
Documentation >> Miscellaneous >> Sharing over Network

Sharing over Network

If there is a need to access a single VeraCrypt volume simultaneously from multiple operating systems, there are two options:

  1. A VeraCrypt volume is mounted only on a single computer (for example, on a server) and only the content of the mounted VeraCrypt volume (i.e., the file system within the VeraCrypt volume) is shared over a network. Users on other computers or systems will not mount the volume (it is already mounted on the server).

    Advantages: All users can write data to the VeraCrypt volume. The shared volume may be both file-hosted and partition/device-hosted.

    Disadvantage: Data sent over the network will not be encrypted. However, it is still possible to encrypt them using e.g. SSL, TLS, VPN, or other technologies.

    Remarks: Note that, when you restart the system, the network share will be automatically restored only if the volume is a system favorite volume or an encrypted system partition/drive (for information on how to configure a volume as a system favorite volume, see the chapter System Favorite Volumes).

  2. A dismounted VeraCrypt file container is stored on a single computer (for example, on a server). This encrypted file is shared over a network. Users on other computers or systems will locally mount the shared file. Thus, the volume will be mounted simultaneously under multiple operating systems.

    Advantage: Data sent over the network will be encrypted (however, it is still recommended to encrypt them using e.g. SSL, TLS, VPN, or other appropriate technologies to make traffic analysis more difficult and to preserve the integrity of the data).

    Disadvantages: The shared volume may be only file-hosted (not partition/device-hosted). The volume must be mounted in read-only mode under each of the systems (see the section Mount Options for information on how to mount a volume in read-only mode). Note that this requirement applies to unencrypted volumes too. One of the reasons is, for example, the fact that data read from a conventional file system under one OS while the file system is being modified by another OS might be inconsistent (which could result in data corruption).

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/** @file
GOST89 implementation

Copyright (c) 2016. Disk Cryptography Services for EFI (DCS), Alex Kolotnikov

This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions
of the Apache License, Version 2.0.  
The full text of the license may be found at

Dynamic SBOX idea is from GostCrypt project. Copyright (c) 2008-2011 TrueCrypt Developers Association

#include "GostCipher.h"
#include "Streebog.h"
#include "cpu.h"

#if defined(CIPHER_GOST89)

// Crypto Pro
byte S_CryptoPro[8][16] = {

// TC26
byte S_TC26[8][16] =
	{ 0xc, 0x4, 0x6, 0x2, 0xa, 0x5, 0xb, 0x9, 0xe, 0x8, 0xd, 0x7, 0x0, 0x3, 0xf, 0x1 },
	{ 0x6, 0x8, 0x2, 0x3, 0x9, 0xa, 0x5, 0xc, 0x1, 0xe, 0x4, 0x7, 0xb, 0xd, 0x0, 0xf },
	{ 0xb, 0x3, 0x5, 0x8, 0x2, 0xf, 0xa, 0xd, 0xe, 0x1, 0x7, 0x4, 0xc, 0x9, 0x6, 0x0 },
	{ 0xc, 0x8, 0x2, 0x1, 0xd, 0x4, 0xf, 0x6, 0x7, 0x0, 0xa, 0x5, 0x3, 0xe, 0x9, 0xb },
	{ 0x7, 0xf, 0x5, 0xa, 0x8, 0x1, 0x6, 0xd, 0x0, 0x9, 0x3, 0xe, 0xb, 0x4, 0x2, 0xc },
	{ 0x5, 0xd, 0xf, 0x6, 0x9, 0x2, 0xc, 0xa, 0xb, 0x7, 0x8, 0x1, 0x4, 0x3, 0xe, 0x0 },
	{ 0x8, 0xe, 0x2, 0x5, 0x6, 0x9, 0x1, 0xc, 0xf, 0x4, 0xb, 0x0, 0xd, 0xa, 0x3, 0x7 },
	{ 0x1, 0x7, 0xe, 0xd, 0x0, 0x5, 0x8, 0x3, 0x4, 0xf, 0xa, 0x6, 0x9, 0xc, 0xb, 0x2 },

void gost_prepare_kds(gost_kds* kds) {
	uint32 i;
	// Build substitution tables. 
	for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
		uint32 p;
		p = kds->sbox[7][i >> 4] << 4 | kds->sbox[6][i & 15];
		p = p << 24; p = p << 11 | p >> 21;
		kds->sbox_cvt[i] = p; // S87

		p = kds->sbox[5][i >> 4] << 4 | kds->sbox[4][i & 15];
		p = p << 16; p = p << 11 | p >> 21;
		kds->sbox_cvt[256 + i] = p; // S65

		p = kds->sbox[3][i >> 4] << 4 | kds->sbox[2][i & 15];
		p = p << 8; p = p << 11 | p >> 21;
		kds->sbox_cvt[256 * 2 + i] = p; // S43

		p = kds->sbox[1][i >> 4] << 4 | kds->sbox[0][i & 15];
		p = p << 11 | p >> 21;
		kds->sbox_cvt[256 * 3 + i] = p; // S21

