/* Copyright (c) 2008-2010 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #include <wx/cmdline.h> #include <wx/tokenzr.h> #include "Core/Core.h" #include "Application.h" #include "CommandLineInterface.h" #include "LanguageStrings.h" #include "UserInterfaceException.h" namespace VeraCrypt { CommandLineInterface::CommandLineInterface (int argc, wchar_t** argv, UserInterfaceType::Enum interfaceType) : ArgCommand (CommandId::None), ArgFilesystem (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Unknown), ArgNoHiddenVolumeProtection (false), ArgSize (0), ArgVolumeType (VolumeType::Unknown), ArgTrueCryptMode (false), StartBackgroundTask (false) { wxCmdLineParser parser; parser.SetCmdLine (argc, argv); parser.SetSwitchChars (L"-"); parser.AddOption (L"", L"auto-mount", _("Auto mount device-hosted/favorite volumes")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"backup-headers", _("Backup volume headers")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"background-task", _("Start Background Task")); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"cache", _("Cache passwords and keyfiles")); #endif parser.AddSwitch (L"C", L"change", _("Change password or keyfiles")); parser.AddSwitch (L"c", L"create", _("Create new volume")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"create-keyfile", _("Create new keyfile")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"current-hash", _("Current hash algorithm for change password/keyfiles operation")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"delete-token-keyfiles", _("Delete security token keyfiles")); parser.AddSwitch (L"d", L"dismount", _("Dismount volume")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"display-password", _("Display password while typing")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"encryption", _("Encryption algorithm")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"explore", _("Open explorer window for mounted volume")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"export-token-keyfile",_("Export keyfile from security token")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"filesystem", _("Filesystem type")); parser.AddSwitch (L"f", L"force", _("Force mount/dismount/overwrite")); #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS) && !defined(TC_MACOSX) parser.AddOption (L"", L"fs-options", _("Filesystem mount options")); #endif parser.AddOption (L"", L"hash", _("Hash algorithm")); parser.AddSwitch (L"h", L"help", _("Display detailed command line help"), wxCMD_LINE_OPTION_HELP); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"import-token-keyfiles", _("Import keyfiles to security token")); parser.AddOption (L"k", L"keyfiles", _("Keyfiles")); parser.AddSwitch (L"l", L"list", _("List mounted volumes")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"list-token-keyfiles", _("List security token keyfiles")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"load-preferences", _("Load user preferences")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"mount", _("Mount volume interactively")); parser.AddOption (L"m", L"mount-options", _("VeraCrypt volume mount options")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"new-keyfiles", _("New keyfiles")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"new-password", _("New password")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"non-interactive", _("Do not interact with user")); parser.AddOption (L"p", L"password", _("Password")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"protect-hidden", _("Protect hidden volume")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"protection-hash", _("Hash algorithm for protected hidden volume")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"protection-keyfiles", _("Keyfiles for protected hidden volume")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"protection-password", _("Password for protected hidden volume")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"random-source", _("Use file as source of random data")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"restore-headers", _("Restore volume headers")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"save-preferences", _("Save user preferences")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"quick", _("Enable quick format")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"size", _("Size in bytes")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"slot", _("Volume slot number")); parser.AddOption (L"tc",L"truecrypt", _("Enable TrueCrypt mode. Should be put first to avoid issues.")