/* BLAKE2 reference source code package - optimized C implementations Copyright 2012, Samuel Neves . You may use this under the terms of the CC0, the OpenSSL Licence, or the Apache Public License 2.0, at your option. The terms of these licenses can be found at: - CC0 1.0 Universal : http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0 - OpenSSL license : https://www.openssl.org/source/license.html - Apache 2.0 : http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 More information about the BLAKE2 hash function can be found at https://blake2.net. */ /* Adapted for VeraCrypt */ #ifndef BLAKE2S_ROUND_H #define BLAKE2S_ROUND_H #define LOADU(p) _mm_loadu_si128( (const __m128i *)(p) ) #define STOREU(p,r) _mm_storeu_si128((__m128i *)(p), r) #define TOF(reg) _mm_castsi128_ps((reg)) #define TOI(reg) _mm_castps_si128((reg)) #define LIKELY(x) __builtin_expect((x),1) /* Microarchitecture-specific macros */ #ifndef HAVE_XOP #ifdef HAVE_SSSE3 #define _mm_roti_epi32(r, c) ( \ (8==-(c)) ? _mm_shuffle_epi8(r,r8) \ : (16==-(c)) ? _mm_shuffle_epi8(r,r16) \ : _mm_xor_si128(_mm_srli_epi32( (r), -(c) ),_mm_slli_epi32( (r), 32-(-(c)) )) ) #else #define _mm_roti_epi32(r, c) _mm_xor_si128(_mm_srli_epi32( (r), -(c) ),_mm_slli_epi32( (r), 32-(-(c)) )) #endif #else /* ... */ #endif #define G1(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf) \ row1 = _mm_add_epi32( _mm_add_epi32( row1, buf), row2 ); \ row4 = _mm_xor_si128( row4, row1 ); \ row4 = _mm_roti_epi32(row4, -16); \ row3 = _mm_add_epi32( row3, row4 ); \ row2 = _mm_xor_si128( row2, row3 ); \ row2 = _mm_roti_epi32(row2, -12); #define G2(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf) \ row1 = _mm_add_epi32( _mm_add_epi32( row1, buf), row2 ); \ row4 = _mm_xor_si128( row4, row1 ); \ row4 = _mm_roti_epi32(row4, -8); \ row3 = _mm_add_epi32( row3, row4 ); \ row2 = _mm_xor_si128( row2, row3 ); \ row2 = _mm_roti_epi32(row2, -7); #define DIAGONALIZE(row1,row2,row3,row4) \ row1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row1, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,3) ); \ row4 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row4, _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2) ); \ row3 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row3, _MM_SHUFFLE(0,3,2,1) ); #define UNDIAGONALIZE(row1,row2,row3,row4) \ row1 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row1, _MM_SHUFFLE(0,3,2,1) ); \ row4 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row4, _MM_SHUFFLE(1,0,3,2) ); \ row3 = _mm_shuffle_epi32( row3, _MM_SHUFFLE(2,1,0,3) ); #if defined(HAVE_XOP) #include "blake2s-load-xop.h" #elif defined(HAVE_SSE41) #include "blake2s-load-sse41.h" #else #include "blake2s-load-sse2.h" #endif #define ROUND(r) \ LOAD_MSG_ ##r ##_1(buf1); \ G1(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf1); \ LOAD_MSG_ ##r ##_2(buf2); \ G2(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf2); \ DIAGONALIZE(row1,row2,row3,row4); \ LOAD_MSG_ ##r ##_3(buf3); \ G1(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf3); \ LOAD_MSG_ ##r ##_4(buf4); \ G2(row1,row2,row3,row4,buf4); \ UNDIAGONALIZE(row1,row2,row3,row4); \ // load32 is always called in SSE case which implies little endian #define load32(x) *((uint32*) (x)) extern const uint32 blake2s_IV[8]; #if defined(HAVE_SSE41) void blake2s_compress_sse41( blake2s_state *S, const uint8 block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES] ) #elif defined (HAVE_SSSE3) void blake2s_compress_ssse3( blake2s_state *S, const uint8 block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES] ) #else void blake2s_compress_sse2( blake2s_state *S, const uint8 block[BLAKE2S_BLOCKBYTES] ) #endif { __m128i row1, row2, row3, row4; __m128i buf1, buf2, buf3, buf4; #if defined(HAVE_SSE41) __m128i t0, t1; #if !defined(HAVE_XOP) __m128i t2; #endif #endif __m128i ff0, ff1; #if defined(HAVE_SSSE3) && !defined(HAVE_XOP) const __m128i r8 = _mm_set_epi8( 12, 15, 14, 13, 8, 11, 10, 9, 4, 7, 6, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1 ); const __m128i r16 = _mm_set_epi8( 13, 12, 15, 14, 9, 8, 11, 10, 5, 4, 7, 6, 1, 0, 3, 2 ); #endif #if defined(HAVE_SSE41) const __m128i m0 = LOADU( block + 00 ); const __m128i m1 = LOADU( block + 16 ); const __m128i m2 = LOADU( block + 32 ); const __m128i m3 = LOADU( block + 48 ); #else const uint32 m0 = load32(block + 0 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m1 = load32(block + 1 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m2 = load32(block + 2 