/* Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0. Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source code distribution packages. */ #include "System.h" #ifdef TC_UNIX #include <signal.h> #include <termios.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "Platform/Unix/Process.h" #endif #include <wx/platinfo.h> #include "Common/SecurityToken.h" #include "Core/RandomNumberGenerator.h" #include "Application.h" #include "TextUserInterface.h" namespace VeraCrypt { TextUserInterface::TextUserInterface () { #ifdef TC_UNIX signal (SIGHUP, OnSignal); signal (SIGINT, OnSignal); signal (SIGQUIT, OnSignal); signal (SIGTERM, OnSignal); struct stat statBuf; if (fstat (0, &statBuf) != -1) #endif { FInputStream.reset (new wxFFileInputStream (stdin)); // Set fallback encoding of the stream converter to UTF-8 // to make sure we interpret multibyte symbols properly TextInputStream.reset (new wxTextInputStream (*FInputStream, wxT(" \t"), wxConvAuto(wxFONTENCODING_UTF8))); } } TextUserInterface::~TextUserInterface () { try { if (RandomNumberGenerator::IsRunning()) RandomNumberGenerator::Stop(); } catch (...) { } #ifdef TC_UNIX signal (SIGHUP, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); #endif } FilePath TextUserInterface::AskFilePath (const wxString &message) const { return AskString (!message.empty() ? message : wxString (_("Enter filename: "))); } shared_ptr <KeyfileList> TextUserInterface::AskKeyfiles (const wxString &message) const { wxString msg = _("Enter keyfile"); if (!message.empty()) msg = message; make_shared_auto (KeyfileList, keyfiles); wxString s; wxString m = msg + L" [" + _("none") + L"]: "; while (!(s = AskString (m)).empty()) { keyfiles->push_back (make_shared <Keyfile> (wstring (s))); m = msg + L" [" + _("finish") + L"]: "; } return keyfiles; } shared_ptr <VolumePassword> TextUserInterface::AskPassword (const wxString &message, bool verify) const { wxString msg = LangString["ENTER_PASSWORD"] + L": "; if (!message.empty()) msg = message + L": "; SetTerminalEcho (false); finally_do ({ TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (true); }); wchar_t passwordBuf[4096]; finally_do_arg (BufferPtr, BufferPtr (reinterpret_cast <byte *> (passwordBuf), sizeof (passwordBuf)), { finally_arg.Erase(); }); shared_ptr<VolumePassword> password; bool verPhase = false; while (true) { ShowString (verPhase ? wxString (_("Re-enter password: ")) : msg); wxString passwordStr; ReadInputStreamLine (passwordStr); size_t length = passwordStr.size(); ShowString (L"\n"); if (!verPhase && length < 1) { return shared_ptr <VolumePassword>(new VolumePassword ()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < length && i < VolumePassword::MaxSize; ++i) { passwordBuf[i] = (wchar_t) passwordStr[i]; const_cast <wchar_t *> (passwordStr.wc_str())[i] = L'X'; } if (verify && verPhase) { shared_ptr <VolumePassword> verPassword = ToUTF8Password (passwordBuf, length, CmdLine->ArgUseLegacyPassword? VolumePassword::MaxLegacySize : VolumePassword::MaxSize); if (*password != *verPassword) { ShowInfo (_("Passwords do not match.")); ShowString (L"\n"); verPhase = false; continue; } } password = ToUTF8Password (passwordBuf, length, CmdLine->ArgUseLegacyPassword? VolumePassword::MaxLegacySize : VolumePassword::MaxSize); if (!verPhase) { if (verify) { if (password->Size() < VolumePassword::WarningSizeThreshold) { SetTerminalEcho (true); finally_do ({ TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (false); }); if (!AskYesNo (LangString ["PASSWORD_LENGTH_WARNING"], false, true)) { ShowString (L"\n"); continue; } ShowString (L"\n"); } } } if (!verify || verPhase) return password; if (!verPhase) verPhase = true; } return password; } int TextUserInterface::AskPim (const wxString &message) const { int pim = -1; wxString msg = _("Enter new PIM: "); if (!message.empty()) msg = message + L": "; while (pim < 0) { wstring pimStr = AskString (msg); if (pimStr.empty()) pim = 0; else { try { pim = (int) StringConverter::ToUInt32 (pimStr); if (pim > MAX_PIM_VALUE) { pim = -1; ShowError ("PIM_TOO_BIG"); continue; } } catch (...) { pim = -1; continue; } } } return pim; } ssize_t TextUserInterface::AskSelection (ssize_t optionCount, ssize_t defaultOption) const { while (true) { wstring selectionStr = AskString (defaultOption == -1 ? wxString (_("Select: ")) : wxString (wstring (StringFormatter (_("Select [{0}]: "), (uint32) defaultOption)))); ssize_t selection; if (selectionStr.empty() && defaultOption != -1) return defaultOption; try { selection = StringConverter::ToUInt32 (selectionStr); } catch (...) { continue; } if (selection > 0 && selection <= optionCount) return selection; } } wstring TextUserInterface::AskString (const wxString &message) const { ShowString (message); return wstring (ReadInputStreamLine()); } bool TextUserInterface::AskYesNo (const wxString &message, bool defaultYes, bool warning) const { while (true) { wxString s = AskString (StringFormatter (L"{0} (y={1}/n={2}) [{3}]: ", message, LangString["YES"], LangString["NO"], LangString[defaultYes ? "YES" : "NO"])); if (s.IsSameAs (L'n', false) || s.IsSameAs (L"no", false) || (!defaultYes && s.empty())) return false; if (s.IsSameAs (L'y', false) || s.IsSameAs (L"yes", false) || (defaultYes && s.empty())) return true; }; } shared_ptr <VolumePath> TextUserInterface::AskVolumePath (const wxString &message) const { return make_shared <VolumePath> (AskString (message.empty() ? wxString (_("Enter volume path: ")) : message)); } void TextUserInterface::BackupVolumeHeaders (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath) const { if (!volumePath) volumePath = AskVolumePath(); if (!volumePath) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (Core->IsVolumeMounted (*volumePath)) throw_err (LangString["DISMOUNT_FIRST"]); #endif ShowInfo ("EXTERNAL_VOL_HEADER_BAK_FIRST_INFO"); shared_ptr <Pkcs5Kdf> kdf; if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, false); } shared_ptr <Volume> normalVolume; shared_ptr <Volume> hiddenVolume; MountOptions normalVolumeMountOptions; MountOptions hiddenVolumeMountOptions; normalVolumeMountOptions.Path = volumePath; hiddenVolumeMountOptions.Path = volumePath; VolumeType::Enum volumeType = VolumeType::Normal; // Open both types of volumes while (true) { shared_ptr <Volume> volume; MountOptions *options = (volumeType == VolumeType::Hidden ? &hiddenVolumeMountOptions : &normalVolumeMountOptions); while (!volume) { ShowString (L"\n"); options->Password = AskPassword (LangString[volumeType == VolumeType::Hidden ? "ENTER_HIDDEN_VOL_PASSWORD" : "ENTER_NORMAL_VOL_PASSWORD"]); options->Pim = AskPim (volumeType == VolumeType::Hidden ?_("Enter PIM for the hidden volume") : _("Enter PIM for the normal/outer volume")); options->Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); try { volume = Core->OpenVolume ( options->Path, options->PreserveTimestamps, options->Password, options->Pim, kdf, false, options->Keyfiles, options->Protection, options->ProtectionPassword, options->ProtectionPim, options->ProtectionKdf, options->ProtectionKeyfiles, true, volumeType, options->UseBackupHeaders ); } catch (PasswordException &e) { bool bFailed = true; if (!options->UseBackupHeaders) { try { volume = Core->OpenVolume ( options->Path, options->PreserveTimestamps, options->Password, options->Pim, kdf, false, options->Keyfiles, options->Protection, options->ProtectionPassword, options->ProtectionPim, options->ProtectionKdf, options->ProtectionKeyfiles, true, volumeType, true ); bFailed = false; } catch (...) { } } if (bFailed) ShowInfo (e); else ShowInfo ("HEADER_DAMAGED_AUTO_USED_HEADER_BAK"); } } if (volumeType == VolumeType::Hidden) hiddenVolume = volume; else normalVolume = volume; // Ask whether a hidden volume is present if (volumeType == VolumeType::Normal && AskYesNo (L"\n" + LangString["DOES_VOLUME_CONTAIN_HIDDEN"])) { volumeType = VolumeType::Hidden; continue; } break; } if (hiddenVolume) { if (typeid (*normalVolume->GetLayout()) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV1Normal)) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); if (typeid (*normalVolume->GetLayout()) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV2Normal) && typeid (*hiddenVolume->GetLayout()) != typeid (VolumeLayoutV2Hidden)) throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); } // Ask user to select backup file path wxString confirmMsg = L"\n" + LangString["CONFIRM_VOL_HEADER_BAK"] + L"\n"; if (!AskYesNo (wxString::Format (confirmMsg, wstring (*volumePath).c_str()), true)) return; ShowString (L"\n"); FilePath filePath = AskFilePath(); if (filePath.IsEmpty()) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); File backupFile; backupFile.Open (filePath, File::CreateWrite); RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); /* force the display of the random enriching interface */ RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (false); UserEnrichRandomPool(); // Re-encrypt volume header SecureBuffer newHeaderBuffer (normalVolume->GetLayout()->GetHeaderSize()); Core->ReEncryptVolumeHeaderWithNewSalt (newHeaderBuffer, normalVolume->GetHeader(), normalVolumeMountOptions.Password, normalVolumeMountOptions.Pim, normalVolumeMountOptions.Keyfiles); backupFile.Write (newHeaderBuffer); if (hiddenVolume) { // Re-encrypt hidden volume header Core->ReEncryptVolumeHeaderWithNewSalt (newHeaderBuffer, hiddenVolume->GetHeader(), hiddenVolumeMountOptions.Password, hiddenVolumeMountOptions.Pim, hiddenVolumeMountOptions.Keyfiles); } else { // Store random data in place of hidden volume header shared_ptr <EncryptionAlgorithm> ea = normalVolume->GetEncryptionAlgorithm(); Core->RandomizeEncryptionAlgorithmKey (ea); ea->Encrypt (newHeaderBuffer); } backupFile.Write (newHeaderBuffer); ShowString (L"\n"); ShowInfo ("VOL_HEADER_BACKED_UP"); } void TextUserInterface::ChangePassword (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath, shared_ptr <VolumePassword> password, int pim, shared_ptr <Hash> currentHash, bool truecryptMode, shared_ptr <KeyfileList> keyfiles, shared_ptr <VolumePassword> newPassword, int newPim, shared_ptr <KeyfileList> newKeyfiles, shared_ptr <Hash> newHash) const { shared_ptr <Volume> volume; // Volume path if (!volumePath.get()) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); volumePath = AskVolumePath (); } if (volumePath->IsEmpty()) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); bool passwordInteractive = !password.get(); bool keyfilesInteractive = !keyfiles.get(); shared_ptr<Pkcs5Kdf> kdf; if (currentHash) { kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*currentHash, truecryptMode); } while (true) { // Current password if (!passwordInteractive) { } else if (!Preferences.NonInteractive) { password = AskPassword (); } // current PIM if (!truecryptMode && !Preferences.NonInteractive && (pim < 0)) { pim = AskPim (_("Enter current PIM")); } // Current keyfiles try { if (keyfilesInteractive) { // Ask for keyfiles only if required try { keyfiles.reset (new KeyfileList); volume = Core->OpenVolume (volumePath, Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.PreserveTimestamps, password, pim, kdf, truecryptMode, keyfiles); } catch (PasswordException&) { if (!Preferences.NonInteractive) keyfiles = AskKeyfiles (); } } if (!volume.get()) volume = Core->OpenVolume (volumePath, Preferences.DefaultMountOptions.PreserveTimestamps, password, pim, kdf, truecryptMode, keyfiles); } catch (PasswordException &e) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive || !passwordInteractive || !keyfilesInteractive) throw; ShowInfo (e); continue; } break; } // New password if (!newPassword.get() && !Preferences.NonInteractive) newPassword = AskPassword (_("Enter new password"), true); // New PIM if ((newPim < 0) && !Preferences.NonInteractive) newPim = AskPim (_("Enter new PIM")); // New keyfiles if (!newKeyfiles.get() && !Preferences.NonInteractive) { if (keyfiles.get() && keyfiles->size() > 0 && AskYesNo (_("Keep current keyfiles?"), true)) newKeyfiles = keyfiles; else newKeyfiles = AskKeyfiles (_("Enter new keyfile")); } /* force the display of the random enriching interface */ RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (false); UserEnrichRandomPool(); Core->ChangePassword (volume, newPassword, newPim, newKeyfiles, newHash ? Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*newHash, false) : shared_ptr <Pkcs5Kdf>()); ShowInfo ("PASSWORD_CHANGED"); } void TextUserInterface::CreateKeyfile (shared_ptr <FilePath> keyfilePath) const { FilePath path; RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); /* force the display of the random enriching interface */ RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (false); UserEnrichRandomPool(); if (keyfilePath) { Core->CreateKeyfile (*keyfilePath); } else { wstring fileName = AskFilePath(); if (fileName.empty()) return; Core->CreateKeyfile (fileName); } ShowInfo ("KEYFILE_CREATED"); } void TextUserInterface::CreateVolume (shared_ptr <VolumeCreationOptions> options) const { // Volume type if (options->Type == VolumeType::Unknown) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) { options->Type = VolumeType::Normal; } else { ShowString (_("Volume type:\n 1) Normal\n 2) Hidden\n")); switch (AskSelection (2, 1)) { case 1: options->Type = VolumeType::Normal; break; case 2: options->Type = VolumeType::Hidden; break; } } } shared_ptr <VolumeLayout> layout; if (options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden) layout.reset (new VolumeLayoutV2Hidden); else layout.reset (new VolumeLayoutV2Normal); if (!Preferences.NonInteractive && options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden) ShowInfo (_("\nIMPORTANT: Inexperienced users should use the graphical user interface to create a hidden volume. When using the text interface, the procedure described in the command line help must be followed to create a hidden volume.")); // Volume path if (options->Path.IsEmpty()) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); do { ShowString (L"\n"); options->Path = VolumePath (*AskVolumePath()); } while (options->Path.IsEmpty()); } // Sector size if (options->Path.IsDevice()) options->SectorSize = Core->GetDeviceSectorSize (options->Path); else options->SectorSize = TC_SECTOR_SIZE_FILE_HOSTED_VOLUME; // Volume size uint64 hostSize = 0; if (options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden) { FilesystemPath fsPath (wstring (options->Path)); if (fsPath.IsFile()) { File file; file.Open (fsPath); hostSize = file.Length(); } else if (fsPath.IsDevice()) { hostSize = Core->GetDeviceSize (fsPath); } else { throw_err (_("Hidden volume can be created only in an existing file or device.")); } if (hostSize < TC_MIN_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HOST_SIZE) throw_err (StringFormatter (_("Minimum outer volume size is {0}."), SizeToString (TC_MIN_HIDDEN_VOLUME_HOST_SIZE))); } uint64 minVolumeSize = options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden ? TC_MIN_HIDDEN_VOLUME_SIZE : TC_MIN_VOLUME_SIZE; uint64 maxVolumeSize = options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden ? VolumeLayoutV2Normal().GetMaxDataSize (hostSize) - TC_MIN_FAT_FS_SIZE : TC_MAX_VOLUME_SIZE_GENERAL; if (options->Path.IsDevice() && options->Type != VolumeType::Hidden) { if (options->Size != 0) throw_err (_("Volume size cannot be changed for device-hosted volumes.")); options->Size = Core->GetDeviceSize (options->Path); } else { options->Quick = false; uint32 sectorSizeRem = options->Size % options->SectorSize; if (sectorSizeRem != 0) options->Size += options->SectorSize - sectorSizeRem; while (options->Size == 0) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); wstring sizeStr = AskString (options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden ? _("\nEnter hidden volume size (sizeK/size[M]/sizeG): ") : _("\nEnter volume size (sizeK/size[M]/sizeG): ")); uint64 multiplier = 1024 * 1024; if (sizeStr.find (L"K") != string::npos) { multiplier = 1024; sizeStr.resize (sizeStr.size() - 1); } else if (sizeStr.find (L"M") != string::npos) { sizeStr.resize (sizeStr.size() - 1); } else if (sizeStr.find (L"G") != string::npos) { multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024; sizeStr.resize (sizeStr.size() - 1); } else if (sizeStr.find (L"T") != string::npos) { multiplier = (uint64) 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; sizeStr.resize (sizeStr.size() - 1); } try { options->Size = StringConverter::ToUInt64 (sizeStr); options->Size *= multiplier; sectorSizeRem = options->Size % options->SectorSize; if (sectorSizeRem != 0) options->Size += options->SectorSize - sectorSizeRem; } catch (...) { options->Size = 0; continue; } if (options->Size < minVolumeSize) { ShowError (StringFormatter (_("Minimum volume size is {0}."), SizeToString (minVolumeSize))); options->Size = 0; } if (options->Size > maxVolumeSize) { ShowError (StringFormatter (_("Maximum volume size is {0}."), SizeToString (maxVolumeSize))); options->Size = 0; } } } if (options->Size < minVolumeSize || options->Size > maxVolumeSize) throw_err (_("Incorrect volume size")); if (options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden) options->Quick = true; // Encryption algorithm if (!options->EA) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); ShowInfo (wxString (L"\n") + LangString["ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM_LV"] + L":"); vector < shared_ptr <EncryptionAlgorithm> > encryptionAlgorithms; foreach (shared_ptr <EncryptionAlgorithm> ea, EncryptionAlgorithm::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { if (!ea->IsDeprecated()) { ShowString (StringFormatter (L" {0}) {1}\n", (uint32) encryptionAlgorithms.size() + 1, ea->GetName(true))); encryptionAlgorithms.push_back (ea); } } options->EA = encryptionAlgorithms[AskSelection (encryptionAlgorithms.size(), 1) - 1]; } // Hash algorithm if (!options->VolumeHeaderKdf) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); ShowInfo (_("\nHash algorithm:")); vector < shared_ptr <Hash> > hashes; foreach (shared_ptr <Hash> hash, Hash::GetAvailableAlgorithms()) { if (!hash->IsDeprecated()) { ShowString (StringFormatter (L" {0}) {1}\n", (uint32) hashes.size() + 1, hash->GetName())); hashes.push_back (hash); } } shared_ptr <Hash> selectedHash = hashes[AskSelection (hashes.size(), 1) - 1]; RandomNumberGenerator::SetHash (selectedHash); options->VolumeHeaderKdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*selectedHash, false); } // Filesystem options->FilesystemClusterSize = 0; if (options->Filesystem == VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Unknown) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) { options->Filesystem = VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::GetPlatformNative(); } else { ShowInfo (_("\nFilesystem:")); vector <VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Enum> filesystems; ShowInfo (L" 1) " + LangString["NONE"]); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::None); ShowInfo (L" 2) FAT"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::FAT); #if defined (TC_LINUX) ShowInfo (L" 3) Linux Ext2"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext2); ShowInfo (L" 4) Linux Ext3"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext3); ShowInfo (L" 5) Linux Ext4"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext4); ShowInfo (L" 6) NTFS"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::NTFS); ShowInfo (L" 7) exFAT"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::exFAT); #elif defined (TC_MACOSX) ShowInfo (L" 3) Mac OS Extended"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::MacOsExt); ShowInfo (L" 4) exFAT"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::exFAT); if (wxPlatformInfo::Get().CheckOSVersion (10, 13)) { ShowInfo (L" 5) APFS"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::APFS); } #elif defined (TC_FREEBSD) || defined (TC_SOLARIS) ShowInfo (L" 3) UFS"); filesystems.push_back (VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::UFS); #endif options->Filesystem = filesystems[AskSelection (filesystems.size(), 2) - 1]; } } uint64 filesystemSize = layout->GetMaxDataSize (options->Size); if (options->Filesystem == VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::FAT && (filesystemSize < TC_MIN_FAT_FS_SIZE || filesystemSize > TC_MAX_FAT_SECTOR_COUNT * options->SectorSize)) { throw_err (_("Specified volume size cannot be used with FAT filesystem.")); } // Password if (!options->Password && !Preferences.NonInteractive) { ShowString (L"\n"); options->Password = AskPassword (_("Enter password"), true); } // PIM if ((options->Pim < 0) && !Preferences.NonInteractive) { ShowString (L"\n"); options->Pim = AskPim (_("Enter PIM")); } // Keyfiles if (!options->Keyfiles && !Preferences.NonInteractive) { ShowString (L"\n"); options->Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles (_("Enter keyfile path")); } if ((!options->Keyfiles || options->Keyfiles->empty()) && (!options->Password || options->Password->IsEmpty())) { throw_err (_("Password cannot be empty when no keyfile is specified")); } // Random data RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); /* force the display of the random enriching interface */ RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (false); UserEnrichRandomPool(); ShowString (L"\n"); wxLongLong startTime = wxGetLocalTimeMillis(); VolumeCreator creator; creator.CreateVolume (options); bool volumeCreated = false; while (!volumeCreated) { VolumeCreator::ProgressInfo progress = creator.GetProgressInfo(); wxLongLong timeDiff = wxGetLocalTimeMillis() - startTime; if (timeDiff.GetValue() > 0) { uint64 speed = progress.SizeDone * 1000 / timeDiff.GetValue(); volumeCreated = !progress.CreationInProgress; ShowString (wxString::Format (L"\rDone: %7.3f%% Speed: %9s Left: %s ", 100.0 - double (options->Size - progress.SizeDone) / (double (options->Size) / 100.0), speed > 0 ? (const wchar_t*) SpeedToString (speed).c_str() : L" ", speed > 0 ? (const wchar_t*) TimeSpanToString ((options->Size - progress.SizeDone) / speed).c_str() : L"")); } Thread::Sleep (100); } ShowString (L"\n\n"); creator.CheckResult(); #ifdef TC_UNIX if (options->Filesystem != VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::None && options->Filesystem != VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::FAT) { const char *fsFormatter = nullptr; switch (options->Filesystem) { #if defined (TC_LINUX) case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext2: fsFormatter = "mkfs.ext2"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext3: fsFormatter = "mkfs.ext3"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::Ext4: fsFormatter = "mkfs.ext4"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::NTFS: fsFormatter = "mkfs.ntfs"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::exFAT: fsFormatter = "mkfs.exfat"; break; #elif defined (TC_MACOSX) case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::MacOsExt: fsFormatter = "newfs_hfs"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::exFAT: fsFormatter = "newfs_exfat"; break; case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::APFS: fsFormatter = "newfs_apfs"; break; #elif defined (TC_FREEBSD) || defined (TC_SOLARIS) case VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::UFS: fsFormatter = "newfs" ; break; #endif default: throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS); } MountOptions mountOptions (GetPreferences().DefaultMountOptions); mountOptions.Path = make_shared <VolumePath> (options->Path); mountOptions.NoFilesystem = true; mountOptions.Protection = VolumeProtection::None; mountOptions.Password = options->Password; mountOptions.Pim = options->Pim; mountOptions.Keyfiles = options->Keyfiles; shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> volume = Core->MountVolume (mountOptions); finally_do_arg (shared_ptr <VolumeInfo>, volume, { Core->DismountVolume (finally_arg, true); }); Thread::Sleep (2000); // Try to prevent race conditions caused by OS // Temporarily take ownership of the device if the user is not an administrator UserId origDeviceOwner ((uid_t) -1); DevicePath virtualDevice = volume->VirtualDevice; #ifdef TC_MACOSX string virtualDeviceStr = virtualDevice; if (virtualDeviceStr.find ("/dev/rdisk") != 0) virtualDevice = "/dev/r" + virtualDeviceStr.substr (5); #endif try { File file; file.Open (virtualDevice, File::OpenReadWrite); } catch (...) { if (!Core->HasAdminPrivileges()) { origDeviceOwner = virtualDevice.GetOwner(); Core->SetFileOwner (virtualDevice, UserId (getuid())); } } finally_do_arg2 (FilesystemPath, virtualDevice, UserId, origDeviceOwner, { if (finally_arg2.SystemId != (uid_t) -1) Core->SetFileOwner (finally_arg, finally_arg2); }); // Create filesystem list <string> args; if (options->Filesystem == VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::MacOsExt && options->Size >= 10 * BYTES_PER_MB) args.push_back ("-J"); // Perform a quick NTFS formatting if (options->Filesystem == VolumeCreationOptions::FilesystemType::NTFS) args.push_back ("-f"); args.push_back (string (virtualDevice)); Process::Execute (fsFormatter, args); } #endif // TC_UNIX ShowInfo (options->Type == VolumeType::Hidden ? "HIDVOL_FORMAT_FINISHED_HELP" : "FORMAT_FINISHED_INFO"); } void TextUserInterface::DeleteSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const { shared_ptr <KeyfileList> keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); if (keyfiles->empty()) throw UserAbort(); foreach_ref (const Keyfile &keyfile, *keyfiles) { SecurityToken::DeleteKeyfile (SecurityTokenKeyfilePath (FilePath (keyfile))); } } void TextUserInterface::DoShowError (const wxString &message) const { wcerr << L"Error: " << static_cast<wstring> (message) << endl; } void TextUserInterface::DoShowInfo (const wxString &message) const { wcout << static_cast<wstring> (message) << endl; } void TextUserInterface::DoShowString (const wxString &str) const { wcout << str.c_str(); } void TextUserInterface::DoShowWarning (const wxString &message) const { wcerr << L"Warning: " << static_cast<wstring> (message) << endl; } void TextUserInterface::ExportSecurityTokenKeyfile () const { wstring keyfilePath = AskString (_("Enter security token keyfile path: ")); if (keyfilePath.empty()) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); SecurityTokenKeyfile tokenKeyfile (keyfilePath); vector <byte> keyfileData; SecurityToken::GetKeyfileData (tokenKeyfile, keyfileData); BufferPtr keyfileDataBuf (&keyfileData.front(), keyfileData.size()); finally_do_arg (BufferPtr, keyfileDataBuf, { finally_arg.Erase(); }); FilePath exportFilePath = AskFilePath(); if (exportFilePath.IsEmpty()) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); File keyfile; keyfile.Open (exportFilePath, File::CreateWrite); keyfile.Write (keyfileDataBuf); } shared_ptr <GetStringFunctor> TextUserInterface::GetAdminPasswordRequestHandler () { struct AdminPasswordRequestHandler : public GetStringFunctor { AdminPasswordRequestHandler (TextUserInterface *userInterface) : UI (userInterface) { } virtual void operator() (string &passwordStr) { UI->ShowString (_("Enter your user password or administrator password: ")); TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (false); finally_do ({ TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (true); }); wstring wPassword (UI->ReadInputStreamLine()); finally_do_arg (wstring *, &wPassword, { StringConverter::Erase (*finally_arg); }); UI->ShowString (L"\n"); StringConverter::ToSingle (wPassword, passwordStr); } TextUserInterface *UI; }; return shared_ptr <GetStringFunctor> (new AdminPasswordRequestHandler (this)); } void TextUserInterface::ImportSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const { list <SecurityTokenInfo> tokens = SecurityToken::GetAvailableTokens(); if (tokens.empty()) throw_err (LangString ["NO_TOKENS_FOUND"]); CK_SLOT_ID slotId; if (tokens.size() == 1) { slotId = tokens.front().SlotId; } else { foreach (const SecurityTokenInfo &token, tokens) { wstringstream tokenLabel; tokenLabel << L"[" << token.SlotId << L"] " << LangString["TOKEN_SLOT_ID"].c_str() << L" " << token.SlotId << L" " << token.Label; ShowInfo (tokenLabel.str()); } slotId = (CK_SLOT_ID) AskSelection (tokens.back().SlotId, tokens.front().SlotId); } shared_ptr <KeyfileList> keyfiles; if (CmdLine->ArgKeyfiles.get() && !CmdLine->ArgKeyfiles->empty()) keyfiles = CmdLine->ArgKeyfiles; else if (!Preferences.NonInteractive) { keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); if (keyfiles->empty()) throw UserAbort(); } else throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); foreach_ref (const Keyfile &keyfilePath, *keyfiles) { File keyfile; keyfile.Open (keyfilePath, File::OpenRead, File::ShareReadWrite, File::PreserveTimestamps); if (keyfile.Length() > 0) { vector <byte> keyfileData (keyfile.Length()); BufferPtr keyfileDataBuf (&keyfileData.front(), keyfileData.size()); keyfile.ReadCompleteBuffer (keyfileDataBuf); finally_do_arg (BufferPtr, keyfileDataBuf, { finally_arg.Erase(); }); SecurityToken::CreateKeyfile (slotId, keyfileData, string (FilePath (keyfilePath).ToBaseName())); } else throw InsufficientData (SRC_POS, FilePath (keyfilePath)); } } void TextUserInterface::InitSecurityTokenLibrary () const { if (Preferences.SecurityTokenModule.IsEmpty()) throw_err (LangString ["NO_PKCS11_MODULE_SPECIFIED"]); struct PinRequestHandler : public GetPinFunctor { PinRequestHandler (const TextUserInterface *userInterface) : UI (userInterface) { } virtual void operator() (string &passwordStr) { if (CmdLine->ArgTokenPin && CmdLine->ArgTokenPin->IsAllocated ()) { passwordStr.clear(); passwordStr.insert (0, (char*) CmdLine->ArgTokenPin->Ptr (), CmdLine->ArgTokenPin->Size()); return; } if (UI->GetPreferences().NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); UI->ShowString (wxString::Format (LangString["ENTER_TOKEN_PASSWORD"], StringConverter::ToWide (passwordStr).c_str()) + L" "); TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (false); finally_do ({ TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (true); }); wstring wPassword (UI->ReadInputStreamLine()); finally_do_arg (wstring *, &wPassword, { StringConverter::Erase (*finally_arg); }); UI->ShowString (L"\n"); StringConverter::ToSingle (wPassword, passwordStr); } virtual void notifyIncorrectPin () { if (CmdLine->ArgTokenPin && CmdLine->ArgTokenPin->IsAllocated ()) { CmdLine->ArgTokenPin->Free (); } } const TextUserInterface *UI; }; struct WarningHandler : public SendExceptionFunctor { WarningHandler (const TextUserInterface *userInterface) : UI (userInterface) { } virtual void operator() (const Exception &e) { UI->ShowError (e); } const TextUserInterface *UI; }; try { SecurityToken::InitLibrary (Preferences.SecurityTokenModule, unique_ptr <GetPinFunctor> (new PinRequestHandler (this)), unique_ptr <SendExceptionFunctor> (new WarningHandler (this))); } catch (Exception &e) { ShowError (e); throw_err (LangString ["PKCS11_MODULE_INIT_FAILED"]); } } void TextUserInterface::ListSecurityTokenKeyfiles () const { foreach (const SecurityTokenKeyfile &keyfile, SecurityToken::GetAvailableKeyfiles()) { ShowString (wstring (SecurityTokenKeyfilePath (keyfile))); ShowString (L"\n"); } } VolumeInfoList TextUserInterface::MountAllDeviceHostedVolumes (MountOptions &options) const { while (true) { if (!options.Password) options.Password = AskPassword(); if (!options.TrueCryptMode && (options.Pim < 0)) options.Pim = AskPim (_("Enter PIM")); if (!options.Keyfiles) options.Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); VolumeInfoList mountedVolumes = UserInterface::MountAllDeviceHostedVolumes (options); if (!mountedVolumes.empty()) return mountedVolumes; options.Password.reset(); options.Pim = -1; } } shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> TextUserInterface::MountVolume (MountOptions &options) const { shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> volume; CheckRequirementsForMountingVolume(); // Volume path while (!options.Path || options.Path->IsEmpty()) { if (Preferences.NonInteractive) throw MissingArgument (SRC_POS); options.Path = AskVolumePath (); } if (Core->IsVolumeMounted (*options.Path)) { ShowInfo (StringFormatter (LangString["VOLUME_ALREADY_MOUNTED"], wstring (*options.Path))); return volume; } // Mount point if (!options.MountPoint && !options.NoFilesystem) options.MountPoint.reset (new DirectoryPath (AskString (_("Enter mount directory [default]: ")))); VolumePassword password; KeyfileList keyfiles; if ((!options.Password || options.Password->IsEmpty()) && (!options.Keyfiles || options.Keyfiles->empty()) && !Core->IsPasswordCacheEmpty()) { // Cached password try { volume = UserInterface::MountVolume (options); } catch (PasswordException&) { } } int incorrectPasswordCount = 0; while (!volume) { // Password if (!options.Password) { options.Password = AskPassword (StringFormatter (_("Enter password for {0}"), wstring (*options.Path))); } if (!options.TrueCryptMode && (options.Pim < 0)) { options.Pim = AskPim (StringFormatter (_("Enter PIM for {0}"), wstring (*options.Path))); } // Keyfiles if (!options.Keyfiles) options.Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); // Hidden volume protection if (options.Protection == VolumeProtection::None && !CmdLine->ArgNoHiddenVolumeProtection && AskYesNo (_("Protect hidden volume (if any)?"))) options.Protection = VolumeProtection::HiddenVolumeReadOnly; if (options.Protection == VolumeProtection::HiddenVolumeReadOnly) { if (!options.ProtectionPassword) options.ProtectionPassword = AskPassword (_("Enter password for hidden volume")); if (!options.TrueCryptMode && (options.ProtectionPim < 0)) options.ProtectionPim = AskPim (_("Enter PIM for hidden volume")); if (!options.ProtectionKeyfiles) options.ProtectionKeyfiles = AskKeyfiles (_("Enter keyfile for hidden volume")); } try { volume = UserInterface::MountVolume (options); } catch (ProtectionPasswordIncorrect &e) { ShowInfo (e); options.ProtectionPassword.reset(); options.ProtectionPim = -1; } catch (PasswordIncorrect &e) { if (++incorrectPasswordCount > 2 && !options.UseBackupHeaders) { // Try to mount the volume using the backup header options.UseBackupHeaders = true; try { volume = UserInterface::MountVolume (options); ShowWarning ("HEADER_DAMAGED_AUTO_USED_HEADER_BAK"); } catch (...) { options.UseBackupHeaders = false; ShowInfo (e); options.Password.reset(); } } else { ShowInfo (e); options.Password.reset(); } ShowString (L"\n"); } catch (PasswordException &e) { ShowInfo (e); options.Password.reset(); } } #ifdef TC_LINUX if (!Preferences.NonInteractive && !Preferences.DisableKernelEncryptionModeWarning && volume->EncryptionModeName != L"XTS") { ShowWarning (LangString["ENCRYPTION_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_KERNEL"]); } #endif return volume; } bool TextUserInterface::OnInit () { try { DefaultMessageOutput = new wxMessageOutputStderr; wxMessageOutput::Set (DefaultMessageOutput); InterfaceType = UserInterfaceType::Text; Init(); } catch (exception &e) { ShowError (e); return false; } return true; } int TextUserInterface::OnRun() { try { if (ProcessCommandLine ()) { Application::SetExitCode (0); return 0; } } catch (exception &e) { ShowError (e); } Application::SetExitCode (1); return 1; } void TextUserInterface::OnSignal (int signal) { #ifdef TC_UNIX try { SetTerminalEcho (true); } catch (...) { } _exit (1); #endif } void TextUserInterface::ReadInputStreamLine (wxString &line) const { if (!TextInputStream.get() || feof (stdin) || ferror (stdin)) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); line = TextInputStream->ReadLine(); if (ferror (stdin) || (line.empty() && feof (stdin))) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); } wxString TextUserInterface::ReadInputStreamLine () const { wxString line; ReadInputStreamLine (line); return line; } void TextUserInterface::RestoreVolumeHeaders (shared_ptr <VolumePath> volumePath) const { if (!volumePath) volumePath = AskVolumePath(); if (!volumePath) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); #ifdef TC_WINDOWS if (Core->IsVolumeMounted (*volumePath)) throw_err (LangString["DISMOUNT_FIRST"]); #endif // Ask whether to restore internal or external backup bool restoreInternalBackup; shared_ptr <Pkcs5Kdf> kdf; if (CmdLine->ArgHash) { kdf = Pkcs5Kdf::GetAlgorithm (*CmdLine->ArgHash, false); } ShowInfo (LangString["HEADER_RESTORE_EXTERNAL_INTERNAL"]); ShowInfo (L"\n1) " + LangString["HEADER_RESTORE_INTERNAL"]); ShowInfo (L"2) " + LangString["HEADER_RESTORE_EXTERNAL"] + L"\n"); switch (AskSelection (2)) { case 1: restoreInternalBackup = true; break; case 2: restoreInternalBackup = false; break; default: throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); } /* force the display of the random enriching interface */ RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (false); if (restoreInternalBackup) { // Restore header from the internal backup shared_ptr <Volume> volume; MountOptions options; options.Path = volumePath; while (!volume) { ShowString (L"\n"); options.Password = AskPassword(); options.Pim = AskPim(); options.Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); try { volume = Core->OpenVolume ( options.Path, options.PreserveTimestamps, options.Password, options.Pim, kdf, false, options.Keyfiles, options.Protection, options.ProtectionPassword, options.ProtectionPim, options.ProtectionKdf, options.ProtectionKeyfiles, options.SharedAccessAllowed, VolumeType::Unknown, true ); } catch (PasswordException &e) { ShowInfo (e); } } shared_ptr <VolumeLayout> layout = volume->GetLayout(); if (typeid (*layout) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV1Normal)) { throw_err (LangString ["VOLUME_HAS_NO_BACKUP_HEADER"]); } RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); UserEnrichRandomPool(); // Re-encrypt volume header SecureBuffer newHeaderBuffer (volume->GetLayout()->GetHeaderSize()); Core->ReEncryptVolumeHeaderWithNewSalt (newHeaderBuffer, volume->GetHeader(), options.Password, options.Pim, options.Keyfiles); // Write volume header int headerOffset = volume->GetLayout()->GetHeaderOffset(); shared_ptr <File> volumeFile = volume->GetFile(); if (headerOffset >= 0) volumeFile->SeekAt (headerOffset); else volumeFile->SeekEnd (headerOffset); volumeFile->Write (newHeaderBuffer); } else { // Restore header from an external backup wxString confirmMsg = L"\n\n" + LangString["CONFIRM_VOL_HEADER_RESTORE"]; if (!AskYesNo (wxString::Format (confirmMsg, wstring (*volumePath).c_str()), true, true)) return; ShowString (L"\n"); FilePath filePath = AskFilePath(); if (filePath.IsEmpty()) throw UserAbort (SRC_POS); File backupFile; backupFile.Open (filePath, File::OpenRead); bool legacyBackup; // Determine the format of the backup file switch (backupFile.Length()) { case TC_VOLUME_HEADER_GROUP_SIZE: legacyBackup = false; break; case TC_VOLUME_HEADER_SIZE_LEGACY * 2: legacyBackup = true; break; default: throw_err (LangString ["HEADER_BACKUP_SIZE_INCORRECT"]); } // Open the volume header stored in the backup file MountOptions options; shared_ptr <VolumeLayout> decryptedLayout; while (!decryptedLayout) { options.Password = AskPassword (L"\n" + LangString["ENTER_HEADER_BACKUP_PASSWORD"]); options.Pim = AskPim (_("Enter PIM")); options.Keyfiles = AskKeyfiles(); try { // Test volume layouts foreach (shared_ptr <VolumeLayout> layout, VolumeLayout::GetAvailableLayouts ()) { if (layout->HasDriveHeader()) continue; if (!legacyBackup && (typeid (*layout) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV1Normal))) continue; if (legacyBackup && (typeid (*layout) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV2Normal) || typeid (*layout) == typeid (VolumeLayoutV2Hidden))) continue; SecureBuffer headerBuffer (layout->GetHeaderSize()); backupFile.ReadAt (headerBuffer, layout->GetType() == VolumeType::Hidden ? layout->GetHeaderSize() : 0); // Decrypt header shared_ptr <VolumePassword> passwordKey = Keyfile::ApplyListToPassword (options.Keyfiles, options.Password); if (layout->GetHeader()->Decrypt (headerBuffer, *passwordKey, options.Pim, kdf, false, layout->GetSupportedKeyDerivationFunctions(false), layout->GetSupportedEncryptionAlgorithms(), layout->GetSupportedEncryptionModes())) { decryptedLayout = layout; break; } } if (!decryptedLayout) throw PasswordIncorrect (SRC_POS); } catch (PasswordException &e) { ShowWarning (e); } } File volumeFile; volumeFile.Open (*volumePath, File::OpenReadWrite, File::ShareNone, File::PreserveTimestamps); RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); UserEnrichRandomPool(); // Re-encrypt volume header SecureBuffer newHeaderBuffer (decryptedLayout->GetHeaderSize()); Core->ReEncryptVolumeHeaderWithNewSalt (newHeaderBuffer, decryptedLayout->GetHeader(), options.Password, options.Pim, options.Keyfiles); // Write volume header int headerOffset = decryptedLayout->GetHeaderOffset(); if (headerOffset >= 0) volumeFile.SeekAt (headerOffset); else volumeFile.SeekEnd (headerOffset); volumeFile.Write (newHeaderBuffer); if (decryptedLayout->HasBackupHeader()) { // Re-encrypt backup volume header Core->ReEncryptVolumeHeaderWithNewSalt (newHeaderBuffer, decryptedLayout->GetHeader(), options.Password, options.Pim, options.Keyfiles); // Write backup volume header headerOffset = decryptedLayout->GetBackupHeaderOffset(); if (headerOffset >= 0) volumeFile.SeekAt (headerOffset); else volumeFile.SeekEnd (headerOffset); volumeFile.Write (newHeaderBuffer); } } ShowString (L"\n"); ShowInfo ("VOL_HEADER_RESTORED"); } void TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (bool enable) { if (CmdLine->ArgDisplayPassword) return; #ifdef TC_UNIX struct termios termAttr; if (tcgetattr (0, &termAttr) == 0) { if (!enable) { termAttr.c_lflag &= ~ECHO; throw_sys_if (tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &termAttr) != 0); } else { termAttr.c_lflag |= ECHO; throw_sys_if (tcsetattr (0, TCSANOW, &termAttr) != 0); } } #endif } void TextUserInterface::UserEnrichRandomPool () const { RandomNumberGenerator::Start(); if (RandomNumberGenerator::IsEnrichedByUser()) return; if (CmdLine->ArgHash) RandomNumberGenerator::SetHash (CmdLine->ArgHash); if (!CmdLine->ArgRandomSourcePath.IsEmpty()) { SecureBuffer buffer (RandomNumberGenerator::PoolSize); File randSourceFile; randSourceFile.Open (CmdLine->ArgRandomSourcePath, File::OpenRead); for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); ++i) { if (randSourceFile.Read (buffer.GetRange (i, 1)) < 1) break; } RandomNumberGenerator::AddToPool (buffer); RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (true); } else if (!Preferences.NonInteractive) { int randCharsRequired = RandomNumberGenerator::PoolSize; ShowInfo (StringFormatter (_("\nPlease type at least {0} randomly chosen characters and then press Enter:"), randCharsRequired)); SetTerminalEcho (false); finally_do ({ TextUserInterface::SetTerminalEcho (true); }); while (randCharsRequired > 0) { wstring randStr = AskString(); RandomNumberGenerator::AddToPool (ConstBufferPtr ((byte *) randStr.c_str(), randStr.size() * sizeof (wchar_t))); randCharsRequired -= randStr.size(); if (randCharsRequired > 0) ShowInfo (StringFormatter (_("Characters remaining: {0}"), randCharsRequired)); } ShowString (L"\n"); RandomNumberGenerator::SetEnrichedByUserStatus (true); } } wxMessageOutput *DefaultMessageOutput; }