path: root/src/Platform/Unix/System.h
blob: 63d565b5af9dccdc9f4b108e5c2bdc9450914194 (plain)
 Copyright (c) 2008 TrueCrypt Developers Association. All rights reserved.

 Governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0 the full text of which is contained in
 the file License.txt included in TrueCrypt binary and source code distribution

#ifndef TC_HEADER_Platform_Unix_System
#define TC_HEADER_Platform_Unix_System

#endif // TC_HEADER_Platform_Unix_System
n204'>204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335
 Legal Notice: Some portions of the source code contained in this file were
 derived from the source code of TrueCrypt 7.1a, which is 
 Copyright (c) 2003-2012 TrueCrypt Developers Association and which is 
 governed by the TrueCrypt License 3.0, also from the source code of
 Encryption for the Masses 2.02a, which is Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Paul Le Roux
 and which is governed by the 'License Agreement for Encryption for the Masses' 
 and also from the source code of extcv, which is Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Kih-Oskh
 or Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Josef Schneider <>

 Modifications and additions to the original source code (contained in this file) 
 and all other portions of this file are Copyright (c) 2013-2015 IDRIX
 and are governed by the Apache License 2.0 the full text of which is
 contained in the file License.txt included in VeraCrypt binary and source
 code distribution packages. */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "Tcdefs.h"

#include "Common.h"
#include "Crypto.h"
#include "Random.h"
#include "Volumes.h"

#include "Apidrvr.h"
#include "Dlgcode.h"
#include "Language.h"
#include "Progress.h"
#include "Resource.h"

#include "InitDataArea.h"

#ifndef SRC_POS
#define SRC_POS (__FUNCTION__ ":" TC_TO_STRING(__LINE__))

int FormatWriteBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
static uint32 FormatSectorSize = 0;

void SetFormatSectorSize(uint32 sector_size)
	FormatSectorSize = sector_size;

int FormatNoFs (HWND hwndDlg, unsigned __int64 startSector, __int64 num_sectors, void * dev, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo, BOOL quickFormat)
	int write_buf_cnt = 0;
	char sector[TC_MAX_VOLUME_SECTOR_SIZE], *write_buf;
	unsigned __int64 nSecNo = startSector;
	int retVal = 0;
	DWORD err;
	char temporaryKey[MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE];
	char originalK2[MASTER_KEYDATA_SIZE];

	LARGE_INTEGER startOffset;

	// Seek to start sector
	startOffset.QuadPart = startSector * FormatSectorSize;
	if (!SetFilePointerEx ((HANDLE) dev, startOffset, &newOffset, FILE_BEGIN)
		|| newOffset.QuadPart != startOffset.QuadPart)
		return ERR_OS_ERROR;

	write_buf = (char *)TCalloc (FormatWriteBufferSize);
	if (!write_buf)

	VirtualLock (temporaryKey, sizeof (temporaryKey));
	VirtualLock (originalK2, sizeof (originalK2));

	memset (sector, 0, sizeof (sector));

	// Remember the original secondary key (XTS mode) before generating a temporary one
	memcpy (originalK2, cryptoInfo->k2, sizeof (cryptoInfo->k2));

	/* Fill the rest of the data area with random data */

		/* Generate a random temporary key set to be used for "dummy" encryption that will fill
		the free disk space (data area) with random data.  This is necessary for plausible
		deniability of hidden volumes. */

		// Temporary master key
		if (!RandgetBytes (hwndDlg, temporaryKey, EAGetKeySize (cryptoInfo->ea), FALSE))
			goto fail;

		// Temporary secondary key (XTS mode)
		if (!RandgetBytes (hwndDlg, cryptoInfo->k2, sizeof cryptoInfo->k2, FALSE))
			goto fail;

		retVal = EAInit (cryptoInfo->ea, temporaryKey, cryptoInfo->ks);
		if (retVal != ERR_SUCCESS)
			goto fail;

		if (!EAInitMode (cryptoInfo))
			goto fail;

		while (num_sectors--)
			if (WriteSector (dev, sector, write_buf, &write_buf_cnt, &nSecNo,
				cryptoInfo) == FALSE)
				goto fail;

		if (!FlushFormatWriteBuffer (dev, write_buf, &write_buf_cnt, &nSecNo, cryptoInfo))
			goto fail;
		nSecNo = num_sectors;

	UpdateProgressBar (nSecNo * FormatSectorSize);

	// Restore the original secondary key (XTS mode) in case NTFS format fails and the user wants to try FAT immediately
	memcpy (cryptoInfo->k2, originalK2, sizeof (cryptoInfo->k2));

	// Reinitialize the encryption algorithm and mode in case NTFS format fails and the user wants to try FAT immediately
	retVal = EAInit (cryptoInfo->ea, cryptoInfo->master_keydata, cryptoInfo->ks);
	if (retVal != ERR_SUCCESS)
		goto fail;
	if (!EAInitMode (cryptoInfo))
		goto fail;

	burn (temporaryKey, sizeof(temporaryKey));
	burn (originalK2, sizeof(originalK2));
	VirtualUnlock (temporaryKey, sizeof (temporaryKey));
	VirtualUnlock (originalK2, sizeof (originalK2));
	TCfree (write_buf);

	return 0;

	err = GetLastError();

	burn (temporaryKey, sizeof(temporaryKey));
	burn (originalK2, sizeof(originalK2));
	VirtualUnlock (temporaryKey, sizeof (temporaryKey));
	VirtualUnlock (originalK2, sizeof (originalK2));
	TCfree (write_buf);

