not test release binary # RESOURCEDIR: Run-time resource directory # VERBOSE: Enable verbose messages # WXSTATIC: Use static wxWidgets library # SSSE3: Enable SSSE3 support in compiler # SSE41: Enable SSE4.1 support in compiler #------ Targets ------ # all # clean # wxbuild: Configure and build wxWidgets - source code must be located at $(WX_ROOT) #------ Build configuration ------ export APPNAME := veracrypt export BASE_DIR := $(CURDIR) export BUILD_INC := $(BASE_DIR)/Build/Include export AR ?= ar export CC ?= gcc export CXX ?= g++ export AS := yasm export RANLIB ?= ranlib export CFLAGS := -Wall export CXXFLAGS := -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter C_CXX_FLAGS := -MMD -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_LARGE_FILES -I$(BASE_DIR) -I$(BASE_DIR)/Crypto export ASFLAGS := -D __GNUC__ -D __YASM__ export LFLAGS := export PKG_CONFIG_PATH ?= /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig export WX_CONFIG ?= wx-config export WX_CONFIG_ARGS := --unicode WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS := export WXCONFIG_CFLAGS := export WXCONFIG_CXXFLAGS := WX_ROOT ?= .. export TC_BUILD_CONFIG := Release ifeq "$(origin DEBUG)" "command line" ifneq "$(DEBUG)" "0" TC_BUILD_CONFIG := Debug endif endif ifeq "$(origin NOGUI)" "command line" export TC_NO_GUI := 1 C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_NO_GUI WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-gui endif ifdef PKCS11_INC C_CXX_FLAGS += -I$(PKCS11_INC) else C_CXX_FLAGS += -I$(CURDIR)/PKCS11 endif ifeq "$(origin RESOURCEDIR)" "command line" C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_RESOURCE_DIR="$(RESOURCEDIR)" endif ifneq "$(origin VERBOSE)" "command line" MAKEFLAGS += -s endif ifeq "$(origin WXSTATIC)" "command line" export VC_WX_STATIC := 1 WX_CONFIG = $(WX_BUILD_DIR)/wx-config WX_CONFIG_ARGS += --static endif #------ Release configuration ------ ifeq "$(TC_BUILD_CONFIG)" "Release" C_CXX_FLAGS += -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing # Do not enable strict aliasing export WX_BUILD_DIR ?= $(BASE_DIR)/wxrelease WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-debug_flag --disable-debug_gdb --disable-debug_info else #------ Debug configuration ------ C_CXX_FLAGS += -DDEBUG CXXFLAGS += -fno-default-inline -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-variable export WX_BUILD_DIR ?= $(BASE_DIR)/wxdebug WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-debug_flag --disable-debug_gdb --disable-debug_info endif #------ Debugger configuration ------ ifeq "$(origin DEBUGGER)" "command line" C_CXX_FLAGS += -ggdb WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-debug_gdb --enable-debug_info endif #------ Platform configuration ------ export PLATFORM := "Unknown" export PLATFORM_ARCH := "Unknown" export PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED := 0 export CPU_ARCH ?= unknown export SIMD_SUPPORTED := 0 ARCH = $(shell uname -m) ifneq (,$(filter i386 i486 i586 i686 x86,$(ARCH))) CPU_ARCH = x86 ASFLAGS += -f elf32 -D __BITS__=32 else ifneq (,$(filter x86_64 x86-64 amd64 x64,$(ARCH))) CPU_ARCH = x64 ASFLAGS += -f elf64 -D __BITS__=64 else ifneq (,$(filter armv7l,$(ARCH))) PLATFORM_ARCH := armv7 CPU_ARCH = armv7 endif ifeq "$(origin NOASM)" "command line" CPU_ARCH = unknown endif ifeq "$(CPU_ARCH)" "x86" PLATFORM_ARCH := i386 SIMD_SUPPORTED := 1 C_CXX_FLAGS += -D TC_ARCH_X86 else ifeq "$(CPU_ARCH)" "x64" PLATFORM_ARCH := amd64 SIMD_SUPPORTED := 1 C_CXX_FLAGS += -D TC_ARCH_X64 endif #------ Linux configuration ------ ifeq "$(shell uname -s)" "Linux" PLATFORM := Linux C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_UNIX -DTC_LINUX ifeq "$(SIMD_SUPPORTED)" "1" CFLAGS += -msse2 CXXFLAGS += -msse2 GCC_GTEQ_440 := $(shell expr `gcc -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g' -e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' -e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$$/&00/' -e 's/^[0-9]\{1,2\}$$/&0000/'` \>= 40400) GCC_GTEQ_430 := $(shell expr `gcc -dumpversion | sed -e 's/\.