Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX
and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
code distribution packages.
#ifndef TC_HEADER_Core_Unix_CoreServiceResponse
#define TC_HEADER_Core_Unix_CoreServiceResponse
#include "Platform/Serializable.h"
#include "Core/Core.h"
namespace VeraCrypt
struct CoreServiceResponse : public Serializable
struct CheckFilesystemResponse : CoreServiceResponse
CheckFilesystemResponse () { }
TC_SERIALIZABLE (CheckFilesystemResponse);
struct DismountFilesystemResponse : CoreServiceResponse
DismountFilesystemResponse () { }
TC_SERIALIZABLE (DismountFilesystemResponse);
struct DismountVolumeResponse : CoreServiceResponse
DismountVolumeResponse () { }
TC_SERIALIZABLE (DismountVolumeResponse);
shared_ptr <VolumeInfo> DismountedVolumeInfo;
struct GetDeviceSectorSizeResponse : CoreServiceResponse
GetDeviceSectorSizeResponse () { }
GetDeviceSectorSizeResponse (uint32 size) : Size (size) { }
TC_SERIALIZABLE (GetDeviceSectorSizeResponse);
uint32 Size;
struct GetDeviceSizeResponse /*
Derived from source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is
Copyright (c) 2008-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is governed
by the TrueCrypt License 3.0.
Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file)
and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2017 IDRIX
and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
code distribution packages.
#include "PlatformTest.h"
#include "Exception.h"
#include "FileStream.h"
#include "Finally.h"
#include "ForEach.h"
#include "MemoryStream.h"
#include "Mutex.h"
#include "Serializable.h"
#include "SharedPtr.h"
#include "StringConverter.h"
#include "SyncEvent.h"
#include "Thread.h"
#include "Common/Tcdefs.h"
namespace VeraCrypt
// make_shared_auto, File, Stream, MemoryStream, Endian, Serializer, Serializable
void PlatformTest::SerializerTest ()
shared_ptr <Stream> stream (new MemoryStream);
#if 0
make_shared_auto (File, file);
finally_do_arg (File&, *file, { if (finally_arg.IsOpen()) finally_arg.Delete(); });
file->Open ("veracrypt-serializer-test.tmp", File::CreateReadWrite);
stream = shared_ptr <Stream> (new FileStream (file));
catch (...) { }
Serializer ser (stream);
uint32 i32 = 0x12345678;
uint64 i64 = 0x0123456789abcdefULL;
string str = "string test";
wstring wstr = L"wstring test";
string convStr = "test";
StringConverter::ToSingle (wstr, convStr);
if (convStr != "wstring test")
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
StringConverter::Erase (convStr);
if (convStr != " ")
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
wstring wEraseTest = L"erase test";
StringConverter::Erase (wEraseTest);
if (wEraseTest != L" ")
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
list <string> stringList;
stringList.push_back (str + "1");
stringList.push_back (str + "2");
stringList.push_back (str + "3");
list <wstring> wstringList;
wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"1");
wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"2");
wstringList.push_back (wstr + L"3");
Buffer buffer (10);
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
buffer[i] = (byte) i;
ser.Serialize ("int32", i32);
ser.Serialize ("int64", i64);
ser.Serialize ("string", str);
ser.Serialize ("wstring", wstr);
ser.Serialize ("stringList", stringList);
ser.Serialize ("wstringList", wstringList);
ser.Serialize ("buffer", ConstBufferPtr (buffer));
ExecutedProcessFailed ex (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output");
ex.Serialize (stream);
list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > exList;
exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -123, "error output1")));
exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -234, "error output2")));
exList.push_back (make_shared <ExecutedProcessFailed> (ExecutedProcessFailed (SRC_POS, "cmd", -567, "error output3")));
Serializable::SerializeList (stream, exList);
#if 0
if (file->IsOpen())
file->SeekAt (0);
uint32 di32;
ser.Deserialize ("int32", di32);
if (i32 != di32)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
uint64 di64;
ser.Deserialize ("int64", di64);
if (i64 != di64)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
string dstr;
ser.Deserialize ("string", dstr);
if (str != dstr)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
wstring dwstr;
ser.Deserialize ("wstring", dwstr);
if (str != dstr)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
int i = 1;
foreach (string item, ser.DeserializeStringList ("stringList"))
stringstream s;
s << str << i++;
if (item != s.str())
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
i = 1;
foreach (wstring item, ser.DeserializeWStringList ("wstringList"))
wstringstream s;
s << wstr << i++;
if (item != s.str())