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"test", _("Test internal algorithms")); parser.AddSwitch (L"t", L"text", _("Use text user interface")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"token-lib", _("Security token library")); parser.AddSwitch (L"v", L"verbose", _("Enable verbose output")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"version", _("Display version information")); parser.AddSwitch (L"", L"volume-properties", _("Display volume properties")); parser.AddOption (L"", L"volume-type", _("Volume type")); parser.AddParam ( _("Volume path"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); parser.AddParam ( _("Mount point"), wxCMD_LINE_VAL_STRING, wxCMD_LINE_PARAM_OPTIONAL); wxString str; bool param1IsVolume = false; bool param1IsMountedVolumeSpec = false; bool param1IsMountPoint = false; bool param1IsFile = false; if (parser.Parse () > 0) throw_err (_("Incorrect command line specified.")); if (parser.Found (L"help")) { ArgCommand = CommandId::Help; return; } if (parser.Found (L"text") && interfaceType != UserInterfaceType::Text) { wstring msg = wstring (_("Option -t or --text must be specified as the first argument.")); wcerr << msg << endl; throw_err (msg); } if (parser.Found (L"version")) { ArgCommand = CommandId::DisplayVersion; return; } // Preferences if (parser.Found (L"load-preferences")) { // Load preferences first to allow command line options to override them Preferences.Load(); ArgMountOptions = Preferences.DefaultMountOptions; } // Commands if (parser.Found (L"auto-mount", &str)) { CheckCommandSingle(); wxStringTokenizer tokenizer (str, L","); while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); if (token == L"devices") { if (ArgCommand == CommandId::AutoMountFavorites) ArgCommand = CommandId::AutoMountDevicesFavorites; else ArgCommand = CommandId::AutoMountDevices; param1IsMountPoint = true; } else if (token == L"favorites") { if (ArgCommand == CommandId::AutoMountDevices) ArgCommand = CommandId::AutoMountDevicesFavorites; else ArgCommand = CommandId::AutoMountFavorites; } else { throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + token); } } } if (parser.Found (L"backup-headers")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::BackupHeaders; param1IsVolume = true; } if (parser.Found (L"change")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::ChangePassword; param1IsVolume = true; } if (parser.Found (L"create")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::CreateVolume; param1IsVolume = true; } if (parser.Found (L"create-keyfile")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::CreateKeyfile; param1IsFile = true; } if (parser.Found (L"delete-token-keyfiles")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::DeleteSecurityTokenKeyfiles; } if (parser.Found (L"dismount")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::DismountVolumes; param1IsMountedVolumeSpec = true; } if (parser.Found (L"export-token-keyfile")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::ExportSecurityTokenKeyfile; } if (parser.Found (L"import-token-keyfiles")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::ImportSecurityTokenKeyfiles; } if (parser.Found (L"list")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::ListVolumes; param1IsMountedVolumeSpec = true; } if (parser.Found (L"list-token-keyfiles")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::ListSecurityTokenKeyfiles; } if (parser.Found (L"mount")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::MountVolume; param1IsVolume = true; } if (parser.Found (L"save-preferences")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::SavePreferences; } if (parser.Found (L"test")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::Test; } if (parser.Found (L"volume-properties")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::DisplayVolumeProperties; param1IsMountedVolumeSpec = true; } // Options if (parser.Found (L"background-task")) StartBackgroundTask = true; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (parser.Found (L"cache")) ArgMountOptions.CachePassword = true; #endif ArgDisplayPassword = parser.Found (L"display-password"); if (parser.Found (L"encryption", &str)) { ArgEncryptionAlgorithm.reset(); foreach (shared_ptr <EncryptionAlgorithm> ea, EncryptionAlgorithm::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { if (!ea->IsDeprecated() && wxString (ea->GetName()).IsSameAs (str, false)) ArgEncryptionAlgorithm = ea; } if (!ArgEncryptionAlgorithm) throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } if (parser.Found (L"explore")) Preferences.OpenExplorerWindowAfterMount = true; if (parser.Found (L"filesystem", &str)) { if (str.IsSameAs (L"none", false)) { ArgMountOptions.NoFilesystem = true; ArgFilesystem = VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::None; } else { ArgMountOptions.FilesystemType = wstring (str); if (str.IsSameAs (L"FAT", false)) ArgFilesystem = VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::FAT; else ArgFilesystem = VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::None; } } ArgForce = parser.Found (L"force"); ArgTrueCryptMode = parser.Found (L"truecrypt"); #if !defined(TC_WINDOWS) && !defined(TC_MACOSX) if (parser.Found (L"fs-options", &str)) ArgMountOptions.FilesystemOptions = str; #endif if (parser.Found (L"hash", &str)) { ArgHash.reset(); foreach (shared_ptr <Hash> hash, Hash::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { wxString hashName (hash->GetName()); wxString hashAltName (hash->GetAltName()); if (hashName.IsSameAs (str, false) || hashAltName.IsSameAs (str, false)) ArgHash = hash; } if (!ArgHash) throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } if (parser.Found (L"current-hash", &str)) { ArgCurrentHash.reset(); foreach (shared_ptr <Hash> hash, Hash::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { wxString hashName (hash->GetName()); wxString hashAltName (hash->GetAltName()); if (hashName.IsSameAs (str, false) || hashAltName.IsSameAs (str, false)) ArgCurrentHash = hash; } if (!ArgCurrentHash) throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } if (parser.Found (L"keyfiles", &str)) ArgKeyfiles = ToKeyfileList (str); if (parser.Found (L"mount-options", &str)) { wxStringTokenizer tokenizer (str, L","); while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); if (token == L"headerbak") ArgMountOptions.UseBackupHeaders = true; else if (token == L"nokernelcrypto") ArgMountOptions.NoKernelCrypto = true; else if (token == L"readonly" || token == L"ro") ArgMountOptions.Protection = VolumeProtection::ReadOnly; else if (token == L"system") ArgMountOptions.PartitionInSystemEncryptionScope = true; else if (token == L"timestamp" || token == L"ts") ArgMountOptions.PreserveTimestamps = false; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS else if (token == L"removable" || token == L"rm") ArgMountOptions.Removable = true; #endif else throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + token); } } if (parser.Found (L"new-keyfiles", &str)) ArgNewKeyfiles = ToKeyfileList (str); if (parser.Found (L"new-password", &str)) ArgNewPassword.reset (new VolumePassword (wstring (str))); if (parser.Found (L"non-interactive")) { if (interfaceType != UserInterfaceType::Text) throw_err (L"--non-interactive is supported only in text mode"); Preferences.NonInteractive = true; } if (parser.Found (L"password", &str)) ArgPassword.reset (new VolumePassword (wstring (str))); if (parser.Found (L"protect-hidden", &str)) { if (str == L"yes") { if (ArgMountOptions.Protection != VolumeProtection::ReadOnly) ArgMountOptions.Protection = VolumeProtection::HiddenVolumeReadOnly; } else if (str == L"no") ArgNoHiddenVolumeProtection = true; else throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } if (parser.Found (L"protection-keyfiles", &str)) { ArgMountOptions.ProtectionKeyfiles = ToKeyfileList (str); ArgMountOptions.Protection = VolumeProtection::HiddenVolumeReadOnly; } if (parser.Found (L"protection-password", &str)) { ArgMountOptions.ProtectionPassword.reset (new VolumePassword (wstring (str))); ArgMountOptions.Protection = VolumeProtection::HiddenVolumeReadOnly; } if (parser.Found (L"protection-hash", &str)) { bool bHashFound = false; foreach (shared_ptr <Hash> hash, Hash::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { wxString hashName (hash->GetName()); wxString hashAltName (hash->GetAltName()); if (hashName.IsSameAs (str, false) || hashAltName.IsSameAs (str, false)) { bHashFound = true; ArgMountOptions.ProtectionKdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*hash, ArgTrueCryptMode); } } if (!bHashFound) throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } ArgQuick = parser.Found (L"quick"); if (parser.Found (L"random-source", &str)) ArgRandomSourcePath = FilesystemPath (str.wc_str()); if (parser.Found (L"restore-headers")) { CheckCommandSingle(); ArgCommand = CommandId::RestoreHeaders; param1IsVolume = true; } if (parser.Found (L"slot", &str)) { unsigned long number; if (!str.ToULong (&number) || number < Core->GetFirstSlotNumber() || number > Core->GetLastSlotNumber()) throw_err (LangString["PARAMETER_INCORRECT"] + L": " + str); ArgMountOptions.SlotNumber = number; if (param1IsMountedVolumeSpec) { shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> volume = Core->GetMountedVolume (number); if (!volume) throw_err (_("No such volume is mounted.")); ArgVolumes.push_back (volume); param1IsMountedVolumeSpec = false; } } if (parser.Found (L"size", &str)) { try { ArgSize = StringConverter::ToUInt64 (wstring (str)); } catch (...) { throw_err (LangString["PARAMETER_INCORRECT"] + L": " + str); } } if (parser.Found (L"token-lib", &str)) Preferences.SecurityTokenModule = wstring (str); if (parser.Found (L"verbose")) Preferences.Verbose = true; if (parser.Found (L"volume-type", &str)) { if (str.IsSameAs (L"normal", false)) ArgVolumeType = VolumeType::Normal; else if (str.IsSameAs (L"hidden", false)) ArgVolumeType = VolumeType::Hidden; else throw_err (LangString["UNKNOWN_OPTION"] + L": " + str); } // Parameters if (parser.GetParamCount() > 0) { // in case of GUI interface, we load the preference when only // specifying volume path without any option/switch if (Application::GetUserInterfaceType() != UserInterfaceType::Text) { // check if only parameters were specified in the command line // (e.g. when associating .hc extension in mimetype with /usr/bin/veracrypt) bool onlyParametersPresent = (parser.GetParamCount() == (size_t) (argc - 1)); if (onlyParametersPresent) { // no options/switches, so we load prefences now Preferences.Load(); ArgMountOptions = Preferences.DefaultMountOptions; } } if (ArgCommand == CommandId::None) { ArgCommand = CommandId::MountVolume; param1IsVolume = true; } if (param1IsVolume) { wxFileName volPath (parser.GetParam (0)); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (!parser.GetParam (0).StartsWith (L"\\Device\\")) #endif volPath.Normalize (wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE | wxPATH_NORM_DOTS); ArgVolumePath.reset (new VolumePath (wstring (volPath.GetFullPath()))); } if (param1IsMountPoint || parser.GetParamCount() >= 2) { wstring s (parser.GetParam (param1IsMountPoint ? 0 : 1)); if (s.empty()) ArgMountOptions.NoFilesystem = true; wxFileName mountPoint (wstring (Directory::AppendSeparator (s))); mountPoint.Normalize (wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE | wxPATH_NORM_DOTS); ArgMountPoint.reset (new DirectoryPath (wstring (mountPoint.GetPath()))); } if (param1IsFile) { ArgFilePath.reset (new FilePath (parser.GetParam (0).wc_str())); } } if (param1IsMountedVolumeSpec) ArgVolumes = GetMountedVolumes (parser.GetParamCount() > 0 ? parser.GetParam (0) : wxString()); if (ArgCommand == CommandId::None && Application::GetUserInterfaceType() == UserInterfaceType::Text) parser.Usage(); } CommandLineInterface::~CommandLineInterface () { } void CommandLineInterface::CheckCommandSingle () const { if (ArgCommand != CommandId::None) throw_err (_("Only a single command can be specified at a time.")); } shared_ptr <KeyfileList> CommandLineInterface::ToKeyfileList (const wxString &arg) const { wxStringTokenizer tokenizer (arg, L",", wxTOKEN_RET_EMPTY_ALL); // Handle escaped separator wxArrayString arr; bool prevEmpty = false; while (tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString token = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); if (prevEmpty && token.empty() && tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { token = tokenizer.GetNextToken(); if (!token.empty()) { arr.Add (token); prevEmpty = true; continue; } } if (token.empty() && !tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) break; if (prevEmpty || token.empty()) { if (arr.Count() < 1) { arr.Add (L""); continue; } arr.Last() += token.empty() ? L"," : token.wc_str(); } else arr.Add (token); prevEmpty = token.empty(); } make_shared_auto (KeyfileList, keyfileList); for (size_t i = 0; i < arr.GetCount(); i++) { if (!arr[i].empty()) keyfileList->push_back (make_shared <Keyfile> (wstring (arr[i]))); } return keyfileList; } VolumeInfoList CommandLineInterface::GetMountedVolumes (const wxString &mountedVolumeSpec) const { VolumeInfoList volumes = Core->GetMountedVolumes (); VolumeInfoList filteredVolumes; wxFileName pathFilter; if (!mountedVolumeSpec.empty()) { pathFilter = mountedVolumeSpec; pathFilter.Normalize (wxPATH_NORM_ABSOLUTE | wxPATH_NORM_DOTS); } else return volumes; foreach (shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> volume, volumes) { if (mountedVolumeSpec.empty()) { filteredVolumes.push_back (volume); } else if (wxString (wstring(volume->Path)) == pathFilter.GetFullPath()) { filteredVolumes.push_back (volume); } else if (wxString (wstring(volume->MountPoint)) == pathFilter.GetFullPath() || (wxString (wstring(volume->MountPoint)) + wxFileName::GetPathSeparator()) == pathFilter.GetFullPath()) { filteredVolumes.push_back (volume); } } if (!mountedVolumeSpec.IsEmpty() && filteredVolumes.size() < 1) throw_err (_("No such volume is mounted.")); return filteredVolumes; } auto_ptr <CommandLineInterface> CmdLine; }