	SetLastError (err);
	return (retVal ? retVal : ERR_OS_ERROR);

BOOL WriteSector (void *dev, char *sector,
	     char *write_buf, int *write_buf_cnt,
	     __int64 *nSecNo, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo)
	static __int32 updateTime = 0;


	memcpy (write_buf + *write_buf_cnt, sector, FormatSectorSize);
	(*write_buf_cnt) += FormatSectorSize;

	if (*write_buf_cnt == FormatWriteBufferSize && !FlushFormatWriteBuffer (dev, write_buf, write_buf_cnt, nSecNo, cryptoInfo))
		return FALSE;

	if (GetTickCount () - updateTime > 25)
		if (UpdateProgressBar (*nSecNo * FormatSectorSize))
			return FALSE;

		updateTime = GetTickCount ();

	return TRUE;


static volatile BOOL WriteThreadRunning;
static volatile BOOL WriteThreadExitRequested;
static HANDLE WriteThreadHandle;

static byte *WriteThreadBuffer;
static HANDLE WriteBufferEmptyEvent;
static HANDLE WriteBufferFullEvent;

static volatile HANDLE WriteRequestHandle;
static volatile int WriteRequestSize;
static volatile DWORD WriteRequestResult;

static void __cdecl FormatWriteThreadProc (void *arg)
	DWORD bytesWritten;

	SetThreadPriority (GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST);

	while (!WriteThreadExitRequested)
		if (WaitForSingleObject (WriteBufferFullEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)
			handleWin32Error (NULL, SRC_POS);

		if (WriteThreadExitRequested)

		if (!WriteFile (WriteRequestHandle, WriteThreadBuffer, WriteRequestSize, &bytesWritten, NULL))
			WriteRequestResult = GetLastError();
			WriteRequestResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;

		if (!SetEvent (WriteBufferEmptyEvent))
			handleWin32Error (NULL, SRC_POS);

	WriteThreadRunning = FALSE;

BOOL StartFormatWriteThread ()
	DWORD sysErr;

	WriteBufferEmptyEvent = NULL;
	WriteBufferFullEvent = NULL;
	WriteThreadBuffer = NULL;

	WriteBufferEmptyEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL);
	if (!WriteBufferEmptyEvent)
		goto err;

	WriteBufferFullEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
	if (!WriteBufferFullEvent)
		goto err;

	WriteThreadBuffer = TCalloc (FormatWriteBufferSize);
	if (!WriteThreadBuffer)
		goto err;

	WriteThreadExitRequested = FALSE;
	WriteRequestResult = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	WriteThreadHandle = (HANDLE) _beginthread (FormatWriteThreadProc, 0, NULL);
	if ((uintptr_t) WriteThreadHandle == -1L)
		goto err;

	WriteThreadRunning = TRUE;
	return TRUE;

	sysErr = GetLastError();

	if (WriteBufferEmptyEvent)
		CloseHandle (WriteBufferEmptyEvent);
	if (WriteBufferFullEvent)
		CloseHandle (WriteBufferFullEvent);
	if (WriteThreadBuffer)
		TCfree (WriteThreadBuffer);

	SetLastError (sysErr);
	return FALSE;

void StopFormatWriteThread ()
	if (WriteThreadRunning)
		WaitForSingleObject (WriteBufferEmptyEvent, INFINITE);

		WriteThreadExitRequested = TRUE;
		SetEvent (WriteBufferFullEvent);

		WaitForSingleObject (WriteThreadHandle, INFINITE);

	CloseHandle (WriteBufferEmptyEvent);
	CloseHandle (WriteBufferFullEvent);
	TCfree (WriteThreadBuffer);

BOOL FlushFormatWriteBuffer (void *dev, char *write_buf, int *write_buf_cnt, __int64 *nSecNo, PCRYPTO_INFO cryptoInfo)
	UINT64_STRUCT unitNo;
	DWORD bytesWritten;

	if (*write_buf_cnt == 0)
		return TRUE;

	unitNo.Value = (*nSecNo * FormatSectorSize - *write_buf_cnt) / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE;

	EncryptDataUnits (write_buf, &unitNo, *write_buf_cnt / ENCRYPTION_DATA_UNIT_SIZE, cryptoInfo);

	if (WriteThreadRunning)
		if (WaitForSingleObject (WriteBufferEmptyEvent, INFINITE) == WAIT_FAILED)
			return FALSE;

		if (WriteRequestResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)
			SetEvent (WriteBufferEmptyEvent);
			SetLastError (WriteRequestResult);
			return FALSE;

		memcpy (WriteThreadBuffer, write_buf, *write_buf_cnt);
		WriteRequestHandle = dev;
		WriteRequestSize = *write_buf_cnt;

		if (!SetEvent (WriteBufferFullEvent))
			return FALSE;
		if (!WriteFile ((HANDLE) dev, write_buf, *write_buf_cnt, &bytesWritten, NULL))
			return FALSE;

	*write_buf_cnt = 0;
	return TRUE;