Note that this section applies to the Windows version of VeraCrypt. For information on command line usage applying to the Linux and Mac OS X versions, please run: veracrypt –h
/help or /? | Display command line help. |
/truecrypt or /tc | Activate TrueCrypt compatibility mode which enables mounting volumes created with TrueCrypt 6.x and 7.x series. |
/hash | It must be followed by a parameter indicating the PRF hash algorithm to use when mounting the volume. Possible values for /hash parameter are: sha256, sha-256, sha512, sha-512, whirlpool, ripemd160 and ripemd-160. When /hash is omitted, VeraCrypt will try all possible PRF algorithms thus lengthening the mount operation time. |
/volume or /v |
It must be followed by a parameter indicating the file and path name of a VeraCrypt volume to mount (do not use when dismounting) or the Volume ID of the disk/partition to mount. |