VeraCrypt License Software distributed under this license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF THE SOFTWARE DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY. ANYONE WHO USES, COPIES, MODIFIES, OR (RE)DISTRIBUTES ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE IS, BY SUCH ACTION(S), ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE, COPY, MODIFY, NOR (RE)DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE, NOR ANY PART(S) THEREOF. VeraCrypt is governed by the TrueCrypt License version 3.0, a verbatim copy of this version of the TrueCrypt License can be found below. This license does not grant you rights to use any contributors' name, logo, or trademarks, including IDRIX, VeraCrypt and all derivative names. For example, the following names are not allowed: VeraCrypt, VeraCrypt+, VeraCrypt Professional, iVeraCrypt, etc. Nor any other names confusingly similar to the name VeraCrypt (e.g., Vera-Crypt, Vera Crypt, VerKrypt, etc.) ____________________________________________________________ TrueCrypt License Version 3.0 Software distributed under this license is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF THE SOFTWARE DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY. ANYONE WHO USES, COPIES, MODIFIES, OR (RE)DISTRIBUTES ANY PART OF THE SOFTWARE IS, BY SUCH ACTION(S), ACCEPTING AND AGREEING TO BE BOUND BY ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE. IF YOU DO NOT ACCEPT THEM, DO NOT USE, COPY, MODIFY, NOR (RE)DISTRIBUTE THE SOFTWARE, NOR ANY PART(S) THEREOF. I. Definitions 1. "This Product" means the work (including, but not limited to, source code, graphics, texts, and accompanying files) made available under and governed by this version of this license ("License"), as may be indicated by, but is not limited to, copyright notice(s) attached to or included in the work. 2. "You" means (and "Your" refers to) an individual or a legal entity (e.g., a non-profit organization, commercial organization, government agency, etc.) exercising permissions granted by this License. 3. "Modification" means (and "modify" refers to) any alteration of This Product, including, but not limited to, addition to or deletion from the substance or structure of This Product, translation into another language, repackaging, alteration or removal of any file included with This Product, and addition of any new files to This Product. 4. "Your Product" means This Product modified by You, or any work You derive from (or base on) any part of This Product. In addition, "Your Product" means any work in which You include any (modified or unmodified) portion of This Product. However, if the work in which you include it is an aggregate software distribution (such as an operating system distribution or a cover CD-ROM of a magazine) containing multiple separate products, then the term "Your Product" includes only those products (in the aggregate software distribution) that use, include, or depend on a modified or unmodified version of This Product (and the term "Your Product" does not include the whole aggregate software distribution). For the purposes of this License, a product suite consisting of two or more products is considered a single product (operating system distributions and cover media of magazines are not considered product suites). 5. "Distribution" means (and "distribute" refers to), regardless of means or methods, conveyance, transfer, providing, or making available of This/Your Product or portions thereof to third parties (including, but not limited to, making This/Your Product, or portions thereof, available for download to third parties, whether or not any third party has downloaded the product, or any portion thereof, made available for download). II. Use, Copying, and Distribution of This Product 1. Provided that You comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this License, You may make copies of This Product (unmodified) and distribute copies of This Product (unmodified) that are not included in another product forming Your Product (except as permitted under Chapter III). Note: For terms and conditions for copying and distribution of modified versions of This Product, see Chapter III. 2. Provided that You comply with all applicable terms and conditions of this License, You may use This Product freely (see also Chapter III) on any number of computers/systems for non- commercial and/or commercial purposes. III. Modification, Derivation, and Inclusion in Other Products 1. If all conditions specified in the following paragraphs in this Chapter (III) are met (for exceptions, see Section III.2) and if You comply with all other applicable terms and conditions of this License, You may modify This Product (thus forming Your Product), derive new works from This Product or portions thereof (thus forming Your Product), include This Product or portions thereof in another product (thus forming Your Product, unless defined otherwise in Chapter I), and You may use (for non- commercial and/or commercial purposes), copy, and/or distribute Your Product. a. The name of Your Product (or of Your modified version of This Product) must not contain the name TrueCrypt (for example, the following names are not allowed: TrueCrypt, TrueCrypt+, TrueCrypt Professional, iTrueCrypt, etc.) nor any other names confusingly similar to the name TrueCrypt
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<title>VeraCrypt - Free Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid</title>
<meta name="description" content="VeraCrypt is free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. In case an attacker forces you to reveal the password, VeraCrypt provides plausible deniability. In contrast to file encryption, data encryption performed by VeraCrypt is real-time (on-the-fly), automatic, transparent, needs very little memory, and does not involve temporary unencrypted files."/>
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<a href="Cascades.html">Cascades of ciphers</a>

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<h1>Cascades of ciphers</h1>
<p>Two ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section <a href="Modes%20of%20Operation.html">
<em>Modes of Operation</em></a>). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with Twofish (256-bit key) in XTS mode and then with AES (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All encryption keys are mutually independent (note that
 header keys are independent too, even though they are derived from a single password &ndash; see
<a href="Header Key Derivation.html"><em>Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count</em></a>). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.</p>
<p>Three ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section <a href="Modes%20of%20Operation.html">
<em>Modes of Operation</em></a>). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with Serpent (256-bit key) in XTS mode, then with Twofish (256-bit key) in XTS mode, and finally with AES (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All encryption
 keys are mutually independent (note that header keys are independent too, even though they are derived from a single password &ndash; see the section
<a href="Header Key Derivation.html"><em>Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count</em></a>). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.</p>
<p>Two ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section <a href="Modes%20of%20Operation.html">
<em>Modes of Operation</em></a>). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with AES (256-bit key) in XTS mode and then with Serpent (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All encryption keys are mutually independent (note that
 header keys are independent too, even though they are derived from a single password &ndash; see the section
<a href="Header Key Derivation.html"><em>Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count</em></a>). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.</p>
<p>Three ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section <a href="Modes%20of%20Operation.html">
<em>Modes of Operation</em></a>). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with AES (256-bit key) in XTS mode, then with Twofish (256- bit key) in XTS mode, and finally with Serpent (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All
 encryption keys are mutually independent (note that header keys are independent too, even though they are derived from a single password &ndash; see the section
<a href="Header Key Derivation.html"><em>Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count</em></a>). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.</p>
<p>Two ciphers in a cascade [15, 16] operating in XTS mode (see the section <a href="Modes%20of%20Operation.html">
<em>Modes of Operation</em></a>). Each 128-bit block is first encrypted with Serpent (256-bit key) in XTS mode and then with Twofish (256-bit key) in XTS mode. Each of the cascaded ciphers uses its own key. All encryption keys are mutually independent (note
 that header keys are independent too, even though they are derived from a single password &ndash; see the section
<a href="Header Key Derivation.html"><em>Header Key Derivation, Salt, and Iteration Count</em></a>). See above for information on the individual cascaded ciphers.</p>