
Documentation >> Plausible Deniability >> Hidden Volume >> Security Requirements for Hidden Volumes

Security Requirements and Precautions Pertaining to Hidden Volumes

If you use a hidden VeraCrypt volume, you must follow the security requirements and precautions listed below in this section. Disclaimer: This section is not guaranteed to contain a list of all security issues and attacks that might adversely affect or limit the ability of VeraCrypt to secure data stored in a hidden VeraCrypt volume and the ability to provide plausible deniability.
must not be mounted/accessible at all); otherwise, you must ensure that applications and the operating system do not write any sensitive data (see above) to non-hidden volumes/filesystems during the "live-CD" session.
  • Linux: Download or create a "live-CD" version of your operating system (i.e. a "live" Linux system entirely stored on and booted from a CD/DVD) that ensures that any data written to the system volume is written to a RAM disk. Mount hidden volumes only when such a "live-CD" system is running. During the session, only filesystems that reside in hidden VeraCrypt volumes may be mounted in read-write mode (outer or unencrypted volumes/filesystems must be mounted as read-only or must not be mounted/accessible at all). If you cannot comply with this requirement and you are not able to ensure that applications and the operating system do not write any sensitive data (see above) to non-hidden volumes/filesystems, you must not mount or create hidden VeraCrypt volumes under Linux.
  • Mac OS X: If you are not able to ensure that applications and the operating system do not write any sensitive data (see above) to non-hidden volumes/filesystems, you must not mount or create hidden VeraCrypt volumes under Mac OS X.
  • When an outer volume is mounted with hidden volume protection enabled (see section Protection of Hidden Volumes Against Damage), you must follow the same security requirements and precautions that you are required to follow when a hidden volume is mounted (see above). The reason is that the operating system might leak the password/key for the hidden volume to a non-hidden or unencrypted volume.
  • If you use an operating system residing within a hidden volume (see the section Hidden Operating System), then, in addition to the above, you must follow these security requirements and precautions:

  • In addition to the above, you must follow the security requirements and precautions listed in the following chapters:

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    * This does not apply to filesystems on CD/DVD-like media and on custom, untypical, or non-standard devices/media.