 Copyright (c) 2008-2010 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.

 Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
 the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution

#include "Platform/Platform.h"
#include "Cipher.h"
#include "Crypto/Aes.h"
#include "Crypto/Serpent.h"
#include "Crypto/Twofish.h"

#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
#	include "Crypto/Aes_hw_cpu.h"

namespace VeraCrypt
	Cipher::Cipher () : Initialized (false)

	Cipher::~Cipher ()

	void Cipher::DecryptBlock (byte *data) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		Decrypt (data);

	void Cipher::DecryptBlocks (byte *data, size_t blockCount) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		while (blockCount-- > 0)
			Decrypt (data);
			data += GetBlockSize();

	void Cipher::EncryptBlock (byte *data) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		Encrypt (data);

	void Cipher::EncryptBlocks (byte *data, size_t blockCount) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		while (blockCount-- > 0)
			Encrypt (data);
			data += GetBlockSize();

	CipherList Cipher::GetAvailableCiphers ()
		CipherList l;

		l.push_back (shared_ptr <Cipher> (new CipherAES ()));
		l.push_back (shared_ptr <Cipher> (new CipherSerpent ()));
		l.push_back (shared_ptr <Cipher> (new CipherTwofish ()));

		return l;

	void Cipher::SetKey (const ConstBufferPtr &key)
		if (key.Size() != GetKeySize ())
			throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS);

		if (!Initialized)
			ScheduledKey.Allocate (GetScheduledKeySize ());

		SetCipherKey (key);
		Key.CopyFrom (key);
		Initialized = true;



	// AES
	void CipherAES::Decrypt (byte *data) const
#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
		if (IsHwSupportAvailable())
			aes_hw_cpu_decrypt (ScheduledKey.Ptr() + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx), data);
			aes_decrypt (data, data, (aes_decrypt_ctx *) (ScheduledKey.Ptr() + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx)));

	void CipherAES::DecryptBlocks (byte *data, size_t blockCount) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
		if ((blockCount & (32 - 1)) == 0
			&& IsHwSupportAvailable())
			while (blockCount > 0)
				aes_hw_cpu_decrypt_32_blocks (ScheduledKey.Ptr() + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx), data);

				data += 32 * GetBlockSize();
				blockCount -= 32;
			Cipher::DecryptBlocks (data, blockCount);

	void CipherAES::Encrypt (byte *data) const
#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
		if (IsHwSupportAvailable())
			aes_hw_cpu_encrypt (ScheduledKey.Ptr(), data);
			aes_encrypt (data, data, (aes_encrypt_ctx *) ScheduledKey.Ptr());

	void CipherAES::EncryptBlocks (byte *data, size_t blockCount) const
		if (!Initialized)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
		if ((blockCount & (32 - 1)) == 0
			&& IsHwSupportAvailable())
			while (blockCount > 0)
				aes_hw_cpu_encrypt_32_blocks (ScheduledKey.Ptr(), data);

				data += 32 * GetBlockSize();
				blockCount -= 32;
			Cipher::EncryptBlocks (data, blockCount);

	size_t CipherAES::GetScheduledKeySize () const
		return sizeof(aes_encrypt_ctx) + sizeof(aes_decrypt_ctx);

	bool CipherAES::IsHwSupportAvailable () const
#ifdef TC_AES_HW_CPU
		static bool state = false;
		static bool stateValid = false;

		if (!stateValid)
			state = is_aes_hw_cpu_supported() ? true : false;
			stateValid = true;
		return state && HwSupportEnabled;
		return false;

	void CipherAES::SetCipherKey (const byte *key)
		if (aes_encrypt_key256 (key, (aes_encrypt_ctx *) ScheduledKey.Ptr()) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
			throw CipherInitError (SRC_POS);

		if (aes_decrypt_key256 (key, (aes_decrypt_ctx *) (ScheduledKey.Ptr() + sizeof (aes_encrypt_ctx))) != EXIT_SUCCESS)
			throw CipherInitError (SRC_POS);

	// Serpent
	void CipherSerpent::Decrypt (byte *data) const
		serpent_decrypt (data, data, ScheduledKey);

	void CipherSerpent::Encrypt (byte *data) const
		serpent_encrypt (data, data, ScheduledKey);
	size_t CipherSerpent::GetScheduledKeySize () const
		return 140*4;

	void CipherSerpent::SetCipherKey (const byte *key)
		serpent_set_key (key, ScheduledKey);

	// Twofish
	void CipherTwofish::Decrypt (byte *data) const
		twofish_decrypt ((TwofishInstance *) ScheduledKey.Ptr(), (unsigned int *)data, (unsigned int *)data);

	void CipherTwofish::Encrypt (byte *data) const
		twofish_encrypt ((TwofishInstance *) ScheduledKey.Ptr(), (unsigned int *)data, (unsigned int *)data);

	size_t CipherTwofish::GetScheduledKeySize () const
		return TWOFISH_KS;

	void CipherTwofish::SetCipherKey (const byte *key)
		twofish_set_key ((TwofishInstance *) ScheduledKey.Ptr(), (unsigned int *) key);

	bool Cipher::HwSupportEnabled = true;