
Documentation >> System Encryption

System Encryption

VeraCrypt can on-the-fly encrypt a system partition or entire system drive, i.e. a partition or drive where Windows is installed and from which it boots.
System encryption provides the highest level of security and privacy, because all files, including any temporary files that Windows and applications create on the system partition (typically, without your knowledge or consent), hibernation files, swap files, etc., are always permanently encrypted (even when power supply is suddenly interrupted). Windows also records large amounts of potentially sensitive data, such as the names and locations of files you open, applications you run, etc. All such log files and registry entries are always permanently encrypted as well.
System encryption involves pre-boot authentication, which means that anyone who wants to gain access and use the encrypted system, read and write files stored on the system drive, etc., will need to enter the correct password each time before Windows boots (starts). Pre-boot authentication is handled by the VeraCrypt Boot Loader, which resides in the first track of the boot drive and on the VeraCrypt Rescue Disk (see below).
Note that VeraCrypt can encrypt an existing unencrypted system partition/drive in-place while the operating system is running (while the system is being encrypted, you can use your computer as usual without any restrictions). Likewise, a VeraCrypt-encrypted system partition/drive can be decrypted in-place while the operating system is running. You can interrupt the process of encryption or decryption anytime, leave the partition/drive partially unencrypted, restart or shut down the computer, and then resume the process, which will continue from the point it was stopped.
The mode of operation used for system encryption is XTS (see the section Modes of Operation). For further technical details of system encryption, see the section Encryption Scheme in the chapter Technical Details.
To encrypt a system partition or entire system drive, select System > Encrypt System Partition/Drive and then follow the instructions in the wizard. To decrypt a system partition/drive, select System > Permanently Decrypt System Partition/Drive.
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<title>VeraCrypt - Free Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid</title>
<meta name="description" content="VeraCrypt is free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. In case an attacker forces you to reveal the password, VeraCrypt provides plausible deniability. In contrast to file encryption, data encryption performed by VeraCrypt is real-time (on-the-fly), automatic, transparent, needs very little memory, and does not involve temporary unencrypted files."/>
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<h1>Multi-User Environment</h1>
<p>Keep in mind, that the content of a mounted VeraCrypt volume is visible (accessible) to all logged on users. NTFS file/folder permissions can be set to prevent this, unless the volume is mounted as removable medium (see section
<a href="Removable%20Medium%20Volume.html">
<em>Volume Mounted as Removable Medium</em></a>) under a desktop edition of Windows Vista or later (sectors of a volume mounted as removable medium may be accessible at the volume level to users without administrator privileges, regardless of whether it is
 accessible to them at the file-system level).<br>
Moreover, on Windows, the password cache is shared by all logged on users (for more information, please see the section
<em>Settings -&gt; Preferences</em>, subsection <em>Cache passwords in driver memory</em>).<br>
Also note that switching users in Windows XP or later (<em>Fast User Switching</em> functionality) does
<em>not</em> dismount a successfully mounted VeraCrypt volume (unlike system restart, which dismounts all mounted VeraCrypt volumes).<br>
On Windows 2000, the container file permissions are ignored when a file-hosted VeraCrypt volume is to be mounted. On all supported versions of Windows, users without administrator privileges can mount any partition/device-hosted VeraCrypt volume (provided that
 they supply the correct password and/or keyfiles). A user without administrator privileges can dismount only volumes that he or she mounted. However, this does not apply to system favorite volumes unless you enable the option (disabled by default)
<em>Settings</em> &gt; &lsquo;<em>System Favorite Volumes</em>&rsquo; &gt; &lsquo;<em>Allow only administrators to view and dismount system favorite volumes in VeraCrypt</em>&rsquo;.</p>
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