static void xor_s_box(byte s_box[8][16], byte *seed)
   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
      s_box[0][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 0 ]   ) & 0xF;
      s_box[1][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 0 ]>>4) & 0xF;
      s_box[2][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 1 ]   ) & 0xF;
      s_box[3][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 1 ]>>4) & 0xF;
      s_box[4][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 2 ]   ) & 0xF;
      s_box[5][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 2 ]>>4) & 0xF;
      s_box[6][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 3 ]   ) & 0xF;
      s_box[7][i] ^= (seed[ (i * 4) + 3 ]>>4) & 0xF;

void gost_set_key(const byte *key, gost_kds *ks, int useDynamicSbox)
	memcpy(ks->key, key, GOST_KEYSIZE);
	memcpy(ks->sbox, S_TC26, sizeof(ks->sbox));

    if (useDynamicSbox)
	    STREEBOG_CTX sctx;
	    byte sbox_seed[64];
#if defined (DEVICE_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64)
	    KFLOATING_SAVE floatingPointState;
	    if (HasSSE2() || HasSSE41())
		    saveStatus = KeSaveFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState);
	    //Generate pseudorandom data based on the key
	    STREEBOG_add(&sctx, ks->key, 32);
	    STREEBOG_finalize(&sctx, sbox_seed);

#if defined (DEVICE_DRIVER) && !defined (_WIN64)
	    if (NT_SUCCESS (saveStatus))
		    KeRestoreFloatingPointState (&floatingPointState);

	    xor_s_box(ks->sbox, sbox_seed);


static uint32 f(uint32 v, uint32* sbox){
   byte* x =(byte*) &v;
   /* Do substitutions */
   return sbox[x[3]] | sbox[256 + x[2]] | sbox[256*2 + x[1]] | sbox[256*3 + x[0]];

void gost_encrypt_block(uint64 in_, uint64* out_, gost_kds* kds) {
   uint32* in  = (uint32*)&in_;
   uint32* out = (uint32*)out_;
	uint32* key = (uint32*)kds->key;
	uint32* sbox = kds->sbox_cvt;

   // As named in the GOST
   uint32 n1 = in[0];
   uint32 n2 = in[1];

	n2 ^= f(n1+key[0], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[1], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[2], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[3], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[4], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[5], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[6], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[7], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[0], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[1], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[2], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[3], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[4], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[5], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[6], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[7], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[0], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[1], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[2], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[3], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[4], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[5], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[6], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[7], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[7], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[6], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[5], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[4], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[3], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[2], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[1], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[0], sbox);

   // There is no swap after the last round
   out[0] = n2;
   out[1] = n1;

void gost_decrypt_block(uint64 in_, uint64* out_, gost_kds* kds) {
   uint32* in  = (uint32*)&in_;
   uint32* out = (uint32*)out_;
	uint32* key = (uint32*)kds->key;
	uint32* sbox = kds->sbox_cvt;

   // As named in the GOST
   uint32 n1 = in[0];
   uint32 n2 = in[1];

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[0], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[1], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[2], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[3], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[4], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[5], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[6], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[7], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[7], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[6], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[5], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[4], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[3], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[2], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[1], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[0], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[7], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[6], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[5], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[4], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[3], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[2], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[1], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[0], sbox);

   n2 ^= f(n1+key[7], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[6], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[5], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[4], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[3], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[2], sbox);
   n2 ^= f(n1+key[1], sbox);
   n1 ^= f(n2+key[0], sbox);

   out[0] = n2;
   out[1] = n1;

#if defined(_M_AMD64)
void gost_encrypt_128_CBC_asm(const byte *in, byte *out, gost_kds *ks, uint64 count);
void gost_decrypt_128_CBC_asm(const byte *in, byte *out, gost_kds *ks, uint64 count);

void gost_encrypt(const byte *in, byte *out, gost_kds *ks, int count) {
#if defined(_M_AMD64)
	gost_encrypt_128_CBC_asm(in, out, ks, (uint64)count);
	while (count > 0) {
		// encrypt two blocks in CBC mode
		gost_encrypt_block(*((uint64*)in), (uint64*)out, ks);
		*((gst_udword*)(out + 8)) = *((gst_udword*)(in + 8)) ^ *((gst_udword*)(out));
		*((gst_udword*)(out + 12)) = *((gst_udword*)(in + 12)) ^ *((gst_udword*)(out + 4));
		gost_encrypt_block(*((uint64*)(out + 8)), (uint64*)(out + 8), ks);
		in += 16;
		out += 16;

void gost_decrypt(const byte *in, byte *out, gost_kds *ks, int count) {
#if defined(_M_AMD64)
	gost_decrypt_128_CBC_asm(in, out, ks, (uint64)count);
	while (count > 0) {
		// decrypt two blocks in CBC mode
		gost_decrypt_block(*((uint64*)(in + 8)), (uint64*)(out + 8), ks);
		*((gst_udword*)(out + 8)) ^= *((gst_udword*)(in));;
		*((gst_udword*)(out + 12)) ^= *((gst_udword*)(in + 4));;
		gost_decrypt_block(*((uint64*)(in)), (uint64*)(out), ks);
		in += 16;
		out += 16;