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m3 = load32(block + 3 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m4 = load32(block + 4 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m5 = load32(block + 5 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m6 = load32(block + 6 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m7 = load32(block + 7 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m8 = load32(block + 8 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m9 = load32(block + 9 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m10 = load32(block + 10 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m11 = load32(block + 11 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m12 = load32(block + 12 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m13 = load32(block + 13 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m14 = load32(block + 14 * sizeof(uint32)); const uint32 m15 = load32(block + 15 * sizeof(uint32)); #endif row1 = ff0 = LOADU( &S->h[0] ); row2 = ff1 = LOADU( &S->h[4] ); row3 = _mm_loadu_si128( (__m128i const *)&blake2s_IV[0] ); row4 = _mm_xor_si128( _mm_loadu_si128( (__m128i const *)&blake2s_IV[4] ), LOADU( &S->t[0] ) ); ROUND( 0 ); ROUND( 1 ); ROUND( 2 ); ROUND( 3 ); ROUND( 4 ); ROUND( 5 ); ROUND( 6 ); ROUND( 7 ); ROUND( 8 ); ROUND( 9 ); STOREU( &S->h[0], _mm_xor_si128( ff0, _mm_xor_si128( row1, row3 ) ) ); STOREU( &S->h[4], _mm_xor_si128( ff1, _mm_xor_si128( row2, row4 ) ) ); } #endif 60
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<title>VeraCrypt - Free Open source disk encryption with strong security for the Paranoid</title>
<meta name="description" content="VeraCrypt is free open-source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. In case an attacker forces you to reveal the password, VeraCrypt provides plausible deniability. In contrast to file encryption, data encryption performed by VeraCrypt is real-time (on-the-fly), automatic, transparent, needs very little memory, and does not involve temporary unencrypted files."/>
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<a href="Supported%20Operating%20Systems.html">Supported Operating Systems</a>

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<h1>Supported Operating Systems</h1>
<div style="text-align:left; margin-top:19px; margin-bottom:19px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
VeraCrypt currently supports the following operating systems:</div>
<ul style="text-align:left; margin-top:18px; margin-bottom:19px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
<li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Windows 11 </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Windows 10 </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Windows Server 2016 </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Mac OS X 14 Sonoma </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Mac OS X 13 Ventura </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Mac OS X 12 Monterey </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Linux x86, x86-64, ARM64 (Starting from Debian 10, Ubuntu 20.04, CentOS 7, OpenSUSE 15.1)  </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
FreeBSD x86-64 (starting from version 12) </li><li style="text-align:left; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit and 64-bit) </li></ul>
<div style="text-align:left; margin-top:19px; margin-bottom:19px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
<span style="text-align:left;">Note: <br/>
VeraCrypt 1.25.9 is the last version that supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1.<br/>
VeraCrypt 1.25.9 is the last version the supports Mac OS X versions from 10.9 Mavericks to 11 Big Sur<br/>
VeraCrypt 1.24-Update8 is the last version that supports Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.</span></div>
<div style="text-align:left; margin-top:19px; margin-bottom:19px; padding-top:0px; padding-bottom:0px">
<br style="text-align:left">
<span style="text-align:left; font-size:10px; line-height:12px">Note: The following operating systems (among others) are not supported: Windows RT, Windows 2003 IA-64, Windows 2008 IA-64, Windows XP IA-64, and the Embedded/Tablet versions of Windows.</span></div>
<p><br style="text-align:left">
<br style="text-align:left">
Also see the section <strong style="text-align:left"><a href="Supported%20Systems%20for%20System%20Encryption.html" style="text-align:left; color:#0080c0; text-decoration:none.html">Operating Systems Supported for System