PATH=%PATH%;%WSDK81%\bin\x86;C:\Program Files\7-Zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.19041.0\x86 set VC_VERSION=1.26.15 set VC_VERSION_NBRE=1.26.15 set SIGNINGPATH=%~dp0 cd %SIGNINGPATH% call "..\..\doc\chm\create_chm.bat" cd %SIGNINGPATH% rem sign using SHA-256 signtool sign /v /sha1 88c1ff4b7469ea3915bd8e7635a7567d34f43202 /ac GlobalSign_SHA256_EV_CodeSigning_CA.cer /fd sha256 /tr /td SHA256 "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt-x64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt Format-x64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCryptExpander-x64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt-arm64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt Format-arm64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCryptExpander-arm64.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCryptSetup.dll" rem create setup and MSI cd "..\Release\Setup Files\" copy ..\..\LICENSE . copy ..\..\License.txt . copy ..\..\NOTICE . copy ..\..\Resources\Texts\License.rtf . copy ..\..\Common\VeraCrypt.ico . copy ..\..\Setup\VeraCrypt_setup_background.bmp . copy ..\..\Setup\VeraCrypt_setup.bmp . copy ..\..\Setup\Setup.ico . del *.xml rmdir /S /Q Languages mkdir Languages @echo off setlocal rem Define the source and target directories set "SOURCE_DIR=..\..\..\Translations" set "TARGET_DIR=Languages" rem Copy files matching Language.xx.xml where xx is any two characters copy /V /Y "%SOURCE_DIR%\Language.??.xml" "%TARGET_DIR%\." rem Copy files matching Language.xx-yy.xml where xx and yy are any two characters copy /V /Y "%SOURCE_DIR%\Language.??-??.xml" "%TARGET_DIR%\." endlocal @echo on del 7z a -y Languages rmdir /S /Q docs mkdir docs\html\en mkdir docs\EFI-DCS xcopy /E /V /Y ..\..\..\doc\html\* docs\html\en\. copy "..\..\..\doc\chm\VeraCrypt User Guide.chm" docs\. copy "..\..\..\doc\EFI-DCS\*.pdf" docs\EFI-DCS\. del 7z a -y docs "VeraCrypt Setup.exe" /p "VeraCrypt Portable.exe" /p VeraCryptCOMRegBase.exe /p cd %SIGNINGPATH% signtool sign /v /sha1 88c1ff4b7469ea3915bd8e7635a7567d34f43202 /ac GlobalSign_SHA256_EV_CodeSigning_CA.cer /fd sha256 /tr /td SHA256 "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt COMReg.exe" cd "..\Release\Setup Files\" call build_msi_x64.bat %VC_VERSION_NBRE% del LICENSE del License.txt del NOTICE del License.rtf del VeraCrypt.ico del VeraCrypt_setup_background.bmp del VeraCrypt_setup.bmp del Setup.ico del "VeraCrypt User Guide.chm" del del rmdir /S /Q Languages rmdir /S /Q docs cd %SIGNINGPATH% rem sign Setup using SHA-256 signtool sign /v /sha1 88c1ff4b7469ea3915bd8e7635a7567d34f43202 /ac GlobalSign_SHA256_EV_CodeSigning_CA.cer /fd sha256 /tr /td SHA256 "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt Setup %VC_VERSION%.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\VeraCrypt Portable %VC_VERSION%.exe" "..\Release\Setup Files\bin\VeraCrypt_Setup_x64_%VC_VERSION_NBRE%.msi" "..\Release\Setup Files\bin\VeraCrypt_Setup_x64_%VC_VERSION_NBRE%_en-us.msi" pause