/* Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0. Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #include "Volume/EncryptionModeXTS.h" #include "Main/GraphicUserInterface.h" #include "BenchmarkDialog.h" namespace VeraCrypt { BenchmarkDialog::BenchmarkDialog (wxWindow *parent) : BenchmarkDialogBase (parent) { BenchmarkNoteStaticText->SetLabel (LangString["IDT_BOX_BENCHMARK_INFO"]); BenchmarkNoteStaticText->Wrap (RightSizer->GetSize().GetWidth()); list <size_t> bufferSizes; bufferSizes.push_back (1 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (5 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (10 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (50 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (100 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (200 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (500 * BYTES_PER_MB); bufferSizes.push_back (1 * BYTES_PER_GB); foreach (size_t size, bufferSizes) { BufferSizeChoice->Append (Gui->SizeToString (size), (void *) size); } BufferSizeChoice->Select (1); list <int> colPermilles; BenchmarkListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnAlgorithm, LangString["ALGORITHM"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (322); BenchmarkListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnEncryption, LangString["ENCRYPTION"], wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (226); BenchmarkListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnDecryption, LangString["DECRYPTION"], wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (226); BenchmarkListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnMean, LangString["MEAN"], wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (226); Gui->SetListCtrlWidth (BenchmarkListCtrl, 62, false); Gui->SetListCtrlHeight (BenchmarkListCtrl, 14); Gui->SetListCtrlColumnWidths (BenchmarkListCtrl, colPermilles); Layout(); Fit(); Center(); } void BenchmarkDialog::OnBenchmarkButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { list <BenchmarkResult> results; wxBusyCursor busy; Buffer buffer ((size_t) Gui->GetSelectedData <size_t> (BufferSizeChoice)); BenchmarkThreadRoutine routine(this, results, buffer); Gui->ExecuteWaitThreadRoutine (this, &routine); BenchmarkListCtrl->DeleteAllItems(); foreach (const BenchmarkResult &result, results) { vector <wstring> fields (BenchmarkListCtrl->GetColumnCount()); fields[ColumnAlgorithm] = result.AlgorithmName; fields[ColumnEncryption] = Gui->SpeedToString (result.EncryptionSpeed); fields[ColumnDecryption] = Gui->SpeedToString (result.DecryptionSpeed); fields[ColumnMean] = Gui->SpeedToString (result.MeanSpeed); Gui->AppendToListCtrl (BenchmarkListCtrl, fields); } BenchmarkListCtrl->SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); } void BenchmarkDialog::DoBenchmark (list<BenchmarkResult>& results, Buffer& buffer) { try { EncryptionAlgorithmList encryptionAlgorithms = EncryptionAlgorithm::GetAvailableAlgorithms(); foreach (shared_ptr <EncryptionAlgorithm> ea, encryptionAlgorithms) { if (!ea->IsDeprecated()) { BenchmarkResult result; result.AlgorithmName = ea->GetName(true); Buffer key (ea->GetKeySize()); ea->SetKey (key); shared_ptr <EncryptionMode> xts (new EncryptionModeXTS); xts->SetKey (key); ea->SetMode (xts); wxLongLong startTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis(); // CPU "warm up" (an attempt to prevent skewed results on systems where CPU frequency gradually changes depending on CPU load). do { ea->EncryptSectors (buffer, 0, buffer.Size() / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE); } while (wxGetLocalTimeMillis().GetValue() - startTime.GetValue() < 20); uint64 size = 0; uint64 time; startTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis(); do { ea->EncryptSectors (buffer, 0, buffer.Size() / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE); size += buffer.Size(); time = (uint64) (wxGetLocalTimeMillis().GetValue() - startTime.GetValue()); } while (time < 100); result.EncryptionSpeed = size * 1000 / time; startTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis(); size = 0; do { ea->DecryptSectors (buffer, 0, buffer.Size() / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE); size += buffer.Size(); time = (uint64) (wxGetLocalTimeMillis().GetValue() - startTime.GetValue()); } while (time < 100); result.DecryptionSpeed = size * 1000 / time; result.MeanSpeed = (result.EncryptionSpeed + result.DecryptionSpeed) / 2; bool inserted = false; for (list <BenchmarkResult>::iterator i = results.begin(); i != results.end(); ++i) { if (i->MeanSpeed < result.MeanSpeed) { results.insert (i, result); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) results.push_back (result); } } } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } }