/* Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0. Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #ifdef TC_UNIX #include #include #include #include #endif #include "Common/SecurityToken.h" #include "Main/Main.h" #include "Main/Resources.h" #include "Main/Application.h" #include "Main/GraphicUserInterface.h" #include "Main/VolumeHistory.h" #include "Main/Xml.h" #include "MainFrame.h" #include "AboutDialog.h" #include "BenchmarkDialog.h" #include "ChangePasswordDialog.h" #include "EncryptionTestDialog.h" #include "FavoriteVolumesDialog.h" #include "LegalNoticesDialog.h" #include "PreferencesDialog.h" #include "SecurityTokenKeyfilesDialog.h" #include "VolumeCreationWizard.h" #include "VolumePropertiesDialog.h" namespace VeraCrypt { DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_UPDATE_VOLUME_LIST) DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_PREF_UPDATED) DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_OPEN_VOLUME_REQUEST) DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_SHOW_WARNING) MainFrame::MainFrame (wxWindow* parent) : MainFrameBase (parent), ListItemRightClickEventPending (false), SelectedItemIndex (-1), SelectedSlotNumber (0), ShowRequestFifo (-1) { wxBusyCursor busy; SetName (Application::GetName()); SetTitle (Application::GetName()); SetIcon (Resources::GetVeraCryptIcon()); #if defined(TC_UNIX) && !defined(TC_MACOSX) try { string fifoPath = GetShowRequestFifoPath(); remove (fifoPath.c_str()); throw_sys_if (mkfifo (fifoPath.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR) == -1); ShowRequestFifo = open (fifoPath.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); throw_sys_if (ShowRequestFifo == -1); } catch (...) { #ifdef DEBUG throw; #endif } #endif InitControls(); InitPreferences(); InitTaskBarIcon(); InitEvents(); InitMessageFilter(); if (!GetPreferences().SecurityTokenModule.IsEmpty() && !SecurityToken::IsInitialized()) { try { Gui->InitSecurityTokenLibrary(); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } Connect( wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnQuit ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_UPDATE_VOLUME_LIST, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnUpdateVolumeList ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_PREF_UPDATED, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnPreferencesUpdated ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_OPEN_VOLUME_REQUEST, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeSystemRequest ) ); } MainFrame::~MainFrame () { #if defined(TC_UNIX) && !defined(TC_MACOSX) if (ShowRequestFifo != -1) { try { close (ShowRequestFifo); remove (string (GetShowRequestFifoPath()).c_str()); } catch (...) { } } #endif Disconnect( wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnQuit ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_UPDATE_VOLUME_LIST, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnUpdateVolumeList ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_PREF_UPDATED, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnPreferencesUpdated ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_OPEN_VOLUME_REQUEST, wxCommandEventHandler( MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeSystemRequest ) ); Core->VolumeMountedEvent.Disconnect (this); Core->VolumeDismountedEvent.Disconnect (this); Gui->OpenVolumeSystemRequestEvent.Disconnect (this); Gui->PreferencesUpdatedEvent.Disconnect (this); VolumeHistory::DisconnectComboBox (VolumePathComboBox); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS Hotkey::UnregisterList (this, GetPreferences().Hotkeys); #endif } void MainFrame::AddToFavorites (const VolumeInfoList &volumes) { try { FavoriteVolumeList newFavorites; // Delete duplicates foreach (shared_ptr favorite, FavoriteVolume::LoadList()) { bool mounted = false; foreach_ref (const VolumeInfo &volume, volumes) { if (volume.Path == favorite->Path) { mounted = true; break; } } if (!mounted) newFavorites.push_back (favorite); } size_t newItemCount = 0; foreach_ref (const VolumeInfo &volume, volumes) { newFavorites.push_back (shared_ptr (new FavoriteVolume (volume.Path, volume.MountPoint, volume.SlotNumber, volume.Protection == VolumeProtection::ReadOnly, volume.SystemEncryption))); ++newItemCount; } OrganizeFavorites (newFavorites, newItemCount); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } bool MainFrame::CanExit () const { return Gui->IsTheOnlyTopLevelWindow (this); } void MainFrame::ChangePassword (ChangePasswordDialog::Mode::Enum mode) { if (!CheckVolumePathNotEmpty ()) return; shared_ptr volumePath = GetSelectedVolumePath(); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (Core->IsVolumeMounted (*volumePath)) { Gui->ShowInfo (LangString [mode == ChangePasswordDialog::Mode::ChangePkcs5Prf ? "MOUNTED_NO_PKCS5_PRF_CHANGE" : "MOUNTED_NOPWCHANGE"]); return; } #endif #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif ChangePasswordDialog dialog (this, volumePath, mode); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::CheckFilesystem (bool repair) { shared_ptr selectedVolume = GetSelectedVolume(); if (selectedVolume) { try { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS string mountPoint = selectedVolume->MountPoint; wstring args = StringFormatter (repair ? L"/C echo {0} & chkdsk {1} /F /X & pause" : L"/C echo {0} & chkdsk {1} & pause", StringFormatter (LangString[repair ? "REPAIRING_FS" : "CHECKING_FS"], mountPoint), mountPoint); ShellExecute (static_cast (GetHandle()), L"runas", L"cmd.exe", args.c_str(), nullptr, SW_SHOW); #else # ifdef TC_MACOSX Gui->ShowInfo (_("Disk Utility will be launched after you press 'OK'.\n\nPlease select your volume in the Disk Utility window and press 'Verify Disk' or 'Repair Disk' button on the 'First Aid' page.")); # endif Core->CheckFilesystem (selectedVolume, repair); UpdateVolumeList(); #endif } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } } bool MainFrame::CheckVolumePathNotEmpty () const { if (VolumePathComboBox->GetValue().empty()) { Gui->ShowInfo ("NO_VOLUME_SELECTED"); return false; } return true; } void MainFrame::DismountVolume (shared_ptr volume) { try { if (!volume) volume = GetSelectedVolume(); if (volume) Gui->DismountVolume (volume); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } shared_ptr MainFrame::GetSelectedVolume () const { return Core->GetMountedVolume (SelectedSlotNumber); } void MainFrame::InitControls () { LogoBitmap->SetBitmap (Resources::GetLogoBitmap()); list colPermilles; #ifndef TC_WINDOWS SettingsMenu->Remove (HotkeysMenuItem); #endif #ifdef TC_MACOSX SettingsMenu->Remove (PreferencesMenuItem); SettingsMenu->AppendSeparator(); SettingsMenu->Append (PreferencesMenuItem); LowStaticBoxSizer->Detach (HigherButtonSizer); VolumeStaticBoxSizer->Detach (VolumeGridBagSizer); VolumeStaticBoxSizer->Add (VolumeGridBagSizer, 1, wxEXPAND, 0); ExitButton->SetLabel (_("Close")); MountAllDevicesButton->SetLabel (_("Mount All Devices")); #endif #ifdef TC_WINDOWS SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnSlot, LangString["DRIVE"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (75); #else SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnSlot, _("Slot"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (82); #endif SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnPath, LangString["VOLUME"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS colPermilles.push_back (487); #else colPermilles.push_back (429); #endif SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnSize, LangString["SIZE"], wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT, 1); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS colPermilles.push_back (126); #else colPermilles.push_back (130); #endif #ifdef TC_WINDOWS SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnEA, LangString["ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_LV"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (233); #else SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnMountPoint, LangString["MOUNT_POINT"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (259); #endif SlotListCtrl->InsertColumn (ColumnType, LangString["TYPE"], wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 1); colPermilles.push_back (100); wxImageList *imageList = new wxImageList (16, 12, true); imageList->Add (Resources::GetDriveIconBitmap(), Resources::GetDriveIconMaskBitmap()); SlotListCtrl->AssignImageList (imageList, wxIMAGE_LIST_SMALL); SetMinSize (wxSize (-1, -1)); size_t slotListRowCount = 12; #ifndef TC_WINDOWS int screenHeight = wxSystemSettings::GetMetric (wxSYS_SCREEN_Y); if (screenHeight < 480) slotListRowCount = 1; else if (screenHeight <= 600) slotListRowCount = slotListRowCount * screenHeight / 1000; #endif Gui->SetListCtrlHeight (SlotListCtrl, slotListRowCount); #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxSize size (-1, (int) ((double) Gui->GetCharHeight (this) * 1.53)); CreateVolumeButton->SetMinSize (size); VolumePropertiesButton->SetMinSize (size); WipeCacheButton->SetMinSize (size); VolumePathComboBox->SetMinSize (size); SelectFileButton->SetMinSize (size); SelectDeviceButton->SetMinSize (size); VolumeToolsButton->SetMinSize (size); size = wxSize (-1, 38); VolumeButton->SetMinSize (size); #endif Fit(); Layout(); Center(); VolumePathComboBox->SetMinSize (VolumePathComboBox->GetSize()); VolumePathComboBox->SetMaxSize (VolumePathComboBox->GetSize()); SetMinSize (GetSize()); SetMaxSize (GetSize()); Gui->SetListCtrlColumnWidths (SlotListCtrl, colPermilles); UpdateVolumeList(); UpdateWipeCacheButton(); } void MainFrame::InitEvents () { Core->VolumeMountedEvent.Connect (EventConnector (this, &MainFrame::OnVolumeMounted)); Core->VolumeDismountedEvent.Connect (EventConnector (this, &MainFrame::OnVolumeDismounted)); Gui->OpenVolumeSystemRequestEvent.Connect (EventConnector (this, &MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeSystemRequestEvent)); Gui->PreferencesUpdatedEvent.Connect (EventConnector (this, &MainFrame::OnPreferencesUpdatedEvent)); // Drag & drop class FileDropTarget : public wxFileDropTarget { public: FileDropTarget (MainFrame *frame) : Frame (frame) { } wxDragResult OnDragOver (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxDragResult def) { wxPoint p; wxWindow *w = wxFindWindowAtPointer (p); if (w == Frame || wxGetTopLevelParent (w) == Frame) return wxDragLink; return wxDragNone; } bool OnDropFiles (wxCoord x, wxCoord y, const wxArrayString &filenames) { if (!filenames.empty()) Frame->SetVolumePath (wstring (filenames.front())); return true; } MainFrame *Frame; }; SetDropTarget (new FileDropTarget (this)); #ifdef TC_MACOSX foreach (wxWindow *c, MainPanel->GetChildren()) c->SetDropTarget (new FileDropTarget (this)); #endif // Volume history VolumeHistory::ConnectComboBox (VolumePathComboBox); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS // Hotkeys Hotkey::RegisterList (this, GetPreferences().Hotkeys); Connect (wxEVT_HOTKEY, wxKeyEventHandler (MainFrame::OnHotkey)); #endif // Timer class Timer : public wxTimer { public: Timer (MainFrame *frame) : Frame (frame) { } void Notify() { Frame->OnTimer(); } MainFrame *Frame; }; mTimer.reset (dynamic_cast (new Timer (this))); mTimer->Start (2000); } #ifdef TC_WINDOWS #include static WNDPROC MainFrameWndProc; static LRESULT CALLBACK MainFrameWndProcFilter (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (message == WM_DEVICECHANGE && !Core->IsDeviceChangeInProgress()) { MainFrame *frame = dynamic_cast (Gui->GetMainFrame()); PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR hdr = (PDEV_BROADCAST_HDR) lParam; if (wParam == DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE && hdr->dbch_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_VOLUME) { PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME vol = (PDEV_BROADCAST_VOLUME) lParam; for (wchar_t driveNo = 0; driveNo < 26; ++driveNo) { if (vol->dbcv_unitmask & (1 << driveNo)) frame->OnDeviceChange (wstring (StringFormatter (L"{0}:\\", wchar_t (L'A' + driveNo)))); } } else { frame->OnDeviceChange (); } } return CallWindowProc (MainFrameWndProc, hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } #endif void MainFrame::InitMessageFilter () { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS HWND mainFrameHwnd = static_cast (GetHandle()); MainFrameWndProc = (WNDPROC) GetWindowLongPtr (mainFrameHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC); SetWindowLongPtr (mainFrameHwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) MainFrameWndProcFilter); #endif } void MainFrame::InitPreferences () { try { LoadPreferences(); VolumeSlotNumber lastSelectedSlotNumber = GetPreferences().LastSelectedSlotNumber; if (Core->IsSlotNumberValid (lastSelectedSlotNumber)) { long slotIndex = SlotNumberToItemIndex (lastSelectedSlotNumber); if (slotIndex >= 0) { SlotListCtrl->SetItemState (slotIndex, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); SlotListCtrl->EnsureVisible (slotIndex); } } LoadFavoriteVolumes(); VolumeHistory::Load(); if (VolumePathComboBox->GetValue().empty() && !VolumeHistory::Get().empty()) SetVolumePath (VolumeHistory::Get().front()); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); Gui->ShowError (_("Error while loading configuration files located in ") + wstring (Application::GetConfigFilePath (L""))); } } void MainFrame::InitTaskBarIcon () { class TaskBarIcon : public wxTaskBarIcon { public: TaskBarIcon (MainFrame *frame) : Busy (false), Frame (frame) { Connect (wxEVT_TASKBAR_LEFT_DOWN, wxTaskBarIconEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnLeftButtonDown)); } wxMenu *CreatePopupMenu () { auto_ptr popup (new wxMenu); Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, LangString[Gui->IsInBackgroundMode() ? "SHOW_TC" : "HIDE_TC"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnShowHideMenuItemSelected)); popup->AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, _("Mount All Favorite Volumes"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnMountAllFavoritesMenuItemSelected))->Enable (!Busy); Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, _("Dismount All Mounted Volumes"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnDismountAllMenuItemSelected))->Enable (!Busy); // Favorite volumes if (Gui->GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskMenuMountItemsEnabled && !Frame->FavoriteVolumesMenuMap.empty()) { popup->AppendSeparator(); typedef pair FavMapPair; foreach (FavMapPair fp, Frame->FavoriteVolumesMenuMap) { Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, LangString["MOUNT"] + L" " + wstring (fp.second.Path) + (fp.second.MountPoint.IsEmpty() ? L"" : L" " + wstring (fp.second.MountPoint)), this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnFavoriteVolumeMenuItemSelected), fp.first)->Enable (!Busy); } } // Mounted volumes VolumeInfoList mountedVolumes = Core->GetMountedVolumes(); if (!mountedVolumes.empty()) { if (Gui->GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskMenuOpenItemsEnabled) { popup->AppendSeparator(); OpenMap.clear(); foreach (shared_ptr volume, mountedVolumes) { if (!volume->MountPoint.IsEmpty()) { wxString label = LangString["OPEN"] + L" " + wstring (volume->MountPoint) + L" (" + wstring (volume->Path) + L")"; wxMenuItem *item = Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, label, this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnOpenMenuItemSelected)); OpenMap[item->GetId()] = volume; } } } if (Gui->GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskMenuDismountItemsEnabled) { popup->AppendSeparator(); DismountMap.clear(); foreach (shared_ptr volume, mountedVolumes) { wxString label = LangString["DISMOUNT"] + L" "; if (!volume->MountPoint.IsEmpty()) label += wstring (volume->MountPoint) + L" (" + wstring (volume->Path) + L")"; else label += wstring (volume->Path); wxMenuItem *item = Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, label, this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnDismountMenuItemSelected)); item->Enable (!Busy); DismountMap[item->GetId()] = volume; } } } popup->AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, _("Preferences..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnPreferencesMenuItemSelected))->Enable (!Busy); #ifndef TC_MACOSX popup->AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (*popup, _("Exit"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (TaskBarIcon::OnExitMenuItemSelected))->Enable (!Busy && Frame->CanExit()); #endif return popup.release(); } void OnDismountAllMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; Frame->OnDismountAllButtonClick (event); Busy = false; } void OnDismountMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; Frame->DismountVolume (DismountMap[event.GetId()]); Busy = false; } void OnFavoriteVolumeMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; Frame->OnFavoriteVolumeMenuItemSelected (event); Busy = false; } void OnMountAllFavoritesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; Frame->MountAllFavorites (); Busy = false; } void OnExitMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; if (Core->GetMountedVolumes().empty() || Gui->AskYesNo (LangString ["CONFIRM_EXIT"], false, true)) Frame->Close (true); Busy = false; } void OnLeftButtonDown (wxTaskBarIconEvent& event) { Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); } void OnOpenMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Gui->OpenExplorerWindow (OpenMap[event.GetId()]->MountPoint); } void OnPreferencesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Busy = true; Frame->OnPreferencesMenuItemSelected (event); Busy = false; } void OnShowHideMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Gui->SetBackgroundMode (!Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()); } bool Busy; map < int, shared_ptr > DismountMap; MainFrame *Frame; map < int, shared_ptr > OpenMap; }; mTaskBarIcon.reset (new TaskBarIcon (this)); ShowTaskBarIcon (GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskEnabled); } void MainFrame::LoadFavoriteVolumes () { typedef pair FavMapPair; foreach (FavMapPair p, FavoriteVolumesMenuMap) { FavoritesMenu->Delete (p.first); } FavoriteVolumesMenuMap.clear(); foreach_ref (const FavoriteVolume &favorite, FavoriteVolume::LoadList()) { wstring label = wstring (favorite.Path); if (!favorite.MountPoint.IsEmpty()) label += wstring (L" ") + wstring (favorite.MountPoint); wxMenuItem *item = Gui->AppendToMenu (*FavoritesMenu, label, this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnFavoriteVolumeMenuItemSelected)); FavoriteVolumesMenuMap[item->GetId()] = favorite; } } void MainFrame::LoadPreferences () { UserPreferences prefs; prefs.Load(); Gui->SetPreferences (prefs); NoHistoryCheckBox->SetValue (!prefs.SaveHistory); } void MainFrame::MountAllDevices () { try { MountOptions mountOptions (GetPreferences().DefaultMountOptions); if (CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode) { mountOptions.TrueCryptMode = CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode; } if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { mountOptions.Kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, mountOptions.TrueCryptMode); } if (CmdLine->ArgPim > 0) { mountOptions.Pim = CmdLine->ArgPim; } if (SlotListCtrl->GetSelectedItemCount() == 1) mountOptions.SlotNumber = SelectedSlotNumber; Gui->MountAllDeviceHostedVolumes (mountOptions); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::MountAllFavorites () { try { MountOptions mountOptions (GetPreferences().DefaultMountOptions); if (CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode) { mountOptions.TrueCryptMode = CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode; } if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { mountOptions.Kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, mountOptions.TrueCryptMode); } if (CmdLine->ArgPim > 0) { mountOptions.Pim = CmdLine->ArgPim; } Gui->MountAllFavoriteVolumes (mountOptions); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::MountVolume () { if (!IsFreeSlotSelected()) { Gui->ShowWarning (_("Please select a free drive slot from the list.")); return; } if (!CheckVolumePathNotEmpty()) return; MountOptions mountOptions (GetPreferences().DefaultMountOptions); mountOptions.SlotNumber = SelectedSlotNumber; mountOptions.Path = GetSelectedVolumePath(); if (CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode) { mountOptions.TrueCryptMode = CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode; } if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { mountOptions.Kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, mountOptions.TrueCryptMode); } if (CmdLine->ArgPim > 0) { mountOptions.Pim = CmdLine->ArgPim; } try { if (Gui->MountVolume (mountOptions) && GetPreferences().SaveHistory) VolumeHistory::Add (*mountOptions.Path); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnAboutMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif AboutDialog dialog (this); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnActivate (wxActivateEvent& event) { Gui->SetActiveFrame (this); #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (event.GetActive() && Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif event.Skip(); } void MainFrame::OnAddAllMountedToFavoritesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { AddToFavorites (MountedVolumes); } void MainFrame::OnAddToFavoritesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { shared_ptr selectedVolume = GetSelectedVolume(); if (selectedVolume) { VolumeInfoList volumes; volumes.push_back (selectedVolume); AddToFavorites (volumes); } } void MainFrame::OnBackupVolumeHeadersMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!CheckVolumePathNotEmpty ()) return; try { Gui->BackupVolumeHeaders (GetSelectedVolumePath()); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnBenchmarkMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif BenchmarkDialog dialog (this); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnClearSlotSelectionMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { Gui->ClearListCtrlSelection (SlotListCtrl); UpdateControls(); } void MainFrame::OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { if (GetPreferences().WipeCacheOnClose) Core->WipePasswordCache(); #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (!event.CanVeto() && GetPreferences().DismountOnLogOff) { try { Gui->DismountVolumes (Core->GetMountedVolumes(), GetPreferences().ForceAutoDismount, false); } catch (...) { } } #endif if (!Gui->IsTheOnlyTopLevelWindow (this)) { // Bring first frame to foreground wxFrame *frame = nullptr; foreach (wxWindow *window, wxTopLevelWindows) { if (window != this && dynamic_cast (window) && StringConverter::GetTypeName (typeid (*window)).find ("wxTaskBarIcon") == string::npos) { frame = dynamic_cast (window); if (window->IsShown()) break; } } if (frame) { frame->Show(); if (frame->IsIconized()) frame->Iconize(false); frame->Raise(); } } else if (event.CanVeto() && GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskEnabled && (!GetPreferences().CloseBackgroundTaskOnNoVolumes || !MountedVolumes.empty())) { // Enter background mode if (!Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (true); } else { #ifdef __WXGTK__ Show(); #endif SavePreferences(); Destroy(); } // Cancel close - veto is not used to prevent aborting log off procedure on Windows return; } void MainFrame::OnCloseAllSecurityTokenSessionsMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { try { { wxBusyCursor busy; SecurityToken::CloseAllSessions(); } Gui->ShowInfo ("ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED"); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnCreateVolumeButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { try { (new VolumeCreationWizard (nullptr))->Show(); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnDefaultKeyfilesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif PreferencesDialog dialog (this); dialog.SelectPage (dialog.DefaultKeyfilesPage); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnDefaultMountParametersMenuItemSelected(wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif PreferencesDialog dialog (this); dialog.SelectPage (dialog.DefaultMountOptionsPage); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnDeviceChange (const DirectoryPath &mountPoint) { // Check if any host device has been removed and force dismount of volumes accordingly VolumeInfoList removedVolumes; foreach (shared_ptr volume, Core->GetMountedVolumes()) { // File-hosted volumes if (!volume->Path.IsDevice() && !mountPoint.IsEmpty()) { if (wxString (wstring(volume->Path)).Upper().StartsWith (wstring (mountPoint).c_str())) { removedVolumes.push_back (volume); continue; } } // Device-hosted volumes if (volume->Path.IsDevice() && !Core->IsDevicePresent (volume->Path)) removedVolumes.push_back (volume); } if (!removedVolumes.empty()) Gui->AutoDismountVolumes (removedVolumes, true); } void MainFrame::OnDismountAllButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { Gui->DismountAllVolumes(); } void MainFrame::OnEncryptionTestMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif EncryptionTestDialog dialog (this); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnExitButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { Close(); } void MainFrame::OnFavoriteVolumeMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { FavoriteVolume favorite = FavoriteVolumesMenuMap[event.GetId()]; if (!favorite.Path.IsEmpty()) { SetVolumePath (favorite.Path); MountOptions mountOptions (GetPreferences().DefaultMountOptions); if (CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode) { mountOptions.TrueCryptMode = CmdLine->ArgTrueCryptMode; } if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { mountOptions.Kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, mountOptions.TrueCryptMode); } if (CmdLine->ArgPim > 0) { mountOptions.Pim = CmdLine->ArgPim; } favorite.ToMountOptions (mountOptions); shared_ptr volume = Gui->MountVolume (mountOptions); if (volume) SlotListCtrl->EnsureVisible (SlotNumberToItemIndex (volume->SlotNumber)); } } void MainFrame::OnHiddenVolumeProtectionTriggered (shared_ptr protectedVolume) { Gui->ShowWarningTopMost (StringFormatter (LangString["DAMAGE_TO_HIDDEN_VOLUME_PREVENTED"], wstring (protectedVolume->Path))); } void MainFrame::OnHotkey (wxKeyEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS switch (event.GetId()) { case Hotkey::Id::CloseAllSecurityTokenSessions: try { SecurityToken::CloseAllSessions(); Gui->ShowInfo ("ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS_CLOSED"); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } break; case Hotkey::Id::DismountAll: case Hotkey::Id::DismountAllWipeCache: { if (event.GetId() == Hotkey::Id::DismountAllWipeCache) WipeCache(); size_t mountedCount = Core->GetMountedVolumes().size(); Gui->DismountAllVolumes(); size_t newMountedCount = Core->GetMountedVolumes().size(); if (newMountedCount < mountedCount) { if (newMountedCount == 0 && GetPreferences().DisplayMessageAfterHotkeyDismount) Gui->ShowInfo ("MOUNTED_VOLUMES_DISMOUNTED"); else if (GetPreferences().BeepAfterHotkeyMountDismount) MessageBeep((UINT) -1); } } break; case Hotkey::Id::ForceDismountAllWipeCache: case Hotkey::Id::ForceDismountAllWipeCacheExit: { bool mounted = !Core->GetMountedVolumes().empty(); WipeCache(); Gui->DismountAllVolumes (true, true); if (mounted && GetPreferences().DisplayMessageAfterHotkeyDismount) Gui->ShowInfo ("VOLUMES_DISMOUNTED_CACHE_WIPED"); else if (mounted && GetPreferences().BeepAfterHotkeyMountDismount) MessageBeep((UINT) -1); if (event.GetId() == Hotkey::Id::ForceDismountAllWipeCacheExit) Close (true); } break; case Hotkey::Id::MountAllDevices: case Hotkey::Id::MountAllFavorites: { size_t mountedCount = Core->GetMountedVolumes().size(); if (event.GetId() == Hotkey::Id::MountAllDevices) MountAllDevices(); else MountAllFavorites(); if (Core->GetMountedVolumes().size() > mountedCount && GetPreferences().BeepAfterHotkeyMountDismount) MessageBeep((UINT) -1); } break; case Hotkey::Id::ShowHideApplication: Gui->SetBackgroundMode (!Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()); break; case Hotkey::Id::WipeCache: WipeCache(); Gui->ShowInfo ("PASSWORD_CACHE_WIPED"); break; default: assert (false); break; } #endif // TC_WINDOWS } void MainFrame::OnHotkeysMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif PreferencesDialog dialog (this); dialog.SelectPage (dialog.HotkeysPage); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnLegalNoticesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif LegalNoticesDialog dialog (this); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnListChanged () { OnListItemSelectionChanged(); UpdateControls(); } void MainFrame::OnListItemActivated (wxListEvent& event) { if (IsMountedSlotSelected()) OpenSelectedVolume(); else MountVolume(); } void MainFrame::OnListItemDeleted (long itemIndex) { if (SelectedItemIndex > itemIndex) --SelectedItemIndex; } void MainFrame::OnListItemDeselected (wxListEvent& event) { OnListItemSelectionChanged(); } void MainFrame::OnListItemInserted (long itemIndex) { if (SelectedItemIndex >= itemIndex) ++SelectedItemIndex; } void MainFrame::OnListItemRightClick (wxListEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (SelectedItemIndex != event.GetIndex()) { SelectedItemIndex = event.GetIndex(); OnListItemSelectionChanged(); } if (!ListItemRightClickEventPending) { ListItemRightClickEventPending = true; SlotListCtrl->GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent (event); return; } ListItemRightClickEventPending = false; #endif wxMenu popup; if (IsMountedSlotSelected()) { Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["DISMOUNT"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnDismountVolumeMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["OPEN"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Deselect"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnClearSlotSelectionMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Add to Favorites..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnAddToFavoritesMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["IDPM_CHECK_FILESYS"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnCheckFilesystemMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["IDPM_REPAIR_FILESYS"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnRepairFilesystemMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["IDPM_PROPERTIES"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnVolumePropertiesButtonClick)); PopupMenu (&popup); } else if (IsFreeSlotSelected()) { Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Mount Volume"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnMountVolumeMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["SELECT_FILE_AND_MOUNT"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnSelectFileAndMountMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, LangString["SELECT_DEVICE_AND_MOUNT"], this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnSelectDeviceAndMountMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator(); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Deselect"), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnClearSlotSelectionMenuItemSelected)); PopupMenu (&popup); } } void MainFrame::OnListItemSelected (wxListEvent& event) { SelectedItemIndex = event.GetIndex(); OnListItemSelectionChanged(); } void MainFrame::OnListItemSelectionChanged () { if (SlotListCtrl->GetSelectedItemCount() < 1) SelectedItemIndex = -1; if (SelectedItemIndex >= 0) SelectedSlotNumber = (VolumeSlotNumber) SlotListCtrl->GetItemData (SelectedItemIndex); else SelectedSlotNumber = 0; UpdateControls(); } void MainFrame::OnManageSecurityTokenKeyfilesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { try { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif SecurityTokenKeyfilesDialog dialog (this, false); dialog.ShowModal(); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnMountAllDevicesButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { MountAllDevices(); } void MainFrame::OnMountAllFavoritesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { MountAllFavorites(); } void MainFrame::OnNoHistoryCheckBoxClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { UserPreferences prefs = GetPreferences(); prefs.SaveHistory = !event.IsChecked(); Gui->SetPreferences (prefs); if (event.IsChecked()) { try { VolumeHistory::Clear(); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } } void MainFrame::OnOrganizeFavoritesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { try { OrganizeFavorites (FavoriteVolume::LoadList()); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnPreferencesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif PreferencesDialog dialog (this); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeSystemRequest (wxCommandEvent& event) { wstring* eventPath = (wstring*) event.GetClientData(); SetVolumePath (*eventPath); delete eventPath; } void MainFrame::OnOpenVolumeSystemRequestEvent (EventArgs &args) { wstring* eventPath = new wstring (dynamic_cast (args).mVolumePath); wxCommandEvent* pEvent = new wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_OPEN_VOLUME_REQUEST,0); pEvent->SetClientData(eventPath); wxQueueEvent (this, pEvent); } void MainFrame::OnPreferencesUpdated (wxCommandEvent& event) { const UserPreferences &prefs = GetPreferences(); NoHistoryCheckBox->SetValue (!prefs.SaveHistory); ShowTaskBarIcon (prefs.BackgroundTaskEnabled); if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode() && !prefs.BackgroundTaskEnabled) Close (true); SavePreferences(); } void MainFrame::OnRestoreVolumeHeaderMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!CheckVolumePathNotEmpty ()) return; try { Gui->RestoreVolumeHeaders (GetSelectedVolumePath()); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnSecurityTokenPreferencesMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif PreferencesDialog dialog (this); dialog.SelectPage (dialog.SecurityTokensPage); dialog.ShowModal(); } void MainFrame::OnSelectDeviceAndMountMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { DevicePath path = Gui->SelectDevice (this); if (!path.IsEmpty()) { SetVolumePath (path); OnMountVolumeMenuItemSelected (event); } } void MainFrame::OnSelectDeviceButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { DevicePath path = Gui->SelectDevice (this); if (!path.IsEmpty()) SetVolumePath (path); } void MainFrame::OnSelectFileAndMountMenuItemSelected (wxCommandEvent& event) { FilePath path = Gui->SelectVolumeFile (this); if (!path.IsEmpty()) { SetVolumePath (path); OnMountVolumeMenuItemSelected (event); } } void MainFrame::OnSelectFileButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { FilePath path = Gui->SelectVolumeFile (this); if (!path.IsEmpty()) SetVolumePath (path); } void MainFrame::OnTimer () { try { UpdateVolumeList(); UpdateWipeCacheButton(); if (GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskEnabled) { // Inactivity auto-dismount if (GetPreferences().DismountOnInactivity) { VolumeInfoList inactiveVolumes; wxLongLong currentTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis().GetValue(); map newActivityTimeMap; foreach (shared_ptr volume, MountedVolumes) { if (VolumeActivityMap.find (volume->Path) != VolumeActivityMap.end() && VolumeActivityMap[volume->Path].SerialInstanceNumber == volume->SerialInstanceNumber) { VolumeActivityMapEntry ae = VolumeActivityMap[volume->Path]; if (volume->TotalDataRead != ae.TotalDataRead || volume->TotalDataWritten != ae.TotalDataWritten) { ae.LastActivityTime = currentTime; ae.TotalDataRead = volume->TotalDataRead; ae.TotalDataWritten = volume->TotalDataWritten; } else if ((currentTime - ae.LastActivityTime) > GetPreferences().MaxVolumeIdleTime * 1000LL * 60) { inactiveVolumes.push_back (volume); } newActivityTimeMap[volume->Path] = ae; } else { newActivityTimeMap[volume->Path] = VolumeActivityMapEntry (*volume, currentTime); } } VolumeActivityMap = newActivityTimeMap; if (!inactiveVolumes.empty()) Gui->AutoDismountVolumes (inactiveVolumes); } // Screen saver auto-dismount if (GetPreferences().DismountOnScreenSaver) { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS bool running; if (SystemParametersInfo (SPI_GETSCREENSAVERRUNNING, 0, &running, 0) != 0) { static bool previousState = false; if (running && !previousState) { previousState = true; Gui->OnAutoDismountAllEvent(); } else { previousState = running; } } #endif } } if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) { if (!GetPreferences().BackgroundTaskEnabled) { Close (true); } else if (MountedVolumes.empty() && (GetPreferences().CloseBackgroundTaskOnNoVolumes || Core->IsInPortableMode())) { Close (true); } } #if defined(TC_UNIX) && !defined(TC_MACOSX) try { byte buf[128]; if (read (ShowRequestFifo, buf, sizeof (buf)) > 0 && Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); } catch (...) { #ifdef DEBUG throw; #endif } #endif } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::OnVolumeButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { if (IsMountedSlotSelected()) DismountVolume(); else MountVolume(); } void MainFrame::OnVolumePropertiesButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { shared_ptr selectedVolume = GetSelectedVolume(); if (selectedVolume) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif VolumePropertiesDialog dialog (this, *selectedVolume); dialog.ShowModal(); } } void MainFrame::OnVolumeToolsButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { if (!CheckVolumePathNotEmpty()) return; wxMenu popup; Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Change Volume Password..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnChangePasswordMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator (); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Add/Remove Keyfiles to/from Volume..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnChangeKeyfilesMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Remove All Keyfiles from Volume..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnRemoveKeyfilesMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator (); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Change Header Key Derivation Algorithm..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnChangePkcs5PrfMenuItemSelected)); popup.AppendSeparator (); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Backup Volume Header..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnBackupVolumeHeadersMenuItemSelected)); Gui->AppendToMenu (popup, _("Restore Volume Header..."), this, wxCommandEventHandler (MainFrame::OnRestoreVolumeHeaderMenuItemSelected)); PopupMenu (&popup, VolumeToolsButton->GetPosition().x + 2, VolumeToolsButton->GetPosition().y + 2); } void MainFrame::OnWipeCacheButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { WipeCache(); Gui->ShowInfo ("PASSWORD_CACHE_WIPED"); } void MainFrame::OpenSelectedVolume () const { shared_ptr selectedVolume = GetSelectedVolume(); if (selectedVolume) { try { wxBusyCursor busy; Gui->OpenExplorerWindow (selectedVolume->MountPoint); } catch (exception &e) { Gui->ShowError (e); } } } void MainFrame::OrganizeFavorites (const FavoriteVolumeList &favorites, size_t newItemCount) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX if (Gui->IsInBackgroundMode()) Gui->SetBackgroundMode (false); #endif FavoriteVolumesDialog dialog (this, favorites, newItemCount); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { FavoriteVolume::SaveList (dialog.GetFavorites()); LoadFavoriteVolumes(); } } void MainFrame::SavePreferences () const { try { UserPreferences prefs = GetPreferences(); prefs.LastSelectedSlotNumber = SelectedSlotNumber; prefs.Save(); VolumeHistory::Save(); } catch (exception &e) { if (!Core->IsInPortableMode()) Gui->ShowError (e); } } void MainFrame::ShowTaskBarIcon (bool show) { if (!show && mTaskBarIcon->IsIconInstalled()) { mTaskBarIcon->RemoveIcon(); } else if (show && !mTaskBarIcon->IsIconInstalled()) { #ifndef TC_MACOSX mTaskBarIcon->SetIcon (Resources::GetVeraCryptIcon(), L"VeraCrypt"); #endif } } long MainFrame::SlotNumberToItemIndex (uint32 slotNumber) const { for (long itemIndex = 0; itemIndex < SlotListCtrl->GetItemCount(); itemIndex++) { wxListItem item; item.SetId (itemIndex); if (slotNumber == (uint32) SlotListCtrl->GetItemData (item)) return itemIndex; } return -1; } void MainFrame::UpdateControls () { bool mounted = IsMountedSlotSelected(); VolumeButton->SetLabel (mounted ? LangString["DISMOUNT"] : wxString (_("Mount"))); VolumePropertiesButton->Enable (mounted); DismountVolumeMenuItem->Enable (mounted); MountVolumeMenuItem->Enable (!mounted); VolumePropertiesMenuItem->Enable (mounted); AddToFavoritesMenuItem->Enable (mounted); AddAllMountedToFavoritesMenuItem->Enable (!MountedVolumes.empty()); UpdateWipeCacheButton(); } void MainFrame::UpdateVolumeList () { static Mutex mutex; ScopeLock lock (mutex); bool listChanged = false; MountedVolumes = Core->GetMountedVolumes(); map < VolumeSlotNumber, shared_ptr > mountedVolumesMap; foreach (shared_ptr volume, MountedVolumes) { mountedVolumesMap[volume->SlotNumber] = volume; } VolumeInfoList protectionTriggeredVolumes; SlotListCtrl->SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); // Update list long prevItemIndex = -1; for (VolumeSlotNumber slotNumber = Core->GetFirstSlotNumber(); slotNumber <= Core->GetLastSlotNumber(); ++slotNumber) { long itemIndex = SlotNumberToItemIndex (slotNumber); vector fields (SlotListCtrl->GetColumnCount()); if (mountedVolumesMap.find (slotNumber) != mountedVolumesMap.end()) { shared_ptr volume = mountedVolumesMap[slotNumber]; #ifdef TC_WINDOWS fields[ColumnSlot] = volume->MountPoint; fields[ColumnEA] = volume->EncryptionAlgorithmName; #else