/* Copyright (c) 2013-2018 IDRIX. All rights reserved. Governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #ifndef TC_HEADER_Main_Forms_WaitDialog #define TC_HEADER_Main_Forms_WaitDialog #include "Forms.h" #include "Main/Main.h" #include "Main/Application.h" #include namespace VeraCrypt { DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOGTHREAD_COMPLETED, -1); DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_ADMIN_PASSWORD, -1); DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_PIN, -1); DECLARE_LOCAL_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_SHOW_MSG, -1); class WaitDialog; class WaitThread : public wxThread { public: WaitThread(WaitDialog *handler, WaitThreadRoutine* pRoutine) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_DETACHED), m_pRoutine(pRoutine) { m_pHandler = handler; } ~WaitThread() { } protected: virtual ExitCode Entry(); WaitDialog *m_pHandler; WaitThreadRoutine* m_pRoutine; }; class WaitDialog : public WaitDialogBase, public WaitThreadUI { public: WaitDialog (wxWindow *parent, const wxString& label, WaitThreadRoutine* pRoutine) : WaitDialogBase(parent), WaitThreadUI(pRoutine), m_bThreadRunning (false), m_timer (this) { WaitStaticText->SetLabel (label); WaitProgessBar->Pulse(); Layout(); GetSizer()->Fit( this ); Centre( wxBOTH ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOGTHREAD_COMPLETED, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnThreadCompletion ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_ADMIN_PASSWORD, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnAdminPasswordRequest ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_PIN, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnPinRequest ) ); Connect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_SHOW_MSG, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnShowMsg ) ); Connect( wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnProgressTimer ), NULL, this ); m_thread = new WaitThread(this, pRoutine); } ~WaitDialog() { Disconnect( wxEVT_TIMER, wxTimerEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnProgressTimer )); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOGTHREAD_COMPLETED, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnThreadCompletion ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_ADMIN_PASSWORD, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnAdminPasswordRequest ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_PIN, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnPinRequest ) ); Disconnect( wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_SHOW_MSG, wxCommandEventHandler( WaitDialog::OnShowMsg ) ); } virtual void OnWaitDialogInit( wxInitDialogEvent& event ) { m_thread->Run(); m_timer.Start(100); m_bThreadRunning = true; } int GetCharWidth (wxWindow *window) const { int width; int height; window->GetTextExtent (L"a", &width, &height); if (width < 1) return 7; return width; } class ShowMessageParam { public: wxString m_message; wxString m_caption; long m_style; bool m_topMost; ShowMessageParam(const wxString &message, const wxString &caption,long style, bool topMost) : m_message(message), m_caption(caption), m_style(style), m_topMost(topMost) {} }; int RequestShowMessage (const wxString &message, const wxString &caption,long style, bool topMost) { long lResult = -1; if (m_queue.IsOk()) { wxString sResult; ShowMessageParam* pParam = new ShowMessageParam(message, caption, style, topMost); wxCommandEvent* pEvent = new wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_SHOW_MSG,0); pEvent->SetClientData (pParam); wxQueueEvent (this, pEvent); m_queue.Receive (sResult); sResult.ToLong(&lResult); } return (int) lResult; } void RequestAdminPassword (wxString& adminPassword) { if (m_queue.IsOk()) { wxQueueEvent (this, new wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_ADMIN_PASSWORD,0)); if (wxMSGQUEUE_NO_ERROR != m_queue.Receive (adminPassword)) adminPassword = wxT(""); } else adminPassword = wxT(""); } void RequestPin (wxString& pin) { if (m_queue.IsOk()) { wxCommandEvent* pEvent = new wxCommandEvent( wxEVT_COMMAND_WAITDIALOG_PIN,0); pEvent->SetString (pin); wxQueueEvent (this, pEvent); if (wxMSGQUEUE_NO_ERROR != m_queue.Receive (pin)) pin = wxT(""); } else pin = wxT(""); } virtual void OnWaitDialogClose( wxCloseEvent& event ) { if (event.CanVeto () && m_bThreadRunning) { event.Veto (); } else event.Skip (); } void OnThreadCompletion(wxCommandEvent &) { m_bThreadRunning = false; m_queue.Clear(); EndModal(0); } void OnAdminPasswordRequest(wxCommandEvent &) { wxPasswordEntryDialog dialog (this, _("Enter your user password or administrator password:"), _("Administrator privileges required")); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) m_queue.Post(wxT("")); else m_queue.Post(dialog.GetValue()); } void OnPinRequest(wxCommandEvent &e) { wxPasswordEntryDialog dialog (this, wxString::Format (LangString["ENTER_TOKEN_PASSWORD"], e.GetString()), LangString["IDD_TOKEN_PASSWORD"]); dialog.SetSize (wxSize (GetCharWidth (&dialog) * 50, -1)); if (dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) m_queue.Post(wxT("")); else m_queue.Post(dialog.GetValue()); } void OnShowMsg(wxCommandEvent &e) { ShowMessageParam* pParam = (ShowMessageParam*) e.GetClientData(); if (pParam->m_topMost) { if (!IsActive()) RequestUserAttention (wxUSER_ATTENTION_ERROR); pParam->m_style |= wxSTAY_ON_TOP; } int iResult = wxMessageBox (pParam->m_message, pParam->m_caption, pParam->m_style, this); delete pParam; m_queue.Post(wxString::Format(wxT("%d"), iResult)); } void OnProgressTimer(wxTimerEvent& event) { WaitProgessBar->Pulse(); } virtual void Run(void) { ShowModal(); if (m_pRoutine->HasException()) ThrowException(m_pRoutine->m_pException); } void ThrowException(Exception* ex); protected: WaitThread* m_thread; bool m_bThreadRunning; wxTimer m_timer; wxMessageQueue m_queue; }; } #endif // TC_HEADER_Main_Forms_WaitDialog ' href='#n85'>85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167