:: :: Copyright (c) 2008-2009 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved. :: :: Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in :: the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution :: packages. :: :: Usage: BuildDriver <-build|-rebuild|-clean> <-release|-debug> <-x86|-x64> [dir2] ... @echo off set TC_ARG_CMD=%~1 shift set TC_ARG_TYPE=%~1 shift set TC_ARG_ARCH=%~1 shift :: Windows Driver Kit build number set TC_WINDDK_BUILD=7600.16385.1 :: Check for spaces in the current directory path cd | find " " >NUL: if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: MS Build does not support building of projects stored in a path containing spaces. >&2 exit /B 1 ) :: Build options set TC_C_DEFINES=-D_WIN32 -DTC_WINDOWS_DRIVER set TC_C_FLAGS=-nologo -I.. set TC_C_WARNING_LEVEL=-W4 set TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS=-wd4057 -wd4100 -wd4127 -wd4152 -wd4201 -wd4701 -wd4702 -wd4706 set TC_LIBRARIAN_FLAGS=-nologo set TC_LINKER_FLAGS=-nologo set TC_TEST_SIGN=0 :: Windows Driver Kit root set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\WinDDK\%TC_WINDDK_BUILD% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%WINDDK_ROOT%\%TC_WINDDK_BUILD% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found set TC_WINDDK_ROOT=%WINDDK_ROOT% if exist "%TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv.bat" goto ddk_found echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Windows Driver Development Kit not found in the default directory. Set WINDDK_ROOT environment variable to point to your Windows DDK installation directory. >&2 exit /B 1 :ddk_found :: CPU architecture if "%TC_ARG_ARCH%"=="-x64" ( set TC_BUILD_ARCH=x64 WNET set TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR=amd64 set TC_ARCH=x64 set TC_ARCH_SUFFIX=-x64 set TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS=%TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS% -wd4328 -wd4366 set TC_LINKER_FLAGS=%TC_LINKER_FLAGS% -LTCG if defined TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_NAME set TC_TEST_SIGN=1 ) else ( set TC_BUILD_ARCH=WXP set TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR=i386 set TC_ARCH=x86 set TC_ARCH_SUFFIX= ) :: Build type if "%TC_ARG_TYPE%"=="-debug" ( set TC_BUILD_TYPE=chk set TC_C_DEFINES=%TC_C_DEFINES% -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG set TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR=_driver_debug set TC_COPY_DIR="..\Debug" ) else ( set TC_BUILD_TYPE=fre set TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR=_driver_release set TC_COPY_DIR="..\Release" set TC_TEST_SIGN=0 ) :: WDK environment pushd . call %TC_WINDDK_ROOT%\bin\setenv %TC_WINDDK_ROOT% %TC_BUILD_TYPE% %TC_BUILD_ARCH% no_oacr || exit /B %errorlevel% popd :: Build if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-rebuild" (set TC_BUILD_OPTS=-c -Z) pushd . :build_dirs if "%~1"=="" goto done cd /D "%~1" || exit /B %errorlevel% if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-clean" ( rd /s /q obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR% 2>NUL: rd /q obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR% 2>NUL: ) else ( set USER_C_FLAGS=%TC_C_FLAGS% %TC_C_DISABLED_WARNINGS% -FAcs -Fa%~1\obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR%\ set MSC_WARNING_LEVEL=%TC_C_WARNING_LEVEL% set C_DEFINES=%TC_C_DEFINES% set RCOPTIONS=/I %MFC_INC_PATH% set LIBRARIAN_FLAGS=%TC_LIBRARIAN_FLAGS% set LINKER_FLAGS=%TC_LINKER_FLAGS% set BUILD_ALT_DIR=%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR% build %TC_BUILD_OPTS% -w -nmake /S -nmake /C 2>build_errors.log 1>&2 if errorlevel 1 ( type build_errors.log type build_errors_asm.log 2>NUL: exit /B 1 ) del /q build_errors.log build_errors_asm.log build%BUILD_ALT_DIR%.* 2>NUL: ) shift goto build_dirs :done popd if "%TC_ARG_CMD%"=="-clean" exit /B 0 md "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files" >NUL: 2>NUL: copy /B /Y obj%TC_BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%TC_BUILD_ARCH_DIR%\veracrypt.sys "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files\veracrypt%TC_ARCH_SUFFIX%.sys" >NUL: if errorlevel 1 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Cannot copy target. >&2 exit /B 1 ) if %TC_TEST_SIGN% equ 1 ( signtool sign /s "%TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_STORE%" /n "%TC_KERNEL_TEST_CERTIFICATE_NAME%" "%TC_COPY_DIR%\Setup Files\veracrypt%TC_ARCH_SUFFIX%.sys" >NUL: if errorlevel 1 ( echo BuildDriver.cmd: error: Cannot test-sign target. >&2 exit /B 1 ) ) exit /B 0 ' href='#n19'>19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
 Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
 Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
 by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.

 Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
 and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX
 and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
 contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
 code distribution packages.

#ifndef TC_HEADER_Core_HostDevice
#define TC_HEADER_Core_HostDevice

#include "Platform/Platform.h"
#include "Platform/Serializable.h"

namespace VeraCrypt
	struct HostDevice;
	typedef list < shared_ptr <HostDevice> > HostDeviceList;

	struct HostDevice : public Serializable
		HostDevice ()
			: Removable (false),
			Size (0)

		virtual ~HostDevice ()


		DirectoryPath MountPoint;
		wstring Name;
		DevicePath Path;
		bool Removable;
		uint64 Size;
		uint32 SystemNumber;

		HostDeviceList Partitions;

#endif // TC_HEADER_Core_HostDevice