\([0-9][0-9]\)/\1/g' -e 's/\.\([0-9]\)/0\1/g' -e 's/^[0-9]\{3,4\}$$/&00/' -e 's/^[0-9]\{1,2\}$$/&0000/'` \>= 40300) ifeq "$(GCC_GTEQ_440)" "1" CFLAGS += -maes CXXFLAGS += -maes endif ifeq "$(GCC_GTEQ_430)" "1" ifeq "$(origin SSSE3)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 endif ifeq "$(origin SSE41)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 endif endif endif ifeq "$(TC_BUILD_CONFIG)" "Release" C_CXX_FLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie LFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections -pie ifneq "$(shell ld --help 2>&1 | grep sysv | wc -l)" "0" LFLAGS += -Wl,--hash-style=sysv endif WXCONFIG_CFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie WXCONFIG_CXXFLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie endif ifneq "$(origin WXSTATIC)" "command line" LFLAGS += -ldl else GCC5USED := $(shell expr `gcc -dumpversion | cut -f1 -d.` \>= 5) ifeq "$(GCC5USED)" "1" CXXFLAGS += -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 WXCONFIG_CXXFLAGS += -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=0 endif endif endif #------ Mac OS X configuration ------ ifeq "$(shell uname -s)" "Darwin" PLATFORM := MacOSX APPNAME := VeraCrypt export VC_OSX_TARGET ?= 10.7 #check to see if XCode 3 path exists.Otherwise, use XCode 4 path VC_OSX_SDK := /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX$(VC_OSX_TARGET).sdk ifeq ($(wildcard $(VC_OSX_SDK)/SDKSettings.plist),) VC_OSX_SDK := /Applications/$(VC_OSX_TARGET).sdk endif CC := gcc CXX := g++ C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_UNIX -DTC_BSD -DTC_MACOSX -mmacosx-version-min=$(VC_OSX_TARGET) -isysroot $(VC_OSX_SDK) LFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=$(VC_OSX_TARGET) -Wl,-syslibroot $(VC_OSX_SDK) WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --with-macosx-version-min=$(VC_OSX_TARGET) --with-macosx-sdk=$(VC_OSX_SDK) ifeq "$(CPU_ARCH)" "x64" CPU_ARCH = x86 endif CFLAGS += -msse2 CXXFLAGS += -msse2 ifeq "$(origin SSSE3)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 endif ifeq "$(origin SSE41)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 endif AS := $(BASE_DIR)/Build/Tools/MacOSX/yasm export ASFLAGS32 := -D __GNUC__ -D __YASM__ -D __BITS__=32 --prefix=_ -f macho32 export ASFLAGS64 := -D __GNUC__ -D __YASM__ -D __BITS__=64 --prefix=_ -f macho64 ifeq "$(TC_BUILD_CONFIG)" "Release" export DISABLE_PRECOMPILED_HEADERS := 1 S := $(C_CXX_FLAGS) C_CXX_FLAGS = $(subst -MMD,,$(S)) C_CXX_FLAGS += -gfull -arch i386 -arch x86_64 LFLAGS += -Wl,-dead_strip -arch i386 -arch x86_64 WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-universal_binary=i386,x86_64 WXCONFIG_CFLAGS += -gfull WXCONFIG_CXXFLAGS += -gfull else WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-universal_binary endif endif #------ FreeBSD configuration ------ ifeq "$(shell uname -s)" "FreeBSD" PLATFORM := FreeBSD PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED := 1 C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_UNIX -DTC_BSD -DTC_FREEBSD CC := cc CXX := c++ ifeq "$(TC_BUILD_CONFIG)" "Release" C_CXX_FLAGS += -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -fpie LFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections -pie ifneq "$(shell ld --help 2>&1 | grep sysv | wc -l)" "0" LFLAGS += -Wl,--hash-style=sysv endif WXCONFIG_CFLAGS += -fpie -fPIC WXCONFIG_CXXFLAGS += -fpie -fPIC endif ifeq "$(SIMD_SUPPORTED)" "1" CFLAGS += -msse2 -maes CXXFLAGS += -msse2 -maes ifeq "$(origin SSSE3)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 endif ifeq "$(origin SSE41)" "command line" CFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 