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
Buffer dbuffer (10);
ser.Deserialize ("buffer", buffer);
for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.Size(); i++)
if (buffer[i] != (byte) i)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> dex = Serializable::DeserializeNew <ExecutedProcessFailed> (stream);
if (!dex
|| dex->GetCommand() != "cmd"
|| dex->GetExitCode() != -123
|| dex->GetErrorOutput() != "error output")
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
list < shared_ptr <ExecutedProcessFailed> > dexList;
Serializable::DeserializeList (stream, dexList);
i = 1;
foreach_ref (const ExecutedProcessFailed &ex, dexList)
stringstream s;
s << "error output" << i++;
if (ex.GetErrorOutput() != s.str())
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
// shared_ptr, Mutex, ScopeLock, SyncEvent, Thread
static struct
shared_ptr <int> SharedIntPtr;
Mutex IntMutex;
SyncEvent ExitAllowedEvent;
} ThreadTestData;
void PlatformTest::ThreadTest ()
Mutex mutex;
const int maxThreads = 3;
ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr.reset (new int (0));
for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
Thread t;
t.Start (&ThreadTestProc, (void *) &ThreadTestData);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == maxThreads)
if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != maxThreads)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
for (int i = 0; i < 60000; i++)
ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr == 0)
if (*ThreadTestData.SharedIntPtr != 0)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
TC_THREAD_PROC PlatformTest::ThreadTestProc (void *arg)
if (arg != (void *) &ThreadTestData)
return 0;
ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
ScopeLock sl (ThreadTestData.IntMutex);
return 0;
bool PlatformTest::TestAll ()
// Integer types
if (sizeof (byte) != 1 || sizeof (int8) != 1 || sizeof (__int8) != 1) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (sizeof (uint16) != 2 || sizeof (int16) != 2 || sizeof (__int16) != 2) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (sizeof (uint32) != 4 || sizeof (int32) != 4 || sizeof (__int32) != 4) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (sizeof (uint64) != 8 || sizeof (int64) != 8) throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
// Exception handling
TestFlag = false;
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
catch (...)
return false;
catch (Exception &)
TestFlag = true;
if (!TestFlag)
return false;
RttiTest rtti;
RttiTestBase &rttiBaseRef = rtti;
RttiTestBase *rttiBasePtr = &rtti;
if (typeid (rttiBaseRef) != typeid (rtti))
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (typeid (*rttiBasePtr) != typeid (rtti))
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (dynamic_cast <RttiTest *> (rttiBasePtr) == nullptr)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
dynamic_cast <RttiTest &> (rttiBaseRef);
catch (...)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
// finally
TestFlag = false;
finally_do ({ TestFlag = true; });
if (TestFlag)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (!TestFlag)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
TestFlag = false;
finally_do_arg (bool*, &TestFlag, { *finally_arg = true; });
if (TestFlag)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (!TestFlag)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
TestFlag = false;
int tesFlag2 = 0;
finally_do_arg2 (bool*, &TestFlag, int*, &tesFlag2, { *finally_arg = true; *finally_arg2 = 2; });
if (TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 0)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
if (!TestFlag || tesFlag2 != 2)
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
// uint64, vector, list, string, wstring, stringstream, wstringstream
// shared_ptr, make_shared, StringConverter, foreach
list <shared_ptr <uint64> > numList;
numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt64 (StringConverter::FromNumber ((uint64) 0xFFFFffffFFFFfffeULL))));
numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (StringConverter::ToUInt32 (StringConverter::GetTrailingNumber ("str2"))));
numList.push_front (make_shared <uint64> (3));
list <wstring> testList;
wstringstream wstream (L"test");
foreach_reverse_ref (uint64 n, numList)
wstream.str (L"");
wstream << L"str" << n;
testList.push_back (wstream.str());
stringstream sstream;
sstream << "dummy";
sstream.str ("");
sstream << "str18446744073709551614,str2" << " str" << StringConverter::Trim (StringConverter::ToSingle (L"\t 3 \r\n"));
foreach (const string &s, StringConverter::Split (sstream.str(), ", "))
if (testList.front() != StringConverter::ToWide (s))
throw TestFailed (SRC_POS);
return true;
bool PlatformTest::TestFlag;