/* Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #include "Main/GraphicUserInterface.h" #include "Main/Resources.h" #include "WizardFrame.h" namespace TrueCrypt { WizardFrame::WizardFrame (wxWindow* parent) : WizardFrameBase (parent), CurrentPage (nullptr), CurrentStep (-1), MaxStaticTextWidth (-1), WorkInProgress (false) { SetIcon (Resources::GetTrueCryptIcon()); PageTitleStaticText->SetFont (wxFont ( #ifdef TC_WINDOWS 16 #elif defined(TC_MACOSX) 18 #elif defined(__WXGTK__) 14 #endif * Gui->GetCharHeight (this) / 13, wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, false, L"Times New Roman")); UpdateControls(); this->SetDefaultItem (NextButton); NextButton->SetFocus(); foreach (wxWindow *c, MainPanel->GetChildren()) c->Connect (wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler (WizardFrame::OnMouseMotion), nullptr, this); } WizardFrame::~WizardFrame () { if (CurrentPage) CurrentPage->Destroy(); } void WizardFrame::ClearHistory () { StepHistory.clear(); UpdateControls(); } void WizardFrame::OnActivate (wxActivateEvent& event) { Gui->SetActiveFrame (this); event.Skip(); } void WizardFrame::OnClose (wxCloseEvent& event) { if (WorkInProgress) return; Gui->SetActiveFrame (nullptr); event.Skip(); } void WizardFrame::OnHelpButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { Gui->OpenUserGuide (this); } void WizardFrame::OnNextButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { if (CurrentPage->IsValid()) { WizardStep nextStep = ProcessPageChangeRequest (true); if (nextStep != CurrentStep) SetStep (nextStep); } } void WizardFrame::OnPreviousButtonClick (wxCommandEvent& event) { ProcessPageChangeRequest (false); if (!StepHistory.empty()) { WizardStep prevStep = *StepHistory.rbegin(); StepHistory.pop_back(); SetStep (prevStep, false); } } void WizardFrame::SetCancelButtonText (const wxString &text) { CancelButton->SetLabel (text.empty() ? wxString (_("Cancel")) : text); } void WizardFrame::SetImage (const wxBitmap &bitmap) { WizardBitmap->SetBitmap (bitmap); } void WizardFrame::SetMaxStaticTextWidth (size_t charCount) { MaxStaticTextWidth = Gui->GetCharWidth (this) * charCount; } void WizardFrame::SetStep (WizardStep newStep) { SetStep (newStep, true); } void WizardFrame::SetStep (WizardStep newStep, bool forward) { bool init = false; FreezeScope freeze (this); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS HelpButton->Disable(); // Prevent Help button from getting default focus NextButton->Enable(); #endif if (CurrentPage) { if (forward) StepHistory.push_back (CurrentStep); CurrentPage->OnPageChanging (forward); CurrentPage->Destroy(); CurrentPage = nullptr; } else init = true; CurrentStep = newStep; CurrentPage = GetPage (newStep); CurrentPage->PageUpdatedEvent.Connect (EventConnector <WizardFrame> (this, &WizardFrame::OnPageUpdated)); CurrentPage->Connect (wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler (WizardFrame::OnMouseMotion), nullptr, this); foreach (wxWindow *c, CurrentPage->GetChildren()) c->Connect (wxEVT_MOTION, wxMouseEventHandler (WizardFrame::OnMouseMotion), nullptr, this); if (MaxStaticTextWidth > 0) CurrentPage->SetMaxStaticTextWidth (MaxStaticTextWidth); PageTitleStaticText->SetLabel (CurrentPage->GetPageTitle()); PageSizer->Add (CurrentPage, 1, wxALL | wxEXPAND); if (init) { Fit(); Layout(); Center(); } else MainPanel->Layout(); CurrentPage->SetFocus(); wxString nextButtonText = CurrentPage->GetNextButtonText(); if (nextButtonText.empty()) NextButton->SetLabel (_("&Next >")); else NextButton->SetLabel (nextButtonText); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS HelpButton->Enable(); #endif UpdateControls(); } void WizardFrame::SetWorkInProgress (bool state) { WorkInProgress = state; UpdateControls(); } void WizardFrame::UpdateControls () { CancelButton->Enable (!WorkInProgress); HelpButton->Enable (!WorkInProgress); NextButton->Enable (!WorkInProgress && CurrentPage != nullptr && CurrentPage->IsValid()); PreviousButton->Enable (!WorkInProgress && !StepHistory.empty()); } }