/* Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #include "Main/GraphicUserInterface.h" #include "ProgressWizardPage.h" namespace VeraCrypt { ProgressWizardPage::ProgressWizardPage (wxPanel* parent, bool enableAbort) : ProgressWizardPageBase (parent), PreviousGaugeValue (0), ProgressBarRange (1), RealProgressBarRange (1) { #ifdef TC_MACOSX ProgressGauge->SetMinSize (wxSize (-1, 12)); // OS X apparently supports only up to 12px thick progress bars #else ProgressGauge->SetMinSize (wxSize (-1, Gui->GetCharHeight (this) * 2)); #endif ProgressValue.Set (0); ProgressGauge->SetValue (0); AbortButton->Show (enableAbort); class Timer : public wxTimer { public: Timer (ProgressWizardPage *page) : Page (page) { } void Notify() { Page->OnTimer(); } ProgressWizardPage *Page; }; mTimer.reset (dynamic_cast <wxTimer *> (new Timer (this))); mTimer->Start (30); } void ProgressWizardPage::OnAbortButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { AbortEvent.Raise(); } void ProgressWizardPage::OnTimer () { uint64 value = ProgressValue.Get(); int gaugeValue = static_cast <int> (value * RealProgressBarRange / ProgressBarRange); if (value == ProgressBarRange) gaugeValue = RealProgressBarRange; // Prevent round-off error if (gaugeValue != PreviousGaugeValue) { ProgressGauge->SetValue (gaugeValue); PreviousGaugeValue = gaugeValue; } } void ProgressWizardPage::SetMaxStaticTextWidth (int width) { InfoStaticText->Wrap (width); } void ProgressWizardPage::SetProgressRange (uint64 progressBarRange) { ProgressBarRange = progressBarRange; RealProgressBarRange = ProgressGauge->GetSize().GetWidth(); ProgressGauge->SetRange (RealProgressBarRange); } }