CXXFLAGS += -mssse3 -msse4.1 endif endif endif #------ Solaris configuration ------ ifeq "$(shell uname -s)" "SunOS" PLATFORM := Solaris PLATFORM_UNSUPPORTED := 1 C_CXX_FLAGS += -DTC_UNIX -DTC_SOLARIS WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --with-gtk endif #------ Common configuration ------ CFLAGS := $(C_CXX_FLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(TC_EXTRA_CFLAGS) CXXFLAGS := $(C_CXX_FLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) $(TC_EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) LFLAGS := $(LFLAGS) $(TC_EXTRA_LFLAGS) WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --enable-unicode -disable-shared --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-compat26 --enable-exceptions --enable-std_string --enable-dataobj --enable-mimetype \ --disable-protocol --disable-protocols --disable-url --disable-ipc --disable-sockets --disable-fs_inet --disable-ole --disable-docview --disable-clipboard \ --disable-help --disable-html --disable-mshtmlhelp --disable-htmlhelp --disable-mdi --disable-metafile --disable-webkit --disable-webview \ --disable-xrc --disable-aui --disable-postscript --disable-printarch \ --disable-arcstream --disable-fs_archive --disable-fs_zip --disable-tarstream --disable-zipstream \ --disable-animatectrl --disable-bmpcombobox --disable-calendar --disable-caret --disable-checklst --disable-collpane --disable-colourpicker --disable-comboctrl \ --disable-datepick --disable-display --disable-dirpicker --disable-filepicker --disable-fontpicker --disable-grid --disable-dataviewctrl \ --disable-listbook --disable-odcombobox --disable-sash --disable-searchctrl --disable-slider --disable-splitter --disable-togglebtn \ --disable-toolbar --disable-tbarnative --disable-treebook --disable-toolbook --disable-tipwindow --disable-popupwin \ --disable-commondlg --disable-aboutdlg --disable-coldlg --disable-finddlg --disable-fontdlg --disable-numberdlg --disable-splash \ --disable-tipdlg --disable-progressdlg --disable-wizarddlg --disable-miniframe --disable-splines --disable-palette \ --disable-richtext --disable-dialupman --disable-debugreport --disable-filesystem --disable-rearrangectrl --disable-treelist --disable-richmsgdlg \ --disable-richtooltip --disable-propgrid --disable-stc --without-libnotify \ --without-gtkprint --without-gnomevfs --disable-fsvolume --disable-fswatcher \ --disable-graphics_ctx --disable-sound --disable-mediactrl --disable-joystick --disable-apple_ieee \ --disable-gif --disable-pcx --disable-tga --disable-iff --disable-gif --disable-pnm --disable-svg \ --without-expat --without-libtiff --without-libjpeg --without-libpng -without-regex --without-zlib ifeq "$(PLATFORM)" "Linux" WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS += --disable-tooltips endif #------ Project build ------ PROJ_DIRS := Platform Volume Driver/Fuse Core Main .PHONY: all clean wxbuild all clean: @if pwd | grep -q ' '; then echo 'Error: source code is stored in a path containing spaces' >&2; exit 1; fi @for DIR in $(PROJ_DIRS); do \ PROJ=$$(echo $$DIR | cut -d/ -f1); \ $(MAKE) -C $$DIR -f $$PROJ.make NAME=$$PROJ $(MAKECMDGOALS) || exit $?; \ export LIBS="$(BASE_DIR)/$$DIR/$$PROJ.a $$LIBS"; \ done install: $(MAKE) -C Main -f Main.make NAME=Main install package: $(MAKE) -C Main -f Main.make NAME=Main package #------ wxWidgets build ------ ifeq "$(MAKECMDGOALS)" "wxbuild" CFLAGS := CXXFLAGS := LFLAGS := endif wxbuild: ifneq "$(shell test -f $(WX_ROOT)/configure || test -f $(WX_BUILD_DIR)/../configure && echo 1)" "1" @echo 'Error: WX_ROOT must point to wxWidgets source code directory' >&2 @exit 1 endif rm -rf "$(WX_BUILD_DIR)" mkdir -p "$(WX_BUILD_DIR)" @echo Configuring wxWidgets library... cd "$(WX_BUILD_DIR)" && "$(WX_ROOT)/configure" $(WX_CONFIGURE_FLAGS) >/dev/null @echo Building wxWidgets library... cd "$(WX_BUILD_DIR)" && $(MAKE)