; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Copyright (c) 1998-2007, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved. ; ; LICENSE TERMS ; ; The free distribution and use of this software is allowed (with or without ; changes) provided that: ; ; 1. source code distributions include the above copyright notice, this ; list of conditions and the following disclaimer; ; ; 2. binary distributions include the above copyright notice, this list ; of conditions and the following disclaimer in their documentation; ; ; 3. the name of the copyright holder is not used to endorse products ; built using this software without specific written permission. ; ; DISCLAIMER ; ; This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties ; in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness ; and/or fitness for purpose. ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Issue 20/12/2007 ; ; I am grateful to Dag Arne Osvik for many discussions of the techniques that ; can be used to optimise AES assembler code on AMD64/EM64T architectures. ; Some of the techniques used in this implementation are the result of ; suggestions made by him for which I am most grateful. ; ; Adapted for TrueCrypt: ; - Compatibility with NASM ; ; An AES implementation for AMD64 processors using the YASM assembler. This ; implemetation provides only encryption, decryption and hence requires key ; scheduling support in C. It uses 8k bytes of tables but its encryption and ; decryption performance is very close to that obtained using large tables. ; It can use either Windows or Gnu/Linux calling conventions, which are as ; follows: ; windows gnu/linux ; ; in_blk rcx rdi ; out_blk rdx rsi ; context (cx) r8 rdx ; ; preserved rsi - + rbx, rbp, rsp, r12, r13, r14 & r15 ; registers rdi - on both ; ; destroyed - rsi + rax, rcx, rdx, r8, r9, r10 & r11 ; registers - rdi on both ; ; The default convention is that for windows, the gnu/linux convention being ; used if __GNUC__ is defined. ; ; Define _SEH_ to include support for Win64 structured exception handling ; (this requires YASM version 0.6 or later). ; ; This code provides the standard AES block size (128 bits, 16 bytes) and the ; three standard AES key sizes (128, 192 and 256 bits). It has the same call ; interface as my C implementation. It uses the Microsoft C AMD64 calling ; conventions in which the three parameters are placed in rcx, rdx and r8 ; respectively. The rbx, rsi, rdi, rbp and r12..r15 registers are preserved. ; ; AES_RETURN aes_encrypt(const unsigned char in_blk[], ; unsigned char out_blk[], const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; AES_RETURN aes_decrypt(const unsigned char in_blk[], ; unsigned char out_blk[], const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key(const unsigned char key[], ; const aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key(const unsigned char key[], ; const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; AES_RETURN aes_encrypt_key(const unsigned char key[], ; unsigned int len, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; AES_RETURN aes_decrypt_key(const unsigned char key[], ; unsigned int len, const aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1]); ; ; where is 128, 102 or 256. In the last two calls the length can be in ; either bits or bytes. ; ; Comment in/out the following lines to obtain the desired subroutines. These ; selections MUST match those in the C header file aes.h ; %define AES_128 ; define if AES with 128 bit keys is needed ; %define AES_192 ; define if AES with 192 bit keys is needed %define AES_256 ; define if AES with 256 bit keys is needed ; %define AES_VAR ; define if a variable key size is needed %define ENCRYPTION ; define if encryption is needed %define DECRYPTION ; define if decryption is needed %define AES_REV_DKS ; define if key decryption schedule is reversed %define LAST_ROUND_TABLES ; define for the faster version using extra tables ; The encryption key schedule has the following in memory layout where N is the ; number of rounds (10, 12 or 14): ; ; lo: | input key (round 0) | ; each round is four 32-bit words ; | encryption round 1 | ; | encryption round 2 | ; .... ; | encryption round N-1 | ; hi: | encryption round N | ; ; The decryption key schedule is normally set up so that it has the same ; layout as above by actually reversing the order of the encryption key ; schedule in memory (this happens when AES_REV_DKS is set): ; ; lo: | decryption round 0 | = | encryption round N | ; | decryption round 1 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round N-1 | ] ; | decryption round 2 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round N-2 | ] ; .... .... ; | decryption round N-1 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round 1 | ] ; hi: | decryption round N | = | input key (round 0) | ; ; with rounds except the first and last modified using inv_mix_column() ; But if AES_REV_DKS is NOT set the order of keys is left as it is for ; encryption so that it has to be accessed in reverse when used for ; decryption (although the inverse mix column modifications are done) ; ; lo: | decryption round 0 | = | input key (round 0) | ; | decryption round 1 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round 1 | ] ; | decryption round 2 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round 2 | ] ; .... .... ; | decryption round N-1 | = INV_MIX_COL[ | encryption round N-1 | ] ; hi: | decryption round N | = | encryption round N | ; ; This layout is faster when the assembler key scheduling provided here ; is used. ; ; The DLL interface must use the _stdcall convention in which the number ; of bytes of parameter space is added after an @ to the sutine's name. ; We must also remove our parameters from the stack before return (see ; the do_exit macro). Define DLL_EXPORT for the Dynamic Link Library version. ;%define DLL_EXPORT ; End of user defines %ifdef AES_VAR %ifndef AES_128 %define AES_128 %endif %ifndef AES_192 %define AES_192 %endif %ifndef AES_256 %define AES_256 %endif %endif %ifdef AES_VAR %define KS_LENGTH 60 %elifdef AES_256 %define KS_LENGTH 60 %elifdef AES_192 %define KS_LENGTH 52 %else %define KS_LENGTH 44 %endif %define r0 rax %define r1 rdx %define r2 rcx %define r3 rbx %define r4 rsi %define r5 rdi %define r6 rbp %define r7 rsp %define raxd eax %define rdxd edx %define rcxd ecx %define rbxd ebx %define rsid esi %define rdid edi %define rbpd ebp %define rspd esp %define raxb al %define rdxb dl %define rcxb cl %define rbxb bl %define rsib sil %define rdib dil %define rbpb bpl %define rspb spl %define r0h ah %define r1h dh %define r2h ch %define r3h bh %define r0d eax %define r1d edx %define r2d ecx %define r3d ebx ; finite field multiplies by {02}, {04} and {08} %define f2(x) ((x<<1)^(((x>>7)&1)*0x11b)) %d
 Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.

 Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
 the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution

#include "Crypto.h"
#include "Platform.h"
#include "BootConfig.h"
#include "BootDebug.h"
#include "BootDefs.h"
#include "BootDiskIo.h"
#include "BootEncryptedIo.h"

BiosResult ReadEncryptedSectors (uint16 destSegment, uint16 destOffset, byte drive, uint64 sector, uint16 sectorCount)
	BiosResult result;
	bool decrypt = true;

	if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
		if (ReadWritePartiallyCoversEncryptedArea (sector, sectorCount))
			return BiosResultInvalidFunction;

		if (sector >= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector && sector <= EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector)
			// Remap the request to the hidden volume
			sector -= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
			sector += HiddenVolumeStartSector;
			decrypt = false;

	result = ReadSectors (destSegment, destOffset, drive, sector, sectorCount);

	if (result != BiosResultSuccess || !decrypt)
		return result;

	if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
		// Convert sector number to data unit number of the hidden volume
		sector -= HiddenVolumeStartSector;
		sector += HiddenVolumeStartUnitNo;

	if (drive == EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive)
		while (sectorCount-- > 0)
			if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume
				|| (sector >= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector && sector <= EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector))
				CopyMemory (destSegment, destOffset, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE);

				DecryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &sector, 1, BootCryptoInfo);

				CopyMemory (SectorBuffer, destSegment, destOffset, TC_LB_SIZE);

			destOffset += TC_LB_SIZE;

	return result;

BiosResult WriteEncryptedSectors (uint16 sourceSegment, uint16 sourceOffset, byte drive, uint64 sector, uint16 sectorCount)
	BiosResult result = BiosResultSuccess;
	uint64 dataUnitNo;
	uint64 writeOffset;

	dataUnitNo = sector;
	writeOffset.HighPart = 0;
	writeOffset.LowPart = 0;

	if (BootCryptoInfo->hiddenVolume)
		if (ReadWritePartiallyCoversEncryptedArea (sector, sectorCount))
			return BiosResultInvalidFunction;

		// Remap the request to the hidden volume
		writeOffset = HiddenVolumeStartSector;
		writeOffset -= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
		dataUnitNo -= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector;
		dataUnitNo += HiddenVolumeStartUnitNo;

	while (sectorCount-- > 0)
		CopyMemory (sourceSegment, sourceOffset, SectorBuffer, TC_LB_SIZE);

		if (drive == EncryptedVirtualPartition.Drive && sector >= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector && sector <= EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector)
			EncryptDataUnits (SectorBuffer, &dataUnitNo, 1, BootCryptoInfo);

		result = WriteSectors (SectorBuffer, drive, sector + writeOffset, 1);

		if (result != BiosResultSuccess)

		sourceOffset += TC_LB_SIZE;

	return result;

static bool ReadWritePartiallyCoversEncryptedArea (const uint64 &sector, uint16 sectorCount)
	uint64 readWriteEnd = sector + --sectorCount;

	return ((sector < EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector && readWriteEnd >= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector)
		|| (sector >= EncryptedVirtualPartition.StartSector && readWriteEnd > EncryptedVirtualPartition.EndSector));
, r11, r12, 3 ii_rnd r9, r10, r11, r12, 2 ii_rnd r9, r10, r11, r12, 1 il_rnd r9, r10, r11, r12, 0 mov rbx, [rsp] mov [rbx], r9d mov [rbx+4], r10d mov [rbx+8], r11d mov [rbx+12], r12d xor rax, rax .4: mov rbx, [rsp+1*8] mov rbp, [rsp+2*8] mov r12, [rsp+3*8] %ifdef __GNUC__ add rsp, 4*8 ret %else mov rsi, [rsp+4*8] mov rdi, [rsp+5*8] %ifdef _SEH_ add rsp, 7*8 ret endproc_frame %else add rsp, 6*8 ret %endif %endif %endif