path: root/src/Common/EMVToken.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Common/EMVToken.cpp')
1 files changed, 225 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Common/EMVToken.cpp b/src/Common/EMVToken.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8f89cb7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Common/EMVToken.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+#include "EMVToken.h"
+#include "TLVParser.h"
+#include "SCardReader.h"
+#include "PCSCException.h"
+#include "Platform/Finally.h"
+#include "Platform/ForEach.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <algorithm>
+#if !defined(TC_WINDOWS) || defined(TC_PROTOTYPE)
+#include "Platform/SerializerFactory.h"
+#include "Platform/StringConverter.h"
+#include "Platform/SystemException.h"
+#include "Dictionary.h"
+#include "Language.h"
+using namespace std;
+namespace VeraCrypt
+ void AppendData(vector<uint8>& buffer, const unsigned char* pbData, size_t cbData, size_t from, size_t length, bool bEncodeLength = false)
+ {
+ if (cbData > 0 && from <= cbData - 2 && length > 0 && length <= cbData - from)
+ {
+ size_t offset = (bEncodeLength ? 4 : 0);
+ size_t orgSize = buffer.size();
+ buffer.resize(orgSize + length + offset);
+ if (bEncodeLength)
+ {
+ unsigned int dwLength = (unsigned int)(length);
+ memcpy( + orgSize, &dwLength, 4);
+ }
+ memcpy( + orgSize + offset, pbData + from, length);
+ }
+ }
+ /* ****************************************************************************************************************************************** */
+ map <unsigned long int, shared_ptr<EMVCard>> EMVToken::EMVCards;
+ EMVTokenInfo::~EMVTokenInfo()
+ {
+ if (Label.size() > 0)
+ burn(&Label[0], Label.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ }
+ EMVTokenKeyfile::EMVTokenKeyfile()
+ {
+ Token = shared_ptr<EMVTokenInfo>(new EMVTokenInfo());
+ }
+ EMVTokenKeyfile::EMVTokenKeyfile(const TokenKeyfilePath& path)
+ {
+ wstring pathStr = path;
+ unsigned long slotId;
+ if (swscanf(pathStr.c_str(), TC_EMV_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_PREFIX TC_EMV_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_SLOT L"/%lu", &slotId) != 1)
+ throw InvalidEMVPath();
+ Token = shared_ptr<EMVTokenInfo>(new EMVTokenInfo());
+ Token->SlotId = slotId;
+ }
+ EMVTokenKeyfile::operator TokenKeyfilePath () const
+ {
+ wstringstream path;
+ return path.str();
+ }
+ void EMVTokenKeyfile::GetKeyfileData(vector <uint8>& keyfileData) const
+ {
+ map <unsigned long int, shared_ptr<EMVCard>>::iterator emvCardsIt;
+ shared_ptr<EMVCard> card;
+ vector<uint8> iccCert;
+ vector<uint8> issuerCert;
+ vector<uint8> cplcData;
+ bool addNewCard = true;
+ keyfileData.clear();
+ emvCardsIt = EMVToken::EMVCards.find(Token->SlotId);
+ if (emvCardsIt != EMVToken::EMVCards.end())
+ {
+ // An EMVCard object has already been created for this slotId.
+ // We check that it's SCard handle is still valid.
+ // If it is, we use the existing EMVCard to get the card's content.
+ // If it is not, we remove the EMVCard from EMVCards and create a new one.
+ if (emvCardsIt->second->IsCardHandleValid())
+ {
+ emvCardsIt->second->GetCardContent(iccCert, issuerCert, cplcData);
+ addNewCard = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EMVToken::EMVCards.erase(emvCardsIt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (addNewCard)
+ {
+ // An EMVCard object does not exist for this slotId, or exists but its handle is not valid anymore.
+ // We create a new one and then add it to EMVCards.
+ card = make_shared<EMVCard>(Token->SlotId);
+ card->GetCardContent(iccCert, issuerCert, cplcData);
+ EMVToken::EMVCards.insert(make_pair(Token->SlotId, card));
+ }
+ AppendData(keyfileData,, iccCert.size(), 0, iccCert.size());
+ AppendData(keyfileData,, issuerCert.size(), 0, issuerCert.size());
+ AppendData(keyfileData,, cplcData.size(), 0, cplcData.size());
+ }
+ bool EMVToken::IsKeyfilePathValid(const wstring& emvTokenKeyfilePath)
+ {
+ return emvTokenKeyfilePath.find(TC_EMV_TOKEN_KEYFILE_URL_PREFIX) == 0;
+ }
+ vector<EMVTokenKeyfile> EMVToken::GetAvailableKeyfiles(unsigned long int* slotIdFilter, const wstring& keyfileIdFilter)
+ {
+ vector <EMVTokenKeyfile> keyfiles;
+ vector<wstring> readers;
+ readers = EMVCard::manager.GetReaders();
+ for (unsigned long int slotId = 0; slotId < readers.size(); slotId++)
+ {
+ EMVTokenInfo token;
+ if (slotIdFilter && *slotIdFilter != slotId)
+ continue;
+ try
+ {
+ token = GetTokenInfo(slotId);
+ }
+ catch(ParameterIncorrect&)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(EMVUnknownCardType&)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(EMVSelectAIDFailed&)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(EMVPANNotFound&)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(PCSCException&)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ EMVTokenKeyfile keyfile;
+ keyfile.Token = shared_ptr<TokenInfo>(new EMVTokenInfo(token));
+ keyfile.Token->SlotId = slotId;
+ // keyfileIdFilter is of no use for EMV tokens as the Id is always set to EMV_CARDS_LABEL.
+ // Nonetheless, we keep the following code that is also used in SecurityToken::GetAvailableKeyfiles.
+ if (keyfile.Id.empty() || (!keyfileIdFilter.empty() && keyfileIdFilter != keyfile.Id))
+ continue;
+ keyfiles.push_back(keyfile);
+ if (!keyfileIdFilter.empty())
+ break;
+ }
+ return keyfiles;
+ }
+ EMVTokenInfo EMVToken::GetTokenInfo(unsigned long int slotId)
+ {
+ EMVTokenInfo token;
+ wstring lastPANDigits;
+ map <unsigned long int, shared_ptr<EMVCard>>::iterator emvCardsIt;
+ shared_ptr<EMVCard> card;
+ bool addNewCard = true;
+ emvCardsIt = EMVCards.find(slotId);
+ if (emvCardsIt != EMVCards.end())
+ {
+ // An EMVCard object has already been created for this slotId.
+ // We check that it's SCard handle is still valid.
+ // If it is, we use the existing EMVCard to get the card's PAN.
+ // If it is not, we remove the EMVCard from EMVCards and create a new one.
+ if (emvCardsIt->second->IsCardHandleValid())
+ {
+ emvCardsIt->second->GetCardPAN(lastPANDigits);
+ addNewCard = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EMVCards.erase(emvCardsIt);
+ }
+ }
+ if (addNewCard)
+ {
+ // An EMVCard object does not exist for this slotId, or exists but its handle is not valid anymore.
+ // We create a new one and then add it to EMVCards.
+ card = make_shared<EMVCard>(slotId);
+ card->GetCardPAN(lastPANDigits);
+ EMVCards.insert(make_pair(slotId, card));
+ }
+ token.SlotId = slotId;
+ token.Label = L"EMV card **** ";
+ token.Label += lastPANDigits;
+ burn(&lastPANDigits[0], lastPANDigits.size() * sizeof(wchar_t));
+ return token;
+ }