 Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
 by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.

 Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) 
 and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2016 IDRIX
 and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
 contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
 code distribution packages.

#include "System.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "LanguageStrings.h"
#include "GraphicUserInterface.h"
#include "Hotkey.h"
#include "Xml.h"

namespace VeraCrypt
	HotkeyList Hotkey::GetAvailableHotkeys ()
		HotkeyList hotkeys;

#define TC_HOTKEY(ID,LANG) hotkeys.push_back (shared_ptr <Hotkey> (new Hotkey (Id::##ID, L###ID, LangString[LANG])))

		TC_HOTKEY (CloseAllSecurityTokenSessions, "IDM_CLOSE_ALL_TOKEN_SESSIONS");
		TC_HOTKEY (ShowHideApplication, "HK_SHOW_HIDE_MAIN_WINDOW");

		return hotkeys;

	wxString Hotkey::GetShortcutString () const
		wxString keyStr = Hotkey::GetVirtualKeyCodeString (VirtualKeyCode);
		if (keyStr.empty())
			return L"";

		wxString str;

		if (VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_SHIFT)
			str += LangString["VK_SHIFT"] + L"+";
		if (VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_CONTROL)
			str += LangString["VK_CONTROL"] + L"+";
		if (VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_ALT)
			str += LangString["VK_ALT"] + L"+";
		if (VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_WIN )
			str += LangString["VK_WIN"] + L"+";

		return str + keyStr;

	wxString Hotkey::GetVirtualKeyCodeString (int virtualKeyCode)
		// ASCII characters
		if (virtualKeyCode >= 0x30 && virtualKeyCode <= 0x5a)	
			return StringFormatter (L"{0}", char (virtualKeyCode));

		// OEM-specific
		if (virtualKeyCode >= 0xE9 && virtualKeyCode <= 0xF5)	
			return StringFormatter (L"OEM-{0}", virtualKeyCode);

		// F1-F24
		if (virtualKeyCode >= VK_F1 && virtualKeyCode <= VK_F24)
			return StringFormatter (L"F{0}", virtualKeyCode - VK_F1 + 1);

		// Numpad numbers
		if (virtualKeyCode >= VK_NUMPAD0 && virtualKeyCode <= VK_NUMPAD9)
			return StringFormatter (L"{0} {1}", LangString["VK_NUMPAD"], virtualKeyCode - VK_NUMPAD0);

		switch (virtualKeyCode)
		case VK_MULTIPLY:	return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" *";
		case VK_ADD:		return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" +";
		case VK_SEPARATOR:	return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" Separator";
		case VK_SUBTRACT:	return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" -";
		case VK_DECIMAL:	return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" .";
		case VK_DIVIDE:		return LangString["VK_NUMPAD"] + L" /";
		case VK_OEM_1:		return L"OEM 1 (';')";
		case VK_OEM_PLUS:	return L"+";
		case VK_OEM_COMMA:	return L",";
		case VK_OEM_MINUS:	return L"-";
		case VK_OEM_PERIOD:	return L".";
		case VK_OEM_2:		return L"OEM 2 ('/')";
		case VK_OEM_3:		return L"OEM 3 (`)";
		case VK_OEM_4:		return L"OEM 4 ('[')";
		case VK_OEM_5:		return L"OEM 5 ('\\')";
		case VK_OEM_6:		return L"OEM 6 (']')";
		case VK_OEM_7:		return L"OEM 7 (')";
		case VK_OEM_8:		return L"OEM 8";
		case VK_OEM_AX:		return L"OEM AX";
		case VK_OEM_102:	return L"OEM 102";
		case VK_ICO_HELP:	return L"ICO_HELP";
		case VK_ICO_00:		return L"ICO_00";
		case VK_ICO_CLEAR:	return L"ICO_CLEAR";
		case VK_ATTN:		return L"Attn";
		case VK_CRSEL:		return L"CrSel";
		case VK_EXSEL:		return L"ExSel";
		case VK_EREOF:		return L"Erase EOF";
		case VK_PA1:		return L"PA1";
		case VK_OEM_CLEAR:	return L"OEM Clear";

		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 0xFF:

				string langStrId = StringConverter::ToSingle (wstring (wxString::Format (L"VKEY_%02X", virtualKeyCode)));
				if (LangString.Exists (langStrId))
					return LangString[langStrId];
#endif // TC_WINDOWS
		return L"";

	HotkeyList Hotkey::LoadList ()
		HotkeyList hotkeys = GetAvailableHotkeys();

		FilePath path = Application::GetConfigFilePath (GetFileName());
		if (path.IsFile())
			foreach (XmlNode node, XmlParser (path).GetNodes (L"hotkey"))
				wstring keyName (node.Attributes[L"name"]);

				foreach (shared_ptr <Hotkey> hotkey, hotkeys)
					if (hotkey->Name == keyName)
						hotkey->VirtualKeyCode = StringConverter::ToUInt32 (wstring (node.Attributes[L"vkeycode"]));
						hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers = 0;
						if (node.Attributes[L"modshift"] == L"1")
							hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers |= wxMOD_SHIFT;

						if (node.Attributes[L"modcontrol"] == L"1")
							hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers |= wxMOD_CONTROL;

						if (node.Attributes[L"modalt"] == L"1")
							hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers |= wxMOD_ALT;

						if (node.Attributes[L"modwin"] == L"1")
							hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers |= wxMOD_WIN;


		return hotkeys;

	void Hotkey::RegisterList (wxWindow *handler, const HotkeyList &hotkeys)
		bool res = true;
		foreach (shared_ptr <Hotkey> hotkey, hotkeys)
			if (hotkey->VirtualKeyCode != 0)
				if (!handler->RegisterHotKey (hotkey->Id, hotkey->VirtualKeyModifiers, hotkey->VirtualKeyCode))
					res = false;

		if (!res)

	void Hotkey::SaveList (const HotkeyList &hotkeys)
		FilePath hotkeysCfgPath = Application::GetConfigFilePath (GetFileName(), true);

		bool noHotkey = true;
		XmlNode hotkeysXml (L"hotkeys");
		foreach_ref (const Hotkey &hotkey, hotkeys)
			if (hotkey.VirtualKeyCode == 0)

			noHotkey = false;
			XmlNode node (L"hotkey");
			node.Attributes[L"name"] = wstring (hotkey.Name);

			node.Attributes[L"vkeycode"] = StringConverter::FromNumber (hotkey.VirtualKeyCode);

			if (hotkey.VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_SHIFT)
				node.Attributes[L"modshift"] = L"1";

			if (hotkey.VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_CONTROL)
				node.Attributes[L"modcontrol"] = L"1";

			if (hotkey.VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_ALT)
				node.Attributes[L"modalt"] = L"1";

			if (hotkey.VirtualKeyModifiers & wxMOD_WIN )
				node.Attributes[L"modwin"] = L"1";

			hotkeysXml.InnerNodes.push_back (node);

		if (noHotkey)
			if (hotkeysCfgPath.IsFile())
			XmlWriter hotkeysWriter (hotkeysCfgPath);
			hotkeysWriter.WriteNode (hotkeysXml);

	void Hotkey::UnregisterList (wxWindow *handler, const HotkeyList &hotkeys)
		foreach (shared_ptr <Hotkey> hotkey, hotkeys)
			if (hotkey->VirtualKeyCode != 0)
				handler->UnregisterHotKey (hotkey->Id);