fields[ColumnSlot] = StringConverter::FromNumber (slotNumber); fields[ColumnMountPoint] = volume->MountPoint; #endif fields[ColumnPath] = volume->Path; fields[ColumnSize] = Gui->SizeToString (volume->Size); fields[ColumnType] = Gui->VolumeTypeToString (volume->Type, volume->TrueCryptMode, volume->Protection); if (volume->HiddenVolumeProtectionTriggered) { fields[ColumnType] += L"(!)"; } bool slotUpdated = false; if (itemIndex == -1) { Gui->InsertToListCtrl (SlotListCtrl, ++prevItemIndex, fields, 0, (void *) volume->SlotNumber); OnListItemInserted (prevItemIndex); listChanged |= true; slotUpdated = true; } else { if (Gui->UpdateListCtrlItem (SlotListCtrl, itemIndex, fields)) { listChanged = true; slotUpdated = true; } prevItemIndex = itemIndex; } if (slotUpdated && volume->HiddenVolumeProtectionTriggered) protectionTriggeredVolumes.push_back (volume); } else { #ifdef TC_WINDOWS fields[ColumnSlot] = Core->SlotNumberToMountPoint (slotNumber); #else fields[ColumnSlot] = StringConverter::FromNumber (slotNumber); #endif #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (Core->IsMountPointAvailable (fields[ColumnSlot])) #else if (true) #endif { if (itemIndex == -1) { Gui->InsertToListCtrl (SlotListCtrl, ++prevItemIndex, fields, 0, (void *) slotNumber); OnListItemInserted (prevItemIndex); listChanged |= true; } else { listChanged |= Gui->UpdateListCtrlItem (SlotListCtrl, itemIndex, fields); prevItemIndex = itemIndex; } } else if (itemIndex != -1) { SlotListCtrl->DeleteItem (itemIndex); OnListItemDeleted (itemIndex); listChanged = true; } } } if (listChanged) OnListChanged(); foreach (shared_ptr volume, protectionTriggeredVolumes) OnHiddenVolumeProtectionTriggered (volume); } void MainFrame::UpdateWipeCacheButton () { bool enabled = WipeCacheButton->IsEnabled(); bool empty = Core->IsPasswordCacheEmpty(); if (empty && enabled) { WipeCacheButton->Disable(); WipeCachedPasswordsMenuItem->Enable (false); } else if (!empty && !enabled) { WipeCacheButton->Enable(); WipeCachedPasswordsMenuItem->Enable(); } } void MainFrame::WipeCache () { Core->WipePasswordCache(); UpdateWipeCacheButton(); } } ss="p">, 0); return false; } else { break; } } } if (entry == NULL) { if ((entry = (zip_hash_entry_t *)malloc(sizeof(zip_hash_entry_t))) == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_MEMORY, 0); return false; } entry->name = name; entry->next = hash->table[table_index]; hash->table[table_index] = entry; entry->hash_value = hash_value; entry->orig_index = -1; hash->nentries++; if (hash->nentries > hash->table_size * HASH_MAX_FILL && hash->table_size < HASH_MAX_SIZE) { if (!hash_resize(hash, hash->table_size * 2, error)) { return false; } } } if (flags & ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED) { entry->orig_index = (zip_int64_t)index; } entry->current_index = (zip_int64_t)index; return true; } /* remove entry from hash, error if not found */ bool _zip_hash_delete(zip_hash_t *hash, const zip_uint8_t *name, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint32_t hash_value, index; zip_hash_entry_t *entry, *previous; if (hash == NULL || name == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0); return false; } if (hash->nentries > 0) { hash_value = hash_string(name); index = hash_value % hash->table_size; previous = NULL; entry = hash->table[index]; while (entry) { if (entry->hash_value == hash_value && strcmp((const char *)name, (const char *)entry->name) == 0) { if (entry->orig_index == -1) { if (previous) { previous->next = entry->next; } else { hash->table[index] = entry->next; } free(entry); hash->nentries--; if (hash->nentries < hash->table_size * HASH_MIN_FILL && hash->table_size > HASH_MIN_SIZE) { if (!hash_resize(hash, hash->table_size / 2, error)) { return false; } } } else { entry->current_index = -1; } return true; } previous = entry; entry = entry->next; } } zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOENT, 0); return false; } /* find value for entry in hash, -1 if not found */ zip_int64_t _zip_hash_lookup(zip_hash_t *hash, const zip_uint8_t *name, zip_flags_t flags, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint32_t hash_value, index; zip_hash_entry_t *entry; if (hash == NULL || name == NULL) { zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_INVAL, 0); return -1; } if (hash->nentries > 0) { hash_value = hash_string(name); index = hash_value % hash->table_size; for (entry = hash->table[index]; entry != NULL; entry = entry->next) { if (strcmp((const char *)name, (const char *)entry->name) == 0) { if (flags & ZIP_FL_UNCHANGED) { if (entry->orig_index != -1) { return entry->orig_index; } } else { if (entry->current_index != -1) { return entry->current_index; } } break; } } } zip_error_set(error, ZIP_ER_NOENT, 0); return -1; } bool _zip_hash_reserve_capacity(zip_hash_t *hash, zip_uint64_t capacity, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint32_t new_size; if (capacity == 0) { return true; } new_size = size_for_capacity(capacity); if (new_size <= hash->table_size) { return true; } if (!hash_resize(hash, new_size, error)) { return false; } return true; } bool _zip_hash_revert(zip_hash_t *hash, zip_error_t *error) { zip_uint32_t i; zip_hash_entry_t *entry, *previous; for (i = 0; i < hash->table_size; i++) { previous = NULL; entry = hash->table[i]; while (entry) { if (entry->orig_index == -1) { zip_hash_entry_t *p; if (previous) { previous->next = entry->next; } else { hash->table[i] = entry->next; } p = entry; entry = entry->next; /* previous does not change */ free(p); hash->nentries--; } else { entry->current_index = entry->orig_index; previous = entry; entry = entry->next; } } } if (hash->nentries < hash->table_size * HASH_MIN_FILL && hash->table_size > HASH_MIN_SIZE) { zip_uint32_t new_size = hash->table_size / 2; while (hash->nentries < new_size * HASH_MIN_FILL && new_size > HASH_MIN_SIZE) { new_size /= 2; } if (!hash_resize(hash, new_size, error)) { return false; } } return true; }