/* pkcs11f.h include file for PKCS #11. */ /* $Revision: 1.4 $ */ /* License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it is * identified as "RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 Cryptographic Token Interface * (Cryptoki)" in all material mentioning or referencing this software. * License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided that * such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Security Inc. PKCS #11 * Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki)" in all material mentioning or * referencing the derived work. * RSA Security Inc. makes no representations concerning either the * merchantability of this software or the suitability of this software for * any particular purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied * warranty of any kind. */ /* This header file contains pretty much everything about all the */ /* Cryptoki function prototypes. Because this information is */ /* used for more than just declaring function prototypes, the */ /* order of the functions appearing herein is important, and */ /* should not be altered. */ /* General-purpose */ /* C_Initialize initializes the Cryptoki library. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_Initialize) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_VOID_PTR pInitArgs /* if this is not NULL_PTR, it gets * cast to CK_C_INITIALIZE_ARGS_PTR * and dereferenced */ ); #endif /* C_Finalize indicates that an application is done with the * Cryptoki library. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_Finalize) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_VOID_PTR pReserved /* reserved. Should be NULL_PTR */ ); #endif /* C_GetInfo returns general information about Cryptoki. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetInfo) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_INFO_PTR pInfo /* location that receives information */ ); #endif /* C_GetFunctionList returns the function list. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetFunctionList) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_FUNCTION_LIST_PTR_PTR ppFunctionList /* receives pointer to * function list */ ); #endif /* Slot and token management */ /* C_GetSlotList obtains a list of slots in the system. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetSlotList) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_BBOOL tokenPresent, /* only slots with tokens? */ CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlotList, /* receives array of slot IDs */ CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount /* receives number of slots */ ); #endif /* C_GetSlotInfo obtains information about a particular slot in * the system. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetSlotInfo) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* the ID of the slot */ CK_SLOT_INFO_PTR pInfo /* receives the slot information */ ); #endif /* C_GetTokenInfo obtains information about a particular token * in the system. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetTokenInfo) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* ID of the token's slot */ CK_TOKEN_INFO_PTR pInfo /* receives the token information */ ); #endif /* C_GetMechanismList obtains a list of mechanism types * supported by a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetMechanismList) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* ID of token's slot */ CK_MECHANISM_TYPE_PTR pMechanismList, /* gets mech. array */ CK_ULONG_PTR pulCount /* gets # of mechs. */ ); #endif /* C_GetMechanismInfo obtains information about a particular * mechanism possibly supported by a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetMechanismInfo) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* ID of the token's slot */ CK_MECHANISM_TYPE type, /* type of mechanism */ CK_MECHANISM_INFO_PTR pInfo /* receives mechanism info */ ); #endif /* C_InitToken initializes a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_InitToken) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST /* pLabel changed from CK_CHAR_PTR to CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR for v2.10 */ ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* ID of the token's slot */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pPin, /* the SO's initial PIN */ CK_ULONG ulPinLen, /* length in bytes of the PIN */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pLabel /* 32-byte token label (blank padded) */ ); #endif /* C_InitPIN initializes the normal user's PIN. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_InitPIN) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pPin, /* the normal user's PIN */ CK_ULONG ulPinLen /* length in bytes of the PIN */ ); #endif /* C_SetPIN modifies the PIN of the user who is logged in. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_SetPIN) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pOldPin, /* the old PIN */ CK_ULONG ulOldLen, /* length of the old PIN */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pNewPin, /* the new PIN */ CK_ULONG ulNewLen /* length of the new PIN */ ); #endif /* Session management */ /* C_OpenSession opens a session between an application and a * token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_OpenSession) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID, /* the slot's ID */ CK_FLAGS flags, /* from CK_SESSION_INFO */ CK_VOID_PTR pApplication, /* passed to callback */ CK_NOTIFY Notify, /* callback function */ CK_SESSION_HANDLE_PTR phSession /* gets session handle */ ); #endif /* C_CloseSession closes a session between an application and a * token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_CloseSession) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession /* the session's handle */ ); #endif /* C_CloseAllSessions closes all sessions with a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_CloseAllSessions) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SLOT_ID slotID /* the token's slot */ ); #endif /* C_GetSessionInfo obtains information about the session. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetSessionInfo) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_SESSION_INFO_PTR pInfo /* receives session info */ ); #endif /* C_GetOperationState obtains the state of the cryptographic operation * in a session. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetOperationState) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, /* gets state */ CK_ULONG_PTR pulOperationStateLen /* gets state length */ ); #endif /* C_SetOperationState restores the state of the cryptographic * operation in a session. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_SetOperationState) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR pOperationState, /* holds state */ CK_ULONG ulOperationStateLen, /* holds state length */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hEncryptionKey, /* en/decryption key */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hAuthenticationKey /* sign/verify key */ ); #endif /* C_Login logs a user into a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_Login) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_USER_TYPE userType, /* the user type */ CK_UTF8CHAR_PTR pPin, /* the user's PIN */ CK_ULONG ulPinLen /* the length of the PIN */ ); #endif /* C_Logout logs a user out from a token. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_Logout) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession /* the session's handle */ ); #endif /* Object management */ /* C_CreateObject creates a new object. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_CreateObject) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, /* the object's template */ CK_ULONG ulCount, /* attributes in template */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phObject /* gets new object's handle. */ ); #endif /* C_CopyObject copies an object, creating a new object for
 Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.

 Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
 the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution

#include "Buffer.h"
#include "Exception.h"

namespace VeraCrypt
	Buffer::Buffer () : DataPtr (nullptr), DataSize (0)

	Buffer::Buffer (size_t size) : DataPtr (nullptr), DataSize (0)
		Allocate (size);

	Buffer::~Buffer ()
		if (DataPtr != nullptr)
			Free ();

	void Buffer::Allocate (size_t size)
		if (size < 1)
			throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS);

		if (DataPtr != nullptr)
			if (DataSize == size)

			DataPtr = static_cast<byte *> (Memory::Allocate (size));
			DataSize = size;
		catch (...)
			DataPtr = nullptr;
			DataSize = 0;

	void Buffer::CopyFrom (const ConstBufferPtr &bufferPtr)
		if (!IsAllocated ())
			Allocate (bufferPtr.Size());
		else if (bufferPtr.Size() > DataSize)
			throw ParameterTooLarge (SRC_POS);

		Memory::Copy (DataPtr, bufferPtr.Get(), bufferPtr.Size());

	void Buffer::Erase ()
		if (DataSize > 0)
			Memory::Erase (DataPtr, DataSize);

	void Buffer::Free ()
		if (DataPtr == nullptr)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		Memory::Free (DataPtr);
		DataPtr = nullptr;
		DataSize = 0;

	BufferPtr Buffer::GetRange (size_t offset, size_t size) const
		if (offset + size > DataSize)
			throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS);

		return BufferPtr (DataPtr + offset, size);
	void Buffer::Zero ()
		if (DataSize > 0)
			Memory::Zero (DataPtr, DataSize);

	SecureBuffer::SecureBuffer (size_t size)
		Allocate (size);

	SecureBuffer::~SecureBuffer ()
		if (DataPtr != nullptr && DataSize != 0)
			Free ();

	void SecureBuffer::Allocate (size_t size)
		Buffer::Allocate (size);

	void SecureBuffer::Free ()
		if (DataPtr == nullptr)
			throw NotInitialized (SRC_POS);

		Erase ();
		Buffer::Free ();

	void BufferPtr::CopyFrom (const ConstBufferPtr &bufferPtr) const
		if (bufferPtr.Size() > DataSize)
			throw ParameterTooLarge (SRC_POS);

		Memory::Copy (DataPtr, bufferPtr.Get(), bufferPtr.Size());

	BufferPtr BufferPtr::GetRange (size_t offset, size_t size) const
		if (offset + size > DataSize)
			throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS);

		return BufferPtr (DataPtr + offset, size);

	ConstBufferPtr ConstBufferPtr::GetRange (size_t offset, size_t size) const
		if (offset + size > DataSize)
			throw ParameterIncorrect (SRC_POS);

		return ConstBufferPtr (DataPtr + offset, size);
eKey derives a key from a base key, creating a new key * object. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_DeriveKey) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* session's handle */ CK_MECHANISM_PTR pMechanism, /* key deriv. mech. */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE hBaseKey, /* base key */ CK_ATTRIBUTE_PTR pTemplate, /* new key template */ CK_ULONG ulAttributeCount, /* template length */ CK_OBJECT_HANDLE_PTR phKey /* gets new handle */ ); #endif /* Random number generation */ /* C_SeedRandom mixes additional seed material into the token's * random number generator. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_SeedRandom) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR pSeed, /* the seed material */ CK_ULONG ulSeedLen /* length of seed material */ ); #endif /* C_GenerateRandom generates random data. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GenerateRandom) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession, /* the session's handle */ CK_BYTE_PTR RandomData, /* receives the random data */ CK_ULONG ulRandomLen /* # of bytes to generate */ ); #endif /* Parallel function management */ /* C_GetFunctionStatus is a legacy function; it obtains an * updated status of a function running in parallel with an * application. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_GetFunctionStatus) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession /* the session's handle */ ); #endif /* C_CancelFunction is a legacy function; it cancels a function * running in parallel. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_CancelFunction) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_SESSION_HANDLE hSession /* the session's handle */ ); #endif /* Functions added in for Cryptoki Version 2.01 or later */ /* C_WaitForSlotEvent waits for a slot event (token insertion, * removal, etc.) to occur. */ CK_PKCS11_FUNCTION_INFO(C_WaitForSlotEvent) #ifdef CK_NEED_ARG_LIST ( CK_FLAGS flags, /* blocking/nonblocking flag */ CK_SLOT_ID_PTR pSlot, /* location that receives the slot ID */ CK_VOID_PTR pRserved /* reserved. Should be NULL_PTR */ ); #endif